Updated to v30
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@ -821,14 +821,14 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
529 "nomen" "name " "Greek/Latin root" "noble</br> ignominy</br> nomenclature</br> nominal " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
1397 "non" "not" "Latin Prefix" "non existant</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
904 "nonplussed" "(Of a person) surprised and confused so much that they are unsure how to react" "adj." "Latin : non plus=""no more, no further."" =>go no further as I am confused, perplexed</br>Hat NICHTS mit ""nonplus ultra"" zu tun</br>Synonyms: baffled, confounded, at a loss, puzzled, perplexed" "The inexperienced teenage <u>driver was <b>nonplussed</b> when his car began to slide on the ice.</u>" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
905 "normative" "Establishing, relating to, or deriving from a standard or norm" "adj." "Same word root as ""norm"" and ""normal""</br>" "The Japanese philosopher was highly critical of the <b><u>normative</b> thought</u> in the Japanese leduction system" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
905 "normative" "Establishing, relating to, or deriving from a standard or norm" "adj." "Same word root as ""norm"" and ""normal""</br>" "The Japanese philosopher was highly critical of the <b><u>normative</b> thought</u> in the Japanese education system" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
998 "nostrum" " a pet scheme or favorite remedy, especially one for bringing about some social or political reform or improvement" "noun" "Synonyms: cure, prescription, answer" "It became a nostrum among rank-and-file Republicans that mainstream opinion polls are biased and should be ignored..." "Most Difficult" "FT"
531 "notoriety" " fame for doing something <u>negative or criminal</u>" "noun" "Just remember: Notoriety's not al-righty</br>Syn: ill-fame" "Because of John’s <u><b>notoriety</b> for being a mean drunk</u>, he is rarely invited to parties where alcohol is served." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1274 "nov" "new" "Greek/Latin root" "novelty" "Latin words" "nko"
532 "nuance" " subtle shades of difference" "noun" "Latin nūbēs ""a cloud"", a shade of colour" "Without understanding <u>the finer <b>nuances</b></u> you can't enjoy the humor" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1056 "ob</br> op" "against</br> opposition</br> " "Greek/Latin root" "object =to be against something</br>obscure =hard to understand</br>obstruct=hinder</br>obfuscate=confuse</br> darken</br>obtuse –not sharp</br> dull</br>obstreperous –noisly defiant.Un" "Root words" "Aristotle"
534 "obdurate" " stubborn, obstinate, stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion" "adj." "Latin: ob ""against"" (see ob-) + durare ""harden, render hard""=>stubborn, inexorable, unyielding; hardened. </br> syn: cussed, obstinate, unrepentant, unregenerate, unregenerated" "The obdurate three-year-old refused to eat any vegetables, no matter how they were prepared." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
776 "oblique" "Not explicit or direct in addressing a point" "adj." "Synonyms: indirect, inexplicit, roundabout" "Fire at Sea' has been praised for offering an oblique, poetic alternative to a more conventional campaigning documentary..." "Least Difficult" "FT"
776 "oblique" "Not explicit or direct in addressing a point" "adj." "Synonyms: indirect, inexplicit, roundabout" "The slight wink was Larry’s oblique way of flirting with me." "Least Difficult" "FT"
535 "obscure" " mysterious or not well-known" "adj." "v. to cover something up or make it more difficult to perceive" "For some obsure reason, he decided not to go ahead with the agreed-to plan." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
536 "obsequious" "attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery" "adj." "Latin: ob ""after"" + sequi ""to follow""=>to accommodate oneself to the will of another</br>Syn: bootlicking, fawning, sycophantic, toadyish, insincere" "<b>obsequious</b> shop assistants scutter about to meet the customer's every wish" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
537 "obstinate" "beyond stubborn,tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield" "adj." " obstinate is most definitely negative(although stubborn can be positive)</br>Syn: stubborn, unregenerate, inflexible, sturdy, uncompromising, disobedient, bloody-minded, cantankerous, bolshy, stroppy, bullet-headed, bullheaded, pigheaded, dogged, dour, persistent, pertinacious, tenacious, unyielding, contrarious, cross-grained, determined, hardheaded, mulish, stiff-necked, strong-minded, strong-willed, intractable" "The more the parent pushes, the more <b>obstinate</b> the youngling becomes." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
@ -847,7 +847,7 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
548 "onerous" "burdensome or difficult to endure" "adj." "Latin ; onus ""burden." "The professional musicians expected their 8 year old daughter to practise the piano many <b>onerous</b> hours a day." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
549 "opaque" "not transparent or transluscent; dense; difficult to comprehend, as inopaque reasoning" "adj." "Medical jargon includes many opaque terms like macrosomic, which describes a newborn who weighs more than , grams." "Common GRE" "MSU"
1276 "oper" "work" "Greek/Latin root" "operate</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
906 "opine" "Hold and state as one’s opinion" "verb" "Synonyms: suggest, say, declare" "The voters may opine on the overarching principle but the voters cannot get involved in the minutiae of policy implementation." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
906 "opine" "Hold and state as one’s opinion" "verb" "Synonyms: suggest, say, declare" "Rather than disagree with my husband in public, I waited until we got home to opine my thoughts on the subject." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
551 "opportunism" " the practice of taking advantage of opportunities as they arise without particular concern for morality or ethics" "noun" " Kevin’s <b>opportunism</b> led him to investing in any business idea he came up with, which in the long term led to failure" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1514 "opprobrium" "a state of extreme dishonor" "adj. " "Syn: obloquy, infamy" "The celebrity chef earned <b>opprobrium</b> when she made a racial slur in front of the media." " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1295 "ortho" "straight" "Greek/Latin root" "orthoate</br>orthodontist</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
