updated to v64
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
"Column1" "Column2" "Column3" "Column4" "Column5" "Column6" "Column7" "Column8"
1 "-(o)logy" "study, science, theory" "noun " "biology</br> archeology" "Suffix" "MSU"
1 "-(o)logy" "study, science, theory" "noun " "biology</br> archeology" "Suffix" "MSU"
2 "a</br>an" "without</br> not " "Greek/Latin root" " Atypical=not typical</br>Atheist =one who does not believe in God</br>Atrophy=wasting away</br>deterioration" "asexual</br> amoral</br> anarchy</br> anhydrous</br> Anabaptist</br> anachronism " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
2 "a</br>an" "without</br> not " "Greek/Latin root" " Atypical=not typical</br>Atheist =one who does not believe in God</br>Atrophy=wasting away</br>deterioration" "asexual</br> amoral</br> anarchy</br> anhydrous</br> Anabaptist</br> anachronism " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
3 "ab</br>abs</br>a" "apart</br> away from " "Greek/Latin root" "Abnormal=deviating normal</br>Abhor=to hate</br> detest</br>Abominate=to detest</br>Abduct=to take by force</br>Abstruse=hard to understand</br>Abstract=considered apart normal existence</br>abnormal</br> abduct</br> abductor (muscle)</br> abscission " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
3 "ab</br>abs</br>a" "apart</br> away from " "Greek/Latin root" "Abnormal=deviating normal</br>Abhor=to hate</br> detest</br>Abominate=to detest</br>Abduct=to take by force</br>Abstruse=hard to understand</br>Abstract=considered apart normal existence</br>abnormal</br> abduct</br> abductor (muscle)</br> abscission " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
@ -1621,6 +1620,11 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1598 "impetus" "1. incentive, stimulus, force that causes something to happen</br>2. force, energy or properities associated with a moving body due to velocity and mass" " noun" "1a. The high crime rate was the <b>impetus</b> for the hiring of one hundred new police officers in our city.</br> 1b. <u><b>impetus</br> for change" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1598 "impetus" "1. incentive, stimulus, force that causes something to happen</br>2. force, energy or properities associated with a moving body due to velocity and mass" " noun" "1a. The high crime rate was the <b>impetus</b> for the hiring of one hundred new police officers in our city.</br> 1b. <u><b>impetus</br> for change" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1599 "impinge" "to encroach, transpass" " verb" "You'll find people don't like it when you <u><b>impinge</b> on their personal space</u> - for example by standing too close when talking to others or bringing luggage on a crowded rush-hour subway carriage. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1599 "impinge" "to encroach, transpass" " verb" "You'll find people don't like it when you <u><b>impinge</b> on their personal space</u> - for example by standing too close when talking to others or bringing luggage on a crowded rush-hour subway carriage. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1600 "importunate" "urging; demanding; expressing earnest entreaty" " adj." "Syn:beseeching, imploring, pleading" "1a. Johnson satisfied an <b>importunate</b> US last week by banning the Chinese telecoms firm Huawei from doing business in Britain.</br>1b."" Hör auf zu stürmen"", my mother used to say, when I was <b>importunate</b> about a request" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1600 "importunate" "urging; demanding; expressing earnest entreaty" " adj." "Syn:beseeching, imploring, pleading" "1a. Johnson satisfied an <b>importunate</b> US last week by banning the Chinese telecoms firm Huawei from doing business in Britain.</br>1b."" Hör auf zu stürmen"", my mother used to say, when I was <b>importunate</b> about a request" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1601 "telluric" "of or relating to or inhabiting the land as opposed to the sea or air" "adj. " "Latin : Tellus, Roman goddess of the earth</br>Syn: tellurian, terrene, terrestrial" "<u><b>Telluric</b> currents</u> in the earth's crust were first measured in 1862, and despite having many causes, are generally diurnal and are constantly flowing in direction of the sun. " "AMB" "RATMW"
1602 "crepuscular" "of, relating to, or resembling twilight" "adj." "French/Latin crepuscule : twighlight" "The combination of the red coat, the isolation of the girl and the <b>crepuscular</b> woods brings to mind Little Red Riding Hood" "AMB" "RATMW"
1603 "importune" "beg persistently; ask for urgently or repeatedly; annoy" " verb" "Syn:beseech, implore, plead" "1."" Hör auf zu stürmen"", my mother used to say, when I <b>importuned</b> for something I wanted" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1604 "imprecation" "1. curse, or act of calling down a curse that invokes evil</br>2. A slanderous accusation" " noun" "Latin:in- ""against"" + precari ""to pray, ask, beg""=>to curse" "1a. A book titled “How Librarians Swear” lists such <b>imprecations</b> as “You stupid doorknob,” “What the fun” and “Oh shootdarn it.”</br>1b.The accused suffered the <b>imprecations</b> of the mob </br>2. He often tweets <b>imprecations</b> at immigrants: “We are indeed a nation of immigrants. We are also a nation of laws. Respect our laws and we welcome you.""" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1605 "improvident" "1. thriftless; not providing for future; </br>2. incautious" " adj." "Latin : im- = ""opposite, not"" + providere =""foresee, provide""=>not providing for future</br>Syn2:myopic, short, shortsighted, unforesightful" "1. Her <b>improvident</b> habits left her with no retirement savings. </br>2. In one heat, a driver made an <b>improvident</b> move and three cars collided, one flipping on its side." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1661 "febrile" "feverish; intense emotion or activity" " adj. " "Same word root as ""fever"", thus related to fever, ferverish. " "The atmosphere in the city was <b>febrile</b> as the king's coronation date approached. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1661 "febrile" "feverish; intense emotion or activity" " adj. " "Same word root as ""fever"", thus related to fever, ferverish. " "The atmosphere in the city was <b>febrile</b> as the king's coronation date approached. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1662 "acquiesce" "assent; agree without protesting" " verb" " Latin: acquiescere, meaning “to rest. ” If you “rest” or become passive in the face of something to which you object, you are giving tacit agreement. " "While I did not want to go to the show with Laura, <u>her begging eventually caused me to <b>acquiesce</u></b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1662 "acquiesce" "assent; agree without protesting" " verb" " Latin: acquiescere, meaning “to rest. ” If you “rest” or become passive in the face of something to which you object, you are giving tacit agreement. " "While I did not want to go to the show with Laura, <u>her begging eventually caused me to <b>acquiesce</u></b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1663 "connote" "to imply something in addition to what is apparent" "verb" "Latin: com ""with, together"" + notare ""to mark, note, make a note""=>to signify in addition to the main meaning" "At work, we <b>connote</b> the employee of the month award with being the best worker on the team. " "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1"
1663 "connote" "to imply something in addition to what is apparent" "verb" "Latin: com ""with, together"" + notare ""to mark, note, make a note""=>to signify in addition to the main meaning" "At work, we <b>connote</b> the employee of the month award with being the best worker on the team. " "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1"
Binary file not shown.
