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1 -(o)logy study, science, theory noun biology archeology Suffix MSU
2 a an without not Greek/Latin root Atypical=not typicalAtheist =one who does not believe in GodAtrophy=wasting awaydeterioration asexual amoral anarchy anhydrous Anabaptist anachronism Greek/Latin MSU
-3 ab abs a apart away from Greek/Latin root Abnormal=deviating from normalAbhor=to hate detestAbominate=to detestAbduct=to take by forceAbstruse=hard to understandAbstract=considered apart from normal existence abnormal abduct abductor (muscle) abscission Greek/Latin MSU
+3 ab abs a apart away from Greek/Latin root Abnormal=deviating normalAbhor=to hate detestAbominate=to detestAbduct=to take by forceAbstruse=hard to understandAbstract=considered apart normal existence abnormal abduct abductor (muscle) abscission Greek/Latin MSU
4 abate to diminish in intensity, become less intense or widespread verb to cause to diminish in intensity, Synonyms: subside, die away, die down The Covid pandemic will, with or without successful retaining measures, eventually abate... 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
5 ac sharp bitter Greek/Latin root "Greek PIE : be sharp rise (out) to a point pierce. SUBFORMS AREakros ""at the end at the top outermost; consummate excellent"" akis ""sharp point"" akros ""at the farthest point highest outermost""akantha ""thorn"" akme ""summit edge"" oxys ""sharp bitter;"" " Acute =sharp severeAcerbic=sour or astringent in tasteAcrid=unpleasantly sharp or bitterAcidic=something that is sour Acrimony-bitter animosityacrylic (liquid originally found in onions that make eyes tear) Root words Aristotle
-6 aberrant deviating from normal or correct. diverging from the standard type adjective " Latin lit. & fig., : ab =""off, away from"" + errare=""to wander, stray"""" . Meaning= to wonder off and fig. ""deviation from the normal type" With this aberrant mindset there is little chance of success in ethical business, so some choose crooked ways to earn their keep. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-7 aberration a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected noun "Latin lit. & fig., : ab =""off, away from"" + errare=""to wander, stray"""" . Meaning= to wonder off and fig. ""deviation from the normal type" The unexpected results were a statistical aberration Least Difficult FT
-8 abjure to reject or renounce verb "From Latin abiurare ""deny on oath,"" from ab ""off, away from"" (see ab-) + iurare ""to swear,Synonyms: relinquish, reject, disavow" Since 1986 he has been asking candidates for public office to sign his Taxpayer Protection Pledge, in which they abjure tax increases of any sort forever. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+6 aberrant deviating from normal or correct. diverging from the standard type adjective " Latin lit. & fig., : ab =""off, away "" + errare=""to wander, stray"""" . Meaning= to wonder off and fig. ""deviation the normal type" With this aberrant mindset there is little chance of success in ethical business, so some choose crooked ways to earn their keep. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+7 aberration a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected noun "Latin lit. & fig., : ab =""off, away "" + errare=""to wander, stray"""" . Meaning= to wonder off and fig. ""deviation the normal type" The unexpected results were a statistical aberration Least Difficult FT
+8 abjure to reject or renounce verb " Latin abiurare ""deny on oath,"" ab ""off, away "" (see ab-) + iurare ""to swear,Synonyms: relinquish, reject, disavow" Since 1986 he has been asking candidates for public office to sign his Taxpayer Protection Pledge, in which they abjure tax increases of any sort forever. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
9 -able, -ible able, can do verb adjective capable agreeable visible Suffix MSU
10 abreast Up to date with the latest news, ideas, or information adjective Synonyms: in touch with, plugged into These daily updates were designed to help readers keep abreast of the market Least Difficult FT
-12 abscond to leave secretly, evading detection verb "Latin: ab=""off, away from"" + condere ""put together, store,"" itself from com- ""together"" + -dere ""put,""" The boarding school scholar absconded from the schoolgrounds without informing anyone 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+12 abscond to leave secretly, evading detection verb "Latin: ab=""off, away "" + condere ""put together, store,"" itself com- ""together"" + -dere ""put,""" The boarding school scholar absconded from the schoolgrounds without informing anyone 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
13 abstain to voluntarily refrain from doing something verb Synonyms: refrain, desist, hold back Doctors encourage their patients to abstain from smoking cigarettes. 357 prevalent GRE words FT
15 abyss a deep or seemingly bottomless chasm noun Synonyms: gorge, ravine, void President Maduro announced that, while his country now stood at the edge of an abyss, he would confidently take the country one step forward ! Least Difficult FT
16 acumen keen judgment and perception, the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions, typically in a particular domain noun Synonyms: astuteness, awareness, acuity Deutsch : Scharfsinn, Geschick He was unable to run a profitable restaurant because he lacked business acumen 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
@@ -27,171 +27,171 @@
31 -al relating to verb or noun adjective sensual gradual manual natural Suffix MSU
32 alacrity promptness and eagerness noun Deutsch : Verve, Eifrigkeit Although Apple has in the past expanded its production capacities with alacrity, it was not always able to meet demand 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
33 -algia pain Greek/Latin root neuralgia(pain caused by nerve) arthralgia (joint pain) Suffix MSU
-34 alleviate to relieve a problem or ease a burden verb From latin : alleviare = to lift up, to raise, to lighten. Deutsch : mildern, erleichtern Do good works, alleviate the suffering and misery, comfort and refresh the sickAlleviate the effects of the pandemic 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+34 alleviate to relieve a problem or ease a burden verb latin : alleviare = to lift up, to raise, to lighten. Deutsch : mildern, erleichtern Do good works, alleviate the suffering and misery, comfort and refresh the sickAlleviate the effects of the pandemic 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
35 allure the quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating noun Synonyms : attraction, lure, draw. Deutsch : Reiz, Fazination, Anziehungskraft Yet it was the allure of the Model T for millions of consumers that finally drove the horse off the road. Least Difficult FT
-36 altruism the belief in or practice of selfless concern for the well-being of others noun Synonyms: selflessness, compassion, goodwill. Deutsch : Uneigennützigkeit, Selbstlosigkeit. from Latin/(old french) : alter/(altrui) = others He was not the first to wonder about the connection between religion and altruism Least Difficult FT
+36 altruism the belief in or practice of selfless concern for the well-being of others noun Synonyms: selflessness, compassion, goodwill. Deutsch : Uneigennützigkeit, Selbstlosigkeit. Latin/(old french) : alter/(altrui) = others He was not the first to wonder about the connection between religion and altruism Least Difficult FT
38 amalgamate to combine to or mix together verb Amalgan = Hg metal alloy for tooth fillings The 2 companies amalgamated into one 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-40 ambiguous unclear adjective "adj. open to multiple interpretations. From PIE root *ambhi- ""around"") + agere ""drive, lead, act"" . Deutsch : unklar" Partly cloudy with a chance of rain makes for an ambiguous weather forecast 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+40 ambiguous unclear adjective "adj. open to multiple interpretations. PIE root *ambhi- ""around"") + agere ""drive, lead, act"" . Deutsch : unklar" Partly cloudy with a chance of rain makes for an ambiguous weather forecast 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
41 ambiguous ambivalent vague; capable of various interpretations adjective valence = strong, power. being of two minds holding conflicting feelings or attitudes
ambivalent is ONE OF THE 5 MOST COMMON MISTAKES made in the GRE! Not only were the statements ambiguous,but further adding to the confusion was the fact that the author was ambivalent in his opinion. Easily confused words MSU
42 ambivalent having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone adjective ambivalent is ONE OF THE 5 MOST COMMON MISTAKES made in the GRE!
It does NOT mean indifferent !!!S
ynonyms: equivocal, uncertain, unsure The first was a chronic lack of focus. Right from the start Yahoo was ambivalent about whether it should be a media or a technology company. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-44 ambrosial extremely pleasing to the senses, divine (as related to the gods) or delicious (n: ambrosia) adjective The garden with its ambrosial and exotic blossoms and fruit trees is a place for relaxation and privacy Common GRE MSU
-45 ameliorate to improve or mitigate a situation verb From French, latin : améliorer Longer breaks significantly ameliorated the working conditions in the factory. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-46 amenable easily convinced or persuaded adjective From French, latin : ad + mener (= to lead (F), to drive cattle (Latin) Group trips with amenable people are pleasant. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+44 ambrosial extremely pleasing to the senses, divine (as related to the gods) or delicious (n: ambrosia) adjective The garden with its ambrosial and exotic blossoms and fruit trees is a place for relaxation and privacy Common GRE MSU
+45 ameliorate to improve or mitigate a situation verb French, latin : améliorer Longer breaks significantly ameliorated the working conditions in the factory. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+46 amenable easily convinced or persuaded adjective French, latin : ad + mener (= to lead (F), to drive cattle (Latin) Group trips with amenable people are pleasant. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
47 amphi round Greek/Latin root amphitheater amphibian Greek/Latin MSU
48 -an, ian native of, pertaining to noun adjective American Martian antediluvian Suffix MSU
-50 anachronism something old-fashioned, a person or artifact appearing after its own time or out of chronological order (adj: anachronistic) noun "From Latin/Greek : ""against"" (see ana-) + khronos ""time"" (see chrono-)= something appearing in a time period where it does not belong" A steam engine in our modern digitised world is nothing more than an anachronism. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-51 analogous comparable, similar noun "from Greek : ana ""throughout; according to"" + logos ""ratio, proportionn. Deutsch= entsprechend Noun = appropriate for analogy" One can solve all the other problems in an analagous manner. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+50 anachronism something old-fashioned, a person or artifact appearing after its own time or out of chronological order (adj: anachronistic) noun " Latin/Greek : ""against"" (see ana-) + khronos ""time"" (see chrono-)= something appearing in a time period where it does not belong" A steam engine in our modern digitised world is nothing more than an anachronism. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+51 analogous comparable, similar noun " Greek : ana ""throughout; according to"" + logos ""ratio, proportionn. Deutsch= entsprechend Noun = appropriate for analogy" One can solve all the other problems in an analagous manner. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
52 -ance, ancy action, process, state verb noun assistanceallowancedefiance Suffix MSU
53 annul Declare invalid verb Synonyms: repeal, reverse, rescind The election results were annulled after electoral fraud was proven to have taken place. Least Difficult FT
54 anoint to choose for a particular office or position verb v. to use oil on a person in a religious ceremony Using holy oil, the pastor placed his hands on the woman’s head in order to anoint her 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-55 anomalous peculiar; unique, contrary to the norm (n: anomaly) adjective His anomalous behaviour was a first sign that he had a problem. Common GRE MSU
-56 anomaly an exception or unusual case noun The student’s poor performance on the latest test was an anomaly since she had previously earned excellent grades. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+55 anomalous peculiar; unique, contrary to the norm (n: anomaly) adjective " Latin/Greek anomalia= ""inequality , uneven, irregular,"" an- ""not"" + homalos ""even" His anomalous behaviour was a first sign that he had a problem. Common GRE MSU
+56 anomaly an exception or unusual case noun " Latin/Greek anomalia= ""inequality , uneven, irregular,"" an- ""not"" + homalos ""even" The student’s poor performance on the latest test was an anomaly since she had previously earned excellent grades. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
57 -ant performing, agent verb noun assistantservant Suffix MSU
-58 ante before Greek/Latin root sometimes anti (when comes from Italian) where ante and anti have merged to one word (eg. Antipasti) antedateanteroomantecedentanterior Greek/Latin MSU
-59 antediluvian ancient; outmoded; adjective "From latin : ante= before, + deluge = literally ""before the flood"" (of Noah)" For the development of this logo we chose an ancient antedeluvian technique: the traditional Chinese seal. Common GRE MSU
+58 ante before Greek/Latin root sometimes anti (when comes Italian) where ante and anti have merged to one word (eg. Antipasti) antedateanteroomantecedentanterior Greek/Latin MSU
+59 antediluvian ancient; outmoded; adjective " latin : ante= before, + deluge = literally ""before the flood"" (of Noah)" For the development of this logo we chose an ancient antedeluvian technique: the traditional Chinese seal. Common GRE MSU
60 anthrop man Greek/Latin root anthropologyanthropomorphic Greek/Latin MSU
61 anti against Greek/Latin root antipathy antitank anticlimax Greek/Latin MSU
-63 antipathy strong dislike or hatred, hostility toward, objection, or aversion to noun The students voiced their antipathy for homework very loudly. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-64 antithetical contrary to the very nature of adjective Some critics say that democracy is antithetical to the Islamic way of life. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+63 antipathy strong dislike or hatred, hostility toward, objection, or aversion to noun " Latin/Greek antipathia : anti- + pathein=""to feel, suffer""" The students voiced their antipathy for homework very loudly. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+64 antithetical contrary to the very nature of adjective "Greek/Latin : anti- + tithenai ""to put, place,""" Some critics say that democracy is antithetical to the Islamic way of life. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
65 apathy Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern. state of total disinterest or unenthusiasm noun Synonyms: indifference, passivity, ennui Political parties try to engage young voters who are more prone to apathy than older citizens. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-67 appease to placate, to pacify, to satisfy verb "From latin, french : a ""to"" (see ad-) + pais, from Latin pacem (nominative pax) ""peace"" (see peace)v= to pacify. Sometimes also means to satisfy (an appetite, a need)" These gestures were meant to appease the religious right 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-68 appropriate 1. adj. correct, proper, or in good taste. 2. v. to take for one's own use. to take possession of, without consent (2) The advancing army appropriated food and other supplies from the territories they occupied. The appropriate use for toothpaste is for brushing teeth Homonym MSU
+67 appease to placate, to pacify, to satisfy verb " latin, french : a ""to"" (see ad-) + paix/paicem ""peace"" = to pacify. Sometimes also means to satisfy (an appetite, a need)" These gestures were meant to appease the religious right 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+68 appropriate "1. adj. correct, proper, or in good taste. 2. v. to take for one's own use. to take possession of, without consent. A polite word for ""steal""" adjective/verb Note how the 2 uses of appropriate have diametrically opposite ethical values. As an adjective it is good, as a verb it is bad. 1. The appropriate use for toothpaste is for brushing teeth
2.(2) The advancing army appropriatedfood and other supplies the territories they occupied. Homonym MSU
69 aqua water Greek/Latin root aquarium aqueous Greek/Latin MSU
-70 arbiter a person who settles a dispute or has ultimate authority in a matter noun "from French arbitre= ""arbiter, judge"" Synonyms: authority, judge, controller" The arbiter helps the divorcing couple come to terms on a settlement Least Difficult FT
+70 arbiter a person who settles a dispute or has ultimate authority in a matter noun " French arbitre= ""arbiter, judge"" Synonyms: authority, judge, controller" The arbiter helps the divorcing couple come to terms on a settlement Least Difficult FT
71 arbitrary Based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system adjective Synonyms: capricious, random, chance Since Jake’s teacher disliked him, she came up with an arbitrary punishment to help him remember his homework. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-73 arbitrate to settle a dispute via mediation (n: arbitration) verb "From Latin : arbiter ""a judge, umpire, mediator"". See arbitre (French) = umpire. Verb is arbitratation" The mediator arbitrated the dispute between the two parties. Common GRE MSU
+73 arbitrate to settle a dispute via mediation (n: arbitration) verb " Latin : arbiter ""a judge, umpire, mediator"". See arbitre (French) = umpire. Verb is arbitratation" The mediator arbitrated the dispute between the two parties. Common GRE MSU
74 arcane secret or known only to a select group adjective "Deutsch : geheimnisvoll, Obskur. Latin arcanus ""secret, hidden, private, concealed" The traditional healer's arcane rituals confused her. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
75 archaic old-fashioned adjective adj. no longer in the common usage In comparison to portable laptop computers, typewriters are considered archaic 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
76 archaios ancient Greek/Latin root archeology archetype archaic archeozoic Greek/Latin MSU
77 arch leader first chief Greek/Latin root monarchy oligarchy anarchy archetype architect archbishop Greek/Latin MSU
-78 arduous difficult, taxing, requiring considerable effort adjective "from Latin arduus ""high, steep,"" also figuratively, ""difficult, hard to reach," Mountain climbing is fun but quite arduous. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+78 arduous difficult, taxing, requiring considerable effort adjective " Latin arduus ""high, steep,"" also figuratively, ""difficult, hard to reach," Mountain climbing is fun but quite arduous. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
79 articulate exhibiting considerable communication skills, well-spoken adjective, verb Deutsch : 1. redegewandt UND 2. ein Gelenk bilden 1. His vast vocabulary allowed him to clearly articulate his opinions. 2. The lower jaw articulates with the skull. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
81 artless without artifice. without guile or deception adjective Synonyms: candid, direct, forthright. adj. natural, untrained With her artless look, the girl next door looked beautiful even though she had no make-up on and didn’t style her hair. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
82 -ary, ery, ory relating to place where or quality noun or adjective dictionary bravery dormitory aviary ordinary auditory Suffix MSU
-83 ascetic austere or self-denying adjective "from Greek : asketes ""monk, hermit,""" The monk leads an ascetic life. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+83 ascetic austere or self-denying adjective " Greek : asketes ""monk, hermit,""" The monk leads an ascetic life. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
85 assuage to provide relief from an unpleasant feeling. to make less severe; to appease or satisfy verb v. to satisfy a need or appetite A massage can assuage the soreness in your muscles. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-86 astonishment total surprise, shock noun "from Old French estoner ""to stun, daze, deafen, astound,"" from Vulgar Latin *extonare, from Latin ex ""out"" + tonare ""to thunder""" The homeless man looked at me in astonishment when I gave him the bag of money. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+86 astonishment total surprise, shock noun " Old French estoner ""to stun, daze, deafen, astound,"" Vulgar Latin *extonare, Latin ex ""out"" + tonare ""to thunder""" The homeless man looked at me in astonishment when I gave him the bag of money. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
87 -ate cause, make noun or adjective verb liquidate segregate Suffix MSU
-88 attenuate weaken (adj: attenuated) verb "From Latin : ad ""to"" (see ad-) + tenuare ""make thin"" Deutsch : dämpfen, abschwächen" The contract includes a safeguard clause to attenuate possible additional costs demands. Common GRE MSU
+88 attenuate weaken (adj: attenuated) verb " Latin : ad ""to"" (see ad-) + tenuare ""make thin"" Deutsch : dämpfen, abschwächen" The contract includes a safeguard clause to attenuate possible additional costs demands. Common GRE MSU
91 audacious showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks. extremely bold; fearless, especially said of human behavior (n: audacity) adjective Synonyms: bold, daring, fearless The new CEO pursued audacious initiatives to save the company from bankruptcy. The student’s audacious remark earned her a seat in afternoon detention. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
92 audio hear sound Greek/Latin root audiophile(someone who likes music) audiometer(something that measures sound) auditory(somewhere where one listens to lectures) Greek/Latin MSU
-94 austere severe, unadorned. Having an extremely plain and simple style or appearance adjective "from Old French austere ""strict, severe, harsh, cruel"" Synonyms: unadorned, subdued, stark" Instead of being bleak and austere, hospitals should be warm and cheery. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+94 austere severe, unadorned. Having an extremely plain and simple style or appearance adjective " Old French austere ""strict, severe, harsh, cruel"" Synonyms: unadorned, subdued, stark" Instead of being bleak and austere, hospitals should be warm and cheery. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
95 auto self Greek/Latin root automatic automaton auto-immune Greek/Latin MSU
-96 avarice greed noun "From Latin (via French) avaritia ""greed, inordinate desire" The third of the 7 deadly Christian sins is avarice - greed 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-98 aver to assert or allege. to declare verb "Deutsch : beteuern, behaupten. from Latin ad ""to"" (see ad-) + verus ""true"" - later meaning to assert with confident" Many of those who voted for the President, his opponent averred, did so because they were rooked by devious lies 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-100 banal boring, cliché, commonplace or trite (n: banality) adjective I was bored to death because of his banal conversation 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+96 avarice greed noun " Latin (via French) avaritia ""greed, inordinate desire" The third of the 7 deadly Christian sins is avarice - greed 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+98 aver to assert or allege. to declare verb "Deutsch : beteuern, behaupten. Latin ad ""to"" + verus ""true"" - later meaning to assert with confident" Many of those who voted for the President, his opponent averred, did so because they were rooked by devious lies 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+100 banal boring, cliché, commonplace or trite (n: banality) adjective I was bored to death because of his banal conversation 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
101 barefaced unconcealed, shameless, or brazen adjective "with face uncovered or shaven;"" see bare + face : Thus, ""unconcealed" It would be a barefaced lie to claim that there is freedom in Venezuela Common GRE MSU
102 belie give a false impression (intentional or unintentional) in word, appearance, or deed verb Janice hoped her smile would belie the sadness she felt. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
103 bene well favorable Greek/Latin root benefit benevolent benefactor beneficent Greek/Latin MSU
-104 benign gentle, harmless adjective "from Latin ""well born,"" from bene ""well"" + "" from genus ""birth"" " Grandfather fortunately had a benign form of cancer 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+104 benign gentle, harmless adjective " Latin ""well born,"" bene ""well"" + "" genus ""birth"" " Grandfather fortunately had a benign form of cancer 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
105 bi two Greek/Latin root bi-partisan bisexual biennial binary bicuspid bivalve Greek/Latin MSU
106 biased prejudiced, displaying partiality adjective The bigot admits that he is biased toward immigrants and stereotypes people according to their race before he ever meets them 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
107 bible book Greek/Latin root bibliography Bible bibliophile Greek/Latin MSU
108 bio life Greek/Latin root biology biography bio-active Greek/Latin MSU
-109 blandishment speech or action intended to coax someone into doing something, the use of flattery (sweet-talk) and enticements to persuade somebody gently to do something noun "from Latin blandiri ""flatter, soothe, caress, coax,""" Even though the salesman produced every blandishment he could think of from his bag of tricks, his prospect wouldn’t be budged by his flattery. Common GRE MSU
-110 blight a thing that spoils or damages something noun Synonyms: affliction, scourge, bane Because of the urban blight that has taken over the downtown area, many of the stores have relocated to suburban malls. Least Difficult FT
-111 blithe showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper, carefree and unconcerned adjective Synonyms: indifferent, unconcerned, blasé The rebellious teenager was blithe about her failing grades. Least Difficult FT
