updated to v60
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@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
1 "-(o)logy" "study,science,theory" "noun " "from para- ""contrary to"" (see para- 1. ) + doxa ""opinion," "biology</br> archeology" "Suffix" "MSU"
"Column1" "Column2" "Column3" "Column4" "Column5" "Column6" "Column7" "Column8"
1 "-(o)logy" "study, science, theory" "noun " "biology</br> archeology" "Suffix" "MSU"
2 "a</br>an" "without</br> not " "Greek/Latin root" " Atypical=not typical</br>Atheist =one who does not believe in God</br>Atrophy=wasting away</br>deterioration" "asexual</br> amoral</br> anarchy</br> anhydrous</br> Anabaptist</br> anachronism " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
2 "a</br>an" "without</br> not " "Greek/Latin root" " Atypical=not typical</br>Atheist =one who does not believe in God</br>Atrophy=wasting away</br>deterioration" "asexual</br> amoral</br> anarchy</br> anhydrous</br> Anabaptist</br> anachronism " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
3 "ab</br>abs</br>a" "apart</br> away from " "Greek/Latin root" "Abnormal=deviating normal</br>Abhor=to hate</br> detest</br>Abominate=to detest</br>Abduct=to take by force</br>Abstruse=hard to understand</br>Abstract=considered apart normal existence</br>abnormal</br> abduct</br> abductor (muscle)</br> abscission " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
3 "ab</br>abs</br>a" "apart</br> away from " "Greek/Latin root" "Abnormal=deviating normal</br>Abhor=to hate</br> detest</br>Abominate=to detest</br>Abduct=to take by force</br>Abstruse=hard to understand</br>Abstract=considered apart normal existence</br>abnormal</br> abduct</br> abductor (muscle)</br> abscission " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
4 "abate" "become less in amount or intensity, <u>possibly to nothing</u>" "verb" "to cause to diminish in intensity, </br>Syn: subside, die away, die down</br> attenuate=get less, get thinner (without getting to nothing)" "The <u>Covid pandemic will</u>, with or without successful retaining measures, <u>eventually <b>abate</b></u>..." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
4 "abate" "become less in amount or intensity, <u>possibly to nothing</u>" "verb" "to cause to diminish in intensity, </br>Syn: subside, die away, die down</br> attenuate=get less, get thinner (without getting to nothing)" "The <u>Covid pandemic will</u>, with or without successful retaining measures, <u>eventually <b>abate</b></u>" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
5 "ac" "sharp</br> bitter" "Greek/Latin root" "Greek: be sharp, rise (out) to a point, pierce. </br>SUBFORMS ARE</br><b>akros</b> = at the end, at the top, outermost; consummate, excellent</br><b>akis</b>= sharp point</br> <b>akros</b>= at the farthest point, highest, outermost</br><b>akantha</b>= thorn</br><b>akme</b>=summit, edge</br><b>oxys</b>=sharp, bitter" "Acute=sharp, severe</br>Acerbic=sour or astringent in taste</br>Acrid=unpleasantly sharp or bitter</br>Acidic=something that is sour</br> Acrimony-bitter animosity</br>acrylic (liquid originally found in onions that make eyes tear)" "Root words" "Aristotle"
5 "ac" "sharp</br> bitter" "Greek/Latin root" "Greek: be sharp, rise (out) to a point, pierce. </br>SUBFORMS ARE</br><b>akros</b> = at the end, at the top, outermost; consummate, excellent</br><b>akis</b>= sharp point</br> <b>akros</b>= at the farthest point, highest, outermost</br><b>akantha</b>= thorn</br><b>akme</b>=summit, edge</br><b>oxys</b>=sharp, bitter" "Acute=sharp, severe</br>Acerbic=sour or astringent in taste</br>Acrid=unpleasantly sharp or bitter</br>Acidic=something that is sour</br> Acrimony-bitter animosity</br>acrylic (liquid originally found in onions that make eyes tear)" "Root words" "Aristotle"
6 "aberrant" "markedly different from an accepted norm" "adj. " " Latin lit. & fig. , : ab =""off, away "" + errare=""to wander, stray"""". Meaning= to wonder off and fig. ""deviation the normal type" "With this <u><b>aberrant</b> mindset</u> there is little chance of success in ethical business, so some choose crooked ways to earn their keep. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
6 "aberrant" "markedly different from an accepted norm" "adj. " " Latin lit. & fig. , : ab =""off, away "" + errare=""to wander, stray"""". Meaning= to wonder off and fig. ""deviation the normal type" "With this <u><b>aberrant</b> mindset</u> there is little chance of success in ethical business, so some choose crooked ways to earn their keep. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
7 "aberration" "a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected" "noun" "Latin lit. & fig. , : ab =""off, away "" + errare=""to wander, stray"""". Meaning= to wonder off and fig. ""deviation the normal type" "The unexpected results were a <u>statistical <b>aberration<b></u>" "Least Difficult" "FT"
7 "aberration" "a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected" "noun" "Latin lit. & fig. , : ab =""off, away "" + errare=""to wander, stray"""". Meaning= to wonder off and fig. ""deviation the normal type" "The unexpected results were a <u>statistical <b>aberration<b></u>" "Least Difficult" "FT"
8 "abjure" " to reject or renounce" "verb" " Latin abiurare ""deny on oath"" ab ""off, away "" (see ab-) + iurare ""to swear, </br></br></br></br></br>Syn: relinquish, reject, disavow" "Since 1986 he has been asking candidates for public office to sign his Taxpayer Protection Pledge, in which they <u><b>abjure</b> tax increases</u> of any sort forever. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
8 "abjure" " to reject or renounce" "verb" " Latin abiurare ""deny on oath"" ab ""off, away "" (see ab-) + iurare ""to swear, </br></br></br></br></br>Syn: relinquish, reject, disavow" "Since 1986 he has been asking candidates for public office to sign his Taxpayer Protection Pledge, in which they <u><b>abjure</b> tax increases</u> of any sort forever. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
9 "-able, -ible" "able, can do " "adj. , verb" "capable</br> agreeable</br> visible " "Suffix" "MSU"
9 "-able, -ible" "able, can do " "adj. , verb" "capable</br> agreeable</br> visible " "Suffix" "MSU"
10 "abreast" "Up to date with the latest news, ideas, or information" "adj. " "Syn: in touch with, plugged into" "These daily updates were designed to help readers <u>keep <b>abreast</b> of the market</u>" "Least Difficult" "FT"
10 "abreast" "Up to date with the latest news, ideas, or information" "adj. " "Syn: in touch with, plugged into" "These daily updates were designed to help readers <u>keep <b>abreast</b> of the market</u>" "Least Difficult" "FT"
11 "evince" "to show or express clearly or to make plain, often something hidden -usually a feeling" "verb" "evince has same wood root as ""evict"" </br>Syn: express, show" "Despite the shock of receiving such news, she was observed to <b>evince</b> no particular emotion at all." "AMB" "Prepscholar"
11 "evince" "to show or express clearly or to make plain, often something hidden -usually a feeling" "verb" "evince has same wood root as ""evict"" </br>Syn: express, show" "1a. Despite the shock of receiving such news, she was observed to <b>evince</b> no particular emotion at all. </br>1b. John was never able to <b>evince</b> even a pretense of interest during his economics class. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
12 "abscond" "run away, often taking something or somebody along" "verb" "Latin: ab=""off, away "" + condere ""put together, store"" itself com- ""together"" + -dere ""put""" "The boarding school scholar <u><b>absconded</b> from the school grounds</u> without informing anyone" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
12 "abscond" "run away, often taking something or somebody along" "verb" "Latin: ab=""off, away "" + condere ""put together, store"" itself com- ""together"" + -dere ""put""" "The boarding school scholar <u><b>absconded</b> from the school grounds</u> without informing anyone" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
13 "abstain" " to voluntarily refrain from doing something" "verb" "Syn: refrain, desist, hold back" "Doctors encourage their patients to <u><b>abstain</b> from smoking</u> cigarettes. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "FT"
13 "abstain" " to voluntarily refrain from doing something" "verb" "Syn: refrain, desist, hold back" "Doctors encourage their patients to <u><b>abstain</b> from smoking</u> cigarettes. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "FT"
14 "abet" "aid, usually in doing something wrong; encourage" " verb" "The verb abet can be used to generally mean encouragement, but people usually expect to see it in relation to some crime" "Alexander was on the lookout while his older sister swiped cookies from the cookie jar, thus <b>abetting</b> her mischief. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
14 "abet" "aid, usually in doing something wrong; encourage" " verb" "The verb abet can be used to generally mean encouragement, but people usually expect to see it in relation to some crime" "Alexander was on the lookout while his older sister swiped cookies from the cookie jar, thus <b>abetting</b> her mischief. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
15 "abyss" "a deep or seemingly bottomless chasm" "noun" "Syn: gorge, ravine, void" "President Maduro announced that, while his country now <u>stood at the edge of an <b>abyss, </b></u> he would confidently take the country one step forward !" "Least Difficult" "FT"
15 "abyss" "a deep or seemingly bottomless chasm" "noun" "Syn: gorge, ravine, void" "President Maduro announced that, while his country now <u>stood at the edge of an <b>abyss, </b></u> he would confidently take the country one step forward !" "Least Difficult" "FT"
16 "acumen" " keen judgment and perception, the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions, typically in a particular domain" "noun" "Syn: astuteness, awareness, acuity </br>Deutsch: Scharfsinn, Geschick" "He was unable to run a profitable restaurant because <u>he lacked business <b>acumen</b></u>" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
16 "acumen" " keen judgment and perception, the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions, typically in a particular domain" "noun" "Syn: astuteness, awareness, acuity </br>Deutsch: Scharfsinn, Geschick" "He was unable to run a profitable restaurant because <u>he lacked business <b>acumen</b></u>" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
17 "ad" "toward</br> to" "Greek/Latin root" "Sometimes broader than ad</br> eg (ac</br> al</br> af</br> an</br> ap</br> as</br> at)" "adhere=stick to</br> adductor=muscle brings hips together </br> adumbrate=to create shodowy(umbra) outline" "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
17 "ad" "toward</br> to" "Greek/Latin root" "Sometimes broader than ad</br> e. g. (ac</br> al</br> af</br> an</br> ap</br> as</br> at)" "adhere=stick to</br> adductor=muscle brings hips together </br> adumbrate=to create shadowy(umbra) outline" "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
18 "-ade" "result of action " "noun, verb" "blockade</br> lemonade " "Suffix" "MSU"
18 "-ade" "result of action " "noun, verb" "blockade</br> lemonade " "Suffix" "MSU"
19 "adept" "Very skilled or proficient at something; very good at doing something that is not easy" "adj. " "Syn: expert, proficient, accomplished" "An abundance of clever people — <b><u>adept</b> in English law</u> as much as in finance— are employed at well paying banks and hedge funds" "Least Difficult" "FT"
19 "adept" "Very skilled or proficient at something; very good at doing something that is not easy" "adj. " "Syn: expert, proficient, accomplished" "An abundance of clever people — <b><u>adept</b> in English law</u> as much as in finance— are employed at well paying banks and hedge funds" "Least Difficult" "FT"
20 "admonish" " scold or to advise firmly" "verb" "The security guard <b>admonished</b> the customer <u>to wear a face mask</u> in the store during these CoVid times" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
20 "admonish" " scold or to advise firmly" "verb" "The security guard <b>admonished</b> the customer <u>to wear a face mask</u> in the store during these CoVid times" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
@ -25,7 +26,7 @@
25 "affectation" " fake or artificial behavior, often meant to impress or conceal the truth" "noun" "The poor man’s <b><u>affectation</b> of wealth</u> did not fool any of the elite at the part" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
25 "affectation" " fake or artificial behavior, often meant to impress or conceal the truth" "noun" "The poor man’s <b><u>affectation</b> of wealth</u> did not fool any of the elite at the part" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
26 "-age" "act of</br> state of</br> collection of " "suffix" "added to root words (often French) to form a noun " "salvage</br> storage</br> forage " "Suffix" "MSU"
26 "-age" "act of</br> state of</br> collection of " "suffix" "added to root words (often French) to form a noun " "salvage</br> storage</br> forage " "Suffix" "MSU"
27 "agere" "act " "Greek/Latin root" "agent</br> agency</br> agenda </br>manager" "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
27 "agere" "act " "Greek/Latin root" "agent</br> agency</br> agenda </br>manager" "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
28 "discriminate" "1. make a clear distinction;</br>2. make distinctions on basis of category without regard to individual merit; show preference or prejudice" " verb" "1. I could not discriminate the different tastes in this complicated dish</br>1b.“Cancel culture” doesn’t <b>discriminat</b>e between the sinners and the saints; it takes and it takes and it takes</br>2. Apartheid was a system of racial discrimination" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
28 "discriminate" "1. make a clear distinction; </br>2. make distinctions on basis of category without regard to individual merit; show preference or prejudice" " verb" "1a. I could not discriminate the different tastes in this complicated dish</br>1b. “Cancel culture” doesn’t <b>discriminate</b> between the sinners and the saints; it takes and it takes and it takes</br>2. Apartheid was a system of racial <b>discrimination</b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
29 "aggrandize" "to make greater, to increase, thus, to exaggerate. enlarge or increase, esp. wealth, power, reputation" "verb" "The <u>arrogant man’s self-<b>aggrandizing</b> is so annoying</u> that I refuse to listen to him br" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
29 "aggrandize" "to make greater, to increase, thus, to exaggerate. enlarge or increase, esp. wealth, power, reputation" "verb" "The <u>arrogant man’s self-<b>aggrandizing</b> is so annoying</u> that I refuse to listen to him br" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
30 "agog" " Very eager or curious to hear or see something" "adj. " "Syn: excited, impatient, in suspense" "The little <u>kids were <b>agog </b>as they waited for Santa Claus</u> to arrive. " "Least Difficult" "FT"
30 "agog" " Very eager or curious to hear or see something" "adj. " "Syn: excited, impatient, in suspense" "The little <u>kids were <b>agog </b>as they waited for Santa Claus</u> to arrive. " "Least Difficult" "FT"
31 "-al" "relating to " "noun, verb, adj. " "sensual</br> gradual</br> manual</br> natural " "Suffix" "MSU"
31 "-al" "relating to " "noun, verb, adj. " "sensual</br> gradual</br> manual</br> natural " "Suffix" "MSU"
@ -172,7 +173,7 @@
171 "allurement" "temptation; enticement; any real or apparent good held forth, or operating, as a motive to action" " noun" "<b>allure</b> is the power to attract, entice; the quality causing attraction while</br> <b>allurement</b> is attractiveness; appeal, charisma. " "Its <b><u>allurements</b> draw you in</u>, then the trap door slams shut and it devours you. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
171 "allurement" "temptation; enticement; any real or apparent good held forth, or operating, as a motive to action" " noun" "<b>allure</b> is the power to attract, entice; the quality causing attraction while</br> <b>allurement</b> is attractiveness; appeal, charisma. " "Its <b><u>allurements</b> draw you in</u>, then the trap door slams shut and it devours you. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
172 "convoluted" " roundabout, not straightforward" "adj. " " Latin: to roll together"" com ""with, together"" (see con-) + volvere ""to roll""" "My head began to hurt as I listened to the professor’s <b>convolute</b> spee" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
172 "convoluted" " roundabout, not straightforward" "adj. " " Latin: to roll together"" com ""with, together"" (see con-) + volvere ""to roll""" "My head began to hurt as I listened to the professor’s <b>convolute</b> spee" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
173 "copious" " plentiful or abundant" "adj. " " Latin: ""abundant, plentiful""" "<u>Take <b>copious</b> notes in class</u> so that you have plenty of review material for the test. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
173 "copious" " plentiful or abundant" "adj. " " Latin: ""abundant, plentiful""" "<u>Take <b>copious</b> notes in class</u> so that you have plenty of review material for the test. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
174 "corporal" "of the body: ""corporal punishment."" a non-commissioned officer ranked between a sergeant and a private." "adj." "1. corporal punishment will still in use during my father's school days. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
174 "corporal" "1. of the body: ""corporal punishment. "" </br>2. a non-commissioned officer ranked between a sergeant and a private. " "adj. " "1. <u><b>corporal</b> punishment</u> will still in use during my father's school days. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
175 "corporeal" "of or having to do with material, as opposed to spiritual; tangible. (In older writings, coeporeal could be a synonym for corporal. This usage is no longer common)" "adj. " "Latin: ""of a material or physical nature, not mental or spiritual"" with adjectival suffix -al preceded by corpus ""body"" (living or dead), " "As Jack reached for <u>the ghost</u>, he realized it <u>was not <b>corporeal</b></u> when his hands went straight through the shape. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
175 "corporeal" "of or having to do with material, as opposed to spiritual; tangible. (In older writings, coeporeal could be a synonym for corporal. This usage is no longer common)" "adj. " "Latin: ""of a material or physical nature, not mental or spiritual"" with adjectival suffix -al preceded by corpus ""body"" (living or dead), " "As Jack reached for <u>the ghost</u>, he realized it <u>was not <b>corporeal</b></u> when his hands went straight through the shape. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
176 "corpus" "body " "Greek/Latin root" "corpse</br> corporal punishment</br> corpus callosum " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
176 "corpus" "body " "Greek/Latin root" "corpse</br> corporal punishment</br> corpus callosum " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
177 "corroborate" "to strengthen or support: (n: corroboration)" "verb" " Latin: form of com ""with, together"" + roborare ""to make strong"" robur, robus ""strength"" - same root as robust" "The scientist was able to corroborate his hypothesis with data gathered from multiple sources. The witness corroborted his story. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
177 "corroborate" "to strengthen or support: (n: corroboration)" "verb" " Latin: form of com ""with, together"" + roborare ""to make strong"" robur, robus ""strength"" - same root as robust" "The scientist was able to corroborate his hypothesis with data gathered from multiple sources. The witness corroborted his story. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
@ -201,7 +202,7 @@
200 "analgesic" " a medicine that takes away physical pain (but without loss of consciousness, like an anaesthetic may be)" " adj. " "Aspirin is not only a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), but primarily an <b>analgesic</b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
200 "analgesic" " a medicine that takes away physical pain (but without loss of consciousness, like an anaesthetic may be)" " adj. " "Aspirin is not only a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), but primarily an <b>analgesic</b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
201 "denigrate" "attack the good name and reputation of someone" "verb" "Latin denigratus ""to blacken; to defame"" de- ""completely"" + nigr-, stem of niger ""black"" " "During the election, the crooked <u>politician did everything in his power to <b>denigrate</b> his rival</u>. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
201 "denigrate" "attack the good name and reputation of someone" "verb" "Latin denigratus ""to blacken; to defame"" de- ""completely"" + nigr-, stem of niger ""black"" " "During the election, the crooked <u>politician did everything in his power to <b>denigrate</b> his rival</u>. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
202 "depict" "to show, create a picture of. " "verb" " Latin depictus, past participle of depingere ""to portray, paint, sketch; describe, imagine"" de ""down"" (see de-) + pingere ""to paint""" "<u>The drawings</u> on the cave walls <b>depict</b> the lives of the earliest men on the planet. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
202 "depict" "to show, create a picture of. " "verb" " Latin depictus, past participle of depingere ""to portray, paint, sketch; describe, imagine"" de ""down"" (see de-) + pingere ""to paint""" "<u>The drawings</u> on the cave walls <b>depict</b> the lives of the earliest men on the planet. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
203 "deprecate (deprecation) </br> depreciate (depreciation)" "to deprecate is “to disapprove," "verb" " </br>“self-deprecating,” it means, “to belittle.” </br> In the world of computing, deprecated means “phased out” or “soon to be phased out.” </br>Depreciate is primarily a financial term(Deutsch=Abschreibung), generally loss of book value, prim" "When John heard that Jane climbed Mt. Everest, he <u><b>deprecated</b> her achievement</u> and said it wasn't more than a walk up a hill. </br>The softwarehad already had <u>its full book value <b>depreciated</b></u> in the finance department" "Easily confused words" "MSU"
203 "deprecate (deprecation) </br> depreciate (depreciation)" "to deprecate is “to disapprove, " "verb" "<b>self-deprecating</b> =<u>to belittle</u> </br> In the world of computing, <b>deprecated</b> means <u>phased out</u> or <u>soon to be phased out</u> </br>Depreciate is primarily a financial term(Deutsch=Abschreibung), generally loss of book value" "When John heard that Jane climbed Mt. Everest, he <u><b>deprecated</b> her achievement</u> and said it wasn't more than a walk up a hill. </br>The softwarehad already had <u>its full book value <b>depreciated</b></u> in the finance department" "Easily confused words" "MSU"
204 "deprecation" "disapproval, earnest expression of feeling against" "noun" "Has the word ""Pray"" in its origins, in the sense ""pray, do not""</br>Do NOT confuse with deprecIation, a finance term" "Ingrid is well-known for her self-deprecation, as she constantly looks down on herself and harshly judges all of her actions. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
204 "deprecation" "disapproval, earnest expression of feeling against" "noun" "Has the word ""Pray"" in its origins, in the sense ""pray, do not""</br>Do NOT confuse with deprecIation, a finance term" "Ingrid is well-known for her self-deprecation, as she constantly looks down on herself and harshly judges all of her actions. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
205 "depredation" "the act of preying upon or plundering. To act as a predator. " "noun" "French/latin: de- ""thoroughly"" (see de-) + praedari ""to plunder"" literally ""to make prey of"" praeda ""prey""" "The <u><b>depredations</b> of the invaders demoralized</u> the population. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
205 "depredation" "the act of preying upon or plundering. To act as a predator. " "noun" "French/latin: de- ""thoroughly"" (see de-) + praedari ""to plunder"" literally ""to make prey of"" praeda ""prey""" "The <u><b>depredations</b> of the invaders demoralized</u> the population. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
206 "ancillary" "serving as aid or accessory; auxiliary" " adj. " "He asked to ensure that enough <u>nursing and <b>ancillary</b> staff</u> to run 155 ICU beds be made available" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
206 "ancillary" "serving as aid or accessory; auxiliary" " adj. " "He asked to ensure that enough <u>nursing and <b>ancillary</b> staff</u> to run 155 ICU beds be made available" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
@ -298,7 +299,7 @@
296 "-er, or " "on who, that which " "Suffix" "baker</br> carpenter</br> brewer " "Suffix" "MSU"
296 "-er, or " "on who, that which " "Suffix" "baker</br> carpenter</br> brewer " "Suffix" "MSU"
297 "erroneous" " incorrect" "adj. " "Despite the fact that you used an erroneous method to solve the problem, somehow you managed to arrive at the correct solution. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
297 "erroneous" " incorrect" "adj. " "Despite the fact that you used an erroneous method to solve the problem, somehow you managed to arrive at the correct solution. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
298 "arboreal" "tree-dwelling; treelike; living in trees" " adj. " "Latin arboreus= ""pertaining to trees" "1. The <u><b>arboreal</b> primates</u> arrived at the Zoo from the Congo. </br>2. our cabin is in a forest and thus we have stunning <u><b>arboreal</b> views</u> from the deck. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
298 "arboreal" "tree-dwelling; treelike; living in trees" " adj. " "Latin arboreus= ""pertaining to trees" "1. The <u><b>arboreal</b> primates</u> arrived at the Zoo from the Congo. </br>2. our cabin is in a forest and thus we have stunning <u><b>arboreal</b> views</u> from the deck. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
299 "erudite" " learned; scholarly; displaying deep intensive learning. (n: erudition)" "adj." "High school students often struggle with novels that are more erudite than they are entertaining." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
299 "erudite" " learned; scholarly; displaying deep intensive learning. (n: erudition)" "adj. " "Latin : ex ""out"" + rudis ""unskilled, rough, unlearned""=>bring out from the rough" "High school students often struggle with novels that are more <b>erudite</b> than they are entertaining. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
300 "-escent" "in the process of becoming" "adj. , noun " "adolescent</br> obsolescent</br> convalescent </br>nascent" "Suffix" "MSU"
300 "-escent" "in the process of becoming" "adj. , noun " "adolescent</br> obsolescent</br> convalescent </br>nascent" "Suffix" "MSU"
301 "eschew" " avoid or abstain from" "verb" "same root as: German scheuen ""to fear, shun, shrink from""" "True vegetarians eschew food items that come from living animals. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
301 "eschew" " avoid or abstain from" "verb" "same root as: German scheuen ""to fear, shun, shrink from""" "True vegetarians eschew food items that come from living animals. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
302 "-ese" "a native of " "adj. , noun " "Javanese</br> Vietnamese " "Suffix" "MSU"
302 "-ese" "a native of " "adj. , noun " "Javanese</br> Vietnamese " "Suffix" "MSU"
@ -341,7 +342,7 @@
339 "fawn" "1. n. a baby deer. </br>2. v. to behave in an excessively humble or obsequious manner. , to seek favor or attention" "noun, verb" "noun: same Latin word root as fetus</br>verb: same root as ""feiern"" in Deutsch" "1. bambi was a <b>fawn</b></br>2. Charlie always <u><b>fawned</b> over</u> his professors so much that all the other students disliked him. " "Homonym" "MSU"
339 "fawn" "1. n. a baby deer. </br>2. v. to behave in an excessively humble or obsequious manner. , to seek favor or attention" "noun, verb" "noun: same Latin word root as fetus</br>verb: same root as ""feiern"" in Deutsch" "1. bambi was a <b>fawn</b></br>2. Charlie always <u><b>fawned</b> over</u> his professors so much that all the other students disliked him. " "Homonym" "MSU"
340 "federis" "league</br> pact " "Greek/Latin root" "federation</br> confederate " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
340 "federis" "league</br> pact " "Greek/Latin root" "federation</br> confederate " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
341 "feign" "to give false appearance or impression " "verb" "He feigned illness to avoid going to school. (adj: feigned)" "Common GRE" "MSU"
341 "feign" "to give false appearance or impression " "verb" "He feigned illness to avoid going to school. (adj: feigned)" "Common GRE" "MSU"
342 "fervid, fervent" "highly emotional; hot: "" (n: fervor)" "adj." "The partisans displayed a fervent patriotism." "Common GRE" "MSU"
342 "fervid, fervent" "highly emotional; hot: (n: fervor)" "adj. " "The partisans displayed a fervent patriotism. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
343 "-fic" "making, causing " "adj. " "scientific</br> specific " "Suffix" "MSU"
343 "-fic" "making, causing " "adj. " "scientific</br> specific " "Suffix" "MSU"
344 "fission </br> fusion" "fission= division into two or more parts whereas fusion is the the reverse, ie. The joining of multiple parts into one" "noun" "Nuclear fission is the principle behind current nuclear weapons, but the energy source of the future is nuclear fusion" "Easily confused words" "MSU"
344 "fission </br> fusion" "fission= division into two or more parts whereas fusion is the the reverse, ie. The joining of multiple parts into one" "noun" "Nuclear fission is the principle behind current nuclear weapons, but the energy source of the future is nuclear fusion" "Easily confused words" "MSU"
345 "flag" "1. n. banner. </br>2. v. to wane or weaken" "noun, verb" "2. Bedeutung als Verb kommt vom gleichen germanischen Wortstamm wie ""flattern""" "2. When <u>the runner's strength begins to <b>flag</b></u>, she walks for a few minutes, then gradually increases her speed. " "Homonym" "MSU"
345 "flag" "1. n. banner. </br>2. v. to wane or weaken" "noun, verb" "2. Bedeutung als Verb kommt vom gleichen germanischen Wortstamm wie ""flattern""" "2. When <u>the runner's strength begins to <b>flag</b></u>, she walks for a few minutes, then gradually increases her speed. " "Homonym" "MSU"
@ -474,7 +475,7 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
470 "laconic" " taciturn, reserved, succinct, using few words; terse: (of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words" "adj. " "Persons from Lakonia, Sparta, Greece, whose inhabitants famously cultivated the skill of saying much in few words. </br>Syn: brief, concise, terse" "Maths proofs can sometimes be very short and laconic</br>Philip of Macedon threatened Laconians with, ""If I enter Laconia, I will raze Sparta to the ground"" the laconic ' reply was, ""If. """ "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
470 "laconic" " taciturn, reserved, succinct, using few words; terse: (of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words" "adj. " "Persons from Lakonia, Sparta, Greece, whose inhabitants famously cultivated the skill of saying much in few words. </br>Syn: brief, concise, terse" "Maths proofs can sometimes be very short and laconic</br>Philip of Macedon threatened Laconians with, ""If I enter Laconia, I will raze Sparta to the ground"" the laconic ' reply was, ""If. """ "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
471 "latent" "potentially existing but not presently evident or realized" "adj. " "Middle English from Latin latēre: ""to lie hidden. ""</br>Syn:possible, potential" "If Janet is anything like her mother, she will show a <u><b>latent</b> skill</u> for singing when she reaches her teenage years. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
471 "latent" "potentially existing but not presently evident or realized" "adj. " "Middle English from Latin latēre: ""to lie hidden. ""</br>Syn:possible, potential" "If Janet is anything like her mother, she will show a <u><b>latent</b> skill</u> for singing when she reaches her teenage years. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
472 "laud" "praise, glorify, or honor often in a very public manner" "verb" "Syn: exalt, extol, glorify, proclaim, canonise, canonize, ensky, crack up, hymn" "Because the soldier saved the president, everyone is going to <b>laud</b> him at a huge event" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
472 "laud" "praise, glorify, or honor often in a very public manner" "verb" "Syn: exalt, extol, glorify, proclaim, canonise, canonize, ensky, crack up, hymn" "Because the soldier saved the president, everyone is going to <b>laud</b> him at a huge event" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
473 "doctrinaire" "unable to compromise about points of doctrine; unyielding" " adj." "from doctrine. </br>Syn:dogmatic, instructive" "The <u>leftest <b>doctrinaire</b></u> was completely unwilling to accept any belief other than her own" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
473 "doctrinaire" "unable to compromise about points of doctrine; unyielding" " adj. " "from doctrine. </br>Syn:dogmatic, instructive" "The <u>leftist <b>doctrinaire</b></u> was completely unwilling to accept any belief other than her own" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
474 "laudable" "praiseworthy; commendable (v. laud)" "adj. " "Providing affordable healthcare for all citizens is <u>a <b>laudable</b> goal</u>. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
474 "laudable" "praiseworthy; commendable (v. laud)" "adj. " "Providing affordable healthcare for all citizens is <u>a <b>laudable</b> goal</u>. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
475 "legis (lex) " "law " "Greek/Latin root" "legal</br> legislature " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
475 "legis (lex) " "law " "Greek/Latin root" "legal</br> legislature " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
476 "-less" "without " "adj. " "worthless</br> mindless</br> guileless " "Suffix" "MSU"
476 "-less" "without " "adj. " "worthless</br> mindless</br> guileless " "Suffix" "MSU"
@ -563,7 +564,7 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
559 "panegyric" "a writing or speech in praise of a person or thing" "noun" "The Latin, L. panegyricus, : altered slightly to mean ""public eulogy, </br>Syn: encomium, eulogy, paean, pean" "After the princess died a popular singer wrote a <b>panegyric</b> to honor her life. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
559 "panegyric" "a writing or speech in praise of a person or thing" "noun" "The Latin, L. panegyricus, : altered slightly to mean ""public eulogy, </br>Syn: encomium, eulogy, paean, pean" "After the princess died a popular singer wrote a <b>panegyric</b> to honor her life. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
560 "partial" "1. a. incomplete </br>2. v. fond of, showing favouritism toward" "adj. " "1. There was a <b><u>partial</b> eclipse</u> of the moon last month. </br>2. Clearly the woman was still <b>partial</b> to here ex-boyfriend" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
560 "partial" "1. a. incomplete </br>2. v. fond of, showing favouritism toward" "adj. " "1. There was a <b><u>partial</b> eclipse</u> of the moon last month. </br>2. Clearly the woman was still <b>partial</b> to here ex-boyfriend" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