@ -861,11 +861,11 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
810 "oxy" " oxys</br>oxy- ""sharp</br> bitter</br>""" "Greek/Latin root" "a sub of the Greek</br> PIE root ""ac"": be sharp</br> rise (out) to a point</br> pierce. " "oxalic</br> oxide</br>oxygen(D=Sauerstoff...)</br> oxymoron(oxy=sharp+moron=stupid =>a word with composites of opposite meaning)</br> paroxysm (sudden extension of disease)</br>anoxic(lack of oxygen)</br>" "Root words" "SMB"
1000 "paean" " a song of praise or triumph" "noun" "Paean was originally a song of praise for Apollo, or Paian as he was sometimes called</br>Synonyms: song of praise, hymn, alleluia, encomium, eulogy, panegyric, " "The boy wrote a paean for his dad, praising his many accomplishments." "Most Difficult" "FT"
558 "painstaking" " attentive to detail, meticulous" "adj." "Old English : paynes taking, ""assiduous and careful labor""" "The technology seems to work but persuading the concrete industry to sign on is proving a <b>painstaking</b> and costly process" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
907 "pallid" "(of a person's face) pale, typically because of poor health" "adj." "Synonyms: white, pasty, wan" "Its protagonists (played by the suitably pallid and slender Tom Hiddleston and Tilda Swinton) are named Adam and Eve." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
907 "pallid" "(of a person's face) pale, typically because of poor health" "adj." "Synonyms: white, pasty, wan" "His pallid complexion is a definite indication that he spends all his time indoors" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
1058 "pan" "all</br> any</br> everyone" "Greek/Latin root" "panacea =a cure for all diseases or problems</br>panorama =an allaround view</br>pantheism =the worship of all gods</br>pandemic =affecting all" "Root words" "Aristotle"
908 "panache" " Flamboyant confidence of style or manner" "noun" "Synonyms: self-assurance, style, flair" "Second, a quick mind: he wrote with speed and panache, after strolling round leisurely with a big cigar beforehand." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
908 "panache" " Flamboyant confidence of style or manner" "noun" "Synonyms: self-assurance, style, flair" "Danielle always wears her stylish outfits with panache." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
559 "panegyric" "a writing or speech in praise of a person or thing" "noun" "The Latin, L. panegyricus,: altered slightly to mean ""public eulogy,</br>Syn: encomium, eulogy, paean, pean" "After the princess died a popular singer wrote a <b>panegyric</b> to honor her life." "Common GRE" "MSU"
1001 "panoply" " a complete or impressive collection of things" "noun" "Synonyms: array, range, collection" "The panoply of restrictions results in greater disenfranchisement,' the ruling read, 'than any of the law’s provisions individually" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1001 "panoply" " a complete or impressive collection of things" "noun" "Synonyms: array, range, collection" "Because the Orient is a luxury hotel, its panoply of premium services and amenities is unrivalled in the hotel industry" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1129 "para" "1. Greek origin = alongside</br>coming from</br> beyond; altered; contrary; irregular</br> abnormal</br> 2. Latin origin =""defense</br> protection against; that which protects from</br>""" "Greek/Latin root" "1. GREEK origin : parallel (alongside each other)</br> paramedic (someone alongside a medic)</br>paraphrase (restatement=coming phase)</br> parastatal (organisation that runs alongside state organisation)</br>paresis (altered ie</br> partial paralysis)</br> paralegal(one trained in subsidiary legal matters ""alongside legal"")</br> parameter (used alongside to measure system)</br> paraplegic (to be struck on the one side - eg lower side</br> left side)</br> paranormal (beyond normal)</br>parasite (alongside food)" "2. LATIN origin : </br>parachute (protect from falling)</br> parasol (protect from sun)</br> " "Greek/Latin " "SMB"
1116 "paradox" "a statement that contradicts itself but might be true" "noun" "Greek : para- ""contrary to"" + doxa ""opinion=>a statement contrary to common belief or expectation" "The fact that the retired teacher claimed to hate all pets but adopted seven cats is an intriguing <b>paradox.</b>" "Common GRE" "Kaplan"
909 "paragon" " a person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality" "noun" "Synonyms: model, epitome, exemplar</br>Deutsch : Paradebeispiel" "As a paragon of purity, a nun would never dress inappropriately" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
@ -912,7 +912,7 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
1005 "phalanx" " a body of troops or police officers standing or moving in close formation" "noun" "A collection of giant slabs surrounded by thick iron railings, protected by a phalanx of armed guards..." "Most Difficult" "FT"
581 "phenomena" " things that happen" "noun" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
582 "philanthropy" "tendency or action for the benefit of others, as in donating money or property to a charitible organization" "noun" "The students were grateful to receive financial support from philanthropic organizations that promote education." "Common GRE" "MSU"
1006 "philistine" " A person who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts" "noun" "Synonyms: oaf, anti-intellectual, boor" "By choosing such an unimpeachably serious and artistic project as its first film production, the company has made anyone who grumbles seem like a philistine." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1006 "philistine" " A person who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts" "noun" "Synonyms: oaf, anti-intellectual, boor" "Jack is a philistine who unknowingly sold a vase valued at over a hundred thousand dollars for twenty bucks." "Most Difficult" "FT"
583 "philo" "love " "Greek/Latin root" "philosophy</br>philanthropy</br> philanthropist =one who loves humanity</br>philology =the love of words</br>philosophy =the love of wisdom</br>philatelist –one who loves or collects stamps</br>bibliophile –a lover of b" "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
585 "phlegmatic" " cool and unruffled; sluggish" "adj." "ic=nature of, like" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
586 "phob" "Greek/Latin root" "phobia</br> " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
@ -920,22 +920,22 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
1300 "phyt" "plant</br> grow" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1520 "piety" "righteousness by virtue of being religiously devout" "noun" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