-112 blowhard a person who blusters and boasts in an unpleasant way noun Synonyms: boaster, bragger, show-off The self-promoting blowhard talked about his own accomplishments until his guests were bored to tears Least Difficult FT
+109 blandishment speech or action intended to coax someone into doing something, the use of flattery (sweet-talk) and enticements to persuade somebody gently to do something noun " Latin blandiri ""flatter, soothe, caress, coax,""Deutsch : Schmeichelrei, schönreden" Even though the salesman produced every blandishment he could think of from his bag of tricks, his prospect wouldn’t be budged by his flattery. Common GRE MSU
+110 blight a thing that spoils or damages something noun Synonyms: affliction, scourge, bane 1. Because of the urban blight that has taken over the downtown area, many of the stores have relocated to suburban malls.2. The torrential rain blighted the crop. Least Difficult FT
+111 blithe showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper, carefree and unconcerned adjective Synonyms: indifferent, unconcerned, blasé The rebellious teenager was blithe about her failing grades. Least Difficult FT
+112 blowhard a person who blusters and boasts in an unpleasant way noun Synonyms: boaster, bragger, show-off The self-promoting blowhard talked about his own accomplishments until his guests were bored to tears Least Difficult FT
113 bolster to support or strengthen verb "Old English bolster ""bolster, cushion, something stuffed so that it swells up Deutsch : gleiche Urspurng Polster" The prosecutor worked to find evidence that would bolster her case against the defendant. Common GRE Kaplan
-114 bombast pompous speech (adj: bombastic) noun "Bombast was originally a material of cotton applied to a stuff of soft, loose texture, used to swell a garment. Deutsch= der erste Teil vom Wort ""Baumwolle"" ist ähnlich wie ""Bom""" Madam President, Commissioner, we have no need for sentimentality and bombast on such a serious issue Common GRE MSU
+114 bombast pompous speech (adj: bombastic) noun "Bombast was originally a material of cotton applied to a stuff of soft, loose texture, used to swell a garment. Deutsch= der erste Teil vom Wort ""Baumwolle"" ist ähnlich wie ""Bom""" Madam President, Commissioner, we have no need for sentimentality and bombast on such a serious issue Common GRE MSU
116 bombastic overblown, theatrical. High-sounding but with little meaning; inflated adjective Synonyms: pompous, blustering, turgid If you want to sell your energy drink, then you must use bombastic claims in your commercials. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
117 bore 1. v. to cause one to lose interest. 2. v. to drill a hole. adj. similar to or pertaining to objects that drill holes. 1. the lecturer repeated everything we already knew and bored all in the class2.Pickleworms bore into the fruit of cucumber and squash plants to feed on their flesh. Homonym MSU
118 boycott a punitive ban that forbids relations with certain groups noun Synonyms: veto, shunning, rejection Conversely some prominent black women have called for a boycott, seeing Mr. Parker’s past as a disqualifying stain. Least Difficult FT
119 brazen bold or open to the point of shocking adjective "Old English bræsen ""of brass, - which then led to brazen-faced (shameless) and then hardened in war" In a brazen assault, the gang fired their weapons at the policeman. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-120 breach a lapse, gap or break, as in a fortress wall. To break or break through. noun, verb "old English for ""break"". Most typical uses are ""breach of contract"" or ""breach of peace"". But also ""breach"" of defenses, breach of etiquette " The club members never forgot his breach of ettiquette. Common GRE MSU
-123 burgeon flourish, bloom,to grow or flourish; a bud or new growth (adj: burgeoning ) verb, noun of uncertain origin Left untreated, the garden weeds will burgeon and take over the entire property within days 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-124 burlesque a variety show noun Synonyms: skit, farce, striptease Madame JoJo’s, a burlesque bar in London’s Soho, had its license revoked in 2014 after two bouncers brandished a baseball bat at a rowdy crowd. Least Difficult FT
-125 buttress to support. a support verb, noun from old French Her good arguments buttressed her credibility Common GRE MSU
-126 caco Bad Greek/Latin root from PIE Kaka=to defecate cacophony (bad sound)
cacography(bad handwriting)
cacostocracy(government by the worst in society) Greek/Latin MSU
+120 breach a lapse, gap or break, as in a fortress wall. To break or break through. noun, verb "old English for ""break"". Most typical uses are ""breach of contract"" or ""breach of peace"". But also ""breach"" of defenses, breach of etiquette " The club members never forgot his breach of ettiquette. Common GRE MSU
+123 burgeon flourish, bloom,to grow or flourish; a bud or new growth (adj: burgeoning ) verb, noun of uncertain origin Left untreated, the garden weeds will burgeon and take over the entire property within days 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+124 burlesque a variety show noun Synonyms: skit, farce, striptease Madame JoJo’s, a burlesque bar in London’s Soho, had its license revoked in 2014 after two bouncers brandished a baseball bat at a rowdy crowd. Least Difficult FT
+125 buttress to support. a support verb, noun old French Her good arguments buttressed her credibility Common GRE MSU
+126 caco Bad Greek/Latin root PIE Kaka=to defecate cacophony (bad sound)
cacography(bad handwriting)
cacostocracy(government by the worst in society) Greek/Latin MSU
128 cacophony loud and chaotic noise. a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds noun Synonyms: racket, noise, clamor The cacophony of the middle school band warming up was nearly unbearable for the audience. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-129 cadge to get something by taking advantage of someone verb "From old English ""to get by begging""" By flirting with the bartender, the pretty girl was able to cadge free drinks. Common GRE MSU
-130 calumny lie or slander, often to damage somone's reputation noun "from Old French calomnie (15c.), from Latin calumnia ""trickery, subterfuge, misrepresentation, malicious charge" The film was supposed to be a true story, but in fact it was a huge calumny to tarnish the star’s reputation. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+129 cadge to get something by taking advantage of someone verb " old English ""to get by begging""" By flirting with the bartender, the pretty girl was able to cadge free drinks. Common GRE MSU
+130 calumny lie or slander, often to damage somone's reputation noun " Old French calomnie/Latin calumnia ""trickery, subterfuge, misrepresentation, malicious charge" The film was supposed to be a true story, but in fact it was a huge calumny to tarnish the star’s reputation. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
131 candid honest, open adjective When questioned, she held nothing back and gave a candid /response 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-132 canon accepted rules and tenets of a discipline noun """canon written with 1 ""n"" - unlike the one you shoot cannonballs from!
n. sacred works/scripture;
in this sense it is also used to refer to notable literary and artistic works of a culture or discipline" At the same time, canon law is part of the temporal legal system, and bishops are appointed jointly by the Prime Minister and the head of state 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+132 canon accepted rules and tenets of a discipline noun """canon written with 1 ""n"" - unlike the one you shoot cannonballs !
n. sacred works/scripture;
in this sense it is also used to refer to notable literary and artistic works of a culture or discipline" At the same time, canon law is part of the temporal legal system, and bishops are appointed jointly by the Prime Minister and the head of state 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
133 capacity the capability to perform a particular action or fulfill a given function noun n. a particular position or role she served in an advisory capacity 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-134 caprice an impulsive act noun Because John did not think before acting, he could spend years in prison for a silly caprice. Common GRE MSU
-137 castigate to scold or berate strongly. to chastise or criticize severely verb The boss misused performance reviews to castigate his employees 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-141 caustic corrosive. capable of dissolving by chemical action; highly critical: adjective adj. bitterly sarcastic His caustic remarks spoiled the mood of the party 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-142 censure to express intense condemnation, an official reprimand verb "From French, censurer. Do not confuse with ""censor""" Since the marine left base without permission, he is expecting both a censure and punishment when he returns tomorrow. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-143 chauvinist someone who believes prejudicially that their own group is the superior one noun "1840, ""exaggerated, blind nationalism; patriotism degenerated into a vice,"" from French chauvinisme (1839), Nicholas Chauvin, soldier of Napoleon'idolized Napoleon long after it was history" His sister was chauvinist when it comes to feminism, as she gets both angry and irritated when someone opposes her point of view 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-144 chicanery deception by trickery, often to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose noun "from French chicanerie ""trickery,"" from Middle French chicaner ""to pettifog, quibble""" Instead of being truthful on his campaign for sheriff, he resorted to chicanery. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+134 caprice an impulsive act noun Because John did not think before acting, he could spend years in prison for a silly caprice. Common GRE MSU
+137 castigate to scold or berate strongly. to chastise or criticize severely verb "Latin castigatus""to correct, set right; purify; chastise, punish,"" from castus ""pure"" + agere ""to do" The boss misused performance reviews to castigate his employees 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+141 caustic corrosive. capable of dissolving by chemical action; highly critical: adjective adj. bitterly sarcastic His caustic remarks spoiled the mood of the party 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+142 censure to express intense condemnation, an official reprimand verb " French, censurer. Do not confuse with ""censor""" Since the marine left base without permission, he is expecting both a censure and punishment when he returns tomorrow. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+143 chauvinist someone who believes prejudicially that their own group is the superior one, exaggerated, blind nationalism; patriotism degenerated into a vice noun French : chauvinisme, after behaviour of N. Chauvin, soldier of Napoleon who idolized Napoleon long after it was history His sister was chauvinist when it comes to feminism, as she gets both angry and irritated when someone opposes her point of view 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+144 chicanery deception by trickery, often to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose noun " French chicanerie ""trickery,"" Middle French chicaner ""to pettifog, quibble""" Instead of being truthful on his campaign for sheriff, he resorted to chicanery. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
146 chorale corral n. a type of hymn (sung) or a choir n. a fenced enclosure for cattle or horses. v. to herd cattle or horses (or people) into one place Corral is of Spanish origin. The protective wide circle of ox-wagons called laager by the Afrikaners was called corral by the Americans travelling West in their wagons. Maimie always corraled Marnie into serving as secretary for the meetings. The chorale originated when Martin Luther translated sacred songs into the vernacular language Homophone MSU
147 chronic (Of a problem) long lasting and difficult to eradicate adjective Synonyms: constant, continuing, persistent Pessimists think the productivity problem is chronic. Technological advances, they say, are ever-less revolutionary... Least Difficult FT
148 chronological ordered by time adjective Latin : chrono=time+logo=theory, science, doctrine+ ic/ical=word-forming element making adjectives He went through the events in chronological order 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
149 -cian having a specific skill noun magician optician physician Suffix MSU
150 cide kill Greek/Latin root Killer of ( ): homicide parricide(parents) germicidal ecocide suicide fungicide senicide (old men) libricide(old books) legicide(laws) uxoricide(wife) filicide(son/daughter) floricide(flowers) infanticide(infants) genocide(race/kind) Greek/Latin MSU
153 coda a concluding event, remark or section noun Synonyms: ending, finale The final section of the song was sealed with a coda that sounded like an entirely different melody. Least Difficult FT
-154 cogent clearly laid out and persuasive, very clear and easy for the mind to accept and believe adjective From French/Latin : com=with + agere=action, ie. Co-alignment, compelling The politician's clear cogent argument against the war won him many votes in the election 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-155 commensurate in accordance with, proportional adjective "from Latin com ""with, together"" + mensuratus, pp mensurare ""to measure = with measure Deutsch : mit Maß" You will get a salary increase commensurate with your additional responsibilities and work 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-157 compelling captivating, very persuasive adjective "Latin com ""with, together"" + pellere ""to drive""" The jury seemed moved by the lawyer’s compelling argument 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+154 cogent clearly laid out and persuasive, very clear and easy for the mind to accept and believe adjective French/Latin : com=with + agere=action, ie. Co-alignment, compelling The politician's clear cogent argument against the war won him many votes in the election 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+155 commensurate in accordance with, proportional adjective " Latin com ""with, together"" + mensuratus, pp mensurare ""to measure = with measure Deutsch : mit Maß" You will get a salary increase commensurate with your additional responsibilities and work 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+157 compelling captivating, very persuasive adjective "Latin com ""with, together"" + pellere ""to drive""" The jury seemed moved by the lawyer’s compelling argument 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
158 complaisant willingly compliant or accepting of the status quo (n: complaisance) adjective com=with, plaisant=pleasure/pleasing Because John is too complaisant in his willingness to please others, people often take advantage of him Common GRE MSU
159 comprehensive complete and thorough adjective com=with/together, preandre=seize/hold Heather’s comprehensive workout helps tone all of the muscles in her body. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
161 conflagration 1. a great fire OR
2. a conflict or war noun "con=with/togethe+ =flagrare ""to burn, blaze, glow" 1. The combustion products such as smoke,heat and hot conflagration gases generated during a fire rise upwards2. It seems as though the conflagration in the Middle East has been going on for centuries Common GRE MSU
163 confound to confuse or astonish. Prove (a theory, expectation, or prediction) wrong verb Synonyms: contradict, counter, go against Yet in another sense, the Fed has confounded predictions—at least, those it made itself. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-164 connoisseur an expert in a particular subject matter area, usually relating to the fine arts or cultural pursuits noun From French. Note how modern French spells it connaisseur, whereas English follows the old French spelling of connoisseur Since you are a wine connoisseur, I thought I would ask your opinion on the best wines for my dinner party 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+164 connoisseur an expert in a particular subject matter area, usually relating to the fine arts or cultural pursuits noun French. Note how modern French spells it connaisseur, whereas English follows the old French spelling of connoisseur Since you are a wine connoisseur, I thought I would ask your opinion on the best wines for my dinner party 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
165 consequential " as a result of, ""following as an effect or result""" adjective adj. significant or memorable The consequential damages of the critical reactor breaking down were significant, as the entire plant had to shut for months 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
166 constitutus stand Greek/Latin root constitution statute Greek/Latin MSU
167 construe to interpret verb "same latin/French origin as ""construct"", ie. With/together + piling up= interpret" Although I tried to pay you a compliment, you have decided to construe my words as an insult 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
168 consumption utilization (esp. of a resource) noun Excessive alcohol consumption has been linked to liver damage 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-169 contend assert or claim verb From old French comptendre : engage in rivalry, compete, To obtain custody of her children in the divorce, Bridgett will contend her husband is an abusive man 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-170 contentious controversial, causing or likely to cause an argument adjective "from Latin contentiosus ""obstinate, quarrelsome" As a rule, I tend to avoid contentious topics of conversation which might lead to arguments 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-172 convoluted roundabout, not straightforward adjective "From Latin : to roll together,"" from com ""with, together"" (see con-) + volvere ""to roll,""" My head began to hurt as I listened to the professor’s convolute speech 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-173 copious plentiful or abundant adjective "From Latin : ""abundant, plentiful,""" Take copious notes in class so that you have plenty of review material for the test. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+169 contend assert or claim verb old French comptendre : engage in rivalry, compete, To obtain custody of her children in the divorce, Bridgett will contend her husband is an abusive man 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+170 contentious controversial, causing or likely to cause an argument adjective " Latin contentiosus ""obstinate, quarrelsome" As a rule, I tend to avoid contentious topics of conversation which might lead to arguments 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+172 convoluted roundabout, not straightforward adjective " Latin : to roll together,"" com ""with, together"" (see con-) + volvere ""to roll,""" My head began to hurt as I listened to the professor’s convolute speech 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+173 copious plentiful or abundant adjective " Latin : ""abundant, plentiful,""" Take copious notes in class so that you have plenty of review material for the test. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
174 corporal "of the body: ""corporal punishment."" a non-commissioned officer ranked between a sergeant and a private." adjective 1. corporal punishment will still in use during my father's school days. Common GRE MSU
175 corporeal of or having to do with material, as opposed to spiritual; tangible. (In older writings, coeporeal could be a synonym for corporal. This usage is no longer common) adjective "Latin : ""of a material or physical nature, not mental or spiritual,"" with adjectival suffix -al preceded by corpus ""body"" (living or dead)," As Jack reached for the ghost, he realized it was not corporeal when his hands went straight through the shape. Common GRE MSU
176 corpus body Greek/Latin root corpse corporal punishment corpus callosum Greek/Latin MSU
-177 corroborate to strengthen or support: (n: corroboration) verb "From Latin : form of com ""with, together,"" + roborare ""to make strong,"" from robur, robus ""strength,"" - same root as robust" The scientist was able to corroborate his hypothesis with data gathered from multiple sources. The witness corroborted his story. Common GRE MSU
+177 corroborate to strengthen or support: (n: corroboration) verb " Latin : form of com ""with, together,"" + roborare ""to make strong,"" robur, robus ""strength,"" - same root as robust" The scientist was able to corroborate his hypothesis with data gathered from multiple sources. The witness corroborted his story. Common GRE MSU
178 corroborate collaborate "It's ""L"" like Royalty…..don't get ""L"" and ""R"" confused" Easily confused words During the president's election, the 2 scientists collaborated together to find facts to corrobarate their joint theory. Easily confused words MSU
179 cosmopolitan of or relating to a large city or massive urban area adjective belonging to all parts of the world, limited to no place or society. adj. sophisticated With its hugely diverse population, New York City is considered one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-180 covet to desire something that does not belong to you verb From old French : to desire or wish for inordinately or without regard for the rights of others, In the book by Dickens, the miser did nothing but covet money10th commandment : You shall not covet your neighbor's wife,….. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+180 covet to desire something that does not belong to you verb old French : to desire or wish for inordinately or without regard for the rights of others, In the book by Dickens, the miser did nothing but covet money10th commandment : You shall not covet your neighbor's wife,…etc. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
181 cracy rule Greek/Latin root democracy theocracy technocracy Greek/Latin MSU
182 craft n. skill noun "as adjective it means ""cunning""- a crafty pickpocket" The retired teacher is looking for a new craft to take up since she is good at making things with her hands 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-184 craven cowardly to the point of being shameful adjective "From Latin/French where originally cravant initially =""defeated, vanquished, overcome, conquered"", but changing later to cowardly" Because police officers must be fearless, craven people should not apply for positions in law enforcement. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-185 credence belief or trust noun "from Medieval Latin credentia ""belief"". ""credentials"", ""credit"", all have the same roots" The crazy man’s UFO story was so ridiculous that not a single person gave it any credence. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+184 craven cowardly to the point of being shameful adjective " Latin/French where originally cravant initially =""defeated, vanquished, overcome, conquered"", but changing later to cowardly" Because police officers must be fearless, craven people should not apply for positions in law enforcement. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+185 credence belief or trust noun " Medieval Latin credentia ""belief"". ""credentials"", ""credit"", all have the same roots" The crazy man’s UFO story was so ridiculous that not a single person gave it any credence. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
186 cred belief Greek/Latin root credence =belief that something is true or validcredulous =believing things too easily gullibleincredible =unbelievableincredulous=skeptical disbelieving Greek/Latin MSU
188 -cule, ling very small noun or adjective molecule miniscule Suffix MSU
-189 culpable deserving of blame (n: culpability) adjective from Old French coupable The judge found the man culpable of the crime and sentenced him to life in prison Common GRE MSU
+189 culpable deserving of blame (n: culpability) adjective Old French coupable The judge found the man culpable of the crime and sentenced him to life in prison Common GRE MSU
190 -cy action, function noun advocacy hesitancy prophecy normalcy Suffix MSU
-191 dearth lack, scarcity: noun "from Old English deore ""precious, costly"" (see dear) + abstract noun suffix -th" The prosecutor complained about the dearth of concrete evidence against the suspect. Common GRE MSU
+191 dearth lack, scarcity: noun " Old English deore ""precious, costly"" (see dear) + abstract noun suffix -th" The prosecutor complained about the dearth of concrete evidence against the suspect. Common GRE MSU
192 decorum appropriate behavior or good manners noun same root at décor Not understanding decorum at a formal dinner, Jake ate his salad with his dinner fork 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-194 deference respect or polite submission. submission or courteous yielding: noun "from French déférence (16c.), from déférer ""to yield, comply" He held his tongue in deference to his father. (n: deferential. v. defer) 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-195 deflect divert or cause to ricochet verb de=away from + flect = bend He deflected the attack with a defty response 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+194 deference respect or polite submission. submission or courteous yielding: noun " French déférence (16c.), déférer ""to yield, comply" He held his tongue in deference to his father. (n: deferential. v. defer) 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+195 deflect divert or cause to ricochet verb de=away + flect = bend He deflected the attack with a defty response 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
196 deft skill, acumen adjective adj. manual dexterity The deft musician was able to play the harmonica and the piano at the same time. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-197 deign Do something that one considers to be beneath one's dignity verb Synonyms: come down from one's high horse If the Senate deigns to consider and confirm a nominee, do not expect changes overnight. Least Difficult FT
+197 deign Do something that one considers to be beneath one's dignity verb Synonyms: come down one's high horse If the Senate deigns to consider and confirm a nominee, do not expect changes overnight. Least Difficult FT
198 delineate to describe very accurately verb v. to clearly demarcate a boundary v. to render an outline 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
