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Alexander Bocken 2020-06-09 17:20:14 +02:00
parent dbc36dd0e4
commit 13ce6f59f1
4 changed files with 126 additions and 117 deletions

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15 abyss a deep or seemingly bottomless chasm noun Synonyms: gorge, ravine, void President Maduro announced that, while his country now <u>stood at the edge of an <b>abyss,</b></u> he would confidently take the country one step forward ! Least Difficult FT 15 abyss a deep or seemingly bottomless chasm noun Synonyms: gorge, ravine, void President Maduro announced that, while his country now <u>stood at the edge of an <b>abyss,</b></u> he would confidently take the country one step forward ! Least Difficult FT
16 acumen keen judgment and perception, the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions, typically in a particular domain noun Synonyms: astuteness, awareness, acuity </br>Deutsch : Scharfsinn, Geschick He was unable to run a profitable restaurant because <u>he lacked business <b>acumen</b></u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 16 acumen keen judgment and perception, the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions, typically in a particular domain noun Synonyms: astuteness, awareness, acuity </br>Deutsch : Scharfsinn, Geschick He was unable to run a profitable restaurant because <u>he lacked business <b>acumen</b></u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
17 ad toward</br> to Greek/Latin root Sometimes broader than ad</br> eg (ac</br> al</br> af</br> an</br> ap</br> as</br> at) adhere= stick to</br> adductor = muscle brings hips together </br> adumbrate =to create shodowy(umbra) outline Greek/Latin MSU 17 ad toward</br> to Greek/Latin root Sometimes broader than ad</br> eg (ac</br> al</br> af</br> an</br> ap</br> as</br> at) adhere= stick to</br> adductor = muscle brings hips together </br> adumbrate =to create shodowy(umbra) outline Greek/Latin MSU
18 -ade result of action verb or noun noun blockade</br> lemonade Suffix MSU 18 -ade result of action verb or noun blockade</br> lemonade Suffix MSU
19 adept Very skilled or proficient at something; very good at doing something that is not easy adjective Synonyms: expert, proficient, accomplished An abundance of clever people — <b><u>adept</b> in English law</u> as much as in finance— are employed at well paying banks and hedge funds Least Difficult FT 19 adept Very skilled or proficient at something; very good at doing something that is not easy adjective Synonyms: expert, proficient, accomplished An abundance of clever people — <b><u>adept</b> in English law</u> as much as in finance— are employed at well paying banks and hedge funds Least Difficult FT
20 admonish scold or to advise firmly verb The security guard <b>admonished</b> the customer <u>to wear a face mask</u> in the store during these CoVid times 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 20 admonish scold or to advise firmly verb The security guard <b>admonished</b> the customer <u>to wear a face mask</u> in the store during these CoVid times 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
21 adulterate to contaminate or make impure by introducing inferior elements. verb World class chefs use fresh produce and<u> refuse to <b>adulterate</b> their dishes</u> with canned ingredients. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 21 adulterate to contaminate or make impure by introducing inferior elements. verb World class chefs use fresh produce and<u> refuse to <b>adulterate</b> their dishes</u> with canned ingredients. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
23 advocate to recommend, support, or advise, to speak, plead, or argue for a cause, or in anothers behalf. (n) -- one who advocates. verb n. one who advocates The<u> teacher <b>advocated</b> for students with special needs</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 23 advocate to recommend, support, or advise, to speak, plead, or argue for a cause, or in anothers behalf. (n) -- one who advocates. verb n. one who advocates The<u> teacher <b>advocated</b> for students with special needs</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
24 aesthetic concerned with the nature of beauty and art adjective The critics <u>admire the work of art for its<b> aesthetic</b> value</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 24 aesthetic concerned with the nature of beauty and art adjective ic=nature of, like The critics <u>admire the work of art for its<b> aesthetic</b> value</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
25 affectation fake or artificial behavior, often meant to impress or conceal the truth noun The poor mans <b><u>affectation</b> of wealth</u> did not fool any of the elite at the party. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 25 affectation fake or artificial behavior, often meant to impress or conceal the truth noun The poor mans <b><u>affectation</b> of wealth</u> did not fool any of the elite at the party. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
26 -age act of</br> state of</br> collection of suffix added to root words (often French) to form a noun salvage</br> storage</br> forage Suffix MSU 26 -age act of</br> state of</br> collection of suffix added to root words (often French) to form a noun salvage</br> storage</br> forage Suffix MSU
27 agere act Greek/Latin root agent</br> agency</br> agenda Greek/Latin MSU 27 agere act Greek/Latin root agent</br> agency</br> agenda Greek/Latin MSU
@ -61,14 +61,14 @@
71 arbitrary Based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system adjective Synonyms: capricious, random, chance Since Jakes teacher disliked him, she came up with an arbitrary punishment to help him remember his homework. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 71 arbitrary Based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system adjective Synonyms: capricious, random, chance Since Jakes teacher disliked him, she came up with an arbitrary punishment to help him remember his homework. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
73 arbitrate to settle a dispute via mediation (n: arbitration) verb " Latin : arbiter ""a judge, umpire, mediator"". See arbitre (French) = umpire. Verb is arbitratation" The mediator arbitrated the dispute between the two parties. Common GRE MSU 73 arbitrate to settle a dispute via mediation (n: arbitration) verb " Latin : arbiter ""a judge, umpire, mediator"". See arbitre (French) = umpire. Verb is arbitratation" The mediator arbitrated the dispute between the two parties. Common GRE MSU
74 arcane secret or known only to a select group adjective "Deutsch : geheimnisvoll, Obskur. Latin arcanus ""secret, hidden, private, concealed" The traditional healer's arcane rituals confused her. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 74 arcane secret or known only to a select group adjective "Deutsch : geheimnisvoll, Obskur. Latin arcanus ""secret, hidden, private, concealed" The traditional healer's arcane rituals confused her. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
75 archaic old-fashioned adjective adj. no longer in the common usage In comparison to portable laptop computers, typewriters are considered archaic 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 75 archaic old-fashioned, adj. no longer in the common usage adjective "archaios=""old""+ic=""nature of, like" In comparison to portable laptop computers, typewriters are considered archaic 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
76 archaios ancient Greek/Latin root archeology</br> archetype</br> archaic</br> archeozoic Greek/Latin MSU 76 archaios ancient Greek/Latin root archeology</br> archetype</br> archaic</br> archeozoic Greek/Latin MSU
77 arch leader</br> first</br> chief Greek/Latin root monarchy</br> oligarchy</br> anarchy</br> archetype</br> architect </br> archbishop Greek/Latin MSU 77 arch leader</br> first</br> chief Greek/Latin root monarchy</br> oligarchy</br> anarchy</br> archetype</br> architect </br> archbishop Greek/Latin MSU
78 arduous difficult, taxing, requiring considerable effort adjective " Latin arduus ""high, steep,"" also figuratively, ""difficult, hard to reach," Mountain climbing is fun but quite arduous. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 78 arduous difficult, taxing, requiring considerable effort adjective " Latin arduus ""high, steep,"" also figuratively, ""difficult, hard to reach," Mountain climbing is fun but quite arduous. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
79 articulate exhibiting considerable communication skills, well-spoken adjective, verb Deutsch : 1. redegewandt UND </br>2. ein Gelenk bilden 1. His vast vocabulary allowed him to clearly articulate his opinions. 2. The lower jaw articulates with the skull. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 79 articulate exhibiting considerable communication skills, well-spoken adjective, verb Deutsch : 1. redegewandt UND </br>2. ein Gelenk bilden 1. His vast vocabulary allowed him to clearly articulate his opinions. 2. The lower jaw articulates with the skull. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
81 artless without artifice. without guile or deception adjective Synonyms: candid, direct, forthright. adj. natural, untrained With her artless look, the girl next door looked beautiful even though she had no make-up on and didnt style her hair. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 81 artless without artifice. without guile or deception adjective Synonyms: candid, direct, forthright. adj. natural, untrained With her artless look, the girl next door looked beautiful even though she had no make-up on and didnt style her hair. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
82 -ary, ery, ory relating to place where or quality noun or adjective dictionary</br> bravery</br> dormitory</br> aviary</br> ordinary</br> auditory Suffix MSU 82 -ary, ery, ory relating to place where or quality noun or adjective dictionary</br> bravery</br> dormitory</br> aviary</br> ordinary</br> auditory Suffix MSU
83 ascetic austere or self-denying adjective " Greek : asketes ""monk, hermit,""" The monk leads an ascetic life. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 83 ascetic austere or self-denying adjective " Greek : asketes ""monk, hermit,"" + ïc=""nature of, like" The monk leads an ascetic life. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
85 assuage to provide relief from an unpleasant feeling. to make less severe; to appease or satisfy verb v. to satisfy a need or appetite A massage can assuage the soreness in your muscles. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 85 assuage to provide relief from an unpleasant feeling. to make less severe; to appease or satisfy verb v. to satisfy a need or appetite A massage can assuage the soreness in your muscles. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
86 astonishment total surprise, shock noun " Old French estoner ""to stun, daze, deafen, astound,"" Vulgar Latin *extonare, </br> Latin ex ""out"" + tonare ""to thunder""" The homeless man looked at me in astonishment when I gave him the bag of money. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 86 astonishment total surprise, shock noun " Old French estoner ""to stun, daze, deafen, astound,"" Vulgar Latin *extonare, </br> Latin ex ""out"" + tonare ""to thunder""" The homeless man looked at me in astonishment when I gave him the bag of money. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
87 -ate cause, make noun or adjective verb liquidate</br> segregate Suffix MSU 87 -ate cause, make noun or adjective verb liquidate</br> segregate Suffix MSU
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98 aver to assert or allege. to declare verb "Deutsch : beteuern, behaupten. </br> Latin ad ""to"" + verus ""true"" - later meaning to assert with confident" Many of those who voted for the President, his opponent averred, did so because they were rooked by devious lies 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 98 aver to assert or allege. to declare verb "Deutsch : beteuern, behaupten. </br> Latin ad ""to"" + verus ""true"" - later meaning to assert with confident" Many of those who voted for the President, his opponent averred, did so because they were rooked by devious lies 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
100 banal boring, cliché, commonplace or trite (n: banality) adjective <u>I was bored to death because of his <b>banal</b> conversation</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 100 banal boring, cliché, commonplace or trite (n: banality) adjective <u>I was bored to death because of his <b>banal</b> conversation</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
101 barefaced unconcealed, shameless, or brazen adjective "with face uncovered or shaven;"" see bare + face : Thus, ""unconcealed" It would be a barefaced lie to claim that there is freedom in Venezuela Common GRE MSU 101 barefaced unconcealed, shameless, or brazen adjective "with face uncovered or shaven;"" see bare + face : Thus, ""unconcealed" It would be a barefaced lie to claim that there is freedom in Venezuela Common GRE MSU
102 belie give a false impression (intentional or unintentional) in word, appearance, or deed verb Janice hoped her smile would belie the sadness she felt. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 102 belie give a false impression (intentional or unintentional) in word, appearance, or deed verb Old English beleogan (Deutsch : belügen) Janice hoped her smile would belie the sadness she felt. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
103 bene well</br> favorable Greek/Latin root benefit</br> benevolent</br> benefactor</br> beneficent Greek/Latin MSU 103 bene well</br> favorable Greek/Latin root benefit</br> benevolent</br> benefactor</br> beneficent Greek/Latin MSU
104 benign gentle, harmless adjective " Latin ""well born,"" bene ""well"" + "" genus ""birth"" " Grandfather fortunately had a benign form of cancer 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 104 benign gentle, harmless adjective " Latin ""well born,"" bene ""well"" + "" genus ""birth"" " Grandfather fortunately had a benign form of cancer 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
105 bi two Greek/Latin root bi-partisan</br> bisexual</br> biennial</br> binary</br> bicuspid</br> bivalve Greek/Latin MSU 105 bi two Greek/Latin root bi-partisan</br> bisexual</br> biennial</br> binary</br> bicuspid</br> bivalve Greek/Latin MSU
106 biased prejudiced, displaying partiality adjective The bigot admits that he is biased toward immigrants and stereotypes people according to their race before he ever meets them 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 106 biased prejudiced, displaying partiality adjective From French : biais : a slant, a slope, an oblique, later figuratively : giving a bias to, causing to incline to one side The bigot admits that he is u><b>biased</b> toward immigrants</u> and stereotypes people according to their race before he ever meets them 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
107 bible book Greek/Latin root bibliography</br> Bible</br> bibliophile Greek/Latin MSU 107 bible book Greek/Latin root bibliography</br> Bible</br> bibliophile Greek/Latin MSU
108 bio life Greek/Latin root biology</br> biography</br> bio-active Greek/Latin MSU 108 bio life Greek/Latin root biology</br> biography</br> bio-active Greek/Latin MSU
109 blandishment speech or action intended to coax someone into doing something, the use of flattery (sweet-talk) and enticements to persuade somebody gently to do something noun " Latin blandiri ""flatter, soothe, caress, coax,""</br>Deutsch : Schmeichelrei, schönreden" Even though the salesman produced every <u><b>blandishment</b></u> he could think of from his <u>bag of tricks</u>, his prospect wouldnt be budged by <u>his flattery.</u> Common GRE MSU 109 blandishment speech or action intended to coax someone into doing something, the use of flattery (sweet-talk) and enticements to persuade somebody gently to do something noun " Latin blandiri ""flatter, soothe, caress, coax,""</br>Deutsch : Schmeichelrei, schönreden" Even though the salesman produced every <u><b>blandishment</b></u> he could think of from his <u>bag of tricks</u>, his prospect wouldnt be budged by <u>his flattery.</u> Common GRE MSU
110 blight a thing that spoils or damages something noun Synonyms: affliction, scourge, bane 1. Because of the <u>urban <b>blight</u></b> that has taken over the downtown area, many of the stores have relocated to suburban malls.</br>2. The torrential rain <b>blighted<b/> the crop. Least Difficult FT 110 blight a thing that spoils or damages something noun Synonyms: affliction, scourge, bane 1. Because of the <u>urban <b>blight</u></b> that has taken over the downtown area, many of the stores have relocated to suburban malls.</br>2. The torrential rain <b>blighted<b/> the crop. Least Difficult FT
111 blithe showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper, carefree and unconcerned adjective Synonyms: indifferent, unconcerned, blasé The <u>rebellious teenager was <b>blithe</b> about her failing grades.</u> Least Difficult FT 111 blithe showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper, carefree and unconcerned adjective Synonyms: indifferent, unconcerned, blasé The <u>rebellious teenager was <b>blithe</b> about her failing grades.</u> Least Difficult FT
112 blowhard a person who blusters and boasts in an unpleasant way noun Synonyms: boaster, bragger, show-off <u>The self-promoting <b>blowhard</b> talked</u> about his own accomplishments until his guests were bored to tears Least Difficult FT 112 blowhard a person who blusters and boasts in an unpleasant way noun Synonyms: boaster, bragger, show-off <u>The self-promoting <b>blowhard</b> talked</u> about his own accomplishments until his guests were bored to tears Least Difficult FT
113 bolster to support or strengthen verb "Old English bolster ""bolster, cushion, something stuffed so that it swells up </br>Deutsch : gleiche Urspurng Polster" The prosecutor worked to find evidence that would bolster her case against the defendant. Common GRE Kaplan 113 bolster to support or strengthen verb "Old English bolster ""bolster, cushion, something stuffed so that it swells up </br>Deutsch : gleiche Urspurng Polster" The prosecutor worked to find evidence that would <u><b>bolster</b> her case against the defendant.</u> Common GRE Kaplan
114 bombast pompous speech (adj: bombastic) noun "Bombast was originally a material of cotton applied to a stuff of soft, loose texture, used to swell a garment. </br>Deutsch= der erste Teil vom Wort ""Baumwolle"" ist ähnlich wie ""Bom""" Madam President, Commissioner, we have <u>no need for sentimentality and <b>bombast</b> on such a serious issue </u> Common GRE MSU 114 bombast pompous speech (adj: bombastic) noun "Bombast was originally a material of cotton applied to a stuff of soft, loose texture, used to swell a garment. </br>Deutsch= der erste Teil vom Wort ""Baumwolle"" ist ähnlich wie ""Bom""" Madam President, Commissioner, we have <u>no need for sentimentality and <b>bombast</b> on such a serious issue </u> Common GRE MSU
116 bombastic overblown, theatrical. High-sounding but with little meaning; inflated adjective Synonyms: pompous, blustering, turgid If you want to sell your energy drink, then you must use <u><b>bombastic</b> claims</u> in your commercials. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 116 bombastic overblown, theatrical. High-sounding but with little meaning; inflated adjective "bombast + ic=""nature of, like""</br>Synonyms: pompous, blustering, turgid" If you want to sell your energy drink, then you must use <u><b>bombastic</b> claims</u> in your commercials. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
117 bore 1. v. to cause one to lose interest. 2. v. to drill a hole. adj. similar to or pertaining to objects that drill holes. 1. the lecturer repeated everything we already knew and<b> bored</b> all in the class</br>2.Pickleworms <u><b>bore</b> into</u> the fruit of cucumber and squash plants to feed on their flesh. Homonym MSU 117 bore 1. v. to cause one to lose interest. 2. v. to drill a hole. adj. similar to or pertaining to objects that drill holes. 1. the lecturer repeated everything we already knew and<b> bored</b> all in the class</br>2.Pickleworms <u><b>bore</b> into</u> the fruit of cucumber and squash plants to feed on their flesh. Homonym MSU
118 boycott a punitive ban that forbids relations with certain groups noun Synonyms: veto, shunning, rejection Conversely some prominent black women have <u>called for a <b>boycott</b></u>, seeing Mr. Parkers past as a disqualifying stain. Least Difficult FT 118 boycott a punitive ban that forbids relations with certain groups noun Synonyms: veto, shunning, rejection Conversely some prominent black women have <u>called for a <b>boycott</b></u>, seeing Mr. Parkers past as a disqualifying stain. Least Difficult FT
119 brazen bold or open to the point of shocking adjective "Old English bræsen ""of brass, - which then led to brazen-faced (shameless) and then hardened in war" In a <b><u>brazen</b> assault</u>, the gang fired their weapons at the policeman. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 119 brazen bold or open to the point of shocking adjective "Old English bræsen ""of brass, - which then led to brazen-faced (shameless) and then hardened in war" In a <b><u>brazen</b> assault</u>, the gang fired their weapons at the policeman. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
120 breach a lapse, gap or break, as in a fortress wall. To break or break through. noun, verb "old English for ""break"". Most typical uses are ""breach of contract"" or ""breach of peace"". But also ""breach"" of defenses, breach of etiquette " The club members never forgot his <u><b>breach</b> of ettiquette.</u> Common GRE MSU 120 breach a lapse, gap or break, as in a fortress wall. To break or break through. noun, verb "old English for ""break"". Most typical uses are ""breach of contract"" or ""breach of peace"". But also ""breach"" of defenses, breach of etiquette " The club members never forgot his <u><b>breach</b> of ettiquette.</u> Common GRE MSU
123 burgeon flourish, bloom,to grow or flourish; a bud or new growth (adj: burgeoning ) verb, noun of uncertain origin Left untreated, the garden <u>weeds will <b>burgeon</b> and take over the entire property within days</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 123 burgeon flourish, bloom,to grow or flourish; a bud or new growth (adj: burgeoning ) verb, noun of uncertain origin Left untreated, the garden <u>weeds will <b>burgeon</b> and take over the entire property within days</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
124 burlesque a variety show noun Synonyms: skit, farce, striptease Madame JoJos, a <b>burlesque</b> bar in Londons Soho, had its license revoked in 2014 after two bouncers brandished a baseball bat at a rowdy crowd. Least Difficult FT 124 burlesque a variety show noun Synonyms: skit, farce, striptease Madame JoJos, a <b>burlesque</b> bar in Londons Soho, had its license revoked in 2014 after two bouncers brandished a baseball bat at a rowdy crowd. Least Difficult FT
125 buttress to support. a support verb, noun old French Her good arguments buttressed her credibility Common GRE MSU 125 buttress to support. a support verb, noun old French Her good arguments <u><b>buttressed</b> her credibility</u> Common GRE MSU
126 caco Bad Greek/Latin root PIE Kaka=to defecate cacophony (bad sound)<br> cacography(bad handwriting)<br> cacostocracy(government by the worst in society) Greek/Latin MSU 126 caco Bad Greek/Latin root PIE Kaka=to defecate cacophony (bad sound)<br> cacography(bad handwriting)<br> cacostocracy(government by the worst in society) Greek/Latin MSU
128 cacophony loud and chaotic noise. a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds noun Synonyms: racket, noise, clamor The <b>cacophony</b> of the middle school band warming up was nearly <u>unbearable for the audience.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 128 cacophony loud and chaotic noise. a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds noun Synonyms: racket, noise, clamor The <b>cacophony</b> of the middle school band warming up was nearly <u>unbearable for the audience.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
129 cadge to get something by taking advantage of someone verb " old English ""to get by begging""" By flirting with the bartender, the pretty girl was able to<u> <b>cadge</b> free drinks.</u> Common GRE MSU 129 cadge to get something by taking advantage of someone verb " old English ""to get by begging""" By flirting with the bartender, the pretty girl was able to<u> <b>cadge</b> free drinks.</u> Common GRE MSU
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131 candid honest, open adjective When questioned, she <u>held nothing back and gave a <b>candid <b>/response</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 131 candid honest, open adjective When questioned, she <u>held nothing back and gave a <b>candid <b>/response</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
132 canon accepted rules and tenets of a discipline noun """canon written with 1 ""n"" - unlike the one you shoot cannonballs ! <br> n. sacred works/scripture;<br> in this sense it is also used to refer to notable literary and artistic works of a culture or discipline" At the same time, <u><b>canon</b> law is part of the temporal legal system</u>, and bishops are appointed jointly by the Prime Minister and the head of state 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 132 canon accepted rules and tenets of a discipline noun """canon written with 1 ""n"" - unlike the one you shoot cannonballs ! <br> n. sacred works/scripture;<br> in this sense it is also used to refer to notable literary and artistic works of a culture or discipline" At the same time, <u><b>canon</b> law is part of the temporal legal system</u>, and bishops are appointed jointly by the Prime Minister and the head of state 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
133 capacity the capability to perform a particular action or fulfill a given function noun n. a particular position or role she served in an <u>advisory <b>capacity<b><u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 133 capacity the capability to perform a particular action or fulfill a given function noun n. a particular position or role she served in an <u>advisory <b>capacity<b><u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
134 caprice an impulsive act noun Because John <u>did not think before acting,</u> he could spend years in prison for a silly <b>caprice.</b> Common GRE MSU 134 caprice an impulsive act noun "French caprice=""whim""" Because John <u>did not think before acting,</u> he could spend years in prison for a silly <b>caprice.</b> Common GRE MSU
137 castigate to scold or berate strongly. to chastise or criticize severely verb "Latin castigatus""to correct, set right; purify; chastise, punish,"" from castus ""pure"" + agere ""to do" The boss <u>misused performance reviews</u> to <b>castigate</b> his employees 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 137 castigate to scold or berate strongly. to chastise or criticize severely verb "Latin castigatus""to correct, set right; purify; chastise, punish,"" from castus ""pure"" + agere ""to do" The boss <u>misused performance reviews</u> to <b>castigate</b> his employees 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
141 caustic corrosive. capable of dissolving by chemical action; highly critical: adjective adj. bitterly sarcastic His <b><u>caustic</b> remarks</u> spoiled the mood of the party 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 141 caustic corrosive. capable of dissolving by chemical action; highly critical:adj. bitterly sarcastic adjective " + ic=""nature of, like""</br>" His <b><u>caustic</b> remarks</u> spoiled the mood of the party 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
142 censure to express intense condemnation, an official reprimand verb " French, censurer. Do not confuse with ""censor""" Since the marine left base without permission, he is expecting both a censure and punishment when he returns tomorrow. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 142 censure to express intense condemnation, an official reprimand verb " French, censurer. </br>Do not confuse with ""censor""(=prevent publication)</br> Do not confuse with ""sensor""(=something that senses/measures"")" Since the marine left base without permission, he is <u>expecting both a censure and punishment</u> when he returns tomorrow. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
143 chauvinist someone who believes prejudicially that their own group is the superior one, exaggerated, blind nationalism; patriotism degenerated into a vice noun French : chauvinisme, after behaviour of N. Chauvin, soldier of Napoleon who idolized Napoleon long after it was history <u>His sister was <b>chauvinist</b> when it comes to feminism</u>, as she gets both angry and irritated when someone opposes her point of view 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 143 chauvinist someone who believes prejudicially that their own group is the superior one, exaggerated, blind nationalism; patriotism degenerated into a vice noun French : chauvinisme, after behaviour of N. Chauvin, soldier of Napoleon who idolized Napoleon long after he was history <u>His sister was <b>chauvinist</b> when it comes to feminism</u>, as she gets both angry and irritated when someone opposes her point of view 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
144 chicanery deception by trickery, often to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose noun " French chicanerie ""trickery,"" Middle French chicaner ""to pettifog, quibble""" <u>Instead</u> of being <u>truthful</u> on his campaign for sheriff, <u>he resorted to <b>chicanery</b>. </u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 144 chicanery deception by trickery, often to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose noun " French chicanerie ""trickery,"" Middle French chicaner ""to pettifog, quibble""" <u>Instead</u> of being <u>truthful</u> on his campaign for sheriff, <u>he resorted to <b>chicanery</b>. </u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
146 chorale </br> corral n. a type of hymn (sung) or a choir </br>n. a fenced enclosure for cattle or horses. v. to herd cattle or horses (or people) into one place Corral is of Spanish origin. The protective wide circle of ox-wagons called laager by the Afrikaners was called corral by the Americans travelling West in their wagons. <u>Maimie always <b>corraled</b> Marnie into serving as secretary</u> for the meetings. </br>The <b>chorale</b> originated when Martin Luther translated <u>sacred songs into the vernacular language </u> Homophone MSU 146 chorale </br> corral n. a type of hymn (sung) or a choir </br>n. a fenced enclosure for cattle or horses. v. to herd cattle or horses (or people) into one place Corral is of Spanish origin. The protective wide circle of ox-wagons called laager by the Afrikaners was called corral by the Americans travelling West in their wagons. <u>Maimie always <b>corraled</b> Marnie into serving as secretary</u> for the meetings. </br>The <b>chorale</b> originated when Martin Luther translated <u>sacred songs into the vernacular language </u> Homophone MSU
147 chronic (Of a problem) long lasting and difficult to eradicate adjective Synonyms: constant, continuing, persistent Pessimists think the productivity problem is chronic. Technological advances, they say, are ever-less revolutionary... Least Difficult FT 147 chronic (Of a problem) long lasting and difficult to eradicate adjective Greek : chronos=time+ic=nature of/like=>lasting a long time</br>Synonyms: constant, continuing, persistent Pessimists think the productivity problem is <b>chronic</b>. Least Difficult FT
148 chronological ordered by time adjective Latin : chrono=time+logo=theory, science, doctrine+ ic/ical=word-forming element making adjectives He went through the events in chronological order 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 148 chronological ordered by time adjective Latin : chrono=time+logo=theory, science, doctrine+ ic/ical=word-forming element making adjectives He went through the events in chronological order 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
149 -cian having a specific skill noun magician</br> optician</br> physician Suffix MSU 149 -cian having a specific skill noun magician</br> optician</br> physician Suffix MSU
150 cide kill Greek/Latin root Killer of ( ): homicide</br> parricide(parents)</br> germicidal</br> ecocide</br> suicide</br> fungicide</br> senicide (old men)</br> libricide(old books)</br> legicide(laws)</br> uxoricide(wife)</br> filicide(son/daughter)</br> floricide(flowers)</br> infanticide(infants)</br> genocide(race/kind)</br> Greek/Latin MSU 150 cide kill Greek/Latin root Killer of ( ): homicide</br> parricide(parents)</br> germicidal</br> ecocide</br> suicide</br> fungicide</br> senicide (old men)</br> libricide(old books)</br> legicide(laws)</br> uxoricide(wife)</br> filicide(son/daughter)</br> floricide(flowers)</br> infanticide(infants)</br> genocide(race/kind)</br> Greek/Latin MSU
@ -126,19 +126,19 @@
157 compelling captivating, very persuasive adjective "Latin com ""with, together"" + pellere ""to drive""" The jury seemed moved by the lawyers <u><b>compelling</b> argument</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 157 compelling captivating, very persuasive adjective "Latin com ""with, together"" + pellere ""to drive""" The jury seemed moved by the lawyers <u><b>compelling</b> argument</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
158 complaisant willingly compliant or accepting of the status quo (n: complaisance) adjective com=with, plaisant=pleasure/pleasing Because <u>John is too <b>complaisant</b> in his willingness to please others</u>, people often take advantage of him Common GRE MSU 158 complaisant willingly compliant or accepting of the status quo (n: complaisance) adjective com=with, plaisant=pleasure/pleasing Because <u>John is too <b>complaisant</b> in his willingness to please others</u>, people often take advantage of him Common GRE MSU
159 comprehensive complete and thorough adjective com=with/together, preandre=seize/hold Heathers <b><u>comprehensive</b> workout helps tone all of the muscles</u> in her body. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 159 comprehensive complete and thorough adjective com=with/together, preandre=seize/hold Heathers <b><u>comprehensive</b> workout helps tone all of the muscles</u> in her body. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
161 conflagration 1. a great fire OR <br>2. a conflict or war noun "con=with/togethe+ =flagrare ""to burn, blaze, glow" 1. The combustion products such as smoke,heat and hot conflagration gases generated during a fire rise upwards</br>2. It seems as though the conflagration in the Middle East has been going on for centuries Common GRE MSU 161 conflagration 1. a great fire OR <br>2. a conflict or war noun "con=with/togethe+ =flagrare ""to burn, blaze, glow" 1. The combustion products such as smoke,heat and hot <b>conflagration</b> gases generated during a <u>fire</u> rise upwards</br>2. It seems as though the <u><b>conflagration</b> in the Middle East</u> has been going on for centuries Common GRE MSU
163 confound to confuse or astonish. Prove (a theory, expectation, or prediction) wrong verb Synonyms: contradict, counter, go against Yet in another sense, the Fed has confounded predictions—at least, those it made itself. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 163 confound to confuse or astonish. Prove (a theory, expectation, or prediction) wrong verb Synonyms: contradict, counter, go against Yet in another sense, <u>the Fed has <b>confounded</b> predictions</u>—at least, those it made itself. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
164 connoisseur an expert in a particular subject matter area, usually relating to the fine arts or cultural pursuits noun French. Note how modern French spells it connaisseur, whereas English follows the old French spelling of connoisseur Since you are <u>a wine <b>connoisseur</b></u>, I thought I would ask your opinion on the best wines for my dinner party 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 164 connoisseur an expert in a particular subject matter area, usually relating to the fine arts or cultural pursuits noun " French. Connaisseur is a specialist, and connoisseur (with an ""o"") is ""higher ranked"", as they are a conaisseur AND their opinions are valued !" Since you are <u>a wine <b>connoisseur</b></u>, I thought I would ask your opinion on the best wines for my dinner party 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
165 consequential " as a result of, ""following as an effect or result""" adjective adj. significant or memorable The consequential damages of the critical reactor breaking down were significant, as the entire plant had to shut for months 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 165 consequential " as a result of, ""following as an effect or result""" adjective con=with a sequence </br>adj. significant or memorable The <u><b>consequential damages</b></u> of the critical reactor breaking down were significant, as the entire plant had to shut for months 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
166 constitutus stand Greek/Latin root constitution</br> statute Greek/Latin MSU 166 constitutus stand Greek/Latin root constitution</br> statute Greek/Latin MSU