561 "partisan" "a fervent and even militant proponent of something" "noun" "The bill introduced recieved <b>partisan</b> support from the party that introduced the bill" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
561 "partisan" "a fervent and even militant proponent of something" "noun" "The bill introduced recieved <b>partisan</b> support from the party that introduced the bill" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
562 "patently" " blatant, obvious" "adj." "Latin: patere = ""lie open"" or ""be open.""</br>patently as an adjective serves to emphasize how apparent or clear your observation is. " "It's <b><u>patently</b> clear</u> that your 10 year old son hatesspinach.""" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
562 "patently" " blatant, obvious" "adj. " "Latin: patere = ""lie open"" or ""be open. ""</br>patently as an adjective serves to emphasize how apparent or clear your observation is. " "It's <b><u>patently</b> clear</u> that your 10 year old son hates spinach. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
563 "pater" "father " "Greek/Latin root" "paternal</br>paternity</br>patricide " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
563 "pater" "father " "Greek/Latin root" "paternal</br>paternity</br>patricide " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
564 "bridle" "headgear with which a horse is directed and which carries a bit and reins" " noun" "1. With the <b>bridle</b> attached to the reins, the girl tugged the reins pulling the horse’s head to its chest</br>2. His common sense is a <b>bridle</b> to his quick temper. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
564 "bridle" "headgear with which a horse is directed and which carries a bit and reins" " noun" "1. With the <b>bridle</b> attached to the reins, the girl tugged the reins pulling the horse’s head to its chest</br>2. His common sense is a <b>bridle</b> to his quick temper. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
565 "peccadillo" "a small sin or fault" "noun" "Spanish peccado: ""sin"" + dillo :diminutive=> a small sin. " "He ignored his children's <b>pecadilloes</b> of forgetting to say thank-you and please" "Common GRE" "MSU"
565 "peccadillo" "a small sin or fault" "noun" "Spanish peccado: ""sin"" + dillo :diminutive=> a small sin. " "He ignored his children's <b>pecadilloes</b> of forgetting to say thank-you and please" "Common GRE" "MSU"
@ -587,7 +588,7 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
583 "philo" "love " "Greek/Latin root" "philosophy</br>philanthropy</br> philanthropist=one who loves humanity</br>philology=the love of words</br>philosophy=the love of wisdom</br>philatelist =one who loves or collects stamps</br>bibliophile = a lover of books" "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
583 "philo" "love " "Greek/Latin root" "philosophy</br>philanthropy</br> philanthropist=one who loves humanity</br>philology=the love of words</br>philosophy=the love of wisdom</br>philatelist =one who loves or collects stamps</br>bibliophile = a lover of books" "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
584 "bulwark" "earthwork or other strong defense; person who defends" " noun, verb" """The volunteers used sandbags to <u><b>bulwark</b> the levee</u> in an attempt to prevent the flooded river from overflowing its banks. """ "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
584 "bulwark" "earthwork or other strong defense; person who defends" " noun, verb" """The volunteers used sandbags to <u><b>bulwark</b> the levee</u> in an attempt to prevent the flooded river from overflowing its banks. """ "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
585 "phlegmatic" " cool and unruffled; sluggish" "adj. " "ic=nature of, like</br>Syn: unemotional" "Those palace guards who wear the red coats and big hats and show absolutely no expression on their faces are <b>phlegmatic. </b>" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
585 "phlegmatic" " cool and unruffled; sluggish" "adj. " "ic=nature of, like</br>Syn: unemotional" "Those palace guards who wear the red coats and big hats and show absolutely no expression on their faces are <b>phlegmatic. </b>" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
586 "phob" " irrational fear, horror, or aversion" "Greek/Latin root" "Hundreds of words in widespread popular use in combination with native words, either with -phobia (what is feared) or </br> phobe=person who fears" "<b>phobe</b>=<u>person scared of</u> acrophobe: p.s.o heights, necrophobe: p.s.o dead things Ophidiophobe: p.s.o snakes, technophobe: p.s.o technology, xenophobe: p.s.o others </br><b>phobia</b> = <u>fear of</u>....acrophobia: f.o heights</br> aerophobia: f.o flying, arachnophobia: f.o spiders, astraphobia: f.o thunder and lightning, autophobia: f.o of being alone, claustrophobia: f.o confined or crowded spaces, Dentophobia: f.o. dentists, hemophobia: f.o blood, hydrophobia: f.o water, ophidiophobia: f.o snakes, zoophobia: f.o animals" "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
586 "phob" " irrational fear, horror, or aversion" "Greek/Latin root" "Hundreds of words in widespread popular use in combination with native words, either with -phobia (what is feared) or </br> phobe=person who fears" "<b>phobe</b>=<u>person scared of</u> acrophobe: p. s. o heights, necrophobe: p. s. o dead things Ophidiophobe: p. s. o snakes, technophobe: p. s. o technology, xenophobe: p. s. o others </br><b>phobia</b> = <u>fear of</u>. acrophobia: f. o heights</br> aerophobia: f. o flying, arachnophobia: f. o spiders, astraphobia: f. o thunder and lightning, autophobia: f. o of being alone, claustrophobia: f. o confined or crowded spaces, Dentophobia: f. o. dentists, hemophobia: f. o blood, hydrophobia: f. o water, ophidiophobia: f. o snakes, zoophobia: f. o animals" "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
587 "bursary" "treasury, especially of a public institution or religious order; scholarship granted to a university student in need" " noun" "Same word root as ""purse"", Börse (German)" "BAFÖG offers German students <b><u>bursaries </b>to finance their university studies</u>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
587 "bursary" "treasury, especially of a public institution or religious order; scholarship granted to a university student in need" " noun" "Same word root as ""purse"", Börse (German)" "BAFÖG offers German students <b><u>bursaries </b>to finance their university studies</u>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
588 "pith" "1. soft spongelike central cylinder of the stems of most flowering plants</br>2. the essential substance of something" "noun" "Syn: center, centre, core, essence, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, kernel, marrow, meat, nitty-gritty, nub, substance, sum" "2. Instead of getting to the <b><u>pith</b> of his point</u> and shouting ""HELP"", he instead said ""I would most appreciate some kind assistance""" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
588 "pith" "1. soft spongelike central cylinder of the stems of most flowering plants</br>2. the essential substance of something" "noun" "Syn: center, centre, core, essence, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, kernel, marrow, meat, nitty-gritty, nub, substance, sum" "2. Instead of getting to the <b><u>pith</b> of his point</u> and shouting ""HELP"", he instead said ""I would most appreciate some kind assistance""" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
589 "buxom" "healthily plump and ample of figure; full-bosomed; vigorous; jolly" " adj. " "<u>The <b>buxom</b> waitress</u> earns more tips when she wears tight blouses. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
589 "buxom" "healthily plump and ample of figure; full-bosomed; vigorous; jolly" " adj. " "<u>The <b>buxom</b> waitress</u> earns more tips when she wears tight blouses. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
@ -596,8 +597,8 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
592 "callow" "youthful; immature; inexperienced; without feathers" " adj. " "Same wordroot as ""Kahl"", used to descreibe a featherless bird" "The <u><b>callow</b> freshmen</u> at high school stood out like sore thumbs" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
592 "callow" "youthful; immature; inexperienced; without feathers" " adj. " "Same wordroot as ""Kahl"", used to descreibe a featherless bird" "The <u><b>callow</b> freshmen</u> at high school stood out like sore thumbs" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
593 "canister" "small box or case for tea, coffee, etc" " noun" "In the kitchen, my Mom keeps a <u><b>canister</b> of sugar</u> next to a canister of tea - both are round, of metal and have a fitted lid" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
593 "canister" "small box or case for tea, coffee, etc" " noun" "In the kitchen, my Mom keeps a <u><b>canister</b> of sugar</u> next to a canister of tea - both are round, of metal and have a fitted lid" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
594 "plausible" " believable, reasonable" "adj. " "Plausible things are not far-fetched at all. Things in fantasy stories — eg. Dragons & unicorns - are not plausible. A woman becoming president is plausible, a giraffe becoming head of state is NOT plausible" "When Jason forgot to do his homework, <u>he tried to come up with a <b>plausible</b> excuse</u> his teacher would believe. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
594 "plausible" " believable, reasonable" "adj. " "Plausible things are not far-fetched at all. Things in fantasy stories — eg. Dragons & unicorns - are not plausible. A woman becoming president is plausible, a giraffe becoming head of state is NOT plausible" "When Jason forgot to do his homework, <u>he tried to come up with a <b>plausible</b> excuse</u> his teacher would believe. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
595 "canker" "corroding or sloughing ulcer; </br>2. anything which corrodes, corrupts, or destroy; </br>3. disease incident to trees, causing the bark to rot and fall off" " noun" "Same word root as cancer" "1. Some people are prone to getting <b>cankers</B> on their mouths.</br>2. My parents ight complain that the abandoned, run-down house two blocks away is a <b>canker</b> on your neighborhood.</br>3. When trees are under stress, they are more susceptible to <b>canker</b> and other fungal diseases." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
595 "canker" "1. corroding or sloughing ulcer; </br>2. anything which corrodes, corrupts, or destroy; </br>3. disease incident to trees, causing the bark to rot and fall off" " noun" "Same word root as cancer" "1. Some people are prone to getting <b>cankers</B> on their mouths. </br>2. My parents might complain that the abandoned, run-down house two blocks away is a <b>canker</b> on your neighborhood. </br>3. When trees are under stress, they are more susceptible to <b>canker</b> and other fungal diseases. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
596 "cantankerous" "ill humored; irritable; marked by ill-tempered contradiction or opposition; ugly; malicious" " adj." "Syn:cranky, bad-tempered, irritable, irascible." "The <u><b>cantankerous</b>old ma</u> was uncooperative and difficult to get along with" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
596 "cantankerous" "ill humored; irritable; marked by ill-tempered contradiction or opposition; ugly; malicious" " adj. " "Syn:cranky, bad-tempered, irritable, irascible. " "The <u><b>cantankerous</b> old man</u> was uncooperative and difficult to get along with" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
597 "plummet" " to fall quickly and far" "verb" "Stock prices plumted after the crash" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
597 "plummet" " to fall quickly and far" "verb" "Stock prices plumted after the crash" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
598 "polarize" " to cause a sharp division between two groups" "verb" "President Trump has a knack at polarising the American nation" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
598 "polarize" " to cause a sharp division between two groups" "verb" "President Trump has a knack at polarising the American nation" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
599 "polein" "sell " "Greek/Latin root" "monopoly " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
599 "polein" "sell " "Greek/Latin root" "monopoly " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
@ -607,7 +608,7 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
603 "ponderous" "heavy; massive; awkward; dull " "adj. " "A ponderous book is better than a sleeping pill. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
603 "ponderous" "heavy; massive; awkward; dull " "adj. " "A ponderous book is better than a sleeping pill. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
604 "port</br> porto " "carry " "Greek/Latin root" "porter</br> export </br> transport</br> portable" "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
604 "port</br> porto " "carry " "Greek/Latin root" "porter</br> export </br> transport</br> portable" "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
605 "post" "after " "Greek/Latin root" "post script (p. s. )</br> ex post facto</br> post hoc</br> post-mortem " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
605 "post" "after " "Greek/Latin root" "post script (p. s. )</br> ex post facto</br> post hoc</br> post-mortem " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
606 "cantata" "story or poem set to music that can be sung by chorus, usually relgious" " noun" "Latin cantare ""to sing""" "Bach wrote many famous cantata's, the most famous being number 140." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
606 "cantata" "story or poem set to music that can be sung by chorus, usually religious" " noun" "Latin cantare ""to sing""" "Bach wrote many famous cantata's, the most famous being number 140. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
607 "pragmatic" "concerned with practical matters" "adj. " "ic=nature of, like" "A pragmatic approach to legislation can be difficult given the complexities of politics. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
607 "pragmatic" "concerned with practical matters" "adj. " "ic=nature of, like" "A pragmatic approach to legislation can be difficult given the complexities of politics. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
608 "pre" "before " "Greek/Latin root" "premier</br> preview</br> premium</br> prescient " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
608 "pre" "before " "Greek/Latin root" "premier</br> preview</br> premium</br> prescient " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
609 "precarious" "not secure; beset with difficulties" "adj. " " Latin: of precarious means ""obtained by asking or praying. "" This fits well as precarious always signals that help is needed desperately. </br>Syn:shaky, insecure, unsafe, unstable, uneasy, parlous, perilous, touch-and-go, dangerous, unsafe" "Gripping with a lack of shelter, homeless people <bu>live in <b>precarious</b> conditions</u>. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
609 "precarious" "not secure; beset with difficulties" "adj. " " Latin: of precarious means ""obtained by asking or praying. "" This fits well as precarious always signals that help is needed desperately. </br>Syn:shaky, insecure, unsafe, unstable, uneasy, parlous, perilous, touch-and-go, dangerous, unsafe" "Gripping with a lack of shelter, homeless people <bu>live in <b>precarious</b> conditions</u>. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
@ -652,20 +653,20 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
646 "relevant" " relating to the topic or issue at hand" "adj. " "According to the judge, the witness’ identification of the suspect was not relevant because of her poor eyesight. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
646 "relevant" " relating to the topic or issue at hand" "adj. " "According to the judge, the witness’ identification of the suspect was not relevant because of her poor eyesight. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
647 "reproach" " to scold or express criticism" "verb" "As a law enforcement officer, Jack must always make sure his behavior is above reproach" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
647 "reproach" " to scold or express criticism" "verb" "As a law enforcement officer, Jack must always make sure his behavior is above reproach" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
648 "reproof" "the act of censuring, scolding, or rebuking. (v. reprove). " "noun" "Old French reprove ""reproach, rejection""</br>Syn: rebuke, reprehension, reprimand, reproval" "Without harsh <b>reproof</b>, the mother calmly explained the reasons why the boy shouldn’t throw the ball in the house. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
648 "reproof" "the act of censuring, scolding, or rebuking. (v. reprove). " "noun" "Old French reprove ""reproach, rejection""</br>Syn: rebuke, reprehension, reprimand, reproval" "Without harsh <b>reproof</b>, the mother calmly explained the reasons why the boy shouldn’t throw the ball in the house. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
649 "repudiate" " to renounce or disown" "verb" "During his next speech, the president will repudiate blame for the economic situation." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
649 "repudiate" " to renounce or disown" "verb" "During his next speech, the president will <b>repudiate</b> blame for the economic situation. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
650 "carnage" "massive slaughter, as in war; massacre; corpses, especially of those killed in battle" " noun" "Syn: butchery, mass murder, massacre, slaughter" "The suicide bomber left immeasurable <b>carnage</b> in the mall. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
650 "carnage" "massive slaughter, as in war; massacre; corpses, especially of those killed in battle" " noun" "Syn: butchery, mass murder, massacre, slaughter" "The suicide bomber left immeasurable <b>carnage</b> in the mall. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
651 "rescind" " to take back or retract (an offer or statement); to repeal or annul" "verb" "Syn: annul, countermand, lift, overturn, repeal, reverse, revoke, vacate" "In 1933, because none of the expected advantages had come to pass, the government decided to <b>rescind</b> the prohibition act. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
651 "rescind" " to take back or retract (an offer or statement); to repeal or annul" "verb" "Syn: annul, countermand, lift, overturn, repeal, reverse, revoke, vacate" "In 1933, because none of the expected advantages had come to pass, the government decided to <b>rescind</b> the prohibition act. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
652 "respectively" "in the sequential order previously given" "adj. " "Each recipient was called up to receive their award, <b>respectively. </b>" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
652 "respectively" "in the sequential order previously given" "adj. " "Each recipient was called up to receive their award, <b>respectively. </b>" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
653 "restive</br>restful" "restive is impatient under delay, duress, or control while restful is peaceful; having a peaceful aspect." "adj. " "The horses, sensing the upcomping championship - become restive and were unable to get a restful night's sleep. " "Easily confused words" "MSU"
653 "restive</br>restful" "restive is impatient under delay, duress, or control while </br>restful is peaceful; having a peaceful aspect. " "adj. " "The horses, sensing the upcomping championship - become <b>restive</b> and were unable to get a <b>restful</b> night's sleep. " "Easily confused words" "MSU"
654 "reticent" "hesitant to speak, reluctant to draw attention to oneself" "adj." "adj. introverted or silent" "Rather than voice her political opinions, Eileen prefers to remain reticent!" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
654 "reticent" "hesitant to speak, reluctant to draw attention to oneself" "adj. " "adj. introverted or silent" "Rather than voice her political opinions, Eileen <u>prefers to remain <b>reticent</u></b>" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
655 "reverent" "feeling or showing profound respect or veneration" "adj." "During the funeral, humble and reverent silence filled the air of the sanctuary" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
655 "reverent" "feeling or showing profound respect or veneration" "adj. " "During the funeral, humble and <b>reverent</b> silence filled the air of the sanctuary" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
656 "rhetoric" " the art of effective communication (written or verbal)" "noun" "ic=nature of, like</br>" "The senator will be a great president because he is big on action and low on rhetoric." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
656 "rhetoric" " the art of effective communication (written or verbal)" "noun" "ic=nature of, like</br>" "The senator will be a great president because he is big on action and low on <b>rhetoric.</b>" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
657 "riparia" "river " "Greek/Latin root" "riparian " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
657 "riparia" "river " "Greek/Latin root" "riparian " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
658 "sagacious" "having a sharp or powerful intellect or discernment. (n: sagacity)." "adj." " Latin sagacitatem""keenness of perception, quality of being acute""</br>same root as ""sage""</br>Syn: perspicacious, sapient, wise" "observant and thoughtful, <u>he was given to asking <b>sagaciou</b>s questions</u></br>" "Common GRE" "MSU"
658 "sagacious" "having a sharp or powerful intellect or discernment. (n: sagacity). " "adj. " " Latin sagacitatem""keenness of perception, quality of being acute""</br>same root as ""sage""</br>Syn: perspicacious, sapient, wise" "observant and thoughtful, <u>he was given to asking <b>sagaciou</b>s questions</u>" "Common GRE" "MSU"
659 "salubrious" " health-promoting" "adj. " "Latin: salute and salubrious stem from the same salus, meaning ""welfare, health. ”" "<u>Broccoli, chicken and peanut butter are <b>salubrious</b> foods</u> which provide essential nutrients" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
659 "salubrious" " health-promoting" "adj. " "Latin: salute and salubrious stem from the same salus, meaning ""welfare, health. ”" "<u>Broccoli, chicken and peanut butter are <b>salubrious</b> foods</u> which provide essential nutrients" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
660 "sanction" " to give official permission" "verb" "v. to impose a penalty for a particular action" "n. punishments imposed for breaking a regulation" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
660 "sanction" " to give official permission" "verb" "v. to impose a penalty for a particular action" "n. punishments imposed for breaking a regulation" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
661 "cataclysm" "an event resulting in great loss and misfortune; deluge or overflowing of water" " noun" "Greekrom kata ""down"" + klyzein: to wash=>wash down as in Noah's flood" "The terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 was a <u><b>cataclysm</b> of destruction</u>. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
661 "cataclysm" "an event resulting in great loss and misfortune; deluge or overflowing of water" " noun" "Greekrom kata ""down"" + klyzein: to wash=>wash down as in Noah's flood" "The terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 was a <u><b>cataclysm</b> of destruction</u>. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
662 "sap" "1. n. sugary liquid found in trees. </br>2. v. to deplete or weaken." "noun, verb" "2. Chronic sleep deprivation will eventually sap the vitality of those who suffer it." "Homonym" "MSU"
662 "sap" "1. n. sugary liquid found in trees. </br>2. v. to deplete or weaken. " "noun, verb" "2. Chronic sleep deprivation will eventually <u><b>sap</b> the vitality</u> of those who suffer it. " "Homonym" "MSU"
663 "sate" "to satisfy fully or to excess" "verb" "old English/German: Satt sein</br>Syn: fill, replete, satiate" "I will never be able to give my dog enough food to <b>sate</b> him. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
663 "sate" "to satisfy fully or to excess" "verb" "old English/German: Satt sein</br>Syn: fill, replete, satiate" "I will never be able to give my dog enough food to <b>sate</b> him. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
664 "satiate" " to completely satisfy (with respect to hunger or appetite)" "verb" "often used in situations in which a thirst, craving, or need is satisfied. However, when used to describe eating, it can take on a more negative, or even disgusted, tone. " "Hopefully this feast I am preparing will <u><b>satiate your hunger</u></b>" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
664 "satiate" " to completely satisfy (with respect to hunger or appetite)" "verb" "often used in situations in which a thirst, craving, or need is satisfied. However, when used to describe eating, it can take on a more negative, or even disgusted, tone. " "Hopefully this feast I am preparing will <u><b>satiate your hunger</u></b>" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
665 "saturnine" "having a gloomy or morose temperament, sad and solemn" "adj. " "Early English, ""born under the influence of the planet Saturn"", then believed to be furthest away from the sun, so ""gloomy, morose, sluggish, grave""" "As the widow accepted offers of sympathy at her husband’s funeral, she struggled to keep tears from her <b>saturnine</b> eyes. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
665 "saturnine" "having a gloomy or morose temperament, sad and solemn" "adj. " "Early English, ""born under the influence of the planet Saturn"", then believed to be furthest away from the sun, so ""gloomy, morose, sluggish, grave""" "As the widow accepted offers of sympathy at her husband’s funeral, she struggled to keep tears from her <b>saturnine</b> eyes. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
@ -679,7 +680,7 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
673 "categorical" "absolute; having no exception; of using category or categories" " adj. " "Syn: categoric, flat, unconditional" "My boss's <u><b>categorical</b> denial</u> let me know there was no need to ask again. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
673 "categorical" "absolute; having no exception; of using category or categories" " adj. " "Syn: categoric, flat, unconditional" "My boss's <u><b>categorical</b> denial</u> let me know there was no need to ask again. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
674 "simultaneous" " occurring at the same moment" "adj. " "Latin :simul: ""at the same time. """ "The troops will carry out <b><u>simultaneous</b> attacks</u> on their enemies, bombing three locations at once" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
674 "simultaneous" " occurring at the same moment" "adj. " "Latin :simul: ""at the same time. """ "The troops will carry out <b><u>simultaneous</b> attacks</u> on their enemies, bombing three locations at once" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
675 "sin (sys before b</br> p</br> or m) " "together</br> with " "Greek/Latin root" "synchronize</br> symphony</br> sympathy</br> syncretic</br> syncope " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
675 "sin (sys before b</br> p</br> or m) " "together</br> with " "Greek/Latin root" "synchronize</br> symphony</br> sympathy</br> syncretic</br> syncope " "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
676 "slight" "1. adj. small, as for quantity or amount. </br>2. n. an insult or other act showing disrespect. </br>3. v. to insult or show disrespect" "adj., noun" "3. The director decided to list the actors' names alphabetically, so as not to slight anyone." "Homonym" "MSU"
676 "slight" "1. adj. small, as for quantity or amount. </br>2. n. an insult or other act showing disrespect. </br>3. v. to insult or show disrespect" "adj. , noun" "3. The director decided to list the actors' names alphabetically, so as not to <b>slight</b> anyone. " "Homonym" "MSU"
677 "solicitous" "1. considerate, attentive</br>2. full of anxiety and concern" "adj. " "Latin roots sollus ""entire"" and citus ""set in motion=>restless, uneasy, careful, full of anxiety" "1. I like good restaurant service, but sometimes <u>the <b>solicitous</b> service in India</u> goes too far me. </br>2. The parents were <b>solicitous</b> about their children's future. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
677 "solicitous" "1. considerate, attentive</br>2. full of anxiety and concern" "adj. " "Latin roots sollus ""entire"" and citus ""set in motion=>restless, uneasy, careful, full of anxiety" "1. I like good restaurant service, but sometimes <u>the <b>solicitous</b> service in India</u> goes too far me. </br>2. The parents were <b>solicitous</b> about their children's future. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
678 "sol" "alone " "Greek/Latin root" "solo</br>solitary</br>desolate=lonely</br> dismal</br> gloomy</br>solitary=done alone</br> by yourself</br>soliloquy–the act of speaking to onese" "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
678 "sol" "alone " "Greek/Latin root" "solo</br>solitary</br>desolate=lonely</br> dismal</br> gloomy</br>solitary=done alone</br> by yourself</br>soliloquy–the act of speaking to onese" "Greek/Latin " "MSU"
679 "caulk" "make watertight by filling in cracks" " verb" "Deutsch Wortstamm: Kalk</br>Latin:Calx = chalk</br>modern:mit silikon abdichten</br>vorher war das Abdichtungsmittel eine Mischung aus Kalk und Leinsamenoel" "He <b>caulked</b> the gap between the floor tiles and the wall with his caulking gun. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
679 "caulk" "make watertight by filling in cracks" " verb" "Deutsch Wortstamm: Kalk</br>Latin:Calx = chalk</br>modern:mit silikon abdichten</br>vorher war das Abdichtungsmittel eine Mischung aus Kalk und Leinsamenoel" "He <b>caulked</b> the gap between the floor tiles and the wall with his caulking gun. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
@ -712,8 +713,8 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
706 "tenuous" " weak, flimsy, insubstantial, weak and likely to change; having little substance or strength" "adj. " "The judge called the defense’s argument tenuous and ruled in favor of the plaintif" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
706 "tenuous" " weak, flimsy, insubstantial, weak and likely to change; having little substance or strength" "adj. " "The judge called the defense’s argument tenuous and ruled in favor of the plaintif" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
707 "timorous" " meek or timid" "adj. " "same root as ""timid""=shy" "<u>The <b>timorous</b> kitten</u> would not come out from under the bed" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
707 "timorous" " meek or timid" "adj. " "same root as ""timid""=shy" "<u>The <b>timorous</b> kitten</u> would not come out from under the bed" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
708 "exegesis" "An explanation or critical interpretation (especially of the Bible)" "noun" "Greek: ex ""out"" + hegeisthai ""to lead, guide""=> Deutsch Aus + führung im Sinne von Interpretation" "Because the youth minister wanted the children to easily understand the scripture, he wrote <u>a simple <b>exegesis</b></u> of the passage. " "AMB" "RATMW"
708 "exegesis" "An explanation or critical interpretation (especially of the Bible)" "noun" "Greek: ex ""out"" + hegeisthai ""to lead, guide""=> Deutsch Aus + führung im Sinne von Interpretation" "Because the youth minister wanted the children to easily understand the scripture, he wrote <u>a simple <b>exegesis</b></u> of the passage. " "AMB" "RATMW"
709 "tirade (diatribe)" "an angry speech or rant" "noun" " His tirade had gone on long enough." "Common GRE" "MSU"
709 "tirade (diatribe)" "an angry speech or rant" "noun" " His angry <b>tirade</b> had gone on long enough. " "Common GRE" "MSU"
710 "torpor" "a state of motor and mental inactivity" "noun" " tiredness, lethargy" "During the winter, the bears fall into an intense torpor." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
710 "torpor" "a state of motor and mental inactivity" "noun" " tiredness, lethargy" "During the winter, the bears fall into an intense <b>torpor</b>." "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
711 "pertinacity" "Pertinacity is a quality of sticking with something, no matter what. It's a type of persistent determination. " "adj. " "Latin: per ""very "" + tenicity =>very tenacious. </br> note spelllng, with ""I"" not ""a"" in ten<u>i</u>city</br>Syn: doggedness, perseverance, persistence, persistency, tenaciousness, tenacity" "Well-practiced in the art of <b>pertinacity</b>, he shrugged at not getting into the elite university, writing it off as another lesson from which to learn when applying for the next. " "AMB" "RATMW"
711 "pertinacity" "Pertinacity is a quality of sticking with something, no matter what. It's a type of persistent determination. " "adj. " "Latin: per ""very "" + tenicity =>very tenacious. </br> note spelllng, with ""I"" not ""a"" in ten<u>i</u>city</br>Syn: doggedness, perseverance, persistence, persistency, tenaciousness, tenacity" "Well-practiced in the art of <b>pertinacity</b>, he shrugged at not getting into the elite university, writing it off as another lesson from which to learn when applying for the next. " "AMB" "RATMW"
712 "tortuous" " winding or twisty. twisted; excessively complicated " "adj. " "Note: Don't confuse this with torturous. . Synonum complicated" "Despite public complaints, tax laws and forms have become increasingly tortuous. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
712 "tortuous" " winding or twisty. twisted; excessively complicated " "adj. " "Note: Don't confuse this with torturous. . Synonum complicated" "Despite public complaints, tax laws and forms have become increasingly tortuous. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
713 "usurpation" "1. Wrongfully taking someone's power or property by force, especially the seizure of a throne or supreme authority. </br>2. Entry to another's property without right or permission" "verb" "Syn1 :capture, gaining control, seizure</br>Syn2: encroachment, intrusion, trespass, violation" "1. Some countries in South America have been ruled for centuries by a succession of generals who <u>ruled by <b>usurpation</u></b></br>2. " "AMB" "RATMW"
713 "usurpation" "1. Wrongfully taking someone's power or property by force, especially the seizure of a throne or supreme authority. </br>2. Entry to another's property without right or permission" "verb" "Syn1 :capture, gaining control, seizure</br>Syn2: encroachment, intrusion, trespass, violation" "1. Some countries in South America have been ruled for centuries by a succession of generals who <u>ruled by <b>usurpation</u></b></br>2. " "AMB" "RATMW"
@ -762,7 +763,7 @@ e) balking, balky f) refractory, stubborn g) uncontrollable, unmanageable h) u
756 "gossamer" "Used to refer to something very light, thin, and insubstantial or delicate" "adj. " "refers to the similarity in appearance of softness between geese down and cobwebs, </br>Syn: gauzy, gossamery, fine </br>Deutsch: Hauchdünn. </br> As a NOUN it means a""goose summer"", ie. referring to an autumn after a good summer -> ""goose summer"" (middle english)(Altweibersommer). " "1. Two days later, Taal Volcano erupted outside of Manila, coating the parked cars in Poblacion with a <b>gossamer</b> of white ash. </br>1b.
