updated to v66
This commit is contained in:
@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
644 "refute" "overthrow by argument, evidence, or proof" "verb" "Latin: re=back +futare =""to beat"", ie. To resist, repel, oppose" "The evidence provided by the prosecutor will <b>refute</b> the defendant’s claim of innocenc" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
644 "refute" "overthrow by argument, evidence, or proof" "verb" "Latin: re=back +futare =""to beat"", ie. To resist, repel, oppose" "The evidence provided by the prosecutor will <b>refute</b> the defendant’s claim of innocenc" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
645 "relentless" " never stopping, constant, unyielding, persistent" "adj. " "<b>relentless</b> and driven, the runner managed to finish the race despite his bruised ankle" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
645 "relentless" " never stopping, constant, unyielding, persistent" "adj. " "<b>relentless</b> and driven, the runner managed to finish the race despite his bruised ankle" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
646 "relevant" " relating to the topic or issue at hand" "adj. " "According to the judge, the witness’ identification of the suspect was not relevant because of her poor eyesight. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
646 "relevant" " relating to the topic or issue at hand" "adj. " "According to the judge, the witness’ identification of the suspect was not relevant because of her poor eyesight. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
647 "reproach" " to scold or express criticism" "verb" "As a law enforcement officer, Jack must always make sure his behavior is above reproach" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
647 "reproach" " to scold or express criticism" "verb" "As a law enforcement officer, Jack must always make sure his behavior is <u>above <b>reproach</u></b>" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
648 "reproof" "the act of censuring, scolding, or rebuking. (v. reprove). " "noun" "Old French reprove ""reproach, rejection""</br>Syn: rebuke, reprehension, reprimand, reproval" "Without harsh <b>reproof</b>, the mother calmly explained the reasons why the boy shouldn’t throw the ball in the house. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
648 "reproof" "the act of censuring, scolding, or rebuking. (v. reprove). " "noun" "Old French reprove ""reproach, rejection""</br>Syn: rebuke, reprehension, reprimand, reproval" "Without harsh <b>reproof</b>, the mother calmly explained the reasons why the boy shouldn’t throw the ball in the house. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
649 "repudiate" " to renounce or disown" "verb" "During his next speech, the president will <b>repudiate</b> blame for the economic situation. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
649 "repudiate" " to renounce or disown" "verb" "During his next speech, the president will <b>repudiate</b> blame for the economic situation. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
650 "carnage" "massive slaughter, as in war; massacre; corpses, especially of those killed in battle" " noun" "Syn: butchery, mass murder, massacre, slaughter" "The suicide bomber left immeasurable <b>carnage</b> in the mall. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
650 "carnage" "massive slaughter, as in war; massacre; corpses, especially of those killed in battle" " noun" "Syn: butchery, mass murder, massacre, slaughter" "The suicide bomber left immeasurable <b>carnage</b> in the mall. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
@ -1397,7 +1397,7 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1377 "inane </br> innate" "inane=Extremely silly or with no real meaning or importance </br> innate=A quality or ability that you were born with, not one you have learned" "adj. " "in=in + nat=born=>born with" "He had an innate ability to make inane comments" "Easily confused words" "Khan"
1377 "inane </br> innate" "inane=Extremely silly or with no real meaning or importance </br> innate=A quality or ability that you were born with, not one you have learned" "adj. " "in=in + nat=born=>born with" "He had an innate ability to make inane comments" "Easily confused words" "Khan"
1378 "incumbent </br> recumbent" "incumbent=The person who has or had a particular official position " "adj. " "Latin: in=in, on, upon + recumbent=Lying down => resting or lying on something" "The <u>future <b>incumbent</b></u> went to his job interview in a <b><u>recumbent</b> bicyle</u>" "Easily confused words" "Khan"
1378 "incumbent </br> recumbent" "incumbent=The person who has or had a particular official position " "adj. " "Latin: in=in, on, upon + recumbent=Lying down => resting or lying on something" "The <u>future <b>incumbent</b></u> went to his job interview in a <b><u>recumbent</b> bicyle</u>" "Easily confused words" "Khan"
