Updated to v56
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@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
278 "apotheosis" "elevation to godhood; fact or action of becoming a god; an ideal example of something</br> ideal, nonesuch, nonpareil, nonsuch, paragon, saint" " noun" " Greek :apo ""from+ ""theos= god => person, place, or thing that is so out-of-this-world amazing that it seems as if it's ""from God.""" "Leonardo da Vinci was the <u><b>apotheosis</b> of genius</u> and the <u>Mona Lisa is the <b>apotheosis</b> of all his paintings</u>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
278 "apotheosis" "elevation to godhood; fact or action of becoming a god; an ideal example of something</br> ideal, nonesuch, nonpareil, nonsuch, paragon, saint" " noun" " Greek :apo ""from+ ""theos= god => person, place, or thing that is so out-of-this-world amazing that it seems as if it's ""from God.""" "Leonardo da Vinci was the <u><b>apotheosis</b> of genius</u> and the <u>Mona Lisa is the <b>apotheosis</b> of all his paintings</u>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
279 "endemic </br> epidemic" "endemic is an inherent characteristic whereas epidemic is an illness wave that affect many in the population at the same time" "noun" "ic=nature of, like" "As the syphyllis <b>epidemic</b> spread eastwards from Portugal, each successive nation claimed the disease was <b>endemic</b> to the nation west of itself" "Easily confused words" "MSU"
279 "endemic </br> epidemic" "endemic is an inherent characteristic whereas epidemic is an illness wave that affect many in the population at the same time" "noun" "ic=nature of, like" "As the syphyllis <b>epidemic</b> spread eastwards from Portugal, each successive nation claimed the disease was <b>endemic</b> to the nation west of itself" "Easily confused words" "MSU"
280 "endow" "Provide with a quality, ability, or asset" "verb" "Syn: equip, bless, give" "Good and inspiring teachers, meanwhile, such as. J.K. Rowling’s Minerva McGonagall, are portrayed as endowed with supernatural gifts." "Least Difficult" "FT"
280 "endow" "Provide with a quality, ability, or asset" "verb" "Syn: equip, bless, give" "Good and inspiring teachers, meanwhile, such as. J.K. Rowling’s Minerva McGonagall, are portrayed as endowed with supernatural gifts." "Least Difficult" "FT"
281 "appellation" "name; title; act of naming; act of appealing for aid, sympathy" " noun" "French: appeller: to call" "George Herman Ruth's parents may have known him as George, but the rest of the world knew this famous slugger by his <b>appellation</>, Babe.</br>Champagne is <u>an <b>appellation</b> for the bubbly white</u> wine that comes from the Champagne region of France" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
281 "appellation" "name; title; act of naming; act of appealing for aid, sympathy" " noun" "French: appeller: to call" "George Herman Ruth's parents may have known him as George, but the rest of the world knew this famous slugger by his <b>appellation</b>, Babe.</br>Champagne is <u>an <b>appellation</b> for the bubbly white</u> wine that comes from the Champagne region of France" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
282 "apposite" "strikingly appropriate and relevant; well-suited" " adj." "Latin: appositus and apponere. A=to + Ponere=to place=>apponere is ""well-placed or well-put."" </br>Don't confuse apposite with opposite; they have almost opposite meanings!" "Jake drinks red wine with each meal and does not worry about what wine connoisseurs say is <b>apposite</b> for each dish." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
282 "apposite" "strikingly appropriate and relevant; well-suited" " adj." "Latin: appositus and apponere. A=to + Ponere=to place=>apponere is ""well-placed or well-put."" </br>Don't confuse apposite with opposite; they have almost opposite meanings!" "Jake drinks red wine with each meal and does not worry about what wine connoisseurs say is <b>apposite</b> for each dish." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
283 "appropriation" "1. taking something and making it your own, either in a positive or negative sense</br>2. setting money aside or budgeting to do something as act of legislature" " noun" "1. I <b>appropriated</b> my mother's french fries while she was not looking. </br> 1b. <u>Cultural <b>appropriation</u></b> is one of the issues that gets het most upset </br>2. The government committee appropriated sufficient funds to agricultural renewal program" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
283 "appropriation" "1. taking something and making it your own, either in a positive or negative sense</br>2. setting money aside or budgeting to do something as act of legislature" " noun" "1. I <b>appropriated</b> my mother's french fries while she was not looking. </br> 1b. <u>Cultural <b>appropriation</u></b> is one of the issues that gets het most upset </br>2. The government committee appropriated sufficient funds to agricultural renewal program" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
284 "engender" " to cause or give rise to" "verb" "from in- ""in"" + generare ""bring forth, beget, produce"" itself from genus ""give birth, beget""" "His slip of the toungue <b>engendered</b> much laughter." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
284 "engender" " to cause or give rise to" "verb" "from in- ""in"" + generare ""bring forth, beget, produce"" itself from genus ""give birth, beget""" "His slip of the toungue <b>engendered</b> much laughter." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
@ -434,7 +434,7 @@
431 "infer" " to conclude from implicit evidence (as opposed to explicit facts)" "verb" "Latin in- ""in"" + ferre ""to carry, to bear""=>to 'bring in' as a conclusion of a process of reasoning""" "New genetic evidence led some zoologists to infer that the red wolf is actually a hybrid of the coyote and the gray wolf." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
