Updated to v46

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Alexander Bocken 2020-07-14 11:47:43 +00:00
parent ffc4dc2ba8
commit 9279e7dae2
4 changed files with 102 additions and 74 deletions

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
46 "amenable" " easily convinced or persuaded" "adj." " French, latin : ad + mener (= to lead (F), to drive cattle (Latin)" "Group trips with <b><u>amenable</b> people are pleasant.</u>" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar" 46 "amenable" " easily convinced or persuaded" "adj." " French, latin : ad + mener (= to lead (F), to drive cattle (Latin)" "Group trips with <b><u>amenable</b> people are pleasant.</u>" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
47 "amphi</br>" "round</br> " "Greek/Latin root" "amphitheater</br> amphibian</br> " "Greek/Latin " "MSU" 47 "amphi</br>" "round</br> " "Greek/Latin root" "amphitheater</br> amphibian</br> " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
48 "-an,ian" "native of, pertaining to " "adj., noun" "American</br> Martian</br> antediluvian " "Suffix" "MSU" 48 "-an,ian" "native of, pertaining to " "adj., noun" "American</br> Martian</br> antediluvian " "Suffix" "MSU"
49 "abrade" "wear away by friction; scrape; erode" " verb" "</br>Syn 1: scour.</br>2. erode, wear-away, corrade, rub-off" "1. Using sandpaper, John was able to <b>abrade</b> the rough edges of the wood into a smooth finish.</br>The constant battering of the waves </b>abraded</b> the coastline away" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 49 "abrade" "1. wear away by friction; scrape; </br>2. erode" " verb" "</br>Syn 1: scour.</br>2. wear-away, corrade, rub-off" "1. Using sandpaper, John was able to <b>abrade</b> the rough edges of the wood into a smooth finish.</br>2. The constant battering of the waves </b>abraded</b> the coastline away" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
50 "anachronism" " something old-fashioned, a person or artifact appearing after its own time or out of chronological order (adj: anachronistic)" "noun" " Latin/Greek : ""against"" (see ana-) + khronos ""time"" (see chrono-)= something appearing in a time period where it does not belong" "A steam engine in our modern digitised world is nothing more than an <b>anachronism</b>. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar" 50 "anachronism" " something old-fashioned, a person or artifact appearing after its own time or out of chronological order (adj: anachronistic)" "noun" " Latin/Greek : ""against"" (see ana-) + khronos ""time"" (see chrono-)= something appearing in a time period where it does not belong" "A steam engine in our modern digitised world is nothing more than an <b>anachronism</b>. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
51 "analogous" " comparable, similar" "noun" " Greek : ana ""throughout; according to"" + logos ""ratio, proportionn. </br>Deutsch= entsprechend Noun = appropriate for analogy" "One can solve all the other problems in <u>an <b>analagous</b> manner.</u>" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar" 51 "analogous" " comparable, similar" "noun" " Greek : ana ""throughout; according to"" + logos ""ratio, proportionn. </br>Deutsch= entsprechend Noun = appropriate for analogy" "One can solve all the other problems in <u>an <b>analagous</b> manner.</u>" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
52 "-ance,ancy" "action, process, state " "noun, verb" "assistance</br>allowance</br>defiance " "Suffix" "MSU" 52 "-ance,ancy" "action, process, state " "noun, verb" "assistance</br>allowance</br>defiance " "Suffix" "MSU"
@ -414,7 +414,7 @@
412 "improvidence" "an absence of foresight; a failure to provide for future needs or events " "noun" "Latin : im-, ""not,"" and providentia, ""foresight.""</br>Syn : shortsightedness" "Their improvidence resulted in the loss of their home." "Common GRE" "MSU" 412 "improvidence" "an absence of foresight; a failure to provide for future needs or events " "noun" "Latin : im-, ""not,"" and providentia, ""foresight.""</br>Syn : shortsightedness" "Their improvidence resulted in the loss of their home." "Common GRE" "MSU"
413 "imprudence" " bad judgment, often through quick and rash decisions" "noun" "Latin: imprudentem means ""not forseeing, unaware, or inconsiderate.""</br>Syn: a)heedlessness, mindlessness, rashness b)improvidence, shortsightedness, c)lightheadedness, d)extravagance, prodigality, profligacy, e) thriftlessness, waste, wastefulness" "Phils <u><b>imprudent</b> turn</u> on the highway caused a six-car accident" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar" 413 "imprudence" " bad judgment, often through quick and rash decisions" "noun" "Latin: imprudentem means ""not forseeing, unaware, or inconsiderate.""</br>Syn: a)heedlessness, mindlessness, rashness b)improvidence, shortsightedness, c)lightheadedness, d)extravagance, prodigality, profligacy, e) thriftlessness, waste, wastefulness" "Phils <u><b>imprudent</b> turn</u> on the highway caused a six-car accident" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
414 "impudent" " disrespectful" "adj." "Latin: im, meaning without, + pudens, meaning shame</br>Syn: a) impertinent, overbold, sassy, saucy, smart, wise, forward. B) flip, insolent, snotty-nosed, disrespectful" "The boy is an <u><b>impudent</b> scoundrel</u> who doesnt seem to respect rules or people" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar" 414 "impudent" " disrespectful" "adj." "Latin: im, meaning without, + pudens, meaning shame</br>Syn: a) impertinent, overbold, sassy, saucy, smart, wise, forward. B) flip, insolent, snotty-nosed, disrespectful" "The boy is an <u><b>impudent</b> scoundrel</u> who doesnt seem to respect rules or people" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
415 "in</br> il</br> im</br> ir" "in : Deutscher Stamm : ""in""" "Greek/Latin root" "This is the first of 2 generic meanings of ""in"". The other is 'NOT""" "incarcerate</br> incorporate</br> inculcate</br> induction</br> inductance</br> indigenous</br> indicator</br> inspiration " "Greek/Latin " "MSU" 415 "in</br> il</br> im</br> ir" "in : Deutscher Stamm : ""in""" "Greek/Latin root" "This is the first of 2 generic meanings of ""in"". The other is </u>'not'</u>" "incarcerate</br> incorporate</br> inculcate</br> induction</br> inductance</br> indigenous</br> indicator</br> inspiration " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
416 "in</br> im " "not, against : Deutscher Stamm : ""un-""" "Greek/Latin root" "This is the SECOND of 2 generic meanings of ""in"". The other is ÏNTO" "incredible</br> ignoble</br> inglorious</br> inhospitable</br> infinite</br> infinitesimal</br> immoral " "Greek/Latin " "MSU" 416 "in</br> im " "not, against : Deutscher Stamm : ""un-""" "Greek/Latin root" "This is the SECOND of 2 generic meanings of ""in"". The other is ÏNTO" "incredible</br> ignoble</br> inglorious</br> inhospitable</br> infinite</br> infinitesimal</br> immoral " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
417 "inadvertent" " by accident or unintentional" "adj." "Latin: in- = ""not+ ad =""to, toward"" + vertere= ""to turn."" => inadvertent means “not turning the mind to</br>Syn: accident, unintended" "Because the principal neglected to turn off the microphone on the PA system, <u>some statements were <b>inadvertently</b> broadcat to all. </u>" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar" 417 "inadvertent" " by accident or unintentional" "adj." "Latin: in- = ""not+ ad =""to, toward"" + vertere= ""to turn."" => inadvertent means “not turning the mind to</br>Syn: accident, unintended" "Because the principal neglected to turn off the microphone on the PA system, <u>some statements were <b>inadvertently</b> broadcat to all. </u>" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
418 "atrial" "of or pertaining to an atrium, especially the upper chambers of the heart" " adj." "My father was treated for a disorder known as <u><b>atrial</b> flutter</u>, a non-life-threatening condition in which the heart beats less efficiently" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 418 "atrial" "of or pertaining to an atrium, especially the upper chambers of the heart" " adj." "My father was treated for a disorder known as <u><b>atrial</b> flutter</u>, a non-life-threatening condition in which the heart beats less efficiently" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