199 demos people Greek/Latin root democracy demographic Greek/Latin MSU
-201 denigrate say negative things about, particularly in a defamatory way verb "From Latin denigratus, past participle of denigrare ""to blacken; to defame,"" from de- ""completely"" (see de-) + nigr-, stem of niger ""black"" " During the election, the crooked politician did everything in his power to denigrate his rival. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-202 depict to show, create a picture of. verb "from Latin depictus, past participle of depingere ""to portray, paint, sketch; describe, imagine,"" from de ""down"" (see de-) + pingere ""to paint""" The drawings on the cave walls depict the lives of the earliest men on the planet. Common GRE MSU
-203 deprecate (deprecation) depreciate (depreciation) to deprecate is “to disapprove,” but in “self-deprecating,” it means, “to belittle.” In the world of computing, deprecated means “phased out” or “soon to be phased out.” Depreciate is for talking about loss of monetary value, primarily for assets Easily confused words The deprecated software had already had its full book value depreciated in the finance department Easily confused words MSU
+201 denigrate say negative things about, particularly in a defamatory way verb " Latin denigratus, past participle of denigrare ""to blacken; to defame,"" de- ""completely"" (see de-) + nigr-, stem of niger ""black"" " During the election, the crooked politician did everything in his power to denigrate his rival. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+202 depict to show, create a picture of. verb " Latin depictus, past participle of depingere ""to portray, paint, sketch; describe, imagine,"" de ""down"" (see de-) + pingere ""to paint""" The drawings on the cave walls depict the lives of the earliest men on the planet. Common GRE MSU
+203 deprecate (deprecation) depreciate (depreciation) to deprecate is “to disapprove,” but in “self-deprecating,” it means, “to belittle.” In the world of computing, deprecated means “phased out” or “soon to be phased out.” Depreciate is for talking about loss of monetary value, primarily for assets Easily confused words The deprecated software had already had its full book value depreciated in the finance department Easily confused words MSU
204 deprecation disapproval, earnest expression of feeling against noun Do NOT confuse with deprecIation, a finance term Ingrid is well-known for her self-deprecation, as she constantly looks down on herself and harshly judges all of her actions. Common GRE MSU
-205 depredation the act of preying upon or plundering: noun "French/latin : from de- ""thoroughly"" (see de-) + praedari ""to plunder,"" literally ""to make prey of,"" from praeda ""prey""" The depredations of the invaders demoralized the population. Common GRE MSU
-207 derivative imitates another work in a way that is unoriginal or uninspiring, an object or idea that is produced from something else adjective Applies to words (words derive from a parent) to chemistry (a product derives from another one) and to mathematics The new antibiotic is listed as a derivative of penicillin because it was produced from a penicillin base. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+205 depredation the act of preying upon or plundering: noun "French/latin : de- ""thoroughly"" (see de-) + praedari ""to plunder,"" literally ""to make prey of,"" praeda ""prey""" The depredations of the invaders demoralized the population. Common GRE MSU
+207 derivative imitates another work in a way that is unoriginal or uninspiring, an object or idea that is produced from something else adjective Applies to words (words derive a parent) to chemistry (a product derives another one) and to mathematics The new antibiotic is listed as a derivative of penicillin because it was produced from a penicillin base. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
208 descry to make clear, to say verb Deutsch : entdecken, wahrnehmen If you descry illegality contents on the linked websites, we beg for notification Common GRE MSU
-210 desiccate to dry out completely verb "from de- ""thoroughly"" (see de-) + siccare ""to dry""v. to suck out the vitality and passion" One should use sliced fruits within one day as the insides quickly desiccate. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-211 desultory halfhearted, not having a plan or purpose adjective Deutsch : halbherzigadj. inconsistent or random 1)The bronze medal winner managed a desultory smile. 2)The students were confused by the teacher’s desultory lecture which seemed to have no real focus 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-212 detachment objectivity or aloofness, devoid of interest or feelings noun "from French détachement (17c.), from détacher (see detach). Meaning ""that which is detached"", also in a military sense. Deutsch : Ablösung" The woman’s air of detachment made the police question her involvement in her husband’s death. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+210 desiccate to dry out completely verb " de- ""thoroughly"" (see de-) + siccare ""to dry""v. to suck out the vitality and passion" One should use sliced fruits within one day as the insides quickly desiccate. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+211 desultory halfhearted, not having a plan or purpose adjective Deutsch : halbherzigadj. inconsistent or random 1)The bronze medal winner managed a desultory smile. 2)The students were confused by the teacher’s desultory lecture which seemed to have no real focus 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+212 detachment objectivity or aloofness, devoid of interest or feelings noun " French détachement (17c.), détacher (see detach). Meaning ""that which is detached"", also in a military sense. Deutsch : Ablösung" The woman’s air of detachment made the police question her involvement in her husband’s death. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
213 determinant a strong factor in an outcome noun Deutsch : Bestimmungsfaktor "The key determinant for social security deductions are the conditions at year end
" 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
214 di two double Greek/Latin root deductions are the conditions on 31 December of the tax period or at the end of the tax liability. Greek/Latin MSU
215 dia across through Greek/Latin root diagonal dialectic dialogue diagnosis Greek/Latin MSU
-218 didactic educational or with an instructive purpose; often includes an element of moralizing adjective "French didactique, from Latinized form of Greek didaktikos ""apt at teaching" Because Mrs. Jones came up with lessons that were not only didactic but also fun, everyone thought she was a fantastic teacher. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-219 die 1. v. to cease to live. 2. n. a mold used for shaping pieces of metal for incorporation into tools or other products Deutsch = Pressform, Modell, (2) These car models are so similar that the same die can be used for most body parts, such as the doors, hood, roof, and trunk cover. Homonym MSU
-221 diffident shy, timid, or reserved due to a lack of confidence adjective "from Latin diffidentem, pp of diffidere ""to mistrust, lack confidence,"" from dis- ""away"" (see dis-) + fidere ""to trust""" Because she felt unattractive, Mary was diffident and kept to herself at parties. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-222 diffident different deference diffident = shy, timid, or reserved due to a lack of confidence and deference is respect for others. Easily confused words If you treat others with deference, then people will respect you back, and acting differently will not lead to diffidence Easily confused words MSU
-224 dirge funeral or mourning lament noun "In the catholic burial mass, the first answer sung is from Psalms v.9, which begins in Latin : ""Dirige, Domine, Deus meus, in conspectu tuo viam meam (""Direct, O Lord, my God, my way in thy sight""). So, Dirge is linked to first word, Direct in English. now, n. any sad, slow song""" Elton John wrote and sang the dirge at Lady Di's funeral. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+218 didactic educational or with an instructive purpose; often includes an element of moralizing adjective "French didactique, Latinized form of Greek didaktikos ""apt at teaching" Because Mrs. Jones came up with lessons that were not only didactic but also fun, everyone thought she was a fantastic teacher. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+219 die 1. v. to cease to live. 2. n. a mold used for shaping pieces of metal for incorporation into tools or other products Deutsch = Pressform, Modell, (2) These car models are so similar that the samedie can be used to make most body parts, such as the doors, hood, roof, and trunk cover. Homonym MSU
+221 diffident shy, timid, or reserved due to a lack of confidence adjective " Latin diffidentem, pp of diffidere ""to mistrust, lack confidence,"" dis- ""away"" (see dis-) + fidere ""to trust""" Because she felt unattractive, Mary was diffident and kept to herself at parties. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+222 diffident different deference diffident = shy, timid, or reserved due to a lack of confidence and deference is respect for others. Easily confused words If you treat others with deference, then people will respect you back, and acting differently will not lead to shy diffidence Easily confused words MSU
+224 dirge funeral or mourning lament noun "In the catholic burial mass, the first answer sung is Psalms v.9, which begins in Latin : ""Dirige, Domine, Deus meus, in conspectu tuo viam meam (""Direct, O Lord, my God, my way in thy sight""). So, Dirge is linked to first word, Direct in English. now, n. any sad, slow song""" Elton John wrote and sang the dirge at Lady Di's funeral. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
225 dis not apart Greek/Latin root disperse disinherit disenfranchise distend Greek/Latin MSU
-227 disabuse to dispel someone’s illusions or false impressions about something. to free a person from falsehood or error: verb to free from mistake, fallacy, or deception We had to disabuse her of the notion that she was invited. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-228 discern to perceive, to recognize the difference or distinction between two or more things verb "from dis- ""off, away"" (see dis-) + cernere ""distinguish, separate, sift" Because Bradley wore sun glasses, I could not discern whether or not his eyes were red. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+227 disabuse to dispel someone’s illusions or false impressions about something. to free a person from falsehood or error: verb "dis=""to free, apart, off""+ ""mistake, fallacy, or deception""" We had to disabuse her of the notion that she was invited. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+228 discern to perceive, to recognize the difference or distinction between two or more things verb " dis- ""off, away"" + cernere ""distinguish, separate, sift" Because Bradley wore sun glasses, I could not discern whether or not his eyes were red. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
229 discomfort (n) discomfit (vt) 1. discomfort is a noun the lack of ease or comfort whereas
2. discomfit is a verb and the act of disconcerting or making uncomfortable for othersor to others Easily confused words To discomfit someone is to make them feel uncomfortable or upset. An easy way to discomfit another person is to use the age-old, childish trick of ignoring them. 1. I sat there in discomfort
2. He was discomfited with the impolite behaviour of the visitor Easily confused words MSU
-230 discrepancy a difference or inconsistency especially between things that should be the same noun The police were confused by the discrepancy between the testimonies of the two witnesses who saw the same event. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+230 discrepancy a difference or inconsistency especially between things that should be the same noun "dis= ""apart, off"" + crepare=""to rattle, crack""" The police were confused by the discrepancy between the testimonies of the two witnesses who saw the same event. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
231 disingenuous not candid or sincere adjective Synonyms: dishonest, deceitful, duplicitous But shamelessly self-interested and probably contrary to his real views on the EU though it is, the mayor’s move is perhaps not entirely disingenuous. Least Difficult FT
232 disinterested objective, unbiased adjective if you're disinterested, you're unbiased; you're out of the loop.
2. But if you're uninterested, you don't give a hoot; you're bored. 1. The referee should be disinterestedin which team wins the game, but
grandmother was uninterested in who won the football game. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
233 disparage to belittle verb Originally meant to marry below one's rank, ie. Dis=away + parage=rank. Not it means to push somone lower, to belittle them I cannot believe that you belittle and disparage people who have little in common with you. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
234 disparaging belittling (n: disparagement. v. disparage) adjective His mother's disparaging comments made him feel awful Common GRE MSU
-235 disparate dissimilar to such a degree that comparison is not possible adjective "from Latin disparatus, from dis- ""apart"" + parare ""get ready, prepare, ie. Dislike in kind" Even though they are identical twins, they have such disparate personalities that it’s impossible to get them confused 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+235 disparate dissimilar to such a degree that comparison is not possible adjective " Latin disparatus, dis- ""apart"" + parare ""get ready, prepare, ie. Dislike in kind" Even though they are identical twins, they have such disparate personalities that it’s impossible to get them confused 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
237 dispassionate impartial or cool; calm; objective; unbiased adjective Liza is a dispassionate person who rarely displays her emotions to others 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-238 disregard to ignore or pay no attention to verb dis= not + regard=look at If you disregard the red light at an intersection you are not only breaking the law but also endangering your life 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-240 dissemble to mislead or conceal the truth, esp. with respect to one’s motives. to conceal one's real motive, to feign verb "from Latin dissimulare ""make unlike, conceal, disguise,"" from dis- ""completely"" (see dis-) + simulare ""to make like, imitate, copy," Rather than answer the reporter’s questions directly, the politician chose to mislead and dissembled his responses 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+238 disregard to ignore or pay no attention to verb dis= away + regard=look at If you disregard the red light at an intersection you are not only breaking the law but also endangering your life 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+240 dissemble to mislead or conceal the truth, esp. with respect to one’s motives. to conceal one's real motive, to feign verb " Latin dissimulare ""make unlike, conceal, disguise,"" dis- ""completely"" (see dis-) + simulare ""to make like, imitate, copy," Rather than answer the reporter’s questions directly, the politician chose to mislead and dissembled his responses 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
241 dissemble disassemble Disassemble is to take something apart, like an old car motor, but dissemble is sneaky — it means to hide your true self,to lie to misrepresent oneself - like the guy who said he was a mechanic but had never actually seen a motor, much less put one back together. Easily confused words dis= reverse +assemble+collect in one place=> take aprt dis=not + semble=appear=>not true representation the word is that these are Chinese actors who have been hired to resemble and dissemble North Korean fans. Easily confused words MSU
242 disseminate to spread widely (esp. information) verb The pollen will disseminate into the region by Thursday, causing further burdens for allergy sufferers. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
243 dissonance a clash between two elements that don’t blend well, a lack of harmony or agreement noun The school board’s meeting lasted for hours due to the length debate fueled by dissonance among opinions. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
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252 dote be extremely and uncritically fond of verb Synonyms: adore, love dearly, be devoted to Falling birth-rates allowed parents to dote on fewer children, who were increasingly likely to go to school. Least Difficult FT
253 dupe to deceive or fool verb My brother is a schemer who is always trying to dupe people out of their money. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
254 dynasthai be able Greek/Latin root dynamic dynamo dynasty dynamite Greek/Latin MSU
-256 eccentric quirky or unusual adjective "From Greek astronomy referring to planet orbitals: ekkentros ""out of the center"" (as opposed to concentric), from ek ""out"" (see ex-) + kentron ""center"". Meaning now modified to ""odd or whimsical person""" The eccentric artist was quite happy to walk around with green hair 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+256 eccentric quirky or unusual adjective " Greek astronomy referring to planet orbitals: ekkentros ""out of the center"" (as opposed to concentric), ek ""out"" (see ex-) + kentron ""center"". Meaning now modified to ""odd or whimsical person""" The eccentric artist was quite happy to walk around with green hair 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
258 eclectic composed of a variety of styles, themes, motifs, etc. selecting or employing individual elements from a variety of sources: adjective Many modern decorators prefer an eclectic style. (n: eclecticism) 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
259 -ee one who receives the action noun employee nominee refugee Suffix MSU
260 effect affect affect is usually a verb, and it means to impact or change. Effect is usually a noun, an effect is the result of a change. So, if A affects B, B experiences the effect of A’s action. Easily confused words affect is a verb and effect is a noun. At least (spoiler alert!), most of the time. Here’s a mnemonic: A is for action. Verbs are about action. Affect starts with an A, so it’s a verb. Also, Think of the common phrase cause and effect. Cause ends with an E, and effect begins with an E. So not only does a cause lead to an effect, but also cause’s E leads to effect’s E, giving you a handy noun bridge to step across and remember which spelling to use. The most common side effects of antibiotics affect the digestive system. Easily confused words MSU
262 efficacy effectiveness; capability to produce a desired effect noun The instructor’s efficacy was reduced by the lack of educational materials. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-263 effluent the quality of flowing out. something that flows out, such as a stream from a river (n: effluence) adjective, n Angered citizens confronted the factory for the effluent because they carelessly dumped into the Jackson Lake. Common GRE MSU
+263 effluent the quality of flowing out. something that flows out, such as a stream from a river (n: effluence) adjective, n Paques builds plants that ensure that wastewater effluent effluent is cleaned Common GRE MSU
264 ego I self Greek/Latin root ego egomaniac egocentric Greek/Latin MSU
265 elegy sad poem or song, often in remembrance of someone deceased noun When the princess died, one of her favorite songwriters wrote a moving elegy for her. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
266 elicit to provoke a response verb In the experiment, the scientist hoped to elicit a response from a mouse by piping high-pitched sounds into a sealed cage. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
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270 emollient softening; something that softens adjective, noun The lotion was a great emollient for her dry skin Common GRE MSU
271 empirical based on evidence adjective Our data is based on empirical evidence collected in numerous studies 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
273 emulate to imitate or attempt to equal in accomplishment to strive to equal or excel (n: emulation)
It is about the setting a goal to equal or exceed what someone else achieved, not necessarily doing it their way. verb Sue is going to emulate her brother's strong work ethic in order to be successful. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-274 emulate imitate "Emulate means ""to try to be as good or successful as."" Imitate means ""to copy or fashion oneself after.""" Easily confused words He did not limit his actions to imitating his role model, but wished to go further and emulate his idol's success Easily confused words MSU
+274 emulate imitate "Emulate means ""to try to be as good or successful as."" Imitate means ""to copy or fashion oneself after.""" Easily confused words He did not limit his actions to imitating his role model, but wished to go further and emulate his idol's success Easily confused words MSU
275 -en made of, make adjective or verb (ex: widen) silken frozen oaken wooden lighten Suffix MSU
276 -ence, ency action, state of, quality noun difference conference urgency Suffix MSU
-277 encomium a formal eulogy or speech of praise noun Mrs. Poundstone was surprised and delighted on the last day of school when the students in her most difficult class presented her with an encomium they had written, praising her work as a teacher. Common GRE MSU
+277 encomium a formal eulogy or speech of praise noun Mrs. Poundstone was surprised and delighted on the last day of school when the students in her most difficult class presented her with an encomium they had written, praising her work as a teacher. Common GRE MSU
279 endemic epidemic endemic is an inherent characteristic whereas epidemic is an illness wave that affect many in the population at the same time Easily confused words Easily confused words MSU
280 endow Provide with a quality, ability, or asset verb Synonyms: equip, bless, give Good and inspiring teachers, meanwhile, such as... J.K. Rowling’s Minerva McGonagall, are portrayed as endowed with supernatural gifts... Least Difficult FT
-282 enervate to exhaust or drain of energy. to weaken or destroy the strength or vitality of: (adj: enervating) verb The heat enervated everyone. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-284 engender to cause or give rise to verb His slip of the toungue engendered much laughter. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+282 enervate to exhaust or drain of energy. to weaken or destroy the strength or vitality of: (adj: enervating) verb "make tired by ""getting on your nerves""" The heat enervated everyone. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+284 engender to cause or give rise to verb "from in- ""in"" + generare ""bring forth, beget, produce"" itself from genus ""give birth, beget,""" His slip of the toungue engendered much laughter. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
285 engender endanger engender is to bring into being, whereas endanger is to put at risk Easily confused words Some people believe violent video games engender feelings of hostility in young people, thereby endangering them and those around them. Easily confused words MSU
286 enhance intensify, increase, augment verb When Jane paints her bedroom yellow, she is going to really enhance the room and make it appear brighter. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
287 enigma a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand noun puzzle, mystery Scientists continue to research cancer to solve the enigma of its primary cause, which will hopefully lead to a cure. Common GRE MSU
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330 facetious glib or flippant; Treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor adjective Synonyms: flippant, glib, tongue-in-cheek More disturbing,' says Mr. Hart, I didn't note that his column was facetious. In tone, it was indeed, and I should have noted that. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
331 facilitate to make something easier or simpler verb facile=easy in French. Going to all lectures and doing all tutorials greatly facilitates passing the exam 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
332 faction a small, organized, dissenting group within a larger one, especially in politics noun Synonyms: contingent, section, sector One particular separatist faction is now widely accepted to have been responsible for a string of small bombs which detonated in August... Least Difficult FT
-333 fallacious relying on a fallacy and thus incorrect/misinformed adjective From fallacy Deutsch : irreführend He clung to the fallacious hope that she would return. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+333 fallacious relying on a fallacy and thus incorrect/misinformed adjective fallacy Deutsch : irreführend He clung to the fallacious hope that she would return. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
334 fallow Inactive adjective Synonyms: dormant, quiet, slack Their fickle attention might waver for a few fallow years of rebuilding, but Angel Stadium will still be standing... Least Difficult FT
335 falter Move unsteadily or in a way that shows lack of confidence verb Synonyms: stumble, fumble His early steps were faltering, and a frailer soul might have been daunted by his mentors’ fate... Least Difficult FT
336 fastidious meticulous adjective adj. invested in cleanliness Constantly licking themselves, cats are fastidious creatures. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
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356 forestall to hold off or try to prevent; Prevent or obstruct (an anticipated event or action) by taking action ahead of time verb Synonyms: pre-empt, get in before, get ahead of To forestall a social crisis, he mused, governments should consider a tax on robots; if automation slows as a result, so much the better. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
357 fortuitous Happening by a lucky chance adjective Synonyms: fortunate, advantageous, opportune Thanks to these sensible policies, and the fortuitous tailwind of higher productivity growth, the economy boomed and prosperity was shared. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
359 frater brother Greek/Latin root fraternize fraternity fraternal fratricide Greek/Latin MSU