167 construe to interpret verb "same latin/French origin as ""construct"", ie. With/together + piling up= interpret" Although I tried to pay you a compliment, you have decided to construe my words as an insult 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 167 construe to interpret verb "same latin/French origin as ""construct"", ie. With/together + piling up= interpret" Although I tried to pay you a compliment, you have decided to <u><b>construe</b> my words</u> as an insult 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
168 consumption utilization (esp. of a resource) noun Excessive alcohol consumption has been linked to liver damage 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 168 consumption utilization (esp. of a resource) noun Excessive <u>alcohol consumption</u> has been linked to liver damage 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
169 contend assert or claim verb old French comptendre : engage in rivalry, compete, To obtain custody of her children in the divorce, Bridgett will contend her husband is an abusive man 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 169 contend assert or claim verb old French comptendre : engage in rivalry, compete In order to obtain custody of her children in the divorce, Bridgett will <b>contend</b> nasty things about her husband 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
170 contentious controversial, causing or likely to cause an argument adjective " Latin contentiosus ""obstinate, quarrelsome" As a rule, I tend to avoid contentious topics of conversation which might lead to arguments 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 170 contentious controversial, causing or likely to cause an argument adjective " Latin contentiosus ""obstinate, quarrelsome" As a rule, I tend to <u>avoid <b>contentious</b> topics of conversation</u> which might lead to arguments 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
172 convoluted roundabout, not straightforward adjective " Latin : to roll together,"" com ""with, together"" (see con-) + volvere ""to roll,""" My head began to hurt as I listened to the professors <b>convolute</b> speech 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 172 convoluted roundabout, not straightforward adjective " Latin : to roll together,"" com ""with, together"" (see con-) + volvere ""to roll,""" My head began to hurt as I listened to the professors <b>convolute</b> speech 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
173 copious plentiful or abundant adjective " Latin : ""abundant, plentiful,""" Take copious notes in class so that you have plenty of review material for the test. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 173 copious plentiful or abundant adjective " Latin : ""abundant, plentiful,""" <u>Take <b>copious</b> notes in class</u> so that you have plenty of review material for the test. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
174 corporal "of the body: ""corporal punishment."" a non-commissioned officer ranked between a sergeant and a private." adjective 1. corporal punishment will still in use during my father's school days. Common GRE MSU 174 corporal "of the body: ""corporal punishment."" a non-commissioned officer ranked between a sergeant and a private." adjective 1. corporal punishment will still in use during my father's school days. Common GRE MSU
175 corporeal of or having to do with material, as opposed to spiritual; tangible. (In older writings, coeporeal could be a synonym for corporal. This usage is no longer common) adjective "Latin : ""of a material or physical nature, not mental or spiritual,"" with adjectival suffix -al preceded by corpus ""body"" (living or dead)," As Jack reached for the ghost, he realized it was not corporeal when his hands went straight through the shape. Common GRE MSU 175 corporeal of or having to do with material, as opposed to spiritual; tangible. (In older writings, coeporeal could be a synonym for corporal. This usage is no longer common) adjective "Latin : ""of a material or physical nature, not mental or spiritual,"" with adjectival suffix -al preceded by corpus ""body"" (living or dead)," As Jack reached for <u>the ghost</u>, he realized it <u>was not <b>corporeal</b></u> when his hands went straight through the shape. Common GRE MSU
176 corpus body Greek/Latin root corpse</br> corporal punishment</br> corpus callosum Greek/Latin MSU 176 corpus body Greek/Latin root corpse</br> corporal punishment</br> corpus callosum Greek/Latin MSU
177 corroborate to strengthen or support: (n: corroboration) verb " Latin : form of com ""with, together,"" + roborare ""to make strong,"" robur, robus ""strength,"" - same root as robust" The scientist was able to corroborate his hypothesis with data gathered from multiple sources. The witness corroborted his story. Common GRE MSU 177 corroborate to strengthen or support: (n: corroboration) verb " Latin : form of com ""with, together,"" + roborare ""to make strong,"" robur, robus ""strength,"" - same root as robust" The scientist was able to corroborate his hypothesis with data gathered from multiple sources. The witness corroborted his story. Common GRE MSU
178 corroborate </br> collaborate "It's ""L"" like Royalty…..don't get ""L"" and ""R"" confused" Easily confused words During the president's election, the 2 scientists collaborated together to find facts to corrobarate their joint theory. Easily confused words MSU 178 corroborate </br> collaborate "It's ""L"" like Royalty…..don't get ""L"" and ""R"" confused" Easily confused words During the president's election, the 2 scientists collaborated together to find facts to corrobarate their joint theory. Easily confused words MSU
@ -156,65 +156,65 @@
192 decorum appropriate behavior or good manners noun same root at décor Not understanding decorum at a formal dinner, Jake ate his salad with his dinner fork 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 192 decorum appropriate behavior or good manners noun same root at décor Not understanding decorum at a formal dinner, Jake ate his salad with his dinner fork 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
194 deference respect or polite submission. submission or courteous yielding: noun " French déférence (16c.), déférer ""to yield, comply" He held his tongue in deference to his father. (n: deferential. v. defer) 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 194 deference respect or polite submission. submission or courteous yielding: noun " French déférence (16c.), déférer ""to yield, comply" He held his tongue in deference to his father. (n: deferential. v. defer) 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
195 deflect divert or cause to ricochet verb de=away + flect = bend He deflected the attack with a defty response 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 195 deflect divert or cause to ricochet verb de=away + flect = bend He deflected the attack with a defty response 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
196 deft skill, acumen adjective adj. manual dexterity The deft musician was able to play the harmonica and the piano at the same time. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 196 deft skill, acumen, manual dexterity adjective The deft musician was able to play the harmonica and the piano at the same time. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
197 deign Do something that one considers to be beneath one's dignity verb Synonyms: come down one's high horse If the Senate <b><u>deigns</b> to consider and confirm</u> a nominee, do not expect changes overnight. Least Difficult FT 197 deign Do something that one considers to be beneath one's dignity verb Synonyms: come down one's high horse If the Senate <b><u>deigns</b> to consider and confirm</u> a nominee, do not expect changes overnight. Least Difficult FT
198 delineate to describe very accurately verb v. to clearly demarcate a boundary v. to render an outline 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 198 delineate 1. to describe very accurately, to clearly describe or portray something</br>2. to clearly demarcate a boundary, to render an outline verb "Latin : de- ""completely""+ lineare ""draw lines," 1.<u>While I cannot <b>delineate</b></u> the style of car she drove, <u>I can </u>give you the license plate number. </br>2. <u>Jason put a fence up to <b>delineate</b> his property</u> from his neighbors. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
199 demos people Greek/Latin root democracy</br> demographic Greek/Latin MSU 199 demos people Greek/Latin root democracy</br> demographic Greek/Latin MSU
201 denigrate say negative things about, particularly in a defamatory way verb " Latin denigratus, past participle of denigrare ""to blacken; to defame,"" de- ""completely"" (see de-) + nigr-, stem of niger ""black"" " During the election, the crooked politician did everything in his power to denigrate his rival. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 201 denigrate say negative things about, particularly in a defamatory way verb "Latin denigratus, past participle of denigrare ""to blacken; to defame,"" de- ""completely"" (see de-) + nigr-, stem of niger ""black"" " During the election, the crooked <u>politician did everything in his power to <b>denigrate</b> his rival.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
202 depict to show, create a picture of. verb " Latin depictus, past participle of depingere ""to portray, paint, sketch; describe, imagine,"" de ""down"" (see de-) + pingere ""to paint""" The drawings on the cave walls depict the lives of the earliest men on the planet. Common GRE MSU 202 depict to show, create a picture of. verb " Latin depictus, past participle of depingere ""to portray, paint, sketch; describe, imagine,"" de ""down"" (see de-) + pingere ""to paint""" <u>The drawings</u> on the cave walls <b>depict</b> the lives of the earliest men on the planet. Common GRE MSU
203 deprecate (deprecation) </br> depreciate (depreciation) to deprecate is “to disapprove,” but in </br>“self-deprecating,” it means, “to belittle.” </br>In the world of computing, deprecated means “phased out” or “soon to be phased out.” </br>Depreciate is for talking about loss of monetary value, primarily for assets Easily confused words The <b><u>deprecated</b> software</u> had already had <u>its full book value <b>depreciated</b></u> in the finance department Easily confused words MSU 203 deprecate (deprecation) </br> depreciate (depreciation) to deprecate is “to disapprove,” but in </br>“self-deprecating,” it means, “to belittle.” </br>In the world of computing, deprecated means “phased out” or “soon to be phased out.” </br>Depreciate is for talking about loss of monetary value, primarily for assets Easily confused words The <b><u>deprecated</b> software</u> had already had <u>its full book value <b>depreciated</b></u> in the finance department Easily confused words MSU
204 deprecation disapproval, earnest expression of feeling against noun Do NOT confuse with deprecIation, a finance term Ingrid is well-known for her self-deprecation, as she constantly looks down on herself and harshly judges all of her actions. Common GRE MSU 204 deprecation disapproval, earnest expression of feeling against noun "Has the word ""Pray"" in its origins, in the sense ""pray, do not""</br>Do NOT confuse with deprecIation, a finance term" Ingrid is well-known for her self-deprecation, as she constantly looks down on herself and harshly judges all of her actions. Common GRE MSU
205 depredation the act of preying upon or plundering: noun "French/latin : de- ""thoroughly"" (see de-) + praedari ""to plunder,"" literally ""to make prey of,"" praeda ""prey""" The <u><b>depredations</b> of the invaders demoralized</u> the population. Common GRE MSU 205 depredation the act of preying upon or plundering. To act as a predator. noun "French/latin : de- ""thoroughly"" (see de-) + praedari ""to plunder,"" literally ""to make prey of,"" praeda ""prey""" The <u><b>depredations</b> of the invaders demoralized</u> the population. Common GRE MSU
207 derivative imitates another work in a way that is unoriginal or uninspiring, an object or idea that is produced from something else adjective Applies to words (words derive a parent) to chemistry (a product derives another one) and to mathematics The new antibiotic is listed as a <b>derivative</b> of penicillin because it was produced from a penicillin base. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 207 derivative imitates another work in a way that is unoriginal or uninspiring, an object or idea that is produced from something else adjective Applies to words (words derive a parent) to chemistry (a product derives another one) and to mathematics The new antibiotic is listed as a <b>derivative</b> of penicillin because it was produced from a penicillin base. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
208 descry to make clear, to say verb Deutsch : entdecken, wahrnehmen If you descry illegality contents on the linked websites, we beg for notification Common GRE MSU 208 descry to make clear, to say verb Deutsch : entdecken, wahrnehmen <u>If you <b>descry</b> illegal content</u> on the linked websites, we beg for notification Common GRE MSU
210 desiccate to dry out completely verb " de- ""thoroughly"" (see de-) + siccare ""to dry""</br>v. to suck out the vitality and passion" One should use sliced fruits within one day as the insides quickly desiccate. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 210 desiccate 1. to dry out completely </br>2. to suck out the vitality and passion verb " de- ""thoroughly"" (see de-) + siccare ""to dry""</br>" 1. One should use sliced fruits within one day as the insides quickly <b>desiccate.</b> </br>2. The professional soccer player became<u> <b>desiccated</b> after being in a car accident that left him in a coma.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
211 desultory halfhearted, not having a plan or purpose adjective </br>Deutsch : halbherzig</br>adj. inconsistent or random 1)The bronze medal winner managed a desultory smile. </br>2)The students were confused by the teachers desultory lecture which seemed to have no real focus 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 211 desultory halfhearted, not having a plan or purpose adjective </br>Deutsch : halbherzig</br>adj. inconsistent or random 1)The bronze medal winner managed a desultory smile. </br>2)The students were confused by the teachers desultory lecture which seemed to have no real focus 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
212 detachment objectivity or aloofness, devoid of interest or feelings noun " French détachement (17c.), détacher (see detach). Meaning ""that which is detached"", also in a military sense. </br>Deutsch : Ablösung" The womans air of detachment made the police question her involvement in her husbands death. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 212 detachment objectivity or aloofness, devoid of interest or feelings noun " French détachement (17c.), détacher (see detach). Meaning ""that which is detached"", also in a military sense. </br>Deutsch : Ablösung" The womans air of detachment made the police question her involvement in her husbands death. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
213 determinant a strong factor in an outcome noun </br>Deutsch : Bestimmungsfaktor "The key determinant for social security deductions are the conditions at year end 213 determinant a strong factor in an outcome noun "Latin : de= ""off"" + terminare ""to mark the end or boundary</br>Deutsch : Bestimmungsfaktor" "The key determinant for social security deductions are the conditions at year end
" 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar " 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
214 di two</br> double Greek/Latin root deductions are the conditions on 31 December of the tax period or at the end of the tax liability. Greek/Latin MSU 214 di two</br> double Greek/Latin root deductions are the conditions on 31 December of the tax period or at the end of the tax liability. Greek/Latin MSU
215 dia across</br> through Greek/Latin root diagonal</br> dialectic</br> dialogue</br> diagnosis Greek/Latin MSU 215 dia across</br> through Greek/Latin root diagonal</br> dialectic</br> dialogue</br> diagnosis Greek/Latin MSU
218 didactic educational or with an instructive purpose; often includes an element of moralizing adjective "French didactique, </br> Latinized form of Greek didaktikos ""apt at teaching" Because Mrs. Jones came up with lessons that were <u>not only <b>didactic</b> but also fun</u>, everyone thought she was a fantastic teacher. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 218 didactic educational or with an instructive purpose; often includes an element of moralizing adjective "French didactique, </br> Latinized form of Greek didaktikos ""apt at teaching</br>didact=teach +ic=nature of, like" Because Mrs. Jones came up with lessons that were <u>not only <b>didactic</b> but also fun</u>, everyone thought she was a fantastic teacher. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
219 die 1. v. to cease to live. 2. n. a mold used for shaping pieces of metal for incorporation into tools or other products </br>Deutsch = Pressform, Modell, (2) These car models are so similar that the <u>same<b>die </b> can be used to make most body parts</u>, such as the doors, hood, roof, and trunk cover. Homonym MSU 219 die 1. v. to cease to live. 2. n. a mold used for shaping pieces of metal for incorporation into tools or other products </br>Deutsch = Pressform, Modell, (2) These car models are so similar that the <u>same<b>die </b> can be used to make most body parts</u>, such as the doors, hood, roof, and trunk cover. Homonym MSU
221 diffident shy, timid, or reserved due to a lack of confidence adjective " Latin diffidentem, pp of diffidere ""to mistrust, lack confidence,"" dis- ""away"" (see dis-) + fidere ""to trust""" Because <u>she felt unattractive, Mary was <b>diffident</b> and kept to herself</u> at parties. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 221 diffident shy, timid, or reserved due to a lack of confidence adjective " Latin diffidentem, pp of diffidere ""to mistrust, lack confidence,"" dis- ""away"" (see dis-) + fidere ""to trust""" Because <u>she felt unattractive, Mary was <b>diffident</b> and kept to herself</u> at parties. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
222 diffident </br> different </br> deference <b>diffident</b> = shy, timid, or reserved due to a lack of confidence and </br><b>deference</b> is respect for others. Easily confused words If you<u> treat others with <b>deference</b></u>, then people will respect you back, and <u>acting <b>differently</b></u> will not lead to <u>shy <b>diffidence<b></u> Easily confused words MSU 222 diffident </br> different </br> deference <b>diffident</b> = shy, timid, or reserved due to a lack of confidence and </br><b>deference</b> is respect for others. Easily confused words If you<u> treat others with <b>deference</b></u>, then people will respect you back, and <u>acting <b>differently</b></u> will not lead to <u>shy <b>diffidence<b></u> Easily confused words MSU
224 dirge funeral or mourning lament noun "In the catholic burial mass, the first answer sung is Psalms v.9, which begins in Latin : ""Dirige, Domine, Deus meus, in conspectu tuo viam meam (""Direct, O Lord, my God, my way in thy sight""). So, Dirge is linked to first word, Direct in English.</br></br> now, n. any sad, slow song""" Elton John <u>wrote and sang the <b>dirge</b> at Lady Di's funeral.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 224 dirge funeral or mourning lament noun "In the catholic burial mass, the first answer sung is Psalms v.9, which begins in Latin : ""Dirige, Domine, Deus meus, in conspectu tuo viam meam (""Direct, O Lord, my God, my way in thy sight""). So, Dirge is linked to first word, Direct in English.</br></br> now, n. any sad, slow song""" Elton John <u>wrote and sang the <b>dirge</b> at Lady Di's funeral.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
225 dis not</br> apart Greek/Latin root disperse</br> disinherit</br> disenfranchise</br> distend Greek/Latin MSU 225 dis not</br> apart, off, away </br>the opposite of</br>completely</br>in every direction Greek/Latin root disperse</br> disinherit</br> disenfranchise</br> distend Greek/Latin MSU
227 disabuse to dispel someones illusions or false impressions about something. to free a person from falsehood or error: verb "dis=""to free, apart, off""+ ""mistake, fallacy, or deception""" We had to <u><b>disabuse</b> her of the notion</u> that she was invited. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 227 disabuse to dispel someones illusions or false impressions about something. to free a person from falsehood or error: verb "dis=""to free, apart, off""+ ""mistake, fallacy, or deception""" We had to <u><b>disabuse</b> her of the notion</u> that she was invited. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
228 discern to perceive, to recognize the difference or distinction between two or more things verb " dis- ""off, away"" + cernere ""distinguish, separate, sift" Because Bradley wore sun glasses, I could not discern whether or not his eyes were red. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 228 discern to perceive, to recognize the difference or distinction between two or more things verb " dis- ""off, away"" + cernere ""distinguish, separate, sift" Because Bradley wore sun glasses, I could not discern whether or not his eyes were red. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
229 discomfort (n) </br> discomfit (vt) 1. <b>discomfort</b> is a noun the lack of ease or comfort whereas <br>2. <b>discom<u>fit</u></b> is a verb and the act of disconcerting or making uncomfortable for <b>others</b>or to others Easily confused words To discomfit someone is to make them feel uncomfortable or upset. An easy way to discomfit another person is to use the age-old, childish trick of ignoring them. 1. I sat there in <b>discomfort</b><br>2. He was <b>discomfited</b> with the impolite behaviour of the visitor Easily confused words MSU 229 discomfort (n) </br> discomfit (vt) 1. <b>discomfort</b> is a noun the lack of ease or comfort whereas <br>2. <b>discom<u>fit</u></b> is a verb and the act of disconcerting or making uncomfortable for <b>others</b>or to others Easily confused words To discomfit someone is to make them feel uncomfortable or upset. An easy way to discomfit another person is to use the age-old, childish trick of ignoring them. 1. I sat there in <b>discomfort</b><br>2. He was <b>discomfited</b> with the impolite behaviour of the visitor Easily confused words MSU
230 discrepancy a difference or inconsistency especially between things that should be the same noun "dis= ""apart, off"" + crepare=""to rattle, crack""" The police were <u>confused by the <b>discrepancy</b> between</u> the testimonies of the two witnesses who saw the same event. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 230 discrepancy a difference or inconsistency especially between things that should be the same noun "dis= ""apart, off"" + crepare=""to rattle, crack""" The police were <u>confused by the <b>discrepancy</b> between</u> the testimonies of the two witnesses who saw the same event. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
231 disingenuous not candid or sincere adjective Synonyms: dishonest, deceitful, duplicitous But shamelessly self-interested and probably contrary to his real views on the EU though it is, the mayors move is perhaps not entirely disingenuous. Least Difficult FT 231 disingenuous not candid or sincere, generally by pretending one knows less than one actually does adjective "from dis- ""opposite of"" + ingenuous(=naïve)</br>Synonyms: dishonest, deceitful, duplicitous" The detective was a <b><u>disingenuous</b> man who played dumb to trick others</u> into confessing Least Difficult FT
232 disinterested objective, unbiased adjective if you're <b>disinterested</b>, you're unbiased; you're out of the loop. <br>2. But if you're <b>uninterested</b>, you don't give a hoot; you're bored. 1. The referee should be <b><u>disinterested</b>in which team wins the game</u>, but<br> <u>grandmother was <b>uninterested</b> in who won the football game.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 232 disinterested objective, unbiased adjective if you're <b>disinterested</b>, you're unbiased; you're out of the loop. <br>2. But if you're <b>uninterested</b>, you don't give a hoot; you're bored. 1. The referee should be <b><u>disinterested</b>in which team wins the game</u>, but<br> <u>grandmother was <b>uninterested</b> in who won the football game.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
233 disparage to belittle verb Originally meant to marry below one's rank, ie. Dis=away + parage=rank. Not it means to push somone lower, to belittle them <u>I cannot believe that you belittle and <b>disparage</b> people</u> who have little in common with you. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 233 disparage to belittle verb Originally meant to marry below one's rank, ie. Dis=away + parage=rank. Not it means to push somone lower, to belittle them <u>I cannot believe that you belittle and <b>disparage</b> people</u> who have little in common with you. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
234 disparaging belittling (n: disparagement. v. disparage) adjective His <u>mother's <b>disparaging</b> comments</u> made him feel awful Common GRE MSU 234 disparaging belittling (n: disparagement. v. disparage) adjective His <u>mother's <b>disparaging</b> comments</u> made him feel awful Common GRE MSU
235 disparate dissimilar to such a degree that comparison is not possible adjective " Latin disparatus, dis- ""apart"" + parare ""get ready, prepare, ie. Dislike in kind" Even though they are identical twins, they have<u> such <b>disparate</b> personalities</u> that its impossible to get them confused 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 235 disparate dissimilar to such a degree that comparison is not possible adjective " Latin disparatus, dis- ""apart"" + parare ""get ready, prepare, ie. Dislike in kind" Even though they are identical twins, they have<u> such <b>disparate</b> personalities</u> that its impossible to get them confused 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
237 dispassionate impartial or cool; calm; objective; unbiased adjective Liza is a <u><b>dispassionate</b> person who rarely displays her emotions</u> to others 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 237 dispassionate impartial or cool; calm; objective; unbiased adjective "from dis- ""the opposite of"" + passionate" Liza is a <u><b>dispassionate</b> person who rarely displays her emotions</u> to others 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
238 disregard to ignore or pay no attention to verb dis= away + regard=look at If you <u><b>disregard</b> the red light </u>at an intersection you are not only breaking the law but also endangering your life 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 238 disregard to ignore or pay no attention to verb dis= away + regard=look at If you <u><b>disregard</b> the red light </u>at an intersection you are not only breaking the law but also endangering your life 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
240 dissemble to mislead or conceal the truth, esp. with respect to ones motives. to conceal one's real motive, to feign verb " Latin dissimulare ""make unlike, conceal, disguise,"" dis- ""completely"" (see dis-) + simulare ""to make like, imitate, copy," Rather than answer the reporters questions directly, <u>the politician chose to mislead and <b>dissembled</b> his responses</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 240 dissemble to mislead or conceal the truth, esp. with respect to ones motives. to conceal one's real motive, to feign verb " Latin dissimulare ""make unlike, conceal, disguise,"" dis- ""completely"" (see dis-) + simulare ""to make like, imitate, copy," Rather than answer the reporters questions directly, <u>the politician chose to mislead and <b>dissembled</b> his responses</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
241 dissemble </br> disassemble Disassemble is to take something apart, like an old car motor, but dissemble is sneaky — it means to hide your true self,to lie to misrepresent oneself - like the guy who said he was a mechanic but had never actually seen a motor, much less put one back together. Easily confused words dis= reverse +assemble+collect in one place=> take aprt</br></br></br> dis=not + semble=appear=>not true representation the word is that these are Chinese actors who have been hired to resemble and dissemble North Korean fans. Easily confused words MSU 241 dissemble </br> disassemble Disassemble is to take something apart, like an old car motor, but dissemble is sneaky — it means to hide your true self,to lie to misrepresent oneself - like the guy who said he was a mechanic but had never actually seen a motor, much less put one back together. Easily confused words dis= reverse +assemble+collect in one place=> take aprt</br></br></br> dis=not + semble=appear=>not true representation the word is that these are Chinese actors who have been hired to resemble and dissemble North Korean fans. Easily confused words MSU
242 disseminate to spread widely (esp. information) verb The pollen will disseminate into the region by Thursday, causing further burdens for allergy sufferers. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 242 disseminate to spread widely (esp. information) verb "Latin : dis- ""in every direction"" (see dis-) + seminare ""to plant, propagate,"" from semen (genitive seminis) ""seed""" The pollen will disseminate into the region by Thursday, causing further burdens for allergy sufferers. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
243 dissonance a clash between two elements that dont blend well, a lack of harmony or agreement noun The school boards meeting lasted for hours due to the length debate fueled by dissonance among opinions. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 243 dissonance a clash between two elements that dont blend well, a lack of harmony or agreement noun "Latin : dissonantem""differ in sound"", ie lack of harmony" The school boards meeting lasted for hours due to the length debate fueled by dissonance among opinions. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
244 diverge to split apart, esp. a road or path verb Knowing that everyone would diverge after graduation, she was worried that she would not see her friends anymore. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 244 diverge to split apart, esp. a road or path verb "Laitin : assimilated form of dis- ""apart"" + vergere ""to bend, turn, tend toward""</br> opposite of converge" Knowing that everyone would diverge after graduation, she was worried that she would not see her friends anymore. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
245 docile Ready to accept control or instruction; submissive adjective Synonyms: compliant, obedient, pliant Docile with humans, they are fierce defenders of territory and their young. Least Difficult FT 245 docile Ready to accept control or instruction; submissive adjective " Latin : docilis ""easily taught""</br> Synonyms: compliant, obedient, pliant" Docile with humans, they are fierce defenders of territory and their young. Least Difficult FT
246 doff Remove (an item of clothing) verb Synonyms: lay hold of, take hold of To don shoes, to doff them, or even to throw them at somebody? Least Difficult FT 246 doff Remove (an item of clothing) verb Synonyms: lay hold of, take hold of To don shoes, to doff them, or even to throw them at somebody? Least Difficult FT
247 dogged stubborn or determined: adjective Her dogged pursuit of the degree eventually paid off. Common GRE MSU 247 dogged stubborn or determined: adjective """having the qualities of a (bull)dog"", in a negative sense" Her dogged pursuit of the degree eventually paid off. Common GRE MSU
248 dogma the official beliefs or tenets of particular sect or group noun Although Jake considered himself to be quite religious, he did not blindly follow the dogma of the church.  357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 248 dogma the official beliefs or tenets of particular sect or group noun "Latin : dogma ""philosophical tenet," Although Jake considered himself to be quite religious, he did not blindly follow the dogma of the church.  357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
249 dogmatic relying upon doctrine or dogma, as opposed to evidence adjective Common GRE MSU 249 dogmatic relying upon doctrine or dogma, as opposed to evidence adjective dogma + -ic (= nature of, like) Common GRE MSU
250 -dom quality, realm, office noun freedom</br> kingdom</br> wisdom</br> thralldom Suffix MSU 250 -dom quality, realm, office noun freedom</br> kingdom</br> wisdom</br> thralldom Suffix MSU
251 dominus lord </br> master Greek/Latin root dominant</br> dominion Greek/Latin MSU 251 dominus lord </br> master Greek/Latin root dominant</br> dominion Greek/Latin MSU
252 dote be extremely and uncritically fond of verb Synonyms: adore, love dearly, be devoted to Falling birth-rates allowed parents to dote on fewer children, who were increasingly likely to go to school. Least Difficult FT 252 dote be extremely and uncritically fond of verb Synonyms: adore, love dearly, be devoted to Falling birth-rates allowed parents to dote on fewer children, who were increasingly likely to go to school. Least Difficult FT
253 dupe to deceive or fool verb My brother is a schemer who is always trying to dupe people out of their money. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 253 dupe to deceive or fool verb French, duper My brother is a schemer who is always trying to dupe people out of their money. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
254 dynasthai be able Greek/Latin root dynamic</br> dynamo</br> dynasty</br> dynamite Greek/Latin MSU 254 dynasthai be able Greek/Latin root dynamic</br> dynamo</br> dynasty</br> dynamite Greek/Latin MSU
256 eccentric quirky or unusual adjective " Greek astronomy referring to planet orbitals: ekkentros ""out of the center"" (as opposed to concentric), ek ""out"" (see ex-) + kentron ""center"". Meaning now modified to ""odd or whimsical person""" The eccentric artist was quite happy to walk around with green hair 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 256 eccentric quirky or unusual adjective " Greek astronomy referring to planet orbitals: ekkentros ""out of the center"" (as opposed to concentric), ek ""out"" (see ex-) + kentron ""center""+ ic=nature of, like. Meaning now modified to ""odd or whimsical person""" The eccentric artist was quite happy to walk around with green hair 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
258 eclectic composed of a variety of styles, themes, motifs, etc. selecting or employing individual elements from a variety of sources: adjective Many modern decorators prefer an eclectic style. (n: eclecticism) 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 258 eclectic composed of a variety of styles, themes, motifs, etc. selecting or employing individual elements from a variety of sources: adjective ic=nature of, like Many modern decorators prefer an eclectic style. (n: eclecticism) 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
259 -ee one who receives the action noun employee</br> nominee</br> refugee Suffix MSU 259 -ee one who receives the action noun employee</br> nominee</br> refugee Suffix MSU
260 effect </br> affect affect is usually a verb, and it means to impact or change. Effect is usually a noun, an effect is the result of a change. So, if A affects B, B experiences the effect of As action. Easily confused words affect is a verb and effect is a noun. At least (spoiler alert!), most of the time. Heres a mnemonic: A is for action. Verbs are about action. Affect starts with an A, so its a verb. Also, Think of the common phrase cause and effect. Cause ends with an E, and effect begins with an E. So not only does a cause lead to an effect, but also causes E leads to effects E, giving you a handy noun bridge to step across and remember which spelling to use. The most common side effects of antibiotics affect the digestive system. Easily confused words MSU 260 effect </br> affect affect is usually a verb, and it means to impact or change. Effect is usually a noun, an effect is the result of a change. So, if A affects B, B experiences the effect of As action. Easily confused words affect is a verb and effect is a noun. At least (spoiler alert!), most of the time. Heres a mnemonic: A is for action. Verbs are about action. Affect starts with an A, so its a verb. Also, Think of the common phrase cause and effect. Cause ends with an E, and effect begins with an E. So not only does a cause lead to an effect, but also causes E leads to effects E, giving you a handy noun bridge to step across and remember which spelling to use. The most common side effects of antibiotics affect the digestive system. Easily confused words MSU
262 efficacy effectiveness; capability to produce a desired effect noun The instructors efficacy was reduced by the lack of educational materials.  357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 262 efficacy effectiveness; capability to produce a desired effect noun The instructors efficacy was reduced by the lack of educational materials.  357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