536 "obsequious" "attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery" "adj." "Latin: ob ""after"" + sequi ""to follow""=>to accommodate oneself to the will of another</br>Syn: bootlicking, fawning, sycophantic, toadyish, insincere" "<b>obsequious</b> shop assistants scutter about to meet the customer's every wish" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar" 536 "obsequious" "attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery" "adj." "Latin: ob ""after"" + sequi ""to follow""=>to accommodate oneself to the will of another</br>Syn: bootlicking, fawning, sycophantic, toadyish, insincere" "<b>obsequious</b> shop assistants scutter about to meet the customer's every wish" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
537 "obstinate" "beyond stubborn,tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield" "adj." " obstinate is most definitely negative(although stubborn can be positive)</br>Syn: stubborn, unregenerate, inflexible, sturdy, uncompromising, disobedient, bloody-minded, cantankerous, bolshy, stroppy, bullet-headed, bullheaded, pigheaded, dogged, dour, persistent, pertinacious, tenacious, unyielding, contrarious, cross-grained, determined, hardheaded, mulish, stiff-necked, strong-minded, strong-willed, intractable" "The more the parent pushes, the more <b>obstinate</b> the youngling becomes." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar" 537 "obstinate" "beyond stubborn,tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield" "adj." " obstinate is most definitely negative(although stubborn can be positive)</br>Syn: stubborn, unregenerate, inflexible, sturdy, uncompromising, disobedient, bloody-minded, cantankerous, bolshy, stroppy, bullet-headed, bullheaded, pigheaded, dogged, dour, persistent, pertinacious, tenacious, unyielding, contrarious, cross-grained, determined, hardheaded, mulish, stiff-necked, strong-minded, strong-willed, intractable" "The more the parent pushes, the more <b>obstinate</b> the youngling becomes." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
538 "blindside" "1. to take by surprise</br>2. to attack or hit on or from the side where the attacked person's view is obstructed" " verb" "Term from US Football, 1968" "The Corona economic downturn <u><b>blindsided</b> many investors</u>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 538 "blindside" "1. to take by surprise</br>2. to attack or hit on or from the side where the attacked person's view is obstructed" " verb" "Term from US Football, 1968" "The Corona economic downturn <u><b>blindsided</b> many investors</u>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
539 "obviate" "1. do away with</br>2. . to prevent" "verb" "Latin ob ""in front of, against"" + viam, ""way""=> go against. </br> prevent, avert, avoid, debar, deflect, fend off, forefend, forfend, head off, stave off, ward off" "1. Doing one doesnt <b>obviate</b> the need to do the other. </br>2. If you want to <u><b>obviate</b> the risk of skin cancer</u> throughout your life, its important that you are protected from sun exposure from the time you are an infant" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar" 539 "obviate" "1. do away with</br>2. to prevent" "verb" "Latin ob ""in front of, against"" + viam, ""way""=> go against. </br> prevent, avert, avoid, debar, deflect, fend off, forefend, forfend, head off, stave off, ward off" "1. Doing one thing doesnt <b>obviate</b> the need to do the other. </br>2. If you want to <u><b>obviate</b> the risk of skin cancer</u> throughout your life, its important that you are protected from sun exposure from the time you are an infant" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
540 "boisterous" "rough and stormy; loud, noisy, and lacking in restraint or discipline" " adj." "<u>The <b>boisterous</b> crowd</u> rose to its feet, stamping their feet and loudly cheering for the football star after he scored a game-winning goal " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 540 "boisterous" "rough and stormy; loud, noisy, and lacking in restraint or discipline" " adj." "<u>The <b>boisterous</b> crowd</u> rose to its feet, stamping their feet and loudly cheering for the football star after he scored a game-winning goal " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
541 "bonny" "handsome; beautiful; pretty; attractively lively and graceful" " adj." "presumably from French : bon= ""good""" """<u>My <b>bonnie</b> lies over the ocean</u>, my bonnie lies over the sea, oh, oh bring back my bonnie to me ""sang the homesick soldiers." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 541 "bonny" "handsome; beautiful; pretty; attractively lively and graceful" " adj." "presumably from French : bon= ""good""" """<u>My <b>bonnie</b> lies over the ocean</u>, my bonnie lies over the sea, oh, oh bring back my bonnie to me ""sang the homesick soldiers." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
542 "occult" " the mystical and supernatural" "noun" "Latin occultus, = “hidden, secret.”" "Although the pretend psychic has no occult powers, she leads people to believe she does" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar" 542 "occult" " the mystical and supernatural" "noun" "Latin occultus, = “hidden, secret.”" "Although the pretend psychic has no occult powers, she leads people to believe she does" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
@ -1139,8 +1139,8 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1126 "cumber" "rest upon as a troublesome or useless weight or load; be burdensome or oppressive to; hinder or embarrass in attaining an object" " verb" "Old French encombrer, from combre ""obstruction, barrier,""</br>Syn:constrain, encumber, restrain" "The dead <b>cumbered</b> the living, and the oars were continually dropping from the hands of the slain, crippling and confusing all the movements." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 1126 "cumber" "rest upon as a troublesome or useless weight or load; be burdensome or oppressive to; hinder or embarrass in attaining an object" " verb" "Old French encombrer, from combre ""obstruction, barrier,""</br>Syn:constrain, encumber, restrain" "The dead <b>cumbered</b> the living, and the oars were continually dropping from the hands of the slain, crippling and confusing all the movements." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1127 "cumbersome" "heavy; difficult to handle because of weight or bulk" " adj." "Old French encombrer, from combre ""obstruction, barrier,""</br>Syn:constrain, encumber, restrain" "Because the <b>cumbersome</b> package weighed over three hundred pounds, it took two men to move it" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 1127 "cumbersome" "heavy; difficult to handle because of weight or bulk" " adj." "Old French encombrer, from combre ""obstruction, barrier,""</br>Syn:constrain, encumber, restrain" "Because the <b>cumbersome</b> package weighed over three hundred pounds, it took two men to move it" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1128 "cupidity" "greed; excessive desire, especially for wealth" " noun" "</br>Syn:avarice, avariciousness, covetousness. </br>Note : Cupid is a god of desire, affection and erotic love - but not of monetary desire." "Johns <u>cupidity</u> led him to try and rob the bank." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 1128 "cupidity" "greed; excessive desire, especially for wealth" " noun" "</br>Syn:avarice, avariciousness, covetousness. </br>Note : Cupid is a god of desire, affection and erotic love - but not of monetary desire." "Johns <u>cupidity</u> led him to try and rob the bank." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1129 "para" "1. Greek origin = alongside, coming from, beyond </br> altered; contrary; irregular, abnormal " "Greek " "notice difference between para in Latin and para in Greek" "1. GREEK origin : parallel (alongside each other) paramedic (someone alongside a medic)</br>paraphrase (restatement=coming phase) parastatal (organisation that runs alongside state )</br>paresis (altered ie. partial paralysis) paralegal(one trained in subsidiary legal matters ""alongside legal"")</br> parameter (used alongside to measure system) paraplegic (to be struck on the one side - eg lower side</br> left side) paranormal (beyond normal)</br>parasite (alongside food)" "Greek/Latin " "SMB" 1129 "para" "1. Greek origin = alongside, coming from, beyond </br> altered; contrary; irregular, abnormal " "Greek " "Greek origin = alongside or altered </br> Latin origin = defense, protection from" "1. parallel (alongside each other) paramedic (someone alongside a medic)</br>paraphrase (restatement=coming phase) parastatal (organisation that runs alongside state )</br>paresis (altered ie. partial paralysis) paralegal(one trained in subsidiary legal matters ""alongside legal"")</br> parameter (used alongside to measure system) paraplegic (to be struck on the one side - eg lower side</br> left side) paranormal (beyond normal)</br>parasite (alongside food)" "Greek/Latin " "SMB"
1130 "para " "2. Latin origin = defense, protection against" "Latin" "notice difference between para in Latin and para in Greek" "2. LATIN origin : parachute (protect from falling)</br> parasol (protect from sun)" "Greek/Latin " "SMB" 1130 "para " "2. Latin origin = defense, protection against" "Latin" "Greek origin = alongside or altered </br> Latin origin = defense, protection from" "2. parachute (protect from falling)</br> parasol (protect from sun)" "Greek/Latin " "SMB"
1131 "vacillate" "1. to waver between different opinions or actions, be undecided about something;</br>2. move or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern" "verb" "Latin vacillatus ""sway to and fro; hesitate""</br>Syn : hover, oscillate, vibrate, fluctuate, waver" "1. Undergraduate students often <b>vacillate</b> among various majors before deciding which degree to pursue.</br>2. the line on the monitor <b>vacillated</b>" "Common GRE" "Kaplan" 1131 "vacillate" "1. to waver between different opinions or actions, be undecided about something;</br>2. move or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern" "verb" "Latin vacillatus ""sway to and fro; hesitate""</br>Syn : hover, oscillate, vibrate, fluctuate, waver" "1. Undergraduate students often <b>vacillate</b> among various majors before deciding which degree to pursue.</br>2. the line on the monitor <b>vacillated</b>" "Common GRE" "Kaplan"
1132 "cussed" "1. cursed</br>2. stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing" " adj." "A vulgar pronunciation of curse</br>Syn: obdurate, obstinate, unrepentant" "That <b>cussed</b> cat once again woke us up last night" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 1132 "cussed" "1. cursed</br>2. stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing" " adj." "A vulgar pronunciation of curse</br>Syn: obdurate, obstinate, unrepentant" "That <b>cussed</b> cat once again woke us up last night" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1133 "volatile" "likely to change rapidly and unpredictably" "adj." "It is possible for a countrys political climate to remain volatile for decade" "Common GRE" "Kaplan" 1133 "volatile" "likely to change rapidly and unpredictably" "adj." "It is possible for a countrys political climate to remain volatile for decade" "Common GRE" "Kaplan"
@ -1150,26 +1150,26 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1137 "agr" "field" "Greek/Latin root" "agriculture</br> " "Latin words" "nko" 1137 "agr" "field" "Greek/Latin root" "agriculture</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1138 "alt" "High" "Greek/Latin root" "alto (high pitched singer)</br>" "Latin words" "nko" 1138 "alt" "High" "Greek/Latin root" "alto (high pitched singer)</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
1139 "alter" "other" "Greek/Latin root" "alter-ego</br> alternative</br> alternate</br> " "Latin words" "nko" 1139 "alter" "other" "Greek/Latin root" "alter-ego</br> alternative</br> alternate</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1140 "daub" "smear as with paint; apply with quick or crude strokes to surface; make crude paintings" " verb" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 1140 "daub" "smear as with paint; apply with quick or crude strokes to surface; make crude paintings" " verb" "1a. He<b>daubed</b> the ceiling with plaster</br>1b. My mom screamed at me when I began to <b>daub</b> my bread with too much cream cheese." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1141 "anim" "life spirit" "Greek/Latin root" "animation" "Latin words" "nko" 1141 "anim" "life spirit" "Greek/Latin root" "animation" "Latin words" "nko"
1142 "ann</br>annu</br>enni" "year" "Greek/Latin root" "annual</br> " "Latin words" "nko" 1142 "ann</br>annu</br>enni" "year" "Greek/Latin root" "annual</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1143 "dauntless" "bold; incapable of being discouraged; fearless" " adj." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 1143 "dauntless" "bold; incapable of being discouraged; fearless" " adj." "French : daunter: to be afraid + less=>cannot be made afraid</br>Syn : audacious, brave, fearless, hardy, intrepid, unfearing, bold" "<u>A <b>dauntless</b> general</u> decided to press the attack even though the odds were not in his favor, and his boldness earned his faction a major victory." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1144 "aper" "open" "Greek/Latin root" "aperture" "Latin words" "nko" 1144 "aper" "open" "Greek/Latin root" "aperture" "Latin words" "nko"
1145 "apt" "fit" "Greek/Latin root" "aptitude</br> apt</br> " "Latin words" "nko" 1145 "apt" "fit" "Greek/Latin root" "aptitude</br> apt</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1146 "deciduous" "falling off as of leaves; falling off or shed at specific season or stage of growth" " adj." "Latin:de ""down"" + cadere ""to fall""=> fall down</br>Deutsch ; laubabwerfend" "During the fall, the <b>deciduous</b> shrubs in my yard will release their leaves." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 1146 "deciduous" "falling off as of leaves; falling off or shed at specific season or stage of growth" " adj." "Latin:de ""down"" + cadere ""to fall""=> fall down</br>Deutsch ; laubabwerfend" "During the fall, the <b>deciduous</b> shrubs in my yard will release their leaves." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1147 "debase" "reduce in quality or value; lower in esteem; degrade" " verb" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 1147 "debase" "reduce in quality or value; lower in esteem; degrade" " verb" "Latin : de- ""down"" + base (adj.) ""low,""=> to lower in rank, position or quality</br>Syn : adulterate, dilute, load, stretch, corrupt, debauch, demoralize, deprave, misdirect, pervert, profane, subvert, vitiate, extend" "1a. The mint <b>debased</b> the coins with cheaper nickel metal </br>1b. Many are claiming that Mr. Trump is <b><u>debasing</b> the office</u> of the president. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1148 "aster</br>astr" "star" "Greek/Latin root" "astral</br> astronomy" "Latin words" "nko" 1148 "aster</br>astr" "star" "Greek/Latin root" "astral</br> astronomy" "Latin words" "nko"