-360 frugal economical, thrifty adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-361 fry 1. v. to cook in hot oil. 2. n. baby fish The newborn fry are easy prey to larger fish in the area. Homonym MSU
+360 frugal economical, thrifty adjective Be more frugal with your expenses, and you will not be in debt. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+361 fry 1. v. to cook in hot oil. 2. n. baby fish The newborn fry are easy prey to larger fish in the area. 2. The police were u>not interested in the small fry drug dealers, but wanted to catch the drug kingpin. Homonym MSU
362 -ful full of adjective frightful beautiful helpful Suffix MSU
363 -fy make verb fortify simplify Suffix MSU
364 gainsay deny or oppose verb 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
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432 imply infer Imply means to suggest or to say something in an indirect way. Infer means to suppose or come to a conclusion, especially based on an indirect suggestion Easily confused words The presenter implied indirectly that his colleague may be late and the audience inferred from the suble hint that the colleague would be late. Easily confused words MSU
433 ingenious clever: (n: ingenuity) adjective She developed an ingenious method for testing her hypothesis. Common GRE MSU
435 ingenuous naïve or innocent ;unsophisticated; artless; straightforward; candid: adjective Wilson's ingenuous response to the controversial calmed the suspicious listeners. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-436 ingenious (ingenuity) ingenuous (and disingenuous) Ingenious indicates cleverness, particularly relating to inventive, while ingenuous refers to sincerity or a naive nature. adjective genuous comes from same root as genuine Einstein was ingenious while his wife was ingenuous Easily confused words MSU
+436 ingenious (ingenuity) ingenuous (and disingenuous) Ingenious indicates cleverness, particularly relating to inventive, while ingenuous refers to sincerity or a naive nature. adjective genuous comes same root as genuine Einstein was ingenious while his wife was ingenuous Easily confused words MSU
437 inhibit to hold back, prohibit, forbid, or restrain (n: inhibition, adj: inhibited) verb Common GRE MSU
438 inimical harmful or hostile adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
440 innocuous harmless; having no adverse affect; not likely to provoke strong emotion adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
441 inscrutable enigmatic, incomprehensible adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
442 insensible numb; unconscious: unfeeling; insensitive: adjective Wayne was rendered insensible by a blow to the head. They were insensibile to the suffering of others.: Common GRE MSU
443 insensible insensitive When used as adjectives, insensible means unable to be perceived by the senses, whereas insensitive means not expressing normal physical feelings or not acting with normal interpersonal skills X-rays are insensible to humans, but doctors can be insensitive to patients Easily confused words MSU
-445 insipid bland, uninspired, inane; lacking zest or excitement; dull adjective "Synonyms: boring, vapid, dull. Deutsch : Geschmacklos, fad. from Latin from in- ""not"" + Latin sapidus ""tasty,"" from sapere " It was a stultifying procession of patriotic songs... insipid skits and bald propaganda. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+445 insipid bland, uninspired, inane; lacking zest or excitement; dull adjective "Synonyms: boring, vapid, dull. Deutsch : Geschmacklos, fad. Latin in- ""not"" + Latin sapidus ""tasty,"" sapere " It was a stultifying procession of patriotic songs... insipid skits and bald propaganda. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
447 insular of or pertaining to an island, thus, excessively exclusive: tight-knit and isolated; uninterested in matters outside one’s immediate sphere adjective Newcomers found it difficult to make friends in the insular community. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
448 intensive concentrated and in-depth adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
449 inter between Greek/Latin root interact interstellar interpret interstitial Greek/Latin MSU
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641 rationalize to attempt to justify with reasons that are only superficially valid verb v. to repair a relationship 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
642 reconcile to bring into harmony verb 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
643 recondite arcane or obscure, not understood or known by many people adjective Latin/French e=back : com=with ; dere=put, ie. Put back again, hide Since I do not have a law degree, I find it hard to understand the recondite terms of the contract. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-644 refute to rebut or disprove verb "Latin : from re=back +futare =""to beat"", ie. To resist, repel, oppose" The evidence provided by the prosecutor will refute the defendant’s claim of innocence. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+644 refute to rebut or disprove verb "Latin : re=back +futare =""to beat"", ie. To resist, repel, oppose" The evidence provided by the prosecutor will refute the defendant’s claim of innocence. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
645 relentless never stopping, constant, unyielding, persistent adjective relentless and driven, the runner managed to finish the race despite his bruised ankle 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
646 relevant relating to the topic or issue at hand adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
647 reproach to scold or express criticism verb 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
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658 sagacious having a sharp or powerful intellect or discernment. (n: sagacity). adjective Common GRE MSU
659 salubrious health-promoting adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
660 sanction to give official permission verb v. to impose a penalty for a particular action n. punishments imposed for breaking a regulation 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-662 sap 1. n. sugary liquid found in trees. 2. v. to deplete or weaken. (2) Chronic sleep deprivation will eventually sap the vitality of those who suffer from it. Homonym MSU
+662 sap 1. n. sugary liquid found in trees. 2. v. to deplete or weaken. (2) Chronic sleep deprivation will eventually sap the vitality of those who suffer it. Homonym MSU
663 sate to satisfy fully or to excess verb Common GRE MSU
664 satiate to completely satisfy (with respect to hunger or appetite) verb 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
665 saturnine having a gloomy or morose temperament adjective Common GRE MSU
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741 wag 1. v. to wave back and forth, as a dog's tail. 2. n. a joker. someone who keeps people amused with humorous stories (2) John's reputation as a wag insured he would be invited to many parties. Homonym MSU
742 wave waive (see waiver) n. a moving swell on the surface of a body of water. v. to sweep the hand or arm or some object. v. to relinquish We refuse to waive the reading of the indictment. Homophone MSU
743 waver to hesitate or to tremble verb Common GRE MSU
-744 waver waiver v. vacillate or move back and forth n. release or special exemption from a rule Most of the students tried to get waivers of their overdue fines. Homophone MSU
+744 waver waiver v. vacillate or move back and forth n. release or special exemption a rule Most of the students tried to get waivers of their overdue fines. Homophone MSU
745 whimsical fanciful or capricious adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
746 wretched extremely pitiful or unfortunate (n: wretch) adjective Common GRE MSU
748 zeal passion or fervor, enthusiastic devotion to a cause, ideal, or goal (n: zealot; zealoutry. adj: zealous), Great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective noun Synonyms: passion, zealousness, fervor The great emperor’s crusading zeal led him to conquer many lands. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-749 upbraid Find fault with (someone) verb "Synonyms: scold, reprimand, rebuke. Deutsch : jdm Vorwürfe machen. From Old English upbregdan ""bring forth as a ground for censure""" In the past its neighbours isolated and upbraided Austria for its flirtations with nationalist extremism... Least Difficult FT
+749 upbraid Find fault with (someone) verb "Synonyms: scold, reprimand, rebuke. Deutsch : jdm Vorwürfe machen. Old English upbregdan ""bring forth as a ground for censure""" In the past its neighbours isolated and upbraided Austria for its flirtations with nationalist extremism... Least Difficult FT
750 welter a large number of items in no order; a confused mass noun Synonyms: confusion, jumble, tangle. Deutsch : Durcheinander, Mischmasch At the same time they are subjected to a welter of conflicting pressures—acting as spin-doctors and bean-counters as well as corporate strategists and auditors. Least Difficult FT
751 winnow blow a current of air through (grain) in order to remove the chaff verb Synonyms: sift out, filter out Many lawmakers from both parties join Mr. Obama in wishing to winnow America’s overstuffed prisons. Least Difficult FT
-752 vitiate Destroy or impair the legal validity of verb "Synonyms: put an end to, do away with, scrap. Deutsch : Beeinträchtigen, verderben, zerstören. from Latin ""vitiare""= to make faulty. Same origin as ""vice"", therefore same pronounciation root ""vishiate""" ‘The firm admitted that it vitiated its stated standards for evaluating securities in an area where those standards put in question its ability to win business. Least Difficult FT
+752 vitiate Destroy or impair the legal validity of verb "Synonyms: put an end to, do away with, scrap. Deutsch : Beeinträchtigen, verderben, zerstören. Latin ""vitiare""= to make faulty. Same origin as ""vice"", therefore same pronounciation root ""vishiate""" ‘The firm admitted that it vitiated its stated standards for evaluating securities in an area where those standards put in question its ability to win business. Least Difficult FT
753 fringe the unconventional, extreme, or marginal wing of a group or sphere of activity noun Synonyms: peripheral, radical, unorthodox Fringe beliefs reinforced in these ways can establish themselves and persist long after outsiders deem them debunked... Least Difficult FT
754 garner Gather or collect (something, especially information or approval) verb Synonyms: accumulate, amass, assemble Labs that garnered more pay-offs were more likely to pass on their methods to other, newer labs... Least Difficult FT
755 gist the substance or essence of a speech or text noun Synonyms: quintessence, main idea Deutsch : Quintessenz, Kernpunkt The gist of the matter is… Least Difficult FT
756 gossamer Used to refer to something very light, thin, and insubstantial or delicate adjective "Synonyms: gauzy, gossamery, fine Deutsch : Hauchdünn. As a NOUN it means a ""goose summer"", ie. A small short spell before of summer before the fall. (Altweibersommer)" The gossamer-thin fabric of nylon stockings - seen here magnified 150 times - has to be robust yet sufficiently Least Difficult FT
757 grovel Act in an obsequious manner in order to obtain someone's forgiveness or favo verb Synonyms: be servile, suck up, flatter. Deutsch : She writes...in the knowledge that some of these lovers will snoop into her diary to see what she's written. ('Does she get a kick out of my groveling in the last two years?) Least Difficult FT
759 impetuous Acting or done quickly and without thought or care adjective Synonyms: impulsive, rash, hasty Deutsch : unüberlegt, impulsiv The report holds many lessons, including for this newspaper, which supported the invasion of Iraq: about the danger of impetuous decision-making... Least Difficult FT
-760 ingrate an ungrateful person noun "Deutsch : undankbar. from Latin : in- ""not"" + gratus ""pleasing, beloved, dear, agreeable""" Greater liberty... over the past generation is abused by ingrates who think it funny to depict their leaders pantless... Least Difficult FT
+760 ingrate an ungrateful person noun "Deutsch : undankbar. Latin : in- ""not"" + gratus ""pleasing, beloved, dear, agreeable""" Greater liberty... over the past generation is abused by ingrates who think it funny to depict their leaders pantless... Least Difficult FT
762 indictment a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime noun Synonyms: arraignment, citation A criminal indictment would, in all likelihood, force the prime minister to resign. Least Difficult FT
763 inert Lacking vigor adjective Synonyms: idle, inactive, underactive America’s founders, he argued, put their faith in reasoned discussion among citizens and believed that the 'greatest menace to freedom is an inert people.' Least Difficult FT
764 lax Not sufficiently strict, severe, or careful adjective Synonyms: slack, slipshod, negligent. Deutsch : Lasch Mario Draghi has faced attacks from critics in Germany (for being too lax) and Greece (for being too tight). Least Difficult FT
765 listless (Of a person or their manner) lacking energy or enthusiasm adjective Synonyms: lethargic, enervated, lackadaisical Ukraine is brimming with weapons and thousands of militiamen, angry with a corrupt and listless government they feel has hijacked the revolution. Least Difficult FT
766 livid furiously angry adjective Synonyms: infuriated, irate, fuming A livid Vladimir Putin minced no words in his response, calling the downing a 'stab in the back'... Least Difficult FT
767 loll Sit, lie, or stand in a lazy, relaxed way verb Synonyms: lounge, sprawl, drape oneself. Deutsch : sich rekeln The pair loll on a green hillside at Murnau south of Munich where Münter had bought a house. Least Difficult FT
-768 lurid Presented in vividly shocking or sensational terms adjective Synonyms: melodramatic, exaggerated, overdramatized. Deutsch : Reißerisch, grell. from Latin : pale, the colour of bruises, ghastly Their absence from the public eye, especially in a Western country with an abundant supply of good hospitals, tends to spark lurid rumours of illness and even death. Least Difficult FT
+768 lurid Presented in vividly shocking or sensational terms adjective Synonyms: melodramatic, exaggerated, overdramatized. Deutsch : Reißerisch, grell. Latin : pale, the colour of bruises, ghastly Their absence from the public eye, especially in a Western country with an abundant supply of good hospitals, tends to spark lurid rumours of illness and even death. Least Difficult FT
769 mar Impair the quality or appearance of verb Synonyms: spoil, ruin, damage Deutsch : verderben, beeinträchtigen These oversights mar an otherwise engaging and interesting account, but perhaps it is natural that a history of space should have a few gaping holes. Least Difficult FT
770 mince Use polite or moderate expressions to indicate disapproval verb "mostly used with ""did not mince his words"". Same latin root as ""miniscule""" President Barack Obama didn’t mince his words in a tweet on June 21st, the day after the Senate failed to pass four proposals... Least Difficult FT
771 minion a follower or underling of a powerful person noun Synonyms: henchman, yes-man, lackey. Deutsch : Untergebener, lackai Its minions have set up thousands of social-media bots and other spamming weapons to drown out other content. Least Difficult FT
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807 vestige a trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists noun Synonyms: remnant, remainder, fragment He said this would remove a 'lingering vestige of the cold war.' Least Difficult FT
808 vilify Least Difficult FT
809 viscous having a thick, sticky consistency between solid and liquid adjective Synonyms: gummy, glue-like, gluey Not all barrels of oil are alike. Crudes can be viscous like tar or so 'light' they float on water. Least Difficult FT
-810 oxy " oxysoxy- ""sharp bitter""" Greek/Latin root "a subfrom of the Greek PIE root ""ac"": be sharp rise (out) to a point pierce. " oxalic oxideoxygen(D=Sauerstoff...) oxymoron(oxy=sharp+moron=stupid =>a word with composites of opposite meaning) paroxysm (sudden extension of disease)anoxic(lack of oxygen) Root words SMB
+810 oxy " oxysoxy- ""sharp bitter""" Greek/Latin root "a sub of the Greek PIE root ""ac"": be sharp rise (out) to a point pierce. " oxalic oxideoxygen(D=Sauerstoff...) oxymoron(oxy=sharp+moron=stupid =>a word with composites of opposite meaning) paroxysm (sudden extension of disease)anoxic(lack of oxygen) Root words SMB
811 waft Pass or cause to pass easily or gently through or as if through the air verb Synonyms: drift, float, glide The acrid scent of smoke wafts from his clothes. Least Difficult FT
812 wanton (of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked adjective Synonyms: malicious, malevolent, spiteful Over the decades these Muslim non-people, without legal or any other sort of protection, have been the victims of wanton discrimination and violence… Least Difficult FT
813 whitewash Deliberately attempt to conceal unpleasant facts about (a person or organization) verb Synonyms: cover up, sweep under the carpet Indeed, in trying to whitewash the past, the government may stir up prejudice instead. Least Difficult FT
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816 winsome Attractive or appealing in appearance or character adjective Synonyms: engaging, charming, winning By the time Mr. Pattinson came along as the winsome vampire in Twilight, the teenage rebels were starting the movie already dead. Least Difficult FT
817 wizened Shriveled or wrinkled with age adjective Synonyms: lined, creased, withered His son, himself a wizened old man, is nonplussed by the news; he looks like an eccentric, or maybe the village drunk... Least Difficult FT
818 wry Using or expressing dry, especially mocking, humor adjective Synonyms: ironic, sardonic, satirical Catherine Merridale is one of the foremost foreign historians of Russia, combining wry insights with deep sympathy for the human beings... Least Difficult FT
-820 abasement the action or fact of abasing or being abased; humiliation or degradation noun " from Vulgar Latin *ad bassiare ""bring lower,"" from ad ""to, toward"" (see ad-) + Late Latin bassus ""low, short"" Literal sense of ""lower, depress"" (late 15c.) is archaic or obsolete Synonyms: belittlement, disgrace" Repeated abasement and humiliation by her abusive mother caused the mistreated girl to have very low self-esteem Medium Difficult FT
+820 abasement the action or fact of abasing or being abased; humiliation or degradation noun " Vulgar Latin *ad bassiare ""bring lower,"" ad ""to, toward"" (see ad-) + Late Latin bassus ""low, short"" Literal sense of ""lower, depress"" (late 15c.) is archaic or obsolete Synonyms: belittlement, disgrace" Repeated abasement and humiliation by her abusive mother caused the mistreated girl to have very low self-esteem Medium Difficult FT
822 accession the action or process of formally joining an association or institution. Also, the acquisition of a higher rank than one is at present verb "Latin accessionem (nominative accessio) ""a going to, approach; a joining; increase, enlargement,"" Deutsch: Beitritt, Zuwachs Synonyms: joining, signing up, enrollment" After its accession to the EU, the country adopted the Euro. Medium Difficult FT
823 acerbic (Especially of a comment or style of speaking) sharp and forthright, expressing harsh or sharp criticism in a clever way adjective Deutsch : Bitter, Sauer Synonyms: sardonic, biting, caustic The writer’s acerbic tone did not sit well with people who had an issue with harsh criticism. Medium Difficult FT
825 apostle a vigorous and pioneering advocate or supporter of a particular cause noun Synonyms: proponent, promoter, propagandist On the website of this apostle of anti-Americanism, there is an article rejoicing in the fact that the United States need no longer be treated as an enemy... Medium Difficult FT
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850 discordant Disagreeing or incongruous adjective Synonyms: divergent, opposing, clashing It represents an opening of musical trade routes between two often discordant sides of the world. Medium Difficult FT
851 divest Rid oneself of something that one no longer wants or requires, such as a business interest or investment verb “So far the protesters have managed to persuade 220 cities and institutions to divest some of their holdings...” Droll Medium Difficult FT
852 droll Curious or unusual in a way that provokes dry amusement adjective Synonyms: funny, humorous, amusing Karo Akpokiere, from Nigeria, will present a series of droll paintings inspired by the fast-moving pop culture that has emerged in Lagos... Medium Difficult FT
-853 echelon a level or rank in an organization, a profession, or society noun "from French échelon ""level, echelon,"" literally ""rung of a ladder,"" itself from Late Latin scala ""stair Synonyms: level, rank, grade" The social shock of the arrival of online education will be substantially greater if it devours the top echelon of public universities. Medium Difficult FT
+853 echelon a level or rank in an organization, a profession, or society noun " French échelon ""level, echelon,"" literally ""rung of a ladder,"" itself Late Latin scala ""stair Synonyms: level, rank, grade" The social shock of the arrival of online education will be substantially greater if it devours the top echelon of public universities. Medium Difficult FT
854 eddy (of water, air, or smoke) move in a circular way verb Synonyms: swirl, whirl, spiral Above all, Hokusai was a master of line and pattern, inscribing his forms within contours that eddy and spill like the currents of a mountain stream. Medium Difficult FT
855 effigy a sculpture or model of a person noun Synonyms: statue, statuette, figure The tradition of lighting bonfires and burning effigies of Guy Fawkes began shortly after the foiled plot, and schoolchildren still learn the ghoulish rhyme 'Remember, remember the fifth of November.' Medium Difficult FT
856 elucidate Make (something) clear verb Synonyms: explain, make plain, illuminate One was from almost 600 people who had completed... a questionnaire intended to elucidatethe different tendencies of people to engage in sexual relationships without a deep emotional commitment. Medium Difficult FT
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934 tenet a principle or belief noun Synonyms: doctrine, precept, creed In the Warren and Burger courts of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, religious accommodation was a liberal tenet. Medium Difficult FT
936 urbane (Of a person, especially a man) courteous and refined in manner adjective Synonyms: suave, sophisticated, debonair Beneath its urbane surface all Mr. Hough’s music is, in one way or another, a crusade. Medium Difficult FT
938 whet Excite or stimulate (someone's desire, interest, or appetite) verb Synonyms: arouse, rouse, trigger But sham democracy often whets people’s appetite for the real thing. Medium Difficult FT
-939 abeyance a state of temporary disuse or suspension noun " French from à ""at"" (see ad-) + ba(y)er ""be open,"" = status is still open/in suspence. The word ""bay"" also come from this. Synonyms: suspense, remission, reserve" With the football leagues now in abeyance during Corona crisis, the question now is how and whether the season will finish Most Difficult FT
-941 anodyne not likely to cause offence or disagreement and somewhat dull adjective "from Greek an= ""without"" + odyne ""pain= ""free from pain or torment"" ""Synonyms: bland, inoffensive, innocuous" After days of discussion at the G20 conference, there was not much to show other than a dull and safe anodyne communiqué Most Difficult FT
+939 abeyance a state of temporary disuse or suspension noun " French à ""at"" (see ad-) + ba(y)er ""be open,"" = status is still open/in suspence. The word ""bay"" also come this. Synonyms: suspense, remission, reserve" With the football leagues now in abeyance during Corona crisis, the question now is how and whether the season will finish Most Difficult FT
+941 anodyne not likely to cause offence or disagreement and somewhat dull adjective " Greek an= ""without"" + odyne ""pain= ""free pain or torment"" ""Synonyms: bland, inoffensive, innocuous" After days of discussion at the G20 conference, there was not much to show other than a dull and safe anodyne communiqué Most Difficult FT
942 bilk Obtain or withhold money from (someone) by deceit or without justification verb Synonyms: swindle, defraud, deceive Because the police in that country are not paid regularly, they bilk the system and get away with it, as their bosses have the same issue. Most Difficult FT
-943 canard an unfounded rumor or story noun "from French canard ""a hoax,"" literally ""a duck"" Synonyms: piece of gossip, whisper" The newspaper claimed to identify a man living in California as the real masatermind behind the plot, but this turned out to be an embarrassing canard. Most Difficult FT
+943 canard an unfounded rumor or story noun " French canard ""a hoax,"" literally ""a duck"" Synonyms: piece of gossip, whisper" The newspaper claimed to identify a man living in California as the real masatermind behind the plot, but this turned out to be an embarrassing canard. Most Difficult FT
944 catalyst a person or thing that precipitates an event. something that speeds up a process or causes action. an agent of change (adj: catalytic; v. catalyze) noun Synonyms: stimulus, impetus, spark Jake’s termination from his job was the catalyst for his change of character 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-945 catharsis the process of releasing and providing relief from strong or repressed emotions noun "from Latinized form of Greek katharsis "" a bodily purging, cleansing - (especially of the bowels) - now generally used in an emotional sense. Synonyms: emotional release, relief" Crying is a great catharsis for releasing pain and anger. Most Difficult FT
+945 catharsis the process of releasing and providing relief from strong or repressed emotions noun " Latinized form of Greek katharsis "" a bodily purging, cleansing - (especially of the bowels) - now generally used in an emotional sense. Synonyms: emotional release, relief" Crying is a great catharsis for releasing pain and anger. Most Difficult FT
946 cloture (in a legislative assembly) a procedure for ending a debate and taking a vote noun "The French word for ""closure"", with the ""s"" dropped out, like hopital/hospital" You need majority support of parliamentarians to invoke cloture and end the filibuster. Most Difficult FT