263 effluent the quality of flowing out. something that flows out, such as a stream from a river (n: effluence) adjective, n Paques builds plants that ensure that <u>wastewater</u><b> effluent</b> effluent is cleaned Common GRE MSU 263 effluent the quality of flowing out. something that flows out, such as a stream from a river (n: effluence) adjective, n Paques builds plants that ensure that <u>wastewater</u><b> effluent</b> effluent is cleaned Common GRE MSU
264 ego I</br> self Greek/Latin root ego</br> egomaniac</br> egocentric</br> Greek/Latin MSU 264 ego I</br> self Greek/Latin root ego</br> egomaniac</br> egocentric</br> Greek/Latin MSU
265 elegy sad poem or song, often in remembrance of someone deceased noun When the princess died, one of her favorite songwriters wrote a moving elegy for her. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 265 elegy sad poem or song, often in remembrance of someone deceased noun When the princess died, one of her favorite songwriters wrote a moving elegy for her. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
266 elicit to provoke a response verb In the experiment, the scientist hoped to <u><b>elicit</b> a response</u> from a mouse by piping high-pitched sounds into a sealed cage. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 266 elicit to provoke a response verb ic=nature of, like In the experiment, the scientist hoped to <u><b>elicit</b> a response</u> from a mouse by piping high-pitched sounds into a sealed cage. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
267 eloquence persuasive and articulate speech adjective Since the girl spoke from the heart, the <u><b>eloquence</b> in her words</u> allowed everyone to completely understand and believe what she was saying. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 267 eloquence persuasive and articulate speech adjective Since the girl spoke from the heart, the <u><b>eloquence</b> in her words</u> allowed everyone to completely understand and believe what she was saying. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
268 elusive </br>effusive elusive is when not quite able to catch/find/get hold of whereas effusive is when showing or expressing gratitude, pleasure, or approval in an unrestrained or heartfelt manner Easily confused words The elusive criminal was finally captured and his former inmates were effusive on his return to prison Easily confused words MSU 268 elusive </br>effusive elusive is when not quite able to catch/find/get hold of whereas effusive is when showing or expressing gratitude, pleasure, or approval in an unrestrained or heartfelt manner Easily confused words The elusive criminal was finally captured and his former inmates were effusive on his return to prison Easily confused words MSU
269 eminent well-known, respected, distinguished adjective Everyone was looking forward to taking the class with such <u>an <b>eminent</b> professor.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 269 eminent well-known, respected, distinguished adjective Everyone was looking forward to taking the class with such <u>an <b>eminent</b> professor.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
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275 -en made of, make adjective or verb (ex: widen) silken</br> frozen</br> oaken</br> wooden</br> lighten Suffix MSU 275 -en made of, make adjective or verb (ex: widen) silken</br> frozen</br> oaken</br> wooden</br> lighten Suffix MSU
276 -ence, ency action, state of, quality noun difference</br> conference</br> urgency Suffix MSU 276 -ence, ency action, state of, quality noun difference</br> conference</br> urgency Suffix MSU
277 encomium a formal eulogy or speech of praise noun Mrs. Poundstone was surprised and delighted on the last day of school when the students in her most difficult class presented her with an <b>encomium</b> they had written, praising her work as a teacher. Common GRE MSU 277 encomium a formal eulogy or speech of praise noun Mrs. Poundstone was surprised and delighted on the last day of school when the students in her most difficult class presented her with an <b>encomium</b> they had written, praising her work as a teacher. Common GRE MSU
279 endemic </br> epidemic endemic is an inherent characteristic whereas epidemic is an illness wave that affect many in the population at the same time Easily confused words Easily confused words MSU 279 endemic </br> epidemic endemic is an inherent characteristic whereas epidemic is an illness wave that affect many in the population at the same time Easily confused words ic=nature of, like Easily confused words MSU
280 endow Provide with a quality, ability, or asset verb Synonyms: equip, bless, give Good and inspiring teachers, meanwhile, such as... J.K. Rowlings Minerva McGonagall, are portrayed as endowed with supernatural gifts... Least Difficult FT 280 endow Provide with a quality, ability, or asset verb Synonyms: equip, bless, give Good and inspiring teachers, meanwhile, such as... J.K. Rowlings Minerva McGonagall, are portrayed as endowed with supernatural gifts... Least Difficult FT
282 enervate to exhaust or drain of energy. to weaken or destroy the strength or vitality of: (adj: enervating) verb "make tired by ""getting on your nerves""" The heat <b>enervated</b> everyone. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 282 enervate to exhaust or drain of energy. to weaken or destroy the strength or vitality of: (adj: enervating) verb "make tired by ""getting on your nerves""" The heat <b>enervated</b> everyone. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
284 engender to cause or give rise to verb "from in- ""in"" + generare ""bring forth, beget, produce"" itself from genus ""give birth, beget,""" His slip of the toungue <b>engendered</b> much laughter. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 284 engender to cause or give rise to verb "from in- ""in"" + generare ""bring forth, beget, produce"" itself from genus ""give birth, beget,""" His slip of the toungue <b>engendered</b> much laughter. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
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297 erroneous incorrect adjective Despite the fact that you used an erroneous method to solve the problem, somehow you managed to arrive at the correct solution. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 297 erroneous incorrect adjective Despite the fact that you used an erroneous method to solve the problem, somehow you managed to arrive at the correct solution. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
299 erudite learned; scholarly; displaying deep intensive learning. (n: erudition) adjective High school students often struggle with novels that are more erudite than they are entertaining. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 299 erudite learned; scholarly; displaying deep intensive learning. (n: erudition) adjective High school students often struggle with novels that are more erudite than they are entertaining. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
300 -escent in the process of adjective or noun adolescent</br> obsolescent</br> convalescent Suffix MSU 300 -escent in the process of adjective or noun adolescent</br> obsolescent</br> convalescent Suffix MSU
301 eschew avoid or abstain from verb True vegetarians eschew food items that come from living animals. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 301 eschew avoid or abstain from verb "same root as : German scheuen ""to fear, shun, shrink from""" True vegetarians eschew food items that come from living animals. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
302 -ese a native of noun or adjective Javanese</br> Vietnamese Suffix MSU 302 -ese a native of noun or adjective Javanese</br> Vietnamese Suffix MSU
303 -esis, osis action, process, condition noun genesis</br> hypnosis</br> neurosis</br> osmosis Suffix MSU 303 -esis, osis action, process, condition noun genesis</br> hypnosis</br> neurosis</br> osmosis Suffix MSU
305 esoteric obscure, arcane, intended for or understood by only a few: adjective Synonyms: abstruse, obscure, arcane The esoteric discussion confused some people. (n: esoterica)</br>The subjects at hand often sound esoteric, if not silly, but the questions may prove more than merely academic. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 305 esoteric obscure, arcane, intended for or understood by only a few: adjective "Synonyms: abstruse, obscure, arcane </br>ic=""nature of, like" The esoteric discussion confused some people. (n: esoterica)</br>The subjects at hand often sound esoteric, if not silly, but the questions may prove more than merely academic. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
306 -ess female noun poetess</br> goddess Suffix MSU 306 -ess female noun poetess</br> goddess Suffix MSU
307 estimable deserving respect, esteem, and admiration adjective Our estimable professor is constantly being recognized for his cancer research 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 307 estimable deserving respect, esteem, and admiration adjective Our estimable professor is constantly being recognized for his cancer research 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
308 -et, ette small one, group noun midget</br> octet</br> baronet</br> Suffix MSU 308 -et, ette small one, group noun midget</br> octet</br> baronet</br> Suffix MSU
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319 exonerate to clear of charges of wrongdoing verb The testimony from the witness will hopefully exonerate my husband of the charges. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 319 exonerate to clear of charges of wrongdoing verb The testimony from the witness will hopefully exonerate my husband of the charges. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
320 exorbitant exceeding customary or normal limits, esp. in quantity or price: adjective The cab fare was exorbitant. Common GRE MSU 320 exorbitant exceeding customary or normal limits, esp. in quantity or price: adjective The cab fare was exorbitant. Common GRE MSU
321 expatiate to elaborate on something in great detail verb During his book signing, Clark will expatiate on his military adventures 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 321 expatiate to elaborate on something in great detail verb During his book signing, Clark will expatiate on his military adventures 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
322 explicate to explain in detail verb If the auditor finds an error in the accounting records, the treasurer will need to explicate the mistake. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 322 explicate to explain in detail verb ic=nature of, like</br> If the auditor finds an error in the accounting records, the treasurer will need to explicate the mistake. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
323 explicit fully and clearly expressed adjective The bank representative made sure the borrower was aware of the <b>explicit</b> terms of the loan agreement. Common GRE MSU 323 explicit fully and clearly expressed adjective The bank representative made sure the borrower was aware of the <b>explicit</b> terms of the loan agreement. Common GRE MSU
324 exposition a thorough explanation noun n. a public show or fair 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 324 exposition a thorough explanation noun n. a public show or fair The researcher gave <u>a full <b>exposition</b> of his research results.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
325 extant in existence, still existing: adjective Synonyms: living, still existing, remaining The only extant representative of that species. Common GRE MSU 325 extant in existence, still existing: adjective Synonyms: living, still existing, remaining The only <b>extant</b> representative of that species. Common GRE MSU
326 extant </br> extent extant usually refers to the last surviving example in existence(eg. Book, species) whereas extent is the length or amount of something Easily confused words The last extant white rhinos are still being hunted down for randy Asian geriatrics. The extent of corruption in the bureaucracy was well known. Easily confused words MSU 326 extant </br> extent extant usually refers to the last surviving example in existence(eg. Book, species) whereas extent is the length or amount of something Easily confused words The last extant white rhinos are still being hunted down for randy Asian geriatrics. The extent of corruption in the bureaucracy was well known. Easily confused words MSU
327 extraneous irrelevant or superfluous adjective If you slip off your diet, the extraneous calories will make you gain all the weight you lost. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 327 extraneous irrelevant or superfluous adjective If you slip off your diet, the extraneous calories will make you gain all the weight you lost. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
328 extrapolate to estimate or conjecture about the future based on presently available information or facts verb The scientist tried to <b><u>extrapolate</b> the future results by looking at data from previous testing</u> dates 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 328 extrapolate to estimate or conjecture about the future based on presently available information or facts verb The scientist tried to <b><u>extrapolate</b> the future results by looking at data from previous testing</u> dates 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
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351 fluctuate to shift without apparent pattern verb Each day, the <u>price of gold will <b>fluctuate on the market</u></b> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 351 fluctuate to shift without apparent pattern verb Each day, the <u>price of gold will <b>fluctuate on the market</u></b> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
352 fluke Unlikely chance occurrence, especially a surprising piece of luck noun Synonyms: coincidence, accident, a twist of fate Was this a fluke? Mr. Baker is not the first to notice the anomaly. Least Difficult FT 352 fluke Unlikely chance occurrence, especially a surprising piece of luck noun Synonyms: coincidence, accident, a twist of fate Was this a fluke? Mr. Baker is not the first to notice the anomaly. Least Difficult FT
353 foil 1. n. a thin sheet made of metal. 2. n. a type of rapier or sword. foils: the sport or practice of fencing with such swords. 3. n. a person or thing used in a comparison in order to make another person or thing seem superior. 4. v. to spoil or thwart; to prevent the success of. (3) She had brought so many obviously unsuitable suitors home to her parents that they acted as foils; when she introduced John, he seemed an excellent prospect by contrast and her parents were happy to agree to the marriage. (4) The unexpected return of their parents foiled their plans for a party. Homonym MSU 353 foil 1. n. a thin sheet made of metal. 2. n. a type of rapier or sword. foils: the sport or practice of fencing with such swords. 3. n. a person or thing used in a comparison in order to make another person or thing seem superior. 4. v. to spoil or thwart; to prevent the success of. (3) She had brought so many obviously unsuitable suitors home to her parents that they acted as foils; when she introduced John, he seemed an excellent prospect by contrast and her parents were happy to agree to the marriage. (4) The unexpected return of their parents foiled their plans for a party. Homonym MSU
354 foment to foster unrest or discontent verb 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 354 foment to foster unrest or discontent verb "Latin fomentum ""warm application, poultice,""on the notion of ""encourage the growth of,"" similar to ferment" the police are here to keep people calm, not to <u?<b>foment</b> violence</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
355 forage (of a person or animal) search widely for food or provisions verb Synonyms: hunt, scavenge, grub And you must be ready to abandon tired orthodoxies of the left and right and forage for good ideas across the political spectrum. Least Difficult FT 355 forage (of a person or animal) search widely for food or provisions verb Synonyms: hunt, scavenge, grub And you must be ready to abandon tired orthodoxies of the left and right and forage for good ideas across the political spectrum. Least Difficult FT
356 forestall to hold off or try to prevent; Prevent or obstruct (an anticipated event or action) by taking action ahead of time verb Synonyms: pre-empt, get in before, get ahead of To forestall a social crisis, he mused, governments should consider a tax on robots; if automation slows as a result, so much the better. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 356 forestall to hold off or try to prevent; Prevent or obstruct (an anticipated event or action) by taking action ahead of time verb Synonyms: pre-empt, get in before, get ahead of To forestall a social crisis, he mused, governments should consider a tax on robots; if automation slows as a result, so much the better. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
357 fortuitous Happening by a lucky chance adjective Synonyms: fortunate, advantageous, opportune Thanks to these sensible policies, and the fortuitous tailwind of higher productivity growth, the economy boomed and prosperity was shared. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 357 fortuitous Happening by a lucky chance adjective Synonyms: fortunate, advantageous, opportune Thanks to these sensible policies, and the fortuitous tailwind of higher productivity growth, the economy boomed and prosperity was shared. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
@ -298,30 +298,30 @@
361 fry 1. v. to cook in hot oil. 2. n. baby fish The newborn fry are easy prey to larger fish in the area. 2. The police were u>not interested in the <b>small fry</b> drug dealers</u>, but wanted to catch the drug kingpin. Homonym MSU 361 fry 1. v. to cook in hot oil. 2. n. baby fish The newborn fry are easy prey to larger fish in the area. 2. The police were u>not interested in the <b>small fry</b> drug dealers</u>, but wanted to catch the drug kingpin. Homonym MSU
362 -ful full of adjective frightful</br> beautiful</br> helpful Suffix MSU 362 -ful full of adjective frightful</br> beautiful</br> helpful Suffix MSU
363 -fy make verb fortify</br> simplify Suffix MSU 363 -fy make verb fortify</br> simplify Suffix MSU
364 gainsay deny or oppose verb 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 364 gainsay deny or oppose verb Literally : Say against It is <u>impossible to <u>gainsay</u> the importance of a good education</u> in todays competitive job market. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
365 galvanize to prod someone into action verb 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 365 galvanize to prod someone into action verb "figurative sense of ""galvanize by electricity""" By holding a rally, <u>the politician hoped to <b>galvanize</b> young people to vote </u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
367 garrulous talkative; verbose; talkative; rambling: adjective We tried to avoid our garrulous neighbor. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 367 garrulous talkative; verbose; talkative; rambling: adjective "from Latin garrulus ""talkative, chattering" We tried to avoid our garrulous neighbor. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
368 gauche socially inept, inappropriate, or awkward adjective gauche = left (english)/links (</br>Deutsch) His gauche statements made eveyone feel uncomfortable 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 368 gauche socially inept, inappropriate, or awkward adjective gauche = left (english)/links (</br>Deutsch) His gauche statements made eveyone feel uncomfortable 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
369 geo earth Greek/Latin root geology</br> geography</br> geocentric</br> geomancy Greek/Latin MSU 369 geo earth Greek/Latin root geology</br> geography</br> geocentric</br> geomancy Greek/Latin MSU
370 germane relevant to the matter at hand adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 370 germane relevant to the matter at hand, closely connected, relevant adjective Latin : germanus = having the same parents The president will only respond to media questions that are <b>germane</b>to the economic crisis. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
371 glib talking volubly,easily but carelessly or insincerely adjective Because she is so conceited, Linda is constantly fishing for compliments, and she takes all the glib flattery seriously. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 371 glib speaking in a smooth, easy way that is insincere ta. lking volubly,easily but carelessly or insincerely adjective "From German ""glibberig"", now used in a figurative sense" Because she is so conceited, Linda is constantly fishing for compliments, and she takes all the glib flattery seriously. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
372 gossamer fine cobweb on foliage; fine gauzy fabric; very fine: noun, adjective She wore a gossamer robe. Common GRE MSU 372 gossamer fine cobweb on foliage; fine gauzy fabric; very fine: noun, adjective She wore a gossamer robe. Common GRE MSU
373 graph</br> gram write</br> record Greek/Latin root graphic</br> graphite</br> graphology</br> telegram Greek/Latin MSU 373 graph</br> gram write</br> record Greek/Latin root graphic</br> graphite</br> graphology</br> telegram Greek/Latin MSU
374 gregarious sociable, genial adjective Humans are by nature gregarious, and like to live close together 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 374 gregarious sociable, genial adjective " Latin : gregarius=""pertaining to a flock" Humans are by nature gregarious, and like to live close together 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
375 guile skillful deceit: noun (v. bequile; adj: beguiling. Note, however, that these two words have an additional meaning: to charm (v.) or charming (adj:), while the word guile does not generally have any such positive connotations) He was well known for his guile. Common GRE MSU 375 guile skillful deceit: noun (v. bequile; adj: beguiling. Note, however, that these two words have an additional meaning: to charm (v.) or charming (adj:), while the word guile does not generally have any such positive connotations) He was well known for his guile. Common GRE MSU
377 guileless honest; straightforward (n: guilelessness) adjective Common GRE MSU 377 guileless honest; straightforward (n: guilelessness) adjective Common GRE MSU
378 hack 1. v. to chop. 2. n. a bad or unoriginal writer. (2) Even though he worked for the New York Times, he always felt like a hack. Homonym MSU 378 hack 1. v. to chop. 2. n. a bad or unoriginal writer. (2) Even though he worked for the New York Times, he always felt like a hack. Homonym MSU
379 hackneyed cliché, trite, banal adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 379 hackneyed overused, so overused as to have become uninteresting, repeated too often, cliché, trite, banal adjective Named after London Borough of Hackney where small horses were let out for hire, so figuratively : used many times over that it has become uninteresting Too often used by young girls, <u>the word “like” has become <b>hackneyed<b/></u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
381 harangue diatribe or rant; a lengthy and aggressive speech noun Synonyms: tirade, diatribe, rant </br>Deutsch : Moralpredigt, Tirade State-run China Central Television (CCTV) has broadcast harsh criticisms of some multinationals, including an absurd harangue over Starbucks prices... 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 381 harangue diatribe or rant; a lengthy and aggressive speech noun Synonyms: tirade, diatribe, rant </br>Deutsch : Moralpredigt, Tirade State-run China Central Television (CCTV) has broadcast harsh criticisms of some multinationals, including an absurd harangue over Starbucks prices... 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
382 headlong headfirst; impulsive; hasty. impulsively; hastily; without forethought: adjective, adverb They rushed headlong into marriage. Common GRE MSU 382 headlong headfirst; impulsive; hasty. impulsively; hastily; without forethought: adjective, adverb They rushed headlong into marriage. Common GRE MSU
383 hedonism the pursuit of pleasure noun 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 383 hedonism the pursuit of pleasure noun Freddie Mercuy was known to be a great singer and a non-stop hedonist 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
384 hetero mixed</br> unlike Greek/Latin root heterogeneous</br> heterosexual</br> heterodox</br> heterodont</br> hetero atom</br> heterocyclic</br> heterozygous</br> Greek/Latin MSU 384 hetero mixed</br> unlike Greek/Latin root heterogeneous</br> heterosexual</br> heterodox</br> heterodont</br> hetero atom</br> heterocyclic</br> heterozygous</br> Greek/Latin MSU
385 hierarchical arranged in rank order or hierarchy adjective <u>The <b>hierarchic</b> structure</u> of the company led to internal problems 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 385 hierarchical arranged in rank order or hierarchy adjective <u>The <b>hierarchic</b> structure</u> of the company led to internal problems 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
386 homo same</br> alike Greek/Latin root homogeneous</br> homogenized</br> homozygous</br> homolytic fission</br> Homo sapiens</br> homonid</br> homeostasis </br> homophone Greek/Latin MSU 386 homo same</br> alike Greek/Latin root homogeneous</br> homogenized</br> homozygous</br> homolytic fission</br> Homo sapiens</br> homonid</br> homeostasis </br> homophone Greek/Latin MSU
388 homogenous of the same or similar kind adjective uniform, identical There are very few truly homogenous cultures since social diversity is increasingly widespread. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 388 homogenous of the same or similar kind adjective uniform, identical There are very few truly homogenous cultures since social diversity is increasingly widespread. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
389 -hood order, quality noun neighborhood</br> motherhood Suffix MSU 389 -hood order, quality noun neighborhood</br> motherhood Suffix MSU
390 husband 1. n. a male spouse. 2. v. to manage frugally. to conserve. ___husbandry n. management. (2) Our mother was so <u>good at <b>husbanding</b> resources</u> that we never went hungry, even when our parents both lost their jobs.___This college offers many courses in animal husbandry. Homonym MSU 390 husband 1. n. a male spouse. 2. v. to manage frugally. to conserve. ___husbandry n. management. (2) Our mother was so <u>good at <b>husbanding</b> resources</u> that we never went hungry, even when our parents both lost their jobs.___This college offers many courses in animal husbandry. Homonym MSU
391 hyperbole obvious exaggeration for effect noun Obviously the network is <u>overreacting and engaging in <b>hyperbole</b></u> when they say 55 million people are in danger! for normal thunderstorms 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 391 hyperbole obvious exaggeration for effect noun Obviously the network is <u>overreacting and engaging in <b>hyperbole</b></u> when they say 55 million people are in danger! Due to normal thunderstorms 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
392 -ic nature of, like adjective metallic</br> heroic</br> poetic Suffix MSU 392 -ic nature of, like adjective metallic</br> heroic</br> poetic Suffix MSU
393 -ice condition, state, quality noun justice</br> malice Suffix MSU 393 -ice condition, state, quality noun justice</br> malice Suffix MSU
395 iconoclast a person who attacks traditional religious and cultural institutions noun Synonyms: critic, skeptic, dissenter He has overtaken Manuel Valls, the centre-left prime minister, as the lefts most outspoken iconoclast, and shown up the Socialist left as die-hard conservatives. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 395 iconoclast a person who attacks traditional religious and cultural institutions noun Synonyms: critic, skeptic, dissenter He has overtaken Manuel Valls, the centre-left prime minister, as the lefts most outspoken iconoclast, and shown up the Socialist left as die-hard conservatives. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
@ -330,10 +330,10 @@
398 ideo idea Greek/Latin root ideology</br> ideation</br> ideal Greek/Latin MSU 398 ideo idea Greek/Latin root ideology</br> ideation</br> ideal Greek/Latin MSU
399 ideological relating to a particular belief system or theory adjective Due to the criminals <u><b>ideological</b> perspective that he is always right</u>,the criminal would hurt people if they wronged him 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 399 ideological relating to a particular belief system or theory adjective Due to the criminals <u><b>ideological</b> perspective that he is always right</u>,the criminal would hurt people if they wronged him 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
400 idios one's own Greek/Latin root idiom</br> idiosyncrasy</br> idiopathic Greek/Latin MSU 400 idios one's own Greek/Latin root idiom</br> idiosyncrasy</br> idiopathic Greek/Latin MSU
401 imminent about to happen adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 401 imminent about to happen adjective "French/ Latin : ""overhanging; impending,""" When the Secret Service arrived, everyone knew <u>the presidents arrival was <b>imminent.</b></u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
402 immutable Unchanging over time or unable to be changed adjective Synonyms: permanent, set, steadfast After all, whom institutions choose to celebrate and how they depict the past are choices to be debated, not immutable facts. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 402 immutable Unchanging over time or unable to be changed adjective Synonyms: permanent, set, steadfast After all, whom institutions choose to celebrate and how they depict the past are choices to be debated, not immutable facts. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
403 impair to hinder or weaken someone or something verb 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 403 impair to hinder or weaken someone or something verb "French/latin : impeiorare ""make worse" <u>Alcohol can greatly <b>impair</b> your judgement.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
404 impecunious penniless; poor adjective Common GRE MSU 404 impecunious penniless; poor adjective "Latin : in- ""not, opposite of"" +pecuniosus ""rich, money" <u>He spent more than he earned, so he was always <b>impecunious</b></u> Common GRE MSU
405 impediment barrier, hindrance, or obstruction noun 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 405 impediment barrier, hindrance, or obstruction noun 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
406 imperious commanding adjective Common GRE MSU 406 imperious commanding adjective Common GRE MSU
407 imperturbable remaining calm under any circumstance adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 407 imperturbable remaining calm under any circumstance adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
@ -361,7 +361,7 @@
431 infer to conclude from implicit evidence (as opposed to explicit facts) verb New genetic evidence led some zoologists to infer that the red wolf is actually a hybrid of the coyote and the gray wolf. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 431 infer to conclude from implicit evidence (as opposed to explicit facts) verb New genetic evidence led some zoologists to infer that the red wolf is actually a hybrid of the coyote and the gray wolf. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
432 imply </br> infer Imply means to suggest or to say something in an indirect way. Infer means to suppose or come to a conclusion, especially based on an indirect suggestion Easily confused words The presenter implied indirectly that his colleague may be late and the audience inferred from the suble hint that the colleague would be late. Easily confused words MSU 432 imply </br> infer Imply means to suggest or to say something in an indirect way. Infer means to suppose or come to a conclusion, especially based on an indirect suggestion Easily confused words The presenter implied indirectly that his colleague may be late and the audience inferred from the suble hint that the colleague would be late. Easily confused words MSU
433 ingenious clever: (n: ingenuity) adjective She developed an ingenious method for testing her hypothesis. Common GRE MSU 433 ingenious clever: (n: ingenuity) adjective She developed an ingenious method for testing her hypothesis. Common GRE MSU
435 ingenuous naïve or innocent ;unsophisticated; artless; straightforward; candid: adjective Wilson's ingenuous response to the controversial calmed the suspicious listeners. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 435 ingenuous naive or innocent ;unsophisticated; artless; straightforward; candid: adjective "Latin : ingenuus ""with the virtues of freeborn people, of noble character, frank, upright, candid""" Wilson's ingenuous response to the controversial calmed the suspicious listeners. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
436 ingenious (ingenuity) </br> ingenuous (and disingenuous) Ingenious indicates cleverness, particularly relating to inventive, while ingenuous refers to sincerity or a naive nature. adjective genuous comes same root as genuine Einstein was ingenious while his wife was ingenuous Easily confused words MSU 436 ingenious (ingenuity) </br> ingenuous (and disingenuous) Ingenious indicates cleverness, particularly relating to inventive, while ingenuous refers to sincerity or a naive nature. adjective genuous comes same root as genuine Einstein was ingenious while his wife was ingenuous Easily confused words MSU
437 inhibit to hold back, prohibit, forbid, or restrain (n: inhibition, adj: inhibited) verb Common GRE MSU 437 inhibit to hold back, prohibit, forbid, or restrain (n: inhibition, adj: inhibited) verb Common GRE MSU
438 inimical harmful or hostile adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 438 inimical harmful or hostile adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
@ -390,7 +390,7 @@
466 -ity, ty state of, quality noun captivity</br> clarity Suffix MSU 466 -ity, ty state of, quality noun captivity</br> clarity Suffix MSU
467 -ive causing adjective or nouns derived from adjectives conclusive</br> festive</br> restive</br> abusive Suffix MSU 467 -ive causing adjective or nouns derived from adjectives conclusive</br> festive</br> restive</br> abusive Suffix MSU
468 -ize to make (like) verb emphasize</br> anthropomorphize Suffix MSU 468 -ize to make (like) verb emphasize</br> anthropomorphize Suffix MSU
470 laconic taciturn, reserved, succinct, using few words; terse: (of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words adjective Synonyms: brief, concise, terse The students laconic response suggested  that she did not know very much about the topic the professor was discussing. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 470 laconic taciturn, reserved, succinct, using few words; terse: (of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words adjective ic=nature of, like/br>Synonyms: brief, concise, terse The students laconic response suggested  that she did not know very much about the topic the professor was discussing. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
471 latent present or potential but not evident or active (n: latency) adjective Common GRE MSU 471 latent present or potential but not evident or active (n: latency) adjective Common GRE MSU
472 laud to praise verb 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 472 laud to praise verb 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
474 laudable praiseworthy; commendable (v. laud) adjective Providing affordable healthcare for all citizens is a laudable goal. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 474 laudable praiseworthy; commendable (v. laud) adjective Providing affordable healthcare for all citizens is a laudable goal. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
@ -414,14 +414,14 @@
496 malevolent malicious; evil; having or showing ill will: adjective Some early American colonists saw the wilderness as malevolent and sought to control it. Common GRE MSU 496 malevolent malicious; evil; having or showing ill will: adjective Some early American colonists saw the wilderness as malevolent and sought to control it. Common GRE MSU
498 malleable pliant or pliable adjective easily influenced Childrens moods are often malleable since children are greatly affected by their surroundings. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 498 malleable pliant or pliable adjective easily influenced Childrens moods are often malleable since children are greatly affected by their surroundings. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
499 mania obsession Greek/Latin root maniac</br> Beatlemania Greek/Latin MSU 499 mania obsession Greek/Latin root maniac</br> Beatlemania Greek/Latin MSU
500 maverick an unorthodox person or rebel noun 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 500 maverick an unorthodox person or rebel, tending to choose a different path from everyone else noun called after Samuel A. Maverick (1803-1870), Texas cattle owner who was notoriously negligent in branding his calves.His grandson, was also the only Southerner to vote against the anti-lynching bills in the 30's My <b>maverick</b> boss has made his fortune<u> by using a selling strategy different from that of his competitors.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