1149 "declaim" "speak loudly and vehemently; make formal speech" " verb" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 1149 "declaim" "1. Speak loudly and vehemently in a passionate manner</br>2. Make formal speech</br>3. Recite words aloud for practice. " " verb" "Old French : de-,+ clamare ""to cry, shout""=>to practice oratory, make a formal speech or oration</br>Syn1 : inveigh</br>Syn2 : " "1. he <b>declaimed</b> against the wasteful ways of modern society</br>2. The defendant <b>declaimed</b> his innocence in a passionate speech in court.</br>3. He <b><u>declaimed</b> his vocab list</u> out loud, practising both the pronounciation and trying to recall the meaning of the words. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1150 "debunk" "expose as false, exaggerated, worthless; ridicule" " verb" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 1150 "debunk" "expose as false, exaggerated, worthless; ridicule" " verb" "de=reverse + Bunk=nonsense. In 1820 the US congress repr for Buncombe, Carolina, gave a long and rambling speech, which he refused to shorten, claiming that it was important for Buncombe, but his speech was contentless…thus bunk (for Buncombe) came to be known as nonsense." "1. The result of biologist's experiments quickly <u><b>debunked</b> the theory</u> that 5G antennas were accelerating the spread of Corona. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1151 "declivity" "downward slope, as of a hill" " noun" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 1151 "declivity" "downward slope, as of a hill" " noun" "Latin : de ""down"" + clivus ""a slope""=downward slope</br> Syn : declension, declination, decline, descent, downslope, fall</br>Ant : acclivity" "Prominent road signs pre-warn trucks to engage a lower gear so as not to overload their brakes on the forthcoming <b>declivity.</b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1152 "dappled" "spotted; having mottled or spotted skin or coat" " adj." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 1152 "dappled" "spotted; having mottled or spotted skin or coat" " adj." "Syn : spotted, mottled, patterned" "1a. The Disney film poster showed Bambi's <b><u>dappled</b> rear</u> with it looking into the camera gracefully </br>1b. The photography made artistic use of the dappled effect of sunlight filtering through the forest trees." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1153 "ambul" "walk</br> move" "Greek/Latin root" "ambulance" "Latin words" "nko" 1153 "ambul" "walk</br> move" "Greek/Latin root" "ambulance" "Latin words" "nko"
1154 "decrepitude" "state of collapse caused by illness or old age" " noun" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 1154 "decrepitude" "state of collapse caused by illness , old age or neglect (eg. Buildings)" " noun" "de ""down"" + crepitus, ""to crack, break""=>state of being broken down by infirmities</br>Syn: dilapidation, deterioration" "In these modern times, we need to realise that the hollow self-regard of performative life is no preparation for the drama of <u>creeping <b>decrepitude</b></u> when one ages." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1155 "arbor" "tree" "Greek/Latin root" "arboreal(pertaining to trees)</br> arboretum(where trees are culitivated)</br> arborcide(killing of trees)" "Latin words" "nko" 1155 "arbor" "tree" "Greek/Latin root" "arboreal(pertaining to trees)</br> arboretum(where trees are culitivated)</br> arborcide(killing of trees)" "Latin words" "nko"
1156 "decry" "express strong disapproval of; disparage" " verb" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 1156 "decry" "express strong disapproval of; disparage" " verb" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1157 "apo</br>apho" "away</br> off</br> separate" "Greek/Latin root" "apogee (furthest away)" "Latin words" "nko" 1157 "apo</br>apho" "away</br> off</br> separate" "Greek/Latin root" "apogee (furthest away)" "Latin words" "nko"
1158 "bas" "low" "Greek/Latin root" "bass</br> base</br> basement</br> bas-relief</br> " "Latin words" "nko" 1158 "bas" "low" "Greek/Latin root" "bass</br> base</br> basement</br> bas-relief</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1159 "defection" "withdrawing support or help; act of abandoning something to which one is bound by allegiance or duty; failure in duty" " noun" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 1159 "defection" "withdrawing support or help; act of abandoning something to which one is bound by allegiance or duty; failure in duty" " noun" "During the Cold War, it was a regular event for elite athletes of East European countries <u>to <b>defect</b> to the West. <u>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1160 "defunct" "dead; no longer in use or existence" " adj." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 1160 "defunct" "dead; no longer in use or existence" " adj." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1161 "dejected" "being in low spirits; depressed" " adj." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 1161 "dejected" "being in low spirits; depressed" " adj." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1162 "deleterious" "having harmful effect; injurious; having quality of destroying life; noxious; poisonous" " adj." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 1162 "deleterious" "having harmful effect; injurious; having quality of destroying life; noxious; poisonous" " adj." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
@ -1241,15 +1241,15 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1228 "integer</br> integra</br> integrum" "entire" "Greek/Latin root" "integer</br> integral</br> intergrate</br> " "Latin words" "nko" 1228 "integer</br> integra</br> integrum" "entire" "Greek/Latin root" "integer</br> integral</br> intergrate</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1229 "ject" "throw" "Greek/Latin root" "eject</br> reject</br> inject</br> " "Latin words" "nko" 1229 "ject" "throw" "Greek/Latin root" "eject</br> reject</br> inject</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1230 "junct" "meet</br> join" "Greek/Latin root" "junction</br> " "Latin words" "nko" 1230 "junct" "meet</br> join" "Greek/Latin root" "junction</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1231 "duplicity" "double-dealing; deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech; acting in bad faith." " noun" 1231 "duplicity" "double-dealing; deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech; acting in bad faith." " noun" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1232 "leg</br> lig</br> lect" "choose</br> gather" "Greek/Latin root" "ligament" "Latin words" "nko" 1232 "leg</br> lig</br> lect" "choose</br> gather" "Greek/Latin root" "ligament" "Latin words" "nko"
1233 "potentate" "monarch; ruler who is unconstrained by law" " noun" "Latin : potent= strong + ate=strong person</br>Syn: dictator" "Trump is more instinctive dictator than democrat, in the style of his favourite <b>potentate</b>, Saudi Arabias Crown Prince bin Salman." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 1233 "potentate" "monarch; ruler who is unconstrained by law" " noun" "Latin : potent= strong + ate=strong person</br>Syn: dictator" "Trump is more instinctive dictator than democrat, in the style of his favourite <b>potentate</b>, Saudi Arabias Crown Prince bin Salman." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1234 "irredentist" "Wishing to annex same speaking neighbouring regions into own country." "adj." "Named after Italian Irredentist political party formed 1878 which demanded the annexation of neighboring regions where a part of the population was Italian-speaking. " "Russia undoubtebly has <b><u>irredentist/b>< ambitions</u>, taking over the Krim and eyeing other regions in the Ukraine and beyond." 1234 "irredentist" "Wishing to annex same speaking neighbouring regions into own country." "adj." "Named after Italian Irredentist political party formed 1878 which demanded the annexation of neighboring regions where a part of the population was Italian-speaking. " "Russia undoubtebly has <b><u>irredentist/b>< ambitions</u>, taking over the Krim and eyeing other regions in the Ukraine and beyond." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1235 "promulgate" "1. proclaim doctrine or law</br>2. make known by official publication" "verb" "Latin : pro ""forth"" + vulgare ""make public, publish.""</br>Syn1 : declare </br> Syn2 : proclaim, announce, promote" "1. more than 200 colleges and universities have <b>promulgated</b> behavioral codes that punish various forms of harassment</br>2. It seems as though the candidate is airing commercials every hour to <u><b>promulgate</b> his political platform.</u>" "AMB" "Web" 1235 "promulgate" "1. proclaim doctrine or law</br>2. make known by official publication" "verb" "Latin : pro ""forth"" + vulgare ""make public, publish.""</br>Syn1 : declare </br> Syn2 : proclaim, announce, promote" "1. more than 200 colleges and universities have <b>promulgated</b> behavioral codes that punish various forms of harassment</br>2. It seems as though the candidate is airing commercials every hour to <u><b>promulgate</b> his political platform.</u>" "AMB" "Web"