947 compendium a collection of concise but detailed information about a particular subject noun Synonyms: compilation, anthology The entertainer relies on a crowdsourced compendium of fishermen’s tales and jokes Most Difficult FT
948 conscript Enlist (someone) compulsorily verb Synonyms: draft, recruit, call up Most Israelis are conscripted into the military Most Difficult FT
-949 cosset Care for and protect in an overindulgent way verb Synonyms: indulge, pander to With a big haul, Scotland’s politicians could perhaps afford to cosset oil firms. Without one, the young nation might have to milk them harder than ever. Most Difficult FT
-950 coterie a small group of people with shared interests or tastes noun "From French coterie ""circle of acquaintances,"" originally in Middle French an organization of peasants holding land from a feudal lord from cotier ""tenant of a cote"" Synonyms: clique, circle, inner circle" He rules through a tight coterie of loyal aides Most Difficult FT
+949 cosset Care for and protect in an overindulgent way verb Synonyms: indulge, pander From buying expensive toys to boxing vegetable-free lunches, the mother would cosset to her child's every whim Most Difficult FT
+950 coterie a small group of people with shared interests or tastes noun " French coterie ""circle of acquaintances,"" originally in Middle French an organization of peasants holding land a feudal lord cotier ""tenant of a cote"" Synonyms: clique, circle, inner circle" He rules through a tight coterie of loyal aides Most Difficult FT
951 daguerreotype A photograph taken by an early photographic process employing an iodine-sensitized silvered plate and mercury vapor noun Named after the French inventor of early Ag/Hg photograhy : L. Daguerre He showed her a plate daguerreotype of a stern-looking Victorian ancestor Most Difficult FT
952 dilettante a person who cultivates an area of interest without real commitment or knowledge. someone with an amateur, nonserious interest in something noun Synonyms: dabbler, potterer, tinkerer This is not the work of a dilettante, but a strong follow-up to her acclaimed short stories that came out in 2007. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
-953 diurnal (Of animals) active in the daytime adjective "From Latin dies=day + -urnus, an adjectival suffix denoting time (compare hibernus ""wintery"", nocturnal=active at night. Synonyms: daily, everyday" Our body clock follows a diurnal rhythm. Most Difficult FT
-954 dross something regarded as worthless noun "Old English dros=""the scum thrown off from metals in smelting,"" similar to German Drusen=""dregs, husks"" Synonyms: rubbish, junk, debris" Some of the best properties could be sold quickly, but the dross might take more time to get rid of. Most Difficult FT
-955 dyspeptic Of or having indigestion or consequent irritability or depression adjective "From Greek dyspeptos ""hard to digest,"" from dys- ""bad, difficult"" (see dys-) + peptos ""digested,"" Synonyms: bad-tempered, short-tempered, irritable, depressed, pessimistic, misanthropic)" As dyspeptic and irritable as she was, the woman was in a happy mood when she went to the beach Most Difficult FT
-956 ebullient Cheerful and full of energy adjective "Latin pp ebullientem ""to boil over,"" literally or figuratively, from ex ""out, out of"" (see ex-) + bullire ""to bubble"" origin similar to boil, bubble Synonyms: exuberant, buoyant, joyful" Charlie’s ebullient upbeat character made him a favorite in the office 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
+953 diurnal (Of animals) active in the daytime adjective " Latin dies=day + -urnus, an adjectival suffix denoting time (compare hibernus ""wintery"", nocturnal=active at night. Synonyms: daily, everyday" Our body clock follows a diurnal rhythm. Most Difficult FT
+954 dross something regarded as worthless noun "Old English dros=""the scum thrown off metals in smelting,"" similar to German Drusen=""dregs, husks"" Synonyms: rubbish, junk, debris" Some of the best properties could be sold quickly, but the dross might take more time to get rid of. Most Difficult FT
+955 dyspeptic Of or having indigestion or consequent irritability or depression adjective " Greek dyspeptos ""hard to digest,"" dys- ""bad, difficult"" (see dys-) + peptos ""digested,"" Synonyms: bad-tempered, short-tempered, irritable, depressed, pessimistic, misanthropic)" As dyspeptic and irritable as she was, the woman was in a happy mood when she went to the beach Most Difficult FT
+956 ebullient Cheerful and full of energy adjective "Latin pp ebullientem ""to boil over,"" literally or figuratively, ex ""out, out of"" (see ex-) + bullire ""to bubble"" origin similar to boil, bubble Synonyms: exuberant, buoyant, joyful" Charlie’s ebullient upbeat character made him a favorite in the office 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
957 edify Instruct or improve (someone) morally or intellectually verb "Modern French édifier: ""build; install; teach, instruct (morally), Same root as the English word : edifice=building Synonyms: educate, instruct, enlighten" The Church school aims to edify its pupils mind and spirits Most Difficult FT
-958 egress the action of going out of or leaving a place noun "from Latin egressus=""a going out""(ex=out+ PP of gredi= to step) Deutsch : Austritt Synonyms: departure, exit, withdrawal" The data is stored in the router egress queue until it is serialised onto the physical wire Most Difficult FT
+958 egress the action of going out of or leaving a place noun " Latin egressus=""a going out""(ex=out+ PP of gredi= to step) Deutsch : Austritt Synonyms: departure, exit, withdrawal" The data is stored in the router egress queue until it is serialised onto the physical wire Most Difficult FT
959 ersatz (Of a product) used as a substitute, typically an inferior one, for something else adjective Synonyms: artificial, substitute, imitation During the 2nd world war, many had to make do with ersatz coffee Most Difficult FT
-960 erstwhile former adjective "from mid English, erst =""first, at first; once, long ago; till now"" itself from Old English ærest soonest, earliest, ""Synonyms: old, past, one-time" The erstwhile owner and company founder kept a close eye on how the new shareholders grew his baby Most Difficult FT
-961 euphony the quality of being pleasing to the ear noun "from Greek eu- ""good"" (see eu-) + phone ""sound, voice,"" = well sounding Synonyms: melodiousness, musicality" I was moved by the melodious euphony of the spoken poem Most Difficult FT
+960 erstwhile former adjective " mid English, erst =""first, at first; once, long ago; till now"" itself Old English ærest soonest, earliest, ""Synonyms: old, past, one-time" The erstwhile owner and company founder kept a close eye on how the new shareholders grew his baby Most Difficult FT
+961 euphony the quality of being pleasing to the ear noun " Greek eu- ""good"" (see eu-) + phone ""sound, voice,"" = well sounding Synonyms: melodiousness, musicality" I was moved by the melodious euphony of the spoken poem Most Difficult FT
962 expiate Atone for (guilt or sin) verb Synonyms: make amends for, make up for To expiate for breaking his neighbor’s window, John shovelled snow for three months. Most Difficult FT
-964 fracas a noisy disturbance or quarrel noun "from French fracas=""crash, sudden noise; tumult, bustle, fuss"" Deutsch : Aufruhr Synonyms: scuffle, brawl, affray" a diplomatic fracas between the quarrelsome nations Most Difficult FT
+964 fracas a noisy disturbance or quarrel noun " French fracas=""crash, sudden noise; tumult, bustle, fuss"" Deutsch : Aufruhr Synonyms: scuffle, brawl, affray" a diplomatic fracas between the quarrelsome nations Most Difficult FT
965 frieze a broad horizontal band of sculpted or painted decoration, especially on a wall near the ceiling noun A frieze on the wall of America's Supreme Court shows some of the great law-givers of history, including the Roman emperor Justinian, Moses and Muhammad. Most Difficult FT
-966 fusillade a series of shots fired or missiles thrown all at the same time or in quick succession noun "from French fusillade, from fusiller ""to shoot"" Synonyms: salvo, volley, bombardment" But thanks to poor communication, many saw it as China’s first fusillade in a global currency war. Most Difficult FT
-967 gaffe an unintentional act or remark causing embarrassment to its originator noun "from French gaffe ""clumsy remark,"" Synonyms: blunder, mistake, error" Goofy makes non-stop gaffes Most Difficult FT
+966 fusillade a series of shots fired or missiles thrown all at the same time or in quick succession noun " French fusillade, fusiller ""to shoot"" Synonyms: salvo, volley, bombardment" But thanks to poor communication, many saw it as China’s first fusillade in a global currency war. Most Difficult FT
+967 gaffe an unintentional act or remark causing embarrassment to its originator noun " French gaffe ""clumsy remark,"" Synonyms: blunder, mistake, error" Goofy makes non-stop gaffes Most Difficult FT
968 gainsay Speak against or oppose (someone), deny verb Synonyms: be against, object to, be hostile to She was too young to know better, let alone gainsay her wicked uncle. Most Difficult FT
969 gerontocracy a state, society, or group governed by old people noun But Muhammad bin Salman is not merely a young face in a gerontocracy; he is a dynamic and apparently purposeful one. Most Difficult FT
970 halcyon Denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful adjective Synonyms: happy, golden, idyllic In their halcyon days the mainstream parties used to share most of the vote between them. Most Difficult FT
971 hegemony Leadership or dominance, especially by one group over others noun Synonyms: leadership, dominance, dominion Yet if the hegemony of the dollar is unstable, its would-be successors are unsuitable. Most Difficult FT
-972 hermetic Insulated or protected from outside influences adjective Synonyms: airtight, sealed More worryingly, there was a hermetic logic to them which, with the passions they aroused, made it possible to see how they could beguile and thrill many more. Most Difficult FT
+972 hermetic Insulated or protected from outside influences adjective Synonyms: airtight, sealed "North Korea is often called the ""hermetic kingdom'" Most Difficult FT
973 heterodox not conforming with accepted or orthodox standards or beliefs adjective Synonyms: unorthodox, heretical, dissenting Among those discriminated against for holding heterodox religious views, the Bahai community continues particularly to suffer. Most Difficult FT
974 homogeneous of the same kind; alike adjective Synonyms: uniform, identical, unvaried It also has proportionately more immigrants than almost anywhere else. Next to London, famously cosmopolitan cities like Paris and Berlin are actually rather homogeneous. Most Difficult FT
976 idyll an extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque episode or scene noun Synonyms: perfect time, ideal time, honeymoon That might just persuade them to forgive the scriptwriters for the unwelcome disruption to their rural idyll. Most Difficult FT
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1029 turgid (of language or style) tediously pompous or bombastic adjective Synonyms: overblown, inflated, grandiose It promotes a cult of personality around Mr. Baghdadi. It churns out turgid propaganda about repaired bridges and newly opened schools. Most Difficult FT
1030 tyro a beginner or novice noun Synonyms: learner, neophyte, newcomer They easily took advantage of the tyro. Most Difficult FT
1031 umbrage Offense or annoyance noun Synonyms: insult, affront Petro Poroshenko, Ukraine’s president, takes umbrage at charges that reforms are lagging. Most Difficult FT
-1032 verdant (of countryside) green with grass or other rich vegetation adjective Synonyms: leafy, grassy, lush The Holey Artisan Bakery... overlooking a placid lake in Dhaka, was a foodie’s labour of love in a verdant corner of the chaotic capital. Most Difficult FT
+1032 verdant (of countryside) green with grass or other rich vegetation adjective Feom French : Vert-= green
Synonyms: leafy, grassy, lush The Holey Artisan Bakery... overlooking a placid lake in Dhaka, was a foodie’s labour of love in a verdant corner of the chaotic capital. Most Difficult FT
1033 virulent extremely severe or harmful in its effects adjective Synonyms: toxic, deadly, destructive ‘A more likely catastrophe, Mr. Rawles believes, would be a pandemic virulent enough to cause the breakdown of the national sewerage system as well as the grid. Most Difficult FT
1034 vitriol Cruel and bitter criticism noun Synonyms: venom, nastiness Given the vitriol that has followed the film since its inception, it does well simply not to be a colossal misstep. Most Difficult FT
1035 vociferous (Especially of a person or speech) vehement or clamorous adjective Synonyms: blatant, clamorous, noisy Ten weeks of ever-more vociferous argument, claims and counterclaims stretch between now and June 23rd, when the vote will take place. Most Difficult FT
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1115 lethargic lacking energy adjective It’s not uncommon to feel lethargic for weeks or even months after major surgery. Common GRE Kaplan
1116 paradox a statement that contradicts itself but might be true noun The fact that the retired teacher claimed to hate all pets but adopted seven cats is an intriguing paradox. Common GRE Kaplan
1117 pedant a person who makes an excessive display of learning noun Professor Blackwell, a well-known pedant, required his pre-med students to speak in Latin throughout the entire semester. Common GRE Kaplan
-1118 acroakro at the topat the end outermost; excellent Greek/Latin root "a subfrom of the Greek PIE root ""ac"": be sharp rise (out) to a point pierce. " acrobat(one that goes high/to the limit) acromegaly=growth disease( highest size (mega)) acronym(sharp name=use of first letters) acrophobia(fear of heights) acropolis(city at the top) Root words SMB
+1118 acroakro at the topat the end outermost; excellent Greek/Latin root "a sub of the Greek PIE root ""ac"": be sharp rise (out) to a point pierce. " acrobat(one that goes high/to the limit) acromegaly=growth disease( highest size (mega)) acronym(sharp name=use of first letters) acrophobia(fear of heights) acropolis(city at the top) Root words SMB
1120 desiccate remove the moisture from (something) verb The heat and energy from the sun can desiccate even the most hearty plants. Common GRE Kaplan
1121 enervate cause (someone or something) to feel drained of energy; weaken verb Enervate is ONE OF THE 5 MOST COMMON MISTAKES made in the GRE! The boxer used a swift left uppercut to the jaw to enervate his opponent. Common GRE Kaplan
1122 engender to produce, cause, or give rise to (something) verb Political debates can engender controversy regarding the subjects discussed. Common GRE Kaplan
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1126 loquacious tending to talk a great deal adjective The loquacious professor was known for his five-hour lectures. Common GRE Kaplan
1127 lucid very clear and easy to understand adjective The lecture was lucid and straightforward, allowing the students to fully grasp the concepts presented. Common GRE Kaplan
1128 misanthrope a person who dislikes humankind noun The neighborhood misanthrope surrounded his yard with barbed wire to keep people away. Common GRE Kaplan
-1129 para "1. Greek origin = alongsidecoming from beyond; altered; contrary; irregular abnormal 2. Latin origin =""defense protection against; that which protects from""" Greek/Latin root "1. GREEK origin : parallel (alongside each other) paramedic (someone alongside a medic)paraphrase (restatement=coming from phase) parastatal (organisation that runs alongside state organisation)paresis (altered ie partial paralysis) paralegal(one trained in subsidiary legal matters ""alongside legal"") parameter (used alongside to measure system) paraplegic (to be struck on the one side - eg lower side left side) paranormal (beyond normal)parasite (alongside food)" 2. LATIN origin : parachute (protect from falling) parasol (protect from sun) Greek/Latin SMB
+1129 para "1. Greek origin = alongsidecoming from beyond; altered; contrary; irregular abnormal 2. Latin origin =""defense protection against; that which protects from""" Greek/Latin root "1. GREEK origin : parallel (alongside each other) paramedic (someone alongside a medic)paraphrase (restatement=coming phase) parastatal (organisation that runs alongside state organisation)paresis (altered ie partial paralysis) paralegal(one trained in subsidiary legal matters ""alongside legal"") parameter (used alongside to measure system) paraplegic (to be struck on the one side - eg lower side left side) paranormal (beyond normal)parasite (alongside food)" 2. LATIN origin : parachute (protect from falling) parasol (protect from sun) Greek/Latin SMB
1130 placate to make (someone) less angry or hostile verb A parent may decide to placate a baby with a pacifier. Common GRE Kaplan
1131 vacillate to waver between different opinions or actions verb Undergraduate students often vacillate among various majors before deciding which degree to pursue. Common GRE Kaplan
1132 venerate regard with great respect verb To venerate the fire chief’s forty years of service, the department held a special banquet. Common GRE Kaplan
@@ -1079,9 +1079,9 @@
1280 pel pulse drive Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
1281 pend pens hang Greek/Latin root pendingpendant Latin words nko
1282 pet seek Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
-1283 petr stone rock Greek/Latin root "From Peter ""you are the rock that I will build my Church"" said Jesus" petrified Latin words nko
+1283 petr stone rock Greek/Latin root " Peter ""you are the rock that I will build my Church"" said Jesus" petrified Latin words nko
1286 phon sound Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
-1287 plic fold bend/складывать сгибать Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
+1287 plic fold bend Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
1289 pon pos place put Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
1290 pot drink Greek/Latin root potable water Latin words nko
1291 poten powerful Greek/Latin root potentate potent Latin words nko
@@ -1149,31 +1149,30 @@
1377 inane innate inane=Extremely silly or with no real meaning or importance innate=A quality or abilitythat you were born with, not one you have learned Easily confused words Easily confused words Khan
1378 incumbent recumbent incumbent=The person who has or had a particular official position recumbent=Lying down Easily confused words The future incumbent went to his job interview in a recumbent bicyle Easily confused words Khan
1379 loath loathe loath=To be unwilling to do something loathe=To hate someone or something The secretary was loath to do the filing and loathed her boss for insisting she did it Easily confused words Khan
-1380 circum "word-forming element meaning ""around round about all around on all sides"" from Latin" Latrin Prefix Circa circadian(about a day) circuit circumambient(surroundings) circumambulate(to walk around) circumbendibus(a round about way - round the bend) circumcise (cut around) circumcision circumference circumflex(sign bent around) circumfluent(a fluid flowing around) circumjacent(bordering on every side) circumlocution(a round about way of speaking elusive ) circumnavigate(sail around the globe) circumpolar(surround one of the poles) circumscribe(to make a circle around= to encompass) circumspect(looking around from all sides=suspect wary) circumspection circumstance circumvent(to go around) circumvolve(to turn or to cause to roll around) circus Latin words nko
+1380 circum "word-forming element meaning ""around round about all around on all sides"" from Latin" Latin Prefix Circa circadian(about a day) circuit circumambient(surroundings) circumambulate(to walk around) circumbendibus(a round about way - round the bend) circumcise (cut around) circumcision circumference circumflex(sign bent around) circumfluent(a fluid flowing around) circumjacent(bordering on every side) circumlocution(a round about way of speaking elusive ) circumnavigate(sail around the globe) circumpolar(surround one of the poles) circumscribe(to make a circle around= to encompass) circumspect(looking around from all sides=suspect wary) circumspection circumstance circumvent(to go around) circumvolve(to turn or to cause to roll around) circus Latin words nko
1381 venal venial venal=A person is willing to behave in a way that is not honest or moral in exchange for money
venial=Describes a wrong action that is not serious and therefore easy to forgive Easily confused words Khan
-1382 contra contro counter against Latrin Prefix counter productive counter force Latin words nko
-1383 de down opposite of away from about Latrin Prefix decline descent Latin words nko
-1384 demi half Prefix "word-forming element meaning ""half half-sized partial"" used in technical terms from French" demigod Latin words nko
+1382 contra contro counter against Latin Prefix counter productive counter force Latin words nko
+1383 de down opposite of away from about Latin Prefix decline descent Latin words nko
+1384 demi half Prefix "word-forming element meaning ""half half-sized partial"" used in technical terms French" demigod Latin words nko
1385 testify testy testify=To speak seriously about something, especially in a court of law; to give or provide proof testy=Easily annoyed and not patient Easily confused words Khan
1386 wraith wrath wraith=A spirit of a dead person which is sometimes represented as a pale, transparent image of that person
wrath=Extreme anger Easily confused words Khan
-1387 equi equal Latrin Prefix Latin words nko
-1388 e ex ef out of from Latrin Prefix Latin words nko
-1389 extra out of beyond Latrin Prefix Latin words nko
-1390 hyper too much Latrin Prefix hyper ventilate Latin words nko
-1391 hypo too little under Latrin Prefix Latin words nko
-1392 in il im ir into in on Latrin Prefix Latin words nko
+1387 equi equal Latin Prefix Latin words nko
+1388 e ex ef out of from Latin Prefix Latin words nko
+1389 extra out of beyond Latin Prefix Latin words nko
+1390 hyper too much Latin Prefix hyper ventilate Latin words nko
+1391 hypo too little under Latin Prefix Latin words nko
+1392 in il im ir into in on Latin Prefix Latin words nko
1393 vindicate vindictive vindicate=To prove that what someone said or did was right or true, after other people thought it was wrong
vindictive=Having or showing a wish to harm someone because you think that they have harmed you; unwilling to forgive Easily confused words Khan
-1396 neo new Latrin Prefix neoliberal Latin words nko
-1397 non not Latrin Prefix non existant Latin words nko
-1407 re back again Latrin Prefix Latin words nko
-1408 retro backward Latrin Prefix Latin words nko
-1409 se apart away Latrin Prefix Latin words nko
-1410 semi half Latrin Prefix semi circle Latin words nko
-1412 super above beyond Latrin Prefix supercede Latin words nko
-1415 ultra beyond Latrin Prefix Latin words nko
-1416 un not Latrin Prefix Latin words nko
-1417 uni one Latrin Prefix universal Latin words nko
-1418 vice instead of Latrin Prefix vice-governor vice-roy vice-captain Latin words nko
+1396 neo new Latin Prefix neoliberal Latin words nko
+1397 non not Latin Prefix non existant Latin words nko
+1407 re back again Latin Prefix Latin words nko
+1408 retro backward Latin Prefix Latin words nko
+1409 se apart away Latin Prefix Latin words nko
+1412 super above beyond Latin Prefix supercede Latin words nko
+1415 ultra beyond Latin Prefix Latin words nko
+1416 un not Latin Prefix Latin words nko
+1417 uni one Latin Prefix universal Latin words nko
+1418 vice instead of Latin Prefix vice-governor vice-roy vice-captain Latin words nko
1420 acious cious having the quality of Latin Suffix spacious Latin words nko
1424 ate ent ant ante one who Latin Suffix sycophant Latin words nko
1429 er or one who Latin Suffix Latin words nko
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1433 ic id of like Latin Suffix Latin words nko
1434 il ile capable of being Latin Suffix Latin words nko
1436 ious characterized by Latin Suffix Latin words nko
-1441 mony state of Latin Suffix Latin words nko
+1441 mony state of Latin Suffix state of matrimony (being married) Latin words nko
1444 ous ose full of Latin Suffix lachrymose(full of tears) Latin words nko
1445 ship state of skill Latin Suffix Latin words nko
1446 some characteristic of Latin Suffix Latin words nko
1447 tude state of Latin Suffix certitude Latin words nko
1448 ward in the direction of Latin Suffix forward backward Latin words nko
-1449 y full of Latin Suffix Latin words nko
1450 effect affect EXCEPTIONS "However , effect can be a verb as an exception. In these cases it is nearly always used together with a noun like ""change"" or ""solution."" To effect change/ to effect for a solution. " Easily confused words The protesters wanted to effect change in the corrupt government and fight for a solution = bring about change BUT, The protesters wanted to affect change = modify the intended change Easily confused words MSU
1451 effect affect EXCEPTIONS however, affect can be used as a noun - Affect as a noun means feeling, emotion, or specific emotional response. Easily confused words The patient had a flat affect throughout the therapy session. (he patient was in kind of a blah mood) Easily confused words MSU
1452 missive a written note; note or instruction sent by superior authority noun Synonyms : command, note As soon as the general received the missive from his commander-in-chief, he launched an airstrike against the enemy. Common GRE Prepscholar
1453 complaisantcomplacent " complaisant =""pleasing, obliging, gracious""complacent = pleased with oneself, one's conditions, self-satisfied, often overly so" adjective "complacent is often used to imply that one is TOO self-satisfied with oneself or with what one achieved - in the sense of ""resting on one's laurels""" Although Chuck wanted an 'A' in the class, he was complacent with a 'B'Because John is too complaisant in his willingness to please others, people often take advantage of him Homophone merriam-webster
-1454 akantha thorn Greek/Latin root "a subfrom of the Greek PIE root ""ac"": be sharp rise (out) to a point pierce. " acacia(african thorn bush) acanthus (mediterreanian thorn tree) Root words SMB
+1454 akantha thorn Greek/Latin root "a sub of the Greek PIE root ""ac"": be sharp rise (out) to a point pierce. " acacia(african thorn bush) acanthus (mediterreanian thorn tree) Root words SMB
1455 qualify 1. be selectable for a position/job
2. Place a condition on a statement, limit the scope of a statement Easily confused words Qualify is ONE OF THE 5 MOST COMMON MISTAKES made in the GRE!