756 "gossamer" "Used to refer to something very light, thin, and insubstantial or delicate" "adj. " "refers to the similarity in appearance of softness between geese down and cobwebs, </br>Syn: gauzy, gossamery, fine </br>Deutsch: Hauchdünn. </br> As a NOUN it means a""goose summer"", ie. referring to an autumn after a good summer -> ""goose summer"" (middle english)(Altweibersommer). " "1. Two days later, Taal Volcano erupted outside of Manila, coating the parked cars in Poblacion with a <b>gossamer</b> of white ash. </br>1b.
Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least Difficult" "FT"
Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least Difficult" "FT"
757 "grovel" "1. To crawl around on your belly </br>2. To beg, to be servile, suck up" "verb" "Syn: be servile, suck up, flatter. </br>Deutsch: Kriecherei, um Gnade winseln" """If you've done something or said something wrong apologize, but if not, for heaven's sake, <u>stop <b>groveling</b></u>"" she said. " "Least Difficult" "FT"
757 "grovel" "1. To crawl around on your belly </br>2. To beg, to be servile, suck up" "verb" "Syn: be servile, suck up, flatter. </br>Deutsch: Kriecherei, um Gnade winseln" """If you've done something or said something wrong apologize, but if not, for heaven's sake, <u>stop <b>groveling</b></u>"" she said. " "Least Difficult" "FT"
758 "perennial" "Things that are permanent through the year or multiple years (plants), constant/persistent, or regularly repeated (eg. Arguments over the same thing)" "adj." "Latin: per ""through"" + annus ""year""=>lasting through the years" "Every election seems to continue to deal with <u>the same <b>perennial</b> issues</u> that have been the focus of all the previous elections." "AMB" "RATMW"
758 "perennial" "Things that are permanent through the year or multiple years (plants), constant/persistent, or regularly repeated (eg. Arguments over the same thing)" "adj. " "Latin: per ""through"" + annus ""year""=>lasting through the years" "1a. Every election seems to continue to deal with <u>the same <b>perennial</b> issues</u> that have been the focus of all the previous elections. </br>1b. At our university digs, there was a <u><b>perennial</b> argument</u> as to who cleaned the bathroom last . " "AMB" "RATMW"
759 "impetuous" "Acting or done quickly and without thought or care" "adj. " "Latin: in- ""into, in, on, upon"" + petere ""aim for, rush at""=> rapid movement, rush</br>Syn: impulsive, rash, hasty </br>Deutsch: unüberlegt, impulsi" "The report holds many lessons, including for this newspaper, which supported the invasion of Iraq: about the danger of <u><b>impetuous</b> decision-making</u>" "Least Difficult" "FT"
759 "impetuous" "Acting or done quickly and without thought or care" "adj. " "Latin: in- ""into, in, on, upon"" + petere ""aim for, rush at""=> rapid movement, rush</br>Syn: impulsive, rash, hasty </br>Deutsch: unüberlegt, impulsi" "The report holds many lessons, including for this newspaper, which supported the invasion of Iraq: about the danger of <u><b>impetuous</b> decision-making</u>" "Least Difficult" "FT"
760 "ingrate" "an ungrateful person" "noun" "</br>Deutsch: undankbar. </br> Latin: in- ""not"" + gratus ""pleasing, beloved, dear, agreeable""" "Greater liberty over the past generation <u>is abused by <b>ingrates</b></u> who think it funny to depict their leaders pantless. " "Least Difficult" "FT"
760 "ingrate" "an ungrateful person" "noun" "</br>Deutsch: undankbar. </br> Latin: in- ""not"" + gratus ""pleasing, beloved, dear, agreeable""" "Greater liberty over the past generation <u>is abused by <b>ingrates</b></u> who think it funny to depict their leaders pantless. " "Least Difficult" "FT"
761 "caducity" "1. the quality of being transitory or perishable</br>
761 "caducity" "1. the quality of being transitory or perishable</br>
@ -815,7 +816,7 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
807 "vestige" " a trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists" "noun" "Syn: remnant, remainder, fragment" "He said this would <u>remove a 'lingering <b>vestige</b></u> of the cold war. ' " "Least Difficult" "FT"
807 "vestige" " a trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists" "noun" "Syn: remnant, remainder, fragment" "He said this would <u>remove a 'lingering <b>vestige</b></u> of the cold war. ' " "Least Difficult" "FT"
808 "vilify" "to utter slanderous and abusive statements against, spread negative information about" "verb" "vilify comes from the same root as the word vile</br> Syn: rail, revile, vituperate" "Unfortunately, the internet and social media have made it very easy for people to <u><b>vilify</b> their enemies</u>. " "Least Difficult" "FT"
808 "vilify" "to utter slanderous and abusive statements against, spread negative information about" "verb" "vilify comes from the same root as the word vile</br> Syn: rail, revile, vituperate" "Unfortunately, the internet and social media have made it very easy for people to <u><b>vilify</b> their enemies</u>. " "Least Difficult" "FT"
809 "viscous" "having a relatively high resistance to flow" "adj. " "Syn: gummy, glue-like, gluey" "Not all barrels of oil are alike. Crudes can be <b><u>viscous</b> like tar</u> or so 'light' they float on water. " "Least Difficult" "FT"
809 "viscous" "having a relatively high resistance to flow" "adj. " "Syn: gummy, glue-like, gluey" "Not all barrels of oil are alike. Crudes can be <b><u>viscous</b> like tar</u> or so 'light' they float on water. " "Least Difficult" "FT"
810 "oxy" "sharp, </br> bitter" "Greek/Latin root" "oxy is a sub section of the Greek root ""ac"" = be sharp, rise (out) to a point, pierce. " "oxalic</br> oxide</br>oxygen(D=Sauerstoff...)</br> oxymoron(oxy=sharp+moron=stupid=>a word with composites of opposite meaning)</br> paroxysm (sudden extension of disease)</br>anoxic(lack of oxygen)" "Root words" "SMB"
810 "oxy" "sharp, </br> bitter" "Greek/Latin root" "oxy is a sub section of the Greek root ""ac"" = be sharp, rise (out) to a point, pierce. " "oxalic</br> oxide</br>oxygen(D=Sauerstoff)</br> oxymoron(oxy=sharp+moron=stupid=>a word with composites of opposite meaning)</br> paroxysm (sudden extension of disease)</br>anoxic(lack of oxygen)" "Root words" "SMB"
811 "waft" "Pass or cause to pass easily or gently through or as if through the air" "verb" "Syn: drift, float, glide" "The acrid <u>scent of smoke <b>wafts</u></b> from his clothes. " "Least Difficult" "FT"
811 "waft" "Pass or cause to pass easily or gently through or as if through the air" "verb" "Syn: drift, float, glide" "The acrid <u>scent of smoke <b>wafts</u></b> from his clothes. " "Least Difficult" "FT"
812 "wanton" "(of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked" "adj. " "Syn: malicious, malevolent, spiteful" "Over the decades these Christian non-people, without legal or any other sort of protection, have been the victims of <b><u>wanton</b> discrimination</u> and violence" "Least Difficult" "FT"
812 "wanton" "(of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked" "adj. " "Syn: malicious, malevolent, spiteful" "Over the decades these Christian non-people, without legal or any other sort of protection, have been the victims of <b><u>wanton</b> discrimination</u> and violence" "Least Difficult" "FT"
813 "whitewash" "Deliberately attempt to conceal unpleasant facts about (a person or organization)" "verb" "Syn: cover up, sweep under the carpet" "Indeed, <u>in trying to <b>whitewash</b> the past</u>, the government may stir up prejudice instead. " "Least Difficult" "FT"
813 "whitewash" "Deliberately attempt to conceal unpleasant facts about (a person or organization)" "verb" "Syn: cover up, sweep under the carpet" "Indeed, <u>in trying to <b>whitewash</b> the past</u>, the government may stir up prejudice instead. " "Least Difficult" "FT"
@ -828,81 +829,81 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
820 "abasement" "humiliation or degradation" "noun" " Latin: ad ""to, toward"" + bassus ""low, short"" Literal sense is archaic/obsolete, only figurative sense valid today </br>Syn: belittlement, disgrace" "Repeated <b><u>abasement</b> and humiliation</u> by her abusive mother caused the mistreated girl to have very low self-esteem" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
820 "abasement" "humiliation or degradation" "noun" " Latin: ad ""to, toward"" + bassus ""low, short"" Literal sense is archaic/obsolete, only figurative sense valid today </br>Syn: belittlement, disgrace" "Repeated <b><u>abasement</b> and humiliation</u> by her abusive mother caused the mistreated girl to have very low self-esteem" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
821 "circumscribe" "limit narrowly; confine; draw a line around; encircle" " verb" "Latin: circum= ""around"" + scribere, = ""to write. ""=>draw a line around, set the boundaries of, limit, restrain, confine, " "In court the violent suspects wear shackles that <u><b>circumscribe</b> their ability to flee</u>. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
821 "circumscribe" "limit narrowly; confine; draw a line around; encircle" " verb" "Latin: circum= ""around"" + scribere, = ""to write. ""=>draw a line around, set the boundaries of, limit, restrain, confine, " "In court the violent suspects wear shackles that <u><b>circumscribe</b> their ability to flee</u>. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
822 "accession" "the action or process of formally joining an association or institution. Also, the acquisition of a higher rank than one is at present" "verb" "Latin accessionem (nominative accessio) ""a going to, approach; a joining; increase, enlargement"" </br>Deutsch: Beitritt, Zuwachs </br>Syn: joining, signing up, enrollment" "After its <u><b>accession</b> to the EU</u>, the country adopted the Euro. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
822 "accession" "the action or process of formally joining an association or institution. Also, the acquisition of a higher rank than one is at present" "verb" "Latin accessionem (nominative accessio) ""a going to, approach; a joining; increase, enlargement"" </br>Deutsch: Beitritt, Zuwachs </br>Syn: joining, signing up, enrollment" "After its <u><b>accession</b> to the EU</u>, the country adopted the Euro. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
823 "acerbic" "(Especially of a comment or style of speaking) sharp and forthright, expressing harsh or sharp criticism in a clever way" "adj." "ic=nature of, like<br>Deutsch: Bitter, Sauer </br>Syn: sardonic, biting, caustic" "<u>The writer’s <b>acerbic</b> tone</u> did not sit well with people who had an issue with harsh criticism" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
823 "acerbic" "(Especially of a comment or style of speaking) sharp and forthright, expressing harsh or sharp criticism in a clever way" "adj. " "Latin acerbus ""harsh to the taste, sharp, bitter, sour""+ic=nature of, like</br>Deutsch: Bitter, Sauer</br>Syn: sardonic, biting, caustic" "<u>The writer’s <b>acerbic</b> tone</u> did not sit well with people who had an issue with harsh criticism" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
824 "cistern" "(underground) reservoir or water tank; Today, vessel to hold water for household uses such as watering garden, flushing toilets" " noun" "Greek word root same as Deutsch: ""Kiste""" "Since the plants in our garden need water, <u>a </b>cistern</b> was built to capture rainwater</u>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
824 "cistern" "(underground) reservoir or water tank; Today, vessel to hold water for household uses such as watering garden, flushing toilets" " noun" "Greek word root same as Deutsch: ""Kiste""" "Since the plants in our garden need water, <u>a </b>cistern</b> was built to capture rainwater</u>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
825 "apostle" " a vigorous and pioneering advocate or supporter of a particular cause" "noun" "Syn: proponent, promoter, propagandist" "This <b>apostle</b> of anti-Americanism rejoices in the fact that the weakened United States need no longer be treated as an enemy. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
825 "apostle" " a vigorous and pioneering advocate or supporter of a particular cause" "noun" " Greek apóstolos: ""one who is sent out"", like the 12 apostles of Jesus </br>Syn: proponent, promoter, propagandist" "This <b>apostle</b> of anti-Americanism rejoices in the fact that the weakened United States need no longer be treated as an enemy. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
826 "apprise" "inform somebody of something" "verb" "Syn: notify, let know, advise" "The <u>secret services are useful in <b>apprising</b> their governments</u> of the intentions of others" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
826 "apprise" "inform somebody of something" "verb" "French appris, pp of apprendre ""to inform, teach""</br>Syn: notify, let know, advise" "The <u>secret services are useful in <b>apprising</b> their governments</u> of the intentions of others" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
827 "armada" " a fleet of warships" "noun" "Syn: flotilla, squadron, navy" "This month he also unveiled plans to send an <b>armada</b> of tiny spaceships, powered by laser beams and equipped with all sorts of sensors." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
827 "armada" " a fleet of warships" "noun" "Spanish armada ""an armed force"", later became associated with a fleet of ships</br>Syn: flotilla, squadron, navy" "This month he also unveiled plans to send an <b>armada</b> of tiny spaceships, powered by laser beams and equipped with all sorts of sensors. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
828 "arson" " the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property" "noun" "Syn: incendiarism, pyromania" "<u>Fire investigators suspected <b>arson</u></b> when they couldn’t find an electrical source for the fire" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
828 "arson" " the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property" "noun" "Same word root as ""ash""</br>Syn: incendiarism, pyromania" "<u>Fire investigators suspected <b>arson</u></b> when they couldn’t find an electrical source for the fire" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
829 "clamorous" "speaking and repeating loud words; full of clamor; calling or demanding loudly or urgently; vociferous; noisy; bawling; loud" " adj. " "Latin clamor= ""a shout""</br>Syn: vociferous, noisy, blatant, clamant, strident" "The <u><b>clamorous</b> noise of the rejoicing fans</u> kept us up all night. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
829 "clamorous" "speaking and repeating loud words; full of clamor; calling or demanding loudly or urgently; vociferous; noisy; bawling; loud" " adj. " "Latin clamor= ""a shout""</br>Syn: vociferous, noisy, blatant, clamant, strident" "The <u><b>clamorous</b> noise of the rejoicing fans</u> kept us up all night. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
830 "barrage" " A concentrated outpouring, as of questions or blows" "noun" "Syn: abundance, mass, profusion" "He drove into a hailstorm and his car was damaged by a <b>barrage</b> of hailstones" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
830 "barrage" " A concentrated outpouring, as of questions or blows" "noun" "French: a retaining wall(eg. of a dam), later in WW1, a defense wall of non stop artillery fire</br>Syn: abundance, mass, profusion" "He drove into a hailstorm and his car was damaged by a <b>barrage</b> of hailstones" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
831 "bevy" " a large group of people or things of a particular kind" "noun" "word of unclear origin. </br>Syn: group, crowd, cluster" "Because my mother wrote <u>a <b>bevy</b> of items on her grocery list</u>, I was in the store for nearly two hours" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
831 "bevy" " a large group of people or things of a particular kind" "noun" "word of unclear origin. </br>Syn: group, crowd, cluster" "Because my mother wrote <u>a <b>bevy</b> of items on her grocery list</u>, I was in the store for nearly two hours" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
832 "boor" " an unrefined, ill-mannered person" "noun" "Syn: lout, oaf, ruffian" "End a sentence in a preposition, and there are still people who will think you a <b>boor.</b>" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
832 "boor" " an unrefined, ill-mannered person" "noun" "Gleicher Wortstamm als ""bauer"", im Sinne von grob, unausgebildet, usw. </br>Syn: lout, oaf, ruffian" "Because Frank is so rude, I tend to think of him as a <b>boor. </b>" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
833 "bucolic" "Relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country life, pastoral, rustic, countryfied" "adj." "ic=nature of, like</br>Syn: rustic, rural, pastoral" "General Electric. is now swapping its <b>bucolic</b> site for a collection of warehouses on the Boston waterfront." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
833 "bucolic" "Relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country life, pastoral, rustic, countryfied" "adj. " "Greek boukolos=cowherd or herdsman+ic=nature of, like</br>Same word root as ""bovine""and ""cow""</br>Syn: rustic, rural, pastoral" "General Electric. is now swapping its <b>bucolic</b> site for a collection of warehouses on the Boston waterfront. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
834 "canonical" "(Of an artist or work) belonging to the literary or artistic canon" "adj." "Syn: established, authoritative" "The medium now mostly consists of recycling the same <b>canonical</b> works by European men from centuries past." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
834 "canonical" "follows a principle or rule, usually in a religious or church-related situation. But also used in mathematics, music, art" "adj. " " Latin cononicus: ""according to rule"" </br>mathematics= equation reduced to its most basic form</br>canonical music=a melody line is repeated at intervals </br>Syn: established, authoritative" "1a. His proposals were generally accepted as orthodox and <b>canonical. </br>1b. The 4 gospels of the New Testament are key in establishing the Christian <b>canon</b>" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
835 "capricious" "given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior. mercurial, unpredictable, whimsical" "adj. " "Syn: fickle, inconstant, changeable" "The capricious supervisor would hand out raises one day and fire his entire staff the next. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
835 "capricious" "given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior. mercurial, unpredictable, whimsical" "adj. " "Syn: fickle, inconstant, changeable" "The capricious supervisor would hand out raises one day and fire his entire staff the next. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
836 "chauvinism" " Excessive or prejudiced loyalty or support for one’s own cause, group, or gender" "noun" "Syn: jingoism, excessive patriotism, sectarianism" "As recently as 2014, a biannual survey of right-wing attitudes in Germany found that xenophobia, <b>chauvinism</b>, anti-Semitism and authoritarian longings were declining." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
836 "chauvinism" " Excessive or prejudiced loyalty or support for one’s own cause, group, or gender" "noun" " a Napoleonic soldier, Nicholas Chauvin, was famous for his extreme patriotism, thus the origin</br>Syn: jingoism, excessive patriotism, sectarianism" "As recently as 2014, a biannual survey of right-wing attitudes in Germany found that xenophobia, <b>chauvinism</b>, anti-Semitism and authoritarian longings were declining. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
837 "circumspect" "Wary and unwilling to take risks" "adj." "Syn: cautious, wary, careful" "This is an area where <u>we need to be extraordinarily careful and <b>circumspect'</u></b>, he said. 'We’re literally talking about life and death" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
837 "circumspect" "Wary and unwilling to take risks" "adj. " " Latin circum=""around"" + spicere=""to look => ""to look around. ""</br>Syn: cautious, wary, careful" "This is an area where <u>we need to be extraordinarily careful and <b>circumspect'</u></b>, he said. 'We’re literally talking about life and death" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
838 "coalesce" "Come together and form one mass or whole" "verb" "Syn: merge, unite, fuse" "As they radiate away, the waves tend to <b>coalesce</b> to form two main shock waves." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
838 "coalesce" "Come together and form one mass or whole" "verb" "Latin: com- ""together"" + alescere ""be nourished""=> "" grow together""</br>Syn: merge, unite, fuse" "As they radiate away, the waves tend to <b>coalesce</b> to form two main shock waves. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
839 "coffers" " the funds or financial reserves of a group or institution" "noun" "coffer = a strong chest or box that is used to store money or valuables<br>=Koffer in Deutsch, <br>but coffers= resources, money, finances" "The new tax <u>filled public <b>coffers</u> </b>but later slowed the economy" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
839 "coffers" " the funds or financial reserves of a group or institution" "noun" "coffer = a strong chest or box that is used to store money or valuables<br>=Koffer in Deutsch, <br>but coffers= resources, money, finances" "The new tax <u>filled public <b>coffers</u> </b>but later slowed the economy" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
840 "condone" "Accept and allow (behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive)" "verb" "Syn: disregard, let pass, excuse" "Rashad Ali argues that deradicalisation can be worse than useless if practitioners, while condemningIS, <u><b>condone</b> other violence</u>." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
840 "condone" "Accept and allow (behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive)" "verb" "Things that are condoned are allowed, even if everyone isn't exactly thrilled about it. </br>Often used with ""don't""</br> Syn: disregard, let pass, excuse" "Rashad Ali argues that deradicalisation can be worse than useless if practitioners, while condemning ISIS, <u><b>condone</b> other violence</u>. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
841 "contrite" "feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses" "adj. " "Syn: regretful, sorry, apologetic" "As the election results were coming in, a contrite Mr. Turnbull took 'full responsibility' for the government’s poor performanc" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
841 "contrite" "feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses" "adj. " "Syn: regretful, sorry, apologetic" "As the election results were coming in, a contrite Mr. Turnbull took 'full responsibility' for the government’s poor performanc" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
842 "credulous" "having or showing too great a readiness to believe things. gullible, naïv" "adj. " "Syn: gullible, naive" "Supplements boast a unique trifecta: lax regulation, potent marketing and millions of credulousconsumers keen to pin their hopes of a healthier life on a pill. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
842 "credulous" "having or showing too great a readiness to believe things. gullible, naïv" "adj. " "Syn: gullible, naive" "Supplements boast a unique trifecta: lax regulation, potent marketing and millions of credulousconsumers keen to pin their hopes of a healthier life on a pill. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
843 "demur" "to object or protest to something" "verb" "demur from French/Latin: de + mor (as in moratium)= to linger, to tarry </br>Syn: object, take exception, take issue" "Mr. Sasse demurs. He does not want less fighting between the left and right. He wants more meaningful fighting about issues of substance. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
843 "demur" "to object or protest to something" "verb" "demur from French/Latin: de + mor (as in moratium)= to linger, to tarry </br>Syn: object, take exception, take issue" "Mr. Sasse demurs. He does not want less fighting between the left and right. He wants more meaningful fighting about issues of substance. " "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
844 "depravity" " Moral corruption; wickedness, state of being depraved, degeneracy" "noun" "Syn: vice, perversion, deviance" "We moved to the quiet country to <u>keep our children away from the <b>depravity</b> of city life. </u>" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
844 "depravity" " Moral corruption; wickedness, state of being depraved, degeneracy" "noun" "Syn: vice, perversion, deviance" "We moved to the quiet country to <u>keep our children away from the <b>depravity</b> of city life. </u>" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
845 "deride" "Express contempt for; ridicule. to mock or ridicule" "verb" "French: de ""down""+ ridere(rire) ""to laugh""</br> Syn: mock, jeer at, scoff at" "Mr. Trudeau’s domestic critics—so far a minority—deride him as 'Prime Minister Selfie' for posing incessantly with fans and celebrit" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
845 "deride" "Express contempt for; ridicule. to mock or ridicule" "verb" "French: de ""down""+ ridere(rire) ""to laugh""</br> Syn: mock, jeer at, scoff at" "Mr. Trudeau’s domestic critics—so far a minority—deride him as 'Prime Minister Selfie' for posing incessantly with fans and celebrit" "357 prevalent GRE words" "Prepscholar"
846 "diatribe" " a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something" "noun" "Syn: tirade, harangue, onslaught" "CNN and other outlets were wrong to turn one disgruntled passenger’s Facebook diatribe into headline news" "357 prevalent GRE words" "FT"
846 "diatribe" " a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something" "noun" "Syn: tirade, harangue, onslaught" "CNN and other outlets were wrong to turn one disgruntled passenger’s Facebook diatribe into headline news" "357 prevalent GRE words" "FT"
847 "dictum" " a short statement that expresses a general truth or principle" "noun" "Syn: saying, maxim, axiom" "Sometimes the old army <b>dictum</b> 'Don’t volunteer for anything' must be broken" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
847 "dictum" " a short statement that expresses a general truth or principle" "noun" "Latin: ""something said</br>Same word root as ""dictation""</br>Syn: saying, maxim, axiom" "Sometimes the old army <b>dictum</b> 'Don’t volunteer for anything' must be broken" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
848 "diffuse" "Spread out over a large area" "verb" "Syn: scattered, dispersed, not concentrated" "The political economy of trade is treacherous: <u>its benefits, though substantial, are <b>diffuse</u>.</b>" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
848 "diffuse" "1. v. Spread out over a large area</br>2. adj. being both verbose and ill-organised " "verb" "Latin: dis- ""apart"" + fundere, ""to pour. ""=> to pour in different directions</br>Syn1: scattered, dispersed, not concentrated </br>Syn2 :" "1. The forest was filled with a soft, <b>diffuse</b> light. </br>2. The <b>diffuse</b> report about the earthquake was both ill-organised and wordy. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
849 "dilate" "Make or become wider, larger, or more open" "verb" "from dis- ""apart""+ lātus""broad, wide, widespread, extended"" (as in latitude)=""expand, distend, spread out, enlarge in all directions</br>Syn: enlarge, expand" "By being able to increase heartbeat, while <b>dilating</b> blood vessels, theobromine can help reduce high blood pressure." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
849 "dilate" "Make or become wider, larger, or more open" "verb" "Latin: dis- ""apart""+ lātus""broad, wide, widespread, extended"" (as in latitude)=""expand, distend, spread out, enlarge in all directions</br>Syn: enlarge, expand" "By being able to increase heartbeat, while <b>dilating</b> blood vessels, theobromine can help reduce high blood pressure. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
850 "discordant" "not in agreement or harmony" "adj." "Syn: divergent, opposing, clashing" "My friend believes that movies should entertain, but I insist that movies should inspire, so the two of us <u>hold <b>discordant</b> views</u> on the purpose of movies" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
850 "discordant" "not in agreement or harmony" "adj. " "Latin: dis- ""apart"" + cor ""heart""=>not of the same heart</br>Syn: divergent, opposing, clashing</br>Ant: concord" "My friend believes that movies should entertain, but I insist that movies should inspire, so the two of us <u>hold <b>discordant</b> views</u> on the purpose of movies" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
851 "divest" "Rid oneself of something that one no longer wants or requires, such as a business interest or investment" "verb" "Whatever it is, when you divest something, you get rid of it. " "The protesters managed to have the city to <b><u>divest</b> their holdings</u> in Apartheid South Africa" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
851 "divest" "Rid oneself of something that one no longer wants or requires, such as a business interest or investment" "verb" "Whatever it is, when you divest something, you get rid of it. " "The protesters managed to have the city to <b><u>divest</b> their holdings</u> in Apartheid South Africa" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
852 "droll" "Curious or unusual in a way that provokes dry amusement" "adj." "Syn: funny, humorous, amusing" "Karo Akpokiere, from Nigeria, will present a series of droll paintings inspired by the fast-moving pop culture that has emerged in Lagos." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
852 "droll" "Curious or unusual in a way that provokes dry amusement" "adj. " "French drôle ""odd, comical, funny"" </br>Syn: funny, humorous, amusing" " He was a <b>droll</b> little man with a peculiar sense of humor " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
853 "echelon" " a level or rank in an organization, a profession, or society" "noun" " French échelon""level, echelon"" literally ""rung of a ladder"" itself Late Latin scala ""stair </br>Syn: level, rank, grade" "The social shock of the arrival of online education will be substantially greater if it devours the top echelon of public universities." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
853 "echelon" "1. a level or rank in an organization, a profession, or society</br>2. a body of troops, planes, ships, birds arranged in a line diagonal to their movement. Sometimes also ""V"" shaped. " "noun" " French échelon""level, echelon"" literally ""rung of a ladder"" itself Late Latin scala ""stair</br>Syn: level, rank, grade" "1. He won the Olympics, cofirming that he had reached the upper <b>echelon</b> of athletics</br>2. The aircraft flew <u>in <b>echelon</b> formation</u>, providing each plane with excellent range of vision while allowing them to act as a single unit" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