780 "pine" "Miss and long for the return of" "verb" "Few DJs pine for the days of ones-and-twos; the possibilities of modern technology are too alluring." "Least Difficult" "FT"
1007 "pique" " a feeling of irritation or resentment resulting from a slight" "noun" "Synonyms: annoyance, displeasure, indignation" "The Russians have responded with predictable pique—just as many refused to condemn the violence of their football hooligans." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1007 "pique" " a feeling of irritation or resentment resulting from a slight" "noun" "Synonyms: annoyance, displeasure, indignation" "Hopefully the movie trailer will pique the interest of moviegoers and motivate them to buy tickets to see the film." "Most Difficult" "FT"
588 "pith" " the essential substance of something" "noun" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
912 "pithy" "(of language or style) terse and vigorously expressive" "adj." "Synonyms: concise, brief, compact" "Academics are not known for brevity in writing. And physics does not lend itself to pithy introductions." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
912 "pithy" "(of language or style) terse and vigorously expressive" "adj." "Synonyms: concise, brief, compact" "The best greeting card messages are pithy and meaningful." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
590 "placate" " to calm, esp. an angry or upset person; to calm or reduce anger by making concessions:" "verb" "Synonyms: appease, pacify, mollify" " The professor tried to placate his students by postponing the exam." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
591 "plastic" "related to being shaped or molded; capable of being molded. (n: plasticity n: plastic)" "adj." "ic=nature of, like" "Common GRE" "MSU"
1521 "plasticity" "the property of being physically malleable" "adj. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
782 "platitude" "A remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting " "noun" "Synonyms: cliché, truism, commonplac" "For most of her end-of-term grilling by the liaison committee... she wore an aquiline scowl, quibbling with the questions and, when pushed, cleaving to evasive platitudes..." "Least Difficult" "FT"
782 "platitude" "A remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting " "noun" "Synonyms: cliché, truism, commonplac" "The politician ended his speech with a platitude about every man’s right to vote. " "Least Difficult" "FT"
1302 "plaud</br> plod</br> plaus</br> plos" "approve</br> clap" "Greek/Latin root" "applaud</br> laudable</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
594 "plausible" " believable, reasonable" "adj." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
783 "plethora" "a large or excessive amount" "noun" "Podcasts were facing fierce competition for audiences’ attention from a plethora of other new digital-native products including Facebook, YouTube and Twitte" "Least Difficult" "FT"
783 "plethora" "a large or excessive amount" "noun" "Despite the plethora of movies offered by the video store, Jason always rents the same movie over and over again." "Least Difficult" "FT"
1287 "plic" "fold</br> bend" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
597 "plummet" " to fall quickly and far" "verb" "Stock prices plumted after the crash" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1672 "poise" "1.n. If you have poise, you are cool under stress. People with poise can handle pressure without showing it</br>2. brace yourself (ie. Get ready) or be prepared for something difficult. " "noun, verb" "French : poids=weight, quality of being heavy. The sense of ""steadiness, composure"" from notion of being equally weighted on either side , which then led to the passive sense of ""being in equilibrium"",""being in suspense"" and then ""getting ready for""" "1. He answered the presecutor's tough questions with great <b>poise </b></br>2a. The bird was <b>poised</b> in mid-air, ready to fall on its prey. </br>2b.That number seems <b><u>poised</b> to rise</u> dramatically this year.</br>2c. After being asked to sit down, we was <u><b>poised</b> to hear bad news.</u> " "Vocab" "Prepscholar"
598 "polarize" " to cause a sharp division between two groups" "verb" "President Trump has a knack at polarising the American nation" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
599 "polein" "sell " "Greek/Latin root" "monopoly " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
1008 "polemic" " a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something" "noun" "ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: diatribe, invective" "Marion Nestle's heavyweight polemic against Coca-Cola and PepsiCo comes at an odd moment for the industry." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1008 "polemic" " a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something" "noun" "ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: diatribe, invective" "When the principal received an anonymous polemic about her leadership skills, she urged the writer to meet her face-to-face." "Most Difficult" "FT"
600 "polemical" " angry, hostile, harshly critical" "adj." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
601 "polis" "city " "Greek/Latin root" "political</br> metropolitan " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
602 "poly" "many " "Greek/Latin root" "polygamy</br> polyphonic</br> hoi polloi " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
603 "ponderous" "heavy; massive; awkward; dull: " "adj." "A ponderous book is better than a sleeping pill." "Common GRE" "MSU"
1522 "porous" "full of holes" "adj. " " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
604 "port</br> porto " "carry " "Greek/Latin root" "porter</br> export </br> transport</br> portable" "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
784 "posit" "Put forward as fact or as a basis for argument" "noun" "Synonyms : postulate, propound, submit" "Mr. Ansar and his co-authors assume this margin is 40%: they posit a ratio of expected benefits to costs of 1.4 for every project." "Least Difficult" "FT"
784 "posit" "Put forward as fact or as a basis for argument" "noun" "Synonyms : postulate, propound, submit" "The students were asked to posit their ideas about the dance through the school suggestion box." "Least Difficult" "FT"
605 "post" "after " "Greek/Latin root" "post script (p.s.)</br> ex post facto</br> post hoc</br> post-mortem " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
1290 "pot" "drink" "Greek/Latin root" "potable water</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1291 "poten" "powerful" "Greek/Latin root" "potentate</br> potent" "Latin words" "nko"