501 mendacity untruthfulness, dishonesty noun 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 501 mendacity untruthfulness, dishonesty noun " Latin mendax ""lying; a liar""" <u>A first sign of a new drug addict is their <b>mendacity</b></u>, not necessarily the effects of the drugs. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
502 -ment act of, result noun contentment</br> amendment Suffix MSU 502 -ment act of, result noun contentment</br> amendment Suffix MSU
503 mercurial easily changeable, fickle adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 503 mercurial easily changeable, fickle, subject to sudden or unpredictable changes adjective "Latin : Mercurius ""pertaining to the god Mercury, having the form or qualities attributed to Mercury"", ie. ""light-hearted, sprightly, volatile, changeable, quick" "As my sister has ""<b><u>mercurial</b> moods</b> we never know how she will be feeling from one moment to the next." 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
504 meter measure Greek/Latin root metronome</br> speedometer</br> odometer Greek/Latin MSU 504 meter measure Greek/Latin root metronome</br> speedometer</br> odometer Greek/Latin MSU
505 meticulous paying close attention to detail adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 505 meticulous paying close attention to detail adjective "French méticuleux ""timorously fussy""" <u>This accounting job requires a b>meticulous</b> person.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
506 micro small Greek/Latin root microscope</br> micron</br> micrometer</br> microorganism Greek/Latin MSU 506 micro small Greek/Latin root microscope</br> micron</br> micrometer</br> microorganism Greek/Latin MSU
507 milk 1. n. opaque liquid secreted by the mammary glands. 2. v. to extract by action similar to milking. to drain the strength from or exploit. noun, verb (2) John became very good at milking his misfortunes for all the sympathy he could get. Homonym MSU 507 milk 1. n. opaque liquid secreted by the mammary glands. 2. v. to extract by action similar to milking. to drain the strength from or exploit. noun, verb (2) John became very good at <b><u>milking</b> his misfortunes for all the sympathy he could get.</u> Homonym MSU
509 misanthrope person who hates humanity; one who hates people: noun He was a true misanthrope and hated even himself. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 509 misanthrope person who hates humanity; one who hates people: noun He was a true misanthrope and hated even himself. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
510 misnomer incorrect name or word for something noun Common GRE MSU 510 misnomer incorrect name or word for something noun Common GRE MSU
511 misogynist one who hates women noun Common GRE MSU 511 misogynist one who hates women noun Common GRE MSU
@ -431,8 +431,8 @@
517 mono one</br> single Greek/Latin root monocle</br> monopoly</br> monogamy</br> monovalent</br> monomania</br> monarchy Greek/Latin MSU 517 mono one</br> single Greek/Latin root monocle</br> monopoly</br> monogamy</br> monovalent</br> monomania</br> monarchy Greek/Latin MSU
518 monotony boredom and repetition adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 518 monotony boredom and repetition adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
519 mor(t) death Greek/Latin root mortician</br> mortuary</br> moribund</br> morbid</br> mortal =certain to die Morbid=gruesome</br> grisly Morose=gloomy moribund =dying</br> decaying immortal =living forever</br> unable to die Greek/Latin MSU 519 mor(t) death Greek/Latin root mortician</br> mortuary</br> moribund</br> morbid</br> mortal =certain to die Morbid=gruesome</br> grisly Morose=gloomy moribund =dying</br> decaying immortal =living forever</br> unable to die Greek/Latin MSU
520 muffler 1. n. an object for suppressing noise. 2. n. a scarf worn around the neck for warmth. (2) Our mother would never let us leave the house without our mufflers and mittens in the winter. Homonym MSU 520 muffler 1. n. an object for suppressing noise. 2. n. a scarf worn around the neck for warmth. (2) Our mother would never let us leave the house without our <u><b>mufflers</b> and mittens</u> in the winter. Homonym MSU
521 mundane everyday, boring adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 521 mundane everyday, boring adjective "Old French mondain/Latinmondulus: ""of this world, worldly, terrestrial,"" " Going about his everyday routine,<u> the mans <b>mundane</b> schedule had him bored to tears.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
522 munificent very generous adjective Synonyms: bountiful, lavish, handsome Anyone with a few million dollars to spare can join in. The initial awards for physics, for example, were followed by equally munificent prizes in life sciences and mathematics. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 522 munificent very generous adjective Synonyms: bountiful, lavish, handsome Anyone with a few million dollars to spare can join in. The initial awards for physics, for example, were followed by equally munificent prizes in life sciences and mathematics. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
523 naïve inexperienced or gullible adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 523 naïve inexperienced or gullible adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
524 nascent just beginning or in the early stages adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 524 nascent just beginning or in the early stages adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
@ -464,7 +464,7 @@
556 outstrip to overtake or outrun verb 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 556 outstrip to overtake or outrun verb 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
557 overshadow to literally cast a shadow over verb v. to appear more notable than 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 557 overshadow to literally cast a shadow over verb v. to appear more notable than 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
558 painstaking attentive to detail, meticulous adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 558 painstaking attentive to detail, meticulous adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
559 panegyric a writing or speech in praise of a person or thing noun Common GRE MSU 559 panegyric a writing or speech in praise of a person or thing noun ic=nature of, like Common GRE MSU
560 partial incomplete adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 560 partial incomplete adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
561 partisan a devoted supporter of a group, cause, or person noun 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 561 partisan a devoted supporter of a group, cause, or person noun 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
562 patent blatant, obvious adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 562 patent blatant, obvious adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@
564 paucity scarcity, poverty noun 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 564 paucity scarcity, poverty noun 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
565 peccadillo a small sin or fault noun Common GRE MSU 565 peccadillo a small sin or fault noun Common GRE MSU
566 ped foot Greek/Latin root pedestrian</br> pedal</br> pedicure</br>podiatrist Greek/Latin MSU 566 ped foot Greek/Latin root pedestrian</br> pedal</br> pedicure</br>podiatrist Greek/Latin MSU
568 pedantic overly concerned with irrelevant detail, fussy; showing a narrow concern for rules or formal book learning; making an excessive display of one's own learning:pedant, pedantry). adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 568 pedantic overly concerned with irrelevant detail, fussy; showing a narrow concern for rules or formal book learning; making an excessive display of one's own learning:pedant, pedantry). adjective ic=nature of, like 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
569 pedestrian boring, monotonous, run-of-the-mill adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 569 pedestrian boring, monotonous, run-of-the-mill adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
570 perfidious deliberately treacherous; dishonest (n: perfidy) adjective Common GRE MSU 570 perfidious deliberately treacherous; dishonest (n: perfidy) adjective Common GRE MSU
571 perfidy treachery or deceit noun 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 571 perfidy treachery or deceit noun 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
@ -488,12 +488,12 @@
581 phenomena things that happen noun 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 581 phenomena things that happen noun 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
582 philanthropy tendency or action for the benefit of others, as in donating money or property to a charitible organization noun The students were grateful to receive financial support from philanthropic organizations that promote education. Common GRE MSU 582 philanthropy tendency or action for the benefit of others, as in donating money or property to a charitible organization noun The students were grateful to receive financial support from philanthropic organizations that promote education. Common GRE MSU
583 philo love Greek/Latin root philosophy</br>philanthropy</br> philanthropist =one who loves humanity</br>philology =the love of words</br>philosophy =the love of wisdom</br>philatelist one who loves or collects stamps</br>bibliophile a lover of books Greek/Latin MSU 583 philo love Greek/Latin root philosophy</br>philanthropy</br> philanthropist =one who loves humanity</br>philology =the love of words</br>philosophy =the love of wisdom</br>philatelist one who loves or collects stamps</br>bibliophile a lover of books Greek/Latin MSU
585 phlegmatic cool and unruffled; sluggish adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 585 phlegmatic cool and unruffled; sluggish adjective ic=nature of, like 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
586 phob Greek/Latin root phobia</br> Greek/Latin MSU 586 phob Greek/Latin root phobia</br> Greek/Latin MSU
587 phon (see roots section) Greek/Latin root Greek/Latin MSU 587 phon (see roots section) Greek/Latin root Greek/Latin MSU
588 pith the essential substance of something noun 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 588 pith the essential substance of something noun 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
590 placate to calm, esp. an angry or upset person; to calm or reduce anger by making concessions: verb Synonyms: appease, pacify, mollify The professor tried to placate his students by postponing the exam. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 590 placate to calm, esp. an angry or upset person; to calm or reduce anger by making concessions: verb Synonyms: appease, pacify, mollify The professor tried to placate his students by postponing the exam. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
591 plastic related to being shaped or molded; capable of being molded. (n: plasticity n: plastic) adjective Common GRE MSU 591 plastic related to being shaped or molded; capable of being molded. (n: plasticity n: plastic) adjective ic=nature of, like Common GRE MSU
594 plausible believable, reasonable adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 594 plausible believable, reasonable adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
597 plummet to fall quickly and far verb 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 597 plummet to fall quickly and far verb 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
598 polarize to cause a sharp division between two groups verb 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 598 polarize to cause a sharp division between two groups verb 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
@ -504,7 +504,7 @@
603 ponderous heavy; massive; awkward; dull: adjective A ponderous book is better than a sleeping pill. Common GRE MSU 603 ponderous heavy; massive; awkward; dull: adjective A ponderous book is better than a sleeping pill. Common GRE MSU
604 port</br> porto carry Greek/Latin root porter</br> export </br> transport</br> portable Greek/Latin MSU 604 port</br> porto carry Greek/Latin root porter</br> export </br> transport</br> portable Greek/Latin MSU
605 post after Greek/Latin root post script (p.s.)</br> ex post facto</br> post hoc</br> post-mortem Greek/Latin MSU 605 post after Greek/Latin root post script (p.s.)</br> ex post facto</br> post hoc</br> post-mortem Greek/Latin MSU
607 pragmatic dealing with the problems that exist in a reasonable and logical way instead of depending on theories adjective practical A pragmatic approach to legislation can be difficult given the complexities of politics. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 607 pragmatic dealing with the problems that exist in a reasonable and logical way instead of depending on theories, practical adjective ic=nature of, like A pragmatic approach to legislation can be difficult given the complexities of politics. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
608 pre before Greek/Latin root premier</br> preview</br> premium</br> prescient Greek/Latin MSU 608 pre before Greek/Latin root premier</br> preview</br> premium</br> prescient Greek/Latin MSU
609 precarious uncertain or unstable adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 609 precarious uncertain or unstable adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
610 preceded went before adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 610 preceded went before adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
@ -518,7 +518,7 @@
621 pristine untouched, clean, pure adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 621 pristine untouched, clean, pure adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
622 pro before</br> in favor of Greek/Latin root project</br> projectile</br> Greek/Latin MSU 622 pro before</br> in favor of Greek/Latin root project</br> projectile</br> Greek/Latin MSU
623 probity integrity and honor noun 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 623 probity integrity and honor noun 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
624 prodigal rashly wasteful:, wastefully extravagant adjective Americans' prodigal devotion to the automobile is unique. The prodigal prince bought lavish gifts and planned expensive events. Common GRE MSU 624 prodigal rashly wasteful:, wastefully extravagant adjective Americans' <b>prodigal</b> devotion to the automobile is unique.</br>The <b>prodigal</b> prince bought lavish gifts and planned expensive events. Common GRE MSU
626 prodigious enormous, immense, gigantic adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 626 prodigious enormous, immense, gigantic adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
627 profligate extravagant and wasteful, esp. in an immoral way adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 627 profligate extravagant and wasteful, esp. in an immoral way adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
628 proliferate to multiply and spread rapidly verb 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 628 proliferate to multiply and spread rapidly verb 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
@ -546,7 +546,7 @@
653 restive </br> restful restive is impatient under delay, duress, or control while restful is peaceful; having a peaceful aspect. The horses, sensing the upcomping championship - become restive and were unable to get a restful night's sleep. Easily confused words MSU 653 restive </br> restful restive is impatient under delay, duress, or control while restful is peaceful; having a peaceful aspect. The horses, sensing the upcomping championship - become restive and were unable to get a restful night's sleep. Easily confused words MSU
654 reticent hesitant to speak adjective adj. introverted or silent 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 654 reticent hesitant to speak adjective adj. introverted or silent 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
655 reverent solemn and respectful adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 655 reverent solemn and respectful adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
656 rhetoric the art of effective communication (written or verbal) noun 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 656 rhetoric the art of effective communication (written or verbal) noun ic=nature of, like</br> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
657 riparia river Greek/Latin root riparian Greek/Latin MSU 657 riparia river Greek/Latin root riparian Greek/Latin MSU
658 sagacious having a sharp or powerful intellect or discernment. (n: sagacity). adjective Common GRE MSU 658 sagacious having a sharp or powerful intellect or discernment. (n: sagacity). adjective Common GRE MSU
659 salubrious health-promoting adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 659 salubrious health-promoting adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
@ -568,7 +568,7 @@
678 sol alone Greek/Latin root solo</br>solitary</br>desolate =lonely</br> dismal</br> gloomy</br>solitary =done alone</br> by yourself</br>soliloquythe act of speaking to oneself Greek/Latin MSU 678 sol alone Greek/Latin root solo</br>solitary</br>desolate =lonely</br> dismal</br> gloomy</br>solitary =done alone</br> by yourself</br>soliloquythe act of speaking to oneself Greek/Latin MSU
680 sparse scattered or scarce adjective adj. austere and unadorned 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 680 sparse scattered or scarce adjective adj. austere and unadorned 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
682 specious spurious; appearing true but actually false adjective Her argument, though specious, was readily accepted by many. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 682 specious spurious; appearing true but actually false adjective Her argument, though specious, was readily accepted by many. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
683 sporadic occasional or scattered adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 683 sporadic occasional or scattered adjective ic=nature of, like</br> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
684 spurious fake or false adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 684 spurious fake or false adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
685 stolid calm and dependable adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 685 stolid calm and dependable adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
686 strut 1. v. to walk in such a way as to show great pride or confidence. 2. n. a support for an airplane wing or other projecting part. (2) Because the struts were made of inferior material, the wings of that plane became unstable. Homonym MSU 686 strut 1. v. to walk in such a way as to show great pride or confidence. 2. n. a support for an airplane wing or other projecting part. (2) Because the struts were made of inferior material, the wings of that plane became unstable. Homonym MSU
@ -656,7 +656,7 @@
783 plethora a large or excessive amount noun Podcasts were facing fierce competition for audiences attention from a plethora of other new digital-native products including Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Least Difficult FT 783 plethora a large or excessive amount noun Podcasts were facing fierce competition for audiences attention from a plethora of other new digital-native products including Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Least Difficult FT
784 posit Put forward as fact or as a basis for argument noun Synonyms : postulate, propound, submit Mr. Ansar and his co-authors assume this margin is 40%: they posit a ratio of expected benefits to costs of 1.4 for every project. Least Difficult FT 784 posit Put forward as fact or as a basis for argument noun Synonyms : postulate, propound, submit Mr. Ansar and his co-authors assume this margin is 40%: they posit a ratio of expected benefits to costs of 1.4 for every project. Least Difficult FT
785 prodigal a person who leaves home and behaves recklessly, but later makes a repentant return noun As the 73-year-old Mr. Obiang becomes frailer, his sons, including the prodigal Teodorín, have begun jockeying to succeed him. Least Difficult FT 785 prodigal a person who leaves home and behaves recklessly, but later makes a repentant return noun As the 73-year-old Mr. Obiang becomes frailer, his sons, including the prodigal Teodorín, have begun jockeying to succeed him. Least Difficult FT
786 prophetic Accurately describing or predicting what will happen in the future Synonyms: predictive, visionary As the depleted council began, Metropolitan Kallistos Ware... said he still hoped it could avoid being mired in Orthodoxys internal woes and 'speak in a firm, prophetic voice' to humanity. Least Difficult FT 786 prophetic Accurately describing or predicting what will happen in the future ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: predictive, visionary As the depleted council began, Metropolitan Kallistos Ware... said he still hoped it could avoid being mired in Orthodoxys internal woes and 'speak in a firm, prophetic voice' to humanity. Least Difficult FT
787 purist a person who insists on absolute adherence to traditional rules or structures noun Synonyms: pedant, dogmatist, perfectionist From this purist point of view, there is only one Christian church worthy of the name.... Least Difficult FT 787 purist a person who insists on absolute adherence to traditional rules or structures noun Synonyms: pedant, dogmatist, perfectionist From this purist point of view, there is only one Christian church worthy of the name.... Least Difficult FT
788 pyre a heap of combustible material, especially one for burning a corpse as part of a funeral ceremony noun Yet Ms McInerney takes the story deeper, skillfully setting a funeral pyre 'for that Ireland'... Least Difficult FT 788 pyre a heap of combustible material, especially one for burning a corpse as part of a funeral ceremony noun Yet Ms McInerney takes the story deeper, skillfully setting a funeral pyre 'for that Ireland'... Least Difficult FT
789 quack a person who dishonestly claims to have special knowledge in some field noun Synonyms: swindler, charlatan, fraud That can cause malnutrition and eating disorders—and supports a vast, quack-ridden diet industry. Least Difficult FT 789 quack a person who dishonestly claims to have special knowledge in some field noun Synonyms: swindler, charlatan, fraud That can cause malnutrition and eating disorders—and supports a vast, quack-ridden diet industry. Least Difficult FT
@ -689,7 +689,7 @@
818 wry Using or expressing dry, especially mocking, humor adjective Synonyms: ironic, sardonic, satirical Catherine Merridale is one of the foremost foreign historians of Russia, combining wry insights with deep sympathy for the human beings... Least Difficult FT 818 wry Using or expressing dry, especially mocking, humor adjective Synonyms: ironic, sardonic, satirical Catherine Merridale is one of the foremost foreign historians of Russia, combining wry insights with deep sympathy for the human beings... Least Difficult FT
820 abasement the action or fact of abasing or being abased; humiliation or degradation noun " Vulgar Latin *ad bassiare ""bring lower,"" ad ""to, toward"" (see ad-) + Late Latin bassus ""low, short"" Literal sense of ""lower, depress"" (late 15c.) is archaic or obsolete </br>Synonyms: belittlement, disgrace" Repeated abasement and humiliation by her abusive mother caused the mistreated girl to have very low self-esteem Medium Difficult FT 820 abasement the action or fact of abasing or being abased; humiliation or degradation noun " Vulgar Latin *ad bassiare ""bring lower,"" ad ""to, toward"" (see ad-) + Late Latin bassus ""low, short"" Literal sense of ""lower, depress"" (late 15c.) is archaic or obsolete </br>Synonyms: belittlement, disgrace" Repeated abasement and humiliation by her abusive mother caused the mistreated girl to have very low self-esteem Medium Difficult FT
822 accession the action or process of formally joining an association or institution. Also, the acquisition of a higher rank than one is at present verb "Latin accessionem (nominative accessio) ""a going to, approach; a joining; increase, enlargement,"" </br>Deutsch: Beitritt, Zuwachs </br>Synonyms: joining, signing up, enrollment" After its accession to the EU, the country adopted the Euro. Medium Difficult FT 822 accession the action or process of formally joining an association or institution. Also, the acquisition of a higher rank than one is at present verb "Latin accessionem (nominative accessio) ""a going to, approach; a joining; increase, enlargement,"" </br>Deutsch: Beitritt, Zuwachs </br>Synonyms: joining, signing up, enrollment" After its accession to the EU, the country adopted the Euro. Medium Difficult FT
823 acerbic (Especially of a comment or style of speaking) sharp and forthright, expressing harsh or sharp criticism in a clever way adjective Deutsch : Bitter, Sauer </br>Synonyms: sardonic, biting, caustic The writers acerbic tone did not sit well with people who had an issue with harsh criticism. Medium Difficult FT 823 acerbic (Especially of a comment or style of speaking) sharp and forthright, expressing harsh or sharp criticism in a clever way adjective ic=nature of, like<br>Deutsch : Bitter, Sauer </br>Synonyms: sardonic, biting, caustic The writers acerbic tone did not sit well with people who had an issue with harsh criticism. Medium Difficult FT
825 apostle a vigorous and pioneering advocate or supporter of a particular cause noun Synonyms: proponent, promoter, propagandist On the website of this apostle of anti-Americanism, there is an article rejoicing in the fact that the United States need no longer be treated as an enemy... Medium Difficult FT 825 apostle a vigorous and pioneering advocate or supporter of a particular cause noun Synonyms: proponent, promoter, propagandist On the website of this apostle of anti-Americanism, there is an article rejoicing in the fact that the United States need no longer be treated as an enemy... Medium Difficult FT
826 apprise Inform or tell (someone) verb Synonyms: notify, let know, advise The secret services are useful in apprising their governments of the intentions of others Medium Difficult FT 826 apprise Inform or tell (someone) verb Synonyms: notify, let know, advise The secret services are useful in apprising their governments of the intentions of others Medium Difficult FT
827 armada a fleet of warships noun Synonyms: flotilla, squadron, navy This month he also unveiled plans to send an armada of tiny spaceships, powered by laser beams and equipped with all sorts of sensors... Medium Difficult FT 827 armada a fleet of warships noun Synonyms: flotilla, squadron, navy This month he also unveiled plans to send an armada of tiny spaceships, powered by laser beams and equipped with all sorts of sensors... Medium Difficult FT
@ -697,7 +697,7 @@
830 barrage A concentrated outpouring, as of questions or blows noun Synonyms: abundance, mass, profusion He drove into a hailstorm and his car was damaged by a barrage of hailstones Medium Difficult FT 830 barrage A concentrated outpouring, as of questions or blows noun Synonyms: abundance, mass, profusion He drove into a hailstorm and his car was damaged by a barrage of hailstones Medium Difficult FT
831 bevy a large group of people or things of a particular kind noun word of unclear origin. </br>Synonyms: group, crowd, cluster Because my mother wrote a bevy of items on her grocery list, I was in the store for nearly two hours Medium Difficult FT 831 bevy a large group of people or things of a particular kind noun word of unclear origin. </br>Synonyms: group, crowd, cluster Because my mother wrote a bevy of items on her grocery list, I was in the store for nearly two hours Medium Difficult FT
832 boor an unrefined, ill-mannered person noun Synonyms: lout, oaf, ruffian End a sentence in a preposition, and there are still people who will think you a boor. Medium Difficult FT 832 boor an unrefined, ill-mannered person noun Synonyms: lout, oaf, ruffian End a sentence in a preposition, and there are still people who will think you a boor. Medium Difficult FT
833 bucolic Relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country life, pastoral, rustic, countryfied adjective Synonyms: rustic, rural, pastoral General Electric... is now swapping its bucolic site for a collection of warehouses on the Boston waterfront. Medium Difficult FT 833 bucolic Relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country life, pastoral, rustic, countryfied adjective ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: rustic, rural, pastoral General Electric... is now swapping its bucolic site for a collection of warehouses on the Boston waterfront. Medium Difficult FT
834 canonical (Of an artist or work) belonging to the literary or artistic canon adjective Synonyms: established, authoritative The medium now mostly consists of recycling the same canonical works by European men from centuries past. Medium Difficult FT 834 canonical (Of an artist or work) belonging to the literary or artistic canon adjective Synonyms: established, authoritative The medium now mostly consists of recycling the same canonical works by European men from centuries past. Medium Difficult FT
835 capricious given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior. mercurial, unpredictable, whimsical adjective Synonyms: fickle, inconstant, changeable The capricious supervisor would hand out raises one day and fire his entire staff the next. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 835 capricious given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior. mercurial, unpredictable, whimsical adjective Synonyms: fickle, inconstant, changeable The capricious supervisor would hand out raises one day and fire his entire staff the next. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
836 chauvinism Excessive or prejudiced loyalty or support for ones own cause, group, or gender noun Synonyms: jingoism, excessive patriotism, sectarianism As recently as 2014, a biannual survey of right-wing attitudes in Germany found that xenophobia, chauvinism, anti-Semitism and authoritarian longings were declining. Medium Difficult FT 836 chauvinism Excessive or prejudiced loyalty or support for ones own cause, group, or gender noun Synonyms: jingoism, excessive patriotism, sectarianism As recently as 2014, a biannual survey of right-wing attitudes in Germany found that xenophobia, chauvinism, anti-Semitism and authoritarian longings were declining. Medium Difficult FT
@ -707,7 +707,7 @@
840 condone Accept and allow (behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive) verb Synonyms: disregard, let pass, excuse Rashad Ali... argues that deradicalisation can be worse than useless if practitioners, while condemning IS, condone other violence. Medium Difficult FT 840 condone Accept and allow (behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive) verb Synonyms: disregard, let pass, excuse Rashad Ali... argues that deradicalisation can be worse than useless if practitioners, while condemning IS, condone other violence. Medium Difficult FT
841 contrite Feeling or expressing remorse or penitence adjective Synonyms: regretful, sorry, apologetic As the election results were coming in, a contrite Mr. Turnbull took 'full responsibility' for the governments poor performance. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 841 contrite Feeling or expressing remorse or penitence adjective Synonyms: regretful, sorry, apologetic As the election results were coming in, a contrite Mr. Turnbull took 'full responsibility' for the governments poor performance. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
842 credulous having or showing too great a readiness to believe things. gullible, naïve adjective Synonyms: gullible, naive Supplements boast a unique trifecta: lax regulation, potent marketing and millions of credulousconsumers keen to pin their hopes of a healthier life on a pill. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 842 credulous having or showing too great a readiness to believe things. gullible, naïve adjective Synonyms: gullible, naive Supplements boast a unique trifecta: lax regulation, potent marketing and millions of credulousconsumers keen to pin their hopes of a healthier life on a pill. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
843 demur Raise doubts or objections or show reluctance. to object or raise concerns verb Synonyms: object, take exception, take issue Mr. Sasse demurs. He does not want less fighting between the left and right. He wants more meaningful fighting about issues of substance. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 843 demur i verb Synonyms: object, take exception, take issue Mr. Sasse demurs. He does not want less fighting between the left and right. He wants more meaningful fighting about issues of substance. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
844 depravity Moral corruption; wickedness noun Synonyms: vice, perversion, deviance He condemned the 'anarchical plutocracy' he lived in, scorning the depravity of modern society and its politics. Medium Difficult FT 844 depravity Moral corruption; wickedness noun Synonyms: vice, perversion, deviance He condemned the 'anarchical plutocracy' he lived in, scorning the depravity of modern society and its politics. Medium Difficult FT
845 deride Express contempt for; ridicule. to mock or ridicule verb Synonyms: mock, jeer at, scoff at Mr. Trudeaus domestic critics—so far a minority—deride him as 'Prime Minister Selfie' for posing incessantly with fans and celebrities... 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 845 deride Express contempt for; ridicule. to mock or ridicule verb Synonyms: mock, jeer at, scoff at Mr. Trudeaus domestic critics—so far a minority—deride him as 'Prime Minister Selfie' for posing incessantly with fans and celebrities... 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
846 diatribe a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something noun Synonyms: tirade, harangue, onslaught CNN and other outlets were wrong to turn one disgruntled passengers Facebook diatribe into headline news. 357 prevalent GRE words FT 846 diatribe a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something noun Synonyms: tirade, harangue, onslaught CNN and other outlets were wrong to turn one disgruntled passengers Facebook diatribe into headline news. 357 prevalent GRE words FT
@ -721,7 +721,7 @@
854 eddy (of water, air, or smoke) move in a circular way verb Synonyms: swirl, whirl, spiral Above all, Hokusai was a master of line and pattern, inscribing his forms within contours that eddy and spill like the currents of a mountain stream. Medium Difficult FT 854 eddy (of water, air, or smoke) move in a circular way verb Synonyms: swirl, whirl, spiral Above all, Hokusai was a master of line and pattern, inscribing his forms within contours that eddy and spill like the currents of a mountain stream. Medium Difficult FT
855 effigy a sculpture or model of a person noun Synonyms: statue, statuette, figure The tradition of lighting bonfires and burning effigies of Guy Fawkes began shortly after the foiled plot, and schoolchildren still learn the ghoulish rhyme 'Remember, remember the fifth of November.' Medium Difficult FT 855 effigy a sculpture or model of a person noun Synonyms: statue, statuette, figure The tradition of lighting bonfires and burning effigies of Guy Fawkes began shortly after the foiled plot, and schoolchildren still learn the ghoulish rhyme 'Remember, remember the fifth of November.' Medium Difficult FT
856 elucidate Make (something) clear verb Synonyms: explain, make plain, illuminate One was from almost 600 people who had completed... a questionnaire intended to elucidatethe different tendencies of people to engage in sexual relationships without a deep emotional commitment. Medium Difficult FT 856 elucidate Make (something) clear verb Synonyms: explain, make plain, illuminate One was from almost 600 people who had completed... a questionnaire intended to elucidatethe different tendencies of people to engage in sexual relationships without a deep emotional commitment. Medium Difficult FT
857 endemic (Of a disease or condition) regularly found among particular people or in a certain area. prevalent in or native to a certain region, locality, or people: adjective Synonyms: local, regional. Don't confuse this word with epidemic. One of the mysteries of epidemiology is why Asia does not suffer from yellow fever. The disease is endemic in Africa, the continent where it evolved. The disease was endemic to the region. Medium Difficult FT 857 endemic (Of a disease or condition) regularly found among particular people or in a certain area. prevalent in or native to a certain region, locality, or people: adjective ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: local, regional. Don't confuse this word with epidemic. One of the mysteries of epidemiology is why Asia does not suffer from yellow fever. The disease is endemic in Africa, the continent where it evolved. The disease was endemic to the region. Medium Difficult FT
858 epistemology the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope noun The only way to know for sure is to run the experiment (Mr. Lind's exotic epistemologynotwithstanding). Medium Difficult FT 858 epistemology the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope noun The only way to know for sure is to run the experiment (Mr. Lind's exotic epistemologynotwithstanding). Medium Difficult FT