The GRE primarily has examples of the 2nd definition, ie. To place a condition on a statement. 2a. I love living in San Francisco; however, the summers are very cold .
The latter, bold part however… qualifies or limits, my love for San Francisco.
You can also qualify a negative statement :
2b.I really dislike living in SF, because I can’t even wear a T-shirt in summer…the restaurants are great though. Common GRE
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/GRE-Vocab_trainer_v12.xlsx differ
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@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# Words that should be added/modified
-| Word | Occurence | Explanation |
-| :----------------------- | :---------------------------- | :---------------------- |
-| contra,contro,counter | this list (no.1382) | Mispelled "Latin" in part of speech |
-| covet | this list (no.180) | Explanation seems to stop abruptly, intended that way? |
-| cosset | this list (no.949) | Example seems like an incorrect use, maybe meaning imprecise? |
+| Word | Occurence | Explanation |
+| :----------------------- | :---------------------------- | :---------------------- |
+| | | |
diff --git a/deck.json b/deck.json
index a59a037..ed038be 100644
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+++ b/deck.json
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
"ab abs a",
"apart away from",
"Greek/Latin root",
- "Abnormal=deviating from normalAbhor=to hate detestAbominate=to detestAbduct=to take by forceAbstruse=hard to understandAbstract=considered apart from normal existence",
+ "Abnormal=deviating normalAbhor=to hate detestAbominate=to detestAbduct=to take by forceAbstruse=hard to understandAbstract=considered apart normal existence",
"abnormal abduct abductor (muscle) abscission",
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
"the action or fact of abasing or being abased; humiliation or degradation",
- "from Vulgar Latin *ad bassiare \"bring lower,\" from ad \"to, toward\" (see ad-) + Late Latin bassus \"low, short\" Literal sense of \"lower, depress\" (late 15c.) is archaic or obsolete Synonyms: belittlement, disgrace",
+ "Vulgar Latin *ad bassiare \"bring lower,\" ad \"to, toward\" (see ad-) + Late Latin bassus \"low, short\" Literal sense of \"lower, depress\" (late 15c.) is archaic or obsolete Synonyms: belittlement, disgrace",
"Repeated abasement and humiliation by her abusive mother caused the mistreated girl to have very low self-esteem",
"Medium Difficult",
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
"deviating from normal or correct. diverging from the standard type",
- "Latin lit. & fig., : ab =\"off, away from\" + errare=\"to wander, stray\"\" . Meaning= to wonder off and fig. \"deviation from the normal type",
+ "Latin lit. & fig., : ab =\"off, away \" + errare=\"to wander, stray\"\" . Meaning= to wonder off and fig. \"deviation the normal type",
"With this aberrant mindset there is little chance of success in ethical business, so some choose crooked ways to earn their keep.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@
"a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected",
- "Latin lit. & fig., : ab =\"off, away from\" + errare=\"to wander, stray\"\" . Meaning= to wonder off and fig. \"deviation from the normal type",
+ "Latin lit. & fig., : ab =\"off, away \" + errare=\"to wander, stray\"\" . Meaning= to wonder off and fig. \"deviation the normal type",
"The unexpected results were a statistical aberration",
"Least Difficult",
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@
"a state of temporary disuse or suspension",
- "French from à \"at\" (see ad-) + ba(y)er \"be open,\" = status is still open/in suspence. The word \"bay\" also come from this. Synonyms: suspense, remission, reserve",
+ "French à \"at\" (see ad-) + ba(y)er \"be open,\" = status is still open/in suspence. The word \"bay\" also come this. Synonyms: suspense, remission, reserve",
"With the football leagues now in abeyance during Corona crisis, the question now is how and whether the season will finish",
"Most Difficult",
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@
"to reject or renounce",
- "From Latin abiurare \"deny on oath,\" from ab \"off, away from\" (see ab-) + iurare \"to swear,Synonyms: relinquish, reject, disavow",
+ "Latin abiurare \"deny on oath,\" ab \"off, away \" (see ab-) + iurare \"to swear,Synonyms: relinquish, reject, disavow",
"Since 1986 he has been asking candidates for public office to sign his Taxpayer Protection Pledge, in which they abjure tax increases of any sort forever.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@
"to leave secretly, evading detection",
- "Latin: ab=\"off, away from\" + condere \"put together, store,\" itself from com- \"together\" + -dere \"put,\"",
+ "Latin: ab=\"off, away \" + condere \"put together, store,\" itself com- \"together\" + -dere \"put,\"",
"The boarding school scholar absconded from the schoolgrounds without informing anyone",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@
"at the topat the end outermost; excellent",
"Greek/Latin root",
- "a subfrom of the Greek PIE root \"ac\": be sharp rise (out) to a point pierce.",
+ "a sub of the Greek PIE root \"ac\": be sharp rise (out) to a point pierce.",
"acrobat(one that goes high/to the limit) acromegaly=growth disease( highest size (mega)) acronym(sharp name=use of first letters) acrophobia(fear of heights) acropolis(city at the top)",
"Root words",
@@ -800,7 +800,7 @@
"to relieve a problem or ease a burden",
- "From latin : alleviare = to lift up, to raise, to lighten. Deutsch : mildern, erleichtern",
+ "latin : alleviare = to lift up, to raise, to lighten. Deutsch : mildern, erleichtern",
"Do good works, alleviate the suffering and misery, comfort and refresh the sickAlleviate the effects of the pandemic",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -836,7 +836,7 @@
"the belief in or practice of selfless concern for the well-being of others",
- "Synonyms: selflessness, compassion, goodwill. Deutsch : Uneigennützigkeit, Selbstlosigkeit. from Latin/(old french) : alter/(altrui) = others",
+ "Synonyms: selflessness, compassion, goodwill. Deutsch : Uneigennützigkeit, Selbstlosigkeit. Latin/(old french) : alter/(altrui) = others",
"He was not the first to wonder about the connection between religion and altruism",
"Least Difficult",
@@ -908,7 +908,7 @@
- "adj. open to multiple interpretations. From PIE root *ambhi- \"around\") + agere \"drive, lead, act\" . Deutsch : unklar",
+ "adj. open to multiple interpretations. PIE root *ambhi- \"around\") + agere \"drive, lead, act\" . Deutsch : unklar",
"Partly cloudy with a chance of rain makes for an ambiguous weather forecast",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -963,7 +963,7 @@
"extremely pleasing to the senses, divine (as related to the gods) or delicious (n: ambrosia)",
- "The garden with its ambrosial and exotic blossoms and fruit trees is a place for relaxation and privacy",
+ "The garden with its ambrosial and exotic blossoms and fruit trees is a place for relaxation and privacy",
"Common GRE",
@@ -980,8 +980,8 @@
"to improve or mitigate a situation",
- "From French, latin : améliorer",
- "Longer breaks significantly ameliorated the working conditions in the factory.",
+ "French, latin : améliorer",
+ "Longer breaks significantly ameliorated the working conditions in the factory.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -998,8 +998,8 @@
"easily convinced or persuaded",
- "From French, latin : ad + mener (= to lead (F), to drive cattle (Latin)",
- "Group trips with amenable people are pleasant.",
+ "French, latin : ad + mener (= to lead (F), to drive cattle (Latin)",
+ "Group trips with amenable people are pleasant.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -1052,7 +1052,7 @@
"something old-fashioned, a person or artifact appearing after its own time or out of chronological order (adj: anachronistic)",
- "From Latin/Greek : \"against\" (see ana-) + khronos \"time\" (see chrono-)= something appearing in a time period where it does not belong",
+ "Latin/Greek : \"against\" (see ana-) + khronos \"time\" (see chrono-)= something appearing in a time period where it does not belong",
"A steam engine in our modern digitised world is nothing more than an anachronism.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -1070,8 +1070,8 @@
"comparable, similar",
- "from Greek : ana \"throughout; according to\" + logos \"ratio, proportionn. Deutsch= entsprechend Noun = appropriate for analogy",
- "One can solve all the other problems in an analagous manner.",
+ "Greek : ana \"throughout; according to\" + logos \"ratio, proportionn. Deutsch= entsprechend Noun = appropriate for analogy",
+ "One can solve all the other problems in an analagous manner.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -1124,7 +1124,7 @@
"not likely to cause offence or disagreement and somewhat dull",
- "from Greek an= \"without\" + odyne \"pain= \"free from pain or torment\" \"Synonyms: bland, inoffensive, innocuous",
+ "Greek an= \"without\" + odyne \"pain= \"free pain or torment\" \"Synonyms: bland, inoffensive, innocuous",
"After days of discussion at the G20 conference, there was not much to show other than a dull and safe anodyne communiqué",
"Most Difficult",
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@
"peculiar; unique, contrary to the norm (n: anomaly)",
- "",
+ "Latin/Greek anomalia= \"inequality , uneven, irregular,\" an- \"not\" + homalos \"even",
"His anomalous behaviour was a first sign that he had a problem.",
"Common GRE",
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@
"an exception or unusual case",
- "",
+ "Latin/Greek anomalia= \"inequality , uneven, irregular,\" an- \"not\" + homalos \"even",
"The student’s poor performance on the latest test was an anomaly since she had previously earned excellent grades.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -1214,7 +1214,7 @@
"Greek/Latin root",
- "sometimes anti (when comes from Italian) where ante and anti have merged to one word (eg. Antipasti)",
+ "sometimes anti (when comes Italian) where ante and anti have merged to one word (eg. Antipasti)",
@@ -1232,7 +1232,7 @@
"ancient; outmoded;",
- "From latin : ante= before, + deluge = literally \"before the flood\" (of Noah)",
+ "latin : ante= before, + deluge = literally \"before the flood\" (of Noah)",
"For the development of this logo we chose an ancient antedeluvian technique: the traditional Chinese seal.",
"Common GRE",
@@ -1286,8 +1286,8 @@
"strong dislike or hatred, hostility toward, objection, or aversion to",
- "",
- "The students voiced their antipathy for homework very loudly.",
+ "Latin/Greek antipathia : anti- + pathein=\"to feel, suffer\"",
+ "The students voiced their antipathy for homework very loudly.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -1304,8 +1304,8 @@
"contrary to the very nature of",
- "",
- "Some critics say that democracy is antithetical to the Islamic way of life.",
+ "Greek/Latin : anti- + tithenai \"to put, place,\"",
+ "Some critics say that democracy is antithetical to the Islamic way of life. ",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@
"to placate, to pacify, to satisfy",
- "From latin, french : a \"to\" (see ad-) + pais, from Latin pacem (nominative pax) \"peace\" (see peace)v= to pacify. Sometimes also means to satisfy (an appetite, a need)",
+ "latin, french : a \"to\" (see ad-) + paix/paicem \"peace\" = to pacify. Sometimes also means to satisfy (an appetite, a need)",
"These gestures were meant to appease the religious right",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -1392,10 +1392,10 @@
"fields": [
- "1. adj. correct, proper, or in good taste. 2. v. to take for one's own use. to take possession of, without consent",
- "",
- "(2) The advancing army appropriated food and other supplies from the territories they occupied.",
- "The appropriate use for toothpaste is for brushing teeth",
+ "1. adj. correct, proper, or in good taste. 2. v. to take for one's own use. to take possession of, without consent. A polite word for \"steal\"",
+ "adjective/verb",
+ "Note how the 2 uses of appropriate have diametrically opposite ethical values. As an adjective it is good, as a verb it is bad.",
+ "1. The appropriate use for toothpaste is for brushing teeth
2.(2) The advancing army appropriatedfood and other supplies the territories they occupied.",
@@ -1430,8 +1430,8 @@
"a person who settles a dispute or has ultimate authority in a matter",
- "from French arbitre= \"arbiter, judge\" Synonyms: authority, judge, controller",
- "The arbiter helps the divorcing couple come to terms on a settlement",
+ "French arbitre= \"arbiter, judge\" Synonyms: authority, judge, controller",
+ "The arbiter helps the divorcing couple come to terms on a settlement",
"Least Difficult",
@@ -1466,7 +1466,7 @@
"to settle a dispute via mediation (n: arbitration)",
- "From Latin : arbiter \"a judge, umpire, mediator\". See arbitre (French) = umpire. Verb is arbitratation",
+ "Latin : arbiter \"a judge, umpire, mediator\". See arbitre (French) = umpire. Verb is arbitratation",
"The mediator arbitrated the dispute between the two parties.",
"Common GRE",
@@ -1556,7 +1556,7 @@
"difficult, taxing, requiring considerable effort",
- "from Latin arduus \"high, steep,\" also figuratively, \"difficult, hard to reach,",
+ "Latin arduus \"high, steep,\" also figuratively, \"difficult, hard to reach,",
"Mountain climbing is fun but quite arduous.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -1664,7 +1664,7 @@
"austere or self-denying",
- "from Greek : asketes \"monk, hermit,\"",
+ "Greek : asketes \"monk, hermit,\"",
"The monk leads an ascetic life.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -1700,7 +1700,7 @@
"total surprise, shock",
- "from Old French estoner \"to stun, daze, deafen, astound,\" from Vulgar Latin *extonare, from Latin ex \"out\" + tonare \"to thunder\"",
+ "Old French estoner \"to stun, daze, deafen, astound,\" Vulgar Latin *extonare, Latin ex \"out\" + tonare \"to thunder\"",
"The homeless man looked at me in astonishment when I gave him the bag of money.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -1736,8 +1736,8 @@
"weaken (adj: attenuated)",
- "From Latin : ad \"to\" (see ad-) + tenuare \"make thin\" Deutsch : dämpfen, abschwächen",
- "The contract includes a safeguard clause to attenuate possible additional costs demands.",
+ "Latin : ad \"to\" (see ad-) + tenuare \"make thin\" Deutsch : dämpfen, abschwächen",
+ "The contract includes a safeguard clause to attenuate possible additional costs demands.",
"Common GRE",
@@ -1790,7 +1790,7 @@
"severe, unadorned. Having an extremely plain and simple style or appearance",
- "from Old French austere \"strict, severe, harsh, cruel\" Synonyms: unadorned, subdued, stark",
+ "Old French austere \"strict, severe, harsh, cruel\" Synonyms: unadorned, subdued, stark",
"Instead of being bleak and austere, hospitals should be warm and cheery.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@
- "From Latin (via French) avaritia \"greed, inordinate desire",
+ "Latin (via French) avaritia \"greed, inordinate desire",
"The third of the 7 deadly Christian sins is avarice - greed",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -1862,7 +1862,7 @@
"to assert or allege. to declare",
- "Deutsch : beteuern, behaupten. from Latin ad \"to\" (see ad-) + verus \"true\" - later meaning to assert with confident",
+ "Deutsch : beteuern, behaupten. Latin ad \"to\" + verus \"true\" - later meaning to assert with confident",
"Many of those who voted for the President, his opponent averred, did so because they were rooked by devious lies",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -1881,7 +1881,7 @@
"boring, cliché, commonplace or trite (n: banality)",
- "I was bored to death because of his banal conversation",
+ "I was bored to death because of his banal conversation",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -1988,7 +1988,7 @@
"gentle, harmless",
- "from Latin \"well born,\" from bene \"well\" + \" from genus \"birth\"",
+ "Latin \"well born,\" bene \"well\" + \" genus \"birth\"",
"Grandfather fortunately had a benign form of cancer",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -2114,7 +2114,7 @@
"speech or action intended to coax someone into doing something, the use of flattery (sweet-talk) and enticements to persuade somebody gently to do something",
- "from Latin blandiri \"flatter, soothe, caress, coax,\"",
+ "Latin blandiri \"flatter, soothe, caress, coax,\"Deutsch : Schmeichelrei, schönreden",
"Even though the salesman produced every blandishment he could think of from his bag of tricks, his prospect wouldn’t be budged by his flattery.",
"Common GRE",
@@ -2133,7 +2133,7 @@
"a thing that spoils or damages something",
"Synonyms: affliction, scourge, bane",
- "Because of the urban blight that has taken over the downtown area, many of the stores have relocated to suburban malls.",
+ "1. Because of the urban blight that has taken over the downtown area, many of the stores have relocated to suburban malls.2. The torrential rain blighted the crop.",
"Least Difficult",
@@ -2151,7 +2151,7 @@
"showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper, carefree and unconcerned",
"Synonyms: indifferent, unconcerned, blasé",
- "The rebellious teenager was blithe about her failing grades.",
+ "The rebellious teenager was blithe about her failing grades.",
"Least Difficult",
@@ -2169,7 +2169,7 @@
"a person who blusters and boasts in an unpleasant way",
"Synonyms: boaster, bragger, show-off",
- "The self-promoting blowhard talked about his own accomplishments until his guests were bored to tears",
+ "The self-promoting blowhard talked about his own accomplishments until his guests were bored to tears",
"Least Difficult",
@@ -2223,7 +2223,7 @@
"pompous speech (adj: bombastic)",
"Bombast was originally a material of cotton applied to a stuff of soft, loose texture, used to swell a garment. Deutsch= der erste Teil vom Wort \"Baumwolle\" ist ähnlich wie \"Bom\"",
- "Madam President, Commissioner, we have no need for sentimentality and bombast on such a serious issue",
+ "Madam President, Commissioner, we have no need for sentimentality and bombast on such a serious issue ",
"Common GRE",
@@ -2331,7 +2331,7 @@
"a lapse, gap or break, as in a fortress wall. To break or break through.",
"noun, verb",
"old English for \"break\". Most typical uses are \"breach of contract\" or \"breach of peace\". But also \"breach\" of defenses, breach of etiquette",
- "The club members never forgot his breach of ettiquette.",
+ "The club members never forgot his breach of ettiquette.",
"Common GRE",
@@ -2367,7 +2367,7 @@
"flourish, bloom,to grow or flourish; a bud or new growth (adj: burgeoning )",
"verb, noun",
"of uncertain origin",
- "Left untreated, the garden weeds will burgeon and take over the entire property within days",
+ "Left untreated, the garden weeds will burgeon and take over the entire property within days",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -2385,7 +2385,7 @@
"a variety show",
"Synonyms: skit, farce, striptease",
- "Madame JoJo’s, a burlesque bar in London’s Soho, had its license revoked in 2014 after two bouncers brandished a baseball bat at a rowdy crowd.",
+ "Madame JoJo’s, a burlesque bar in London’s Soho, had its license revoked in 2014 after two bouncers brandished a baseball bat at a rowdy crowd.",
"Least Difficult",
@@ -2402,7 +2402,7 @@
"to support. a support",
"verb, noun",
- "from old French",
+ "old French",
"Her good arguments buttressed her credibility",
"Common GRE",
@@ -2420,7 +2420,7 @@
"Greek/Latin root",
- "from PIE Kaka=to defecate",
+ "PIE Kaka=to defecate",
"cacophony (bad sound)
cacography(bad handwriting)
cacostocracy(government by the worst in society)",
@@ -2456,7 +2456,7 @@
"to get something by taking advantage of someone",
- "From old English \"to get by begging\"",
+ "old English \"to get by begging\"",
"By flirting with the bartender, the pretty girl was able to cadge free drinks.",
"Common GRE",
@@ -2474,7 +2474,7 @@
"lie or slander, often to damage somone's reputation",
- "from Old French calomnie (15c.), from Latin calumnia \"trickery, subterfuge, misrepresentation, malicious charge",
+ "Old French calomnie/Latin calumnia \"trickery, subterfuge, misrepresentation, malicious charge",
"The film was supposed to be a true story, but in fact it was a huge calumny to tarnish the star’s reputation.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -2492,7 +2492,7 @@
"an unfounded rumor or story",
- "from French canard \"a hoax,\" literally \"a duck\" Synonyms: piece of gossip, whisper",
+ "French canard \"a hoax,\" literally \"a duck\" Synonyms: piece of gossip, whisper",
"The newspaper claimed to identify a man living in California as the real masatermind behind the plot, but this turned out to be an embarrassing canard.",
"Most Difficult",
@@ -2528,7 +2528,7 @@
"accepted rules and tenets of a discipline",
- "\"canon written with 1 \"n\" - unlike the one you shoot cannonballs from!