@ -957,7 +957,7 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
613 "precipitate" "to cause (something) to happen quickly or suddenly" "verb" "adj. hastily and not well-considered" " Old World diseases precipitated a massive decline in the American Indian population." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
615 "precursor" " a forerunner; something (or someone) that precedes another:" "noun" " The assasination of the Archduke was a precursor to the war." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1292 "prehend</br> prehens" "take</br> grasp" "Greek/Latin root" "comprehend</br> aprehend</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
915 "presage" "be a sign or warning of (an imminent event, typically an unwelcome one)" "verb" "Synonyms: point to, mean, signify" "Stock markets are set to open down today, and the election could presage a longer slump if investors feel that the uncertainty generated... will harm growth and corporate profits." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
915 "presage" "be a sign or warning of (an imminent event, typically an unwelcome one)" "verb" "Synonyms: point to, mean, signify" "Dark clouds normally presage a storm" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
616 "prescient" " knowing things before they happen, prophetic" "adj." "Latin prefix pre-: ""before,"" + science: ""to know""=> ""know beforehand.</br>" "Extraordinarily <b>prescient</b>, the 1905 book accurately predicted what is going on in today’s times. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
617 "presumptuous" "going beyond what is appropriate, permitted, or courteous" "adj." "It is somewhat <b>presumptuous</b> to assume you know more about medicine than your doctor." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
618 "prevail" "1. to succeed, esp. with respect to vanquishing an opponent </br>2. v. to convince or persuade" "verb" "Latin"": ""before"" + valere ""have power, be strong""=>be successful, have power" "Even though our troops are tired and hungry, we will <b>prevail</b> against the enemy" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
@ -974,15 +974,15 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
628 "proliferate" "grow rapidly" "verb" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
916 "prolific" "(of an artist, author, or composer) producing many works" "adj." "ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: productive, creative, inventive" "It is true that few artists have been so prolific. On average, he released a studio album every year..." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
1527 "propensity" "a natural inclination" "adj. " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
786 "prophetic" " Accurately describing or predicting what will happen in the future" "adj. " "ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: predictive, visionary" "As the depleted council began, Metropolitan Kallistos Ware... said he still hoped it could avoid being mired in Orthodoxy’s internal woes and 'speak in a firm, prophetic voice' to humanit" "Least Difficult" "FT"
786 "prophetic" " Accurately describing or predicting what will happen in the future" "adj. " "ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: predictive, visionary" "f I had prophetic abilities, I would be picking up my lottery winnings right now." "Least Difficult" "FT"
630 "propitiate" " to obtain special favor from someone, esp. a powerful person or deity, by performing a pleasing action" "verb" "v. to appease someone who is angry" "They made sacrifices to propitiate angry gods." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
631 "propriety" " appropriateness, manners, decorum" "noun" "The students were instructed to behave with the utmost propriety while on their class field trip." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1010 "prosaic" "Commonplace; unromantic" "adj." "ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: ordinary, everyday" "However, while it is large-scale evacuations at times of crisis that grab attention, the biggest risks that business travellers face are more prosaic." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1010 "prosaic" "Commonplace; unromantic" "adj." "ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: ordinary, everyday" "Because the biggest thing in my hometown is the grocery store, the city really is a prosaic little place." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1529 "proscribe" "command against" "verb" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
632 "prospective" " potential or likely" "adj." "adj. applicable to the future" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1293 "prot" "first" "Greek/Latin root" "prototype" "Latin words" "nko"
917 "proxy" " a person authorized to act on behalf of another" "noun" "Synonyms: representative, substitute, stand-in" "...Mr. Thaksin’s sister Yingluck, who took over his political movement after he left the country and who in 2011 was elected prime minister as his prox" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
918 "prudish" "having a tendency to be easily shocked by matters relating to sex or nudity" "adj." "Synonyms: puritanical, prim, goody-goody" "Several Pacific nations ban cross-dressing (another hand-me-down from prudish Victorians)." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
917 "proxy" " a person authorized to act on behalf of another" "noun" "Synonyms: representative, substitute, stand-in" "During the action sequence, a stand-in will act as a proxy for the A-list actor." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
918 "prudish" "having a tendency to be easily shocked by matters relating to sex or nudity" "adj." "Synonyms: puritanical, prim, goody-goody" "My grandmother’s narrowminded and prudish viewpoints do not line up with today’s world views" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
633 "psych" "mind</br> soul " "Greek/Latin root" "psychology " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
634 "publicus" "people " "Greek/Latin root" "public</br> republic</br> pub</br> publican " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
1304 "pugn</br>pung" "fight" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
@ -990,44 +990,44 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
635 "pulchritudinous" "beautiful (n: pulchritude)" "adj." "Common GRE" "MSU"