859 epithet an adjective or descriptive phrase expressing a quality characteristic of the person or thing; a term of abuse noun Synonyms: name, label, smear Preposterous and absurd were among the milder epithets that could be overheard in the multilingual din. Medium Difficult FT 859 epithet an adjective or descriptive phrase expressing a quality characteristic of the person or thing; a term of abuse noun Synonyms: name, label, smear Preposterous and absurd were among the milder epithets that could be overheard in the multilingual din. Medium Difficult FT
860 errant Erring or straying from the proper course or standards adjective Synonyms: offending, guilty, culpable He could admit the error and fire the errant speechwriter. Medium Difficult FT 860 errant Erring or straying from the proper course or standards adjective Synonyms: offending, guilty, culpable He could admit the error and fire the errant speechwriter. Medium Difficult FT
@ -732,7 +732,7 @@
866 florid "using unusual words or complicated rhetorical constructions. flushed with a rosy color, as in complexion; very ornate and flowery: ""florid prose.""" adjective Synonyms: extravagant, grandiloquent A victorious Governor Jerry Brown, his voice gruffer, his pate sparer and his metaphors more florid than during his first stint in office... Medium Difficult FT 866 florid "using unusual words or complicated rhetorical constructions. flushed with a rosy color, as in complexion; very ornate and flowery: ""florid prose.""" adjective Synonyms: extravagant, grandiloquent A victorious Governor Jerry Brown, his voice gruffer, his pate sparer and his metaphors more florid than during his first stint in office... Medium Difficult FT
867 flout Openly disregard verb Synonyms: defy, refuse to obey, go against It relies on its members, and on institutions... to shame and discourage people who flout important political norms. Medium Difficult FT 867 flout Openly disregard verb Synonyms: defy, refuse to obey, go against It relies on its members, and on institutions... to shame and discourage people who flout important political norms. Medium Difficult FT
868 foible a minor weakness or eccentricity in someones character noun Synonyms: idiosyncrasy, eccentricity, peculiarity The elder Bongo had a gift for politics as outsized as his personality (among other foibles, he liked to show off his pet tiger to guests). Medium Difficult FT 868 foible a minor weakness or eccentricity in someones character noun Synonyms: idiosyncrasy, eccentricity, peculiarity The elder Bongo had a gift for politics as outsized as his personality (among other foibles, he liked to show off his pet tiger to guests). Medium Difficult FT
870 frenetic Fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way adjective Synonyms: frantic, wild, frenzied Frenetic multi-tasking—surfing the web while watching TV while listening to music—is a formula for distraction, rather than good management. Medium Difficult FT 870 frenetic Fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way adjective ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: frantic, wild, frenzied Frenetic multi-tasking—surfing the web while watching TV while listening to music—is a formula for distraction, rather than good management. Medium Difficult FT
871 gall Bold, impudent behavior noun Synonyms: insolence, nerve, audacity With enough gall and entrepreneurial spirit, it suggests, anyone can end up driving a Porsche and living in a marble-floored luxury apartment. Medium Difficult FT 871 gall Bold, impudent behavior noun Synonyms: insolence, nerve, audacity With enough gall and entrepreneurial spirit, it suggests, anyone can end up driving a Porsche and living in a marble-floored luxury apartment. Medium Difficult FT
872 galvanize Medium Difficult FT 872 galvanize Medium Difficult FT
873 gambit a device, action, or opening remark, typically one entailing a degree of risk, that is calculated to gain an advantage noun Synonyms: plan, scheme, strategy What began as a gambit to hold together his divided Tory party is turning into an alarmingly close contest. Medium Difficult FT 873 gambit a device, action, or opening remark, typically one entailing a degree of risk, that is calculated to gain an advantage noun Synonyms: plan, scheme, strategy What began as a gambit to hold together his divided Tory party is turning into an alarmingly close contest. Medium Difficult FT
@ -771,7 +771,7 @@
912 pithy (of language or style) terse and vigorously expressive adjective Synonyms: concise, brief, compact Academics are not known for brevity in writing. And physics does not lend itself to pithy introductions. Medium Difficult FT 912 pithy (of language or style) terse and vigorously expressive adjective Synonyms: concise, brief, compact Academics are not known for brevity in writing. And physics does not lend itself to pithy introductions. Medium Difficult FT
913 plethora a large or excessive amount noun Synonyms: excess, overabundance, surplus Podcasts were facing fierce competition for audiences attention from a plethora of other new digital-native products including Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Medium Difficult FT 913 plethora a large or excessive amount noun Synonyms: excess, overabundance, surplus Podcasts were facing fierce competition for audiences attention from a plethora of other new digital-native products including Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Medium Difficult FT
915 presage be a sign or warning of (an imminent event, typically an unwelcome one) verb Synonyms: point to, mean, signify Stock markets are set to open down today, and the election could presage a longer slump if investors feel that the uncertainty generated... will harm growth and corporate profits. Medium Difficult FT 915 presage be a sign or warning of (an imminent event, typically an unwelcome one) verb Synonyms: point to, mean, signify Stock markets are set to open down today, and the election could presage a longer slump if investors feel that the uncertainty generated... will harm growth and corporate profits. Medium Difficult FT
916 prolific (of an artist, author, or composer) producing many works adjective Synonyms: productive, creative, inventive It is true that few artists have been so prolific. On average, he released a studio album every year... Medium Difficult FT 916 prolific (of an artist, author, or composer) producing many works adjective ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: productive, creative, inventive It is true that few artists have been so prolific. On average, he released a studio album every year... Medium Difficult FT
917 proxy a person authorized to act on behalf of another noun Synonyms: representative, substitute, stand-in ...Mr. Thaksins sister Yingluck, who took over his political movement after he left the country and who in 2011 was elected prime minister as his proxy. Medium Difficult FT 917 proxy a person authorized to act on behalf of another noun Synonyms: representative, substitute, stand-in ...Mr. Thaksins sister Yingluck, who took over his political movement after he left the country and who in 2011 was elected prime minister as his proxy. Medium Difficult FT
918 prudish having a tendency to be easily shocked by matters relating to sex or nudity adjective Synonyms: puritanical, prim, goody-goody Several Pacific nations ban cross-dressing (another hand-me-down from prudish Victorians). Medium Difficult FT 918 prudish having a tendency to be easily shocked by matters relating to sex or nudity adjective Synonyms: puritanical, prim, goody-goody Several Pacific nations ban cross-dressing (another hand-me-down from prudish Victorians). Medium Difficult FT
919 qualm an uneasy feeling of doubt, worry, or fear noun Synonyms: misgiving, doubt, reservation Qualms about the forces quality extend beyond their handling of demonstrators. Medium Difficult FT 919 qualm an uneasy feeling of doubt, worry, or fear noun Synonyms: misgiving, doubt, reservation Qualms about the forces quality extend beyond their handling of demonstrators. Medium Difficult FT
@ -780,7 +780,7 @@
923 recalcitrant having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority adjective Synonyms: uncooperative, intractable In a move that may test the mettle of recalcitrant Senate Republicans, Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland, a widely respected and politically moderate judge... Medium Difficult FT 923 recalcitrant having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority adjective Synonyms: uncooperative, intractable In a move that may test the mettle of recalcitrant Senate Republicans, Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland, a widely respected and politically moderate judge... Medium Difficult FT
924 recant Say that one no longer holds an opinion or belief verb Synonyms: renounce, disavow, retract Analysts who predict turmoil are warned to shut up or recant. Medium Difficult FT 924 recant Say that one no longer holds an opinion or belief verb Synonyms: renounce, disavow, retract Analysts who predict turmoil are warned to shut up or recant. Medium Difficult FT
925 salient Most noticeable or important adjective Synonyms: conspicuous, noticeable, obvious The reason for that emphasis may in part be because of the salient threat of terrorism… Medium Difficult FT 925 salient Most noticeable or important adjective Synonyms: conspicuous, noticeable, obvious The reason for that emphasis may in part be because of the salient threat of terrorism… Medium Difficult FT
926 sardonic grimly mocking or cynical adjective Synonyms: satirical, sarcastic, ironic Ms Jefferson, it must be said, is a master of the arched-eyebrow, sardonic quip. Medium Difficult FT 926 sardonic grimly mocking or cynical adjective ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: satirical, sarcastic, ironic Ms Jefferson, it must be said, is a master of the arched-eyebrow, sardonic quip. Medium Difficult FT
927 savant a learned person, especially a distinguished scientist noun Synonyms: intellectual, scholar, sage The more a society treats its businesspeople as hero savants based on their professional successes, elevating them to positions of political power. Medium Difficult FT 927 savant a learned person, especially a distinguished scientist noun Synonyms: intellectual, scholar, sage The more a society treats its businesspeople as hero savants based on their professional successes, elevating them to positions of political power. Medium Difficult FT
928 soliloquy an act of speaking ones thoughts aloud when by oneself, especially by a character in a play noun Synonyms: monologue, speech Patrick Stewart, for instance, reworked Hamlets soliloquy as an ode to the letter B ('B or not a B, that is the question'). Medium Difficult FT 928 soliloquy an act of speaking ones thoughts aloud when by oneself, especially by a character in a play noun Synonyms: monologue, speech Patrick Stewart, for instance, reworked Hamlets soliloquy as an ode to the letter B ('B or not a B, that is the question'). Medium Difficult FT
929 stigma a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person noun Synonyms: shame, disgrace, dishonour A stigma against adults having fun, strong in the aftermath of the Second World War, has faded. Medium Difficult FT 929 stigma a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person noun Synonyms: shame, disgrace, dishonour A stigma against adults having fun, strong in the aftermath of the Second World War, has faded. Medium Difficult FT
@ -806,7 +806,7 @@
952 dilettante a person who cultivates an area of interest without real commitment or knowledge. someone with an amateur, nonserious interest in something noun Synonyms: dabbler, potterer, tinkerer This is not the work of a dilettante, but a strong follow-up to her acclaimed short stories that came out in 2007. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 952 dilettante a person who cultivates an area of interest without real commitment or knowledge. someone with an amateur, nonserious interest in something noun Synonyms: dabbler, potterer, tinkerer This is not the work of a dilettante, but a strong follow-up to her acclaimed short stories that came out in 2007. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
953 diurnal (Of animals) active in the daytime adjective " Latin dies=day + -urnus, an adjectival suffix denoting time (compare hibernus ""wintery"", nocturnal=active at night. </br>Synonyms: daily, everyday" Our body clock follows a diurnal rhythm. Most Difficult FT 953 diurnal (Of animals) active in the daytime adjective " Latin dies=day + -urnus, an adjectival suffix denoting time (compare hibernus ""wintery"", nocturnal=active at night. </br>Synonyms: daily, everyday" Our body clock follows a diurnal rhythm. Most Difficult FT
954 dross something regarded as worthless noun "Old English dros=""the scum thrown off metals in smelting,"" similar to German Drusen=""dregs, husks"" </br>Synonyms: rubbish, junk, debris" Some of the best properties could be sold quickly, but the dross might take more time to get rid of. Most Difficult FT 954 dross something regarded as worthless noun "Old English dros=""the scum thrown off metals in smelting,"" similar to German Drusen=""dregs, husks"" </br>Synonyms: rubbish, junk, debris" Some of the best properties could be sold quickly, but the dross might take more time to get rid of. Most Difficult FT
955 dyspeptic Of or having indigestion or consequent irritability or depression adjective " Greek dyspeptos ""hard to digest,"" dys- ""bad, difficult"" (see dys-) + peptos ""digested,"" </br>Synonyms: bad-tempered, short-tempered, irritable, depressed, pessimistic, misanthropic)" As dyspeptic and irritable as she was, the woman was in a happy mood when she went to the beach Most Difficult FT 955 dyspeptic Of or having indigestion or consequent irritability or depression adjective " Greek dyspeptos ""hard to digest,"" dys- ""bad, difficult"" (see dys-) + peptos ""digested,""ic=nature of, like</br> Synonyms: bad-tempered, short-tempered, irritable, depressed, pessimistic, misanthropic)" As dyspeptic and irritable as she was, the woman was in a happy mood when she went to the beach Most Difficult FT
956 ebullient Cheerful and full of energy adjective "Latin pp ebullientem ""to boil over,"" literally or figuratively, ex ""out, out of"" (see ex-) + bullire ""to bubble"" origin similar to boil, bubble </br>Synonyms: exuberant, buoyant, joyful" Charlies ebullient upbeat character made him a favorite in the office 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar 956 ebullient Cheerful and full of energy adjective "Latin pp ebullientem ""to boil over,"" literally or figuratively, ex ""out, out of"" (see ex-) + bullire ""to bubble"" origin similar to boil, bubble </br>Synonyms: exuberant, buoyant, joyful" Charlies ebullient upbeat character made him a favorite in the office 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
957 edify Instruct or improve (someone) morally or intellectually verb "Modern French édifier: ""build; install; teach, instruct (morally), Same root as the English word : edifice=building </br>Synonyms: educate, instruct, enlighten" The Church school aims to edify its pupils mind and spirits Most Difficult FT 957 edify Instruct or improve (someone) morally or intellectually verb "Modern French édifier: ""build; install; teach, instruct (morally), Same root as the English word : edifice=building </br>Synonyms: educate, instruct, enlighten" The Church school aims to edify its pupils mind and spirits Most Difficult FT
958 egress the action of going out of or leaving a place noun " Latin egressus=""a going out""(ex=out+ PP of gredi= to step) </br>Deutsch : Austritt </br>Synonyms: departure, exit, withdrawal" The data is stored in the router egress queue until it is serialised onto the physical wire Most Difficult FT 958 egress the action of going out of or leaving a place noun " Latin egressus=""a going out""(ex=out+ PP of gredi= to step) </br>Deutsch : Austritt </br>Synonyms: departure, exit, withdrawal" The data is stored in the router egress queue until it is serialised onto the physical wire Most Difficult FT
@ -822,7 +822,7 @@
969 gerontocracy a state, society, or group governed by old people noun But Muhammad bin Salman is not merely a young face in a gerontocracy; he is a dynamic and apparently purposeful one. Most Difficult FT 969 gerontocracy a state, society, or group governed by old people noun But Muhammad bin Salman is not merely a young face in a gerontocracy; he is a dynamic and apparently purposeful one. Most Difficult FT
970 halcyon Denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful adjective Synonyms: happy, golden, idyllic In their halcyon days the mainstream parties used to share most of the vote between them. Most Difficult FT 970 halcyon Denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful adjective Synonyms: happy, golden, idyllic In their halcyon days the mainstream parties used to share most of the vote between them. Most Difficult FT
971 hegemony Leadership or dominance, especially by one group over others noun Synonyms: leadership, dominance, dominion Yet if the hegemony of the dollar is unstable, its would-be successors are unsuitable. Most Difficult FT 971 hegemony Leadership or dominance, especially by one group over others noun Synonyms: leadership, dominance, dominion Yet if the hegemony of the dollar is unstable, its would-be successors are unsuitable. Most Difficult FT
972 hermetic Insulated or protected from outside influences adjective Synonyms: airtight, sealed "North Korea is often called the <u><b>""hermetic</b> kingdom'</u>" Most Difficult FT 972 hermetic Insulated or protected from outside influences adjective ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: airtight, sealed "North Korea is often called the <u><b>""hermetic</b> kingdom'</u>" Most Difficult FT
973 heterodox not conforming with accepted or orthodox standards or beliefs adjective Synonyms: unorthodox, heretical, dissenting Among those discriminated against for holding heterodox religious views, the Bahai community continues particularly to suffer. Most Difficult FT 973 heterodox not conforming with accepted or orthodox standards or beliefs adjective Synonyms: unorthodox, heretical, dissenting Among those discriminated against for holding heterodox religious views, the Bahai community continues particularly to suffer. Most Difficult FT
974 homogeneous of the same kind; alike adjective Synonyms: uniform, identical, unvaried It also has proportionately more immigrants than almost anywhere else. Next to London, famously cosmopolitan cities like Paris and Berlin are actually rather homogeneous. Most Difficult FT 974 homogeneous of the same kind; alike adjective Synonyms: uniform, identical, unvaried It also has proportionately more immigrants than almost anywhere else. Next to London, famously cosmopolitan cities like Paris and Berlin are actually rather homogeneous. Most Difficult FT
976 idyll an extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque episode or scene noun Synonyms: perfect time, ideal time, honeymoon That might just persuade them to forgive the scriptwriters for the unwelcome disruption to their rural idyll. Most Difficult FT 976 idyll an extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque episode or scene noun Synonyms: perfect time, ideal time, honeymoon That might just persuade them to forgive the scriptwriters for the unwelcome disruption to their rural idyll. Most Difficult FT
@ -840,8 +840,8 @@
989 magnate a wealthy and influential businessman or businesswoman noun Synonyms: industrialist, tycoon, mogul Several of Americas great industrialists built empires in Pittsburgh, including Andrew Carnegie, a steel magnate. Most Difficult FT 989 magnate a wealthy and influential businessman or businesswoman noun Synonyms: industrialist, tycoon, mogul Several of Americas great industrialists built empires in Pittsburgh, including Andrew Carnegie, a steel magnate. Most Difficult FT
990 malaproprism the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding one, often with unintentionally amusing effect noun Synonyms: misuse, solecism, blunder And so on down the list of supposed malapropisms. 'You can observe a lot by watching,' means plenty... Most Difficult FT 990 malaproprism the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding one, often with unintentionally amusing effect noun Synonyms: misuse, solecism, blunder And so on down the list of supposed malapropisms. 'You can observe a lot by watching,' means plenty... Most Difficult FT
991 misanthropy a dislike of humankind noun Synonyms: cynicism, hatred of mankind [Labour] did not fall into the traps of the old left: confusing individualism for misanthropy... Most Difficult FT 991 misanthropy a dislike of humankind noun Synonyms: cynicism, hatred of mankind [Labour] did not fall into the traps of the old left: confusing individualism for misanthropy... Most Difficult FT
992 monolithic large, powerful, and intractably indivisible and uniform adjective Synonyms: inflexible, rigid, unbending Four things have made Europe a harsher environment for the centre left: its own success, structural change in the economy, a reduced fear of political extremes and the decline of monolithic class groups. Most Difficult FT 992 monolithic large, powerful, and intractably indivisible and uniform adjective ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: inflexible, rigid, unbending Four things have made Europe a harsher environment for the centre left: its own success, structural change in the economy, a reduced fear of political extremes and the decline of monolithic class groups. Most Difficult FT
994 myopic nearsighted adjective Synonyms: short-sighted, insular, small-minded They are also myopic, judging politicians economic management on the basis of only the very recent past. Most Difficult FT 994 myopic nearsighted adjective ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: short-sighted, insular, small-minded They are also myopic, judging politicians economic management on the basis of only the very recent past. Most Difficult FT
995 nadir the lowest point in the fortunes of a person or organization noun Synonyms: the all-time low, zero Between its pre-crisis peak in late 2007 and its nadir at the end of 2009, the economy contracted by 11.2% Most Difficult FT 995 nadir the lowest point in the fortunes of a person or organization noun Synonyms: the all-time low, zero Between its pre-crisis peak in late 2007 and its nadir at the end of 2009, the economy contracted by 11.2% Most Difficult FT
996 neophyte a person who is new to a subject, skill, or belief noun Synonyms: beginner, learner, novice Mr. Gioia also delves into musical theory, in a way that will help both jazz neophytes and experts understand what they are listening to. Most Difficult FT 996 neophyte a person who is new to a subject, skill, or belief noun Synonyms: beginner, learner, novice Mr. Gioia also delves into musical theory, in a way that will help both jazz neophytes and experts understand what they are listening to. Most Difficult FT
997 noisome having an extremely offensive smell; harmful, offensive, destructive: adjective Synonyms: irritating, disagreeable, unpleasant The noisome odor of the dump carried for miles. Most Difficult FT 997 noisome having an extremely offensive smell; harmful, offensive, destructive: adjective Synonyms: irritating, disagreeable, unpleasant The noisome odor of the dump carried for miles. Most Difficult FT
@ -855,13 +855,13 @@
1005 phalanx a body of troops or police officers standing or moving in close formation noun A collection of giant slabs surrounded by thick iron railings, protected by a phalanx of armed guards... Most Difficult FT 1005 phalanx a body of troops or police officers standing or moving in close formation noun A collection of giant slabs surrounded by thick iron railings, protected by a phalanx of armed guards... Most Difficult FT
1006 philistine A person who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts noun Synonyms: oaf, anti-intellectual, boor By choosing such an unimpeachably serious and artistic project as its first film production, the company has made anyone who grumbles seem like a philistine. Most Difficult FT 1006 philistine A person who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts noun Synonyms: oaf, anti-intellectual, boor By choosing such an unimpeachably serious and artistic project as its first film production, the company has made anyone who grumbles seem like a philistine. Most Difficult FT
1007 pique a feeling of irritation or resentment resulting from a slight noun Synonyms: annoyance, displeasure, indignation The Russians have responded with predictable pique—just as many refused to condemn the violence of their football hooligans... Most Difficult FT 1007 pique a feeling of irritation or resentment resulting from a slight noun Synonyms: annoyance, displeasure, indignation The Russians have responded with predictable pique—just as many refused to condemn the violence of their football hooligans... Most Difficult FT
1008 polemic a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something noun Synonyms: diatribe, invective Marion Nestle's heavyweight polemic against Coca-Cola and PepsiCo comes at an odd moment for the industry. Most Difficult FT 1008 polemic a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something noun ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: diatribe, invective Marion Nestle's heavyweight polemic against Coca-Cola and PepsiCo comes at an odd moment for the industry. Most Difficult FT
1009 précis a summary or abstract of a text or speech noun Synonyms: synopsis, summation His latest book, 'Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking', is a précis of those 50 years, distilled into 77 readable and mostly bite-sized chapters. Most Difficult FT 1009 précis a summary or abstract of a text or speech noun Synonyms: synopsis, summation His latest book, 'Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking', is a précis of those 50 years, distilled into 77 readable and mostly bite-sized chapters. Most Difficult FT
1010 prosaic Commonplace; unromantic adjective Synonyms: ordinary, everyday However, while it is large-scale evacuations at times of crisis that grab attention, the biggest risks that business travellers face are more prosaic. Most Difficult FT 1010 prosaic Commonplace; unromantic adjective ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: ordinary, everyday However, while it is large-scale evacuations at times of crisis that grab attention, the biggest risks that business travellers face are more prosaic. Most Difficult FT
1011 pundit an expert in a particular subject or field who is frequently called on to give opinions about it to the public noun Synonyms: authority, adviser And yet the prevailing view among pundits is that Russia is indeed back in Asia. Most Difficult FT 1011 pundit an expert in a particular subject or field who is frequently called on to give opinions about it to the public noun Synonyms: authority, adviser And yet the prevailing view among pundits is that Russia is indeed back in Asia. Most Difficult FT
1012 querulous Complaining in a petulant or whining manner adjective Synonyms: pettish, touchy, testy Their querulous, hostile or annoyed faces recur in her work from the late 1950s. Most Difficult FT 1012 querulous Complaining in a petulant or whining manner adjective Synonyms: pettish, touchy, testy Their querulous, hostile or annoyed faces recur in her work from the late 1950s. Most Difficult FT
1013 quiescence a state or period of inactivity or dormancy noun Synonyms: inactivity, inertia, latency Horrible conditions do not guarantee revolts, and moderately bad conditions do not necessarily thwart them. The question is what to make of the relative quiescence of Americas poor. Most Difficult FT 1013 quiescence a state or period of inactivity or dormancy noun Synonyms: inactivity, inertia, latency Horrible conditions do not guarantee revolts, and moderately bad conditions do not necessarily thwart them. The question is what to make of the relative quiescence of Americas poor. Most Difficult FT
1014 quixotic exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical adjective Synonyms: unrealistic, impractical, romantic In one chapter... the director probes some of the quixotic visionaries driving the digital revolution forward. Most Difficult FT 1014 quixotic exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical adjective ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: unrealistic, impractical, romantic In one chapter... the director probes some of the quixotic visionaries driving the digital revolution forward. Most Difficult FT
1015 raconteur a person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way noun Synonyms: storyteller, spinner of yarns The latest continental raconteur eager to spin Irelands tale is the European Union. Most Difficult FT 1015 raconteur a person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way noun Synonyms: storyteller, spinner of yarns The latest continental raconteur eager to spin Irelands tale is the European Union. Most Difficult FT
1016 redress remedy or compensation for a wrong or grievance noun Synonyms: reparation, restitution, recompense There must be redress by an independent tribunal for those who have been mistreated. Most Difficult FT 1016 redress remedy or compensation for a wrong or grievance noun Synonyms: reparation, restitution, recompense There must be redress by an independent tribunal for those who have been mistreated. Most Difficult FT
1017 repast a meal noun Synonyms: feast, banquet Lunchtime, it is held, would be the optimal time to invade France. Little can distract a Frenchman from his sacred noonday repast. Most Difficult FT 1017 repast a meal noun Synonyms: feast, banquet Lunchtime, it is held, would be the optimal time to invade France. Little can distract a Frenchman from his sacred noonday repast. Most Difficult FT
@ -869,9 +869,9 @@
1019 rococo Characterized by an elaborately ornamental late baroque style of decoration adjective The building, which once served as the local town hall, boasts rococo wall carvings, a statue of Pallas Athena... Most Difficult FT 1019 rococo Characterized by an elaborately ornamental late baroque style of decoration adjective The building, which once served as the local town hall, boasts rococo wall carvings, a statue of Pallas Athena... Most Difficult FT
1020 sanguine "Optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation. cheerful; confident: ""Her sanguine attitude put everyone at ease.""(Sangfroid (noun) is a related French word meaning unflappibility. Literally, it means cold blood)" adjective Synonyms: hopeful, buoyant, assured Some fear a future of mass unemployment. Others are sanguine that people will have time to adapt. Most Difficult FT 1020 sanguine "Optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation. cheerful; confident: ""Her sanguine attitude put everyone at ease.""(Sangfroid (noun) is a related French word meaning unflappibility. Literally, it means cold blood)" adjective Synonyms: hopeful, buoyant, assured Some fear a future of mass unemployment. Others are sanguine that people will have time to adapt. Most Difficult FT
1021 scintilla a tiny trace or spark of a specified quality or feeling noun Synonyms: particle, iota, smidgen After a scintilla of regret over lost youth, to turn 50 should be to enter the prime of life, with a plenitude of projects and achievements. Most Difficult FT 1021 scintilla a tiny trace or spark of a specified quality or feeling noun Synonyms: particle, iota, smidgen After a scintilla of regret over lost youth, to turn 50 should be to enter the prime of life, with a plenitude of projects and achievements. Most Difficult FT
1022 semantic Relating to meaning in language or logic adjective Synonyms: lingual, semasiological Semantic parsing also ensued over whether the modifier 'meaningful' is significantly (or meaningfully) different from 'significant.' Most Difficult FT 1022 semantic Relating to meaning in language or logic adjective ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: lingual, semasiological Semantic parsing also ensued over whether the modifier 'meaningful' is significantly (or meaningfully) different from 'significant.' Most Difficult FT
1023 sobriquet a persons nickname noun Synonyms: appellation, moniker This provoked widespread debate about the role of intellectual property and earned him the sobriquet 'Champion of Patents.' Most Difficult FT 1023 sobriquet a persons nickname noun Synonyms: appellation, moniker This provoked widespread debate about the role of intellectual property and earned him the sobriquet 'Champion of Patents.' Most Difficult FT
1024 soporific Tending to induce drowsiness or sleep adjective Synonyms: sleep-inducing, somnolent, sedative In the soporific heat you would be forgiven for thinking that time had forgotten the New Jersey-sized nation. Most Difficult FT 1024 soporific Tending to induce drowsiness or sleep adjective ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: sleep-inducing, somnolent, sedative In the soporific heat you would be forgiven for thinking that time had forgotten the New Jersey-sized nation. Most Difficult FT
1025 supine Failing to act as a result of moral weakness or indolence; laying back with the face upward (opposite position to prone) adjective Synonyms: weak, spineless Last year Shinzo Abe, the prime minister, brought in a corporate-governance code which...requires hitherto supine institutional investors to keep a close eye on firms they invest in. Most Difficult FT 1025 supine Failing to act as a result of moral weakness or indolence; laying back with the face upward (opposite position to prone) adjective Synonyms: weak, spineless Last year Shinzo Abe, the prime minister, brought in a corporate-governance code which...requires hitherto supine institutional investors to keep a close eye on firms they invest in. Most Difficult FT
1026 synoptic Taking or involving a comprehensive mental view adjective Synonyms: concise, succinct, compressed They were mind-expandingly right in their synoptic vision, if frequently inexact and sometimes mistaken in their specifics. Most Difficult FT 1026 synoptic Taking or involving a comprehensive mental view adjective Synonyms: concise, succinct, compressed They were mind-expandingly right in their synoptic vision, if frequently inexact and sometimes mistaken in their specifics. Most Difficult FT
1027 toady Act in an obsequious way verb Synonyms: be servile towards, grovel to Britains Conservative government is accused of sacrificing the steel industry to toady up to China. Most Difficult FT 1027 toady Act in an obsequious way verb Synonyms: be servile towards, grovel to Britains Conservative government is accused of sacrificing the steel industry to toady up to China. Most Difficult FT
@ -950,7 +950,7 @@
1111 vox vox populi Greek/Latin root 'voice of the people' Greek/Latin Manhattan 1111 vox vox populi Greek/Latin root 'voice of the people' Greek/Latin Manhattan
1112 gullible easily persuaded to believe something adjective The gullible little boy gave his older sister all of his allowance because she told him she would buy a pony for him. Common GRE Kaplan 1112 gullible easily persuaded to believe something adjective The gullible little boy gave his older sister all of his allowance because she told him she would buy a pony for him. Common GRE Kaplan
1113 volu</br> volve turn</br> roll Greek/Latin root revolution Greek/Latin Manhattan 1113 volu</br> volve turn</br> roll Greek/Latin root revolution Greek/Latin Manhattan
1115 lethargic lacking energy adjective Its not uncommon to feel lethargic for weeks or even months after major surgery. Common GRE Kaplan 1115 lethargic lacking energy adjective ic=nature of, like</br> Its not uncommon to feel lethargic for weeks or even months after major surgery. Common GRE Kaplan
1116 paradox a statement that contradicts itself but might be true noun The fact that the retired teacher claimed to hate all pets but adopted seven cats is an intriguing paradox. Common GRE Kaplan 1116 paradox a statement that contradicts itself but might be true noun The fact that the retired teacher claimed to hate all pets but adopted seven cats is an intriguing paradox. Common GRE Kaplan
1117 pedant a person who makes an excessive display of learning noun Professor Blackwell, a well-known pedant, required his pre-med students to speak in Latin throughout the entire semester. Common GRE Kaplan 1117 pedant a person who makes an excessive display of learning noun Professor Blackwell, a well-known pedant, required his pre-med students to speak in Latin throughout the entire semester. Common GRE Kaplan
1118 acro</br>akro at the top</br>at the end</br> outermost; excellent Greek/Latin root "a sub of the Greek</br> PIE root ""ac"": be sharp</br> rise (out) to a point</br> pierce. " acrobat(one that goes high/to the limit)</br> acromegaly=growth disease( highest size (mega))</br> acronym(sharp name=use of first letters)</br> acrophobia(fear of heights)</br> acropolis(city at the top)</br> Root words SMB 1118 acro</br>akro at the top</br>at the end</br> outermost; excellent Greek/Latin root "a sub of the Greek</br> PIE root ""ac"": be sharp</br> rise (out) to a point</br> pierce. " acrobat(one that goes high/to the limit)</br> acromegaly=growth disease( highest size (mega))</br> acronym(sharp name=use of first letters)</br> acrophobia(fear of heights)</br> acropolis(city at the top)</br> Root words SMB
@ -1013,10 +1013,10 @@
1208 fid faith</br> truth Greek/Latin root fidelity</br> Latin words nko 1208 fid faith</br> truth Greek/Latin root fidelity</br> Latin words nko