854 "eddy" "(of water, air, or smoke) move in a circular way" "verb" "Syn: swirl, whirl, spiral. </br> plural = edd<b><u>ie</b></u>s NOT eddys" "<u>Leonardo Da Vinci</u> could apply his <u>research into eddies</u> to the main <u>aorta</u>'s valve closing mechanism centuries before modern science proved his theories to be correct" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
854 "eddy" "(of water, air, or smoke) move in a circular way" "verb" "Syn: swirl, whirl, spiral. </br> plural = edd<b><u>ie</b></u>s NOT eddys" "<u>Leonardo Da Vinci</u> could apply his <u>research into eddies</u> to the main <u>aorta</u>'s valve closing mechanism centuries before modern science proved his theories to be correct" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
855 "effigy" " a sculpture or model of a person" "noun" "Syn: statue, statuette, figure" "The tradition of lighting bonfires and burning effigies of Guy Fawkes began shortly after the foiled plot, and schoolchildren still learn the ghoulish rhyme 'Remember, remember the fifth of November.'" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
855 "effigy" " a sculpture or model of a person - which in demonstrations is then often hanged, burned, or otherwise abused when protesting a despised person's actions. " "noun" "Syn: statue, statuette, figure" "An <b>effigy</b> of the governor later was hanged in a tree on the state Capitol grounds. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
856 "elucidate" "Make (something) clear" "verb" "Syn: explain, make plain, illuminate" "One was from almost 600 people who had completed. a questionnaire intended to elucidatethe different tendencies of people to engage in sexual relationships without a deep emotional commitment." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
856 "elucidate" "Make (something) clear" "verb" "Latin: e-, ""thoroughly, "" + lucidus, ""clear, bright. ""=>make things thoroughly lucid</br> Syn: explain, make plain, illuminate" "When asked for details, he declined to <b>elucidate</b> further. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
857 "endemic" "native to or confined to a certain region, locality or people" "adj." "ic=nature of, like</br>Syn: local, regional. Don't confuse this word with epidemic." "One of the mysteries of epidemiology is why Asia does not suffer from yellow fever. The disease is endemic in Africa, the continent where it evolved. The disease was endemic to the region." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
857 "endemic" "native to or confined to a certain region, locality or people" "adj. " "Greek endēmos: en= ""in"" + dēmos=""population""+ ic=nature of, like=> ""nature of being in the population. ""</br>Syn: local, regional. Don't confuse this word with epidemic. " "1a. Yellow fever is <b>endemic</b> in Africa, the continent where it evolved. </br>1b. Madagascar houses a huge number of <b>endemic</b> plants and animals, found nowhere else on earth. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
858 "epistemology" " the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope" "noun" "Greek: ""overstand"" from epi ""over, near"" (see epi-) + histasthai ""to stand""" "Probably the coolest use of <b>epistemology</b>, though, is artificial intelligence: teaching computers how to learn." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
858 "epistemology" " the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope" "noun" "Greek: epi= ""over, near"" + stasthai=""to stand"" + ology=""science/study""=> The science that stands over (it all)" "Probably the coolest use of <b>epistemology</b>, though, is artificial intelligence: teaching computers how to learn. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
859 "epithet" " an adjective or descriptive phrase expressing a quality characteristic of the person or thing; a term of abuse" "noun" "Syn: name, label, smear" "Preposterous’ and ‘absurd’ were among the milder epithets that could be overheard in the multilingua" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
859 "epithet" " 1. a nickname or or descriptive phrase expressing a quality characteristic of the person or thing</br>2. a defamatory nickname or abusive word or phrase" "noun" "Latin: epi ""in addition"" + tithenai ""to put, to place"" => (name) given in addition to""</br>Syn: name, label, smear, alias, byname, cognomen, moniker, nickname, sobriquet " "1. Alexander the Great was a fitting <b>epithet</b> for a great Macedonian king. </br>2. Many were offended by her use of racial <b>epithets. </b>" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
860 "errant" "Erring or straying from the proper course or standards" "adj." "Syn: offending, guilty, culpable" "He could admit the error and fire the errant speechwriter." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
860 "errant" "Erring or straying from the proper course or standards" "adj. " "2 origins to word 1) Same word root as ""error"", ""to err"": 2) errar'"" to wander""</br>thus sometimes particularly means to ""wander off course""</br>Syn: offending, guilty, culpable, naughty, off track" "1a. The <b>errant</b> student was given a warning for not going directly to class. </br>1b. The <b>errant</b> gunslinging cowboy is a standard character in western novels " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
861 "clamor" "loud outcry; loud sustained noise" " adj. " "Latin clamor= ""a shout""</br>Syn: howl, hubbub, hue and cry, hullabaloo, noise, outcry, roar, tumult, uproar, vociferation" "As soon as the people learn about the little boy’s murder, they are going <u>to <b>clamor</b> for justice</u>. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
861 "clamor" "loud outcry; loud sustained noise" " adj. " "Latin clamor= ""a shout""</br>Syn: howl, hubbub, hue and cry, hullabaloo, noise, outcry, roar, tumult, uproar, vociferation" "As soon as the people learn about the little boy’s murder, they are going <u>to <b>clamor</b> for justice</u>. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
862 "exemplar" " a person or thing serving as a typical example or excellent model" "noun" "Syn: epitome, perfect example" "At times 'Utopia' seems less an exemplar of idealism, and more of a satire on it." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
862 "exemplar" " a person or thing serving as a typical example or excellent model" "noun" "Same root as ""example""</br>The adj. ""examplary"" is used more often</br>Syn: model, epitome, perfect example" "At times 'Utopia' seems less an <b>exemplar</b> of idealism, and more of a satire on it. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
863 "extol" "Praise enthusiastically" "verb" "Syn: go wild about, wax lyrical about" "This is likely to become a media circus, with patient advocates likely to attend and extol the benefits of the treatments they received." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
863 "extol" "Praise enthusiastically" "verb" "Latin: ex ""up"" + tollere ""to raise""=> to praise</br>Syn: go wild about, wax lyrical about" "During the church service, the minister went out of his way to <b>extol</b> the contributions of the children’s youth choir. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
864 "cloying" "distasteful because excessive; excessively sweet or sentimental" " adj. " "Cloying comes in handy to describe things that are too sweet, both figurativley and literally. " "1a. My dad likes espresso so he feels Frappuccino too cloying. </br>1b. John liked to watch dark, edgy humor and thrillers, so he found romantic comedies with their hearts, flowers, and sappy happy endings <b>cloying</b> — <u>so sweet and sentimental - that they make him want to retch</u>. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
864 "cloying" "distasteful because excessive; excessively sweet or sentimental" " adj. " "Cloying comes in handy to describe things that are too sweet, both figurativley and literally. " "1a. My dad likes espresso so he feels Frappuccino too cloying. </br>1b. John liked to watch dark, edgy humor and thrillers, so he found romantic comedies with their hearts, flowers, and sappy happy endings <b>cloying</b> — <u>so sweet and sentimental - that they make him want to retch</u>. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
865 "fetid" "smelling extremely unpleasant" "adj." "Syn: stinking, smelly, foul-smelling" "The fetid smog that settled on Beijing in January 2013 could join the ranks of these game-changing environmental disruptions." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
865 "fetid" "smelling extremely unpleasant" "adj. " "Latin origin. </br> Donkey's bridge: ""the <b>fe</b>e<b>t</b> d<b>id</b> stink. </br>""Syn: stinking, smelly, foul-smelling" "The <b>fetid</b> smog that settled on Beijing in January 2013 could join the ranks of these game-changing environmental disruptions. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
866 "florid" "using unusual words or complicated rhetorical constructions. flushed with a rosy color, as in complexion; very ornate and flowery: ""florid prose.""" "adj." "Latin floridus ""flowery, in bloom</br>Syn: extravagant, grandiloquent" "A victorious Governor Jerry Brown, his voice gruffer, his pate sparer and his metaphors more florid than during his first stint in office." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
866 "florid" "using unusual words or complicated rhetorical constructions. flushed with a rosy color, as in complexion; very ornate and flowery: ""florid prose. """ "adj. " "Latin floridus ""flowery, in bloom</br>Syn: extravagant, grandiloquent" "A victorious Governor Jerry Brown, his voice gruffer, his pate sparer and his <u>metaphors more <b>florid</b></u> than during his first stint in office. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
867 "flout" "Openly disregard" "verb" "Old English origing: play the flute </br>Syn: defy, refuse to obey, go against" "It relies on its members, and on institutions. to shame and discourage people who flout important political norms." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
867 "flout" "Openly disregard" "verb" "Old English origing: play the flute </br>Syn: defy, refuse to obey, go against" "He <u><b>flouted</b> the law</u> and the concept of civilian safety by making a concerted effort to jaywalk every time he crossed a street" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
868 "foible" " a minor weakness or eccentricity in someone’s character" "noun" "Same root word origin as ""feeble"", coming from French: faible=weakness</br>. Syn: idiosyncrasy, eccentricity, peculiarity" "The elder Bongo had among other <b>foibles</b>, a liking to show off his pet tiger to guests" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
868 "foible" " a minor weakness or eccentricity in someone’s character" "noun" "Same root word origin as ""feeble"", coming from French: faible=weakness</br>. Syn: idiosyncrasy, eccentricity, peculiarity" "The elder Bongo had among other <b>foibles</b>, a liking to show off his pet tiger to guests" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
869 "dole" "1. give out in small portions; distribute sparingly</br>2. money paid by the government to the unemployed" " verb" "Gleicher Wortstamm als ""teilen"" in Deutsch" "1. Once a week the priest would do his rounds and <u><b>dole</b> out</u> food to the needy</br>2. Though he is receiving unemployment, Gary wants to find a job so he can get <u>off the dole</u> immediately" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
869 "dole" "1. give out in small portions; distribute sparingly</br>2. money paid by the government to the unemployed" " verb" "Gleicher Wortstamm als ""teilen"" in Deutsch" "1. Once a week the priest would do his rounds and <u><b>dole</b> out</u> food to the needy</br>2. Though he is receiving unemployment, Gary wants to find a job so he can get <u>off the dole</u> immediately" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
870 "frenetic" "Fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way" "adj. " "Latin phreneticus, meaning “delirious. ” ic=nature of, like</br>Syn: frantic, wild, frenzied" "He scurried around the kitchen <b>frenetically</b> trying to cook a last-minute dinner for 30 of his closest friends. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
870 "frenetic" "Fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way" "adj. " "Latin phreneticus, meaning “delirious. ” ic=nature of, like</br>Syn: frantic, wild, frenzied" "He scurried around the kitchen <b>frenetically</b> trying to cook a last-minute dinner for 30 of his closest friends. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
871 "gall" " Bold, impudent behavior" "noun" "Syn: insolence, nerve, audacity" "With enough gall and entrepreneurial spirit, it suggests, anyone can end up driving a Porsche and living in a marble-floored luxury apartment." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
871 "gall" "1. Bold, impudent behavior</br>2. bile from the gall-bladder</br>3. a skin sore caused by chafing" "noun" "Note this is the Noun. as a verb it often has the meaning of ""to irritate"" as in 3)</br> Syn: insolence, nerve, audacity" "1. With enough </b>gall</b> and entrepreneurial spirit, it suggests, anyone can end up driving a Porsche and living in a marble-floored luxury apartment. </br>2. The <b>gallbladder</b> stores digestive juices made in the liver</br>3. The ill-fitting saddle chafed the horse's skin and caused a parinful <b>gall</b>" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
872 "doleful" "sorrowful; filled with or expressing grief; mournful" " adj. " "French origin: deuil: to mourn</br>Syn:mournful, sad" "Because Jane has not received any news of her missing son, she has been <b>doleful</b> to the point of not being able to eat or sleep. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
872 "doleful" "sorrowful; filled with or expressing grief; mournful" " adj. " "French origin: deuil: to mourn</br>Syn:mournful, sad" "Because Jane has not received any news of her missing son, she has been <b>doleful</b> to the point of not being able to eat or sleep. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
873 "gambit" " a device, action, or opening remark, typically one entailing a degree of risk, that is calculated to gain an advantage" "noun" "originally a chess opening in which a pawn or piece is risked for advantage later</br>Deutsch = Bauernopferstrategie</br>Syn: plan, scheme, strategya" "<u>What began as a <b>gambit</b> to</u> hold together his divided Tory party is turning into an alarmingly close contest. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
873 "gambit" " a device, action, or opening remark, typically one entailing a degree of risk, that is calculated to gain an advantage" "noun" "originally a chess opening in which a pawn or piece is risked for advantage later</br>Deutsch = Bauernopferstrategie</br>Syn: plan, scheme, strategya" "<u>What began as a <b>gambit</b> to</u> hold together his divided Tory party is turning into an alarmingly close contest. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
874 "goad" "stab or urge on as if with a pointed stick" "verb" "Syn: spur, prod, egg on" "Her words were meant to <u><b>goad</b> officials into action</u>" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
874 "goad" "stab or urge on as if with a pointed stick" "verb" "Syn: spur, prod, egg on" "Her words were meant to <u><b>goad</b> officials into action</u>" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
875 "cogency" "power of proving or of producing belief; quality of being highly probable or convincing; force; credibility" " noun" "Deutsch: überzeugend" "The defendant <u>gave <b>cogent</b> reasons</u> why he was innocent" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
875 "cogency" "power of proving or of producing belief; quality of being highly probable or convincing; force; credibility" " noun" "Deutsch: überzeugend" "The defendant <u>gave <b>cogent</b> reasons</u> why he was innocent" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
876 "gouge" "Overcharge; swindle" "verb" "They <u>do not want monopolists to <b>gouge</b> consumers</u> and stifle innovation, yet they often struggle to determine the extent to which such things are happening." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
876 "gouge" "1. to remove by making a hole</br>2. make a hole or dent or trough in something</br>3. Overcharge; swindle" "verb" "gouge as a noun is a chisel that is not flat, but has a trough to make a groove" "1. The mafiosi <b>gouged</b> out the eyes of his disloyal clan member</br>2. He skillfully gouged a trough into the plaster of Paris</br>3. They <u>do not want monopolists to <b>gouge</b> consumers</u> and stifle innovation with their overcharging. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
877 "grandiloquent" "Pompous or extravagant in language, style, or manner" "adj." "Syn: pompous, bombastic, magniloquent" "The authors give it a rather <b>grandiloquent name</b>: the desire 'to force destiny, to create serendipity.'" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
877 "grandiloquent" "Pompous or extravagant in language, style, or manner" "adj. " "Latin: grandis ""big"" + -loquus ""speaking, ""=>speak pompously</br> Syn: pompous, bombastic, magniloquent" "The authors give it a rather <b>grandiloquent name</b>: the desire 'to force destiny, to create serendipity. '" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
878 "grouse" "complain pettily; grumble" "verb" "Syn: moan, groan, protest" "Some economists grouse about such rules, which can interfere with the smooth functioning of competitive labour markets." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
878 "grouse" "complain pettily; grumble" "verb" "Syn: moan, groan, protest" "Some economists <b>grouse</b> about such rules, which can interfere with the smooth functioning of competitive labour markets. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
879 "hapless" "(Especially of a person) unfortunate" "adj." "Syn: unlucky, luckless, out of luck" "By the 1970s, many fans argued that the spectacle of hapless pitchers feebly trying to fend off blazing fastballs was turning their at-bats into a mockery of the game." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
879 "hapless" "(Especially of a person) unfortunate" "adj. " """without hap""-""hap"" being another word for ""fortune"" or ""luck. ""</br>Same word root as ""happiness""</br>Syn: unlucky, luckless, out of luck" "The <b>hapless</b> motorist had barely paid his bill and driven away from the body shop when a truck ran into his car" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
880 "homage" " Special honour or respect shown publicly" "noun" "Syn: tribute, acknowledgement, admiration" "Over the past year, numerous young directors have been paying gushing homage to the movies which enchanted them in their youth." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
880 "homage" " Special honour or respect shown publicly" "noun" "Syn: tribute, acknowledgement, admiration" "Over the past year, numerous young directors have been paying gushing <b>homage</b> to the movies which enchanted them in their youth. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
881 "imbue" "Inspire or permeate with a feeling or quality" "verb" "Syn: saturate, fill, suffuse" "Some feminists argue, moreover, that the very framework of economics is <b>imbued</b> with subtler forms of sexism. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
881 "imbue" "Inspire or permeate with a feeling or quality" "verb" "Syn: saturate, fill, suffuse" "Some feminists argue, moreover, that the very framework of economics is <b>imbued</b> with subtler forms of sexism. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
882 "cogitate" "a fancy way of saying to think hard about, think earnestly or studiously; meditate; ponder; think deeply" " verb" "Latin cogitatus: ""to think""" "After not progressing at all, he sat down and <u>consciously <b>cogitated</u></b> on what would be the right thing to do" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
882 "cogitate" "a fancy way of saying to think hard about, think earnestly or studiously; meditate; ponder; think deeply" " verb" "Latin cogitatus: ""to think""" "After not progressing at all, he sat down and <u>consciously <b>cogitated</u></b> on what would be the right thing to do" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
883 "impasse" " a situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement" "noun" "Syn: deadlock, dead end, stalemate" "Because the two countries have <u>reached an <b>impasse</u></b> in their treaty negotiations, the war will continue." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
883 "impasse" " a situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement" "noun" "French impasse ""impassable road</br>Syn: deadlock, dead end, stalemate" "Because the two countries have <u>reached an <b>impasse</u></b> in their treaty negotiations, the war will continue. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
884 "inculcate" "Instill (an attitude, idea, or habit) by persistent instruction" "verb" "Latin: in- ""in"" + calcare ""to tread, press in""=>force upon, insist </br>Syn: imbue, infuse, inspire" "The tests and ceremonies were to start <u><b>inculcating</b> a sense of common values</u> that had previously been lacking. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
884 "inculcate" "Instill (an attitude, idea, or habit) by persistent instruction" "verb" "Latin: in- ""in"" + calcare ""to tread, press in""=>force upon, insist </br>Syn: imbue, infuse, inspire" "The tests and ceremonies were to start <u><b>inculcating</b> a sense of common values</u> that had previously been lacking. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
885 "indolence" " Avoidance of activity or exertion" "noun" "Latin indolentem: causing no pain, painless""" "The <b>indolence</b> of the Saudi society brought up to expect that oil riches will be lavished upon them is a large hurdle. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
885 "indolence" " Avoidance of activity or exertion" "noun" "Latin indolentem: causing no pain, painless""" "The <b>indolence</b> of the Saudi society brought up to expect that oil riches will be lavished upon them is a large hurdle. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
886 "inquest" " a judicial inquiry to ascertain the facts relating to an incident, such as a death" "noun" "Syn: enquiry, investigation, inquisition" "A jury at a second inquest ruled that they were unlawfully killed." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
886 "inquest" " a judicial inquiry to ascertain the facts relating to an incident, such as a death" "noun" "Same word root as enquiry</br>Syn: enquiry, investigation, inquisition" "A <u>jury at a second <b>inquest</b> ruled</u> that they were unlawfully killed. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
887 "cognate" "related by blood; having common ancestor; related or analogous in nature, character, or function" " adj. " "com ""together"" + gnatus, past participle of gnasci, older form of nasci ""to be born""=>common origin" "Dutchmen speak German easily because their language is <b>cognate</b> to German" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
887 "cognate" "related by blood; having common ancestor; related or analogous in nature, character, or function" " adj. " "com ""together"" + gnatus, past participle of gnasci, older form of nasci ""to be born""=>common origin" "Dutchmen speak German easily because their language is <b>cognate</b> to German" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
888 "itinerant" "Traveling from place to place" "adj." "Syn: peripatetic, wandering, roving" "My father is an <b>itinerant</b>, spending weeks a year on a plane" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
888 "itinerant" "Traveling from place to place" "adj. " "Same word root as itineray </br>Syn: peripatetic, wandering, roving" "My father is an <b>itinerant</b>, spending weeks a year on a plane" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
889 "colander" "bowl-shaped strainer, used to wash or drain foods" " noun" "Latin colatorium ""strainer""" "After the spaghetti was cooked, he emptied the entire pot contents into a <b>colander</b> to drain the water from the pasta" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
889 "colander" "bowl-shaped strainer, used to wash or drain foods" " noun" "Latin colatorium ""strainer""" "After the spaghetti was cooked, he emptied the entire pot contents into a <b>colander</b> to drain the water from the pasta" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
890 "largesse" "large generosity, liberality in bestowing gifts; extremely liberal and generous of spirit" "noun" "Syn: liberality, munificence, magnanimity, openhandedness, gift" "All else equal, such <b>largesse</b> should indeed give the economy some temporary vim." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
890 "largesse" "large generosity, liberality in bestowing gifts; extremely liberal and generous of spirit" "noun" "French word of same meaning </br>Syn: liberality, munificence, magnanimity, openhandedness, gift" "All else equal, such <b>largesse</b> should indeed give the economy some temporary vim. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
891 "leery" "Cautious or wary due to realistic suspicions" "adj. " "Syn: careful, circumspect, on one's guard" "The past two decades have left working-class voters in many countries <b>leery </b>of globalisation. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
891 "leery" "Cautious or wary due to realistic suspicions" "adj. " "Syn: careful, circumspect, on one's guard" "The past two decades have left working-class voters in many countries <b>leery </b>of globalisation. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
892 "limpid" "1. clear, serene and bright (often liquids) </br>2. (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable" "adj. " "Syn: 1. crystal clear, crystalline, lucid, pellucid, transparent </br>Syn 2. lucid, plain, understandable" "1. I could see the sand on the bottom of the <b>limpid</b> mountain pool</br>2. He writes in a <b>limpid</b> style" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
892 "limpid" "1. clear, serene and bright (often liquids) </br>2. (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable" "adj. " "Syn: 1. crystal clear, crystalline, lucid, pellucid, transparent </br>Syn 2. lucid, plain, understandable" "1. I could see the sand on the bottom of the <b>limpid</b> mountain pool</br>2. He writes in a <b>limpid</b> style" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
893 "loquacious" "Tending to talk a great deal" "adj." "Syn: talkative, voluble, communicative" "The <b>loquacious</b> professor was known for his five-hour lectures." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
893 "loquacious" "Tending to talk a great deal" "adj. " "Same word root as eloquent</br>Syn: talkative, voluble, communicative" "The <b>loquacious</b> professor was known for his five-hour lectures. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
894 "collate" "to assemble something in a logical sequence" " verb" "Latin: com ""with, together"" + lātus ""borne, carried""=to bring together</br>collate specifically means to put pages in a correct order, but can be used more generally to mean to put anything into the proper sequence. </br>Syn: sort, order" "The clerk will <b><u>collate</b> the folders</u> into stacks based on the spelling of the client’s last name. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
894 "collate" "to assemble something in a logical sequence" " verb" "Latin: com ""with, together"" + lātus ""borne, carried""=to bring together</br>collate specifically means to put pages in a correct order, but can be used more generally to mean to put anything into the proper sequence. </br>Syn: sort, order" "The clerk will <b><u>collate</b> the folders</u> into stacks based on the spelling of the client’s last name. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
895 "malign" "evil in nature or effect" "adj. " "Syn: harmful, bad, malevolent" "Other, darker interpretations of what malign force the monster may represent once again abound. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
895 "malign" "evil in nature or effect" "adj. " "Syn: harmful, bad, malevolent" "Other, darker interpretations of what malign force the monster may represent once again abound. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
896 "maudlin" "Self-pityingly or tearfully sentimental" "adj." "Maudlin was a form of the name Mary Magdalene, often represented in paintings as a weeping sinner asking forgiveness from Jesus.</br>Syn: emotional, tearful, lachrymose" "she posted <b>maudlinly</b> on social media about her excess weight and receive no likes." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
896 "maudlin" "Self-pityingly or tearfully sentimental" "adj. " "Maudlin was a form of the name Mary Magdalene, often represented in paintings as a weeping sinner asking forgiveness from Jesus. </br>Syn: emotional, tearful, lachrymose" "she posted <b>maudlinly</b> on social media about her excess weight and received no likes. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
897 "milieu" " a person’s social environment" "noun" "Syn: sphere, background, backdrop" "Armed with a view of themselves in a seething milieu of particles careening around a stretchy space-time, readers are reminded they are 'an integral part of the world which we perceive.'" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
897 "milieu" " a person’s social environment" "noun" "French: environment, social environment, the middle (of something)</br>Syn: sphere, background, backdrop" "Armed with a view of themselves in a seething milieu of particles careening around a stretchy space-time, readers are reminded they are 'an integral part of the world which we perceive. '" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
898 "mire" "involve someone or something in (a difficult situation)" "verb" "Old English: deep mud, bog, marsh, swampland</br>Deutsch Wortstamm ""Masch""</br>Syn: entangle, tangle up, embroil" "Ms Park is hopelessly <b>mired</b> in an ever-deepening influence-peddling scandal. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
898 "mire" "involve someone or something in (a difficult situation)" "verb" "Old English: deep mud, bog, marsh, swampland</br>Deutsch Wortstamm ""Masch""</br>Syn: entangle, tangle up, embroil" "Ms Park is hopelessly <b>mired</b> in an ever-deepening influence-peddling scandal. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
899 "modish" "Conforming to or following what is currently popular and fashionable" "adj. " "Gleicher Wortstamm wie ""Mode"" in Deutsch </br>Syn: modern, trendy, in" "With these <b>modish</b> safety demonstrations becoming the norm, the question is what, exactly, do they accomplish?" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