1011 "pundit" " an expert in a particular subject or field who is frequently called on to give opinions about it to the public" "noun" "Synonyms: authority, adviser" "And yet the prevailing view among pundits is that Russia is indeed back in Asia." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1060 "purge" "clean" "Greek/Latin root" "Purge =remove anything undesirable</br>purgatory =according to Roman Catholics a placewhere souls must clean themselves of sin</br>expurgate =remove objectionable passages from a publication" "Root words" "Aristotle"
787 "purist" " a person who insists on absolute adherence to traditional rules or structures" "noun" "Synonyms: pedant, dogmatist, perfectionist" "From this purist point of view, there is only one Christian church worthy of the name...." "Least Difficult" "FT"
787 "purist" " a person who insists on absolute adherence to traditional rules or structures" "noun" "Synonyms: pedant, dogmatist, perfectionist" "Dressed in a suit and tie, the purist raised his hand every time to answer each question the teacher asked." "Least Difficult" "FT"
636 "pusillanimous" "cowardly, timid, or irreselute; petty:" "adj." " The pusillanimous leader soon lost the respect of his people." "Common GRE" "MSU"
1306 "pyr" "fire" "Greek/Latin root" "pyromaniac</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
788 "pyre" " a heap of combustible material, especially one for burning a corpse as part of a funeral ceremony" "noun" "Yet Ms McInerney takes the story deeper, skillfully setting a funeral pyre 'for that Ireland'..." "Least Difficult" "FT"
788 "pyre" " a heap of combustible material, especially one for burning a corpse as part of a funeral ceremony" "noun" "The tribesmen were burned on a pyre so the evil spirits could not capture their bodies." "Least Difficult" "FT"
789 "quack" " a person who dishonestly claims to have special knowledge in some field" "noun" "Synonyms: swindler, charlatan, fraud" "That can cause malnutrition and eating disorders—and supports a vast, quack-ridden diet industr" "Least Difficult" "FT"
637 "qualification" " credential" "noun" "n. a modifying statement" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1530 "qualified" "meeting the proper standards and requirements for a task" "adj. " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1455 "qualify" "1. be selectable for a position/job<br>2. Place a condition on a statement, limit the scope of a statement" "verb" "Qualify is ONE OF THE 5 MOST COMMON MISTAKES made in the GRE! <br> The GRE primarily has examples of the 2nd definition, ie. To place a condition on a statement." "2a. I love living in San Francisco; however, the summers are very cold .<br>The latter, bold part however… qualifies or limits, my love for San Francisco. <br>You can also qualify a negative statement :<br>2b.I really dislike living in SF, because I can’t even wear a T-shirt in summer…the restaurants are great t" "Common GRE" "MSU"
919 "qualm" " an uneasy feeling of doubt, worry, or fear" "noun" "Synonyms: misgiving, doubt, reservation" "Qualms about the force’s quality extend beyond their handling of demonstrator" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
920 "quell" "Suppress (a feeling, especially an unpleasant one)" "verb" "Synonyms: calm, soothe, pacify" "So the correct response is to...plump up the capital cushions of its vulnerable banks with enough public money to quell fears of a systemic crisis." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
919 "qualm" " an uneasy feeling of doubt, worry, or fear" "noun" "Synonyms: misgiving, doubt, reservation" "I have a serious qualm about my teenage daughter dating an older man." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
920 "quell" "Suppress (a feeling, especially an unpleasant one)" "verb" "Synonyms: calm, soothe, pacify" "The old man drinks warm milk to quell his upset stomach." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
1307 "quer</br> quir" "ask</br> seek" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1012 "querulous" "Complaining in a petulant or whining manner" "adj." "Synonyms: pettish, touchy, testy" "Their querulous, hostile or annoyed faces recur in her work from the late 1950s." "Most Difficult" "FT"
921 "quibble" "Argue or raise objections about a trivial matter" "verb" "Synonyms: object to, criticize, nitpick" "One can quibble with some of the detail; perhaps the labour market participation rate can rise again, particularly if baby boomers find they don't have enough money with which to retire." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
1013 "quiescence" " a state or period of inactivity or dormancy" "noun" "Synonyms: inactivity, inertia, latency" "Horrible conditions do not guarantee revolts, and moderately bad conditions do not necessarily thwart them. The question is what to make of the relative quiescence of America’s poo" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1012 "querulous" "Complaining in a petulant or whining manner" "adj." "Synonyms: pettish, touchy, testy" "f there was an award for being querulous, my aunt would win because she is always complaining about something." "Most Difficult" "FT"
921 "quibble" "Argue or raise objections about a trivial matter" "verb" "Synonyms: object to, criticize, nitpick" "It is normal for married couples to quibble over small things like who controls the television remote" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
1013 "quiescence" " a state or period of inactivity or dormancy" "noun" "Synonyms: inactivity, inertia, latency" "Any extended period of quiescence in the Brady house meant that the unusually quiet children were up to no good." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1531 "quiescent" "being quiet or still or inactive" "adj." " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1308 "quis</br>ques" "guest" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1014 "quixotic" "exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical" "adj." "ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: unrealistic, impractical, romantic" "In one chapter... the director probes some of the quixotic visionaries driving the digital revolution forward." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1014 "quixotic" "exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical" "adj." "ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: unrealistic, impractical, romantic" "The idea of an obese person participating in a triathlon is a quixotic notion." "Most Difficult" "FT"