1379 "loath </br> loathe" "loath=To be unwilling to do something </br> loath<b><u>e</b></u>=To hat<b><u>e</b></u> someone or something" "verb, noun" "both have same Germanic root: ""leiden"", with its 2 meanings, too. </br>1. Leiden etwas zu tun </br> jmdm nicht leiden können. " "The secretary was <b><u>loath</b> to do the filing</u> and <b><u>loathed</b> her boss</u> for insisting she did it " "Easily confused words" "Khan"
1379 "loath </br> loathe" "loath=To be unwilling to do something </br> loath<b><u>e</b></u>=To hat<b><u>e</b></u> someone or something" "verb, noun" "both have same Germanic root: ""leiden"", with its 2 meanings, too. </br>1. Leiden etwas zu tun </br> jmdm nicht leiden können. " "The secretary was <b><u>loath</b> to do the filing</u> and <b><u>loathed</b> her boss</u> for insisting she did it " "Easily confused words" "Khan"
1380 "circum" "word-forming element meaning (all)around, round about on all sides" "Latin Prefix" "circumnavigate: sail around the globe</br>circumpolar: surround one of the poles</br>circumscribe: to make a circle around= to encompass</br>circumspect: looking around from all sides=suspect</br>circumvent: to go around</br>circumvolve: to turn or to cause to roll around" "Circa, circuit, circumcision, circus, circumference, circumspection, circumstance</br> circadian: about a day</br>circumambient: surroundings</br> circumambulate: to walk around</br>circumbendibus: a round about way - round the bend</br>circumcise: cut around</br>circumflex: sign bent around</br> circumfluent:a fluid flowing around</br>circumjacent:bordering on every side</br>circumlocution: a round about way of speaking, ie. elusive" "Latin words" "nko"
1380 "circum" "word-forming element meaning (all)around, round about on all sides" "Latin Prefix" "circumnavigate: sail around the globe</br>circumpolar: surround one of the poles</br>circumscribe: to make a circle around= to encompass</br>circumspect: looking around from all sides=suspect</br>circumvent: to go around</br>circumvolve: to turn or to cause to roll around" "Circa, circuit, circus, circumference, circumspection, circumstance</br> circadian: about a day</br>circumambient: surroundings</br> circumambulate: to walk around</br>circumbendibus: a round about way - round the bend</br>circumcise: cut around</br>circumflex: sign bent around</br> circumfluent:a fluid flowing around</br>circumjacent:bordering on every side</br>circumlocution: a round about way of speaking, ie. elusive" "Latin words" "nko"
1381 "venal</br>venial" "venal=A person is willing to behave in a way that is not honest or moral in exchange for money <br / >venial=Describes a wrong action that is not serious and therefore easy to forgive" "adj. " "venal same root as ""vendre"" in French; </br>venail: Latin venialis ""pardonable""" "The <u><b>venial</b> acts of the cheeky children</u> in no way are comparable to those terrible acts committed by <u><b>venal</b> persons</u> to satify their avarice. " "Easily confused words" "Khan"
1381 "venal</br>venial" "venal=A person is willing to behave in a way that is not honest or moral in exchange for money <br / >venial=Describes a wrong action that is not serious and therefore easy to forgive" "adj. " "venal same root as ""vendre"" in French; </br>venail: Latin venialis ""pardonable""" "The <u><b>venial</b> acts of the cheeky children</u> in no way are comparable to those terrible acts committed by <u><b>venal</b> persons</u> to satify their avarice. " "Easily confused words" "Khan"
1382 "contra</br> contro</br> counter" "against" "Latin Prefix" "counter productive</br> counter force</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1382 "contra</br> contro</br> counter" "against" "Latin Prefix" "counter productive</br> counter force</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1383 "de" "down</br> opposite of</br> away from</br> about</br>completely" "Latin Prefix" "decline</br> descent</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1383 "de" "down</br> opposite of</br> away from</br> about</br>completely" "Latin Prefix" "decline</br> descent</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
@ -1638,6 +1638,23 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1616 "iniquitous" "wicked or sinful; immoral; unrighteous" " adj." "Syn: evil, immoral, nefarious, rotten, sinful, unethical, unlawful, unrighteous, unsavory, vicious, vile, villainous, wicked" "The movie business is corrupt, depraved and <b>iniquitous</b> — and still morally superior to some political parties." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1616 "iniquitous" "wicked or sinful; immoral; unrighteous" " adj." "Syn: evil, immoral, nefarious, rotten, sinful, unethical, unlawful, unrighteous, unsavory, vicious, vile, villainous, wicked" "The movie business is corrupt, depraved and <b>iniquitous</b> — and still morally superior to some political parties." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1617 "iniquity" "absence of, or deviation from, just dealing; want of rectitude or uprightness; gross injustice; unrighteousness; wickedness" " noun" "Illegal narcotics is not only a destroyer of personal health but also an <b>iniquity</b> that undermines our society" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1617 "iniquity" "absence of, or deviation from, just dealing; want of rectitude or uprightness; gross injustice; unrighteousness; wickedness" " noun" "Illegal narcotics is not only a destroyer of personal health but also an <b>iniquity</b> that undermines our society" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1618 "inordinate" "exceeding reasonable limits; excessive; not regulated; disorderly" " adj." "Syn: excessive, undue, unreasonable" "I was never a fan of Charles Dickens' novels, as I found the 1200 pages to be of <b>inordinate</b> length" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1618 "inordinate" "exceeding reasonable limits; excessive; not regulated; disorderly" " adj." "Syn: excessive, undue, unreasonable" "I was never a fan of Charles Dickens' novels, as I found the 1200 pages to be of <b>inordinate</b> length" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1619 "inroad" "entrance of an enemy into a country with purposes of hostility; sudden or desultory incursion or invasion; raid; encroachment" " noun" "originally used only to talk about military movement, describing armies making hostile raids." "1a. The army is finally <u>making <b>inroads</b></u> into enemy territory </br>1b. China is <u>making <b>inroads</b></u> in the world, in large part because the United States is offering no attractive alternative." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1620 "insulate" "make an island of; place in a detached situation, or in a state having no communication with surrounding objects; isolate; separate" " verb" "Latin insula=“to make into an island.”</br>Deutsches Stammwort : Inseln</br>Syn: isolate, weatherstrip" "1a. They used a special type of expanded glassfiber mat to <b>insulate</b> the attic. </br>1b. Inner City dwellers often go to great lengths to <b>insulate</b> their children from dangerous experiences." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1621 "interlocutor" "1. one who speaks in dialogue or takes part in conversation</br>2. a third party in a conversation,"" like a middleman who speaks on behalf of an organization." " noun" "Latin :"" inter ""between"" + loqui ""to speak""=> ""speak between</br>Syn1: conversation partner</br>Syn2: middleman" "1. At formal events one is often forced to exchange pleasantries with whatever <b>interlocutor</b> one happens to have struck conversation up with</br>2. Switzerland – which acts as <b>interlocutor</b> between Tehran and Washington – passed messages between the two arch foes and set the terms of a response." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1622 "internecine" "mutually destructive; equally devastating to both sides" " adj." "Latin inter- (“among”) + necare (“to kill”)=>very deadly, murderous, destructive</br>" "The first world war was a terrible <b>internecine</b> war that utterly ruined both allies and axis." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1623 "interpose" "place between; thrust; intrude; be between, either for aid or for troubling" " verb" "French: inter- ""between"" + poser ""to place""=>to place in between" "It's annoying when advertisers <b>interpose</b> commercials between segments of your favorite TV show" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1624 "interregnum" "1a. the time during which a throne is vacant between two successive reigns or regimes</br>
1b. a period during which the normal functions of government or control are suspended" " noun" "Latin : inter ""between"" + regnum ""reign, kingship""=> interval between 2 reigns" "The Apostolic Constitution dictated that Cardinal Albanese would serve as temporary caretaker of the Roman Catholic Church during the <b>interregnum</b>, which ended with the election of a new pope." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1625 "invertebrate" "1. animal, such as an insect, that lacks backbone or spinal column</br>2. a courage-less or weak person" " noun" "Latin in- ""not"" + vertebratus ""spine""=>Spineless</br>Deutsch : Rückgratlos" "1. worms are an example of <b>invertebrate</b> animals</br>2. an <b>invertebrate</b> Congress that blithely went along with the President's ill-conceived plan " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1626 "invidious" "an act, thought, opinion or critique that is full of ill will or prejudice" " adj." "Same word root as ""envious"", ""envy""</br>Syn: obnoxious, discriminatory" "The boss was not well liked because he made <b>invidious</b> distinctions between employees. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1627 "insidious / invidious" "1. insidious describes something nasty that lies in wait to get you</br>2. invidious is something offensive or defamatory." "adj. " "Cancer can be <b>insidious</b>, lurking in your body without your knowing it - but nasty, <b>invidious</b> comments are noticed right away" "Easily confused words" "SMB"