899 "modish" "Conforming to or following what is currently popular and fashionable" "adj. " "Gleicher Wortstamm wie ""Mode"" in Deutsch </br>Syn: modern, trendy, in" "With these <b>modish</b> safety demonstrations becoming the norm, the question is what, exactly, do they accomplish?" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
900 "collateral" "1. adj. accompanying; concomitant</br>
900 "collateral" "1. adj. accompanying; concomitant</br>
@ -913,40 +914,40 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
903 "nexus" " a connection or series of connections linking two or more things" "noun" "Latin: nectere= ""to bind or tie. ""</br> Syn: union, link" "Today Facebook seems to be the <b>nexus</b> of communication" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
903 "nexus" " a connection or series of connections linking two or more things" "noun" "Latin: nectere= ""to bind or tie. ""</br> Syn: union, link" "Today Facebook seems to be the <b>nexus</b> of communication" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
904 "nonplussed" "(Of a person) surprised and confused so much that they are unsure how to react" "adj. " "Latin: non plus=""no more, no further. "" =>go no further as I am confused, perplexed</br>Hat NICHTS mit ""nonplus ultra"" zu tun</br>Syn: baffled, confounded, at a loss, puzzled, perplexed" "The inexperienced teenage <u>driver was <b>nonplussed</b> when his car began to slide on the ice</u>. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
904 "nonplussed" "(Of a person) surprised and confused so much that they are unsure how to react" "adj. " "Latin: non plus=""no more, no further. "" =>go no further as I am confused, perplexed</br>Hat NICHTS mit ""nonplus ultra"" zu tun</br>Syn: baffled, confounded, at a loss, puzzled, perplexed" "The inexperienced teenage <u>driver was <b>nonplussed</b> when his car began to slide on the ice</u>. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
905 "normative" "Establishing, relating to, or deriving from a standard or norm" "adj. " "Same word root as ""norm"" and ""normal""</br>" "The Japanese philosopher was highly critical of the <b><u>normative</b> thought</u> in the Japanese education system" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
905 "normative" "Establishing, relating to, or deriving from a standard or norm" "adj. " "Same word root as ""norm"" and ""normal""</br>" "The Japanese philosopher was highly critical of the <b><u>normative</b> thought</u> in the Japanese education system" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
906 "opine" "Hold and state as one’s opinion" "verb" "Syn: suggest, say, declare" "Rather than disagree with my husband in public, I waited until we got home to opine my thoughts on the subject." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
906 "opine" "Hold and state as one’s opinion" "verb" "Same word root as opinion</br>Syn: suggest, say, declare" "Rather than disagree with my husband in public, I waited until we got home to <b>opine</b> my thoughts on the subject. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
907 "pallid" "(of a person's face) pale, typically because of poor health" "adj." "Syn: white, pasty, wan" "His pallid complexion is a definite indication that he spends all his time indoors" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
907 "pallid" "(of a person's face) pale, typically because of poor health" "adj. " "Same word root as pale</br>Syn: white, pasty, wan" "His <u><b>pallid</b> complexion</u> is a definite indication that he spends all his time indoors" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
908 "panache" " Flamboyant confidence of style or manner" "noun" "Syn: self-assurance, style, flair" "Danielle always wears her stylish outfits with panache." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
908 "panache" " Flamboyant confidence of style or manner" "noun" "Syn: self-assurance, style, flair" "Danielle always wears her stylish outfits with <b>panache.</b>" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
909 "paragon" " a person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality" "noun" "Syn: model, epitome, exemplar</br>Deutsch: Paradebeispiel" "As a paragon of purity, a nun would never dress inappropriately" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
909 "paragon" " a person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality" "noun" "Syn: model, epitome, exemplar</br>Deutsch: Paradebeispiel" "As a paragon of purity, a nun would never dress inappropriately" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
910 "parry" "Answer (a question or accusation) evasively" "verb" "French: ""to turn aside or ward off"" the blow of a weapon. Parez! Is often heard in fencing lessons</br>Syn: evade, sidestep, avoid" "In the course of his business career, the president-elect has shown a remarkable ability <u>to dodge and <b>parry</u></b> and reverse himself on everything. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
910 "parry" "Answer (a question or accusation) evasively" "verb" "French: ""to turn aside or ward off"" the blow of a weapon. Parez! Is often heard in fencing lessons</br>Syn: evade, sidestep, avoid" "In the course of his business career, the president-elect has shown a remarkable ability <u>to dodge and <b>parry</u></b> and reverse himself on everything. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
911 "penchant" " A strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something" "noun" "French: to incline :</br>Syn: fondness, inclination, preference" "Alex has a <u><b>penchant </b>for chicken and broccoli, </u> so he eats it daily or wishes he did" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
911 "penchant" " A strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something" "noun" "French: to incline :</br>Syn: fondness, inclination, preference" "Alex has a <u><b>penchant </b>for chicken and broccoli, </u> so he eats it daily or wishes he did" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
912 "pithy" "(of language or style) terse and vigorously expressive" "adj." "Syn: concise, brief, compact" "The best greeting card messages are <b>pithy</b> and meaningful." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
912 "pithy" "concise and full of meaning" "adj. " "Pith is the core, white material under the skin of a citrus fruit. </br>Syn: concise, brief, compact" "The best greeting card messages are <b>pithy</b> and meaningful. </br>They finally got to the <u>pith of the discussion.</u>" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
913 "commentariat" "all commentators of the news media collectively" " noun" "The political <b>commentariat</b> is beginning to say Mr. Trump has no chance of re-election. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
913 "commentariat" "all commentators of the news media collectively" " noun" "The political <b>commentariat</b> is beginning to say Mr. Trump has no chance of re-election. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
914 "commodious" "spacious and comfortable; fit; proper; convenient" " adj. " " Latin: commodiosus ""convenient, useful"", which was used for ""commodes""= toilet when one had ""room to spare""" "All the bedrooms in Maierhofer Halde are <b>commodious</b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
914 "commodious" "spacious and comfortable; fit; proper; convenient" " adj. " " Latin: commodiosus ""convenient, useful"", which was used for ""commodes""= toilet when one had ""room to spare""" "All the bedrooms in Maierhofer Halde are <b>commodious</b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
915 "presage" "be a sign or warning of (an imminent event, typically an unwelcome one)" "verb" "Syn: point to, mean, signify" "Dark clouds normally presage a storm" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
915 "presage" "be a sign or warning of (an imminent event, typically an unwelcome one)" "verb" "Latin : pre: ""before"" + sagus ""prophetic""=>say in advance</br>Syn: augur, forecast, foretell, predict, prognosticate, prophesy, vaticinate" "Dark clouds normally <b>presage</b> a storm" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
916 "prolific" "(of an artist, author, or composer) producing many works" "adj." "ic=nature of, like</br>Syn: productive, creative, inventive" "It is true that few artists have been so prolific. On average, he released a studio album every year." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
916 "prolific" "(of an artist, author, or composer) producing many works" "adj. " "Syn: productive, creative, inventive" "It is true that few artists have been so <b>prolific</b>. On average, he released a studio album every year. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
917 "proxy" " a person authorized to act on behalf of another" "noun" "Syn: representative, substitute, stand-in" "During the action sequence, a stand-in will act as a proxy for the A-list actor." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
917 "proxy" " a person authorized to act on behalf of another" "noun" "Syn: representative, substitute, stand-in" "During the action sequence, a stand-in will act as a <b>proxy</b> for the A-list actor. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
918 "prudish" "having a tendency to be easily shocked by matters relating to sex or nudity" "adj." "Syn: puritanical, prim, goody-goody" "My grandmother’s narrowminded and prudish viewpoints do not line up with today’s world views" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
918 "prudish" "having a tendency to be easily shocked by matters relating to sex or nudity" "adj. " "same word root as prude</br>is not to be confused with prudence</br> Syn: puritanical, prim, goody-goody" "My grandmother’s narrowminded and <b>prudish</b> viewpoints do not line up with today’s world views" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
919 "qualm" " an uneasy feeling of doubt, worry, or fear" "noun" "Syn: misgiving, doubt, reservation" "I have a serious qualm about my teenage daughter dating an older man." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
919 "qualm" " an uneasy feeling of doubt, worry, or fear" "noun" "Syn: misgiving, doubt, reservation" "I have a serious <b>qualm</b> about my teenage daughter dating an older man. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
920 "quell" "Suppress (a feeling, especially an unpleasant one)" "verb" "Syn: calm, soothe, pacify" "The old man drinks warm milk to quell his upset stomach." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
920 "quell" "Suppress (a feeling, especially an unpleasant one)" "verb" "Gleicher Wortstamm wie ""quaelen"", aber hier im Sinne von etwas ""toeten, unterbinden, Ruhe geben lassen""</br>Syn: calm, soothe, pacify" "The old man drinks warm milk to <b>quell</b> his upset stomach. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
921 "quibble" "Argue or raise objections about a trivial matter" "verb" "Syn: object to, criticize, nitpick" "It is normal for married couples to quibble over small things like who controls the television remote" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
921 "quibble" "Argue or raise objections about a trivial matter" "verb" "Syn: object to, criticize, nitpick" "It is normal for married couples to <u><b>quibble</b> over</u> small things like who controls the television remote" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
922 "compunction" "feeling of deep regret; strong uneasiness caused by a sense of guilt" " noun" "Latin :com- + pungere ""to prick, pierce"" => prick sharply</br>remorse, self-reproach" "The burglar acted <u>without <b>compunction</b></u> when he stole the bicycle. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
922 "compunction" "feeling of deep regret; strong uneasiness caused by a sense of guilt" " noun" "Latin :com- + pungere ""to prick, pierce"" => prick sharply</br>remorse, self-reproach" "The burglar acted <u>without <b>compunction</b></u> when he stole the bicycle. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
923 "recalcitrant" "having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority" "adj." "Syn: uncooperative, intractable" "Over time, the hopeless soldiers became recalcitrant and refused to follow orders" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
923 "recalcitrant" "having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority" "adj. " "Latin : re = back + calcitrare= ""to kick""=> someone kicking back against what's wanted of them</br>Syn: uncooperative, intractable" "Over time, the hopeless soldiers became <b>recalcitrant</b> and refused to follow orders" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
924 "recant" "Say that one no longer holds an opinion or belief" "verb" "Syn: renounce, disavow, retract" "The judge ordered the magazine to recant the false statements it made about the actress." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
924 "recant" "Say that one no longer holds an opinion or belief" "verb" "Latin : re-= ""bac,"" + cantare=""to sing=>to take back (in a nice tone) </br>Syn: renounce, disavow, retract" "The judge ordered the magazine to <u><b>recant</b> the false statements</u> it made about the actress. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
925 "salient" "Most noticeable or important" "adj. " "Syn: conspicuous, noticeable, obvious" "The reason for that emphasis may in part be because of the <b>salient</b> threat of terrorism" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
925 "salient" "Most noticeable or important" "adj. " "Syn: conspicuous, noticeable, obvious" "The reason for that emphasis may in part be because of the <b>salient</b> threat of terrorism" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
926 "sardonic" "grimly mocking or cynical" "adj." "ic=nature of, like</br>Syn: satirical, sarcastic, ironic" "Ms Jefferson, it must be said, is a master of the arched-eyebrow, <b>sardonic</b> quip." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
926 "sardonic" "grimly mocking or cynical" "adj. " "Linked to the sardon plant, whose poisonous juices would make victims smile at death. </br>Syn: satirical, sarcastic, ironic" "Ms Jefferson, it must be said, is a master of the arched-eyebrow, <b>sardonic</b> quip. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
927 "savant" " a learned person, especially a distinguished scientist" "noun" "Syn: intellectual, scholar, sage" "Since my aunt speaks over twenty languages, she is considered a verbal <b>savant.</b>" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
927 "savant" " a learned person, especially a distinguished scientist" "noun" "French: knowing </br>Syn: intellectual, scholar, sage" "Since my aunt speaks over twenty languages, she is considered a verbal <b>savant. </b>" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
928 "soliloquy" " an act of speaking one’s thoughts aloud when by oneself, especially by a character in a play" "noun" "Syn: monologue, speech" "Patrick Stewart, for instance, reworked <u>Hamlet’s <b>soliloquy</b></u> as an ode to the letter B ('B or not a B, that is the question')" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
928 "soliloquy" " an act of speaking one’s thoughts aloud when by oneself, especially by a character in a play" "noun" "Latin: solus ""alone"" + loqui ""speak""=> ""a talking to oneself.""</br>Syn: monologue, speech" "Patrick Stewart, for instance, reworked <u>Hamlet’s <b>soliloquy</b></u> as an ode to the letter B ('B or not a B, that is the question')" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
929 "stigma" " a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person" "noun" "Syn: shame, disgrace, dishonour" "A stigma against adults having fun, strong in the aftermath of the Second World War, has faded." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
929 "stigma" " a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person" "noun" "Syn: shame, disgrace, dishonour" "A <b>stigma</b> against adults having fun, strong in the aftermath of the Second World War, has faded. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
930 "stipulate" "Demand or specify (a requirement), typically as part of a bargain or agreement" "verb" "Syn: set down, set out, lay down" "In trade negotiations, size matters. Larger economies can stipulate terms that suit them." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
930 "stipulate" "Demand or specify (a requirement), typically as part of a bargain or agreement" "verb" "Syn: set down, set out, lay down" "In trade negotiations, size matters. Larger economies can <u><b>stipulate</b> terms</u> that suit them. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
931 "stratum" " a thin layer within any structure" "noun" "Syn: level, class, echelon" "But exalting Western aviation security to a higher stratum than that found in Africa is a delusion." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
931 "stratum" " a thin layer within any structure" "noun" "Latin stratum ""thing spread out""</br>Syn: level, class, echelon" "But exalting Western aviation security to a higher <b>stratum</b> than that found in Africa is a delusion. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
932 "subpoena" " A writ ordering a person to attend a court" "noun" "Syn: summons, mandate, court order" "Subpoenas issued by a federal grand jury earlier this year demanded that the Port Authority hand over Mr. Samson’s personal travel records." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
932 "subpoena" " A writ ordering a person to attend a court" "noun" "Syn: summons, mandate, court order" "<b>Subpoenas<b> issued by a federal grand jury earlier this year demanded that the Port Authority hand over Mr. Samson’s personal travel records. " "Medium Difficult" "FT"
933 "syntax" " the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language" "noun" "Fench/Latin/Greek: syn- ""together"" + tassein ""arrange"" (same word root as tactics)=> arranging it all together. " "The <b>syntax</b> in Jan’s sentences is incorrect as he doesn't follow the correct adjective sequence, viz: OSS-CAC-POMP, which stands for Opinion, Size, Shape, - Condition, Age, Color-, Pattern, Origin, Material & Purpose" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
933 "syntax" " the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language" "noun" "Fench/Latin/Greek: syn- ""together"" + tassein ""arrange"" (same word root as tactics)=> arranging it all together. " "The <b>syntax</b> in Jan’s sentences is incorrect as he doesn't follow the correct adjective sequence, viz: OSS-CAC-POMP, which stands for Opinion, Size, Shape, - Condition, Age, Color-, Pattern, Origin, Material & Purpose" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
934 "tenet" " a principle or belief" "noun" "Syn: doctrine, precept, creed" "In the Warren and Burger courts of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, religious accommodation was a liberal tenet." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
934 "tenet" " a principle or belief" "noun" "Latin tenere ""to hold.</br>Syn: doctrine, precept, creed" "God exists is a <b>tennet</b> of most major religions." "Medium Difficult" "FT"
935 "concomitant" "1. adj. following or accompanying as a consequence</br>2. n. An event associated with or happening at the same time. " " adj. , noun" "Latin: con =with + comit=companion=>ompanion of the main event" "1. The concamitant effect of fitness training is a healthy glow and more happiness. </br>2. Doctors now <u>administer several <b>concomitant</b> drugs</u> to the patient in order to prevent the onset of AIDS. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
935 "concomitant" "1. adj. following or accompanying as a consequence</br>2. n. An event associated with or happening at the same time. " " adj. , noun" "Latin: con =with + comit=companion=>ompanion of the main event" "1. The concamitant effect of fitness training is a healthy glow and more happiness. </br>2. Doctors now <u>administer several <b>concomitant</b> drugs</u> to the patient in order to prevent the onset of AIDS. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
936 "urbane" "(Of a person, especially a man) courteous and refined in manner. Urbane people are sophisticated, polished, cultured, refined." "adj." "Syn: suave, sophisticated, debonair" "Everything from the man’s tailored suit to his Italian shoes and expensive watch screamed <b>urbane</b>" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
936 "urbane" "(Of a person, especially a man) courteous and refined in manner. Urbane people are sophisticated, polished, cultured, refined. " "adj. " "urbane: ""having the manners of townspeople, courteous, refined</br>Syn: suave, sophisticated, debonair" "Everything from the man’s tailored suit to his Italian shoes and expensive watch screamed <b>urbane</b>" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
937 "concubine" "in certain societies, such as imperial China, a woman contracted to a man as a secondary wife, often having few legal rights and low social status" " noun" "Latin: com ""with, together"" + cubare ""to lie down""=>mistress" "Though he loved his<b> concubine</b> the most, the king decided long ago just to have one wife. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
937 "concubine" "in certain societies, such as imperial China, a woman contracted to a man as a secondary wife, often having few legal rights and low social status" " noun" "Latin: com ""with, together"" + cubare ""to lie down""=>mistress" "Though he loved his<b> concubine</b> the most, the king decided long ago just to have one wife. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
938 "whet" "1. To sharpen </br>2. Excite or stimulate (someone's desire, curiosity, interest, or appetite)" "verb" "Deutsch: wetzen</br>Syn: arouse, rouse, trigger" "1. He sharpened (<b>whetted</b>) the knife's blade with a <u>whetting stone</u></br>2. As I walked up my grandmother’s steps, I realized the smell of her food was enough to <u><b>whet</b> my appetite</u>" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
938 "whet" "1. To sharpen </br>2. Excite or stimulate (someone's desire, curiosity, interest, or appetite)" "verb" "Deutsch: wetzen</br>Syn: arouse, rouse, trigger" "1. He sharpened (<b>whetted</b>) the knife's blade with a <u>whetting stone</u></br>2. As I walked up my grandmother’s steps, I realized the smell of her food was enough to <u><b>whet</b> my appetite</u>" "Medium Difficult" "FT"
939 "abeyance" "temporary cessation or suspension" "noun" " French à""at"" (see ad-) + ba(y)er ""be open"" = status is still open/in suspence. The word ""bay"" also come this. </br>Syn: suspense, remission, reserve" "With the football leagues now <u>in <b>abeyance</b> during Corona crisis</u>, the question now is how and whether the season will finish" "Most Difficult" "FT"
939 "abeyance" "temporary cessation or suspension" "noun" " French à""at"" (see ad-) + ba(y)er ""be open"" = status is still open/in suspense. The word ""bay"" also come this. </br>Syn: suspense, remission, reserve" "With the football leagues now <u>in <b>abeyance</b> during Corona crisis</u>, the question now is how and whether the season will finish" "Most Difficult" "FT"
940 "conscientious" "thorough, careful, or vigilant; implies a desire to do a task well; characterized by extreme care and great effort" " adj. " "</br>Syn: conscionable, ethical, honest, honorable, just, moral, principled, scrupulous" "1a. Everyone knew him to work hard and with great care and were convinced that he would continue with the <b>conscientious</b> application to the work at hand</br>1b. Because my brother is a <u>conscientious <b>objector</u></b>, he refuses to serve in the military. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
940 "conscientious" "thorough, careful, or vigilant; implies a desire to do a task well; characterized by extreme care and great effort" " adj. " "</br>Syn: conscionable, ethical, honest, honorable, just, moral, principled, scrupulous" "1a. Everyone knew him to work hard and with great care and were convinced that he would continue with the <b>conscientious</b> application to the work at hand</br>1b. Because my brother is a <u>conscientious <b>objector</u></b>, he refuses to serve in the military. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
941 "anodyne" "not likely to cause offence or disagreement and somewhat dull" "adj. " " Greek an= ""without"" + odyne ""pain= ""free pain or torment"" ""</br>Syn: bland, inoffensive, innocuous" "After days of discussion at the G20 conference, there was not much to show other than a <u>dull and safe <b>anodyne</b> communique</u>" "Most Difficult" "FT"
941 "anodyne" "not likely to cause offence or disagreement and somewhat dull" "adj. " " Greek an= ""without"" + odyne ""pain= ""free pain or torment"" ""</br>Syn: bland, inoffensive, innocuous" "After days of discussion at the G20 conference, there was not much to show other than a <u>dull and safe <b>anodyne</b> communique</u>" "Most Difficult" "FT"
942 "bilk" "Obtain or withhold money from (someone) by deceit or without justification" "verb" "Syn: swindle, defraud, deceive" "Because the police in that country are not paid regularly, they <b>bilk</b> the system and get away with it, as their bosses have the same issue. " "Most Difficult" "FT"
942 "bilk" "Obtain or withhold money from (someone) by deceit or without justification" "verb" "Syn: swindle, defraud, deceive" "Because the police in that country are not paid regularly, they <b>bilk</b> the system and get away with it, as their bosses have the same issue. " "Most Difficult" "FT"
@ -1008,8 +1009,8 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
995 "nadir" " the lowest point in the fortunes of a person or organization" "noun" "Arabic in astronomy, opposite of zenith</br>Syn: perigee, the all-time low, zero</br>Antonym: zenith, apogee" "Between its pre-crisis peak in late 2007 and its <b>nadir</b> at the end of 2009, the economy contracted by 11. 2%" "Most Difficult" "FT"
995 "nadir" " the lowest point in the fortunes of a person or organization" "noun" "Arabic in astronomy, opposite of zenith</br>Syn: perigee, the all-time low, zero</br>Antonym: zenith, apogee" "Between its pre-crisis peak in late 2007 and its <b>nadir</b> at the end of 2009, the economy contracted by 11. 2%" "Most Difficult" "FT"
996 "neophyte" " a person who is new to a subject, skill, or belief" "noun" "Greek: neo=new, phyte=grown=>newly grown</br>Syn: beginner, learner, novice, entrant, fledgeling, fledgling, freshman, newbie, newcomer, starter" "Even <u>the best golfer in the world was once a <b>neophyte</u></b> at the sport of golf" "Most Difficult" "FT"
996 "neophyte" " a person who is new to a subject, skill, or belief" "noun" "Greek: neo=new, phyte=grown=>newly grown</br>Syn: beginner, learner, novice, entrant, fledgeling, fledgling, freshman, newbie, newcomer, starter" "Even <u>the best golfer in the world was once a <b>neophyte</u></b> at the sport of golf" "Most Difficult" "FT"
997 "noisome" "having an extremely offensive smell; harmful, offensive, destructive " "adj. " "Same word root as ""annoy"" + some=> bad smelling</br>Syn: irritating, disagreeable, unpleasant" "The <u><b>noisome</b> odor</u> of the dump carried for miles. " "Most Difficult" "FT"
997 "noisome" "having an extremely offensive smell; harmful, offensive, destructive " "adj. " "Same word root as ""annoy"" + some=> bad smelling</br>Syn: irritating, disagreeable, unpleasant" "The <u><b>noisome</b> odor</u> of the dump carried for miles. " "Most Difficult" "FT"
998 "nostrum" " a pet scheme or favorite remedy, especially one for bringing about some social or political reform or improvement" "noun" "Latin : nostrum remedium ""our remedy""</br>Syn: cure-all, snake-oil, prescription, answer to everything, panacea" "It became a <b>nostrum</b> among rank-and-file Republicans that mainstream opinion polls are biased and should be ignored..." "Most Difficult" "FT"
998 "nostrum" " a pet scheme or favorite remedy, especially one for bringing about some social or political reform or improvement" "noun" "Latin: nostrum remedium ""our remedy""</br>Syn: cure-all, snake-oil, prescription, answer to everything, panacea" "It became a <b>nostrum</b> among rank-and-file Republicans that mainstream opinion polls are biased and should be ignored. " "Most Difficult" "FT"
999 "occlude" "block passage through" "verb" "Latin : ob ""in front of, against"" + claudere ""to shut, close""=>to shut up or stop up so as to prevent anything from passing through</br>Syn: block, cover, shut in" "Mars will be as far away as 370m kilometres in 2013, and <b>occluded</b> for two weeks by the sun to boot..." "Most Difficult" "FT"
999 "occlude" "block passage through" "verb" "Latin: ob ""in front of, against"" + claudere ""to shut, close""=>to shut up or stop up so as to prevent anything from passing through</br>Syn: block, cover, shut in" "Mars will be as far away as 370m kilometres in 2013, and <b>occluded</b> for two weeks by the sun to boot" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1000 "paean" " a song of praise or triumph" "noun" "Paean was originally a song of praise for Apollo, or Paian as he was sometimes called</br>Syn: song of praise, hymn, alleluia, encomium, eulogy, panegyric, " "The boy wrote a <b>paean</b> for his dad, praising his many accomplishments. " "Most Difficult" "FT"
1000 "paean" " a song of praise or triumph" "noun" "Paean was originally a song of praise for Apollo, or Paian as he was sometimes called</br>Syn: song of praise, hymn, alleluia, encomium, eulogy, panegyric, " "The boy wrote a <b>paean</b> for his dad, praising his many accomplishments. " "Most Difficult" "FT"
1001 "panoply" " a complete or impressive collection of things" "noun" "Greek: pan- ""all"" + hopla, ""arms""=>complete suit of armour</br> Syn: array, range, collection" "Because the Orient is a luxury hotel, its <u><b>panoply</b> of premium services</u> and amenities is unrivalled in the hotel industry" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1001 "panoply" " a complete or impressive collection of things" "noun" "Greek: pan- ""all"" + hopla, ""arms""=>complete suit of armour</br> Syn: array, range, collection" "Because the Orient is a luxury hotel, its <u><b>panoply</b> of premium services</u> and amenities is unrivalled in the hotel industry" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1002 "pastiche" " an artistic work consisting of a medley of pieces taken from various sources" "noun" "Italian pasticcio ""medley, pastry cake, </br>Syn: mixture, blend, medley" "The mix of country, pop, and soul music made the album a fascinating <u><b>pastiche</b> of sounds</u>. " "Most Difficult" "FT"
1002 "pastiche" " an artistic work consisting of a medley of pieces taken from various sources" "noun" "Italian pasticcio ""medley, pastry cake, </br>Syn: mixture, blend, medley" "The mix of country, pop, and soul music made the album a fascinating <u><b>pastiche</b> of sounds</u>. " "Most Difficult" "FT"