431 "infer" " to conclude from implicit evidence (as opposed to explicit facts)" "verb" "Latin in- ""in"" + ferre ""to carry, to bear""=>to 'bring in' as a conclusion of a process of reasoning""" "New genetic evidence led some zoologists to infer that the red wolf is actually a hybrid of the coyote and the gray wolf." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
432 "imply </br> infer " "Imply means to suggest or to say something in an indirect way. Infer means to suppose or come to a conclusion, especially based on an indirect suggestion" "verb" "The presenter implied indirectly that his colleague may be late and the audience inferred from the suble hint that the colleague would be late. " "Easily confused words" "MSU"
432 "imply </br> infer " "Imply means to suggest or to say something in an indirect way. Infer means to suppose or come to a conclusion, especially based on an indirect suggestion" "verb" "The presenter implied indirectly that his colleague may be late and the audience inferred from the suble hint that the colleague would be late. " "Easily confused words" "MSU"
433 "ingenious" "clever: (n: ingenuity)" "adj." "Latin: In=in + genious=born, ie. for inborn talent" "She developed an ingenious method for testing her hypothesis." "Common GRE" "MSU"
433 "ingenious" "clever: (n: ingenuity)" "adj." "Latin: In=in + genious=born, ie. for inborn talent" "She developed an ingenious method for testing her hypothesis." "Common GRE" "MSU"
434 "augury" "sign of something coming; art or practice of foretelling events by signs or omens" " noun" "Latin ""augur"", a religious official in ancient Rome who foretold events by observing signs" "According to the psychic, the <u>black cat was an <b>augury </b></u>of my impending death." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
434 "augury" "sign of something coming; art or practice of foretelling events by signs or omens" " noun" "Latin ""augur"", a religious official in ancient Rome who foretold events by observing signs" "According to the psychic, the black cat was an <b>augury</b> of my impending death." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
435 "ingenuous" " naive or innocent; unsophisticated; artless; straightforward; candid " "adj." "Latin: ingenuus ""with the virtues of freeborn people, of noble character, frank, upright, candid"" </br> naïve, innocent" "The scam artist preyed on <u><b>ingenuous</b> nursing home residents</u>." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
435 "ingenuous" " naive or innocent; unsophisticated; artless; straightforward; candid " "adj." "Latin: ingenuus ""with the virtues of freeborn people, of noble character, frank, upright, candid"" </br> naïve, innocent" "The scam artist preyed on <u><b>ingenuous</b> nursing home residents</u>." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
436 "ingenious (ingenuity) </br> ingenuous (and disingenuous)" "Ingenious indicates cleverness, particularly relating to inventive, while ingenuous refers to sincerity or a naive nature." "adj." " Latin: ingenuus ""having the qualities of people born free, noble, honest, open</br>""genuous comes same root as genuine" "Einstein was <b>ingenious</b> while his wife was <b>ingenuous</b>" "Easily confused words" "MSU"
436 "ingenious (ingenuity) </br> ingenuous (and disingenuous)" "Ingenious indicates cleverness, particularly relating to inventive, while ingenuous refers to sincerity or a naive nature." "adj." " Latin: ingenuus ""having the qualities of people born free, noble, honest, open</br>""genuous comes same root as genuine" "Einstein was <b>ingenious</b> while his wife was <b>ingenuous</b>" "Easily confused words" "MSU"
437 "inhibit" "to hold back, prohibit, forbid, or restrain (n: inhibition, adj: inhibited)" "verb" "PIE / Latin: in= not + hibere = have (haben auf Deutsch) => to hinder</br> Syn: a) hinder, impede b)conquer, curb, stamp down, subdue, suppress c) hold back, keep, keep back, restrain " "1. Contact between young adults was inhibited by strict social customs</br>2. The trace component inhibited the rate of a chemical reaction " "Common GRE" "MSU"
437 "inhibit" "to hold back, prohibit, forbid, or restrain (n: inhibition, adj: inhibited)" "verb" "PIE / Latin: in= not + hibere = have (haben auf Deutsch) => to hinder</br> Syn: a) hinder, impede b)conquer, curb, stamp down, subdue, suppress c) hold back, keep, keep back, restrain " "1. Contact between young adults was inhibited by strict social customs</br>2. The trace component inhibited the rate of a chemical reaction " "Common GRE" "MSU"
@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
538 "blindside" "1. to take by surprise</br>2. to attack or hit on or from the side where the attacked person's view is obstructed" " verb" "Term from US Football, 1968" "The Corona economic downturn <u><b>blindsided</b> many investors</u>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
538 "blindside" "1. to take by surprise</br>2. to attack or hit on or from the side where the attacked person's view is obstructed" " verb" "Term from US Football, 1968" "The Corona economic downturn <u><b>blindsided</b> many investors</u>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
539 "obviate" "1. do away with</br>2. to prevent" "verb" "Latin ob ""in front of, against"" + viam, ""way""=> go against. </br> prevent, avert, avoid, debar, deflect, fend off, forefend, forfend, head off, stave off, ward off" "1. Doing one thing doesn’t <b>obviate</b> the need to do the other. </br>2. If you want to <u><b>obviate</b> the risk of skin cancer</u> throughout your life, it’s important that you are protected from sun exposure from the time you are an infant" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
539 "obviate" "1. do away with</br>2. to prevent" "verb" "Latin ob ""in front of, against"" + viam, ""way""=> go against. </br> prevent, avert, avoid, debar, deflect, fend off, forefend, forfend, head off, stave off, ward off" "1. Doing one thing doesn’t <b>obviate</b> the need to do the other. </br>2. If you want to <u><b>obviate</b> the risk of skin cancer</u> throughout your life, it’s important that you are protected from sun exposure from the time you are an infant" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
