:# Words that should be added/modified
| Word | Occurence | Explanation |
| :---------------- | :-------- | :---------------------- |
| officious | 1513 | remove `!!!.`, replace with bold |
| labyrinthine | 1878 | `1b. tThe` -> `1b. T` |
| malinger | 1880 | we already have `malingerer` which has the exact same meaning |
| mulct | 1883 | add linebreak between 1. and 2a. |
| numismatist | 1884 | synonyms appear to be incorrect, may be the synonyms of penurious (no.1885) |
| propitiatory | 1887 | maybe combine with propiate examples-wise to get rid off this feeling of deference in propitiate |
| skiff | 1891 | end of bold delimiter missing |
| shunt | 1821 | add linebreak between 2a. and 2b. in examples |
| vacillation | 1896 | we already have vacillate with the same meaning |
# Questions to answer:
- Difference between _abate_ & _attenuate_
→ abate can weaken to the point of disappearing, attenuate has to be always present.
- Difference between _castigate_ & _chastize_
- Are _fervid_ & _fervent_ the same word?
- Connotation of _facetious_
- _diatribe_ vs _harangue_
→ harangue more official and bombastic?
- Difference between _obstinate_ & _obdurate_
- _quiescence_ vs. _abeyance_
- _phlegmatic_ has a negative connotation, doesn't it?
- _mendacity_ vs.
- _presage_ vs. _omen_ vs. _augury_
- _frenetic_ vs. _frantic_
- _imprudence_ vs. _improvidence_
- reproof vs. reproach