1209 fin end Greek/Latin root finish</br> Latin words nko 1209 fin end Greek/Latin root finish</br> Latin words nko
1210 flect</br>flex bend Greek/Latin root deflect</br> reflect</br> reflection</br> Latin words nko 1210 flect</br>flex bend Greek/Latin root deflect</br> reflect</br> reflection</br> Latin words nko
1213 frag</br> fract break Greek/Latin root frag</br> fractify</br> frag</br> fract</br> frag</br> fractifications</br> Latin words nko 1213 frag</br> fract break Greek/Latin root fragment</br> fractify</br> fraction</br> fractal Latin words nko
1214 fug flee</br>бежать</br> спасаться бегством Greek/Latin root fugitive</br> Latin words nko 1214 fug flee</br> Greek/Latin root fugitive</br> Latin words nko
1215 fus pour<br/ Greek/Latin root Latin words nko 1215 fus pour</br> Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
1216 e out</br> away Greek/Latin root Latin words nko 1216 e out</br> away Greek/Latin root emigration Latin words nko
1217 em</br> en into</br> cover with</br> cause Greek/Latin root Latin words nko 1217 em</br> en into</br> cover with</br> cause Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
1218 en</br> in inside Greek/Latin root Latin words nko 1218 en</br> in inside Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
1219 ergo work Greek/Latin root argon(a=not+ergon=work=>inert)</br>ergophobia(fear of work)</br>ergonomic=economic study of work</br> Latin words nko 1219 ergo work Greek/Latin root argon(a=not+ergon=work=>inert)</br>ergophobia(fear of work)</br>ergonomic=economic study of work</br> Latin words nko
@ -1034,7 +1034,7 @@
1237 luc</br> lum light Greek/Latin root luminary</br> lucifer</br> Latin words nko 1237 luc</br> lum light Greek/Latin root luminary</br> lucifer</br> Latin words nko
1239 gon angle Greek/Latin root polygon</br> hexagon</br> Latin words nko 1239 gon angle Greek/Latin root polygon</br> hexagon</br> Latin words nko
1240 gran grain Greek/Latin root granular Latin words nko 1240 gran grain Greek/Latin root granular Latin words nko
1241 helic spiral</br> circular Greek/Latin root Latin words nko 1241 helic spiral</br> circular Greek/Latin root ic=nature of, like</br> Latin words nko
1242 heli sun Greek/Latin root helium</br> heli-centric</br> Latin words nko 1242 heli sun Greek/Latin root helium</br> heli-centric</br> Latin words nko
1243 hemo-<br> hemato-<br> emia- blood Greek/Latin root " anaemia:an=lack of blood<br> 1243 hemo-<br> hemato-<br> emia- blood Greek/Latin root " anaemia:an=lack of blood<br>
azotemia:azot=nitrogen in the blodd<br> azotemia:azot=nitrogen in the blodd<br>
@ -1061,7 +1061,7 @@
1254 mar Sea Greek/Latin root maritime</br> marine</br> Latin words nko 1254 mar Sea Greek/Latin root maritime</br> marine</br> Latin words nko
1256 mega large Greek/Latin root Latin words nko 1256 mega large Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
1257 ment mind Greek/Latin root mental</br> Latin words nko 1257 ment mind Greek/Latin root mental</br> Latin words nko
1258 merg plunge</br> sink/погружаться</br> тонуть Greek/Latin root Latin words nko 1258 merg plunge Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
1261 migr wander Greek/Latin root migrate</br> emmigrate</br> migrant</br> Latin words nko 1261 migr wander Greek/Latin root migrate</br> emmigrate</br> migrant</br> Latin words nko
1262 mir Look Greek/Latin root mirage</br> Latin words nko 1262 mir Look Greek/Latin root mirage</br> Latin words nko
1265 mot</br> move move Greek/Latin root Latin words nko 1265 mot</br> move move Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
@ -1111,7 +1111,7 @@
1325 spec</br> spect</br> spic look</br> appear Greek/Latin root Latin words nko 1325 spec</br> spect</br> spic look</br> appear Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
1326 spir breathe Greek/Latin root aspiration</br> expiration</br> Latin words nko 1326 spir breathe Greek/Latin root aspiration</br> expiration</br> Latin words nko
1327 stat</br> stab stand Greek/Latin root static</br> stationary</br> Latin words nko 1327 stat</br> stab stand Greek/Latin root static</br> stationary</br> Latin words nko
1328 string</br> strict bind/связывать Greek/Latin root Latin words nko 1328 string</br> strict bind Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
1329 stru</br> struct build Greek/Latin root structure</br> Latin words nko 1329 stru</br> struct build Greek/Latin root structure</br> Latin words nko
1330 sum</br> sumpt take Greek/Latin root Latin words nko 1330 sum</br> sumpt take Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
1331 radic</br> radix root Greek/Latin root Latin words nko 1331 radic</br> radix root Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
@ -1127,8 +1127,8 @@
1345 ter</br> terr land</br> earth Greek/Latin root terresital</br> terraine</br> termite</br> Latin words nko 1345 ter</br> terr land</br> earth Greek/Latin root terresital</br> terraine</br> termite</br> Latin words nko
1346 therm heat Greek/Latin root thermometer</br> thermal</br> therme</br> isotherm</br> Latin words nko 1346 therm heat Greek/Latin root thermometer</br> thermal</br> therme</br> isotherm</br> Latin words nko
1347 tort</br> tors twist Greek/Latin root torsion</br> Latin words nko 1347 tort</br> tors twist Greek/Latin root torsion</br> Latin words nko
1349 trit rub/тереть</br>натирать Greek/Latin root Latin words nko 1349 trit rub Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
1350 trud</br> trus thrust/толкать</br> засовывать</br> выпад Greek/Latin root Latin words nko 1350 trud</br> trus thrust Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
1351 umbra shade Greek/Latin root penumbra</br> Latin words nko 1351 umbra shade Greek/Latin root penumbra</br> Latin words nko
1352 urb city Greek/Latin root urban</br> Latin words nko 1352 urb city Greek/Latin root urban</br> Latin words nko
1353 tax arrangement Greek/Latin root taxomologist</br> Latin words nko 1353 tax arrangement Greek/Latin root taxomologist</br> Latin words nko
@ -1168,7 +1168,7 @@
1407 re back</br> again Latin Prefix Latin words nko 1407 re back</br> again Latin Prefix Latin words nko
1408 retro backward Latin Prefix Latin words nko 1408 retro backward Latin Prefix Latin words nko
1409 se apart</br> away Latin Prefix Latin words nko 1409 se apart</br> away Latin Prefix Latin words nko
1412 super above</br> beyond Latin Prefix supercede</br> Latin words nko 1412 super above</br> beyond Latin Prefix supercede</br> superman</br><b>supersohn<b></br> Latin words nko
1415 ultra beyond Latin Prefix Latin words nko 1415 ultra beyond Latin Prefix Latin words nko
1416 un not Latin Prefix Latin words nko 1416 un not Latin Prefix Latin words nko
1417 uni one Latin Prefix universal</br> Latin words nko 1417 uni one Latin Prefix universal</br> Latin words nko
@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@
1429 er</br> or one who Latin Suffix Latin words nko 1429 er</br> or one who Latin Suffix Latin words nko
1430 escent becoming Latin Suffix Latin words nko 1430 escent becoming Latin Suffix Latin words nko
1432 hood state of Latin Suffix Latin words nko 1432 hood state of Latin Suffix Latin words nko
1433 ic</br> id of</br> like Latin Suffix Latin words nko 1433 ic</br> id of</br> like Latin Suffix ic=nature of, like</br> Latin words nko
1434 il</br> ile capable of being Latin Suffix Latin words nko 1434 il</br> ile capable of being Latin Suffix Latin words nko
1436 ious characterized by Latin Suffix Latin words nko 1436 ious characterized by Latin Suffix Latin words nko
1441 mony state of Latin Suffix state of matrimony (being married) Latin words nko 1441 mony state of Latin Suffix state of matrimony (being married) Latin words nko
1 1 -(o)logy study, science, theory noun biology</br> archeology Suffix MSU
13 15 abyss a deep or seemingly bottomless chasm noun Synonyms: gorge, ravine, void President Maduro announced that, while his country now <u>stood at the edge of an <b>abyss,</b></u> he would confidently take the country one step forward ! Least Difficult FT
14 16 acumen keen judgment and perception, the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions, typically in a particular domain noun Synonyms: astuteness, awareness, acuity </br>Deutsch : Scharfsinn, Geschick He was unable to run a profitable restaurant because <u>he lacked business <b>acumen</b></u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
15 17 ad toward</br> to Greek/Latin root Sometimes broader than ad</br> eg (ac</br> al</br> af</br> an</br> ap</br> as</br> at) adhere= stick to</br> adductor = muscle brings hips together </br> adumbrate =to create shodowy(umbra) outline Greek/Latin MSU
16 18 -ade result of action verb or noun noun verb or noun blockade</br> lemonade Suffix MSU
17 19 adept Very skilled or proficient at something; very good at doing something that is not easy adjective Synonyms: expert, proficient, accomplished An abundance of clever people — <b><u>adept</b> in English law</u> as much as in finance— are employed at well paying banks and hedge funds Least Difficult FT
18 20 admonish scold or to advise firmly verb The security guard <b>admonished</b> the customer <u>to wear a face mask</u> in the store during these CoVid times 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
19 21 adulterate to contaminate or make impure by introducing inferior elements. verb World class chefs use fresh produce and<u> refuse to <b>adulterate</b> their dishes</u> with canned ingredients. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
20 23 advocate to recommend, support, or advise, to speak, plead, or argue for a cause, or in another’s behalf. (n) -- one who advocates. verb n. one who advocates The<u> teacher <b>advocated</b> for students with special needs</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
21 24 aesthetic concerned with the nature of beauty and art adjective ic=nature of, like The critics <u>admire the work of art for its<b> aesthetic</b> value</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
22 25 affectation fake or artificial behavior, often meant to impress or conceal the truth noun The poor man’s <b><u>affectation</b> of wealth</u> did not fool any of the elite at the party. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
23 26 -age act of</br> state of</br> collection of suffix added to root words (often French) to form a noun salvage</br> storage</br> forage Suffix MSU
24 27 agere act Greek/Latin root agent</br> agency</br> agenda Greek/Latin MSU
61 71 arbitrary Based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system adjective Synonyms: capricious, random, chance Since Jake’s teacher disliked him, she came up with an arbitrary punishment to help him remember his homework. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
62 73 arbitrate to settle a dispute via mediation (n: arbitration) verb Latin : arbiter "a judge, umpire, mediator". See arbitre (French) = umpire. Verb is arbitratation The mediator arbitrated the dispute between the two parties. Common GRE MSU
63 74 arcane secret or known only to a select group adjective Deutsch : geheimnisvoll, Obskur. Latin arcanus "secret, hidden, private, concealed The traditional healer's arcane rituals confused her. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
64 75 archaic old-fashioned old-fashioned, adj. no longer in the common usage adjective adj. no longer in the common usage archaios="old"+ic="nature of, like In comparison to portable laptop computers, typewriters are considered archaic 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
65 76 archaios ancient Greek/Latin root archeology</br> archetype</br> archaic</br> archeozoic Greek/Latin MSU
66 77 arch leader</br> first</br> chief Greek/Latin root monarchy</br> oligarchy</br> anarchy</br> archetype</br> architect </br> archbishop Greek/Latin MSU
67 78 arduous difficult, taxing, requiring considerable effort adjective Latin arduus "high, steep," also figuratively, "difficult, hard to reach, Mountain climbing is fun but quite arduous. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
68 79 articulate exhibiting considerable communication skills, well-spoken adjective, verb Deutsch : 1. redegewandt UND </br>2. ein Gelenk bilden 1. His vast vocabulary allowed him to clearly articulate his opinions. 2. The lower jaw articulates with the skull. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
69 81 artless without artifice. without guile or deception adjective Synonyms: candid, direct, forthright. adj. natural, untrained With her artless look, the girl next door looked beautiful even though she had no make-up on and didn’t style her hair. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
70 82 -ary, ery, ory relating to place where or quality noun or adjective dictionary</br> bravery</br> dormitory</br> aviary</br> ordinary</br> auditory Suffix MSU
71 83 ascetic austere or self-denying adjective Greek : asketes "monk, hermit," Greek : asketes "monk, hermit," + ïc="nature of, like The monk leads an ascetic life. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
72 85 assuage to provide relief from an unpleasant feeling. to make less severe; to appease or satisfy verb v. to satisfy a need or appetite A massage can assuage the soreness in your muscles. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
73 86 astonishment total surprise, shock noun Old French estoner "to stun, daze, deafen, astound," Vulgar Latin *extonare, </br> Latin ex "out" + tonare "to thunder" The homeless man looked at me in astonishment when I gave him the bag of money. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
74 87 -ate cause, make noun or adjective verb liquidate</br> segregate Suffix MSU
81 98 aver to assert or allege. to declare verb Deutsch : beteuern, behaupten. </br> Latin ad "to" + verus "true" - later meaning to assert with confident Many of those who voted for the President, his opponent averred, did so because they were rooked by devious lies 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
82 100 banal boring, cliché, commonplace or trite (n: banality) adjective <u>I was bored to death because of his <b>banal</b> conversation</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
83 101 barefaced unconcealed, shameless, or brazen adjective with face uncovered or shaven;" see bare + face : Thus, "unconcealed It would be a barefaced lie to claim that there is freedom in Venezuela Common GRE MSU
84 102 belie give a false impression (intentional or unintentional) in word, appearance, or deed verb Old English beleogan (Deutsch : belügen) Janice hoped her smile would belie the sadness she felt. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
85 103 bene well</br> favorable Greek/Latin root benefit</br> benevolent</br> benefactor</br> beneficent Greek/Latin MSU
86 104 benign gentle, harmless adjective Latin "well born," bene "well" + " genus "birth" Grandfather fortunately had a benign form of cancer 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
87 105 bi two Greek/Latin root bi-partisan</br> bisexual</br> biennial</br> binary</br> bicuspid</br> bivalve Greek/Latin MSU
88 106 biased prejudiced, displaying partiality adjective From French : biais : a slant, a slope, an oblique, later figuratively : giving a bias to, causing to incline to one side The bigot admits that he is biased toward immigrants and stereotypes people according to their race before he ever meets them The bigot admits that he is u><b>biased</b> toward immigrants</u> and stereotypes people according to their race before he ever meets them 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
89 107 bible book Greek/Latin root bibliography</br> Bible</br> bibliophile Greek/Latin MSU
90 108 bio life Greek/Latin root biology</br> biography</br> bio-active Greek/Latin MSU
91 109 blandishment speech or action intended to coax someone into doing something, the use of flattery (sweet-talk) and enticements to persuade somebody gently to do something noun Latin blandiri "flatter, soothe, caress, coax,"</br>Deutsch : Schmeichelrei, schönreden Even though the salesman produced every <u><b>blandishment</b></u> he could think of from his <u>bag of tricks</u>, his prospect wouldn’t be budged by <u>his flattery.</u> Common GRE MSU
92 110 blight a thing that spoils or damages something noun Synonyms: affliction, scourge, bane 1. Because of the <u>urban <b>blight</u></b> that has taken over the downtown area, many of the stores have relocated to suburban malls.</br>2. The torrential rain <b>blighted<b/> the crop. Least Difficult FT
93 111 blithe showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper, carefree and unconcerned adjective Synonyms: indifferent, unconcerned, blasé The <u>rebellious teenager was <b>blithe</b> about her failing grades.</u> Least Difficult FT
94 112 blowhard a person who blusters and boasts in an unpleasant way noun Synonyms: boaster, bragger, show-off <u>The self-promoting <b>blowhard</b> talked</u> about his own accomplishments until his guests were bored to tears Least Difficult FT
95 113 bolster to support or strengthen verb Old English bolster "bolster, cushion, something stuffed so that it swells up </br>Deutsch : gleiche Urspurng Polster The prosecutor worked to find evidence that would bolster her case against the defendant. The prosecutor worked to find evidence that would <u><b>bolster</b> her case against the defendant.</u> Common GRE Kaplan
96 114 bombast pompous speech (adj: bombastic) noun Bombast was originally a material of cotton applied to a stuff of soft, loose texture, used to swell a garment. </br>Deutsch= der erste Teil vom Wort "Baumwolle" ist ähnlich wie "Bom" Madam President, Commissioner, we have <u>no need for sentimentality and <b>bombast</b> on such a serious issue </u> Common GRE MSU
97 116 bombastic overblown, theatrical. High-sounding but with little meaning; inflated adjective Synonyms: pompous, blustering, turgid bombast + ic="nature of, like"</br>Synonyms: pompous, blustering, turgid If you want to sell your energy drink, then you must use <u><b>bombastic</b> claims</u> in your commercials. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
98 117 bore 1. v. to cause one to lose interest. 2. v. to drill a hole. adj. similar to or pertaining to objects that drill holes. 1. the lecturer repeated everything we already knew and<b> bored</b> all in the class</br>2.Pickleworms <u><b>bore</b> into</u> the fruit of cucumber and squash plants to feed on their flesh. Homonym MSU
99 118 boycott a punitive ban that forbids relations with certain groups noun Synonyms: veto, shunning, rejection Conversely some prominent black women have <u>called for a <b>boycott</b></u>, seeing Mr. Parker’s past as a disqualifying stain. Least Difficult FT
100 119 brazen bold or open to the point of shocking adjective Old English bræsen "of brass, - which then led to brazen-faced (shameless) and then hardened in war In a <b><u>brazen</b> assault</u>, the gang fired their weapons at the policeman. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
101 120 breach a lapse, gap or break, as in a fortress wall. To break or break through. noun, verb old English for "break". Most typical uses are "breach of contract" or "breach of peace". But also "breach" of defenses, breach of etiquette The club members never forgot his <u><b>breach</b> of ettiquette.</u> Common GRE MSU
102 123 burgeon flourish, bloom,to grow or flourish; a bud or new growth (adj: burgeoning ) verb, noun of uncertain origin Left untreated, the garden <u>weeds will <b>burgeon</b> and take over the entire property within days</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
103 124 burlesque a variety show noun Synonyms: skit, farce, striptease Madame JoJo’s, a <b>burlesque</b> bar in London’s Soho, had its license revoked in 2014 after two bouncers brandished a baseball bat at a rowdy crowd. Least Difficult FT
104 125 buttress to support. a support verb, noun old French Her good arguments buttressed her credibility Her good arguments <u><b>buttressed</b> her credibility</u> Common GRE MSU
105 126 caco Bad Greek/Latin root PIE Kaka=to defecate cacophony (bad sound)<br> cacography(bad handwriting)<br> cacostocracy(government by the worst in society) Greek/Latin MSU
106 128 cacophony loud and chaotic noise. a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds noun Synonyms: racket, noise, clamor The <b>cacophony</b> of the middle school band warming up was nearly <u>unbearable for the audience.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
107 129 cadge to get something by taking advantage of someone verb old English "to get by begging" By flirting with the bartender, the pretty girl was able to<u> <b>cadge</b> free drinks.</u> Common GRE MSU
109 131 candid honest, open adjective When questioned, she <u>held nothing back and gave a <b>candid <b>/response</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
110 132 canon accepted rules and tenets of a discipline noun "canon written with 1 "n" - unlike the one you shoot cannonballs ! <br> n. sacred works/scripture;<br> in this sense it is also used to refer to notable literary and artistic works of a culture or discipline At the same time, <u><b>canon</b> law is part of the temporal legal system</u>, and bishops are appointed jointly by the Prime Minister and the head of state 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
111 133 capacity the capability to perform a particular action or fulfill a given function noun n. a particular position or role she served in an <u>advisory <b>capacity<b><u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
112 134 caprice an impulsive act noun French caprice="whim" Because John <u>did not think before acting,</u> he could spend years in prison for a silly <b>caprice.</b> Common GRE MSU
113 137 castigate to scold or berate strongly. to chastise or criticize severely verb Latin castigatus"to correct, set right; purify; chastise, punish," from castus "pure" + agere "to do The boss <u>misused performance reviews</u> to <b>castigate</b> his employees 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
114 141 caustic corrosive. capable of dissolving by chemical action; highly critical: corrosive. capable of dissolving by chemical action; highly critical:adj. bitterly sarcastic adjective adj. bitterly sarcastic + ic="nature of, like"</br> His <b><u>caustic</b> remarks</u> spoiled the mood of the party 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
115 142 censure to express intense condemnation, an official reprimand verb French, censurer. Do not confuse with "censor" French, censurer. </br>Do not confuse with "censor"(=prevent publication)</br> Do not confuse with "sensor"(=something that senses/measures") Since the marine left base without permission, he is expecting both a censure and punishment when he returns tomorrow. Since the marine left base without permission, he is <u>expecting both a censure and punishment</u> when he returns tomorrow. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
116 143 chauvinist someone who believes prejudicially that their own group is the superior one, exaggerated, blind nationalism; patriotism degenerated into a vice noun French : chauvinisme, after behaviour of N. Chauvin, soldier of Napoleon who idolized Napoleon long after it was history French : chauvinisme, after behaviour of N. Chauvin, soldier of Napoleon who idolized Napoleon long after he was history <u>His sister was <b>chauvinist</b> when it comes to feminism</u>, as she gets both angry and irritated when someone opposes her point of view 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
117 144 chicanery deception by trickery, often to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose noun French chicanerie "trickery," Middle French chicaner "to pettifog, quibble" <u>Instead</u> of being <u>truthful</u> on his campaign for sheriff, <u>he resorted to <b>chicanery</b>. </u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
118 146 chorale </br> corral n. a type of hymn (sung) or a choir </br>n. a fenced enclosure for cattle or horses. v. to herd cattle or horses (or people) into one place Corral is of Spanish origin. The protective wide circle of ox-wagons called laager by the Afrikaners was called corral by the Americans travelling West in their wagons. <u>Maimie always <b>corraled</b> Marnie into serving as secretary</u> for the meetings. </br>The <b>chorale</b> originated when Martin Luther translated <u>sacred songs into the vernacular language </u> Homophone MSU
119 147 chronic (Of a problem) long lasting and difficult to eradicate adjective Synonyms: constant, continuing, persistent Greek : chronos=time+ic=nature of/like=>lasting a long time</br>Synonyms: constant, continuing, persistent Pessimists think the productivity problem is chronic. Technological advances, they say, are ever-less revolutionary... Pessimists think the productivity problem is <b>chronic</b>. Least Difficult FT
120 148 chronological ordered by time adjective Latin : chrono=time+logo=theory, science, doctrine+ ic/ical=word-forming element making adjectives He went through the events in chronological order 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
121 149 -cian having a specific skill noun magician</br> optician</br> physician Suffix MSU
122 150 cide kill Greek/Latin root Killer of ( ): homicide</br> parricide(parents)</br> germicidal</br> ecocide</br> suicide</br> fungicide</br> senicide (old men)</br> libricide(old books)</br> legicide(laws)</br> uxoricide(wife)</br> filicide(son/daughter)</br> floricide(flowers)</br> infanticide(infants)</br> genocide(race/kind)</br> Greek/Latin MSU
126 157 compelling captivating, very persuasive adjective Latin com "with, together" + pellere "to drive" The jury seemed moved by the lawyer’s <u><b>compelling</b> argument</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
127 158 complaisant willingly compliant or accepting of the status quo (n: complaisance) adjective com=with, plaisant=pleasure/pleasing Because <u>John is too <b>complaisant</b> in his willingness to please others</u>, people often take advantage of him Common GRE MSU
128 159 comprehensive complete and thorough adjective com=with/together, preandre=seize/hold Heather’s <b><u>comprehensive</b> workout helps tone all of the muscles</u> in her body. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
129 161 conflagration 1. a great fire OR <br>2. a conflict or war noun con=with/togethe+ =flagrare "to burn, blaze, glow 1. The combustion products such as smoke,heat and hot conflagration gases generated during a fire rise upwards</br>2. It seems as though the conflagration in the Middle East has been going on for centuries 1. The combustion products such as smoke,heat and hot <b>conflagration</b> gases generated during a <u>fire</u> rise upwards</br>2. It seems as though the <u><b>conflagration</b> in the Middle East</u> has been going on for centuries Common GRE MSU
130 163 confound to confuse or astonish. Prove (a theory, expectation, or prediction) wrong verb Synonyms: contradict, counter, go against Yet in another sense, the Fed has confounded predictions—at least, those it made itself. Yet in another sense, <u>the Fed has <b>confounded</b> predictions</u>—at least, those it made itself. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
131 164 connoisseur an expert in a particular subject matter area, usually relating to the fine arts or cultural pursuits noun French. Note how modern French spells it connaisseur, whereas English follows the old French spelling of connoisseur French. Connaisseur is a specialist, and connoisseur (with an "o") is "higher ranked", as they are a conaisseur AND their opinions are valued ! Since you are <u>a wine <b>connoisseur</b></u>, I thought I would ask your opinion on the best wines for my dinner party 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
132 165 consequential as a result of, "following as an effect or result" adjective adj. significant or memorable con=with a sequence </br>adj. significant or memorable The consequential damages of the critical reactor breaking down were significant, as the entire plant had to shut for months The <u><b>consequential damages</b></u> of the critical reactor breaking down were significant, as the entire plant had to shut for months 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
133 166 constitutus stand Greek/Latin root constitution</br> statute Greek/Latin MSU
134 167 construe to interpret verb same latin/French origin as "construct", ie. With/together + piling up= interpret Although I tried to pay you a compliment, you have decided to construe my words as an insult Although I tried to pay you a compliment, you have decided to <u><b>construe</b> my words</u> as an insult 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
135 168 consumption utilization (esp. of a resource) noun Excessive alcohol consumption has been linked to liver damage Excessive <u>alcohol consumption</u> has been linked to liver damage 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
136 169 contend assert or claim verb old French comptendre : engage in rivalry, compete, old French comptendre : engage in rivalry, compete To obtain custody of her children in the divorce, Bridgett will contend her husband is an abusive man In order to obtain custody of her children in the divorce, Bridgett will <b>contend</b> nasty things about her husband 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
137 170 contentious controversial, causing or likely to cause an argument adjective Latin contentiosus "obstinate, quarrelsome As a rule, I tend to avoid contentious topics of conversation which might lead to arguments As a rule, I tend to <u>avoid <b>contentious</b> topics of conversation</u> which might lead to arguments 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
138 172 convoluted roundabout, not straightforward adjective Latin : to roll together," com "with, together" (see con-) + volvere "to roll," My head began to hurt as I listened to the professor’s <b>convolute</b> speech 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
139 173 copious plentiful or abundant adjective Latin : "abundant, plentiful," Take copious notes in class so that you have plenty of review material for the test. <u>Take <b>copious</b> notes in class</u> so that you have plenty of review material for the test. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
140 174 corporal of the body: "corporal punishment." a non-commissioned officer ranked between a sergeant and a private. adjective 1. corporal punishment will still in use during my father's school days. Common GRE MSU
141 175 corporeal of or having to do with material, as opposed to spiritual; tangible. (In older writings, coeporeal could be a synonym for corporal. This usage is no longer common) adjective Latin : "of a material or physical nature, not mental or spiritual," with adjectival suffix -al preceded by corpus "body" (living or dead), As Jack reached for the ghost, he realized it was not corporeal when his hands went straight through the shape. As Jack reached for <u>the ghost</u>, he realized it <u>was not <b>corporeal</b></u> when his hands went straight through the shape. Common GRE MSU
142 176 corpus body Greek/Latin root corpse</br> corporal punishment</br> corpus callosum Greek/Latin MSU
143 177 corroborate to strengthen or support: (n: corroboration) verb Latin : form of com "with, together," + roborare "to make strong," robur, robus "strength," - same root as robust The scientist was able to corroborate his hypothesis with data gathered from multiple sources. The witness corroborted his story. Common GRE MSU
144 178 corroborate </br> collaborate It's "L" like Royalty…..don't get "L" and "R" confused Easily confused words During the president's election, the 2 scientists collaborated together to find facts to corrobarate their joint theory. Easily confused words MSU
156 192 decorum appropriate behavior or good manners noun same root at décor Not understanding decorum at a formal dinner, Jake ate his salad with his dinner fork 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
157 194 deference respect or polite submission. submission or courteous yielding: noun French déférence (16c.), déférer "to yield, comply He held his tongue in deference to his father. (n: deferential. v. defer) 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
158 195 deflect divert or cause to ricochet verb de=away + flect = bend He deflected the attack with a defty response 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
159 196 deft skill, acumen skill, acumen, manual dexterity adjective adj. manual dexterity The deft musician was able to play the harmonica and the piano at the same time. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
160 197 deign Do something that one considers to be beneath one's dignity verb Synonyms: come down one's high horse If the Senate <b><u>deigns</b> to consider and confirm</u> a nominee, do not expect changes overnight. Least Difficult FT
161 198 delineate to describe very accurately 1. to describe very accurately, to clearly describe or portray something</br>2. to clearly demarcate a boundary, to render an outline verb v. to clearly demarcate a boundary Latin : de- "completely"+ lineare "draw lines, v. to render an outline 1.<u>While I cannot <b>delineate</b></u> the style of car she drove, <u>I can </u>give you the license plate number. </br>2. <u>Jason put a fence up to <b>delineate</b> his property</u> from his neighbor’s. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
162 199 demos people Greek/Latin root democracy</br> demographic Greek/Latin MSU
163 201 denigrate say negative things about, particularly in a defamatory way verb Latin denigratus, past participle of denigrare "to blacken; to defame," de- "completely" (see de-) + nigr-, stem of niger "black" Latin denigratus, past participle of denigrare "to blacken; to defame," de- "completely" (see de-) + nigr-, stem of niger "black" During the election, the crooked politician did everything in his power to denigrate his rival. During the election, the crooked <u>politician did everything in his power to <b>denigrate</b> his rival.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
164 202 depict to show, create a picture of. verb Latin depictus, past participle of depingere "to portray, paint, sketch; describe, imagine," de "down" (see de-) + pingere "to paint" The drawings on the cave walls depict the lives of the earliest men on the planet. <u>The drawings</u> on the cave walls <b>depict</b> the lives of the earliest men on the planet. Common GRE MSU
165 203 deprecate (deprecation) </br> depreciate (depreciation) to deprecate is “to disapprove,” but in </br>“self-deprecating,” it means, “to belittle.” </br>In the world of computing, deprecated means “phased out” or “soon to be phased out.” </br>Depreciate is for talking about loss of monetary value, primarily for assets Easily confused words The <b><u>deprecated</b> software</u> had already had <u>its full book value <b>depreciated</b></u> in the finance department Easily confused words MSU
166 204 deprecation disapproval, earnest expression of feeling against noun Do NOT confuse with deprecIation, a finance term Has the word "Pray" in its origins, in the sense "pray, do not"</br>Do NOT confuse with deprecIation, a finance term Ingrid is well-known for her self-deprecation, as she constantly looks down on herself and harshly judges all of her actions. Common GRE MSU
167 205 depredation the act of preying upon or plundering: the act of preying upon or plundering. To act as a predator. noun French/latin : de- "thoroughly" (see de-) + praedari "to plunder," literally "to make prey of," praeda "prey" The <u><b>depredations</b> of the invaders demoralized</u> the population. Common GRE MSU
168 207 derivative imitates another work in a way that is unoriginal or uninspiring, an object or idea that is produced from something else adjective Applies to words (words derive a parent) to chemistry (a product derives another one) and to mathematics The new antibiotic is listed as a <b>derivative</b> of penicillin because it was produced from a penicillin base. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
169 208 descry to make clear, to say verb Deutsch : entdecken, wahrnehmen If you descry illegality contents on the linked websites, we beg for notification <u>If you <b>descry</b> illegal content</u> on the linked websites, we beg for notification Common GRE MSU
170 210 desiccate to dry out completely 1. to dry out completely </br>2. to suck out the vitality and passion verb de- "thoroughly" (see de-) + siccare "to dry"</br>v. to suck out the vitality and passion de- "thoroughly" (see de-) + siccare "to dry"</br> One should use sliced fruits within one day as the insides quickly desiccate. 1. One should use sliced fruits within one day as the insides quickly <b>desiccate.</b> </br>2. The professional soccer player became<u> <b>desiccated</b> after being in a car accident that left him in a coma.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
171 211 desultory halfhearted, not having a plan or purpose adjective </br>Deutsch : halbherzig</br>adj. inconsistent or random 1)The bronze medal winner managed a desultory smile. </br>2)The students were confused by the teacher’s desultory lecture which seemed to have no real focus 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
172 212 detachment objectivity or aloofness, devoid of interest or feelings noun French détachement (17c.), détacher (see detach). Meaning "that which is detached", also in a military sense. </br>Deutsch : Ablösung The woman’s air of detachment made the police question her involvement in her husband’s death. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