@ -20656,7 +20656,7 @@
"Used to refer to something very light, thin, and insubstantial or delicate",
"Used to refer to something very light, thin, and insubstantial or delicate",
"refers to the similarity in appearance of softness between geese down and cobwebs, </br>Syn: gauzy, gossamery, fine </br>Deutsch: Hauchdünn. </br> As a NOUN it means a\"goose summer\", ie. referring to an autumn after a good summer -> \"goose summer\" (middle english)(Altweibersommer).",
"refers to the similarity in appearance of softness between geese down and cobwebs, </br>Syn: gauzy, gossamery, fine </br>Deutsch: Hauchdünn. </br> As a NOUN it means a\"goose summer\", ie. referring to an autumn after a good summer -> \"goose summer\" (middle english)(Altweibersommer).",
"1. Two days later, Taal Volcano erupted outside of Manila, coating the parked cars in Poblacion with a <b>gossamer</b> of white ash. </br>1b. \nFairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes",
"1. Two days later, Taal Volcano erupted outside of Manila, coating the parked cars in Poblacion with a <b>gossamer</b> of white ash. </br>1b.\nFairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes",
"Least Difficult",
"Least Difficult",
@ -25891,7 +25891,7 @@
"fields": [
"fields": [
"1. give over to another for care or safekeeping</br> \n2. to give, transfer, or deliver into the hands or control of another also: to commit especially to a final destination or fate </br>\n3. to send or address to an agent to be cared for or sold",
"1. give over to another for care or safekeeping</br>\n2. to give, transfer, or deliver into the hands or control of another also: to commit especially to a final destination or fate </br>\n3. to send or address to an agent to be cared for or sold",
"con = \"with, together\" + signare \"to sign, mark\"=>formally hand over by signing",
"con = \"with, together\" + signare \"to sign, mark\"=>formally hand over by signing",
"1. She <b>consigned</b> her baggage to the service provider at the station. </br>2. After publishing a piece of politically incorrect writing, the author was <u><b>consigned</b> to oblivion</u></br>3. Since I <b>consign</b> my blankets to ebay agent stores, I don’t get paid until a sale is made",
"1. She <b>consigned</b> her baggage to the service provider at the station. </br>2. After publishing a piece of politically incorrect writing, the author was <u><b>consigned</b> to oblivion</u></br>3. Since I <b>consign</b> my blankets to ebay agent stores, I don’t get paid until a sale is made",
@ -28891,24 +28891,6 @@
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@ -29178,6 +29160,96 @@
"guid": "mx=Y`Nh3j.",
"guid": "mx=Y`Nh3j.",
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"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
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"of or relating to or inhabiting the land as opposed to the sea or air",
"Latin : Tellus, Roman goddess of the earth</br>Syn: tellurian, terrene, terrestrial",
"<u><b>Telluric</b> currents</u> in the earth's crust were first measured in 1862, and despite having many causes, are generally diurnal and are constantly flowing in direction of the sun.",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "g_.>SDUbM]",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"of, relating to, or resembling twilight",
"French/Latin crepuscule : twighlight",
"The combination of the red coat, the isolation of the girl and the <b>crepuscular</b> woods brings to mind Little Red Riding Hood",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "EY6u/,Zr[f",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"beg persistently; ask for urgently or repeatedly; annoy",
"Syn:beseech, implore, plead",
"1.\" Hör auf zu stürmen\", my mother used to say, when I <b>importuned</b> for something I wanted",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "pG:PeT`^%j",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"1. curse, or act of calling down a curse that invokes evil</br>2. A slanderous accusation",
"Latin:in- \"against\" + precari \"to pray, ask, beg\"=>to curse",
"1a. A book titled “How Librarians Swear” lists such <b>imprecations</b> as “You stupid doorknob,” “What the fun” and “Oh shootdarn it.”</br>1b.The accused suffered the <b>imprecations</b> of the mob </br>2. He often tweets <b>imprecations</b> at immigrants: “We are indeed a nation of immigrants. We are also a nation of laws. Respect our laws and we welcome you.\"",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "qM2ekXXY&V",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"1. thriftless; not providing for future; </br>2. incautious",
"Latin : im- = \"opposite, not\" + providere =\"foresee, provide\"=>not providing for future</br>Syn2:myopic, short, shortsighted, unforesightful",
"1. Her <b>improvident</b> habits left her with no retirement savings. </br>2. In one heat, a driver made an <b>improvident</b> move and three cars collided, one flipping on its side.",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "G~e.He.Bd_",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
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