1236 "prudence" "1: The ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason</br> 1236 "prudence" "1: The ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason</br>
2 : sagacity or shrewdness in the management of affairs</br> 2 : sagacity or shrewdness in the management of affairs</br>
3 : skill and good judgment in the use of resources</br> 3 : skill and good judgment in the use of resources</br>
4 : caution or circumspection as to danger or risk" "noun" "Latin prudentia = ""foresight, sagacity."" </br>Syn: cautious, carefulness</br>Not to be confused with prude, from French=excessively modest/proud" "He advised to use some <u>old-fashioned <b>prudence</b></u> when agreeing to meet face-to-face with an online acquaintanc" 4 : caution or circumspection as to danger or risk" "noun" "Latin prudentia = ""foresight, sagacity."" </br>Syn: cautious, carefulness</br>Not to be confused with prude, from French=excessively modest/proud" "He advised to use some <u>old-fashioned <b>prudence</b></u> when agreeing to meet face-to-face with an online acquaintanc" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1237 "luc</br> lum" "light" "Greek/Latin root" "luminary</br> lucifer</br> " "Latin words" "nko" 1237 "luc</br> lum" "light" "Greek/Latin root" "luminary</br> lucifer</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1238 "unending damnation; the abode of Satan and the forces of evil; where sinners suffer eternal punishment" "noun" "Latin : Perdre=get lost </br>Syn : Hell, inferno" "He did not wish to end up in the the fires of perdition" "AMB" "TCE" 1238 "unending damnation; the abode of Satan and the forces of evil; where sinners suffer eternal punishment" "noun" "Latin : Perdre=get lost </br>Syn : Hell, inferno" "He did not wish to end up in the the fires of perdition" "AMB" "TCE"
1239 "gon" "angle" "Greek/Latin root" "polygon</br> hexagon</br> " "Latin words" "nko" 1239 "gon" "angle" "Greek/Latin root" "polygon</br> hexagon</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
@ -1299,7 +1299,7 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1276 "oper" "work" "Greek/Latin root" "operate</br> " "Latin words" "nko" 1276 "oper" "work" "Greek/Latin root" "operate</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1280 "pel</br> pulse" "drive" "Greek/Latin root" "impel(drive into), expel(drive out) dispel(drive aside), repel(drive back), propel(drive forward), compel(drive to go with)</br>impulse, catapult, " "Latin words" "nko" 1280 "pel</br> pulse" "drive" "Greek/Latin root" "impel(drive into), expel(drive out) dispel(drive aside), repel(drive back), propel(drive forward), compel(drive to go with)</br>impulse, catapult, " "Latin words" "nko"
1281 "pend</br> pens" "hang" "Greek/Latin root" "pending</br>pendant</br> " "Latin words" "nko" 1281 "pend</br> pens" "hang" "Greek/Latin root" "pending</br>pendant</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1282 "unwonted" "unusual" "adj." "Deutsche Wortstamm : Ungewohnt, ungewöhnlich" "The paralyzed soldier is going to receive the highest military award for <u>displaying <b>unwonted</b> courage</u?" "AMB" "TCE" 1282 "unwonted" "unusual" "adj." "Deutsche Wortstamm : Ungewohnt, ungewöhnlich" "The paralyzed soldier is going to receive the highest military award for <u>displaying <b>unwonted</b> courage</u>" "AMB" "TCE"
1283 "petr" "stone</br> rock" "Greek/Latin root" " Peter ""you are the rock that I will build my Church""</br> said Jesus" "petrified</br> " "Latin words" "nko" 1283 "petr" "stone</br> rock" "Greek/Latin root" " Peter ""you are the rock that I will build my Church""</br> said Jesus" "petrified</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1286 "phon" "sound" "Greek/Latin root" "gramaphone, telephone, " "Latin words" "nko" 1286 "phon" "sound" "Greek/Latin root" "gramaphone, telephone, " "Latin words" "nko"
1287 "plic" "fold</br> bend</br>weave" "Greek/Latin root" "pliable, ply (as in layer, eg. Toilet paper), accomplice (someone woven into doing something), implicate(to fold into), duplicate (fold twice,ie. Copy), comply (interweaved with)" "Latin words" "nko" 1287 "plic" "fold</br> bend</br>weave" "Greek/Latin root" "pliable, ply (as in layer, eg. Toilet paper), accomplice (someone woven into doing something), implicate(to fold into), duplicate (fold twice,ie. Copy), comply (interweaved with)" "Latin words" "nko"
@ -1314,12 +1314,12 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1300 "phyt" "plant</br> grow" "Greek/Latin root" "aerophyte (plant that grows from air), epiphyte (plant that grows on other plants," "Latin words" "nko" 1300 "phyt" "plant</br> grow" "Greek/Latin root" "aerophyte (plant that grows from air), epiphyte (plant that grows on other plants," "Latin words" "nko"
1302 "plaud</br> plod</br> plaus</br> plos" "approve</br> clap" "Greek/Latin root" "applaud</br> laudable</br> " "Latin words" "nko" 1302 "plaud</br> plod</br> plaus</br> plos" "approve</br> clap" "Greek/Latin root" "applaud</br> laudable</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1304 "cession" "yielding to another; ceding or surrendering" " noun" "Latin : ""a giving up""</br>related to <u>secession</u>, ie. government breaking away from another, or ""giving up"" the connection between them" "Having been conquered by Germany in 6 days, the Netherlands had no choice but to agree to the <b>cession</b> of their land to the Nazis" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 1304 "cession" "yielding to another; ceding or surrendering" " noun" "Latin : ""a giving up""</br>related to <u>secession</u>, ie. government breaking away from another, or ""giving up"" the connection between them" "Having been conquered by Germany in 6 days, the Netherlands had no choice but to agree to the <b>cession</b> of their land to the Nazis" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1306 "pyr" "fire" "Greek/Latin root" "pyromaniac</br> " "Latin words" "nko" 1306 "pyr" "fire" "Greek/Latin root" "pyromaniac</br> Pyre</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
1309 "reg</br>rig</br>rect" "rule</br> govern" "Greek/Latin root" "regent" "Latin words" "nko" 1309 "reg</br>rig</br>rect" "rule</br> govern" "Greek/Latin root" "regent, regulate, correct, " "Latin words" "nko"
1310 "rid</br>ris" "laugh" "Greek/Latin root" "ridicule</br> " "Latin words" "nko" 1310 "rid</br>ris" "laugh" "Greek/Latin root" "ridicule</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1311 "rupt" "break" "Greek/Latin root" "rupture</br> " "Latin words" "nko" 1311 "rupt" "break" "Greek/Latin root" "rupture</br>erupt</br>disrupt</br>interrupt</br>corrupt</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
1312 "sacr</br>sanct" "holy" "Greek/Latin root" "sacrement</br> sanctuary" "Latin words" "nko" 1312 "sacr</br>sanct" "holy" "Greek/Latin root" "sacrement</br> sanctuary" "Latin words" "nko"
1316 "sec</br>sect" "cut" "Greek/Latin root" "disect, " "Latin words" "nko" 1316 "sec</br>sect" "cut" "Greek/Latin root" "disect, intersect, intersection, " "Latin words" "nko"
1317 "sed</br>sid</br>sess" "sit</br> seat" "Greek/Latin root" "sedentary, " "Latin words" "nko" 1317 "sed</br>sid</br>sess" "sit</br> seat" "Greek/Latin root" "sedentary, " "Latin words" "nko"