173 213 determinant a strong factor in an outcome noun </br>Deutsch : Bestimmungsfaktor Latin : de= "off" + terminare "to mark the end or boundary</br>Deutsch : Bestimmungsfaktor The key determinant for social security deductions are the conditions at year end 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
174 214 di two</br> double Greek/Latin root deductions are the conditions on 31 December of the tax period or at the end of the tax liability. Greek/Latin MSU
175 215 dia across</br> through Greek/Latin root diagonal</br> dialectic</br> dialogue</br> diagnosis Greek/Latin MSU
176 218 didactic educational or with an instructive purpose; often includes an element of moralizing adjective French didactique, </br> Latinized form of Greek didaktikos "apt at teaching French didactique, </br> Latinized form of Greek didaktikos "apt at teaching</br>didact=teach +ic=nature of, like Because Mrs. Jones came up with lessons that were <u>not only <b>didactic</b> but also fun</u>, everyone thought she was a fantastic teacher. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
177 219 die 1. v. to cease to live. 2. n. a mold used for shaping pieces of metal for incorporation into tools or other products </br>Deutsch = Pressform, Modell, (2) These car models are so similar that the <u>same<b>die </b> can be used to make most body parts</u>, such as the doors, hood, roof, and trunk cover. Homonym MSU
178 221 diffident shy, timid, or reserved due to a lack of confidence adjective Latin diffidentem, pp of diffidere "to mistrust, lack confidence," dis- "away" (see dis-) + fidere "to trust" Because <u>she felt unattractive, Mary was <b>diffident</b> and kept to herself</u> at parties. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
179 222 diffident </br> different </br> deference <b>diffident</b> = shy, timid, or reserved due to a lack of confidence and </br><b>deference</b> is respect for others. Easily confused words If you<u> treat others with <b>deference</b></u>, then people will respect you back, and <u>acting <b>differently</b></u> will not lead to <u>shy <b>diffidence<b></u> Easily confused words MSU
180 224 dirge funeral or mourning lament noun In the catholic burial mass, the first answer sung is Psalms v.9, which begins in Latin : "Dirige, Domine, Deus meus, in conspectu tuo viam meam ("Direct, O Lord, my God, my way in thy sight"). So, Dirge is linked to first word, Direct in English.</br></br> now, n. any sad, slow song" Elton John <u>wrote and sang the <b>dirge</b> at Lady Di's funeral.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
181 225 dis not</br> apart not</br> apart, off, away </br>the opposite of</br>completely</br>in every direction Greek/Latin root disperse</br> disinherit</br> disenfranchise</br> distend Greek/Latin MSU
182 227 disabuse to dispel someone’s illusions or false impressions about something. to free a person from falsehood or error: verb dis="to free, apart, off"+ "mistake, fallacy, or deception" We had to <u><b>disabuse</b> her of the notion</u> that she was invited. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
183 228 discern to perceive, to recognize the difference or distinction between two or more things verb dis- "off, away" + cernere "distinguish, separate, sift Because Bradley wore sun glasses, I could not discern whether or not his eyes were red. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
184 229 discomfort (n) </br> discomfit (vt) 1. <b>discomfort</b> is a noun the lack of ease or comfort whereas <br>2. <b>discom<u>fit</u></b> is a verb and the act of disconcerting or making uncomfortable for <b>others</b>or to others Easily confused words To discomfit someone is to make them feel uncomfortable or upset. An easy way to discomfit another person is to use the age-old, childish trick of ignoring them. 1. I sat there in <b>discomfort</b><br>2. He was <b>discomfited</b> with the impolite behaviour of the visitor Easily confused words MSU
185 230 discrepancy a difference or inconsistency especially between things that should be the same noun dis= "apart, off" + crepare="to rattle, crack" The police were <u>confused by the <b>discrepancy</b> between</u> the testimonies of the two witnesses who saw the same event. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
186 231 disingenuous not candid or sincere not candid or sincere, generally by pretending one knows less than one actually does adjective Synonyms: dishonest, deceitful, duplicitous from dis- "opposite of" + ingenuous(=naïve)</br>Synonyms: dishonest, deceitful, duplicitous But shamelessly self-interested and probably contrary to his real views on the EU though it is, the mayor’s move is perhaps not entirely disingenuous. The detective was a <b><u>disingenuous</b> man who played dumb to trick others</u> into confessing Least Difficult FT
187 232 disinterested objective, unbiased adjective if you're <b>disinterested</b>, you're unbiased; you're out of the loop. <br>2. But if you're <b>uninterested</b>, you don't give a hoot; you're bored. 1. The referee should be <b><u>disinterested</b>in which team wins the game</u>, but<br> <u>grandmother was <b>uninterested</b> in who won the football game.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
188 233 disparage to belittle verb Originally meant to marry below one's rank, ie. Dis=away + parage=rank. Not it means to push somone lower, to belittle them <u>I cannot believe that you belittle and <b>disparage</b> people</u> who have little in common with you. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
189 234 disparaging belittling (n: disparagement. v. disparage) adjective His <u>mother's <b>disparaging</b> comments</u> made him feel awful Common GRE MSU
190 235 disparate dissimilar to such a degree that comparison is not possible adjective Latin disparatus, dis- "apart" + parare "get ready, prepare, ie. Dislike in kind Even though they are identical twins, they have<u> such <b>disparate</b> personalities</u> that it’s impossible to get them confused 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
191 237 dispassionate impartial or cool; calm; objective; unbiased adjective from dis- "the opposite of" + passionate Liza is a <u><b>dispassionate</b> person who rarely displays her emotions</u> to others 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
192 238 disregard to ignore or pay no attention to verb dis= away + regard=look at If you <u><b>disregard</b> the red light </u>at an intersection you are not only breaking the law but also endangering your life 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
193 240 dissemble to mislead or conceal the truth, esp. with respect to one’s motives. to conceal one's real motive, to feign verb Latin dissimulare "make unlike, conceal, disguise," dis- "completely" (see dis-) + simulare "to make like, imitate, copy, Rather than answer the reporter’s questions directly, <u>the politician chose to mislead and <b>dissembled</b> his responses</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
194 241 dissemble </br> disassemble Disassemble is to take something apart, like an old car motor, but dissemble is sneaky — it means to hide your true self,to lie to misrepresent oneself - like the guy who said he was a mechanic but had never actually seen a motor, much less put one back together. Easily confused words dis= reverse +assemble+collect in one place=> take aprt</br></br></br> dis=not + semble=appear=>not true representation the word is that these are Chinese actors who have been hired to resemble and dissemble North Korean fans. Easily confused words MSU
195 242 disseminate to spread widely (esp. information) verb Latin : dis- "in every direction" (see dis-) + seminare "to plant, propagate," from semen (genitive seminis) "seed" The pollen will disseminate into the region by Thursday, causing further burdens for allergy sufferers. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
196 243 dissonance a clash between two elements that don’t blend well, a lack of harmony or agreement noun Latin : dissonantem"differ in sound", ie lack of harmony The school board’s meeting lasted for hours due to the length debate fueled by dissonance among opinions. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
197 244 diverge to split apart, esp. a road or path verb Laitin : assimilated form of dis- "apart" + vergere "to bend, turn, tend toward"</br> opposite of converge Knowing that everyone would diverge after graduation, she was worried that she would not see her friends anymore. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
198 245 docile Ready to accept control or instruction; submissive adjective Synonyms: compliant, obedient, pliant Latin : docilis "easily taught"</br> Synonyms: compliant, obedient, pliant Docile with humans, they are fierce defenders of territory and their young. Least Difficult FT
199 246 doff Remove (an item of clothing) verb Synonyms: lay hold of, take hold of To don shoes, to doff them, or even to throw them at somebody? Least Difficult FT
200 247 dogged stubborn or determined: adjective "having the qualities of a (bull)dog", in a negative sense Her dogged pursuit of the degree eventually paid off. Common GRE MSU
201 248 dogma the official beliefs or tenets of particular sect or group noun Latin : dogma "philosophical tenet, Although Jake considered himself to be quite religious, he did not blindly follow the dogma of the church.  357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
202 249 dogmatic relying upon doctrine or dogma, as opposed to evidence adjective dogma + -ic (= nature of, like) Common GRE MSU
203 250 -dom quality, realm, office noun freedom</br> kingdom</br> wisdom</br> thralldom Suffix MSU
204 251 dominus lord </br> master Greek/Latin root dominant</br> dominion Greek/Latin MSU
205 252 dote be extremely and uncritically fond of verb Synonyms: adore, love dearly, be devoted to Falling birth-rates allowed parents to dote on fewer children, who were increasingly likely to go to school. Least Difficult FT
206 253 dupe to deceive or fool verb French, duper My brother is a schemer who is always trying to dupe people out of their money. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
207 254 dynasthai be able Greek/Latin root dynamic</br> dynamo</br> dynasty</br> dynamite Greek/Latin MSU
208 256 eccentric quirky or unusual adjective Greek astronomy referring to planet orbitals: ekkentros "out of the center" (as opposed to concentric), ek "out" (see ex-) + kentron "center". Meaning now modified to "odd or whimsical person" Greek astronomy referring to planet orbitals: ekkentros "out of the center" (as opposed to concentric), ek "out" (see ex-) + kentron "center"+ ic=nature of, like. Meaning now modified to "odd or whimsical person" The eccentric artist was quite happy to walk around with green hair 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
209 258 eclectic composed of a variety of styles, themes, motifs, etc. selecting or employing individual elements from a variety of sources: adjective ic=nature of, like Many modern decorators prefer an eclectic style. (n: eclecticism) 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
210 259 -ee one who receives the action noun employee</br> nominee</br> refugee Suffix MSU
211 260 effect </br> affect affect is usually a verb, and it means to impact or change. Effect is usually a noun, an effect is the result of a change. So, if A affects B, B experiences the effect of A’s action. Easily confused words affect is a verb and effect is a noun. At least (spoiler alert!), most of the time. Here’s a mnemonic: A is for action. Verbs are about action. Affect starts with an A, so it’s a verb. Also, Think of the common phrase cause and effect. Cause ends with an E, and effect begins with an E. So not only does a cause lead to an effect, but also cause’s E leads to effect’s E, giving you a handy noun bridge to step across and remember which spelling to use. The most common side effects of antibiotics affect the digestive system. Easily confused words MSU
212 262 efficacy effectiveness; capability to produce a desired effect noun The instructor’s efficacy was reduced by the lack of educational materials.  357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
213 263 effluent the quality of flowing out. something that flows out, such as a stream from a river (n: effluence) adjective, n Paques builds plants that ensure that <u>wastewater</u><b> effluent</b> effluent is cleaned Common GRE MSU
214 264 ego I</br> self Greek/Latin root ego</br> egomaniac</br> egocentric</br> Greek/Latin MSU
215 265 elegy sad poem or song, often in remembrance of someone deceased noun When the princess died, one of her favorite songwriters wrote a moving elegy for her. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
216 266 elicit to provoke a response verb ic=nature of, like In the experiment, the scientist hoped to <u><b>elicit</b> a response</u> from a mouse by piping high-pitched sounds into a sealed cage. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
217 267 eloquence persuasive and articulate speech adjective Since the girl spoke from the heart, the <u><b>eloquence</b> in her words</u> allowed everyone to completely understand and believe what she was saying. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
218 268 elusive </br>effusive elusive is when not quite able to catch/find/get hold of whereas effusive is when showing or expressing gratitude, pleasure, or approval in an unrestrained or heartfelt manner Easily confused words The elusive criminal was finally captured and his former inmates were effusive on his return to prison Easily confused words MSU
219 269 eminent well-known, respected, distinguished adjective Everyone was looking forward to taking the class with such <u>an <b>eminent</b> professor.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
220 270 emollient softening; something that softens adjective, noun The lotion was a great <u><b>emollient</b> for her dry skin</u> Common GRE MSU
225 276 -ence, ency action, state of, quality noun difference</br> conference</br> urgency Suffix MSU
226 277 encomium a formal eulogy or speech of praise noun Mrs. Poundstone was surprised and delighted on the last day of school when the students in her most difficult class presented her with an <b>encomium</b> they had written, praising her work as a teacher. Common GRE MSU
227 279 endemic </br> epidemic endemic is an inherent characteristic whereas epidemic is an illness wave that affect many in the population at the same time Easily confused words ic=nature of, like Easily confused words MSU
228 280 endow Provide with a quality, ability, or asset verb Synonyms: equip, bless, give Good and inspiring teachers, meanwhile, such as... J.K. Rowling’s Minerva McGonagall, are portrayed as endowed with supernatural gifts... Least Difficult FT
229 282 enervate to exhaust or drain of energy. to weaken or destroy the strength or vitality of: (adj: enervating) verb make tired by "getting on your nerves" The heat <b>enervated</b> everyone. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
230 284 engender to cause or give rise to verb from in- "in" + generare "bring forth, beget, produce" itself from genus "give birth, beget," His slip of the toungue <b>engendered</b> much laughter. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
231 285 engender </br> endanger engender is to bring into being, whereas endanger is to put at risk Easily confused words Some people believe violent video games <b>engender</b> feelings of hostility in young people, thereby <b>endangering</b> them and those around them. Easily confused words MSU
242 299 erudite learned; scholarly; displaying deep intensive learning. (n: erudition) adjective High school students often struggle with novels that are more erudite than they are entertaining. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
243 300 -escent in the process of adjective or noun adolescent</br> obsolescent</br> convalescent Suffix MSU
244 301 eschew avoid or abstain from verb same root as : German scheuen "to fear, shun, shrink from" True vegetarians eschew food items that come from living animals. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
245 302 -ese a native of noun or adjective Javanese</br> Vietnamese Suffix MSU
246 303 -esis, osis action, process, condition noun genesis</br> hypnosis</br> neurosis</br> osmosis Suffix MSU
247 305 esoteric obscure, arcane, intended for or understood by only a few: adjective Synonyms: abstruse, obscure, arcane Synonyms: abstruse, obscure, arcane </br>ic="nature of, like The esoteric discussion confused some people. (n: esoterica)</br>The subjects at hand often sound esoteric, if not silly, but the questions may prove more than merely academic. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
248 306 -ess female noun poetess</br> goddess Suffix MSU
249 307 estimable deserving respect, esteem, and admiration adjective Our estimable professor is constantly being recognized for his cancer research 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
250 308 -et, ette small one, group noun midget</br> octet</br> baronet</br> Suffix MSU
251 309 ethos the characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community noun Synonyms: character, atmosphere, climate Mr. Cotton presented himself as a member of the generation moved by the patriotic spirit... leaving civilian careers to join the army and learn a ‘warrior ethos.’ Least Difficult FT
259 320 exorbitant exceeding customary or normal limits, esp. in quantity or price: adjective The cab fare was exorbitant. Common GRE MSU
260 321 expatiate to elaborate on something in great detail verb During his book signing, Clark will expatiate on his military adventures 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
261 322 explicate to explain in detail verb ic=nature of, like</br> If the auditor finds an error in the accounting records, the treasurer will need to explicate the mistake. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
262 323 explicit fully and clearly expressed adjective The bank representative made sure the borrower was aware of the <b>explicit</b> terms of the loan agreement. Common GRE MSU
263 324 exposition a thorough explanation noun n. a public show or fair The researcher gave <u>a full <b>exposition</b> of his research results.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
264 325 extant in existence, still existing: adjective Synonyms: living, still existing, remaining The only extant representative of that species. The only <b>extant</b> representative of that species. Common GRE MSU
265 326 extant </br> extent extant usually refers to the last surviving example in existence(eg. Book, species) whereas extent is the length or amount of something Easily confused words The last extant white rhinos are still being hunted down for randy Asian geriatrics. The extent of corruption in the bureaucracy was well known. Easily confused words MSU
266 327 extraneous irrelevant or superfluous adjective If you slip off your diet, the extraneous calories will make you gain all the weight you lost. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
267 328 extrapolate to estimate or conjecture about the future based on presently available information or facts verb The scientist tried to <b><u>extrapolate</b> the future results by looking at data from previous testing</u> dates 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
268 330 facetious glib or flippant; Treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor adjective Synonyms: flippant, glib, tongue-in-cheek More disturbing,' says Mr. Hart, I didn't note that his column was facetious. In tone, it was indeed, and I should have noted that. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
289 352 fluke Unlikely chance occurrence, especially a surprising piece of luck noun Synonyms: coincidence, accident, a twist of fate Was this a fluke? Mr. Baker is not the first to notice the anomaly. Least Difficult FT
290 353 foil 1. n. a thin sheet made of metal. 2. n. a type of rapier or sword. foils: the sport or practice of fencing with such swords. 3. n. a person or thing used in a comparison in order to make another person or thing seem superior. 4. v. to spoil or thwart; to prevent the success of. (3) She had brought so many obviously unsuitable suitors home to her parents that they acted as foils; when she introduced John, he seemed an excellent prospect by contrast and her parents were happy to agree to the marriage. (4) The unexpected return of their parents foiled their plans for a party. Homonym MSU
291 354 foment to foster unrest or discontent verb Latin fomentum "warm application, poultice,"on the notion of "encourage the growth of," similar to ferment the police are here to keep people calm, not to <u?<b>foment</b> violence</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
292 355 forage (of a person or animal) search widely for food or provisions verb Synonyms: hunt, scavenge, grub And you must be ready to abandon tired orthodoxies of the left and right and forage for good ideas across the political spectrum. Least Difficult FT
293 356 forestall to hold off or try to prevent; Prevent or obstruct (an anticipated event or action) by taking action ahead of time verb Synonyms: pre-empt, get in before, get ahead of To forestall a social crisis, he mused, governments should consider a tax on robots; if automation slows as a result, so much the better. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
294 357 fortuitous Happening by a lucky chance adjective Synonyms: fortunate, advantageous, opportune Thanks to these sensible policies, and the fortuitous tailwind of higher productivity growth, the economy boomed and prosperity was shared. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
295 359 frater brother Greek/Latin root fraternize</br> fraternity</br> fraternal</br> fratricide Greek/Latin MSU
298 362 -ful full of adjective frightful</br> beautiful</br> helpful Suffix MSU
299 363 -fy make verb fortify</br> simplify Suffix MSU
300 364 gainsay deny or oppose verb Literally : Say against It is <u>impossible to <u>gainsay</u> the importance of a good education</u> in today’s competitive job market. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
301 365 galvanize to prod someone into action verb figurative sense of "galvanize by electricity" By holding a rally, <u>the politician hoped to <b>galvanize</b> young people to vote </u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
302 367 garrulous talkative; verbose; talkative; rambling: adjective from Latin garrulus "talkative, chattering We tried to avoid our garrulous neighbor. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
303 368 gauche socially inept, inappropriate, or awkward adjective gauche = left (english)/links (</br>Deutsch) His gauche statements made eveyone feel uncomfortable 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
304 369 geo earth Greek/Latin root geology</br> geography</br> geocentric</br> geomancy Greek/Latin MSU
305 370 germane relevant to the matter at hand relevant to the matter at hand, closely connected, relevant adjective Latin : germanus = having the same parents The president will only respond to media questions that are <b>germane</b>to the economic crisis. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
306 371 glib talking volubly,easily but carelessly or insincerely speaking in a smooth, easy way that is insincere ta. lking volubly,easily but carelessly or insincerely adjective From German "glibberig", now used in a figurative sense Because she is so conceited, Linda is constantly fishing for compliments, and she takes all the glib flattery seriously. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
307 372 gossamer fine cobweb on foliage; fine gauzy fabric; very fine: noun, adjective She wore a gossamer robe. Common GRE MSU
308 373 graph</br> gram write</br> record Greek/Latin root graphic</br> graphite</br> graphology</br> telegram Greek/Latin MSU
309 374 gregarious sociable, genial adjective Latin : gregarius="pertaining to a flock Humans are by nature gregarious, and like to live close together 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
310 375 guile skillful deceit: noun (v. bequile; adj: beguiling. Note, however, that these two words have an additional meaning: to charm (v.) or charming (adj:), while the word guile does not generally have any such positive connotations) He was well known for his guile. Common GRE MSU
311 377 guileless honest; straightforward (n: guilelessness) adjective Common GRE MSU
312 378 hack 1. v. to chop. 2. n. a bad or unoriginal writer. (2) Even though he worked for the New York Times, he always felt like a hack. (2) Even though he worked for the New York Times, he always felt like a hack. Homonym MSU
313 379 hackneyed cliché, trite, banal overused, so overused as to have become uninteresting, repeated too often, cliché, trite, banal adjective Named after London Borough of Hackney where small horses were let out for hire, so figuratively : used many times over that it has become uninteresting Too often used by young girls, <u>the word “like” has become <b>hackneyed<b/></u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
314 381 harangue diatribe or rant; a lengthy and aggressive speech noun Synonyms: tirade, diatribe, rant </br>Deutsch : Moralpredigt, Tirade State-run China Central Television (CCTV) has broadcast harsh criticisms of some multinationals, including an absurd harangue over Starbucks’ prices... 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
315 382 headlong headfirst; impulsive; hasty. impulsively; hastily; without forethought: adjective, adverb They rushed headlong into marriage. Common GRE MSU
316 383 hedonism the pursuit of pleasure noun Freddie Mercuy was known to be a great singer and a non-stop hedonist 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
317 384 hetero mixed</br> unlike Greek/Latin root heterogeneous</br> heterosexual</br> heterodox</br> heterodont</br> hetero atom</br> heterocyclic</br> heterozygous</br> Greek/Latin MSU
318 385 hierarchical arranged in rank order or hierarchy adjective <u>The <b>hierarchic</b> structure</u> of the company led to internal problems 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
319 386 homo same</br> alike Greek/Latin root homogeneous</br> homogenized</br> homozygous</br> homolytic fission</br> Homo sapiens</br> homonid</br> homeostasis </br> homophone Greek/Latin MSU
320 388 homogenous of the same or similar kind adjective uniform, identical There are very few truly homogenous cultures since social diversity is increasingly widespread. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
321 389 -hood order, quality noun neighborhood</br> motherhood Suffix MSU
322 390 husband 1. n. a male spouse. 2. v. to manage frugally. to conserve. ___husbandry n. management. (2) Our mother was so <u>good at <b>husbanding</b> resources</u> that we never went hungry, even when our parents both lost their jobs.___This college offers many courses in animal husbandry. Homonym MSU
323 391 hyperbole obvious exaggeration for effect noun Obviously the network is <u>overreacting and engaging in <b>hyperbole</b></u> when they say 55 million people are in danger! for normal thunderstorms Obviously the network is <u>overreacting and engaging in <b>hyperbole</b></u> when they say 55 million people are in danger! Due to normal thunderstorms 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
324 392 -ic nature of, like adjective metallic</br> heroic</br> poetic Suffix MSU
325 393 -ice condition, state, quality noun justice</br> malice Suffix MSU
326 395 iconoclast a person who attacks traditional religious and cultural institutions noun Synonyms: critic, skeptic, dissenter He has overtaken Manuel Valls, the centre-left prime minister, as the left’s most outspoken iconoclast, and shown up the Socialist left as die-hard conservatives. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
327 396 -id, ide something connected to or belonging to noun or adjective fluid</br> fluoride</br> torrid</br> canid Suffix MSU
330 399 ideological relating to a particular belief system or theory adjective Due to the criminal’s <u><b>ideological</b> perspective that he is always right</u>,the criminal would hurt people if they wronged him 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
331 400 idios one's own Greek/Latin root idiom</br> idiosyncrasy</br> idiopathic Greek/Latin MSU
332 401 imminent about to happen adjective French/ Latin : "overhanging; impending," When the Secret Service arrived, everyone knew <u>the president’s arrival was <b>imminent.</b></u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
333 402 immutable Unchanging over time or unable to be changed adjective Synonyms: permanent, set, steadfast After all, whom institutions choose to celebrate and how they depict the past are choices to be debated, not immutable facts. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
334 403 impair to hinder or weaken someone or something verb French/latin : impeiorare "make worse <u>Alcohol can greatly <b>impair</b> your judgement.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
335 404 impecunious penniless; poor adjective Latin : in- "not, opposite of" +pecuniosus "rich, money <u>He spent more than he earned, so he was always <b>impecunious</b></u> Common GRE MSU
336 405 impediment barrier, hindrance, or obstruction noun 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
337 406 imperious commanding adjective Common GRE MSU
338 407 imperturbable remaining calm under any circumstance adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
339 408 implacable unforgiving adjective adj. relentless 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
361 432 imply </br> infer Imply means to suggest or to say something in an indirect way. Infer means to suppose or come to a conclusion, especially based on an indirect suggestion Easily confused words The presenter implied indirectly that his colleague may be late and the audience inferred from the suble hint that the colleague would be late. Easily confused words MSU
362 433 ingenious clever: (n: ingenuity) adjective She developed an ingenious method for testing her hypothesis. Common GRE MSU
363 435 ingenuous naïve or innocent ;unsophisticated; artless; straightforward; candid: naive or innocent ;unsophisticated; artless; straightforward; candid: adjective Latin : ingenuus "with the virtues of freeborn people, of noble character, frank, upright, candid" Wilson's ingenuous response to the controversial calmed the suspicious listeners. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
364 436 ingenious (ingenuity) </br> ingenuous (and disingenuous) Ingenious indicates cleverness, particularly relating to inventive, while ingenuous refers to sincerity or a naive nature. adjective genuous comes same root as genuine Einstein was ingenious while his wife was ingenuous Easily confused words MSU
365 437 inhibit to hold back, prohibit, forbid, or restrain (n: inhibition, adj: inhibited) verb Common GRE MSU
366 438 inimical harmful or hostile adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
367 440 innocuous harmless; having no adverse affect; not likely to provoke strong emotion adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
390 467 -ive causing adjective or nouns derived from adjectives conclusive</br> festive</br> restive</br> abusive Suffix MSU
391 468 -ize to make (like) verb emphasize</br> anthropomorphize Suffix MSU
392 470 laconic taciturn, reserved, succinct, using few words; terse: (of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words adjective Synonyms: brief, concise, terse ic=nature of, like/br>Synonyms: brief, concise, terse The student’s laconic response suggested  that she did not know very much about the topic the professor was discussing. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
393 471 latent present or potential but not evident or active (n: latency) adjective Common GRE MSU
394 472 laud to praise verb 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
395 474 laudable praiseworthy; commendable (v. laud) adjective Providing affordable healthcare for all citizens is a laudable goal. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
396 475 legis (lex) law Greek/Latin root legal</br> legislature Greek/Latin MSU
414 498 malleable pliant or pliable adjective easily influenced Children’s moods are often malleable since children are greatly affected by their surroundings. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
415 499 mania obsession Greek/Latin root maniac</br> Beatlemania Greek/Latin MSU
416 500 maverick an unorthodox person or rebel an unorthodox person or rebel, tending to choose a different path from everyone else noun called after Samuel A. Maverick (1803-1870), Texas cattle owner who was notoriously negligent in branding his calves.His grandson, was also the only Southerner to vote against the anti-lynching bills in the 30's My <b>maverick</b> boss has made his fortune<u> by using a selling strategy different from that of his competitors.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
417 501 mendacity untruthfulness, dishonesty noun Latin mendax "lying; a liar" <u>A first sign of a new drug addict is their <b>mendacity</b></u>, not necessarily the effects of the drugs. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
418 502 -ment act of, result noun contentment</br> amendment Suffix MSU
419 503 mercurial easily changeable, fickle easily changeable, fickle, subject to sudden or unpredictable changes adjective Latin : Mercurius "pertaining to the god Mercury, having the form or qualities attributed to Mercury", ie. "light-hearted, sprightly, volatile, changeable, quick As my sister has "<b><u>mercurial</b> moods</b> we never know how she will be feeling from one moment to the next. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
420 504 meter measure Greek/Latin root metronome</br> speedometer</br> odometer Greek/Latin MSU
421 505 meticulous paying close attention to detail adjective French méticuleux "timorously fussy" <u>This accounting job requires a b>meticulous</b> person.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
422 506 micro small Greek/Latin root microscope</br> micron</br> micrometer</br> microorganism Greek/Latin MSU
423 507 milk 1. n. opaque liquid secreted by the mammary glands. 2. v. to extract by action similar to milking. to drain the strength from or exploit. noun, verb (2) John became very good at milking his misfortunes for all the sympathy he could get. (2) John became very good at <b><u>milking</b> his misfortunes for all the sympathy he could get.</u> Homonym MSU
424 509 misanthrope person who hates humanity; one who hates people: noun He was a true misanthrope and hated even himself. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
425 510 misnomer incorrect name or word for something noun Common GRE MSU
426 511 misogynist one who hates women noun Common GRE MSU
427 513 mitigate to  improve a painful, unpleasant, or negative situation; to make less forceful; to become more moderate; to make less harsh or undesirable: verb He was trying to mitigate the damage he had done. (n: mitigation) 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
431 518 monotony boredom and repetition adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
432 519 mor(t) death Greek/Latin root mortician</br> mortuary</br> moribund</br> morbid</br> mortal =certain to die Morbid=gruesome</br> grisly Morose=gloomy moribund =dying</br> decaying immortal =living forever</br> unable to die Greek/Latin MSU
433 520 muffler 1. n. an object for suppressing noise. 2. n. a scarf worn around the neck for warmth. (2) Our mother would never let us leave the house without our mufflers and mittens in the winter. (2) Our mother would never let us leave the house without our <u><b>mufflers</b> and mittens</u> in the winter. Homonym MSU
434 521 mundane everyday, boring adjective Old French mondain/Latinmondulus: "of this world, worldly, terrestrial," Going about his everyday routine,<u> the man’s <b>mundane</b> schedule had him bored to tears.</u> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
435 522 munificent very generous adjective Synonyms: bountiful, lavish, handsome Anyone with a few million dollars to spare can join in. The initial awards for physics, for example, were followed by equally munificent prizes in life sciences and mathematics. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
436 523 naïve inexperienced or gullible adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
437 524 nascent just beginning or in the early stages adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
438 525 nefarious wicked</br> evil: adjective a nefarious plot. Common GRE MSU
464 557 overshadow to literally cast a shadow over verb v. to appear more notable than 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
465 558 painstaking attentive to detail, meticulous adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
466 559 panegyric a writing or speech in praise of a person or thing noun ic=nature of, like Common GRE MSU
467 560 partial incomplete adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
468 561 partisan a devoted supporter of a group, cause, or person noun 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
469 562 patent blatant, obvious adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
470 563 pater father Greek/Latin root paternal</br>paternity</br>patricide Greek/Latin MSU
472 565 peccadillo a small sin or fault noun Common GRE MSU
473 566 ped foot Greek/Latin root pedestrian</br> pedal</br> pedicure</br>podiatrist Greek/Latin MSU