540 "boisterous" "rough and stormy; loud, noisy, and lacking in restraint or discipline" " adj." "<u>The <b>boisterous</b> crowd</u> rose to its feet, stamping their feet and loudly cheering for the football star after he scored a game-winning goal " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
540 "boisterous" "rough and stormy; loud, noisy, and lacking in restraint or discipline" " adj." "<u>The <b>boisterous</b> crowd</u> rose to its feet, stamping their feet and loudly cheering for the football star after he scored a game-winning goal " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
541 "bonny" "handsome; beautiful; pretty; attractively lively and graceful" " adj." "presumably from French: bon= ""good""" """<u>My <b>bonnie</b> lies over the ocean</u>, my bonnie lies over the sea, oh, oh bring back my bonnie to me ""sang the homesick soldiers." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
541 "bonny" "handsome; beautiful; pretty; attractively lively and graceful" " adj." "presumably from French: bon= ""good""" "<u>My <b>bonnie</b> lies over the ocean</u>, my bonnie lies over the sea, oh bring back, oh bring back my bonnie to me', sang the homesick soldiers." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
542 "occult" " the mystical and supernatural" "noun" "Latin occultus, = “hidden, secret.”" "Although the pretend psychic has no occult powers, she leads people to believe she does" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
542 "occult" " the mystical and supernatural" "noun" "Latin occultus, = “hidden, secret.”" "Although the pretend psychic has no occult powers, she leads people to believe she does" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
543 "offset" "1. to counterbalance or counteract </br>2. produce by offset printing technique </br>3. the distance or amount by which something is out of line" "verb, noun" "1. My new car's ability to get 3l per 100km <b>offset</b> the rise in the price of petrol </br>2. He placed the rubber cylinder in the <b>offset</b> printing machine.</br>3. After the earthquake, several places on the ridge were <b>offset</b> by several feet" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
543 "offset" "1. to counterbalance or counteract </br>2. produce by offset printing technique </br>3. the distance or amount by which something is out of line" "verb, noun" "1. My new car's ability to get 3l per 100km <b>offset</b> the rise in the price of petrol </br>2. He placed the rubber cylinder in the <b>offset</b> printing machine.</br>3. After the earthquake, several places on the ridge were <b>offset</b> by several feet" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
544 "-oid" "like (often suggests flawed or partial resemblance)" "adj., noun" "asteroid, tabloid, anthropoid, rhomboid, ovoid" "Suffix" "MSU"
544 "-oid" "like (often suggests flawed or partial resemblance)" "adj., noun" "asteroid, tabloid, anthropoid, rhomboid, ovoid" "Suffix" "MSU"
@ -1019,20 +1019,20 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
2. any of the bones of the fingers or toes" "noun" "Greek phalanx : ""line of battle, battle array"" " "1. They didn’t get far: On March 7, 1965, <u>a phalanx of <b>police</u></b> blocked their exit from the Selma bridge.</br>2. " "Most Difficult" "FT"
2. any of the bones of the fingers or toes" "noun" "Greek phalanx : ""line of battle, battle array"" " "1. They didn’t get far: On March 7, 1965, <u>a phalanx of <b>police</u></b> blocked their exit from the Selma bridge.</br>2. " "Most Difficult" "FT"
1006 "philistine" " A person who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts" "noun" "During the funeral service of a student killed in a 1693 town and gown dispute in Jena, Germany, Judges 16:20 ""the Philistines are upon you, Samson"" was read, whereupon from then on all understand backward, anti-learning and anti-arts (townspeople) to be “Philistines.""" "Jack is a <b>philistine</b> who unknowingly sold a vase valued at over a hundred thousand dollars for twenty bucks." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1006 "philistine" " A person who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts" "noun" "During the funeral service of a student killed in a 1693 town and gown dispute in Jena, Germany, Judges 16:20 ""the Philistines are upon you, Samson"" was read, whereupon from then on all understand backward, anti-learning and anti-arts (townspeople) to be “Philistines.""" "Jack is a <b>philistine</b> who unknowingly sold a vase valued at over a hundred thousand dollars for twenty bucks." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1007 "pique" "1. a feeling of irritation or resentment resulting from a slight </br>2. to arouse/provoke interest" "noun" " Deutsch: Pieksen</br> French piquer, ""to prick."" Thus something that piques you could make you either excited OR angry</br>Syn1: annoyance, displeasure, indignation</br>Syn2:rouse, trigger (interest/curiosity/attention)" "1. The criticism <b>piqued</b> him and he kept quiet the whole evening</br>2. Hopefully the movie trailer will <u><b>pique</b> the interest</u> of moviegoers and motivate them to buy tickets to see the film." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1007 "pique" "1. a feeling of irritation or resentment resulting from a slight </br>2. to arouse/provoke interest" "noun" " Deutsch: Pieksen</br> French piquer, ""to prick."" Thus something that piques you could make you either excited OR angry</br>Syn1: annoyance, displeasure, indignation</br>Syn2:rouse, trigger (interest/curiosity/attention)" "1. The criticism <b>piqued</b> him and he kept quiet the whole evening</br>2. Hopefully the movie trailer will <u><b>pique</b> the interest</u> of moviegoers and motivate them to buy tickets to see the film." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1008 "polemic" " a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something" "noun" "ic=nature of, like</br>Syn: diatribe, invective" "When the principal received an anonymous <b>polemic</b> about her leadership skills, she urged the writer to meet her face-to-face." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1008 "polemic" " a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something" "noun" "Greek polemikos : ""warlike, belligerent+ ic=nature of, like</br>Syn: diatribe, invective" "When the principal received an anonymous <b>polemic</b> about her leadership skills, she urged the writer to meet her face-to-face." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1009 "précis" " a summary or abstract of a text or speech" "noun" "Syn: synopsis, summation" "His latest book, 'Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking', is a précis of those 50 years, distilled into 77 readable and mostly bite-sized chapters" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1009 "précis" " a summary or abstract of a text or speech" "noun" "Syn: synopsis, summation" "His latest book, 'Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking', is a précis of those 50 years, distilled into 77 readable and mostly bite-sized chapters" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1010 "prosaic" "Commonplace; unromantic" "adj." "ic=nature of, like</br>Syn: ordinary, everyday" "Because the biggest thing in my hometown is the grocery store, the city really is a prosaic little place." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1010 "prosaic" "Commonplace; unromantic" "adj." " Latin prosa ""prose,"" ordinary writing intended to communicate ideas and information+ ic=nature of, like</br>Syn: ordinary, everyday" "Because the biggest thing in my hometown is the grocery store, the city really is a <b>prosaic</b> little place." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1011 "pundit" " an expert in a particular subject or field who is frequently called on to give opinions about it to the public" "noun" "Syn: authority, adviser" "And yet the prevailing view among pundits is that Russia is indeed back in Asia." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1011 "pundit" " an expert in a particular subject or field who is frequently called on to give opinions about it to the public" "noun" "From Sanskrit : a pundit was a ""learned Hindu"" or Sanskrit expert</br>Syn: authority, adviser" "And yet the prevailing view among pundits is that Russia is indeed back in Asia." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1012 "querulous" "Complaining in a petulant or whining manner" "adj." "Syn: pettish, touchy, testy" "f there was an award for being querulous, my aunt would win because she is always complaining about something." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1012 "querulous" "Complaining in a petulant or whining manner" "adj." "Same word root as quarrel</br>Syn: pettish, touchy, testy" "f there was an award for being querulous, my aunt would win because she is always complaining about something." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1013 "quiescence" " a state or period of inactivity or dormancy" "noun" "same word root as ""quiet""</br>Syn: inactivity, inertia, latency" "Any extended period of <b>quiescence</b> was a sure sign that the unusually quiet children were up to no good." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1013 "quiescence" " a state or period of inactivity or dormancy" "noun" "same word root as ""quiet""</br>Syn: inactivity, inertia, latency" "Any extended period of <b>quiescence</b> was a sure sign that the unusually quiet children were up to no good." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1014 "quixotic" "exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical" "adj." "ic=nature of, like</br>Syn: unrealistic, impractical, romantic" "The idea of an obese person participating in a triathlon is a quixotic notion." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1014 "quixotic" "exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical" "adj." "Spanish novel ""Don Quixote,"" whose title character is given to unrealistic schemes and great chivalry+ic=nature of, like</br>Syn: unrealistic, impractical, romantic" "The idea of an obese person participating in a triathlon is a <b>quixotic</b> notion." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1015 "raconteur" " a person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way" "noun" "Syn: storyteller, spinner of yarns" "My father was a <b>raconteur</b> of stories of a dog with many strengths, named Pinkly" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1015 "raconteur" " a person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way" "noun" "French raconter ""to tell""</br>Syn: storyteller, spinner of yarns" "My father was a <b>raconteur</b> of stories of a dog with many strengths, named Pinkly" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1016 "redress" " remedy or compensation for a wrong or grievance" "noun" "Syn: reparation, restitution, recompense" "Kate demanded redress from the builder when her deck collapsed." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1016 "redress" " remedy or compensation for a wrong or grievance" "noun" "Syn: reparation, restitution, recompense" "Kate demanded <b>redress</b> from the builder when her deck collapsed." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1017 "repast" " a meal" "noun" "Syn: feast, banquet" "Hoping to enjoy a romantic repast with her husband, Jill prepared his favorite dishes and lit candles." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1017 "repast" " a meal" "noun" "French/Latin : repas ""a meal""</br>Syn: feast, banquet" "Hoping to enjoy a romantic repast with her husband, Jill prepared his favorite dishes and lit candles." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1018 "ribald" "Referring to sexual matters in an amusingly rude or irreverent way" "adj." "Syn: bawdy, indecent, risque" "When challenged... about human rights in Chechnya, he replied with <u>a <b>ribald</b> offer to arrange for the questioner's Islamic circumcision</u>." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1018 "ribald" "Referring to sexual matters in an amusingly rude or irreverent way" "adj." "Syn: bawdy, indecent, risque" "When challenged... about human rights in Chechnya, he replied with <u>a <b>ribald</b> offer to arrange for the questioner's Islamic circumcision</u>." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1019 "rococo" "Characterized by an elaborately ornamental late baroque style of decoration" "adj." "The building, which once served as the local town hall, boasts rococo wall carvings, a statue of Pallas Athena..." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1019 "rococo" "Characterized by an elaborately ornamental late baroque style of decoration" "adj." "Rococo was a highly elaborate style in Europe in the 1700's " "The building, which once served as the local town hall, boasts <b>rococo</b> wall carvings, a statue of Pallas Athena..." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1020 "sanguine" "Optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation. cheerful; confident:" "adj." "Syn: hopeful, buoyant, assured" " Her <b><u>sanguine</b> attitude</u> put everyone at ease.</br>Some fear a future of mass unemployment. Others are <b>sanguine</b> that people will have time to adapt." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1020 "sanguine" "Optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation. cheerful; confident:" "adj." "Latin sanguis ""blood"" In medieval medicine, red skin was a sign of an optimistic outlook</br>Syn: hopeful, buoyant, assured" " Her <b><u>sanguine</b> attitude</u> put everyone at ease.</br>Some fear a future of mass unemployment. Others are <b>sanguine</b> that people will have time to adapt." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1021 "scintilla" " a tiny trace or spark of a specified quality or feeling" "noun" "Syn: particle, iota, smidgen" "Because it has strong flavor, the recipe called for a <b>scintilla</b> of sesame oil." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1021 "scintilla" " a tiny trace or spark of a specified quality or feeling" "noun" "Syn: particle, iota, smidgen" "The investigator could not find a single <b>scintilla</b> of evidence to the claim" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1022 "semantic" "Relating to meaning in language or logic" "adj." "ic=nature of, like</br>Syn: lingual, semasiological" "Semantic parsing also ensued over whether the modifier 'meaningful' is significantly (or meaningfully) different from 'significant.'" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1022 "semantic" "Relating to meaning in language or logic" "adj." "ic=nature of, like</br>Syn: lingual, semasiological" "Semantic parsing also ensued over whether the modifier 'meaningful' is significantly (or meaningfully) different from 'significant.'" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1023 "sobriquet" " a person’s nickname" "noun" "Syn: appellation, moniker" "Alexander and Christina's <b>sobriquets</b> are Alex and Chrissy" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1023 "sobriquet" " a person’s nickname" "noun" "Syn: appellation, moniker" "Alexander and Christina's <b>sobriquets</b> are Alex and Chrissy" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1024 "soporific" "inducing sleep" "adj." "French/ Latin sopor ""deep sleep""+ic=nature of, like</br>Syn: sleep-inducing, somnolent, sedative" "While <u>alcohol is <b>soporific</b></u> and can help you sleep, it does not take away your problems." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1024 "soporific" "inducing sleep" "adj." "French/ Latin sopor ""deep sleep""+ic=nature of, like</br>Syn: sleep-inducing, somnolent, sedative" "While <u>alcohol is <b>soporific</b></u> and can help you sleep, it does not take away your problems." "Most Difficult" "FT"
@ -1191,7 +1191,7 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1176 "deportment" "manner of deporting or demeaning one's self; manner of acting; conduct; carriage" " noun" "French déportement, from déporter ""to behave""</br>Syn: behaviour, conduct, demeanour" "People say you shouldn't judge by appearances, but the truth is that your <b>deportment</b> does matter. How you dress, speak, look and carry yourself are all important" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1176 "deportment" "manner of deporting or demeaning one's self; manner of acting; conduct; carriage" " noun" "French déportement, from déporter ""to behave""</br>Syn: behaviour, conduct, demeanour" "People say you shouldn't judge by appearances, but the truth is that your <b>deportment</b> does matter. How you dress, speak, look and carry yourself are all important" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1177 "clin" "lean</br> bend" "Greek/Latin root" "word-forming element meaning ""slope</br> slant</br> incline" "incline</br> decline</br> recline</br> clinometer</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1177 "clin" "lean</br> bend" "Greek/Latin root" "word-forming element meaning ""slope</br> slant</br> incline" "incline</br> decline</br> recline</br> clinometer</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1178 "derogate" "1. make othes to seem inferior</br>2. int. verb. To take away a part so as to impair " " verb" "Latin: de ""away"" + rogare ""ask, question; propose""=>""to take away, detract from, diminish""</br>Syn1: belittle, denigrate, minimize</br>Syn2: detract" "1. He tended to <b>derogate</b> everyone around him, so he had no chance of winning the election for class president</br>2. A few instances of inaccuracy or mediocrity can <u>never <b>derogate</b> from the superlative merit</u> of Homer and Vergil" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1178 "derogate" "1. make othes to seem inferior</br>2. int. verb. To take away a part