1628 "invigilate" "watch diligently; keep watch over examination candidates to prevent cheating" " verb" "Same word root as ""vigilante""</br>Deutsch : aufpassen, vor allem bei Prüfungen (Brit.)" "One of the job functions of the professor's assistant was to <b>invigilate</b> during the final exam" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1629 "inviolable" "secure from corruption, attack, or violation; unassailable" " adj." "Latin in- ""not"" + violare ""to violate""=>not violable</br>" "1a. ""We call upon you to recognize the <b>inviolable</b> human dignity of the child, before and after birth,” the group wrote in its letter</br>1b. Before WW2, the French thought that the Margot line made the border to Germany <b>inviolable</b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1630 "invocation" "1. prayer for help; </br>2. calling upon as reference or support</br>3 .an act of legal or moral implementation" " noun" "Syn1 : conjuration</br>Syn3 : enforcement" "1a. In the hospital chapel, the religious man hoped to save his dying wife by making an <b>invocation.</b> to the Almighty</br>2. He justified his position by <b>invocation</b> of the past </br>3. Will the <b>invocation</b> of the Defense Production Act mean that there will be more masks soon?" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1631 "iridescent" "exhibiting or giving out colors like those of rainbow; gleaming or shimmering with rainbow colors" " adj." "Latin : iris=""rainbow"" + escent=""in the process of becoming""=>multicoloured like a rainbow." "1a. an <b>iridescent</b> oil slick</br>1b. A dragonfly hovered, vibrating and <b>iridescent</b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1632 "irksome" "causing annoyance, weariness, or vexation; tedious" " adj." "Gleicher Wortstamm wie ""ärgern"", also irksome= ""ärgerlich""</br>Syn: tedious, boring, deadening, dull, ho-hum, slow, tiresome, wearisome" "Arguments are put forward, surely <b>irksome</b> to some in France, about the Italian influence on French cooking." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1633 "irreproachable" "perfect or blameless in every respect; faultless; impeccable" " adj." "French : in- ""not, opposite of"" + reproach =>not reproachable</br>see Nr. 647 ""reproach""</br>Syn: blameless, inculpable, unimpeachable, clean-handed, guiltless, innocent" "His conduct as a police officer was <b>irreproachable. <?b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1634 "jaundiced" "1. showing or affected by prejudice or envy or distaste; </br>2. affected by jaundice which causes yellowing of skin; yellow or yellowish" " adj." "1a. She has a very <b>jaundiced</b> view of politics and politicians. </br>1b. In my view, it takes a <b>jaundiced</b> eye to read anything negative into the strong job growth.</br>2. His <b>jaundiced</b> skin was a sign that he had liver problems" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1661 "febrile" "feverish; intense emotion or activity" " adj. " "Same word root as ""fever"", thus related to fever, ferverish. " "The atmosphere in the city was <b>febrile</b> as the king's coronation date approached. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1661 "febrile" "feverish; intense emotion or activity" " adj. " "Same word root as ""fever"", thus related to fever, ferverish. " "The atmosphere in the city was <b>febrile</b> as the king's coronation date approached. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1662 "acquiesce" "assent; agree without protesting" " verb" " Latin: acquiescere, meaning “to rest. ” If you “rest” or become passive in the face of something to which you object, you are giving tacit agreement. " "While I did not want to go to the show with Laura, <u>her begging eventually caused me to <b>acquiesce</u></b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1662 "acquiesce" "assent; agree without protesting" " verb" " Latin: acquiescere, meaning “to rest. ” If you “rest” or become passive in the face of something to which you object, you are giving tacit agreement. " "While I did not want to go to the show with Laura, <u>her begging eventually caused me to <b>acquiesce</u></b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1663 "connote" "to imply something in addition to what is apparent" "verb" "Latin: com ""with, together"" + notare ""to mark, note, make a note""=>to signify in addition to the main meaning" "At work, we <b>connote</b> the employee of the month award with being the best worker on the team. " "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1"
1663 "connote" "to imply something in addition to what is apparent" "verb" "Latin: com ""with, together"" + notare ""to mark, note, make a note""=>to signify in addition to the main meaning" "At work, we <b>connote</b> the employee of the month award with being the best worker on the team. " "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1"
Binary file not shown.