@ -1029,8 +1030,8 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1015 "raconteur" " a person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way" "noun" "French raconter ""to tell""</br>Syn: storyteller, spinner of yarns" "My father was a <b>raconteur</b> of stories of a dog with many strengths, named Pinkly" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1015 "raconteur" " a person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way" "noun" "French raconter ""to tell""</br>Syn: storyteller, spinner of yarns" "My father was a <b>raconteur</b> of stories of a dog with many strengths, named Pinkly" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1016 "redress" " remedy or compensation for a wrong or grievance" "noun" "Syn: reparation, restitution, recompense" "Kate demanded <b>redress</b> from the builder when her deck collapsed. " "Most Difficult" "FT"
1016 "redress" " remedy or compensation for a wrong or grievance" "noun" "Syn: reparation, restitution, recompense" "Kate demanded <b>redress</b> from the builder when her deck collapsed. " "Most Difficult" "FT"
1017 "repast" " a meal" "noun" "French/Latin: repas ""a meal""</br>Syn: feast, banquet" "Hoping to enjoy a romantic repast with her husband, Jill prepared his favorite dishes and lit candles. " "Most Difficult" "FT"
1017 "repast" " a meal" "noun" "French/Latin: repas ""a meal""</br>Syn: feast, banquet" "Hoping to enjoy a romantic repast with her husband, Jill prepared his favorite dishes and lit candles. " "Most Difficult" "FT"
1018 "ribald" "Referring to sexual matters in an amusingly rude or irreverent way" "adj." "Syn: bawdy, indecent, risque" "When challenged... about human rights in Chechnya, he replied with <u>a <b>ribald</b> offer to arrange for the questioner's Islamic circumcision</u>." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1018 "ribald" "Referring to sexual matters in an amusingly rude or irreverent way" "adj. " "Syn: bawdy, indecent, risque" "When challenged about human rights in Chechnya, he replied with <u>a <b>ribald</b> offer to arrange for the questioner's Islamic circumcision</u>. " "Most Difficult" "FT"
1019 "rococo" "Characterized by an elaborately ornamental late baroque style of decoration" "adj." "Rococo was a highly elaborate style in Europe in the 1700's " "The building, which once served as the local town hall, boasts <b>rococo</b> wall carvings, a statue of Pallas Athena..." "Most Difficult" "FT"
1019 "rococo" "Characterized by an elaborately ornamental late baroque style of decoration" "adj. " "Rococo was a highly elaborate style in Europe in the 1700's " "The building, which once served as the local town hall, boasts <b>rococo</b> wall carvings, a statue of Pallas Athena" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1020 "sanguine" "Optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation. cheerful; confident:" "adj. " "Latin sanguis ""blood"" In medieval medicine, red skin was a sign of an optimistic outlook</br>Syn: hopeful, buoyant, assured" " Her <b><u>sanguine</b> attitude</u> put everyone at ease. </br>Some fear a future of mass unemployment. Others are <b>sanguine</b> that people will have time to adapt. " "Most Difficult" "FT"
1020 "sanguine" "Optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation. cheerful; confident:" "adj. " "Latin sanguis ""blood"" In medieval medicine, red skin was a sign of an optimistic outlook</br>Syn: hopeful, buoyant, assured" " Her <b><u>sanguine</b> attitude</u> put everyone at ease. </br>Some fear a future of mass unemployment. Others are <b>sanguine</b> that people will have time to adapt. " "Most Difficult" "FT"
1021 "scintilla" " a tiny trace or spark of a specified quality or feeling" "noun" "Syn: particle, iota, smidgen" "The investigator could not find a single <b>scintilla</b> of evidence to the claim" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1021 "scintilla" " a tiny trace or spark of a specified quality or feeling" "noun" "Syn: particle, iota, smidgen" "The investigator could not find a single <b>scintilla</b> of evidence to the claim" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1022 "semantic" "Relating to meaning in language or logic" "adj. " "ic=nature of, like</br>Syn: lingual, semasiological" "Semantic parsing also ensued over whether the modifier 'meaningful' is significantly (or meaningfully) different from 'significant. '" "Most Difficult" "FT"
1022 "semantic" "Relating to meaning in language or logic" "adj. " "ic=nature of, like</br>Syn: lingual, semasiological" "Semantic parsing also ensued over whether the modifier 'meaningful' is significantly (or meaningfully) different from 'significant. '" "Most Difficult" "FT"
@ -1209,7 +1210,7 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1194 "direful" "dire; dreadful; terrible; calamitous; woeful" " adj. " "</br>Syn: awful, dire, dread, dreaded, dreadful, fearful, fearsome, frightening, horrendous, horrific, terrible" "The 1929 stock market crash was the <u>first <b>direful</b> indication</u> of the dark days to come " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1194 "direful" "dire; dreadful; terrible; calamitous; woeful" " adj. " "</br>Syn: awful, dire, dread, dreaded, dreadful, fearful, fearsome, frightening, horrendous, horrific, terrible" "The 1929 stock market crash was the <u>first <b>direful</b> indication</u> of the dark days to come " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1195 "derm" "skin" "Greek/Latin root" "dermatologist" "Latin words" "nko"
1195 "derm" "skin" "Greek/Latin root" "dermatologist" "Latin words" "nko"
1196 "discomfit" "to make perplex or uneasy, to make someone feel embarassed" " verb" "</br>Syn: bring to a sweat, discompose, disconcert, rattle, untune, upset" "When my mother spoke about my boyfriend’s criminal past, she hoped it would <b>discomfit</b> me so I would break up with him. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1196 "discomfit" "to make perplex or uneasy, to make someone feel embarassed" " verb" "</br>Syn: bring to a sweat, discompose, disconcert, rattle, untune, upset" "When my mother spoke about my boyfriend’s criminal past, she hoped it would <b>discomfit</b> me so I would break up with him. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1197 "discomposure" " 1. anxious embarrassment</br>2. a temperament that is perturbed and lacking in composure" " noun" "Syn: discomfiture, disconcertion, disconcertment" "As the interregator blasted question after question at me, his colleague remained entirely at his ease and was watching my <b>discomposure</b> with a quiet, mocking smile." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1197 "discomposure" " 1. anxious embarrassment</br>2. a temperament that is perturbed and lacking in composure" " noun" "Syn: discomfiture, disconcertion, disconcertment" "2. As the interregator blasted question after question at me, his colleague remained entirely at his ease and was watching my <b>discomposure</b> with a quiet, mocking smile. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1198 "dign" "worthy" "Greek/Latin root" "dignity</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1198 "dign" "worthy" "Greek/Latin root" "dignity</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1199 "discreet" "respectful of privacy or secrecy; quiet; diplomatic" " adj. " "<u>Discreet</u> means on the down low, under the radar, careful, but <u>discrete</u> means individual or detached" "The <b><u>discreet</b> Swiss banker</u> hushed in his grey suit and spoke in quiet words" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1199 "discreet" "respectful of privacy or secrecy; quiet; diplomatic" " adj. " "<u>Discreet</u> means on the down low, under the radar, careful, but <u>discrete</u> means individual or detached" "The <b><u>discreet</b> Swiss banker</u> hushed in his grey suit and spoke in quiet words" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1200 "dorm" "sleep" "Greek/Latin root" "dormitory</br> dormant</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1200 "dorm" "sleep" "Greek/Latin root" "dormitory</br> dormant</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
@ -1232,8 +1233,8 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1217 "em</br> en" "into</br> cover with</br> cause" "Greek/Latin root" "employ" "Latin words" "nko"
1217 "em</br> en" "into</br> cover with</br> cause" "Greek/Latin root" "employ" "Latin words" "nko"
1218 "en</br> in" "inside" "Greek/Latin root" "enhance, " "Latin words" "nko"
1218 "en</br> in" "inside" "Greek/Latin root" "enhance, " "Latin words" "nko"
1219 "ergo" "work" "Greek/Latin root" "argon(a=not+ergon=work=>inert)</br>ergophobia(fear of work)</br>ergonomic=economic study of work</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
1219 "ergo" "work" "Greek/Latin root" "argon(a=not+ergon=work=>inert)</br>ergophobia(fear of work)</br>ergonomic=economic study of work</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
1220 "for" "completely (used to intensify the meaning of a word)" "Greek/Latin root" "formidable" "Latin words" "nko"
1220 "for" "completely (used to intensify the meaning of a word), against" "Greek/Latin root" "Deutsch : fuer-, ver- " "forswear, " "Latin words" "nko"
1221 "fore" "in front of</br> previous</br> earlier" "Greek/Latin root" "foremost, forehead, forefront, foreman, forefather, forefinger (next to thumb), forefend(prevent from happening), foreshadow(indicate by signs), foresight(see early), forearm, forebrain(front of brain), forebode(make a prediction), forebear(someone from whom you are descended), forecast, foreclosure(proceedings to retrieve collateral for a non-paid loan), foreclose(prevent from happening), foredoom(doomed beforehand), foredge(inside of book when shelved, opposite to spine), forego(do without), foreground, foregone(well in the past), foregather(put in one spot), forehand, foreknow, foremast(front mast), forename, forenoon, foreordain(determine in advance)" "Latin words" "nko"
1221 "fore" "in front of</br> previous</br> earlier" "Greek/Latin root" "Deutsch : vor-, vorder-" "foremost, forehead, forefront, foreman, forefather, forefinger (next to thumb), forefend(prevent from happening), foreshadow(indicate by signs), foresight(see early), forearm, forebrain(front of brain), forebode(make a prediction), forebear(someone from whom you are descended), forecast, foreclosure(proceedings to retrieve collateral for a non-paid loan), foreclose(prevent from happening), foredoom(doomed beforehand), foredge(inside of book when shelved, opposite to spine), forego(do without), foreground, foregone(well in the past), foregather(put in one spot), forehand, foreknow, foremast(front mast), forename, forenoon, foreordain(determine in advance)" "Latin words" "nko"
1222 "dredger" "one who fishes or cleans waterways with a dredge, which is an instrument used to gather things by dragging" " noun" "1. They were very efficient at hoisting up oysters out of the bay with the <b>dredger</b></br>2. The canals in the Netherlands need to be constantly deepened with a <b>dredger</b></br>3. During the 40th year reunion he <u><b>dredged</b> up old memories</u> from his school days. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1222 "dredger" "one who fishes or cleans waterways with a dredge, which is an instrument used to gather things by dragging" " noun" "1. They were very efficient at hoisting up oysters out of the bay with the <b>dredger</b></br>2. The canals in the Netherlands need to be constantly deepened with a <b>dredger</b></br>3. During the 40th year reunion he <u><b>dredged</b> up old memories</u> from his school days. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1223 "gest" "carry</br> bring" "Greek/Latin root" "gestation period" "Latin words" "nko"
1223 "gest" "carry</br> bring" "Greek/Latin root" "gestation period" "Latin words" "nko"
1224 "grad</br> gress" "step</br> go" "Greek/Latin root" "gradual</br> gradient</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1224 "grad</br> gress" "step</br> go" "Greek/Latin root" "gradual</br> gradient</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
@ -1246,7 +1247,7 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1231 "duplicity" "double-dealing; deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech; acting in bad faith. " " noun" " Latin: du/duo=two + plicity=state ""twofold, having two parts. " "Even though the robbers were supposed to be working as a team, each one used <b>duplicity</b> to try and steal from the others. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1231 "duplicity" "double-dealing; deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech; acting in bad faith. " " noun" " Latin: du/duo=two + plicity=state ""twofold, having two parts. " "Even though the robbers were supposed to be working as a team, each one used <b>duplicity</b> to try and steal from the others. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1232 "leg</br> lig</br> lect" "choose</br> gather" "Greek/Latin root" "ligament" "Latin words" "nko"
1232 "leg</br> lig</br> lect" "choose</br> gather" "Greek/Latin root" "ligament" "Latin words" "nko"
1233 "potentate" "monarch; ruler who is unconstrained by law" " noun" "Latin: potent= strong + ate=strong person</br>Syn: dictator" "Trump is more instinctive dictator than democrat, in the style of his favourite <b>potentate</b>, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince bin Salman. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1233 "potentate" "monarch; ruler who is unconstrained by law" " noun" "Latin: potent= strong + ate=strong person</br>Syn: dictator" "Trump is more instinctive dictator than democrat, in the style of his favourite <b>potentate</b>, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince bin Salman. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1234 "irredentist" "Wishing to annex same speaking neighbouring regions into own country." "adj." "Named after Italian Irredentist political party formed 1878 which demanded the annexation of neighboring regions where a part of the population was Italian-speaking. " "Russia undoubtebly has <b><u>irredentist/b>< ambitions</u>, taking over the Krim and eyeing other regions in the Ukraine and beyond." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1234 "irredentist" "Wishing to annex same speaking neighbouring regions into own country. " "adj. " "Named after Italian Irredentist political party formed 1878 which demanded the annexation of neighboring regions where a part of the population was Italian-speaking. " "Russia undoubtebly has <b><u>irredentist</b> ambitions</u>, taking over the Krim and eyeing other regions in the Ukraine and beyond. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1235 "promulgate" "1. proclaim doctrine or law</br>2. make known by official publication" "verb" "Latin: pro ""forth"" + vulgare ""make public, publish. ""</br>Syn1: declare </br> Syn2: proclaim, announce, promote" "1. more than 200 colleges and universities have <b>promulgated</b> behavioral codes that punish various forms of harassment</br>2. It seems as though the candidate is airing commercials every hour to <u><b>promulgate</b> his political platform</u>. " "AMB" "Web"
1235 "promulgate" "1. proclaim doctrine or law</br>2. make known by official publication" "verb" "Latin: pro ""forth"" + vulgare ""make public, publish. ""</br>Syn1: declare </br> Syn2: proclaim, announce, promote" "1. more than 200 colleges and universities have <b>promulgated</b> behavioral codes that punish various forms of harassment</br>2. It seems as though the candidate is airing commercials every hour to <u><b>promulgate</b> his political platform</u>. " "AMB" "Web"
1236 "prudence" "1: The ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason</br>
1236 "prudence" "1: The ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason</br>
2: sagacity or shrewdness in the management of affairs</br>
2: sagacity or shrewdness in the management of affairs</br>
@ -1258,19 +1259,7 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1240 "gran" "grain" "Greek/Latin root" "granular" "Latin words" "nko"
1240 "gran" "grain" "Greek/Latin root" "granular" "Latin words" "nko"
1241 "helic" "spiral</br> circular" "Greek/Latin root" "ic=nature of, like</br>" "helix, " "Latin words" "nko"
1241 "helic" "spiral</br> circular" "Greek/Latin root" "ic=nature of, like</br>" "helix, " "Latin words" "nko"
1242 "heli" "sun" "Greek/Latin root" "helium</br> heli-centric</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1242 "heli" "sun" "Greek/Latin root" "helium</br> heli-centric</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1243 "hemo-<br> hemato-<br> emia-" "blood" "Greek/Latin root" " anaemia:an=lack of blood
1243 "hemo-<br> hemato-<br> emia-" "blood" "Greek/Latin root" " anaemia:an=lack of blood azotemia:azot=nitrogen in the blodd</br>glycemia:glyco=sugar in the blood hematite:tite=stone, ie. bloodlike stone</br>hemoglobin:globule=red cells in blood hemophilia:philia=loves (to shed) blood, ie. bluter</br>hemorrhage:rhage=breaking/tear, ie. losing a lot of blood hemorrhoids:rhoos=stream, ie. stream of blood from veins (in rectal area)</br>hypoglycemia:hypo=under+glyc=sugar, d. h. low sugar level leukemia:leukos=white cell accumulation in blood, ie. cancer</br>thalassemia:thalasse=sea, ie. an inherited blood disease common to those nations around hte mediterreanean sea toxemia:toxon=toxic blood, ie. blood poisoning</br>uremia:disease of urine/urea in blood due to kidney malfunctioning>" "Latin words" "nko"
azotemia:azot=nitrogen in the blodd</br>
glycemia:glyco=sugar in the blood
hematite:tite=stone, ie. bloodlike stone</br>
hemoglobin:globule=red cells in blood
hemophilia:philia=loves (to shed) blood, ie. bluter</br>
hemorrhage:rhage=breaking/tear, ie. losing a lot of blood
hemorrhoids:rhoos=stream, ie. stream of blood from veins (in rectal area)</br>
hypoglycemia:hypo=under+glyc=sugar, d.h. low sugar level
leukemia:leukos=white cell accumulation in blood, ie. cancer</br>
thalassemia:thalasse=sea, ie. an inherited blood disease common to those nations around hte mediterreanean sea
toxemia:toxon=toxic blood, ie. blood poisoning</br>
uremia:disease of urine/urea in blood due to kidney malfunctioning" "Latin words" "nko"
1244 "histo" " bodily tissue/cells" "Greek/Latin root" "the word histo actually means standing up (st=stand), from which histogram comes" "histamine, histology, histdine all have to do with the cell and biology" "Latin words" "nko"
1244 "histo" " bodily tissue/cells" "Greek/Latin root" "the word histo actually means standing up (st=stand), from which histogram comes" "histamine, histology, histdine all have to do with the cell and biology" "Latin words" "nko"
1245 "jud" "law" "Greek/Latin root" "judicial</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1245 "jud" "law" "Greek/Latin root" "judicial</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1246 "juven" "young" "Greek/Latin root" "juvenile</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1246 "juven" "young" "Greek/Latin root" "juvenile</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
@ -1286,7 +1275,7 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1256 "mega" "large, sometimes also a million" "Greek/Latin root" "megaphone, mealithi (large stone), megabyte (1 mio byte)" "Latin words" "nko"
1256 "mega" "large, sometimes also a million" "Greek/Latin root" "megaphone, mealithi (large stone), megabyte (1 mio byte)" "Latin words" "nko"
1257 "ment" "mind" "Greek/Latin root" "mental</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1257 "ment" "mind" "Greek/Latin root" "mental</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1258 "sub-, su-, sou, sous" "word-forming element meaning ""under, beneath; behind; from under; resulting from further division""" "Greek/Latin root" "su- used before c, f, g, p, sometimes r & m" "substantial" "Latin words" "nko"
1258 "sub-, su-, sou, sous" "word-forming element meaning ""under, beneath; behind; from under; resulting from further division""" "Greek/Latin root" "su- used before c, f, g, p, sometimes r & m" "substantial" "Latin words" "nko"
1259 "apostatize" "abandon one.s faith, principles, or church" "noun" "apostate is the person who is apostatizing" "He became more and more of a hedonist, eventually <b>apostatizing</b> and leaving the church" "AMB" "TCE"
1259 "apostatize" "abandon one's faith, principles, or church" "noun" "apostate is the person who is apostatizing" "He became more and more of a hedonist, eventually <b>apostatizing</b> and leaving the church" "AMB" "TCE"
1260 "edge out" "to slowly become more successful, popular, etc. , than (someone or something) " " verb" "The company is gradually <u><b>edging out</b> the competition</u>. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1260 "edge out" "to slowly become more successful, popular, etc. , than (someone or something) " " verb" "The company is gradually <u><b>edging out</b> the competition</u>. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1261 "migr" "wander" "Greek/Latin root" "migrate</br> emmigrate</br> migrant</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1261 "migr" "wander" "Greek/Latin root" "migrate</br> emmigrate</br> migrant</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1262 "mir" "look" "Greek/Latin root" "Don't confuse with Russian 'mir'=peace" "mirage</br> mirror</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
1262 "mir" "look" "Greek/Latin root" "Don't confuse with Russian 'mir'=peace" "mirage</br> mirror</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
@ -1334,8 +1323,8 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1304 "cession" "yielding to another; ceding or surrendering" " noun" "Latin: ""a giving up""</br>related to <u>secession</u>, ie. government breaking away from another, or ""giving up"" the connection between them" "Having been conquered by Germany in 6 days, the Netherlands had no choice but to agree to the <b>cession</b> of their land to the Nazis" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1304 "cession" "yielding to another; ceding or surrendering" " noun" "Latin: ""a giving up""</br>related to <u>secession</u>, ie. government breaking away from another, or ""giving up"" the connection between them" "Having been conquered by Germany in 6 days, the Netherlands had no choice but to agree to the <b>cession</b> of their land to the Nazis" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1305 "licit" "authorized, sanctioned by, or in accordance with law" "adj. " "Latin: licitus ""lawful""" "Sometimes, what legally separates <b>licit</b> and <u>illicit</u> pesticides is little more than a slip of paper. " "AMB" "Web"
1305 "licit" "authorized, sanctioned by, or in accordance with law" "adj. " "Latin: licitus ""lawful""" "Sometimes, what legally separates <b>licit</b> and <u>illicit</u> pesticides is little more than a slip of paper. " "AMB" "Web"
1306 "pyr" "fire" "Greek/Latin root" "pyromaniac</br> Pyre</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
1306 "pyr" "fire" "Greek/Latin root" "pyromaniac</br> Pyre</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
1307 "precocious" "1. characterized by or characteristic of exceptionally early development or maturity (especially in mental aptitude)</br>2. appearing or developing early" "adj." "Latin : pre ""before"" + coquere ""to ripen""=> to ripen/mature early" "1. The <b>precocious</b> student entered Queens College at the age of 16.</br>2. <b>Precocious</b> flowers appear before the leaves as in some species of magnolias" "AMB" "Mashima"
1307 "precocious" "1. characterized by or characteristic of exceptionally early development or maturity (especially in mental aptitude)</br>2. appearing or developing early" "adj. " "Latin: pre ""before"" + coquere ""to ripen""=> to ripen/mature early" "1. The <b>precocious</b> student entered Queens College at the age of 16. </br>2. <b>Precocious</b> flowers appear before the leaves as in some species of magnolias" "AMB" "Mishima"
1308 "incipient" "only partly in existence; imperfectly formed; emerging" "adj." "Latin incipere ""to begin.""</br>Same word root as ""inception""" "The townsfolk were assured that any <b>incipient</b> major threat in the town would be nipped in the bud" "AMB" "Mashima"
1308 "incipient" "only partly in existence; imperfectly formed; emerging" "adj. " "Latin incipere ""to begin. ""</br>Same word root as ""inception""" "The townsfolk were assured that any <b>incipient</b> major threat in the town would be nipped in the bud" "AMB" "Mishima"
1309 "reg</br>rig</br>rect" "rule</br> govern" "Greek/Latin root" "regent, regulate, correct, " "Latin words" "nko"
1309 "reg</br>rig</br>rect" "rule</br> govern" "Greek/Latin root" "regent, regulate, correct, " "Latin words" "nko"
1310 "rid</br>ris" "laugh" "Greek/Latin root" "ridicule</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1310 "rid</br>ris" "laugh" "Greek/Latin root" "ridicule</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1311 "rupt" "break" "Greek/Latin root" "rupture</br>erupt</br>disrupt</br>interrupt</br>corrupt</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
1311 "rupt" "break" "Greek/Latin root" "rupture</br>erupt</br>disrupt</br>interrupt</br>corrupt</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
@ -1377,7 +1366,7 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1347 "tort</br>tors" "twist" "Greek/Latin root" "torsion</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1347 "tort</br>tors" "twist" "Greek/Latin root" "torsion</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1348 "equine" "relating to, or characteristic of a horse" " adj. " "Latin equinus ""of a horse, of horses; of horsehair, "" from equus ""horse""</br>bovine - cows, porcine -pigs, feline- cats, canine -dogs" "Many young girls go through an <u><b>equine</b> phase</u>, where they are obsessed with all things horse—books, dolls, images, and, last but not least, actual horseback riding. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1348 "equine" "relating to, or characteristic of a horse" " adj. " "Latin equinus ""of a horse, of horses; of horsehair, "" from equus ""horse""</br>bovine - cows, porcine -pigs, feline- cats, canine -dogs" "Many young girls go through an <u><b>equine</b> phase</u>, where they are obsessed with all things horse—books, dolls, images, and, last but not least, actual horseback riding. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1349 "espouse" "take in marriage; marry; give one's loyalty or support to; adopt" " verb" "same word root as ""spouse"". Originally espouse did mean ""to marry, "" but meaning evolved to include other long-term commitments as well, such as support for a principle or a cause" "I have a friend who <b>espouses</b> environmentalism and as a result walks whenever possible instead of taking the car" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1349 "espouse" "take in marriage; marry; give one's loyalty or support to; adopt" " verb" "same word root as ""spouse"". Originally espouse did mean ""to marry, "" but meaning evolved to include other long-term commitments as well, such as support for a principle or a cause" "I have a friend who <b>espouses</b> environmentalism and as a result walks whenever possible instead of taking the car" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1350 "espy" "catch sight of; glimpse; discover at a distance" " verb" "Deutsche Wortstamm :spähen</br> primarily a literary word that you'll mostly find in books.</br>Syn: descry, spot, spy" "among the several horses … she <b>espied</b> the white mustang" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1350 "espy" "catch sight of; glimpse; discover at a distance" " verb" "Deutsche Wortstamm :spähen</br> primarily a literary word that you'll mostly find in books. </br>Syn: descry, spot, spy" "among the several horses she <b>espied</b> the white mustang" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1351 "umbra" "shade" "Greek/Latin root" "penumbra</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1351 "umbra" "shade" "Greek/Latin root" "penumbra</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1352 "urb" "city" "Greek/Latin root" "urban</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1352 "urb" "city" "Greek/Latin root" "urban</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1353 "tax" "arrangement" "Greek/Latin root" "taxomologist</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1353 "tax" "arrangement" "Greek/Latin root" "taxomologist</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
@ -1387,7 +1376,7 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1355 "chide" "scold mildly so as to correct or improve; express disapproval" " verb" "I don’t want the boss to <u><b>chide</b> me for being late</u> again, so I’m setting the alarm for a half hour earlier. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1355 "chide" "scold mildly so as to correct or improve; express disapproval" " verb" "I don’t want the boss to <u><b>chide</b> me for being late</u> again, so I’m setting the alarm for a half hour earlier. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1356 "val</br>vail" "be strong" "Greek/Latin root" "avail</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1356 "val</br>vail" "be strong" "Greek/Latin root" "avail</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1357 "evanescent" "fleeting; vanishing or likely to vanish like vapor" " adj. " "Latin ex ""out of, "" + vanescere ""to vanish. ""=>vanish away</br>Syn: brief, deciduous, ephemeral, flash, fleeting, fugacious, fugitive, impermanent, momentary, passing, short-lived, temporary, transient, transitory" "<u>The <b>evanescent</b> lightning</u> disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1357 "evanescent" "fleeting; vanishing or likely to vanish like vapor" " adj. " "Latin ex ""out of, "" + vanescere ""to vanish. ""=>vanish away</br>Syn: brief, deciduous, ephemeral, flash, fleeting, fugacious, fugitive, impermanent, momentary, passing, short-lived, temporary, transient, transitory" "<u>The <b>evanescent</b> lightning</u> disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1358 "evince" "show or demonstrate clearly; overcome; conquer" " verb" "Syn: express, show, declare, demonstrate, display, expose, give away, manifest, reveal" "John was never able to <b>evince</b> even a pretense of interest during his economics class." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1358 "depraved vs. deprived" "1. <b>depraved</b> is behavior that is morally corrupt or otherwise deemed wicked. </br> 2. <b>deprived</b> is ""being denied something that is necessary. """ "noun" "He <u>evil ways</u> showed he was umorally depraved</u> and the dark rings below his </u>eyes</u> showed he was <u>sleep deprived</u>" "Easily confused words" "SMB"
1359 "verb" "word" "Greek/Latin root" "verbose, verbal, verbacity, verbacious, proverb, adverb, verbatium(word for word), verbiage (abundance of words)" "Latin words" "nko"
1359 "verb" "word" "Greek/Latin root" "verbose, verbal, verbacity, verbacious, proverb, adverb, verbatium(word for word), verbiage (abundance of words)" "Latin words" "nko"