so as to impair " " verb" "Latin: de ""away"" + rogare ""ask, question; propose""=>""to take away, detract from, diminish""</br>Syn1: belittle, denigrate, minimize</br>Syn2: detract" "1. He tended to <b>derogate</b> everyone around him, so he had no chance of winning the election for class president</br>2. A few instances of inaccuracy or mediocrity can <u>never <b>derogate</b> from the superlative merit</u> of Homer and Vergil" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1179 "descant" "1. a melody or counterpoint sung above the plainsong of the tenor </br>2. discuss fully; talk at great length about something of one's interest" " verb" "Latin dis- ""asunder, apart"" + cantus ""song, a singing; bird-song""=>sing/talk things apart (to the greatest detail)" "1. Many church hymns include a <b>descant</b>, sung at a higher pitch than the melody</b>2. A debate almost always requires you to <b>descant</b> with an opponent for a long time, since explaining a point of view can rarely be done quickly." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1179 "descant" "1. a melody or counterpoint sung above the plainsong of the tenor </br>2. discuss fully; talk at great length about something of one's interest" " verb" "Latin dis- ""asunder, apart"" + cantus ""song, a singing; bird-song""=>sing/talk things apart (to the greatest detail)" "1. Many church hymns include a <b>descant</b>, sung at a higher pitch than the melody</b></br>2. A debate almost always requires you to <b>descant</b> with an opponent for a long time, since explaining a point of view can rarely be done quickly." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1180 "card" "heart" "Greek/Latin root" "cardio</br> cardiac arrest</br>cardiogram</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
1180 "card" "heart" "Greek/Latin root" "cardio</br> cardiac arrest</br>cardiogram</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
1181 "despoil" "deprive of something valuable by force; rob; take as spoils" " verb" "Despoil is to spoil, only worse</br>Syn: foray, loot, pillage, plunder, ransack, reave, rifle, strip" "1a. The landscape has been despoiled by industrial development.</br>1b." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1181 "despoil" "deprive of something valuable by force; rob; take as spoils" " verb" "Despoil is to spoil, only worse</br>Syn: foray, loot, pillage, plunder, ransack, reave, rifle, strip" "1a. The landscape has been despoiled by industrial development.</br>1b." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1182 "dexterity" "readiness and grace in physical activity; skill and ease in using the hands; expertness in manual acts" " noun" "French: dextirité ""manual skill, skill in using the hands; physical adroitness in general"".</br>Syn: sleight" "1. Pruning, thinning, picking and packaging delicate ripe fruit <u>requires manual <b>dexterity</u></b> from the orchard fields to the packing line. </br>2. They responded with remarkable <u>vocal <b>dexterity</u></b> in a raucous rendition of Irreplaceable." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1182 "dexterity" "readiness and grace in physical activity; skill and ease in using the hands; expertness in manual acts" " noun" "French: dextirité ""manual skill, skill in using the hands; physical adroitness in general"".</br>Syn: sleight" "1. Pruning, thinning, picking and packaging delicate ripe fruit <u>requires manual <b>dexterity</u></b> from the orchard fields to the packing line. </br>2. They responded with remarkable <u>vocal <b>dexterity</u></b> in a raucous rendition of Irreplaceable." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
@ -1334,6 +1334,8 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1304 "cession" "yielding to another; ceding or surrendering" " noun" "Latin : ""a giving up""</br>related to <u>secession</u>, ie. government breaking away from another, or ""giving up"" the connection between them" "Having been conquered by Germany in 6 days, the Netherlands had no choice but to agree to the <b>cession</b> of their land to the Nazis" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1304 "cession" "yielding to another; ceding or surrendering" " noun" "Latin : ""a giving up""</br>related to <u>secession</u>, ie. government breaking away from another, or ""giving up"" the connection between them" "Having been conquered by Germany in 6 days, the Netherlands had no choice but to agree to the <b>cession</b> of their land to the Nazis" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1305 "licit" "authorized, sanctioned by, or in accordance with law" "adj." "Latin: licitus ""lawful""" "Sometimes, what legally separates <b>licit</b> and <u>illicit</u> pesticides is little more than a slip of paper." "AMB" "Web"
1305 "licit" "authorized, sanctioned by, or in accordance with law" "adj." "Latin: licitus ""lawful""" "Sometimes, what legally separates <b>licit</b> and <u>illicit</u> pesticides is little more than a slip of paper." "AMB" "Web"
1306 "pyr" "fire" "Greek/Latin root" "pyromaniac</br> Pyre</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
1306 "pyr" "fire" "Greek/Latin root" "pyromaniac</br> Pyre</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
1307 "precocious" "1. characterized by or characteristic of exceptionally early development or maturity (especially in mental aptitude)</br>2. appearing or developing early" "adj." "Latin : pre ""before"" + coquere ""to ripen""=> to ripen/mature early" "1. The <b>precocious</b> student entered Queens College at the age of 16.</br>2. <b>Precocious</b> flowers appear before the leaves as in some species of magnolias" "AMB" "Mashima"
1308 "incipient" "only partly in existence; imperfectly formed; emerging" "adj." "Latin incipere ""to begin.""</br>Same word root as ""inception""" "The townsfolk were assured that any <b>incipient</b> major threat in the town would be nipped in the bud" "AMB" "Mashima"
1309 "reg</br>rig</br>rect" "rule</br> govern" "Greek/Latin root" "regent, regulate, correct, " "Latin words" "nko"