639 "quotidian" " relating to the everyday or mundane" "adj." "Synonyms: day-to-day, average, daily" "They are seers, and mystics unfettered by the quotidian, connecting with the divine and reporting back." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1015 "raconteur" " a person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way" "noun" "Synonyms: storyteller, spinner of yarns" "The latest continental raconteur eager to spin Ireland’s tale is the European Unio" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1015 "raconteur" " a person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way" "noun" "Synonyms: storyteller, spinner of yarns" "My father was a raconteur of stories of a dog with many strengths, named Pinkly" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1331 "radic</br>radix" "root" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1332 "ram" "branch" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1532 "rarefied" "of high moral or intellectual value" "adj. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
640 "rarefy" "1. to make or become thin; 2. to purify or refine (n: rarefaction, adj: rarefied)" "verb" "Latin : to make rare" "1. A lack of calcium has caused the boy’s bones to <b>rarefy</b> and become brittle.</br>" "Common GRE" "MSU"
641 "rationalize" " to attempt to justify with reasons that are only superficially valid" "verb" "v. to repair a relationship" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1407 "re" "back</br> again" "Latin Prefix" "return" "Latin words" "nko"
923 "recalcitrant" "having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority" "adj." "Synonyms: uncooperative, intractable" "In a move that may test the mettle of recalcitrant Senate Republicans, Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland, a widely respected and politically moderate judge..." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
924 "recant" "Say that one no longer holds an opinion or belief" "verb" "Synonyms: renounce, disavow, retract" "Analysts who predict turmoil are warned to shut up or recant." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
923 "recalcitrant" "having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority" "adj." "Synonyms: uncooperative, intractable" "Over time, the hopeless soldiers became recalcitrant and refused to follow orders" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
924 "recant" "Say that one no longer holds an opinion or belief" "verb" "Synonyms: renounce, disavow, retract" "The judge ordered the magazine to recant the false statements it made about the actress." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
1533 "recluse" "one who lives in solitude" "noun" " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
642 "reconcile" " to bring into harmony" "verb" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
643 "recondite" " arcane or obscure, not understood or known by many people" "adj." "Latin/French e=back : com=with ; dere=put, ie. Put back again, hide" "Since I do not have a law degree, I find it hard to understand the <b>recondite</b> terms of the contract." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1016 "redress" " remedy or compensation for a wrong or grievance" "noun" "Synonyms: reparation, restitution, recompense" "There must be redress by an independent tribunal for those who have been mistreated." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1016 "redress" " remedy or compensation for a wrong or grievance" "noun" "Synonyms: reparation, restitution, recompense" "Kate demanded redress from the builder when her deck collapsed." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1534 "refractory" "stubbornly resistant to authority or control" "adj. " " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
644 "refute" "overthrow by argument, evidence, or proof" "verb" "Latin : re=back +futare =""to beat"", ie. To resist, repel, oppose" "The evidence provided by the prosecutor will <b>refute</b> the defendant’s claim of innocenc" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1309 "reg</br>rig</br>rect" "rule</br> govern" "Greek/Latin root" "Latin words" "nko"
1535 "relegate" "assign to a lower position" "verb" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
645 "relentless" " never stopping, constant, unyielding, persistent" "adj." "<b>relentless</b> and driven, the runner managed to finish the race despite his bruised ankle" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
646 "relevant" " relating to the topic or issue at hand" "adj." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1017 "repast" " a meal" "noun" "Synonyms: feast, banquet" "Lunchtime, it is held, would be the optimal time to invade France. Little can distract a Frenchman from his sacred noonday repast." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1017 "repast" " a meal" "noun" "Synonyms: feast, banquet" "Hoping to enjoy a romantic repast with her husband, Jill prepared his favorite dishes and lit candles." "Most Difficult" "FT"
647 "reproach" " to scold or express criticism" "verb" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1536 "reprobate" "a person without moral scruples" "noun" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
648 "reproof" "the act of censuring, scolding, or rebuking. (v. reprove)." "noun" "Old French reprove ""reproach, rejection,""</br>Syn : rebuke, reprehension, reprimand, reproval" "Without harsh <b>reproof</b>, the mother calmly explained the reasons why the boy shouldn’t throw the ball in the house." "Common GRE" "MSU"
@ -1037,7 +1037,7 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
1538 "resolve" "find a solution or answer" "verb" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
652 "respectively" "ad in the sequential order previously given" "adj." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
653 "restive</br>restful" "restive is impatient under delay, duress, or control while restful is peaceful; having a peaceful aspect." "adj. " "The horses, sensing the upcomping championship - become restive and were unable to get a restful night's sleep. " "Easily confused words" "MSU"
790 "reticence" " the quality of not revealing one’s thoughts or feelings readi" "noun" "Synonyms: reserve, introversion, restraint" "Mr. Harding is more comfortable with facts; with classic English reticence, he buries his family’s responses in footnotes and summarie" "Least Difficult" "FT"
790 "reticence" " the quality of not revealing one’s thoughts or feelings readi" "noun" "Synonyms: reserve, introversion, restraint" "The shy wallflower’s reticence kept her from talking to anyone at the school dance." "Least Difficult" "FT"
654 "reticent" "hesitant to speak, reluctant to draw attention to oneself" "adj." "adj. introverted or silent" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
1408 "retro" "backward" "Latin Prefix" "retroactively, " "Latin words" "nko"
655 "reverent" "feeling or showing profound respect or veneration" "adj." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
Binary file not shown.