1320 "chary" "cautious; sparing or restrained about giving" " adj." "the adjective from care" "As he lost two teeth in last years rugby season, he was <b>chary</b> of signing up again this year." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 1320 "chary" "cautious; sparing or restrained about giving" " adj." "the adjective from care" "As he lost two teeth in last years rugby season, he was <b>chary</b> of signing up again this year." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1321 "sist" "place</br> stand" "Greek/Latin root" "Deutsch : Sistieren : zum Stillstand bringen" "insist (stand upon a point), assist (to help take a stand), desist (stop taking a stand), resist (take a stand against), persist(thoroughly take a stand), consist(together with being )" "Latin words" "nko" 1321 "sist" "place</br> stand" "Greek/Latin root" "Deutsch : Sistieren : zum Stillstand bringen" "insist (stand upon a point), assist (to help take a stand), desist (stop taking a stand), resist (take a stand against), persist(thoroughly take a stand), consist(together with being )" "Latin words" "nko"
@ -1402,7 +1402,7 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1456 "abstemious" "marked by temperance in indulgence. Abstinent, abstentious" "adj." "Latin: abs-= ""away."" + temetum, ""intoxicating drink,"" => someone who keeps alcohol (or other temptations) at arm's length." "Because I was <b><u>abstemious</b> with alcohol</u> when I was younger, I am still quite healthy in my later years." " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron" 1456 "abstemious" "marked by temperance in indulgence. Abstinent, abstentious" "adj." "Latin: abs-= ""away."" + temetum, ""intoxicating drink,"" => someone who keeps alcohol (or other temptations) at arm's length." "Because I was <b><u>abstemious</b> with alcohol</u> when I was younger, I am still quite healthy in my later years." " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1457 "aggregate" "a sum total of many heterogeneous things taken together" "adj., verb" "Latin : ad ""to"" + gregare ""to collect into a flock, gather,""" "Schools often use test scores to <b><u>aggregate</b> students into classes</u> based on intelligence." " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron" 1457 "aggregate" "a sum total of many heterogeneous things taken together" "adj., verb" "Latin : ad ""to"" + gregare ""to collect into a flock, gather,""" "Schools often use test scores to <b><u>aggregate</b> students into classes</u> based on intelligence." " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1458 "approbation" "official acceptance or agreement" "noun" "Probation hat den gleichen Sinn wie ""Probezeit"". Approbation bedeutet, dass man diese bestanden hat." "Filled with <b>approbation</b>, the audience gave a <u>standing ovation.</u>" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron" 1458 "approbation" "official acceptance or agreement" "noun" "Probation hat den gleichen Sinn wie ""Probezeit"". Approbation bedeutet, dass man diese bestanden hat." "Filled with <b>approbation</b>, the audience gave a <u>standing ovation.</u>" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1459 "assiduous" "marked by care and persistent effort" "adj." "Latin: ad ""to"" + sedere ""to sit=>constantly working at it " "His <b>assiduous</b>attempts to improve his GRE vocab got him a top verbal score" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron" 1459 "assiduous" "marked by care and persistent effort" "adj." "Latin: ad ""to"" + sedere ""to sit=>constantly working at it " "His <b>assiduous</b> attempts to improve his GRE vocab got him a top verbal score" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1460 "beneficent" "doing or producing good" "adj." "bene=good" "My <b><u>beneficent neighbor</b> gives out meals to the poor</u> every Sunday." " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron" 1460 "beneficent" "doing or producing good" "adj." "bene=good" "My <b><u>beneficent neighbor</b> gives out meals to the poor</u> every Sunday." " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1461 "boorish" "ill-mannered and coarse in behavior or appearance" "adj." "old English for herdsman (Bauer..)" "The hometown fans acted in such a <b>boorish</b> way toward the visiting team that they had to forfeit the game." " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron" 1461 "boorish" "ill-mannered and coarse in behavior or appearance" "adj." "old English for herdsman (Bauer..)" "The hometown fans acted in such a <b>boorish</b> way toward the visiting team that they had to forfeit the game." " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1462 "burnish" "polish and make shiny" "verb" "you could burnish a car, a suit of armor, or a copper kettle. Reputations are among the most common non-physical things to be burnished." "Richard is forever attempting to <u><b>burnish</b> his reputation</u> so that he can advance his position within our company. " " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron" 1462 "burnish" "polish and make shiny" "verb" "you could burnish a car, a suit of armor, or a copper kettle. Reputations are among the most common non-physical things to be burnished." "Richard is forever attempting to <u><b>burnish</b> his reputation</u> so that he can advance his position within our company. " " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
@ -1500,7 +1500,7 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1661 "excise " "a tax. " "noun" "comes from a similarly sounding old Dutch word for tax, not linked to the ""excise"" verb word, which is Latin origin!" "when you take more than a litre of alcohol into the country, you will need to pay 20% <b><u>excise</u> duty</b>" "AMB" "Prepscholar" 1661 "excise " "a tax. " "noun" "comes from a similarly sounding old Dutch word for tax, not linked to the ""excise"" verb word, which is Latin origin!" "when you take more than a litre of alcohol into the country, you will need to pay 20% <b><u>excise</u> duty</b>" "AMB" "Prepscholar"
1662 "acquiesce" "assent; agree without protesting" " verb" " Latin : acquiescere, meaning “to rest.” If you “rest” or become passive in the face of something to which you object, you are giving tacit agreement." "While I did not want to go to the show with Laura, <u>her begging eventually caused me to <b>acquiesce</u></b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 1662 "acquiesce" "assent; agree without protesting" " verb" " Latin : acquiescere, meaning “to rest.” If you “rest” or become passive in the face of something to which you object, you are giving tacit agreement." "While I did not want to go to the show with Laura, <u>her begging eventually caused me to <b>acquiesce</u></b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1663 "connote" "to imply something in addition to what is apparent" "verb" "Latin : com ""with, together"" + notare ""to mark, note, make a note,""=>to signify in addition to the main meaning" "At work, we <b>connote</b> the employee of the month award with being the best worker on the team." "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1" 1663 "connote" "to imply something in addition to what is apparent" "verb" "Latin : com ""with, together"" + notare ""to mark, note, make a note,""=>to signify in addition to the main meaning" "At work, we <b>connote</b> the employee of the month award with being the best worker on the team." "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1"
1664 "inveigle" "persuade someone through flattery" "verb" " Middle French word aveugler, meaning “delude, make blind,”" "She <b>aveigled</b> him to drive her all the way across the country by telling him he was not only the best looking man in town, but also the best driver of all time. " "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1" 1664 "inveigle" "persuade someone through flattery" "verb" " Middle French word aveugler, meaning “delude, make blind,”" "She <b>inveigled</b> him to drive her all the way across the country by telling him he was not only the best looking man in town, but also the best driver of all time. " "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1"
1665 "injudicious" "lacking or showing lack of judgment or discretion; unwise" "adj." "Latin in-""not""+ iudicium ""judgment""=> lacking judgement. </br>Antonym : judicious" "He <u>regretted his <b>injudicious</b> decision</u> to spend his last 5 dollars on an expensive cup of coffee" "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1" 1665 "injudicious" "lacking or showing lack of judgment or discretion; unwise" "adj." "Latin in-""not""+ iudicium ""judgment""=> lacking judgement. </br>Antonym : judicious" "He <u>regretted his <b>injudicious</b> decision</u> to spend his last 5 dollars on an expensive cup of coffee" "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1"