n. sacred works/scripture;
in this sense it is also used to refer to notable literary and artistic works of a culture or discipline",
+ "\"canon written with 1 \"n\" - unlike the one you shoot cannonballs !
n. sacred works/scripture;
in this sense it is also used to refer to notable literary and artistic works of a culture or discipline",
"At the same time, canon law is part of the temporal legal system, and bishops are appointed jointly by the Prime Minister and the head of state",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -2583,7 +2583,7 @@
"an impulsive act",
- "Because John did not think before acting, he could spend years in prison for a silly caprice.",
+ "Because John did not think before acting, he could spend years in prison for a silly caprice.",
"Common GRE",
@@ -2618,8 +2618,8 @@
"to scold or berate strongly. to chastise or criticize severely",
- "",
- "The boss misused performance reviews to castigate his employees",
+ "Latin castigatus\"to correct, set right; purify; chastise, punish,\" from castus \"pure\" + agere \"to do",
+ "The boss misused performance reviews to castigate his employees",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -2654,7 +2654,7 @@
"the process of releasing and providing relief from strong or repressed emotions",
- "from Latinized form of Greek katharsis \" a bodily purging, cleansing - (especially of the bowels) - now generally used in an emotional sense. Synonyms: emotional release, relief",
+ "Latinized form of Greek katharsis \" a bodily purging, cleansing - (especially of the bowels) - now generally used in an emotional sense. Synonyms: emotional release, relief",
"Crying is a great catharsis for releasing pain and anger.",
"Most Difficult",
@@ -2673,7 +2673,7 @@
"corrosive. capable of dissolving by chemical action; highly critical:",
"adj. bitterly sarcastic",
- "His caustic remarks spoiled the mood of the party",
+ "His caustic remarks spoiled the mood of the party",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -2690,7 +2690,7 @@
"to express intense condemnation, an official reprimand",
- "From French, censurer. Do not confuse with \"censor\"",
+ "French, censurer. Do not confuse with \"censor\"",
"Since the marine left base without permission, he is expecting both a censure and punishment when he returns tomorrow.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -2724,9 +2724,9 @@
"fields": [
- "someone who believes prejudicially that their own group is the superior one",
+ "someone who believes prejudicially that their own group is the superior one, exaggerated, blind nationalism; patriotism degenerated into a vice",
- "1840, \"exaggerated, blind nationalism; patriotism degenerated into a vice,\" from French chauvinisme (1839), Nicholas Chauvin, soldier of Napoleon'idolized Napoleon long after it was history",
+ "French : chauvinisme, after behaviour of N. Chauvin, soldier of Napoleon who idolized Napoleon long after it was history",
"His sister was chauvinist when it comes to feminism, as she gets both angry and irritated when someone opposes her point of view",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -2744,8 +2744,8 @@
"deception by trickery, often to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose",
- "from French chicanerie \"trickery,\" from Middle French chicaner \"to pettifog, quibble\"",
- "Instead of being truthful on his campaign for sheriff, he resorted to chicanery.",
+ "French chicanerie \"trickery,\" Middle French chicaner \"to pettifog, quibble\"",
+ "Instead of being truthful on his campaign for sheriff, he resorted to chicanery. ",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -2851,7 +2851,7 @@
"word-forming element meaning \"around round about all around on all sides\" from Latin",
- "Latrin Prefix",
+ "Latin Prefix",
"Circa circadian(about a day) circuit circumambient(surroundings) circumambulate(to walk around) circumbendibus(a round about way - round the bend) circumcise (cut around) circumcision circumference circumflex(sign bent around) circumfluent(a fluid flowing around) circumjacent(bordering on every side) circumlocution(a round about way of speaking elusive",
") circumnavigate(sail around the globe) circumpolar(surround one of the poles) circumscribe(to make a circle around= to encompass) circumspect(looking around from all sides=suspect wary) circumspection circumstance circumvent(to go around) circumvolve(to turn or to cause to roll around) circus",
"Latin words",
@@ -2996,7 +2996,7 @@
"clearly laid out and persuasive, very clear and easy for the mind to accept and believe",
- "From French/Latin : com=with + agere=action, ie. Co-alignment, compelling",
+ "French/Latin : com=with + agere=action, ie. Co-alignment, compelling",
"The politician's clear cogent argument against the war won him many votes in the election",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -3032,7 +3032,7 @@
"in accordance with, proportional",
- "from Latin com \"with, together\" + mensuratus, pp mensurare \"to measure = with measure Deutsch : mit Maß",
+ "Latin com \"with, together\" + mensuratus, pp mensurare \"to measure = with measure Deutsch : mit Maß",
"You will get a salary increase commensurate with your additional responsibilities and work",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -3051,7 +3051,7 @@
"captivating, very persuasive",
"Latin com \"with, together\" + pellere \"to drive\"",
- "The jury seemed moved by the lawyer’s compelling argument",
+ "The jury seemed moved by the lawyer’s compelling argument",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -3194,7 +3194,7 @@
"an expert in a particular subject matter area, usually relating to the fine arts or cultural pursuits",
- "From French. Note how modern French spells it connaisseur, whereas English follows the old French spelling of connoisseur",
+ "French. Note how modern French spells it connaisseur, whereas English follows the old French spelling of connoisseur",
"Since you are a wine connoisseur, I thought I would ask your opinion on the best wines for my dinner party",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -3302,7 +3302,7 @@
"assert or claim",
- "From old French comptendre : engage in rivalry, compete,",
+ "old French comptendre : engage in rivalry, compete,",
"To obtain custody of her children in the divorce, Bridgett will contend her husband is an abusive man",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -3320,7 +3320,7 @@
"controversial, causing or likely to cause an argument",
- "from Latin contentiosus \"obstinate, quarrelsome",
+ "Latin contentiosus \"obstinate, quarrelsome",
"As a rule, I tend to avoid contentious topics of conversation which might lead to arguments",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -3356,7 +3356,7 @@
"roundabout, not straightforward",
- "From Latin : to roll together,\" from com \"with, together\" (see con-) + volvere \"to roll,\"",
+ "Latin : to roll together,\" com \"with, together\" (see con-) + volvere \"to roll,\"",
"My head began to hurt as I listened to the professor’s convolute speech",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -3374,7 +3374,7 @@
"plentiful or abundant",
- "From Latin : \"abundant, plentiful,\"",
+ "Latin : \"abundant, plentiful,\"",
"Take copious notes in class so that you have plenty of review material for the test.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
"to strengthen or support: (n: corroboration)",
- "From Latin : form of com \"with, together,\" + roborare \"to make strong,\" from robur, robus \"strength,\" - same root as robust",
+ "Latin : form of com \"with, together,\" + roborare \"to make strong,\" robur, robus \"strength,\" - same root as robust",
"The scientist was able to corroborate his hypothesis with data gathered from multiple sources. The witness corroborted his story.",
"Common GRE",
@@ -3518,8 +3518,8 @@
"Care for and protect in an overindulgent way",
- "Synonyms: indulge, pander to",
- "With a big haul, Scotland’s politicians could perhaps afford to cosset oil firms. Without one, the young nation might have to milk them harder than ever.",
+ "Synonyms: indulge, pander",
+ "From buying expensive toys to boxing vegetable-free lunches, the mother would cosset to her child's every whim",
"Most Difficult",
@@ -3536,7 +3536,7 @@
"a small group of people with shared interests or tastes",
- "From French coterie \"circle of acquaintances,\" originally in Middle French an organization of peasants holding land from a feudal lord from cotier \"tenant of a cote\" Synonyms: clique, circle, inner circle",
+ "French coterie \"circle of acquaintances,\" originally in Middle French an organization of peasants holding land a feudal lord cotier \"tenant of a cote\" Synonyms: clique, circle, inner circle",
"He rules through a tight coterie of loyal aides",
"Most Difficult",
@@ -3554,8 +3554,8 @@
"to desire something that does not belong to you",
- "From old French : to desire or wish for inordinately or without regard for the rights of others,",
- "In the book by Dickens, the miser did nothing but covet money10th commandment : You shall not covet your neighbor's wife,…..",
+ "old French : to desire or wish for inordinately or without regard for the rights of others,",
+ "In the book by Dickens, the miser did nothing but covet money10th commandment : You shall not covet your neighbor's wife,…etc.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -3608,7 +3608,7 @@
"cowardly to the point of being shameful",
- "From Latin/French where originally cravant initially =\"defeated, vanquished, overcome, conquered\", but changing later to cowardly",
+ "Latin/French where originally cravant initially =\"defeated, vanquished, overcome, conquered\", but changing later to cowardly",
"Because police officers must be fearless, craven people should not apply for positions in law enforcement.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -3644,7 +3644,7 @@
"belief or trust",
- "from Medieval Latin credentia \"belief\". \"credentials\", \"credit\", all have the same roots",
+ "Medieval Latin credentia \"belief\". \"credentials\", \"credit\", all have the same roots",
"The crazy man’s UFO story was so ridiculous that not a single person gave it any credence.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -3698,7 +3698,7 @@
"deserving of blame (n: culpability)",
- "from Old French coupable",
+ "Old French coupable",
"The judge found the man culpable of the crime and sentenced him to life in prison",
"Common GRE",
@@ -3770,7 +3770,7 @@
"lack, scarcity:",
- "from Old English deore \"precious, costly\" (see dear) + abstract noun suffix -th",
+ "Old English deore \"precious, costly\" (see dear) + abstract noun suffix -th",
"The prosecutor complained about the dearth of concrete evidence against the suspect.",
"Common GRE",
@@ -3806,7 +3806,7 @@
"respect or polite submission. submission or courteous yielding:",
- "from French déférence (16c.), from déférer \"to yield, comply",
+ "French déférence (16c.), déférer \"to yield, comply",
"He held his tongue in deference to his father. (n: deferential. v. defer)",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -3824,7 +3824,7 @@
"divert or cause to ricochet",
- "de=away from + flect = bend",
+ "de=away + flect = bend",
"He deflected the attack with a defty response",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -3860,7 +3860,7 @@
"Do something that one considers to be beneath one's dignity",
- "Synonyms: come down from one's high horse",
+ "Synonyms: come down one's high horse",
"If the Senate deigns to consider and confirm a nominee, do not expect changes overnight.",
"Least Difficult",
@@ -3932,7 +3932,7 @@
"say negative things about, particularly in a defamatory way",
- "From Latin denigratus, past participle of denigrare \"to blacken; to defame,\" from de- \"completely\" (see de-) + nigr-, stem of niger \"black\"",
+ "Latin denigratus, past participle of denigrare \"to blacken; to defame,\" de- \"completely\" (see de-) + nigr-, stem of niger \"black\"",
"During the election, the crooked politician did everything in his power to denigrate his rival.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -3950,7 +3950,7 @@
"to show, create a picture of.",
- "from Latin depictus, past participle of depingere \"to portray, paint, sketch; describe, imagine,\" from de \"down\" (see de-) + pingere \"to paint\"",
+ "Latin depictus, past participle of depingere \"to portray, paint, sketch; describe, imagine,\" de \"down\" (see de-) + pingere \"to paint\"",
"The drawings on the cave walls depict the lives of the earliest men on the planet.",
"Common GRE",
@@ -3984,10 +3984,10 @@
"fields": [
"deprecate (deprecation) depreciate (depreciation)",
- "to deprecate is “to disapprove,” but in “self-deprecating,” it means, “to belittle.” In the world of computing, deprecated means “phased out” or “soon to be phased out.” Depreciate is for talking about loss of monetary value, primarily for assets",
+ "to deprecate is “to disapprove,” but in “self-deprecating,” it means, “to belittle.” In the world of computing, deprecated means “phased out” or “soon to be phased out.” Depreciate is for talking about loss of monetary value, primarily for assets",
"Easily confused words",
- "The deprecated software had already had its full book value depreciated in the finance department",
+ "The deprecated software had already had its full book value depreciated in the finance department",
"Easily confused words",
@@ -4022,8 +4022,8 @@
"the act of preying upon or plundering:",
- "French/latin : from de- \"thoroughly\" (see de-) + praedari \"to plunder,\" literally \"to make prey of,\" from praeda \"prey\"",
- "The depredations of the invaders demoralized the population.",
+ "French/latin : de- \"thoroughly\" (see de-) + praedari \"to plunder,\" literally \"to make prey of,\" praeda \"prey\"",
+ "The depredations of the invaders demoralized the population.",
"Common GRE",
@@ -4058,7 +4058,7 @@
"imitates another work in a way that is unoriginal or uninspiring, an object or idea that is produced from something else",
- "Applies to words (words derive from a parent) to chemistry (a product derives from another one) and to mathematics",
+ "Applies to words (words derive a parent) to chemistry (a product derives another one) and to mathematics",
"The new antibiotic is listed as a derivative of penicillin because it was produced from a penicillin base.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -4094,7 +4094,7 @@
"to dry out completely",
- "from de- \"thoroughly\" (see de-) + siccare \"to dry\"v. to suck out the vitality and passion",
+ "de- \"thoroughly\" (see de-) + siccare \"to dry\"v. to suck out the vitality and passion",
"One should use sliced fruits within one day as the insides quickly desiccate.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -4112,7 +4112,7 @@
"to dry out completely",
- "from de- \"thoroughly\" (see de-) + siccare \"to dry\"v. to suck out the vitality and passion",
+ "de- \"thoroughly\" (see de-) + siccare \"to dry\"v. to suck out the vitality and passion",
"One should use sliced fruits within one day as the insides quickly desiccate.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -4131,7 +4131,7 @@
"halfhearted, not having a plan or purpose",
"Deutsch : halbherzigadj. inconsistent or random",
- "1)The bronze medal winner managed a desultory smile. 2)The students were confused by the teacher’s desultory lecture which seemed to have no real focus",
+ "1)The bronze medal winner managed a desultory smile. 2)The students were confused by the teacher’s desultory lecture which seemed to have no real focus",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -4148,7 +4148,7 @@
"objectivity or aloofness, devoid of interest or feelings",
- "from French détachement (17c.), from détacher (see detach). Meaning \"that which is detached\", also in a military sense. Deutsch : Ablösung",
+ "French détachement (17c.), détacher (see detach). Meaning \"that which is detached\", also in a military sense. Deutsch : Ablösung",
"The woman’s air of detachment made the police question her involvement in her husband’s death.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -4274,8 +4274,8 @@
"educational or with an instructive purpose; often includes an element of moralizing",
- "French didactique, from Latinized form of Greek didaktikos \"apt at teaching",
- "Because Mrs. Jones came up with lessons that were not only didactic but also fun, everyone thought she was a fantastic teacher.",
+ "French didactique, Latinized form of Greek didaktikos \"apt at teaching",
+ "Because Mrs. Jones came up with lessons that were not only didactic but also fun, everyone thought she was a fantastic teacher.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -4293,7 +4293,7 @@
"1. v. to cease to live. 2. n. a mold used for shaping pieces of metal for incorporation into tools or other products",
"Deutsch = Pressform, Modell,",
- "(2) These car models are so similar that the same die can be used for most body parts, such as the doors, hood, roof, and trunk cover.",
+ "(2) These car models are so similar that the samedie can be used to make most body parts, such as the doors, hood, roof, and trunk cover.",
@@ -4310,8 +4310,8 @@
"shy, timid, or reserved due to a lack of confidence",
- "from Latin diffidentem, pp of diffidere \"to mistrust, lack confidence,\" from dis- \"away\" (see dis-) + fidere \"to trust\"",
- "Because she felt unattractive, Mary was diffident and kept to herself at parties.",
+ "Latin diffidentem, pp of diffidere \"to mistrust, lack confidence,\" dis- \"away\" (see dis-) + fidere \"to trust\"",
+ "Because she felt unattractive, Mary was diffident and kept to herself at parties.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -4326,10 +4326,10 @@
"fields": [
"diffident different deference",
- "diffident = shy, timid, or reserved due to a lack of confidence and deference is respect for others.",
+ "diffident = shy, timid, or reserved due to a lack of confidence and deference is respect for others.",
"Easily confused words",
- "If you treat others with deference, then people will respect you back, and acting differently will not lead to diffidence",
+ "If you treat others with deference, then people will respect you back, and acting differently will not lead to shy diffidence",
"Easily confused words",
@@ -4400,7 +4400,7 @@
"funeral or mourning lament",
- "In the catholic burial mass, the first answer sung is from Psalms v.9, which begins in Latin : \"Dirige, Domine, Deus meus, in conspectu tuo viam meam (\"Direct, O Lord, my God, my way in thy sight\"). So, Dirge is linked to first word, Direct in English. now, n. any sad, slow song\"",
+ "In the catholic burial mass, the first answer sung is Psalms v.9, which begins in Latin : \"Dirige, Domine, Deus meus, in conspectu tuo viam meam (\"Direct, O Lord, my God, my way in thy sight\"). So, Dirge is linked to first word, Direct in English. now, n. any sad, slow song\"",
"Elton John wrote and sang the dirge at Lady Di's funeral.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -4436,7 +4436,7 @@
"to dispel someone’s illusions or false impressions about something. to free a person from falsehood or error:",
- "to free from mistake, fallacy, or deception",
+ "dis=\"to free, apart, off\"+ \"mistake, fallacy, or deception\"",
"We had to disabuse her of the notion that she was invited.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -4454,7 +4454,7 @@
"to perceive, to recognize the difference or distinction between two or more things",
- "from dis- \"off, away\" (see dis-) + cernere \"distinguish, separate, sift",
+ "dis- \"off, away\" + cernere \"distinguish, separate, sift",
"Because Bradley wore sun glasses, I could not discern whether or not his eyes were red.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -4508,8 +4508,8 @@
"a difference or inconsistency especially between things that should be the same",
- "",
- "The police were confused by the discrepancy between the testimonies of the two witnesses who saw the same event.",
+ "dis= \"apart, off\" + crepare=\"to rattle, crack\"",
+ "The police were confused by the discrepancy between the testimonies of the two witnesses who saw the same event.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -4598,7 +4598,7 @@
"dissimilar to such a degree that comparison is not possible",