1309 "reg</br>rig</br>rect" "rule</br> govern" "Greek/Latin root" "regent, regulate, correct, " "Latin words" "nko"
1310 "rid</br>ris" "laugh" "Greek/Latin root" "ridicule</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1310 "rid</br>ris" "laugh" "Greek/Latin root" "ridicule</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1311 "rupt" "break" "Greek/Latin root" "rupture</br>erupt</br>disrupt</br>interrupt</br>corrupt</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
1311 "rupt" "break" "Greek/Latin root" "rupture</br>erupt</br>disrupt</br>interrupt</br>corrupt</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
@ -1448,7 +1450,10 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1416 "exultant" "inclined to exult; characterized by, or expressing, exultation; rejoicing triumphantly" " adj." "Latin ""to leap up,"" ex-, silire,""up or out"" => ""to leap up""" "The kids who win the Little League championship game will be <b>exultant.</b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1416 "exultant" "inclined to exult; characterized by, or expressing, exultation; rejoicing triumphantly" " adj." "Latin ""to leap up,"" ex-, silire,""up or out"" => ""to leap up""" "The kids who win the Little League championship game will be <b>exultant.</b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1417 "uni" "one" "Latin Prefix" "universal</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1417 "uni" "one" "Latin Prefix" "universal</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1418 "vice" "instead of" "Latin Prefix" "vice-governor</br> vice-roy</br> vice-captain</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1418 "vice" "instead of" "Latin Prefix" "vice-governor</br> vice-roy</br> vice-captain</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1419 "portending" "to give an omen or anticipatory sign of" "verb" "Latin : por- ""forward"" + ""tendere"" ""to stretch""=>""stretching forward to predict."" or foretell.""" "1a. The distant thunder <b>portended</b> a storm. </b>1b. If you're superstitious, a black cat <b>portends</b> trouble" "AMB" "Examword"
1420 "acious</br>cious" "having the quality of" "Latin Suffix" "spacious</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1420 "acious</br>cious" "having the quality of" "Latin Suffix" "spacious</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1421 "acolyte" "1. A person who helps with religious services</br>2. a fan or follower of the famous" "noun" " Greek akolouthos : ""follower""</br>Sny1 : altar boy</br> Syn2 : fan" "1. When I was a boy, I was an acolyte in the Church. </br>Likewise, her relationship with Warhol was not that of <b>acolyte</b> but of peer." "AMB" "Mashima"
1424 "ate</br> ent</br> ant</br> ante" "one who" "Latin Suffix" "sycophant</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
1424 "ate</br> ent</br> ant</br> ante" "one who" "Latin Suffix" "sycophant</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
1430 "supposition" "the cognitive process of conjecturing" "noun" "Same word root as suppose" "Not having any evidence, the teacher’s <b>supposition</b> that Amy had cheated on the exam could not be proven." " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1430 "supposition" "the cognitive process of conjecturing" "noun" "Same word root as suppose" "Not having any evidence, the teacher’s <b>supposition</b> that Amy had cheated on the exam could not be proven." " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1432 "hood" "state of" "Latin Suffix" "childhood, neighbourhood, brotherhood, " "Latin words" "nko"
1432 "hood" "state of" "Latin Suffix" "childhood, neighbourhood, brotherhood, " "Latin words" "nko"
@ -1547,7 +1552,7 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1539 "sage" "a mentor in spiritual and philosophical topics" "noun" "Old French sage ""wise, knowledgeable, learned; shrewd, skillful""" "Although a bit of an eccentric, he was deeply religious and known for his simple wisdom and <u><b>sage</b> advice</u>" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1539 "sage" "a mentor in spiritual and philosophical topics" "noun" "Old French sage ""wise, knowledgeable, learned; shrewd, skillful""" "Although a bit of an eccentric, he was deeply religious and known for his simple wisdom and <u><b>sage</b> advice</u>" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1540 "saturate" "infuse or fill completely" "verb" "The heavy rainstorm <u><b>saturated</b> the ground</u>, leaving puddles on the lawn because no more water can be absorbed." " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1540 "saturate" "infuse or fill completely" "verb" "The heavy rainstorm <u><b>saturated</b> the ground</u>, leaving puddles on the lawn because no more water can be absorbed." " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1541 "savor" "a particular taste or smell, especially an appealing one" "noun" "Old French savor ""flavor, taste; sauce, seasoning; delight, pleasure,"" itself from Latin : sapor" "Since it’s my last cookie, I will eat it slowly and <u><b>savor</b> the taste</u>." " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
1541 "savor" "a particular taste or smell, especially an appealing one" "noun" "Old French savor ""flavor, taste; sauce, seasoning; delight, pleasure,"" itself from Latin : sapor" "Since it’s my last cookie, I will eat it slowly and <u><b>savor</b> the taste</u>." " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