1666 "judicious" "exhibiting good judgment or sound thinking; prudent" " adj." "Latin iiudicium ""judgment""=> lacking judgement. </br>Antonym :injudicious" "The man had become <u>wealthy by making <b>judicious</b> use of his money</u>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword" 1666 "judicious" "exhibiting good judgment or sound thinking; prudent" " adj." "Latin iiudicium ""judgment""=> lacking judgement. </br>Antonym :injudicious" "The man had become <u>wealthy by making <b>judicious</b> use of his money</u>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1667 "pernicuous" "harmful and <u>subtle</u>, often taking years" "adj." "Latin: per ""completely"" + necis ""violent death, murder,""perniciosus, ""destructive,""=>total destruction" "The leftist claimed that even during a pandemic, racism is as <b>pernicious</b> as ever." "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1" 1667 "pernicuous" "harmful and <u>subtle</u>, often taking years" "adj." "Latin: per ""completely"" + necis ""violent death, murder,""perniciosus, ""destructive,""=>total destruction" "The leftist claimed that even during a pandemic, racism is as <b>pernicious</b> as ever." "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1"

Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 1244.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -2,18 +2,10 @@
| Word | Occurence | Explanation | | Word | Occurence | Explanation |
| :---------------- | :-------- | :---------------------- | | :---------------- | :-------- | :---------------------- |
| duplicity | no.1231 | at least the last column has to be filled |
| irredentist | no.1234 | at least the last column has to be filled |
| prudence | no.1236 | at least the last column has to be filled |
| sagacity | no.2 | at least the last column has to be filled |
| assidious | no.1459 | missing space after bold in example |
| inveigle | no.1664 | example uses word "avaigle", same word? |
| in/il/im/ir | no.415 | remove "Deutscher Stamm:" maybe, underline or italizize "NOT" instead of caps |
| abrade | no.49 | add linebreaks between meanings, add numbering to examples and meanings |
| para | no.1130 | remove "Latin orign" from meaning and example |
| unwonted | no.1282 | add end of underline delimiter in example |
| obviate | no.539 | wnd meaning number formatting |
## Import errors
'1260' had 1 fields, expected 8
'1430' had 1 fields, expected 8
---- ----
# Questions to answer: # Questions to answer:

View File

@ -8505,7 +8505,7 @@
"in</br> il</br> im</br> ir", "in</br> il</br> im</br> ir",
"in : Deutscher Stamm : \"in\"", "in : Deutscher Stamm : \"in\"",
"Greek/Latin root", "Greek/Latin root",
"This is the first of 2 generic meanings of \"in\". The other is 'NOT\"", "This is the first of 2 generic meanings of \"in\". The other is </u>'not'</u>",
"incarcerate</br> incorporate</br> inculcate</br> induction</br> inductance</br> indigenous</br> indicator</br> inspiration", "incarcerate</br> incorporate</br> inculcate</br> induction</br> inductance</br> indigenous</br> indicator</br> inspiration",
"Greek/Latin", "Greek/Latin",
@ -12035,8 +12035,8 @@
"para", "para",
"1. Greek origin = alongside, coming from, beyond </br> altered; contrary; irregular, abnormal", "1. Greek origin = alongside, coming from, beyond </br> altered; contrary; irregular, abnormal",
"Greek", "Greek",
"notice difference between para in Latin and para in Greek", "Greek origin = alongside or altered </br> Latin origin = defense, protection from",
"1. GREEK origin : parallel (alongside each other) paramedic (someone alongside a medic)</br>paraphrase (restatement=coming phase) parastatal (organisation that runs alongside state )</br>paresis (altered ie. partial paralysis) paralegal(one trained in subsidiary legal matters \"alongside legal\")</br> parameter (used alongside to measure system) paraplegic (to be struck on the one side - eg lower side</br> left side) paranormal (beyond normal)</br>parasite (alongside food)", "1. parallel (alongside each other) paramedic (someone alongside a medic)</br>paraphrase (restatement=coming phase) parastatal (organisation that runs alongside state )</br>paresis (altered ie. partial paralysis) paralegal(one trained in subsidiary legal matters \"alongside legal\")</br> parameter (used alongside to measure system) paraplegic (to be struck on the one side - eg lower side</br> left side) paranormal (beyond normal)</br>parasite (alongside food)",
"Greek/Latin", "Greek/Latin",
], ],
@ -18354,7 +18354,7 @@
"fire", "fire",
"Greek/Latin root", "Greek/Latin root",
"", "",
"pyromaniac</br>", "pyromaniac</br> Pyre</br>",
"Latin words", "Latin words",
"nko" "nko"
], ],
@ -18371,8 +18371,8 @@
"debunk", "debunk",
"expose as false, exaggerated, worthless; ridicule", "expose as false, exaggerated, worthless; ridicule",
"verb", "verb",
"", "de=reverse + Bunk=nonsense. In 1820 the US congress repr for Buncombe, Carolina, gave a long and rambling speech, which he refused to shorten, claiming that it was important for Buncombe, but his speech was contentless…thus bunk (for Buncombe) came to be known as nonsense.",
"", "1. The result of biologist's experiments quickly <u><b>debunked</b> the theory</u> that 5G antennas were accelerating the spread of Corona.",
"1000 Difficult GRE words", "1000 Difficult GRE words",
"Examword" "Examword"
], ],
@ -18387,10 +18387,10 @@
"fields": [ "fields": [
"1154", "1154",
"decrepitude", "decrepitude",
"state of collapse caused by illness or old age", "state of collapse caused by illness , old age or neglect (eg. Buildings)",
"noun", "noun",
"", "de \"down\" + crepitus, \"to crack, break\"=>state of being broken down by infirmities</br>Syn: dilapidation, deterioration",
"", "In these modern times, we need to realise that the hollow self-regard of performative life is no preparation for the drama of <u>creeping <b>decrepitude</b></u> when one ages.",
"1000 Difficult GRE words", "1000 Difficult GRE words",
"Examword" "Examword"
], ],
@ -18696,7 +18696,7 @@
"break", "break",
"Greek/Latin root", "Greek/Latin root",
"", "",
"rupture</br>", "rupture</br>erupt</br>disrupt</br>interrupt</br>corrupt</br>",
"Latin words", "Latin words",
"nko" "nko"
], ],
@ -19038,7 +19038,7 @@
"unusual", "unusual",
"adj.", "adj.",
"Deutsche Wortstamm : Ungewohnt, ungewöhnlich", "Deutsche Wortstamm : Ungewohnt, ungewöhnlich",
"The paralyzed soldier is going to receive the highest military award for <u>displaying <b>unwonted</b> courage</u?", "The paralyzed soldier is going to receive the highest military award for <u>displaying <b>unwonted</b> courage</u>",
"AMB", "AMB",
], ],
@ -19326,7 +19326,7 @@
"rule</br> govern", "rule</br> govern",
"Greek/Latin root", "Greek/Latin root",
"", "",
"regent", "regent, regulate, correct,",
"Latin words", "Latin words",
"nko" "nko"
], ],
@ -19344,7 +19344,7 @@
"cut", "cut",
"Greek/Latin root", "Greek/Latin root",
"", "",
"disect,", "disect, intersect, intersection,",
"Latin words", "Latin words",
"nko" "nko"
], ],
@ -20727,10 +20727,10 @@
"fields": [ "fields": [
"539", "539",
"obviate", "obviate",
"1. do away with</br>2. . to prevent", "1. do away with</br>2. to prevent",
"verb", "verb",
"Latin ob \"in front of, against\" + viam, \"way\"=> go against. </br> prevent, avert, avoid, debar, deflect, fend off, forefend, forfend, head off, stave off, ward off", "Latin ob \"in front of, against\" + viam, \"way\"=> go against. </br> prevent, avert, avoid, debar, deflect, fend off, forefend, forfend, head off, stave off, ward off",
"1. Doing one doesnt <b>obviate</b> the need to do the other. </br>2. If you want to <u><b>obviate</b> the risk of skin cancer</u> throughout your life, its important that you are protected from sun exposure from the time you are an infant", "1. Doing one thing doesnt <b>obviate</b> the need to do the other. </br>2. If you want to <u><b>obviate</b> the risk of skin cancer</u> throughout your life, its important that you are protected from sun exposure from the time you are an infant",