@ -11226,7 +11226,7 @@
"Establishing, relating to, or deriving from a standard or norm",
"Same word root as \"norm\" and \"normal\"</br>",
"The Japanese philosopher was highly critical of the <b><u>normative</b> thought</u> in the Japanese leduction system",
"The Japanese philosopher was highly critical of the <b><u>normative</b> thought</u> in the Japanese education system",
"Medium Difficult",
@ -11334,7 +11334,7 @@
"Not explicit or direct in addressing a point",
"Synonyms: indirect, inexplicit, roundabout",
"Fire at Sea' has been praised for offering an oblique, poetic alternative to a more conventional campaigning documentary...",
"The slight wink was Larry’s oblique way of flirting with me.",
"Least Difficult",
@ -11586,7 +11586,7 @@
"Hold and state as one’s opinion",
"Synonyms: suggest, say, declare",
"The voters may opine on the overarching principle but the voters cannot get involved in the minutiae of policy implementation.",
"Rather than disagree with my husband in public, I waited until we got home to opine my thoughts on the subject.",
"Medium Difficult",
@ -11766,7 +11766,7 @@
"(of a person's face) pale, typically because of poor health",
"Synonyms: white, pasty, wan",
"Its protagonists (played by the suitably pallid and slender Tom Hiddleston and Tilda Swinton) are named Adam and Eve.",
"His pallid complexion is a definite indication that he spends all his time indoors",
"Medium Difficult",
@ -11802,7 +11802,7 @@
"Flamboyant confidence of style or manner",
"Synonyms: self-assurance, style, flair",
"Second, a quick mind: he wrote with speed and panache, after strolling round leisurely with a big cigar beforehand.",
"Danielle always wears her stylish outfits with panache.",
"Medium Difficult",
@ -11838,7 +11838,7 @@
"a complete or impressive collection of things",
"Synonyms: array, range, collection",
"The panoply of restrictions results in greater disenfranchisement,' the ruling read, 'than any of the law’s provisions individually",
"Because the Orient is a luxury hotel, its panoply of premium services and amenities is unrivalled in the hotel industry",
"Most Difficult",
@ -12432,7 +12432,7 @@
"A person who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts",
"Synonyms: oaf, anti-intellectual, boor",
"By choosing such an unimpeachably serious and artistic project as its first film production, the company has made anyone who grumbles seem like a philistine.",
"Jack is a philistine who unknowingly sold a vase valued at over a hundred thousand dollars for twenty bucks.",
"Most Difficult",
@ -12522,7 +12522,7 @@
"a feeling of irritation or resentment resulting from a slight",
"Synonyms: annoyance, displeasure, indignation",
"The Russians have responded with predictable pique—just as many refused to condemn the violence of their football hooligans.",
"Hopefully the movie trailer will pique the interest of moviegoers and motivate them to buy tickets to see the film.",
"Most Difficult",
@ -12558,7 +12558,7 @@
"(of language or style) terse and vigorously expressive",
"Synonyms: concise, brief, compact",
"Academics are not known for brevity in writing. And physics does not lend itself to pithy introductions.",
"The best greeting card messages are pithy and meaningful.",
"Medium Difficult",
@ -12612,7 +12612,7 @@
"A remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting",
"Synonyms: cliché, truism, commonplac",
"For most of her end-of-term grilling by the liaison committee... she wore an aquiline scowl, quibbling with the questions and, when pushed, cleaving to evasive platitudes...",
"The politician ended his speech with a platitude about every man’s right to vote.",
"Least Difficult",
@ -12648,7 +12648,7 @@
"a large or excessive amount",
"Podcasts were facing fierce competition for audiences’ attention from a plethora of other new digital-native products including Facebook, YouTube and Twitte",
"Despite the plethora of movies offered by the video store, Jason always rents the same movie over and over again.",
"Least Difficult",
@ -12720,7 +12720,7 @@
"a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something",
"ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: diatribe, invective",
"Marion Nestle's heavyweight polemic against Coca-Cola and PepsiCo comes at an odd moment for the industry.",
"When the principal received an anonymous polemic about her leadership skills, she urged the writer to meet her face-to-face.",
"Most Difficult",
@ -12792,7 +12792,7 @@
"Put forward as fact or as a basis for argument",
"Synonyms : postulate, propound, submit",
"Mr. Ansar and his co-authors assume this margin is 40%: they posit a ratio of expected benefits to costs of 1.4 for every project.",
"The students were asked to posit their ideas about the dance through the school suggestion box.",
"Least Difficult",
@ -12972,7 +12972,7 @@
"be a sign or warning of (an imminent event, typically an unwelcome one)",
"Synonyms: point to, mean, signify",
"Stock markets are set to open down today, and the election could presage a longer slump if investors feel that the uncertainty generated... will harm growth and corporate profits.",
"Dark clouds normally presage a storm",
"Medium Difficult",
@ -13206,7 +13206,7 @@
"Accurately describing or predicting what will happen in the future",
"ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: predictive, visionary",
"As the depleted council began, Metropolitan Kallistos Ware... said he still hoped it could avoid being mired in Orthodoxy’s internal woes and 'speak in a firm, prophetic voice' to humanit",
"f I had prophetic abilities, I would be picking up my lottery winnings right now.",
"Least Difficult",
@ -13260,7 +13260,7 @@
"Commonplace; unromantic",
"ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: ordinary, everyday",
"However, while it is large-scale evacuations at times of crisis that grab attention, the biggest risks that business travellers face are more prosaic.",