1542 "secrete" "1. generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids </br>2. place out of sight; keep secret" "verb" "1. The lemon <u><b>secreted</b> its juice,/u> as it was squeezed</br>2. The money was <b>secreted</b> from his children" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1542 "secrete" "1. generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids </br>2. place out of sight; keep secret" "verb" "1. The lemon <u><b>secreted</b> its juice</u> as it was squeezed</br>2. The money was <b>secreted</b> from his children" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1544 "skeptic" "someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs" "noun" """member of an ancient Greek school that doubted the possibility of real knowledge""</br>Syn: sceptic,dDoubting Thomas" "I am always a <b>skeptic</b> when it comes to buying too good to be true products " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1544 "skeptic" "someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs" "noun" """member of an ancient Greek school that doubted the possibility of real knowledge""</br>Syn: sceptic,dDoubting Thomas" "I am always a <b>skeptic</b> when it comes to buying too good to be true products " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1547 "stint" "1. n. a short period of time </br>2. supply sparingly and with restricted quantities" "noun, verb" "word root related to stutter, stunt (as in growth)" "1. He served a <u>short <b>stint</b></u> as a waiter. </br>2. They were <u>not <b>stinting</b> in their praise</u> of their son." " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1547 "stint" "1. n. a short period of time </br>2. supply sparingly and with restricted quantities" "noun, verb" "word root related to stutter, stunt (as in growth)" "1. He served a <u>short <b>stint</b></u> as a waiter. </br>2. They were <u>not <b>stinting</b> in their praise</u> of their son." " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1548 "striate" "marked with stripes, stria or striations" "adj. " "sounds like stripes, which has the same word root" "1. The bodybuilder's lean striated muscles had a striped appearance.</br>The striated rock surface showed evidence glacier movements thousand of years earlier." " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1548 "striate" "marked with stripes, stria or striations" "adj. " "sounds like stripes, which has the same word root" "1. The bodybuilder's lean striated muscles had a striped appearance.</br>The striated rock surface showed evidence glacier movements thousand of years earlier." " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
@ -1578,4 +1583,3 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1673 "aplomb" "Aplomb is the ultimate test for cool: grace under pressure." "adj. " "French: ""perpendicularity""a lead(Pb) weight = ""poised upright, balanced.""" "Because the negotiator <u>handled the hostage situation with <b>aplomb</u></b>, the kidnapper released everyone without harm." "Vocab" "Prepscholar"
1673 "aplomb" "Aplomb is the ultimate test for cool: grace under pressure." "adj. " "French: ""perpendicularity""a lead(Pb) weight = ""poised upright, balanced.""" "Because the negotiator <u>handled the hostage situation with <b>aplomb</u></b>, the kidnapper released everyone without harm." "Vocab" "Prepscholar"
1674 "tenacity" "the quality of being determined to do or achieve something" "adj." "</br>Syn : doggedness, perseverance, persistence, persistency, pertinacity, tenaciousness" "<u>Nadal’s <b>tenacity</b> and desire to win at all costs</u> were exhibited during the final set of the tennis match" "Vocab" "Prepscholar"
1674 "tenacity" "the quality of being determined to do or achieve something" "adj." "</br>Syn : doggedness, perseverance, persistence, persistency, pertinacity, tenaciousness" "<u>Nadal’s <b>tenacity</b> and desire to win at all costs</u> were exhibited during the final set of the tennis match" "Vocab" "Prepscholar"
1675 "windfall" "A windfall is a crazy bit of unexpected good fortune., an unanticipated benefit, usually monetary in nature" "noun" "from wind (n.1. + fall (n.1. . Originally literal, in reference to wood or fruit blown down by the wind, and thus free to </br>Syn : bonanza, boom, bunce, godsend, gold rush, gravy, manna from heaven" "With her lottery <b>windfall</b>, Gail eliminated all her financial debt." "Vocab" "Prepscholar"
1675 "windfall" "A windfall is a crazy bit of unexpected good fortune., an unanticipated benefit, usually monetary in nature" "noun" "from wind (n.1. + fall (n.1. . Originally literal, in reference to wood or fruit blown down by the wind, and thus free to </br>Syn : bonanza, boom, bunce, godsend, gold rush, gravy, manna from heaven" "With her lottery <b>windfall</b>, Gail eliminated all her financial debt." "Vocab" "Prepscholar"
1419 "portending" "to give an omen or anticipatory sign of" "verb" "Latin : por- ""forward"" + ""tendere"" ""to stretch""=>""stretching forward to predict."" or foretell.""" "1a. The distant thunder <b>portended</b> a storm. </b>1b. If you're superstitious, a black cat <b>portends</b> trouble" "AMB" "Examword"
Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 1456.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,20 +1,14 @@
# Words that should be added/modified
# Words that should be added/modified
| Word | Occurence | Explanation |
| Word | Occurence | Explanation |
| :---------------- | :-------- | :---------------------- |
| :---------------- | :-------- | :---------------------- |
| bailiff | no.484 | no space after underline in example |
| precocious | no.1307 | replace "Mashima" with "Mishima" |
| portending | definition of baleful | never heard of it before, might be useful as a seperate word |
| incipient | no.1308 | replace "Mashima" with "Mishima" |
| defection | no.1159 | end of underline delimiter missing |
| acolyte | no.1421 | replace "Mashima" with "Mishima" |
| cogency | no.875 | underline delimiter starts one character too early -> replace "<u> " with " <u>" |
| precocious | Mishima | |
| incipient | Mishima | |
| acolyte | Mishima | |
| descant | no.1179 | add linebreak between examples |
| appellation | no.281 | end of bold delimiter missing in example |
| augury | no.434 | underline too long |
| bonny | no.541 | see quotation marks in example |
| secrete | no.1542 | end of underline delimiter missing |
## Import errors:
'1422' expected 8 fields, found 1
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# Questions to answer:
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