"357 prevalent GRE words", "357 prevalent GRE words",
"Prepscholar" "Prepscholar"
], ],
@ -21090,7 +21090,7 @@
"marked by care and persistent effort", "marked by care and persistent effort",
"adj.", "adj.",
"Latin: ad \"to\" + sedere \"to sit=>constantly working at it", "Latin: ad \"to\" + sedere \"to sit=>constantly working at it",
"His <b>assiduous</b>attempts to improve his GRE vocab got him a top verbal score", "His <b>assiduous</b> attempts to improve his GRE vocab got him a top verbal score",
"Hi Freq. GRE Easy", "Hi Freq. GRE Easy",
"Barron" "Barron"
], ],
@ -22908,7 +22908,7 @@
"persuade someone through flattery", "persuade someone through flattery",
"verb", "verb",
"Middle French word aveugler, meaning “delude, make blind,”", "Middle French word aveugler, meaning “delude, make blind,”",
"She <b>aveigled</b> him to drive her all the way across the country by telling him he was not only the best looking man in town, but also the best driver of all time.", "She <b>inveigled</b> him to drive her all the way across the country by telling him he was not only the best looking man in town, but also the best driver of all time.",
"AMB", "AMB",
"GRE Test Exam 1" "GRE Test Exam 1"
], ],
@ -23105,8 +23105,8 @@
"para", "para",
"2. Latin origin = defense, protection against", "2. Latin origin = defense, protection against",
"Latin", "Latin",
"notice difference between para in Latin and para in Greek", "Greek origin = alongside or altered </br> Latin origin = defense, protection from",
"2. LATIN origin : parachute (protect from falling)</br> parasol (protect from sun)", "2. parachute (protect from falling)</br> parasol (protect from sun)",
"Greek/Latin", "Greek/Latin",
], ],
@ -23211,10 +23211,10 @@
"fields": [ "fields": [
"49", "49",
"abrade", "abrade",
"wear away by friction; scrape; erode", "1. wear away by friction; scrape; </br>2. erode",
"verb", "verb",
"</br>Syn 1: scour.</br>2. erode, wear-away, corrade, rub-off", "</br>Syn 1: scour.</br>2. wear-away, corrade, rub-off",
"1. Using sandpaper, John was able to <b>abrade</b> the rough edges of the wood into a smooth finish.</br>The constant battering of the waves </b>abraded</b> the coastline away", "1. Using sandpaper, John was able to <b>abrade</b> the rough edges of the wood into a smooth finish.</br>2. The constant battering of the waves </b>abraded</b> the coastline away",
"1000 Difficult GRE words", "1000 Difficult GRE words",
"Examword" "Examword"
], ],
@ -25447,8 +25447,8 @@
"noun", "noun",
"", "",
"", "",
"", "1000 Difficult GRE words",
"" "Examword"
], ],
"flags": 0, "flags": 0,
"guid": "y#RX>Blo70", "guid": "y#RX>Blo70",
@ -26345,8 +26345,8 @@
"dappled", "dappled",
"spotted; having mottled or spotted skin or coat", "spotted; having mottled or spotted skin or coat",
"adj.", "adj.",
"", "Syn : spotted, mottled, patterned",
"", "1a. The Disney film poster showed Bambi's <b><u>dappled</b> rear</u> with it looking into the camera gracefully </br>1b. The photography made artistic use of the dappled effect of sunlight filtering through the forest trees.",
"1000 Difficult GRE words", "1000 Difficult GRE words",
"Examword" "Examword"
], ],
@ -26364,7 +26364,7 @@
"smear as with paint; apply with quick or crude strokes to surface; make crude paintings", "smear as with paint; apply with quick or crude strokes to surface; make crude paintings",
"verb", "verb",
"", "",
"", "1a. He<b>daubed</b> the ceiling with plaster</br>1b. My mom screamed at me when I began to <b>daub</b> my bread with too much cream cheese.",
"1000 Difficult GRE words", "1000 Difficult GRE words",
"Examword" "Examword"
], ],
@ -26381,8 +26381,8 @@
"dauntless", "dauntless",
"bold; incapable of being discouraged; fearless", "bold; incapable of being discouraged; fearless",
"adj.", "adj.",
"", "French : daunter: to be afraid + less=>cannot be made afraid</br>Syn : audacious, brave, fearless, hardy, intrepid, unfearing, bold",
"", "<u>A <b>dauntless</b> general</u> decided to press the attack even though the odds were not in his favor, and his boldness earned his faction a major victory.",
"1000 Difficult GRE words", "1000 Difficult GRE words",
"Examword" "Examword"
], ],
@ -26399,8 +26399,8 @@
"debase", "debase",
"reduce in quality or value; lower in esteem; degrade", "reduce in quality or value; lower in esteem; degrade",
"verb", "verb",
"", "Latin : de- \"down\" + base (adj.) \"low,\"=> to lower in rank, position or quality</br>Syn : adulterate, dilute, load, stretch, corrupt, debauch, demoralize, deprave, misdirect, pervert, profane, subvert, vitiate, extend",
"", "1a. The mint <b>debased</b> the coins with cheaper nickel metal </br>1b. Many are claiming that Mr. Trump is <b><u>debasing</b> the office</u> of the president.",
"1000 Difficult GRE words", "1000 Difficult GRE words",
"Examword" "Examword"
], ],
@ -26433,10 +26433,10 @@
"fields": [ "fields": [
"1149", "1149",
"declaim", "declaim",
"speak loudly and vehemently; make formal speech", "1. Speak loudly and vehemently in a passionate manner</br>2. Make formal speech</br>3. Recite words aloud for practice.",
"verb", "verb",
"", "Old French : de-,+ clamare \"to cry, shout\"=>to practice oratory, make a formal speech or oration</br>Syn1 : inveigh</br>Syn2 :",
"", "1. he <b>declaimed</b> against the wasteful ways of modern society</br>2. The defendant <b>declaimed</b> his innocence in a passionate speech in court.</br>3. He <b><u>declaimed</b> his vocab list</u> out loud, practising both the pronounciation and trying to recall the meaning of the words.",
"1000 Difficult GRE words", "1000 Difficult GRE words",
"Examword" "Examword"
], ],
@ -26453,8 +26453,8 @@
"declivity", "declivity",
"downward slope, as of a hill", "downward slope, as of a hill",
"noun", "noun",
"", "Latin : de \"down\" + clivus \"a slope\"=downward slope</br> Syn : declension, declination, decline, descent, downslope, fall</br>Ant : acclivity",
"", "Prominent road signs pre-warn trucks to engage a lower gear so as not to overload their brakes on the forthcoming <b>declivity.</b>",
"1000 Difficult GRE words", "1000 Difficult GRE words",
"Examword" "Examword"
], ],
@ -26490,7 +26490,7 @@
"withdrawing support or help; act of abandoning something to which one is bound by allegiance or duty; failure in duty", "withdrawing support or help; act of abandoning something to which one is bound by allegiance or duty; failure in duty",
"noun", "noun",
"", "",
"", "During the Cold War, it was a regular event for elite athletes of East European countries <u>to <b>defect</b> to the West. <u>",
"1000 Difficult GRE words", "1000 Difficult GRE words",
"Examword" "Examword"
], ],
@ -27218,6 +27218,42 @@
"guid": "&MIf1T_&d", "guid": "&MIf1T_&d",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3", "note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": [] "tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"Wishing to annex same speaking neighbouring regions into own country.",
"Named after Italian Irredentist political party formed 1878 which demanded the annexation of neighboring regions where a part of the population was Italian-speaking.",
"Russia undoubtebly has <b><u>irredentist/b>< ambitions</u>, taking over the Krim and eyeing other regions in the Ukraine and beyond.",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "y[nejC{gX#",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"1: The ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason</br>\n2 : sagacity or shrewdness in the management of affairs</br>\n3 : skill and good judgment in the use of resources</br>\n4 : caution or circumspection as to danger or risk",
"Latin prudentia = \"foresight, sagacity.\" </br>Syn: cautious, carefulness</br>Not to be confused with prude, from French=excessively modest/proud",
"He advised to use some <u>old-fashioned <b>prudence</b></u> when agreeing to meet face-to-face with an online acquaintanc",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "Ls{k)@,`Al",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
} }
] ]
} }