"Because the biggest thing in my hometown is the grocery store, the city really is a prosaic little place.",
"Most Difficult",
@ -13296,7 +13296,7 @@
"a person authorized to act on behalf of another",
"Synonyms: representative, substitute, stand-in",
"...Mr. Thaksin’s sister Yingluck, who took over his political movement after he left the country and who in 2011 was elected prime minister as his prox",
"During the action sequence, a stand-in will act as a proxy for the A-list actor.",
"Medium Difficult",
@ -13314,7 +13314,7 @@
"having a tendency to be easily shocked by matters relating to sex or nudity",
"Synonyms: puritanical, prim, goody-goody",
"Several Pacific nations ban cross-dressing (another hand-me-down from prudish Victorians).",
"My grandmother’s narrowminded and prudish viewpoints do not line up with today’s world views",
"Medium Difficult",
@ -13422,7 +13422,7 @@
"a person who insists on absolute adherence to traditional rules or structures",
"Synonyms: pedant, dogmatist, perfectionist",
"From this purist point of view, there is only one Christian church worthy of the name....",
"Dressed in a suit and tie, the purist raised his hand every time to answer each question the teacher asked.",
"Least Difficult",
@ -13458,7 +13458,7 @@
"a heap of combustible material, especially one for burning a corpse as part of a funeral ceremony",
"Yet Ms McInerney takes the story deeper, skillfully setting a funeral pyre 'for that Ireland'...",
"The tribesmen were burned on a pyre so the evil spirits could not capture their bodies.",
"Least Difficult",
@ -13512,7 +13512,7 @@
"an uneasy feeling of doubt, worry, or fear",
"Synonyms: misgiving, doubt, reservation",
"Qualms about the force’s quality extend beyond their handling of demonstrator",
"I have a serious qualm about my teenage daughter dating an older man.",
"Medium Difficult",
@ -13530,7 +13530,7 @@
"Suppress (a feeling, especially an unpleasant one)",
"Synonyms: calm, soothe, pacify",
"So the correct response is to...plump up the capital cushions of its vulnerable banks with enough public money to quell fears of a systemic crisis.",
"The old man drinks warm milk to quell his upset stomach.",
"Medium Difficult",
@ -13548,7 +13548,7 @@
"Complaining in a petulant or whining manner",
"Synonyms: pettish, touchy, testy",
"Their querulous, hostile or annoyed faces recur in her work from the late 1950s.",
"f there was an award for being querulous, my aunt would win because she is always complaining about something.",
"Most Difficult",
@ -13566,7 +13566,7 @@
"Argue or raise objections about a trivial matter",
"Synonyms: object to, criticize, nitpick",
"One can quibble with some of the detail; perhaps the labour market participation rate can rise again, particularly if baby boomers find they don't have enough money with which to retire.",
"It is normal for married couples to quibble over small things like who controls the television remote",
"Medium Difficult",
@ -13584,7 +13584,7 @@
"a state or period of inactivity or dormancy",
"Synonyms: inactivity, inertia, latency",
"Horrible conditions do not guarantee revolts, and moderately bad conditions do not necessarily thwart them. The question is what to make of the relative quiescence of America’s poo",
"Any extended period of quiescence in the Brady house meant that the unusually quiet children were up to no good.",
"Most Difficult",
@ -13602,7 +13602,7 @@
"exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical",
"ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: unrealistic, impractical, romantic",
"In one chapter... the director probes some of the quixotic visionaries driving the digital revolution forward.",
"The idea of an obese person participating in a triathlon is a quixotic notion.",
"Most Difficult",
@ -13638,7 +13638,7 @@
"a person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way",
"Synonyms: storyteller, spinner of yarns",
"The latest continental raconteur eager to spin Ireland’s tale is the European Unio",
"My father was a raconteur of stories of a dog with many strengths, named Pinkly",
"Most Difficult",
@ -13692,7 +13692,7 @@
"having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority",
"Synonyms: uncooperative, intractable",
"In a move that may test the mettle of recalcitrant Senate Republicans, Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland, a widely respected and politically moderate judge...",
"Over time, the hopeless soldiers became recalcitrant and refused to follow orders",
"Medium Difficult",
@ -13710,7 +13710,7 @@
"Say that one no longer holds an opinion or belief",
"Synonyms: renounce, disavow, retract",
"Analysts who predict turmoil are warned to shut up or recant.",
"The judge ordered the magazine to recant the false statements it made about the actress.",
"Medium Difficult",
@ -13764,7 +13764,7 @@
"remedy or compensation for a wrong or grievance",
"Synonyms: reparation, restitution, recompense",
"There must be redress by an independent tribunal for those who have been mistreated.",
"Kate demanded redress from the builder when her deck collapsed.",
"Most Difficult",
@ -13836,7 +13836,7 @@
"a meal",
"Synonyms: feast, banquet",
"Lunchtime, it is held, would be the optimal time to invade France. Little can distract a Frenchman from his sacred noonday repast.",
"Hoping to enjoy a romantic repast with her husband, Jill prepared his favorite dishes and lit candles.",
"Most Difficult",
@ -13962,7 +13962,7 @@
"the quality of not revealing one’s thoughts or feelings readi",
"Synonyms: reserve, introversion, restraint",
"Mr. Harding is more comfortable with facts; with classic English reticence, he buries his family’s responses in footnotes and summarie",
"The shy wallflower’s reticence kept her from talking to anyone at the school dance.",
"Least Difficult",
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