1360 "exalt" "raise in rank or dignity; praise" " verb" "ex ""out, out of, from within"" + <b>a</b>ltus ""high""=>exalt =raise to the highest</br>Syn: praise, glorify, honour, raise above rank" "In church, we <u><b>exalt</b> our God</u> in prayer. </br>For a fee, most celebrities will <b>exalt</b> a product by pretending to like it. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1360 "exalt" "raise in rank or dignity; praise" " verb" "ex ""out, out of, from within"" + <b>a</b>ltus ""high""=>exalt =raise to the highest</br>Syn: praise, glorify, honour, raise above rank" "In church, we <u><b>exalt</b> our God</u> in prayer. </br>For a fee, most celebrities will <b>exalt</b> a product by pretending to like it. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1361 "exaltation" "1. act of exalting or raising high; state of being exalted; </br>2. an excessively intensified sense of well-being, power, or importance</br>3. the location of a planet in the zodiac at which it is believed to exert its maximum influence" " noun" "ex ""out, out of, from within"" + <b>a</b>ltus ""high""=>exalt =raise to the highest" "1. After the <u>prayers of <b>exaltations</b></u>, the mass continued</br>2. Vasquez, the portly man whose <u>cries of <b>exaltation</b></u> at a double rainbow turned him into a viral star, passed away at 57. </br>3. The <u><b>exaltation</b> of Mercury</u> had a significant effect on his horoscope. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1361 "exaltation" "1. act of exalting or raising high; state of being exalted; </br>2. an excessively intensified sense of well-being, power, or importance</br>3. the location of a planet in the zodiac at which it is believed to exert its maximum influence" " noun" "ex ""out, out of, from within"" + <b>a</b>ltus ""high""=>exalt =raise to the highest" "1. After the <u>prayers of <b>exaltations</b></u>, the mass continued</br>2. Vasquez, the portly man whose <u>cries of <b>exaltation</b></u> at a double rainbow turned him into a viral star, passed away at 57. </br>3. The <u><b>exaltation</b> of Mercury</u> had a significant effect on his horoscope. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
@ -1421,7 +1410,7 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1389 "extra part 2 of 2. " "out of</br> beyond" "Latin Prefix" "beyond the=bt, ie. extraordinary (bt ordinary), extraterrestrial(bt earth), extrasensory(bt senses), extrovert(bt turn), extra-curricular(curriculum), extrajudicial: (bt legal system), extramarital(bt marriage), extramural=(bt classroom walls), extraneous(bt strange)=not belonging to, extrapolate, extraspection(bt observation), extraterritoriality(bt territory), extravasation(bt vessel/cell)" "Latin words" "nko"
1389 "extra part 2 of 2. " "out of</br> beyond" "Latin Prefix" "beyond the=bt, ie. extraordinary (bt ordinary), extraterrestrial(bt earth), extrasensory(bt senses), extrovert(bt turn), extra-curricular(curriculum), extrajudicial: (bt legal system), extramarital(bt marriage), extramural=(bt classroom walls), extraneous(bt strange)=not belonging to, extrapolate, extraspection(bt observation), extraterritoriality(bt territory), extravasation(bt vessel/cell)" "Latin words" "nko"
1390 "hyper" "too much" "Latin Prefix" "hyper ventilate</br> hyperbole</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
1390 "hyper" "too much" "Latin Prefix" "hyper ventilate</br> hyperbole</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
1391 "hypo" "too little</br> under" "Latin Prefix" "hypo-allergenic, hypocaust(burning below=underfloor heating), hypochondria(under belief), hypocrisy, hypodermic, hypogamy(marriage to a lower caste), hypogastrium(below the stomach), hypogean(lives below the earth(ge)), hypoglycemia(too little blood sugar), hypomania(better insight due to being under the influence of a ""high""), hyponymy(word that is subordinatedly interchangeable with a word (but not vice versa), hypostasis, hypotaxis, hypotenuse, hypothalamus, hypothecate, hypothermia, hypothesis, hypotonia, hypotonic, hypoxia(b" "Latin words" "nko"
1391 "hypo" "too little</br> under" "Latin Prefix" "hypo-allergenic, hypocaust(burning below=underfloor heating), hypochondria(under belief), hypocrisy, hypodermic, hypogamy(marriage to a lower caste), hypogastrium(below the stomach), hypogean(lives below the earth(ge)), hypoglycemia(too little blood sugar), hypomania(better insight due to being under the influence of a ""high""), hyponymy(word that is subordinatedly interchangeable with a word (but not vice versa), hypostasis, hypotaxis, hypotenuse, hypothalamus, hypothecate, hypothermia, hypothesis, hypotonia, hypotonic, hypoxia(b" "Latin words" "nko"
1392 "exegesis" "explanation; interpretation, especially of biblical or religious text" " noun" "Greek: ex ""out"" + hegeisthai ""to lead, guide""=>explanation, interpretation often by somene else</br>""Jesus"" seems to be linked to the greek root word, too. </br>eisegesis is to interpret a text oneself" "Because the youth minister wanted the children to easily understand the scripture, he wrote a simple <b>exegesis</b> of the passage." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1392 "facile" "done or achieved with little effort or difficulty; ready or fluent" " adj. " "French facile =easy" "FC Basel had a <u><b>facile</b> victory</u> over FCZ, whose entire team was struck by COVID" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1393 "vindicate</br>vindictive" "vindicate=To prove that what someone said or did was right or true, after other people thought it was wrong <br /> vindictive=Having or showing a wish to harm someone because you think that they have harmed you; unwilling to forgive" "verb, adj. " "After the forensic investigator, to everyone's surprise, <b>vindicated</b> the accused's statements with facts, the victim's family became very <b>vendicative</b> and threatened him. " "Easily confused words" "Khan"
1393 "vindicate</br>vindictive" "vindicate=To prove that what someone said or did was right or true, after other people thought it was wrong <br /> vindictive=Having or showing a wish to harm someone because you think that they have harmed you; unwilling to forgive" "verb, adj. " "After the forensic investigator, to everyone's surprise, <b>vindicated</b> the accused's statements with facts, the victim's family became very <b>vendicative</b> and threatened him. " "Easily confused words" "Khan"
1394 "exhortation" "act of practice of exhorting; act of inciting to laudable deeds; incitement to that which is good; language intended to incite and encourage" " noun" "ex- ""thoroughly"" + hortari ""encourage, urge""=>incitement by means of argument, appeal, or admonition</br>Syn: incitement, pep talk, " "When a vaccine for COVID 19 appears, you can be sure that there will be many <b>exhortations</b> from governments througout the world to have their people vaccinated" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1394 "exhortation" "act of practice of exhorting; act of inciting to laudable deeds; incitement to that which is good; language intended to incite and encourage" " noun" "ex- ""thoroughly"" + hortari ""encourage, urge""=>incitement by means of argument, appeal, or admonition</br>Syn: incitement, pep talk, " "When a vaccine for COVID 19 appears, you can be sure that there will be many <b>exhortations</b> from governments througout the world to have their people vaccinated" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1395 "exodus" "departure of a large number of people" " noun" "Greek ex ""out"" + hodos ""a way, path, road; a ride, journey, march""=> a going out" "If the fire alarm goes off in your building, be sure to join the <b>exodus</b> of people who are heading outside to the parking lot. </br>The brain-drain <b>exodus</b> from South Africa does not seem to bother the ANC government at all. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1395 "exodus" "departure of a large number of people" " noun" "Greek ex ""out"" + hodos ""a way, path, road; a ride, journey, march""=> a going out" "If the fire alarm goes off in your building, be sure to join the <b>exodus</b> of people who are heading outside to the parking lot. </br>The brain-drain <b>exodus</b> from South Africa does not seem to bother the ANC government at all. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
@ -1452,20 +1441,37 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1418 "vice" "instead of" "Latin Prefix" "vice-governor</br> vice-roy</br> vice-captain</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1418 "vice" "instead of" "Latin Prefix" "vice-governor</br> vice-roy</br> vice-captain</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1419 "portending" "to give an omen or anticipatory sign of" "verb" "Latin: por- ""forward"" + ""tendere"" ""to stretch""=>""stretching forward to predict. "" or foretell. """ "1a. The distant thunder <b>portended</b> a storm. </b>1b. If you're superstitious, a black cat <b>portends</b> trouble" "AMB" "Examword"
1419 "portending" "to give an omen or anticipatory sign of" "verb" "Latin: por- ""forward"" + ""tendere"" ""to stretch""=>""stretching forward to predict. "" or foretell. """ "1a. The distant thunder <b>portended</b> a storm. </b>1b. If you're superstitious, a black cat <b>portends</b> trouble" "AMB" "Examword"
1420 "acious</br>cious" "having the quality of" "Latin Suffix" "spacious</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1420 "acious</br>cious" "having the quality of" "Latin Suffix" "spacious</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1421 "acolyte" "1. A person who helps with religious services</br>2. a fan or follower of the famous" "noun" " Greek akolouthos : ""follower""</br>Sny1 : altar boy</br> Syn2 : fan" "1. When I was a boy, I was an acolyte in the Church. </br>Likewise, her relationship with Warhol was not that of <b>acolyte</b> but of peer." "AMB" "Mashima"
1421 "acolyte" "1. A person who helps with religious services</br>2. a fan or follower of the famous" "noun" " Greek akolouthos: ""follower""</br>Sny1: altar boy</br> Syn2: fan" "1. When I was a boy, I was an acolyte in the Church. </br>Likewise, her relationship with Warhol was not that of <b>acolyte</b> but of peer. " "AMB" "Mishima"
1422 "epitaph / epithet" "1. An epitaph is written on a tombstone. </br>2. An epithet is a nickname or a description of someone" "noun" "1. epi ""at, over"" + taphos ""tomb, burial, funeral""=>above a grave</br>2. epi ""over/in addition"" + tithenai ""to put, to place"" => (name) given in addition to""" "The Halloween gravestone was inscribed with the <b>epitoph</b> ""Here lies Fearsome Frank, who bet that he could rob a bank"", using an <b>epithet</b> for Frank" "Easily confused words" "SMB"
1423 "facsimile" "exact copy or reproduction, as of a document; fax" " noun" "Latin :facere = ""to make"" + simile= ""like""=>to make a copy</br>Grammatically speaking, photocopiers also make facsimiles, but oddly enough those are referred to as copies — not faxes. " "A <b>facsimile</b> of the world's first computer was exhibited at the museum" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1424 "ate</br> ent</br> ant</br> ante" "one who" "Latin Suffix" "sycophant</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
1424 "ate</br> ent</br> ant</br> ante" "one who" "Latin Suffix" "sycophant</br>" "Latin words" "nko"
1430 "supposition" "the cognitive process of conjecturing" "noun" "Same word root as suppose" "Not having any evidence, the teacher’s <b>supposition</b> that Amy had cheated on the exam could not be proven." " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1425 "feint / faint" "1 : feint is to pretend to do something, to fake a move (eg. In boxing)</br>2. faint is to lose one's consciousness temporarily" "verb" "Ali <b>feinted</b> with a jab, making Frazier miss his own jab - but Ali then countered with a punch so hard that Frazier was knocked-out and <b>fainted</b>" "Easily confused words" "SMB"
1426 "fibrillation" "muscular twitching involving individual muscle fibers acting without coordination" " noun" "a quavering in the fibrils of the muscles of the heart, causing irregular beating </br>fibril same word root as ""fibre""" "Nevertheless, the sobering reality is that for many persons with atrial <b>fibrillation</b>, total abstinence from alcohol may be a difficult goal to achieve" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1427 "figurine" "small ornamental statuette; small molded or sculptured figure" " noun" "Latin figura: ""shape, body, or figure.""</br>Syn : statuette" "His collection of <b>figurines</b> includes toy soldiers from every war that America has fought" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1428 "filament" "1. fine thread or fiber </br>2. stalk of a statem plant </br>3. threadlike structure within light bulb" " noun" "Latin filum=""thread.""</br>Syn1: fibril, strand</br>Syn2 : stalk" "1.The plastic <b>filaments</b> are made by injecting molten plastic into a perforated spinning wheel</br>2. The stalk of a plant's stamen is also called a <b>filament</b></br>3. Thomas Edison tried 6,000 different materials in the search for a filament for his electric light." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1429 "filch" "to steal secretly or casually , especially in a small, sly way; take from another on a petty scale" " verb" "Gleicher Wortstamm wie ""filzen""" "When I came back from the break, I noticed that someone had <u><b>filched</b> my cookies</u>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1430 "filial" "having or assuming relationship of child or offspring to parent" " adj." " Latin: filius= ""so,"" OR filia=""daughte,""" "1. In many cultures, adult children often care for their elders as part of their <u><b>filial</b> responsibility. </u>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1431 "finicky" "insisting capriciously on getting just what one wants; difficult to please; fussy" " adj." "Could be linked to old German word ""Feinchen""</br>Syn:Fastidious, fussy, picky, persnickety" "1a. The Dutch professor was a <u><b>finicky</b> eater</u></br>1b. Our front door has a <b>finicky</b> lock that requires that you jiggle the key to open it. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1432 "hood" "state of" "Latin Suffix" "childhood, neighbourhood, brotherhood, " "Latin words" "nko"
1432 "hood" "state of" "Latin Suffix" "childhood, neighbourhood, brotherhood, " "Latin words" "nko"
1436 "ious" "characterized by" "Latin Suffix" "gracious, obvious, " "Latin words" "nko"
1433 "firmament" "1. the vault or arch of the sky</br>2. the field or sphere of an interest or activity" " noun" "The first stargazers imagined the sky as a firm sphere,the curve of the sky thought to be a solid surface." "1. Stars twinkled in the <b>firmament</b>.</br>2. She's a rising star in the city's <u>artistic <b>firmament.</u></b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1434 "fissure" "1. long narrow opening</br>2. a separation or disagreement in thought or viewpoint<br> 3. a natural cleft between body parts or in the substance of an organ" " noun" " Latin : fissura= cleft or crack." "1. In Iceland, <b>fissures</b> in the earth's crust abound and result in unusual valleys and themal pools. </br>2.There were other signs of <b>fissures<b> within the governor’s own party, particularly over reopening schools for face-to-face instruction" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1435 "frond" "fern leaf, especially compound leaf; palm or banana leaf. Can also apply to seaweed" " noun" "Each <b>frond</b> of the banana tree might stretch to two feet, with 30 or so opposing, compound leaves." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1436 "ious" "characterized by" "Latin Suffix" "gracious, obvious, noxious, adacious, tempestious" "Latin words" "nko"
1437 "fluster" "1 : to put into a state of agitated confusion</br>2. to make tipsy" " verb" "Syn: abash, confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, embarrass, faze, mortify, nonplus, rattle" "1a. The speaker was obviously <b>flustered</b> by the interruption.</br>1b. ""And don't <b>fluster</b> poor Charlie. We must all try to keep very calm.""</br>2. A man who can keep himself sober after dinner wins the card games plays against those who <b>fluster</b> themselves with drink." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1438 "foray" "1. sudden raid or military advance </br>2. venture or initial attempt, especially outside one's usual area" " noun" "Same word root as ""forage""</br>Syn1: descent, incursion, inroad, invasion, irruption, raid" "1. Before their <u><b>foray</b> into enemy territory</u>, a scouting party was sent to observe the guard stations. </br>2. My <b>foray</b> into rugby ended with my spending a week in the hospital." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1439 "forbearance" "1. patience; restraint of passions; </br>2. legal act of forbearing or waiting" " noun" "Syn: long-suffering, patience, sufferance, tolerance" "1. The teacher asked the pupils for their <b>fobearance</b> by saying ""Bear with me for a moment,"" while he wrote on the board.</br>2. One of my husband’s loan servicers automatically <u>put him into <b>forbearance</u><b/> with zero percent interest." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1440 "formidable" "1. arousing fear, dread, or alarm </br>2. ending to inspire awe or wonder" " adj." "Latin formidare, ""to fear.""" "1. Be worried of your<u><b> formidable</b> opponent</u>, Amelia, because she is one smart cookie.</br>2. Reaching the top of the mountain without an oxygen tank was <u>a formidable <b>accomplishment</u></b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1441 "mony" "state of" "Latin Suffix" "state of matrimony (being married)" "Latin words" "nko"
1441 "mony" "state of" "Latin Suffix" "state of matrimony (being married)" "Latin words" "nko"
1442 "forswear" "1. renounce or deny something, especially under oath, but sometimes just earnestl" " verb" "for=away, opposite(wie ""ver"" in Deutsch) + swear (an oath)=> to retract an oath</br>Syn: abjure, recant, resile, retract" "1 .Hector chose to <b>forswear</b> his gang allegiance and join the army. </br>2. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1443 "fractious" "1. inclined to make trouble; quarrelsome, irritable</br>2. disobedient" " adj." "Syn1: cranky, irritable, nettlesome, peckish, peevish, pettish, petulant, scratchy, techy, testy, tetchy</br>Syn2: recalcitrant, refractory</br>" "1. International students build cultural bridges between nations in an increasingly <b>fractious</b> and divided world.</br>2. The young horse was a <b>fractious</b> animal that would not submit to the harness" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1444 "ous</br> ose" "full of" "Latin Suffix" "lachrymose(full of tears)</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1444 "ous</br> ose" "full of" "Latin Suffix" "lachrymose(full of tears)</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1445 "ship" "state of</br> skill" "Latin Suffix" "workmanship" "Latin words" "nko"
1445 "ship" "state of</br> skill" "Latin Suffix" "workmanship, craftmanship, friendship" "Latin words" "nko"
1446 "some" "characteristic of" "Latin Suffix" "wholesome" "Latin words" "nko"
1446 "some" "characteristic of" "Latin Suffix" "wholesome" "Latin words" "nko"
1447 "tude" "state of" "Latin Suffix" "certitude</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1447 "tude" "state of" "Latin Suffix" "certitude, magnitude, fortitude, gratitude" "Latin words" "nko"
1448 "ward" "in the direction of" "Latin Suffix" "forward</br> backward</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1448 "ward" "in the direction of" "Latin Suffix" "forward</br> backward</br> " "Latin words" "nko"
1450 "effect </br> affect </br>exceptions 1" "However, effect can be a verb as an exception. In these cases it is nearly always used together with a noun like ""change"" or ""solution."" To effect change/ to effect for a solution. " "noun, verb" "The protesters wanted to effect change in the corrupt government and fight for a solution=bring about change BUT</br>, The protesters wanted to affect change=modify the intended change" "Easily confused words" "MSU"
1449 "fitful" "intermittently stopping and starting; irregular; variable; unstable" " adj." "full of fits. " "As the car ran out of petrol, it stuttered forward with <b>fitful</b> bursts of energy" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1451 "effect </br> affect </br> exceptions 2" "however, affect can be used as a noun, as an exception - Affect as a noun means feeling, emotion, or specific emotional response. " "noun, verb" "The patient had a flat affect throughout the therapy session. (he patient was in kind of a blah mood) " "Easily confused words" "MSU"
1450 "<u>E</u>ffect exceptions" "However, effect can be a verb as an exception. In these cases it is nearly always used together with a noun like ""change"" or ""solution. "" To effect change/ to effect for a solution. " "noun, verb" "The protesters wanted to effect change in the corrupt government and fight for a solution=bring about change BUT</br>, The protesters wanted to affect change=modify the intended change" "Easily confused words" "MSU"
1451 "<b>A</b>ffect exception" "however, affect can be used as a noun, as an exception - Affect as a noun means feeling, emotion, or specific emotional response. " "noun, verb" "The patient had a flat affect throughout the therapy session. (he patient was in kind of a blah mood) " "Easily confused words" "MSU"
1452 "missive" "a written note; note or instruction sent by superior authority" "noun" "Syn: command, note" "As soon as the general <u>received the <b>missive</b> from his commander-in-chief</u>, he launched an airstrike against the enemy. " "Common GRE" "Prepscholar"
1452 "missive" "a written note; note or instruction sent by superior authority" "noun" "Syn: command, note" "As soon as the general <u>received the <b>missive</b> from his commander-in-chief</u>, he launched an airstrike against the enemy. " "Common GRE" "Prepscholar"
1453 "complaisant</br>complacent" " complaisant =""pleasing, obliging, gracious""</br>complacent = pleased with oneself, one's conditions, self-satisfied, often overly so" "adj. " "complacent is often used to imply that one is TOO self-satisfied with oneself or with what one achieved - in the sense of ""resting on one's laurels""" "Although Chuck wanted an 'A' in the class, he was complacent with a 'B'</br>Because John is too complaisant in his willingness to please others, people often take advantage of him" "Homophone" "merriam-webster"
1453 "complaisant</br>complacent" " complaisant =""pleasing, obliging, gracious""</br>complacent = pleased with oneself, one's conditions, self-satisfied, often overly so" "adj. " "complacent is often used to imply that one is TOO self-satisfied with oneself or with what one achieved - in the sense of ""resting on one's laurels""" "Although Chuck wanted an 'A' in the class, he was complacent with a 'B'</br>Because John is too complaisant in his willingness to please others, people often take advantage of him" "Homophone" "merriam-webster"
1454 "akantha" "thorn" "Greek/Latin root" "a sub of the Greek</br> PIE root ""ac"": be sharp</br> rise (out) to a point</br> pierce. " "acacia(african thorn bush)</br> acanthus (mediterreanian thorn tree)" "Root words" "SMB"
1454 "akantha" "thorn" "Greek/Latin root" "a sub of the Greek</br> PIE root ""ac"": be sharp</br> rise (out) to a point</br> pierce. " "acacia(african thorn bush)</br> acanthus (mediterreanian thorn tree)" "Root words" "SMB"
@ -1523,6 +1529,7 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1506 "lassitude" "a feeling of lack of interest or energy" "noun" "Latin: lassus ""faint, tired, weary""" "Whereas <u>Latitude</u> is the distance from the equator, <b>lassitude</b> is the weariness you'd experience after attempting to run a marathon around the equator" " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1506 "lassitude" "a feeling of lack of interest or energy" "noun" "Latin: lassus ""faint, tired, weary""" "Whereas <u>Latitude</u> is the distance from the equator, <b>lassitude</b> is the weariness you'd experience after attempting to run a marathon around the equator" " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1507 "levee" "an embankment built to prevent a river from overflowing" "noun" " New Orleans French levée ""a raising, a lifting; an embankment, " "<b>Levees</b> protect land that is normally dry but that may be flooded occasionally, while <u>Dikes</u> protect land that would naturally be underwater most of the time. " " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
1507 "levee" "an embankment built to prevent a river from overflowing" "noun" " New Orleans French levée ""a raising, a lifting; an embankment, " "<b>Levees</b> protect land that is normally dry but that may be flooded occasionally, while <u>Dikes</u> protect land that would naturally be underwater most of the time. " " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
1508 "levity" "a manner lacking seriousness" "noun" "Levity = ""lightness, " "Joking that his dead grandmother ""never looked better"" injected some <b>levity</b> into her funeral, but his relatives found his joke inappropriate to the occasion. " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1508 "levity" "a manner lacking seriousness" "noun" "Levity = ""lightness, " "Joking that his dead grandmother ""never looked better"" injected some <b>levity</b> into her funeral, but his relatives found his joke inappropriate to the occasion. " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1509 "fleck" "spot; make spot or mark onto; mark with small spots" " verb" "Gleicher Wortstamm wie ""Fleck"" - aber nicht schmutzig in Englisch" "There are <b>flecks</b> of vivid pink, purple and orange on the painting, but most of the surface is blue." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1510 "malingerer" "someone shirking duty by feigning illness or incapacity" "noun" "French: Malinger: to pretend to be sick</br> Syn: shammer, skulker, shirker, slacker" "Pike, the dog, was a clever <b>malingerer</b> and thief, pretending to be hurt to gain sympathy and food" " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1510 "malingerer" "someone shirking duty by feigning illness or incapacity" "noun" "French: Malinger: to pretend to be sick</br> Syn: shammer, skulker, shirker, slacker" "Pike, the dog, was a clever <b>malingerer</b> and thief, pretending to be hurt to gain sympathy and food" " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1511 "mendacious" "given to lying" "adj. " "French/Latin: given to tell ""a lie, untruth, falsehood, fiction </br>Syn:intentionally untrue, untruthful" "It’s an unguarded anthology her ongoing battles against depression, <u><b>mendacious</b> lovers</u> and toxic memories. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1511 "mendacious" "given to lying" "adj. " "French/Latin: given to tell ""a lie, untruth, falsehood, fiction </br>Syn:intentionally untrue, untruthful" "It’s an unguarded anthology her ongoing battles against depression, <u><b>mendacious</b> lovers</u> and toxic memories. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1512 "negate" "1. make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of</br>2. deny the truth of</br>3. prove negative 4. be in contradiction with" "verb" "backforming of negation :""deny, make negative or null"" </br>Syn: neutralize, nullify, contradict, belie" "1. Sometimes getting a guard dog can negate the need for a security system. </br>3. The WHO’s statement would seem to negate the validity of any such document. " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1512 "negate" "1. make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of</br>2. deny the truth of</br>3. prove negative 4. be in contradiction with" "verb" "backforming of negation :""deny, make negative or null"" </br>Syn: neutralize, nullify, contradict, belie" "1. Sometimes getting a guard dog can negate the need for a security system. </br>3. The WHO’s statement would seem to negate the validity of any such document. " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
@ -1531,15 +1538,17 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1515 "pate" "liver or meat or fowl finely minced or ground and variously seasoned" "noun" "French: from same word root as ""paste"", with the ""s""dissapearing again. " "He had no ethical problem eat goose liver <b>pate</b>" " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1515 "pate" "liver or meat or fowl finely minced or ground and variously seasoned" "noun" "French: from same word root as ""paste"", with the ""s""dissapearing again. " "He had no ethical problem eat goose liver <b>pate</b>" " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1516 "pathological" "1. of or relating to the practice of pathology </br>2. caused by or evidencing a mentally disturbed condition" "adj. " "Greek: pathologikos=pertaining to disease" "1. the lab. Technician worked in a <b><u>pathological</b> laboratory</u> </br>2. The thief was a <b>pathological</b> liar. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1516 "pathological" "1. of or relating to the practice of pathology </br>2. caused by or evidencing a mentally disturbed condition" "adj. " "Greek: pathologikos=pertaining to disease" "1. the lab. Technician worked in a <b><u>pathological</b> laboratory</u> </br>2. The thief was a <b>pathological</b> liar. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1517 "penury" "a state of extreme poverty or destitution</br>Syn: indigence, need, pauperisation, pauperism, pauperization" "noun" " Latin: penuria= scarcity" "My uncle <u>wasted his fortune and died in <b>penury</b></u>. " " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
1517 "penury" "a state of extreme poverty or destitution</br>Syn: indigence, need, pauperisation, pauperism, pauperization" "noun" " Latin: penuria= scarcity" "My uncle <u>wasted his fortune and died in <b>penury</b></u>. " " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
1518 "perennial" "lasting an indefinitely long time" "adj. " "Latin per-, ""through"" + annus, or ""year.</br>Syn: long, repeated, recurrent, continual" "At our university digs, there was a <u><b>perennial</b> argument</u> as to who cleaned the bathroom last ." " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1518 "famish" "starve, kill, or destroy with hunger; exhaust the strength or endurance of, by hunger" " verb" "Same word root as: famine</br>Syn:starve, hunger, be hungry" "Many <b>famished</b> in the Zimbabwean countryside during the drought" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1519 "permeable" "allowing fluids or gases to pass or diffuse through" "adj. " "Latin: per ""through"" + meare ""to pass""=>pass through</br>" "The <b>permeable</b> cloth allowed nearly all the water to flow through. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1519 "permeable" "allowing fluids or gases to pass or diffuse through" "adj. " "Latin: per ""through"" + meare ""to pass""=>pass through</br>" "The <b>permeable</b> cloth allowed nearly all the water to flow through. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1520 "piety" "righteousness by virtue of being religiously devout" "noun" "from French, related to English word: pity" "aerophyte" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1520 "piety" "righteousness by virtue of being religiously devout" "noun" "from French, related to English word: pity" "aerophyte" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1521 "plasticity" "the property of being physically malleable" "adj. " "The <b>plasticity</b> of the wax and clay made the 2 media attractive for the artist to use. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1521 "plasticity" "the property of being physically malleable" "adj. " "The <b>plasticity</b> of the wax and clay made the 2 media attractive for the artist to use. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1522 "flippant" "lacking proper respect or seriousness" " adj." "Syn: facetious, flip, pert, smart, smart-aleck, smart-alecky, smart-ass, smart-assed, smarty-pants, wise, wiseass" "Even though Larry knew his mother wanted a serious answer, he still gave her a <b>flippant</b> response." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1523 "preamble" "a preliminary introduction, as to a statute or constitution" "noun" "Latin praeambulus which means ""walking before. "" (a speech, or a document)" "The Constitution declares in its <b>preamble</b>that one of its primary purposes was to establish Justice. " " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