- "from Latin disparatus, from dis- \"apart\" + parare \"get ready, prepare, ie. Dislike in kind",
+ "Latin disparatus, dis- \"apart\" + parare \"get ready, prepare, ie. Dislike in kind",
"Even though they are identical twins, they have such disparate personalities that it’s impossible to get them confused",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -4634,7 +4634,7 @@
"to ignore or pay no attention to",
- "dis= not + regard=look at",
+ "dis= away + regard=look at",
"If you disregard the red light at an intersection you are not only breaking the law but also endangering your life",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -4652,7 +4652,7 @@
"to mislead or conceal the truth, esp. with respect to one’s motives. to conceal one's real motive, to feign",
- "from Latin dissimulare \"make unlike, conceal, disguise,\" from dis- \"completely\" (see dis-) + simulare \"to make like, imitate, copy,",
+ "Latin dissimulare \"make unlike, conceal, disguise,\" dis- \"completely\" (see dis-) + simulare \"to make like, imitate, copy,",
"Rather than answer the reporter’s questions directly, the politician chose to mislead and dissembled his responses",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -4724,7 +4724,7 @@
"(Of animals) active in the daytime",
- "From Latin dies=day + -urnus, an adjectival suffix denoting time (compare hibernus \"wintery\", nocturnal=active at night. Synonyms: daily, everyday",
+ "Latin dies=day + -urnus, an adjectival suffix denoting time (compare hibernus \"wintery\", nocturnal=active at night. Synonyms: daily, everyday",
"Our body clock follows a diurnal rhythm.",
"Most Difficult",
@@ -4958,7 +4958,7 @@
"something regarded as worthless",
- "Old English dros=\"the scum thrown off from metals in smelting,\" similar to German Drusen=\"dregs, husks\" Synonyms: rubbish, junk, debris",
+ "Old English dros=\"the scum thrown off metals in smelting,\" similar to German Drusen=\"dregs, husks\" Synonyms: rubbish, junk, debris",
"Some of the best properties could be sold quickly, but the dross might take more time to get rid of.",
"Most Difficult",
@@ -5048,7 +5048,7 @@
"Of or having indigestion or consequent irritability or depression",
- "From Greek dyspeptos \"hard to digest,\" from dys- \"bad, difficult\" (see dys-) + peptos \"digested,\" Synonyms: bad-tempered, short-tempered, irritable, depressed, pessimistic, misanthropic)",
+ "Greek dyspeptos \"hard to digest,\" dys- \"bad, difficult\" (see dys-) + peptos \"digested,\" Synonyms: bad-tempered, short-tempered, irritable, depressed, pessimistic, misanthropic)",
"As dyspeptic and irritable as she was, the woman was in a happy mood when she went to the beach",
"Most Difficult",
@@ -5066,7 +5066,7 @@
"Cheerful and full of energy",
- "Latin pp ebullientem \"to boil over,\" literally or figuratively, from ex \"out, out of\" (see ex-) + bullire \"to bubble\" origin similar to boil, bubble Synonyms: exuberant, buoyant, joyful",
+ "Latin pp ebullientem \"to boil over,\" literally or figuratively, ex \"out, out of\" (see ex-) + bullire \"to bubble\" origin similar to boil, bubble Synonyms: exuberant, buoyant, joyful",
"Charlie’s ebullient upbeat character made him a favorite in the office",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -5084,7 +5084,7 @@
"quirky or unusual",
- "From Greek astronomy referring to planet orbitals: ekkentros \"out of the center\" (as opposed to concentric), from ek \"out\" (see ex-) + kentron \"center\". Meaning now modified to \"odd or whimsical person\"",
+ "Greek astronomy referring to planet orbitals: ekkentros \"out of the center\" (as opposed to concentric), ek \"out\" (see ex-) + kentron \"center\". Meaning now modified to \"odd or whimsical person\"",
"The eccentric artist was quite happy to walk around with green hair",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -5102,7 +5102,7 @@
"a level or rank in an organization, a profession, or society",
- "from French échelon \"level, echelon,\" literally \"rung of a ladder,\" itself from Late Latin scala \"stair Synonyms: level, rank, grade",
+ "French échelon \"level, echelon,\" literally \"rung of a ladder,\" itself Late Latin scala \"stair Synonyms: level, rank, grade",
"The social shock of the arrival of online education will be substantially greater if it devours the top echelon of public universities.",
"Medium Difficult",
@@ -5247,7 +5247,7 @@
"the quality of flowing out. something that flows out, such as a stream from a river (n: effluence)",
"adjective, n",
- "Angered citizens confronted the factory for the effluent because they carelessly dumped into the Jackson Lake.",
+ "Paques builds plants that ensure that wastewater effluent effluent is cleaned",
"Common GRE",
@@ -5282,7 +5282,7 @@
"the action of going out of or leaving a place",
- "from Latin egressus=\"a going out\"(ex=out+ PP of gredi= to step) Deutsch : Austritt Synonyms: departure, exit, withdrawal",
+ "Latin egressus=\"a going out\"(ex=out+ PP of gredi= to step) Deutsch : Austritt Synonyms: departure, exit, withdrawal",
"The data is stored in the router egress queue until it is serialised onto the physical wire",
"Most Difficult",
@@ -5463,7 +5463,7 @@
"Emulate means \"to try to be as good or successful as.\" Imitate means \"to copy or fashion oneself after.\"",
"Easily confused words",
- "He did not limit his actions to imitating his role model, but wished to go further and emulate his idol's success",
+ "He did not limit his actions to imitating his role model, but wished to go further and emulate his idol's success",
"Easily confused words",
@@ -5517,7 +5517,7 @@
"a formal eulogy or speech of praise",
- "Mrs. Poundstone was surprised and delighted on the last day of school when the students in her most difficult class presented her with an encomium they had written, praising her work as a teacher.",
+ "Mrs. Poundstone was surprised and delighted on the last day of school when the students in her most difficult class presented her with an encomium they had written, praising her work as a teacher.",
"Common GRE",
@@ -5588,7 +5588,7 @@
"to exhaust or drain of energy. to weaken or destroy the strength or vitality of: (adj: enervating)",
- "",
+ "make tired by \"getting on your nerves\"",
"The heat enervated everyone.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -5606,7 +5606,7 @@
"to exhaust or drain of energy. to weaken or destroy the strength or vitality of: (adj: enervating)",
- "",
+ "make tired by \"getting on your nerves\"",
"The heat enervated everyone.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -5624,7 +5624,7 @@
"to cause or give rise to",
- "",
+ "from in- \"in\" + generare \"bring forth, beget, produce\" itself from genus \"give birth, beget,\"",
"His slip of the toungue engendered much laughter.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -5642,7 +5642,7 @@
"to cause or give rise to",
- "",
+ "from in- \"in\" + generare \"bring forth, beget, produce\" itself from genus \"give birth, beget,\"",
"His slip of the toungue engendered much laughter.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -5930,7 +5930,7 @@
- "from mid English, erst =\"first, at first; once, long ago; till now\" itself from Old English ærest soonest, earliest, \"Synonyms: old, past, one-time",
+ "mid English, erst =\"first, at first; once, long ago; till now\" itself Old English ærest soonest, earliest, \"Synonyms: old, past, one-time",
"The erstwhile owner and company founder kept a close eye on how the new shareholders grew his baby",
"Most Difficult",
@@ -6164,7 +6164,7 @@
"the quality of being pleasing to the ear",
- "from Greek eu- \"good\" (see eu-) + phone \"sound, voice,\" = well sounding Synonyms: melodiousness, musicality",
+ "Greek eu- \"good\" (see eu-) + phone \"sound, voice,\" = well sounding Synonyms: melodiousness, musicality",
"I was moved by the melodious euphony of the spoken poem",
"Most Difficult",
@@ -6614,7 +6614,7 @@
"relying on a fallacy and thus incorrect/misinformed",
- "From fallacy Deutsch : irreführend",
+ "fallacy Deutsch : irreführend",
"He clung to the fallacious hope that she would return.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -7190,7 +7190,7 @@
"a noisy disturbance or quarrel",
- "from French fracas=\"crash, sudden noise; tumult, bustle, fuss\" Deutsch : Aufruhr Synonyms: scuffle, brawl, affray",
+ "French fracas=\"crash, sudden noise; tumult, bustle, fuss\" Deutsch : Aufruhr Synonyms: scuffle, brawl, affray",
"a diplomatic fracas between the quarrelsome nations",
"Most Difficult",
@@ -7281,7 +7281,7 @@
"economical, thrifty",
- "",
+ "Be more frugal with your expenses, and you will not be in debt.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -7299,7 +7299,7 @@
"1. v. to cook in hot oil. 2. n. baby fish",
"The newborn fry are easy prey to larger fish in the area.",
- "",
+ "2. The police were u>not interested in the small fry drug dealers, but wanted to catch the drug kingpin.",
@@ -7334,7 +7334,7 @@
"a series of shots fired or missiles thrown all at the same time or in quick succession",
- "from French fusillade, from fusiller \"to shoot\" Synonyms: salvo, volley, bombardment",
+ "French fusillade, fusiller \"to shoot\" Synonyms: salvo, volley, bombardment",
"But thanks to poor communication, many saw it as China’s first fusillade in a global currency war.",
"Most Difficult",
@@ -7370,7 +7370,7 @@
"an unintentional act or remark causing embarrassment to its originator",
- "from French gaffe \"clumsy remark,\" Synonyms: blunder, mistake, error",
+ "French gaffe \"clumsy remark,\" Synonyms: blunder, mistake, error",
"Goofy makes non-stop gaffes",
"Most Difficult",
@@ -8055,7 +8055,7 @@
"Insulated or protected from outside influences",
"Synonyms: airtight, sealed",
- "More worryingly, there was a hermetic logic to them which, with the passions they aroused, made it possible to see how they could beguile and thrill many more.",
+ "North Korea is often called the \"hermetic kingdom'",
"Most Difficult",
@@ -9206,7 +9206,7 @@
"ingenious (ingenuity) ingenuous (and disingenuous)",
"Ingenious indicates cleverness, particularly relating to inventive, while ingenuous refers to sincerity or a naive nature.",
- "genuous comes from same root as genuine",
+ "genuous comes same root as genuine",
"Einstein was ingenious while his wife was ingenuous",
"Easily confused words",
@@ -9224,7 +9224,7 @@
"an ungrateful person",
- "Deutsch : undankbar. from Latin : in- \"not\" + gratus \"pleasing, beloved, dear, agreeable\"",
+ "Deutsch : undankbar. Latin : in- \"not\" + gratus \"pleasing, beloved, dear, agreeable\"",
"Greater liberty... over the past generation is abused by ingrates who think it funny to depict their leaders pantless...",
"Least Difficult",
@@ -9368,7 +9368,7 @@
"bland, uninspired, inane; lacking zest or excitement; dull",
- "Synonyms: boring, vapid, dull. Deutsch : Geschmacklos, fad. from Latin from in- \"not\" + Latin sapidus \"tasty,\" from sapere",
+ "Synonyms: boring, vapid, dull. Deutsch : Geschmacklos, fad. Latin in- \"not\" + Latin sapidus \"tasty,\" sapere",
"It was a stultifying procession of patriotic songs... insipid skits and bald propaganda.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -10432,7 +10432,7 @@
"Presented in vividly shocking or sensational terms",
- "Synonyms: melodramatic, exaggerated, overdramatized. Deutsch : Reißerisch, grell. from Latin : pale, the colour of bruises, ghastly",
+ "Synonyms: melodramatic, exaggerated, overdramatized. Deutsch : Reißerisch, grell. Latin : pale, the colour of bruises, ghastly",
"Their absence from the public eye, especially in a Western country with an abundant supply of good hospitals, tends to spark lurid rumours of illness and even death.",
"Least Difficult",
@@ -12574,7 +12574,7 @@
"1. Greek origin = alongsidecoming from beyond; altered; contrary; irregular abnormal 2. Latin origin =\"defense protection against; that which protects from\"",
"Greek/Latin root",
- "1. GREEK origin : parallel (alongside each other) paramedic (someone alongside a medic)paraphrase (restatement=coming from phase) parastatal (organisation that runs alongside state organisation)paresis (altered ie partial paralysis) paralegal(one trained in subsidiary legal matters \"alongside legal\") parameter (used alongside to measure system) paraplegic (to be struck on the one side - eg lower side left side) paranormal (beyond normal)parasite (alongside food)",
+ "1. GREEK origin : parallel (alongside each other) paramedic (someone alongside a medic)paraphrase (restatement=coming phase) parastatal (organisation that runs alongside state organisation)paresis (altered ie partial paralysis) paralegal(one trained in subsidiary legal matters \"alongside legal\") parameter (used alongside to measure system) paraplegic (to be struck on the one side - eg lower side left side) paranormal (beyond normal)parasite (alongside food)",
"2. LATIN origin : parachute (protect from falling) parasol (protect from sun)",
@@ -14500,7 +14500,7 @@
"to rebut or disprove",
- "Latin : from re=back +futare =\"to beat\", ie. To resist, repel, oppose",
+ "Latin : re=back +futare =\"to beat\", ie. To resist, repel, oppose",
"The evidence provided by the prosecutor will refute the defendant’s claim of innocence.",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@@ -14932,7 +14932,7 @@
"1. n. sugary liquid found in trees. 2. v. to deplete or weaken.",
- "(2) Chronic sleep deprivation will eventually sap the vitality of those who suffer from it.",
+ "(2) Chronic sleep deprivation will eventually sap the vitality of those who suffer it.",
@@ -16660,7 +16660,7 @@
"Find fault with (someone)",
- "Synonyms: scold, reprimand, rebuke. Deutsch : jdm Vorwürfe machen. From Old English upbregdan \"bring forth as a ground for censure\"",
+ "Synonyms: scold, reprimand, rebuke. Deutsch : jdm Vorwürfe machen. Old English upbregdan \"bring forth as a ground for censure\"",
"In the past its neighbours isolated and upbraided Austria for its flirtations with nationalist extremism...",
"Least Difficult",
@@ -16948,7 +16948,7 @@
"(of countryside) green with grass or other rich vegetation",
- "Synonyms: leafy, grassy, lush",
+ "Feom French : Vert-= green
Synonyms: leafy, grassy, lush",
"The Holey Artisan Bakery... overlooking a placid lake in Dhaka, was a foodie’s labour of love in a verdant corner of the chaotic capital.",
"Most Difficult",
@@ -17146,7 +17146,7 @@
"Destroy or impair the legal validity of",
- "Synonyms: put an end to, do away with, scrap. Deutsch : Beeinträchtigen, verderben, zerstören. from Latin \"vitiare\"= to make faulty. Same origin as \"vice\", therefore same pronounciation root \"vishiate\"",
+ "Synonyms: put an end to, do away with, scrap. Deutsch : Beeinträchtigen, verderben, zerstören. Latin \"vitiare\"= to make faulty. Same origin as \"vice\", therefore same pronounciation root \"vishiate\"",
"‘The firm admitted that it vitiated its stated standards for evaluating securities in an area where those standards put in question its ability to win business.",
"Least Difficult",
@@ -17434,7 +17434,7 @@
"waver waiver",
"v. vacillate or move back and forth",
- "n. release or special exemption from a rule",
+ "n. release or special exemption a rule",
"Most of the students tried to get waivers of their overdue fines.",
@@ -18315,7 +18315,7 @@
"contra contro counter",
- "Latrin Prefix",
+ "Latin Prefix",
"counter productive counter force",
"Latin words",
@@ -18369,7 +18369,7 @@
"down opposite of away from about",
- "Latrin Prefix",
+ "Latin Prefix",
"decline descent",
"Latin words",
@@ -18424,7 +18424,7 @@
- "word-forming element meaning \"half half-sized partial\" used in technical terms from French",
+ "word-forming element meaning \"half half-sized partial\" used in technical terms French",
"Latin words",
@@ -18458,10 +18458,10 @@
"fields": [
"diffident different deference",
- "diffident = shy, timid, or reserved due to a lack of confidence and deference is respect for others.",
+ "diffident = shy, timid, or reserved due to a lack of confidence and deference is respect for others.",
"Easily confused words",
- "If you treat others with deference, then people will respect you back, and acting differently will not lead to diffidence",
+ "If you treat others with deference, then people will respect you back, and acting differently will not lead to shy diffidence",
"Easily confused words",
@@ -18783,7 +18783,7 @@
"too much",
- "Latrin Prefix",
+ "Latin Prefix",
"hyper ventilate",
"Latin words",
@@ -18820,7 +18820,7 @@
"ingenious (ingenuity) ingenuous (and disingenuous)",
"Ingenious indicates cleverness, particularly relating to inventive, while ingenuous refers to sincerity or a naive nature.",
- "genuous comes from same root as genuine",
+ "genuous comes same root as genuine",
"Einstein was ingenious while his wife was ingenuous",
"Easily confused words",
@@ -19161,7 +19161,7 @@
- "Latrin Prefix",
+ "Latin Prefix",
"Latin words",
@@ -19179,7 +19179,7 @@
- "Latrin Prefix",
+ "Latin Prefix",
"non existant",
"Latin words",
@@ -19306,7 +19306,7 @@
"stone rock",
"Greek/Latin root",
- "From Peter \"you are the rock that I will build my Church\" said Jesus",
+ "Peter \"you are the rock that I will build my Church\" said Jesus",
"Latin words",
@@ -20276,7 +20276,7 @@
"fields": [
- "fold bend/складывать сгибать",
+ "fold bend",
"Greek/Latin root",
@@ -20601,7 +20601,7 @@
"above beyond",
- "Latrin Prefix",
+ "Latin Prefix",
"Latin words",
@@ -21141,7 +21141,7 @@
"word-forming element meaning \"around round about all around on all sides\" from Latin",
- "Latrin Prefix",
+ "Latin Prefix",
"Circa circadian(about a day) circuit circumambient(surroundings) circumambulate(to walk around) circumbendibus(a round about way - round the bend) circumcise (cut around) circumcision circumference circumflex(sign bent around) circumfluent(a fluid flowing around) circumjacent(bordering on every side) circumlocution(a round about way of speaking elusive",
") circumnavigate(sail around the globe) circumpolar(surround one of the poles) circumscribe(to make a circle around= to encompass) circumspect(looking around from all sides=suspect wary) circumspection circumstance circumvent(to go around) circumvolve(to turn or to cause to roll around) circus",
"Latin words",
@@ -21177,7 +21177,7 @@
- "Latrin Prefix",
+ "Latin Prefix",
"Latin words",
@@ -21195,7 +21195,7 @@
"contra contro counter",
- "Latrin Prefix",
+ "Latin Prefix",
"counter productive counter force",
"Latin words",
@@ -21231,7 +21231,7 @@
"down opposite of away from about",
- "Latrin Prefix",
+ "Latin Prefix",
"decline descent",
"Latin words",
@@ -21249,7 +21249,7 @@
- "Latrin Prefix",
+ "Latin Prefix",
"Latin words",
@@ -21285,7 +21285,7 @@
"e ex ef",
"out of from",
- "Latrin Prefix",
+ "Latin Prefix",
"Latin words",
@@ -21303,7 +21303,7 @@
"too little under",
- "Latrin Prefix",
+ "Latin Prefix",
"Latin words",
@@ -21321,7 +21321,7 @@
"in il im ir",
"into in on",
- "Latrin Prefix",
+ "Latin Prefix",
"Latin words",
@@ -21339,7 +21339,7 @@
"instead of",
- "Latrin Prefix",
+ "Latin Prefix",
"vice-governor vice-roy vice-captain",
"Latin words",
@@ -21357,7 +21357,7 @@
"back again",
- "Latrin Prefix",
+ "Latin Prefix",
"Latin words",
@@ -21411,7 +21411,7 @@
- "Latrin Prefix",
+ "Latin Prefix",
"Latin words",
@@ -21429,7 +21429,7 @@
"apart away",
- "Latrin Prefix",
+ "Latin Prefix",
"Latin words",
@@ -21447,7 +21447,7 @@
- "Latrin Prefix",
+ "Latin Prefix",
"Latin words",
@@ -21483,7 +21483,7 @@
- "Latrin Prefix",
+ "Latin Prefix",
"Latin words",
@@ -21755,7 +21755,7 @@
"state of",
"Latin Suffix",
- "",
+ "state of matrimony (being married)",
"Latin words",
@@ -21879,7 +21879,7 @@
"out of beyond",
- "Latrin Prefix",
+ "Latin Prefix",
"Latin words",
@@ -22492,7 +22492,7 @@
"Greek/Latin root",
- "a subfrom of the Greek PIE root \"ac\": be sharp rise (out) to a point pierce.",
+ "a sub of the Greek PIE root \"ac\": be sharp rise (out) to a point pierce.",
"acacia(african thorn bush) acanthus (mediterreanian thorn tree)",
"Root words",
@@ -22510,7 +22510,7 @@
"oxysoxy- \"sharp bitter\"",
"Greek/Latin root",
- "a subfrom of the Greek PIE root \"ac\": be sharp rise (out) to a point pierce.",
+ "a sub of the Greek PIE root \"ac\": be sharp rise (out) to a point pierce.",
"oxalic oxideoxygen(D=Sauerstoff...) oxymoron(oxy=sharp+moron=stupid =>a word with composites of opposite meaning) paroxysm (sudden extension of disease)anoxic(lack of oxygen)",
"Root words",