diff --git a/TODO.md b/TODO.md
index 2f5f283..c4107b5 100644
--- a/TODO.md
+++ b/TODO.md
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 # Words that should be added/modified
-| Word                | Occurence               | Explanation                                                                                       |
-| :----------------   | :--------               | :----------------------                                                                           |
-| promulgate          | web                     |                                                                                                   |
-| prudence            | The Catechism Explained | thought it would be similar to _prude_ but has a completely different meaning                     |
-| perdition           | The Catechism Explained |                                                                                                   |
-| officious           | The Catechism Explained |                                                                                                   |
-| edict               | The Catechism Explained |                                                                                                   |
-| hireling            | The Catechism Explained |                                                                                                   |
-| apostatizing        | The Catechism Explained |                                                                                                   |
-| grovel              | no.757                  | clean up meaning (maybe remove run on sentence structure)                                         |
-| cide                | no.150                  | parricide in example claims to be parents, not father                                             |
-| -escent/escent      | no.300/1430             | same word, maybe change no.300 meaning to _in the process of becoming_, del 1430                  |
-| incumbent/recumbent | no.1378                 | only has meaning/example for incumbent, not recumbent (recumbent is only in expl.)                |
-| loath/loathe        | no.1379                 | end of underline delimiter missing in example                                                     |
-| equivocate          | no.295                  | switch caps to underline in explanation                                                           |
-| extra               | no.1389                 | what is the idea of splitting it inot two? also fix brackets in word field                        |
-| chide               | no.1355                 | fix type/level field. _1000 difficult GRE word**s**_                                              |
-| gossamer            | no.765                  | last part of explanation seems incorrect, that's only the origin of the word, not today's meaning |
-| irredentist         | web                     |                                                                                                   |
-| potentate           | The Catechism Explained |                                                                                                   |
-| haute               | web                     |                                                                                                   |
-| reprobate           | The Catechism Explained |                                                                                                   |
-| limpid              | no.892                  | brackets in second meaning                                                                        |
-| obviate             | no.539                  | "2.." in 2nd example, needs space between numbering and sentence in example                       |
-| vacillate           | no.1131                 | add break between meanings                                                                        |
-| badinage            | no.481                  | end of bold delimiter missing in example                                                          |
-| effect/affect       | no.1450                 | clean up formatting in example in general, shorten meaning                                        |
-|                     |                         |                                                                                                   |
+| Word                | Occurence                                  | Explanation                                                                                                                                                                       |
+| :----------------   | :--------                                  | :----------------------                                                                                                                                                           |
+| promulgate          | web                                        |                                                                                                                                                                                   |
+| prudence            | The Catechism Explained                    | thought it would be similar to _prude_ but has a completely different meaning                                                                                                     |
+| perdition           | The Catechism Explained                    |                                                                                                                                                                                   |
+| officious           | The Catechism Explained                    |                                                                                                                                                                                   |
+| edict               | The Catechism Explained                    |                                                                                                                                                                                   |
+| hireling            | The Catechism Explained                    |                                                                                                                                                                                   |
+| apostatizing        | The Catechism Explained                    |                                                                                                                                                                                   |
+| grovel              | no.757                                     | clean up meaning (maybe remove run on sentence structure)                                                                                                                         |
+| -escent/escent      | no.300/1430                                | same word, maybe change no.300 meaning to _in the process of becoming_, del 1430                                                                                                  |
+| incumbent/recumbent | no.1378                                    | only has meaning/example for incumbent, not recumbent (recumbent is only in expl.)                                                                                                |
+| loath/loathe        | no.1379                                    | end of underline delimiter missing in example                                                                                                                                     |
+| equivocate          | no.295                                     | switch caps to underline in explanation                                                                                                                                           |
+| extra               | no.1389                                    | what is the idea of splitting it inot two? also fix brackets in word field                                                                                                        |
+| chide               | no.1355                                    | fix type/level field. _1000 difficult GRE word**s**_                                                                                                                              |
+| gossamer            | no.765                                     | last part of explanation seems incorrect, that's only the origin of the word, not today's meaning                                                                                 |
+| irredentist         | web                                        |                                                                                                                                                                                   |
+| potentate           | The Catechism Explained/came up as example |                                                                                                                                                                                   |
+| haute               | web                                        |                                                                                                                                                                                   |
+| reprobate           | The Catechism Explained                    |                                                                                                                                                                                   |
+| limpid              | no.892                                     | brackets in second meaning                                                                                                                                                        |
+| obviate             | no.539                                     | "2.." in 2nd example, needs space between numbering and sentence in example                                                                                                       |
+| vacillate           | no.1131                                    | add break between meanings                                                                                                                                                        |
+| badinage            | no.481                                     | end of bold delimiter missing in example                                                                                                                                          |
+| effect/affect       | no.1450                                    | clean up formatting in example in general, shorten meaning                                                                                                                        |
+| effect/affect       | no.1451                                    | does this affect come from the same root as _affecatation_? seems to me like it has nothing to do with the verb/noun thing of effect                                              |
+| chicanery           | no.144                                     | remove trailing space in example                                                                                                                                                  |
+| phob                | no.586                                     | for some reason "< /br>" does not work before "phobia = ", replace with "<br>", that seems to work for some reason                                                                |
+| oxy                 | no.810                                     | weird quotes in meaning                                                                                                                                                           |
+| qualify             | no.1455                                    | remove caps in explanation, replace with bold or underline. remove "..." from example, maybe clean it up a bit in genereal. Number formatting issues in example (see below table) |
+| abstemious          | no.1456                                    | remove "T" in explanation                                                                                                                                                         |
+| demure/demur        | no.1372                                    | switch order of meanings to fit rest of card better                                                                                                                               |
+| para                | no.1130                                    | clean up example and meaning (lots)                                                                                                                                               |
+| uranian             | no.1192                                    | remove comma after meaning                                                                                                                                                        |
+| exegis              | no.708                                     | space between bold and and underline missing in example                                                                                                                           |
+| approbation         | no.1458                                    | either remove underline or limit it to a section of the example, underlining everything is not really useful.                                                                     |
-Punctuation and commas are often surrouned by spaces for some reason, a simple replace should do the trick " , " -> ", " . " -> ".", " ! " -> "! "
+Punctuation and commas are often surrouned by spaces for some reason, a simple replace should do the trick " , " -> ", " . " -> ". ", " ! " -> "! "