1523 "preamble" "a preliminary introduction, as to a statute or constitution" "noun" "Latin praeambulus which means ""walking before. "" (a speech, or a document)" "The Constitution declares in its <b>preamble</b>that one of its primary purposes was to establish Justice. " " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
1524 "problematic" "1. posing a problem, tough, hard to solve</br>2. uncertain </br>3. open to question or debate " "adj. " "Syn:baffling, elusive, knotty, problematical, tough, difficult, hard" "1. Finding enough volunteers to work at the shelter can be <b>problematic</b> since it’s not a paying job. </br>2. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1524 "problematic" "1. posing a problem, tough, hard to solve</br>2. uncertain </br>3. open to question or debate " "adj. " "Syn:baffling, elusive, knotty, problematical, tough, difficult, hard" "1. Finding enough volunteers to work at the shelter can be <b>problematic</b> since it’s not a paying job. </br>2. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1525 "profound" "1. situated at or extending to great depth</br>2. showing intellectual penetration or emotional depth" "adj. " "Profundus literally means ""deep"" in Latin</br>syn 1:deep </br>Syn2:intense, deep, thoughtful, insightful" "1. The strange creature came from <u>the <b>profound depths</b> of the sea</u>. </br>Rock songs about drugs that <b>try to sound profound</b> are usually dumb" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1525 "profound" "1. situated at or extending to great depth</br>2. showing intellectual penetration or emotional depth" "adj. " "Profundus literally means ""deep"" in Latin</br>syn 1:deep </br>Syn2:intense, deep, thoughtful, insightful" "1. The strange creature came from <u>the <b>profound depths</b> of the sea</u>. </br>Rock songs about drugs that <b>try to sound profound</b> are usually dumb" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1526 "prohibitive" "tending to discourage, especially of prices" "adj. " "The Rolex watch was <u><b>prohibitively</b></u> " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1526 "prohibitive" "tending to discourage, especially of prices" "adj. " "The Rolex watch was <u><b>prohibitively</b></u> " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1527 "propensity" "a natural inclination" "adj. " "Old English: obsolete adjective propense ""inclined, prone""</br>Syn: leaning, proclivity" "My sister <u>has a <b>propensity</b> to rub her hands togeither</U> when she gets excited about something" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1527 "propensity" "a natural inclination" "adj. " "Old English: obsolete adjective propense ""inclined, prone""</br>Syn: leaning, proclivity" "My sister <u>has a <b>propensity</b> to rub her hands togeither</U> when she gets excited about something" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1528 "forensic" "relating to the use of science or technology in the investigation and establishment of facts or evidence in a court of law" " adj." "The crime scene investigators collected several <b>forensic</b> samples at the site of the murder." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1529 "proscribe" "command against" "verb" "Proscribe sounds similar to prescribe, but careful !!: these words are essentially opposite in meaning. proscribe = forbid, prescribe= doctor's ordrers/ recommends a medicine " "Most states have laws that <u><b>proscribe</b> texting</u> while driving. " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1529 "proscribe" "command against" "verb" "Proscribe sounds similar to prescribe, but careful !!: these words are essentially opposite in meaning. proscribe = forbid, prescribe= doctor's ordrers/ recommends a medicine " "Most states have laws that <u><b>proscribe</b> texting</u> while driving. " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1530 "qualified" "1. meeting the proper standards and requirements for a task</br>2. limiting conditions that modify a statement or make it no longer valid" "adj. " "1. As the student saw himself <u><b>qualified</b> for the job</u>, he sent in his resumé</br>2. Newton's laws are still generally valid and applicable, <b><u>qualified</b> only by extreme conditions</u>, eg. at speeds close to light " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1530 "qualified" "1. meeting the proper standards and requirements for a task</br>2. limiting conditions that modify a statement or make it no longer valid" "adj. " "1. As the student saw himself <u><b>qualified</b> for the job</u>, he sent in his resumé</br>2. Newton's laws are still generally valid and applicable, <b><u>qualified</b> only by extreme conditions</u>, eg. at speeds close to light " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1531 "quiescent" "being quiet or still or inactive" "adj. " "Latin origin quiescens means rest, quiet" "1. While the bees are <b>quiescent</b> early in the morning and in the evening, they are overactive in the middle of the day</br>2. the <b>quiescent</b> tumour gave the patient no problems. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1531 "quiescent" "being quiet or still or inactive" "adj. " "Latin origin quiescens means rest, quiet" "1. While the bees are <b>quiescent</b> early in the morning and in the evening, they are overactive in the middle of the day</br>2. the <b>quiescent</b> tumour gave the patient no problems. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
@ -1549,33 +1558,41 @@ Fairies are often depicted wearing a <b>gossamer</b> or tattered clothes" "Least
1535 "relegate" "assign to a lower position" "verb" "Latin: re- ""back"" + legare ""send with a commission"" =>send to a ""place in a position of inferiority" "<u>GC was <b>relegated</b> to the 2nd division</u> after it came last in the Super League" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1535 "relegate" "assign to a lower position" "verb" "Latin: re- ""back"" + legare ""send with a commission"" =>send to a ""place in a position of inferiority" "<u>GC was <b>relegated</b> to the 2nd division</u> after it came last in the Super League" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1536 "reprobate" "a person without moral scruples" "noun" "The serial killer was a <b>reprobate</b> who did not care about anyone" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1536 "reprobate" "a person without moral scruples" "noun" "The serial killer was a <b>reprobate</b> who did not care about anyone" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1537 "resolution" "a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner" "noun" "The board passed a resolution" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1537 "resolution" "a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner" "noun" "The board passed a resolution" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1538 "forlorn" "1. forgotten, sad and lonely because of isolation or desertion. </br>2. being in poor condition</br>3. nearly hopeless" " adj." "Gleicher Wortstamm wie ""verlieren/verlassen""</br>Syn1: abandoned, disconsolate, depressed,despondent, despairing</br>Syn2: abandoned ,</br>Syn3: desperate, pessimistic," "1. He felt miserable and simultaneously desolate because he believed he was alone and <b>forlorn</b></br>2. Detroit is ridden with <b>forlorn</b> tumbledown buildings</br>3. At the last second of the game he made a <b>forlorn</b> attempt to win the game by trying to score from his own goalmouth" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1539 "sage" "a mentor in spiritual and philosophical topics" "noun" "Old French sage ""wise, knowledgeable, learned; shrewd, skillful""" "Although a bit of an eccentric, he was deeply religious and known for his simple wisdom and <u><b>sage</b> advice</u>" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1539 "sage" "a mentor in spiritual and philosophical topics" "noun" "Old French sage ""wise, knowledgeable, learned; shrewd, skillful""" "Although a bit of an eccentric, he was deeply religious and known for his simple wisdom and <u><b>sage</b> advice</u>" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1540 "saturate" "infuse or fill completely" "verb" "The heavy rainstorm <u><b>saturated</b> the ground</u>, leaving puddles on the lawn because no more water can be absorbed. " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1540 "saturate" "infuse or fill completely" "verb" "The heavy rainstorm <u><b>saturated</b> the ground</u>, leaving puddles on the lawn because no more water can be absorbed. " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1541 "savor" "a particular taste or smell, especially an appealing one" "noun" "Old French savor ""flavor, taste; sauce, seasoning; delight, pleasure, "" itself from Latin: sapor" "Since it’s my last cookie, I will eat it slowly and <u><b>savor</b> the taste</u>. " " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
1541 "savor" "a particular taste or smell, especially an appealing one" "noun" "Old French savor ""flavor, taste; sauce, seasoning; delight, pleasure, "" itself from Latin: sapor" "Since it’s my last cookie, I will eat it slowly and <u><b>savor</b> the taste</u>. " " Hi Freq. GRE Medium" "Barron"
1542 "secrete" "1. generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids </br>2. place out of sight; keep secret" "verb" "1. The lemon <u><b>secreted</b> its juice</u> as it was squeezed</br>2. The money was <b>secreted</b> from his children" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1542 "secrete" "1. generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids </br>2. place out of sight; keep secret" "verb" "1. The lemon <u><b>secreted</b> its juice</u> as it was squeezed</br>2. The money was <b>secreted</b> from his children" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1543 "franchise" "1. privilege or right officially granted a person or a group by a government( eg. rights of citizenship or to vote) </br>2. an authorization to sell a company's goods or services in a particular area" " noun" "1. Citizens in the US have their <b>franchise</b> guaranteed via amendments to the constituion</br>2. McDonalds, KFC and BurgerKing have a franchise business model, where one can buy a license in order to sell their products" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1544 "skeptic" "someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs" "noun" """member of an ancient Greek school that doubted the possibility of real knowledge""</br>Syn: sceptic, dDoubting Thomas" "I am always a <b>skeptic</b> when it comes to buying too good to be true products " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1544 "skeptic" "someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs" "noun" """member of an ancient Greek school that doubted the possibility of real knowledge""</br>Syn: sceptic, dDoubting Thomas" "I am always a <b>skeptic</b> when it comes to buying too good to be true products " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1545 "fretful" "disposed to fret; ill-humored; peevish; angry; in a state of vexation" " adj." "Gleicher Wortstamm wie ""Fressen"" (es frisst mich auf)</br>" "The student was fretful he would not get accepted into the college of his choice." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1546 "frivolity" "not serious or sensible; acting like a clown; something of little value or significance" " noun" "Syn: buffoonery, clowning, harlequinade, japery, prank, horsing around" "Because Cheryl needed a break from the stress of her job and family, she was happy to head off to the <b>frivolity</b> of the costume party." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1547 "stint" "1. n. a short period of time </br>2. supply sparingly and with restricted quantities" "noun, verb" "word root related to stutter, stunt (as in growth)" "1. He served a <u>short <b>stint</b></u> as a waiter. </br>2. They were <u>not <b>stinting</b> in their praise</u> of their son. " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1547 "stint" "1. n. a short period of time </br>2. supply sparingly and with restricted quantities" "noun, verb" "word root related to stutter, stunt (as in growth)" "1. He served a <u>short <b>stint</b></u> as a waiter. </br>2. They were <u>not <b>stinting</b> in their praise</u> of their son. " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1548 "striate" "marked with stripes, stria or striations" "adj. " "sounds like stripes, which has the same word root" "1. The bodybuilder's lean striated muscles had a striped appearance.</br>The striated rock surface showed evidence glacier movements thousand of years earlier." " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1548 "striate" "marked with stripes, stria or striations" "adj. " "sounds like stripes, which has the same word root" "1a. The bodybuilder's lean <b>striated</b> muscles had a striped appearance. </br>1b. The striated rock surface showed evidence glacier movements thousand of years earlier. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1549 "subside" "wear off or die down" "verb" "The sound of the jet engines subsided as the plane flew further away. " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1549 "subside" "wear off or die down" "verb" "The sound of the jet engines subsided as the plane flew further away. " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1550 "supersede" "take the place or move into the position of" "verb" "Pres. Oboma <b>preceded</b> Pres. Trump, who superseded President Oboma" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1550 "supersede" "take the place or move into the position of" "verb" "Pres. Oboma <b>preceded</b> Pres. Trump, who superseded President Oboma" " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1551 "excise" "cut away; cut out; remove by or as if by cutting" " verb" "ex ""out"" (see ex-) + cis=cut=> cut out" "It will take several hours for <u>the surgeon to <b>excise</b> the massive</u> " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1551 "excise" "cut away; cut out; remove by or as if by cutting" " verb" "ex ""out"" (see ex-) + cis=cut=> cut out" "It will take several hours for <u>the surgeon to <b>excise</b> the massive</u> tumour" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1552 "tangential" "of superficial relevance if any" "adj. " "Syn: digressive, irrelevant" "I hardly ever learn anything in my history class because my teacher always <u>rambles off on a <b>tangential </b>topic</u> that has nothing to do with history. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1552 "tangential" "of superficial relevance if any" "adj. " "Syn: digressive, irrelevant" "I hardly ever learn anything in my history class because my teacher always <u>rambles off on a <b>tangential </b>topic</u> that has nothing to do with history. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1553 "tirade" "a speech of violent denunciation" "noun" "French tirade ""a volley, a shot; a pull; a long speech or passage; a drawing out"" (16c. ), from tirer ""draw out, endure, suffer, " "When the player got kicked out of the game, he started a tirade which lasted until security escorted him off the court. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1553 "tirade" "a speech of violent denunciation" "noun" "French tirade ""a volley, a shot; a pull; a long speech or passage; a drawing out"" (16c. ), from tirer ""draw out, endure, suffer, " "When the player got kicked out of the game, he started a tirade which lasted until security escorted him off the court. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1554 "truculence" "stubborn and defiant aggressiveness, a natural disposition to be hostile" "adj. " "Syn:aggressiveness, belligerence, pugnacity" "The aggressive man’s truculence caused him to be arrested and jailed for disorderly conduct" " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1554 "truculence" "stubborn and defiant aggressiveness, a natural disposition to be hostile" "adj. " "Syn:aggressiveness, belligerence, pugnacity" "The aggressive man’s truculence caused him to be arrested and jailed for disorderly conduct" " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1555 "unwarranted" "incapable of being justified or explained" "adj. " "Even though it is <u>an <b>unwarranted</b> fea</u>r, I am always afraid of fish touching me while I swim in the water" " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1555 "unwarranted" "incapable of being justified or explained" "adj. " "Even though it is <u>an <b>unwarranted</b> fear</u>, I am always afraid of fish touching me while I swim in the water" " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1556 "veracious" "habitually speaking the truth" "adj. " "Latin: from verus ""true""</br>Careful: v<u>o</u>racious <> v<u>e</u>racious !! A voracious appetite makes you want to eat a whole cake. Veracious (with an ""e"") means truthful, as in a veracious first president who cannot tell a lie" "“Honest” Abraham Lincoln was known as a <b>veracious</b> president who stood for truth" " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1556 "veracious" "habitually speaking the truth" "adj. " "Latin: from verus ""true""</br>Careful: v<u>o</u>racious <> v<u>e</u>racious !! A voracious appetite makes you want to eat a whole cake. Veracious (with an ""e"") means truthful, as in a veracious first president who cannot tell a lie" "“Honest” Abraham Lincoln was known as a <b>veracious</b> president who stood for truth" " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1557 "vituperative" "marked by harshly abusive criticism" "adj. " "Vituperative criticism is harsh, scathing, even abusive. If a review or assessment is vituperative, it doesn't say ""try harder next time. "" Instead it gives the sense of ""go away and never come back. """ "The ungodly, God-like man was as a figure who was <b><u>vituperative</b> and hysterically unforgiving</u>, particularly toward his eleven children" " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1557 "vituperative" "marked by harshly abusive criticism" "adj. " "Vituperative criticism is harsh, scathing, even abusive. If a review or assessment is vituperative, it doesn't say ""try harder next time. "" Instead it gives the sense of ""go away and never come back. """ "The ungodly, God-like man was as a figure who was <b><u>vituperative</b> and hysterically unforgiving</u>, particularly toward his eleven children" " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1558 "wary" "marked by keen caution and watchful prudence" "adj. " "same word root as ""war""in English and ""Gewahr"" in Deutsch" "One of the most important lessons that parents must teach young children is to always <u>be <b>wary</b> of strangers</u>. " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1558 "wary" "marked by keen caution and watchful prudence" "adj. " "same word root as ""war""in English and ""Gewahr"" in Deutsch" "One of the most important lessons that parents must teach young children is to always <u>be <b>wary</b> of strangers</u>. " " Hi Freq. GRE Easy" "Barron"
1559 "zealot" "a fervent and even militant proponent of something" "noun" "The original zealots were a group of first-century Jews who were absolutely determined to overthrow Roman rule in Palestine" "During the middle of the night, a pro-life <b>zealot</b> bombed the abortion clinic and killed two nurses who were working late. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1559 "zealot" "a fervent and even militant proponent of something" "noun" "The original zealots were a group of first-century Jews who were absolutely determined to overthrow Roman rule in Palestine" "During the middle of the night, a pro-life <b>zealot</b> bombed the abortion clinic and killed two nurses who were working late. " " Hi Freq. GRE Hard" "Barron"
1560 "excise" "cut away; cut out; remove by or as if by cutting" " verb" "ex ""out"" (see ex-) + cis=cut=> cut out" "It will take several hours for <u>the surgeon to <b>excise</b> the massive</u> " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1560 "frolicsome" "full of high-spirited fun; gay; given to merry" " adj." "Gleicher Wortstamm wie ""frohlocken""" "Teachers smiled at the <b>frolicsome</b> students leaving school for summer vacation" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1661 "excise " "a tax. " "noun" "comes from a similarly sounding old Dutch word for tax, not linked to the ""excise"" verb word, which is Latin origin!" "when you take more than a litre of alcohol into the country, you will need to pay 20% <b><u>excise</u> duty</b>" "AMB" "Prepscholar"
1561 "fulsome" "1. offensively flattering or insincere; </r>2. offensive; disgusting</br>3. abundant" " adj." "Careful : skunked term, ie. Meaning changed and changing between Def. 1, 2 & 3. Context important !" "1.The salesman did not realize his <b>fulsome</b> compliments were so excessive they actually turned off prospective customers.</br>2. I had enough of his </b>fulsome</b> lies and nauseous flattery</br>3a. He described the situation in <b>fulsome</b> detail</br>3b. The passengers were <b>fulsome</b> in praise of the plane's crew" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1562 "furlough" "1a. leave of absence</br>1b. vacation granted a soldier or civil servant</br>2. A temporary unpaid reduction in working hours for employees, often in times of crisis" "noun, verb" "Related to Dutch word for leave ""Verlof"", also related to Deutsch ""urlaub""" "1a. The prisoner was <b>furloughed</b> for the weekend to visit her children</br>2. During the Corona crisis, many companies <b>furloughed</b> employees to reduce costs, hoping to be able to re-engage them on the upturn." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1563 "gadfly" "1. any of various flies, that bite or annoy livestock and other animals (eg. Horsefly)</br>2. irritating person " "noun " "Old English ; gad = “spike”</br>Deutsch Viehbremse" "1. The cow swatted at the air with her tail, trying to shoo away an annoying <b>gadfly</b></br>2. My annoying neighbor is nothing but a <b>gadfly</b> who likes to run to the apartment manager with constant complaints." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1564 "gallantry" "1. bravery</br>2. chivalry" " noun" "</br>Syn1: heroism, valiance, valiancy, valor, valorousness, valour</br>Syn2: chivalry, politesse" "1. West Point is a universal symbol of American <b>gallantry</b>, loyalty, devotion, discipline and skill</br>2. <b>""Gallantry</b> is definitely dead"", Sarah said to her friend as a man pushed past her to be first in line for the movie tickets." "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1661 "febrile" "feverish; intense emotion or activity" " adj. " "Same word root as ""fever"", thus related to fever, ferverish. " "The atmosphere in the city was <b>febrile</b> as the king's coronation date approached. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1662 "acquiesce" "assent; agree without protesting" " verb" " Latin: acquiescere, meaning “to rest. ” If you “rest” or become passive in the face of something to which you object, you are giving tacit agreement. " "While I did not want to go to the show with Laura, <u>her begging eventually caused me to <b>acquiesce</u></b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1662 "acquiesce" "assent; agree without protesting" " verb" " Latin: acquiescere, meaning “to rest. ” If you “rest” or become passive in the face of something to which you object, you are giving tacit agreement. " "While I did not want to go to the show with Laura, <u>her begging eventually caused me to <b>acquiesce</u></b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1663 "connote" "to imply something in addition to what is apparent" "verb" "Latin: com ""with, together"" + notare ""to mark, note, make a note""=>to signify in addition to the main meaning" "At work, we <b>connote</b> the employee of the month award with being the best worker on the team. " "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1"
1663 "connote" "to imply something in addition to what is apparent" "verb" "Latin: com ""with, together"" + notare ""to mark, note, make a note""=>to signify in addition to the main meaning" "At work, we <b>connote</b> the employee of the month award with being the best worker on the team. " "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1"
1664 "inveigle" "persuade someone through flattery" "verb" " Middle French word aveugler, meaning “delude, make blind, ”" "She <b>inveigled</b> him to drive her all the way across the country by telling him he was not only the best looking man in town, but also the best driver of all time. " "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1"
1664 "inveigle" "persuade someone through flattery" "verb" " Middle French word aveugler, meaning “delude, make blind, ”" "She <b>inveigled</b> him to drive her all the way across the country by telling him he was not only the best looking man in town, but also the best driver of all time. " "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1"
1665 "injudicious" "lacking or showing lack of judgment or discretion; unwise" "adj. " "Latin in-""not""+ iudicium ""judgment""=> lacking judgement. </br>Antonym: judicious" "He <u>regretted his <b>injudicious</b> decision</u> to spend his last 5 dollars on an expensive cup of coffee" "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1"
1665 "injudicious" "lacking or showing lack of judgment or discretion; unwise" "adj. " "Latin in-""not""+ iudicium ""judgment""=> lacking judgement. </br>Antonym: judicious" "He <u>regretted his <b>injudicious</b> decision</u> to spend his last 5 dollars on an expensive cup of coffee" "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1"
1666 "judicious" "exhibiting good judgment or sound thinking; prudent" " adj. " "Latin iiudicium ""judgment""=> lacking judgement. </br>Antonym :injudicious" "The man had become <u>wealthy by making <b>judicious</b> use of his money</u>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1666 "judicious" "exhibiting good judgment or sound thinking; prudent" " adj. " "Latin iiudicium ""judgment""=> lacking judgement. </br>Antonym :injudicious" "The man had become <u>wealthy by making <b>judicious</b> use of his money</u>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1667 "pernicuous" "harmful and <u>subtle</u>, often taking years" "adj. " "Latin: per ""completely"" + necis ""violent death, murder""perniciosus, ""destructive""=>total destruction" "The leftist claimed that even during a pandemic, racism is as <b>pernicious</b> as ever. " "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1"
1667 "pernicuous" "harmful and <u>subtle</u>, often taking years" "adj. " "Latin: per ""completely"" + necis ""violent death, murder""perniciosus, ""destructive""=>total destruction" "The leftist claimed that even during a pandemic, racism is as <b>pernicious</b> as ever. " "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1"
1668 "debase" "reduce in quality or value; lower in esteem; degrade" " verb" "Latin: de- ""down"" + base (adj.) ""low""" "The lack of fiscal discipline led to the <u>currency being <b>debased</u>.</b>" "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1668 "feint" "trick; any distracting or deceptive maneuver" " noun" "military and political tactics often use feints, most common in sport, eg. boxing, where opponents are continually trying to fake each other out. " "Ali <b>feinted</b> with a jab, and Frazier threw one of his own, missing. " "1000 Difficult GRE words" "Examword"
1669 "baseness" "unworthiness by virtue of lacking higher values" "adj. " "from base (adj. ) + -ness. " "The pauper looked at the touristist skeptically, thinking that they gloried in his squalor as proof of his baseness. " "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1"
1669 "baseness" "unworthiness by virtue of lacking higher values" "adj. " "from base (adj. ) + -ness. " "The pauper looked at the touristist skeptically, thinking that they gloried in his squalor as proof of his baseness. " "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1"
1670 "connote/denote" "Connote is like giving a hint, but to denote is to refer to something outright. " "verb" "For her, the word ""family"" <b>connotes</b> love and comfort while it <b>denotes</b> a group containing a father, mother and siblings" "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1"
1670 "connote/denote" "Connote is like giving a hint, but to denote is to refer to something outright. " "verb" "For her, the word ""family"" <b>connotes</b> love and comfort while it <b>denotes</b> a group containing a father, mother and siblings" "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1"
1671 "fervent/fervid" "Fervent is a synonym of fervid. " "adj. " "Fervent is used much more frequently than fervid. Some, but not all, say that fervid means 'very fervent""" "He was a <u><b>fervent</b> supporter</u> of FC Basel" "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1"
1671 "fervent/fervid" "Fervent is a synonym of fervid. " "adj. " "Fervent is used much more frequently than fervid. Some, but not all, say that fervid means 'very fervent""" "He was a <u><b>fervent</b> supporter</u> of FC Basel" "AMB" "GRE Test Exam 1"
Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 1456.
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@ -2,15 +2,6 @@
| Word | Occurence | Explanation |
| Word | Occurence | Explanation |
| :---------------- | :-------- | :---------------------- |
| :---------------- | :-------- | :---------------------- |
| ipso facto | no.1410 | " , " -> ", " |
| apostatize | no.1259 | "one.s" -> "one's" |
| fervid,fervent | no.342 | remove straggling " |
| irredentist | no.1234 | corrupted end of bold delimiter |
| deprecate/depreciate | no.203 | remove lots of straggling " , clean up formatting |
| eluding | no.1277 | add linebreak before 2nd example |
| in general | | " : " -> ": ", " , " -> ", " " . " -> ". ", " ; " -> "; " |
| credence | no.185 | end of bold delimiter missing |
| cantankerous | no.596 | fix example |
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