@ -2836,7 +2836,7 @@
"word-forming element meaning (all)around, round about on all sides",
"word-forming element meaning (all)around, round about on all sides",
"Latin Prefix",
"Latin Prefix",
"circumnavigate: sail around the globe</br>circumpolar: surround one of the poles</br>circumscribe: to make a circle around= to encompass</br>circumspect: looking around from all sides=suspect</br>circumvent: to go around</br>circumvolve: to turn or to cause to roll around",
"circumnavigate: sail around the globe</br>circumpolar: surround one of the poles</br>circumscribe: to make a circle around= to encompass</br>circumspect: looking around from all sides=suspect</br>circumvent: to go around</br>circumvolve: to turn or to cause to roll around",
"Circa, circuit, circumcision, circus, circumference, circumspection, circumstance</br> circadian: about a day</br>circumambient: surroundings</br> circumambulate: to walk around</br>circumbendibus: a round about way - round the bend</br>circumcise: cut around</br>circumflex: sign bent around</br> circumfluent:a fluid flowing around</br>circumjacent:bordering on every side</br>circumlocution: a round about way of speaking, ie. elusive",
"Circa, circuit, circus, circumference, circumspection, circumstance</br> circadian: about a day</br>circumambient: surroundings</br> circumambulate: to walk around</br>circumbendibus: a round about way - round the bend</br>circumcise: cut around</br>circumflex: sign bent around</br> circumfluent:a fluid flowing around</br>circumjacent:bordering on every side</br>circumlocution: a round about way of speaking, ie. elusive",
"Latin words",
"Latin words",
@ -13834,7 +13834,7 @@
"to scold or express criticism",
"to scold or express criticism",
"As a law enforcement officer, Jack must always make sure his behavior is above reproach",
"As a law enforcement officer, Jack must always make sure his behavior is <u>above <b>reproach</u></b>",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
"357 prevalent GRE words",
@ -29484,6 +29484,294 @@
"guid": "/p^@4{Nvm",
"guid": "/p^@4{Nvm",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"entrance of an enemy into a country with purposes of hostility; sudden or desultory incursion or invasion; raid; encroachment",
"originally used only to talk about military movement, describing armies making hostile raids.",
"1a. The army is finally <u>making <b>inroads</b></u> into enemy territory </br>1b. China is <u>making <b>inroads</b></u> in the world, in large part because the United States is offering no attractive alternative.",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "y@yd?y$2[Q",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"make an island of; place in a detached situation, or in a state having no communication with surrounding objects; isolate; separate",
"Latin insula=“to make into an island.”</br>Deutsches Stammwort : Inseln</br>Syn: isolate, weatherstrip",
"1a. They used a special type of expanded glassfiber mat to <b>insulate</b> the attic. </br>1b. Inner City dwellers often go to great lengths to <b>insulate</b> their children from dangerous experiences.",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "n2MXQSr)QW",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"1. one who speaks in dialogue or takes part in conversation</br>2. a third party in a conversation,\" like a middleman who speaks on behalf of an organization.",
"Latin :\" inter \"between\" + loqui \"to speak\"=> \"speak between</br>Syn1: conversation partner</br>Syn2: middleman",
"1. At formal events one is often forced to exchange pleasantries with whatever <b>interlocutor</b> one happens to have struck conversation up with</br>2. Switzerland – which acts as <b>interlocutor</b> between Tehran and Washington – passed messages between the two arch foes and set the terms of a response.",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "uj@,0a)>3k",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"mutually destructive; equally devastating to both sides",
"Latin inter- (“among”) + necare (“to kill”)=>very deadly, murderous, destructive</br>",
"The first world war was a terrible <b>internecine</b> war that utterly ruined both allies and axis.",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "Fb`Vc$vp^.",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"place between; thrust; intrude; be between, either for aid or for troubling",
"French: inter- \"between\" + poser \"to place\"=>to place in between",
"It's annoying when advertisers <b>interpose</b> commercials between segments of your favorite TV show",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "F6[O|0d9|X",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"1a. the time during which a throne is vacant between two successive reigns or regimes</br>\n1b. a period during which the normal functions of government or control are suspended",
"Latin : inter \"between\" + regnum \"reign, kingship\"=> interval between 2 reigns",
"The Apostolic Constitution dictated that Cardinal Albanese would serve as temporary caretaker of the Roman Catholic Church during the <b>interregnum</b>, which ended with the election of a new pope.",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "szt:_R{w}s",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"1. animal, such as an insect, that lacks backbone or spinal column</br>2. a courage-less or weak person",
"Latin in- \"not\" + vertebratus \"spine\"=>Spineless</br>Deutsch : Rückgratlos",
"1. worms are an example of <b>invertebrate</b> animals</br>2. an <b>invertebrate</b> Congress that blithely went along with the President's ill-conceived plan",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "sLfA-%[=,7",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"an act, thought, opinion or critique that is full of ill will or prejudice",
"Same word root as \"envious\", \"envy\"</br>Syn: obnoxious, discriminatory",
"The boss was not well liked because he made <b>invidious</b> distinctions between employees.",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "Q)kV+o(:/R",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
"__type__": "Note",
"data": "",
"fields": [
"insidious / invidious",
"1. insidious describes something nasty that lies in wait to get you</br>2. invidious is something offensive or defamatory.",
"Cancer can be <b>insidious</b>, lurking in your body without your knowing it - but nasty, <b>invidious</b> comments are noticed right away",
"Easily confused words",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "KR:I}w}&l?",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
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"fields": [
"watch diligently; keep watch over examination candidates to prevent cheating",
"Same word root as \"vigilante\"</br>Deutsch : aufpassen, vor allem bei Prüfungen (Brit.)",
"One of the job functions of the professor's assistant was to <b>invigilate</b> during the final exam",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
"flags": 0,
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"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
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"fields": [
"secure from corruption, attack, or violation; unassailable",
"Latin in- \"not\" + violare \"to violate\"=>not violable</br>",
"1a. \"We call upon you to recognize the <b>inviolable</b> human dignity of the child, before and after birth,” the group wrote in its letter</br>1b. Before WW2, the French thought that the Margot line made the border to Germany <b>inviolable</b>",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
"flags": 0,
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"1. prayer for help; </br>2. calling upon as reference or support</br>3 .an act of legal or moral implementation",
"Syn1 : conjuration</br>Syn3 : enforcement",
"1a. In the hospital chapel, the religious man hoped to save his dying wife by making an <b>invocation.</b> to the Almighty</br>2. He justified his position by <b>invocation</b> of the past </br>3. Will the <b>invocation</b> of the Defense Production Act mean that there will be more masks soon?",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
"flags": 0,
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"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
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"exhibiting or giving out colors like those of rainbow; gleaming or shimmering with rainbow colors",
"Latin : iris=\"rainbow\" + escent=\"in the process of becoming\"=>multicoloured like a rainbow.",
"1a. an <b>iridescent</b> oil slick</br>1b. A dragonfly hovered, vibrating and <b>iridescent</b>",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
"flags": 0,
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"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
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"fields": [
"causing annoyance, weariness, or vexation; tedious",
"Gleicher Wortstamm wie \"ärgern\", also irksome= \"ärgerlich\"</br>Syn: tedious, boring, deadening, dull, ho-hum, slow, tiresome, wearisome",
"Arguments are put forward, surely <b>irksome</b> to some in France, about the Italian influence on French cooking.",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "Q)}Z.2V1V!",
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"fields": [
"perfect or blameless in every respect; faultless; impeccable",
"French : in- \"not, opposite of\" + reproach =>not reproachable</br>see Nr. 647 \"reproach\"</br>Syn: blameless, inculpable, unimpeachable, clean-handed, guiltless, innocent",
"His conduct as a police officer was <b>irreproachable. <?b>",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "ehP>*U?+v9",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
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"__type__": "Note",
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"fields": [
"1. showing or affected by prejudice or envy or distaste; </br>2. affected by jaundice which causes yellowing of skin; yellow or yellowish",
"1a. She has a very <b>jaundiced</b> view of politics and politicians. </br>1b. In my view, it takes a <b>jaundiced</b> eye to read anything negative into the strong job growth.</br>2. His <b>jaundiced</b> skin was a sign that he had liver problems",
"1000 Difficult GRE words",
"flags": 0,
"guid": "g,Fh3+s[ym",
"note_model_uuid": "868688d2-a7fe-11ea-8360-9cb6d013a4a3",
"tags": []
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