474 568 pedantic overly concerned with irrelevant detail, fussy; showing a narrow concern for rules or formal book learning; making an excessive display of one's own learning:pedant, pedantry). adjective ic=nature of, like 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
475 569 pedestrian boring, monotonous, run-of-the-mill adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
476 570 perfidious deliberately treacherous; dishonest (n: perfidy) adjective Common GRE MSU
477 571 perfidy treachery or deceit noun 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
478 572 perfunctory done without much effort, care, or thought adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
488 582 philanthropy tendency or action for the benefit of others, as in donating money or property to a charitible organization noun The students were grateful to receive financial support from philanthropic organizations that promote education. Common GRE MSU
489 583 philo love Greek/Latin root philosophy</br>philanthropy</br> philanthropist =one who loves humanity</br>philology =the love of words</br>philosophy =the love of wisdom</br>philatelist –one who loves or collects stamps</br>bibliophile –a lover of books Greek/Latin MSU
490 585 phlegmatic cool and unruffled; sluggish adjective ic=nature of, like 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
491 586 phob Greek/Latin root phobia</br> Greek/Latin MSU
492 587 phon (see roots section) Greek/Latin root Greek/Latin MSU
493 588 pith the essential substance of something noun 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
494 590 placate to calm, esp. an angry or upset person; to calm or reduce anger by making concessions: verb Synonyms: appease, pacify, mollify The professor tried to placate his students by postponing the exam. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
495 591 plastic related to being shaped or molded; capable of being molded. (n: plasticity n: plastic) adjective ic=nature of, like Common GRE MSU
496 594 plausible believable, reasonable adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
497 597 plummet to fall quickly and far verb 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
498 598 polarize to cause a sharp division between two groups verb 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
499 599 polein sell Greek/Latin root monopoly Greek/Latin MSU
504 604 port</br> porto carry Greek/Latin root porter</br> export </br> transport</br> portable Greek/Latin MSU
505 605 post after Greek/Latin root post script (p.s.)</br> ex post facto</br> post hoc</br> post-mortem Greek/Latin MSU
506 607 pragmatic dealing with the problems that exist in a reasonable and logical way instead of depending on theories dealing with the problems that exist in a reasonable and logical way instead of depending on theories, practical adjective practical ic=nature of, like A pragmatic approach to legislation can be difficult given the complexities of politics. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
507 608 pre before Greek/Latin root premier</br> preview</br> premium</br> prescient Greek/Latin MSU
508 609 precarious uncertain or unstable adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
509 610 preceded went before adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
510 611 precipice cliff with a vertical or nearly vertical face; a dangerous place from which one is likely to fall; metaphorically, a very risky circumstance noun Common GRE MSU
518 622 pro before</br> in favor of Greek/Latin root project</br> projectile</br> Greek/Latin MSU
519 623 probity integrity and honor noun 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
520 624 prodigal rashly wasteful:, wastefully extravagant adjective Americans' prodigal devotion to the automobile is unique. The prodigal prince bought lavish gifts and planned expensive events. Americans' <b>prodigal</b> devotion to the automobile is unique.</br>The <b>prodigal</b> prince bought lavish gifts and planned expensive events. Common GRE MSU
521 626 prodigious enormous, immense, gigantic adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
522 627 profligate extravagant and wasteful, esp. in an immoral way adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
523 628 proliferate to multiply and spread rapidly verb 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
524 630 propitiate to obtain special favor from someone, esp. a powerful person or deity, by performing a pleasing action verb v. to appease someone who is angry They made sacrifices to propitiate angry gods. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
546 654 reticent hesitant to speak adjective adj. introverted or silent 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
547 655 reverent solemn and respectful adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
548 656 rhetoric the art of effective communication (written or verbal) noun ic=nature of, like</br> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
549 657 riparia river Greek/Latin root riparian Greek/Latin MSU
550 658 sagacious having a sharp or powerful intellect or discernment. (n: sagacity). adjective Common GRE MSU
551 659 salubrious health-promoting adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
552 660 sanction to give official permission verb v. to impose a penalty for a particular action n. punishments imposed for breaking a regulation 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
568 680 sparse scattered or scarce adjective adj. austere and unadorned 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
569 682 specious spurious; appearing true but actually false adjective Her argument, though specious, was readily accepted by many. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
570 683 sporadic occasional or scattered adjective ic=nature of, like</br> 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
571 684 spurious fake or false adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
572 685 stolid calm and dependable adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
573 686 strut 1. v. to walk in such a way as to show great pride or confidence. 2. n. a support for an airplane wing or other projecting part. (2) Because the struts were made of inferior material, the wings of that plane became unstable. Homonym MSU
574 687 subjective open to personal interpretation; not based in objective fact adjective 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
656 784 posit Put forward as fact or as a basis for argument noun Synonyms : postulate, propound, submit Mr. Ansar and his co-authors assume this margin is 40%: they posit a ratio of expected benefits to costs of 1.4 for every project. Least Difficult FT
657 785 prodigal a person who leaves home and behaves recklessly, but later makes a repentant return noun As the 73-year-old Mr. Obiang becomes frailer, his sons, including the prodigal Teodorín, have begun jockeying to succeed him. Least Difficult FT
658 786 prophetic Accurately describing or predicting what will happen in the future Synonyms: predictive, visionary ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: predictive, visionary As the depleted council began, Metropolitan Kallistos Ware... said he still hoped it could avoid being mired in Orthodoxy’s internal woes and 'speak in a firm, prophetic voice' to humanity. Least Difficult FT
659 787 purist a person who insists on absolute adherence to traditional rules or structures noun Synonyms: pedant, dogmatist, perfectionist From this purist point of view, there is only one Christian church worthy of the name.... Least Difficult FT
660 788 pyre a heap of combustible material, especially one for burning a corpse as part of a funeral ceremony noun Yet Ms McInerney takes the story deeper, skillfully setting a funeral pyre 'for that Ireland'... Least Difficult FT
661 789 quack a person who dishonestly claims to have special knowledge in some field noun Synonyms: swindler, charlatan, fraud That can cause malnutrition and eating disorders—and supports a vast, quack-ridden diet industry. Least Difficult FT
662 790 reticence the quality of not revealing one’s thoughts or feelings readily noun Synonyms: reserve, introversion, restraint Mr. Harding is more comfortable with facts; with classic English reticence, he buries his family’s responses in footnotes and summaries. Least Difficult FT
689 820 abasement the action or fact of abasing or being abased; humiliation or degradation noun Vulgar Latin *ad bassiare "bring lower," ad "to, toward" (see ad-) + Late Latin bassus "low, short" Literal sense of "lower, depress" (late 15c.) is archaic or obsolete </br>Synonyms: belittlement, disgrace Repeated abasement and humiliation by her abusive mother caused the mistreated girl to have very low self-esteem Medium Difficult FT
690 822 accession the action or process of formally joining an association or institution. Also, the acquisition of a higher rank than one is at present verb Latin accessionem (nominative accessio) "a going to, approach; a joining; increase, enlargement," </br>Deutsch: Beitritt, Zuwachs </br>Synonyms: joining, signing up, enrollment After its accession to the EU, the country adopted the Euro. Medium Difficult FT
691 823 acerbic (Especially of a comment or style of speaking) sharp and forthright, expressing harsh or sharp criticism in a clever way adjective Deutsch : Bitter, Sauer </br>Synonyms: sardonic, biting, caustic ic=nature of, like<br>Deutsch : Bitter, Sauer </br>Synonyms: sardonic, biting, caustic The writer’s acerbic tone did not sit well with people who had an issue with harsh criticism. Medium Difficult FT
692 825 apostle a vigorous and pioneering advocate or supporter of a particular cause noun Synonyms: proponent, promoter, propagandist On the website of this apostle of anti-Americanism, there is an article rejoicing in the fact that the United States need no longer be treated as an enemy... Medium Difficult FT
693 826 apprise Inform or tell (someone) verb Synonyms: notify, let know, advise The secret services are useful in apprising their governments of the intentions of others Medium Difficult FT
694 827 armada a fleet of warships noun Synonyms: flotilla, squadron, navy This month he also unveiled plans to send an armada of tiny spaceships, powered by laser beams and equipped with all sorts of sensors... Medium Difficult FT
695 828 arson the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property noun Synonyms: incendiarism, pyromania Fire investigators suspected arson when they couldn’t find an electrical source for the fire Medium Difficult FT
697 831 bevy a large group of people or things of a particular kind noun word of unclear origin. </br>Synonyms: group, crowd, cluster Because my mother wrote a bevy of items on her grocery list, I was in the store for nearly two hours Medium Difficult FT
698 832 boor an unrefined, ill-mannered person noun Synonyms: lout, oaf, ruffian End a sentence in a preposition, and there are still people who will think you a boor. Medium Difficult FT
699 833 bucolic Relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country life, pastoral, rustic, countryfied adjective Synonyms: rustic, rural, pastoral ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: rustic, rural, pastoral General Electric... is now swapping its bucolic site for a collection of warehouses on the Boston waterfront. Medium Difficult FT
700 834 canonical (Of an artist or work) belonging to the literary or artistic canon adjective Synonyms: established, authoritative The medium now mostly consists of recycling the same canonical works by European men from centuries past. Medium Difficult FT
701 835 capricious given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior. mercurial, unpredictable, whimsical adjective Synonyms: fickle, inconstant, changeable The capricious supervisor would hand out raises one day and fire his entire staff the next. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
702 836 chauvinism Excessive or prejudiced loyalty or support for one’s own cause, group, or gender noun Synonyms: jingoism, excessive patriotism, sectarianism As recently as 2014, a biannual survey of right-wing attitudes in Germany found that xenophobia, chauvinism, anti-Semitism and authoritarian longings were declining. Medium Difficult FT
703 837 circumspect Wary and unwilling to take risks adjective Synonyms: cautious, wary, careful This is an area where we need to be extraordinarily careful and circumspect', he said. 'We’re literally talking about life and death.' Medium Difficult FT
707 841 contrite Feeling or expressing remorse or penitence adjective Synonyms: regretful, sorry, apologetic As the election results were coming in, a contrite Mr. Turnbull took 'full responsibility' for the government’s poor performance. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
708 842 credulous having or showing too great a readiness to believe things. gullible, naïve adjective Synonyms: gullible, naive Supplements boast a unique trifecta: lax regulation, potent marketing and millions of credulousconsumers keen to pin their hopes of a healthier life on a pill. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
709 843 demur Raise doubts or objections or show reluctance. to object or raise concerns i verb Synonyms: object, take exception, take issue Mr. Sasse demurs. He does not want less fighting between the left and right. He wants more meaningful fighting about issues of substance. 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
710 844 depravity Moral corruption; wickedness noun Synonyms: vice, perversion, deviance He condemned the 'anarchical plutocracy' he lived in, scorning the depravity of modern society and its politics. Medium Difficult FT
711 845 deride Express contempt for; ridicule. to mock or ridicule verb Synonyms: mock, jeer at, scoff at Mr. Trudeau’s domestic critics—so far a minority—deride him as 'Prime Minister Selfie' for posing incessantly with fans and celebrities... 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
712 846 diatribe a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something noun Synonyms: tirade, harangue, onslaught CNN and other outlets were wrong to turn one disgruntled passenger’s Facebook diatribe into headline news. 357 prevalent GRE words FT
713 847 dictum a short statement that expresses a general truth or principle noun Synonyms: saying, maxim, axiom Sometimes the old army dictum 'Don’t volunteer for anything' must be broken. Medium Difficult FT
721 855 effigy a sculpture or model of a person noun Synonyms: statue, statuette, figure The tradition of lighting bonfires and burning effigies of Guy Fawkes began shortly after the foiled plot, and schoolchildren still learn the ghoulish rhyme 'Remember, remember the fifth of November.' Medium Difficult FT
722 856 elucidate Make (something) clear verb Synonyms: explain, make plain, illuminate One was from almost 600 people who had completed... a questionnaire intended to elucidatethe different tendencies of people to engage in sexual relationships without a deep emotional commitment. Medium Difficult FT
723 857 endemic (Of a disease or condition) regularly found among particular people or in a certain area. prevalent in or native to a certain region, locality, or people: adjective Synonyms: local, regional. Don't confuse this word with epidemic. ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: local, regional. Don't confuse this word with epidemic. One of the mysteries of epidemiology is why Asia does not suffer from yellow fever. The disease is endemic in Africa, the continent where it evolved. The disease was endemic to the region. Medium Difficult FT
724 858 epistemology the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope noun The only way to know for sure is to run the experiment (Mr. Lind's exotic epistemologynotwithstanding). Medium Difficult FT
725 859 epithet an adjective or descriptive phrase expressing a quality characteristic of the person or thing; a term of abuse noun Synonyms: name, label, smear Preposterous’ and ‘absurd’ were among the milder epithets that could be overheard in the multilingual din. Medium Difficult FT
726 860 errant Erring or straying from the proper course or standards adjective Synonyms: offending, guilty, culpable He could admit the error and fire the errant speechwriter. Medium Difficult FT
727 862 exemplar a person or thing serving as a typical example or excellent model noun Synonyms: epitome, perfect example ‘At times 'Utopia' seems less an exemplar of idealism, and more of a satire on it. Medium Difficult FT
732 867 flout Openly disregard verb Synonyms: defy, refuse to obey, go against It relies on its members, and on institutions... to shame and discourage people who flout important political norms. Medium Difficult FT
733 868 foible a minor weakness or eccentricity in someone’s character noun Synonyms: idiosyncrasy, eccentricity, peculiarity The elder Bongo had a gift for politics as outsized as his personality (among other foibles, he liked to show off his pet tiger to guests). Medium Difficult FT
734 870 frenetic Fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way adjective Synonyms: frantic, wild, frenzied ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: frantic, wild, frenzied Frenetic multi-tasking—surfing the web while watching TV while listening to music—is a formula for distraction, rather than good management. Medium Difficult FT
735 871 gall Bold, impudent behavior noun Synonyms: insolence, nerve, audacity With enough gall and entrepreneurial spirit, it suggests, anyone can end up driving a Porsche and living in a marble-floored luxury apartment. Medium Difficult FT
736 872 galvanize Medium Difficult FT
737 873 gambit a device, action, or opening remark, typically one entailing a degree of risk, that is calculated to gain an advantage noun Synonyms: plan, scheme, strategy What began as a gambit to hold together his divided Tory party is turning into an alarmingly close contest. Medium Difficult FT
738 874 goad Provoke or annoy (someone) so as to stimulate some action or reaction verb Synonyms: spur, prod, egg on Her words were meant to goad officials into action, not (presumably) to describe how she saw the coming four years of her term. Medium Difficult FT
771 913 plethora a large or excessive amount noun Synonyms: excess, overabundance, surplus Podcasts were facing fierce competition for audiences’ attention from a plethora of other new digital-native products including Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Medium Difficult FT
772 915 presage be a sign or warning of (an imminent event, typically an unwelcome one) verb Synonyms: point to, mean, signify Stock markets are set to open down today, and the election could presage a longer slump if investors feel that the uncertainty generated... will harm growth and corporate profits. Medium Difficult FT
773 916 prolific (of an artist, author, or composer) producing many works adjective Synonyms: productive, creative, inventive ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: productive, creative, inventive It is true that few artists have been so prolific. On average, he released a studio album every year... Medium Difficult FT
774 917 proxy a person authorized to act on behalf of another noun Synonyms: representative, substitute, stand-in ...Mr. Thaksin’s sister Yingluck, who took over his political movement after he left the country and who in 2011 was elected prime minister as his proxy. Medium Difficult FT
775 918 prudish having a tendency to be easily shocked by matters relating to sex or nudity adjective Synonyms: puritanical, prim, goody-goody Several Pacific nations ban cross-dressing (another hand-me-down from prudish Victorians). Medium Difficult FT
776 919 qualm an uneasy feeling of doubt, worry, or fear noun Synonyms: misgiving, doubt, reservation Qualms about the force’s quality extend beyond their handling of demonstrators. Medium Difficult FT
777 920 quell Suppress (a feeling, especially an unpleasant one) verb Synonyms: calm, soothe, pacify So the correct response is to...plump up the capital cushions of its vulnerable banks with enough public money to quell fears of a systemic crisis. Medium Difficult FT
780 924 recant Say that one no longer holds an opinion or belief verb Synonyms: renounce, disavow, retract Analysts who predict turmoil are warned to shut up or recant. Medium Difficult FT
781 925 salient Most noticeable or important adjective Synonyms: conspicuous, noticeable, obvious The reason for that emphasis may in part be because of the salient threat of terrorism… Medium Difficult FT
782 926 sardonic grimly mocking or cynical adjective Synonyms: satirical, sarcastic, ironic ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: satirical, sarcastic, ironic Ms Jefferson, it must be said, is a master of the arched-eyebrow, sardonic quip. Medium Difficult FT
783 927 savant a learned person, especially a distinguished scientist noun Synonyms: intellectual, scholar, sage The more a society treats its businesspeople as hero savants based on their professional successes, elevating them to positions of political power. Medium Difficult FT
784 928 soliloquy an act of speaking one’s thoughts aloud when by oneself, especially by a character in a play noun Synonyms: monologue, speech Patrick Stewart, for instance, reworked Hamlet’s soliloquy as an ode to the letter B ('B or not a B, that is the question'). Medium Difficult FT
785 929 stigma a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person noun Synonyms: shame, disgrace, dishonour A stigma against adults having fun, strong in the aftermath of the Second World War, has faded. Medium Difficult FT
786 930 stipulate Demand or specify (a requirement), typically as part of a bargain or agreement verb Synonyms: set down, set out, lay down In trade negotiations, size matters. Larger economies can stipulate terms that suit them. Medium Difficult FT
806 953 diurnal (Of animals) active in the daytime adjective Latin dies=day + -urnus, an adjectival suffix denoting time (compare hibernus "wintery", nocturnal=active at night. </br>Synonyms: daily, everyday Our body clock follows a diurnal rhythm. Most Difficult FT
807 954 dross something regarded as worthless noun Old English dros="the scum thrown off metals in smelting," similar to German Drusen="dregs, husks" </br>Synonyms: rubbish, junk, debris Some of the best properties could be sold quickly, but the dross might take more time to get rid of. Most Difficult FT
808 955 dyspeptic Of or having indigestion or consequent irritability or depression adjective Greek dyspeptos "hard to digest," dys- "bad, difficult" (see dys-) + peptos "digested," </br>Synonyms: bad-tempered, short-tempered, irritable, depressed, pessimistic, misanthropic) Greek dyspeptos "hard to digest," dys- "bad, difficult" (see dys-) + peptos "digested,"ic=nature of, like</br> Synonyms: bad-tempered, short-tempered, irritable, depressed, pessimistic, misanthropic) As dyspeptic and irritable as she was, the woman was in a happy mood when she went to the beach Most Difficult FT
809 956 ebullient Cheerful and full of energy adjective Latin pp ebullientem "to boil over," literally or figuratively, ex "out, out of" (see ex-) + bullire "to bubble" origin similar to boil, bubble </br>Synonyms: exuberant, buoyant, joyful Charlie’s ebullient upbeat character made him a favorite in the office 357 prevalent GRE words Prepscholar
810 957 edify Instruct or improve (someone) morally or intellectually verb Modern French édifier: "build; install; teach, instruct (morally), Same root as the English word : edifice=building </br>Synonyms: educate, instruct, enlighten The Church school aims to edify its pupils mind and spirits Most Difficult FT
811 958 egress the action of going out of or leaving a place noun Latin egressus="a going out"(ex=out+ PP of gredi= to step) </br>Deutsch : Austritt </br>Synonyms: departure, exit, withdrawal The data is stored in the router egress queue until it is serialised onto the physical wire Most Difficult FT
812 959 ersatz (Of a product) used as a substitute, typically an inferior one, for something else adjective Synonyms: artificial, substitute, imitation During the 2nd world war, many had to make do with ersatz coffee Most Difficult FT
822 970 halcyon Denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful adjective Synonyms: happy, golden, idyllic In their halcyon days the mainstream parties used to share most of the vote between them. Most Difficult FT
823 971 hegemony Leadership or dominance, especially by one group over others noun Synonyms: leadership, dominance, dominion Yet if the hegemony of the dollar is unstable, its would-be successors are unsuitable. Most Difficult FT
824 972 hermetic Insulated or protected from outside influences adjective Synonyms: airtight, sealed ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: airtight, sealed North Korea is often called the <u><b>"hermetic</b> kingdom'</u> Most Difficult FT
825 973 heterodox not conforming with accepted or orthodox standards or beliefs adjective Synonyms: unorthodox, heretical, dissenting Among those discriminated against for holding heterodox religious views, the Bahai community continues particularly to suffer. Most Difficult FT
826 974 homogeneous of the same kind; alike adjective Synonyms: uniform, identical, unvaried It also has proportionately more immigrants than almost anywhere else. Next to London, famously cosmopolitan cities like Paris and Berlin are actually rather homogeneous. Most Difficult FT
827 976 idyll an extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque episode or scene noun Synonyms: perfect time, ideal time, honeymoon That might just persuade them to forgive the scriptwriters for the unwelcome disruption to their rural idyll. Most Difficult FT
828 977 ignoble not honorable in character or purpose adjective Synonyms: dishonorable, unworthy, base Moreover, by controlling the body he controlled the equally unruly mind, keeping it pure from 'ignoble strife'. Most Difficult FT
840 990 malaproprism the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding one, often with unintentionally amusing effect noun Synonyms: misuse, solecism, blunder And so on down the list of supposed malapropisms. 'You can observe a lot by watching,' means plenty... Most Difficult FT
841 991 misanthropy a dislike of humankind noun Synonyms: cynicism, hatred of mankind [Labour] did not fall into the traps of the old left: confusing individualism for misanthropy... Most Difficult FT
842 992 monolithic large, powerful, and intractably indivisible and uniform adjective Synonyms: inflexible, rigid, unbending ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: inflexible, rigid, unbending Four things have made Europe a harsher environment for the centre left: its own success, structural change in the economy, a reduced fear of political extremes and the decline of monolithic class groups. Most Difficult FT
843 994 myopic nearsighted adjective Synonyms: short-sighted, insular, small-minded ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: short-sighted, insular, small-minded They are also myopic, judging politicians’ economic management on the basis of only the very recent past. Most Difficult FT
844 995 nadir the lowest point in the fortunes of a person or organization noun Synonyms: the all-time low, zero Between its pre-crisis peak in late 2007 and its nadir at the end of 2009, the economy contracted by 11.2% Most Difficult FT
845 996 neophyte a person who is new to a subject, skill, or belief noun Synonyms: beginner, learner, novice Mr. Gioia also delves into musical theory, in a way that will help both jazz neophytes and experts understand what they are listening to. Most Difficult FT
846 997 noisome having an extremely offensive smell; harmful, offensive, destructive: adjective Synonyms: irritating, disagreeable, unpleasant The noisome odor of the dump carried for miles. Most Difficult FT
847 998 nostrum a pet scheme or favorite remedy, especially one for bringing about some social or political reform or improvement noun Synonyms: cure, prescription, answer It became a nostrum among rank-and-file Republicans that mainstream opinion polls are biased and should be ignored... Most Difficult FT
855 1006 philistine A person who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts noun Synonyms: oaf, anti-intellectual, boor By choosing such an unimpeachably serious and artistic project as its first film production, the company has made anyone who grumbles seem like a philistine. Most Difficult FT
856 1007 pique a feeling of irritation or resentment resulting from a slight noun Synonyms: annoyance, displeasure, indignation The Russians have responded with predictable pique—just as many refused to condemn the violence of their football hooligans... Most Difficult FT
857 1008 polemic a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something noun Synonyms: diatribe, invective ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: diatribe, invective Marion Nestle's heavyweight polemic against Coca-Cola and PepsiCo comes at an odd moment for the industry. Most Difficult FT
858 1009 précis a summary or abstract of a text or speech noun Synonyms: synopsis, summation His latest book, 'Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking', is a précis of those 50 years, distilled into 77 readable and mostly bite-sized chapters. Most Difficult FT
859 1010 prosaic Commonplace; unromantic adjective Synonyms: ordinary, everyday ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: ordinary, everyday However, while it is large-scale evacuations at times of crisis that grab attention, the biggest risks that business travellers face are more prosaic. Most Difficult FT
860 1011 pundit an expert in a particular subject or field who is frequently called on to give opinions about it to the public noun Synonyms: authority, adviser And yet the prevailing view among pundits is that Russia is indeed back in Asia. Most Difficult FT
861 1012 querulous Complaining in a petulant or whining manner adjective Synonyms: pettish, touchy, testy Their querulous, hostile or annoyed faces recur in her work from the late 1950s. Most Difficult FT
862 1013 quiescence a state or period of inactivity or dormancy noun Synonyms: inactivity, inertia, latency Horrible conditions do not guarantee revolts, and moderately bad conditions do not necessarily thwart them. The question is what to make of the relative quiescence of America’s poor. Most Difficult FT
863 1014 quixotic exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical adjective Synonyms: unrealistic, impractical, romantic ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: unrealistic, impractical, romantic In one chapter... the director probes some of the quixotic visionaries driving the digital revolution forward. Most Difficult FT
864 1015 raconteur a person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way noun Synonyms: storyteller, spinner of yarns The latest continental raconteur eager to spin Ireland’s tale is the European Union. Most Difficult FT
865 1016 redress remedy or compensation for a wrong or grievance noun Synonyms: reparation, restitution, recompense There must be redress by an independent tribunal for those who have been mistreated. Most Difficult FT
866 1017 repast a meal noun Synonyms: feast, banquet Lunchtime, it is held, would be the optimal time to invade France. Little can distract a Frenchman from his sacred noonday repast. Most Difficult FT
867 1018 ribald Referring to sexual matters in an amusingly rude or irreverent way adjective Synonyms: bawdy, indecent, risqué When challenged... about human rights in Chechnya, he replied with a ribald offer to arrange for the questioner's Islamic circumcision. Most Difficult FT
869 1020 sanguine Optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation. cheerful; confident: "Her sanguine attitude put everyone at ease."(Sangfroid (noun) is a related French word meaning unflappibility. Literally, it means cold blood) adjective Synonyms: hopeful, buoyant, assured Some fear a future of mass unemployment. Others are sanguine that people will have time to adapt. Most Difficult FT
870 1021 scintilla a tiny trace or spark of a specified quality or feeling noun Synonyms: particle, iota, smidgen After a scintilla of regret over lost youth, to turn 50 should be to enter the prime of life, with a plenitude of projects and achievements. Most Difficult FT
871 1022 semantic Relating to meaning in language or logic adjective Synonyms: lingual, semasiological ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: lingual, semasiological Semantic parsing also ensued over whether the modifier 'meaningful' is significantly (or meaningfully) different from 'significant.' Most Difficult FT
872 1023 sobriquet a person’s nickname noun Synonyms: appellation, moniker This provoked widespread debate about the role of intellectual property and earned him the sobriquet 'Champion of Patents.' Most Difficult FT
873 1024 soporific Tending to induce drowsiness or sleep adjective Synonyms: sleep-inducing, somnolent, sedative ic=nature of, like</br>Synonyms: sleep-inducing, somnolent, sedative In the soporific heat you would be forgiven for thinking that time had forgotten the New Jersey-sized nation. Most Difficult FT
874 1025 supine Failing to act as a result of moral weakness or indolence; laying back with the face upward (opposite position to prone) adjective Synonyms: weak, spineless Last year Shinzo Abe, the prime minister, brought in a corporate-governance code which...requires hitherto supine institutional investors to keep a close eye on firms they invest in. Most Difficult FT
875 1026 synoptic Taking or involving a comprehensive mental view adjective Synonyms: concise, succinct, compressed They were mind-expandingly right in their synoptic vision, if frequently inexact and sometimes mistaken in their specifics. Most Difficult FT
876 1027 toady Act in an obsequious way verb Synonyms: be servile towards, grovel to Britain’s Conservative government is accused of sacrificing the steel industry to toady up to China. Most Difficult FT
877 1028 truculent Eager or quick to argue or fight adjective Synonyms: defiant, aggressive Mr. Boehner, having abandoned his long battle with his party’s truculent right-wingers and announced his resignation in September, wanted to ‘clear the barn’ for his successor. Most Difficult FT
950 1112 gullible easily persuaded to believe something adjective The gullible little boy gave his older sister all of his allowance because she told him she would buy a pony for him. Common GRE Kaplan
951 1113 volu</br> volve turn</br> roll Greek/Latin root revolution Greek/Latin Manhattan
952 1115 lethargic lacking energy adjective ic=nature of, like</br> It’s not uncommon to feel lethargic for weeks or even months after major surgery. Common GRE Kaplan
953 1116 paradox a statement that contradicts itself but might be true noun The fact that the retired teacher claimed to hate all pets but adopted seven cats is an intriguing paradox. Common GRE Kaplan
954 1117 pedant a person who makes an excessive display of learning noun Professor Blackwell, a well-known pedant, required his pre-med students to speak in Latin throughout the entire semester. Common GRE Kaplan
955 1118 acro</br>akro at the top</br>at the end</br> outermost; excellent Greek/Latin root a sub of the Greek</br> PIE root "ac": be sharp</br> rise (out) to a point</br> pierce. acrobat(one that goes high/to the limit)</br> acromegaly=growth disease( highest size (mega))</br> acronym(sharp name=use of first letters)</br> acrophobia(fear of heights)</br> acropolis(city at the top)</br> Root words SMB
956 1120 desiccate remove the moisture from (something) verb The heat and energy from the sun can desiccate even the most hearty plants. Common GRE Kaplan
1013 1209 fin end Greek/Latin root finish</br> Latin words nko
1014 1210 flect</br>flex bend Greek/Latin root deflect</br> reflect</br> reflection</br> Latin words nko
1015 1213 frag</br> fract break Greek/Latin root frag</br> fractify</br> frag</br> fract</br> frag</br> fractifications</br> fragment</br> fractify</br> fraction</br> fractal Latin words nko
1016 1214 fug flee</br>бежать</br> спасаться бегством flee</br> Greek/Latin root fugitive</br> Latin words nko
1017 1215 fus pour<br/ pour</br> Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
1018 1216 e out</br> away Greek/Latin root emigration Latin words nko
1019 1217 em</br> en into</br> cover with</br> cause Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
1020 1218 en</br> in inside Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
1021 1219 ergo work Greek/Latin root argon(a=not+ergon=work=>inert)</br>ergophobia(fear of work)</br>ergonomic=economic study of work</br> Latin words nko
1022 1220 for completely (used to intensify the meaning of a word) Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
1034 1239 gon angle Greek/Latin root polygon</br> hexagon</br> Latin words nko
1035 1240 gran grain Greek/Latin root granular Latin words nko
1036 1241 helic spiral</br> circular Greek/Latin root ic=nature of, like</br> Latin words nko
1037 1242 heli sun Greek/Latin root helium</br> heli-centric</br> Latin words nko
1038 1243 hemo-<br> hemato-<br> emia- blood Greek/Latin root anaemia:an=lack of blood<br> azotemia:azot=nitrogen in the blodd<br> glycemia:glyco=sugar in the blood<br> hematite:tite=stone, ie. bloodlike stone<br> hemoglobin:globule=red cells in blood<br> hemophilia:philia=loves (to shed) blood, ie. bluter<br> hemorrhage:rhage=breaking/tear, ie. losing a lot of blood<br> hemorrhoids:rhoos=stream, ie. stream of blood from veins (in rectal area)<br> hypoglycemia:hypo=under+glyc=sugar, d.h. low sugar level<br> leukemia:leukos =white cell accumulation in blood, ie. cancer<br> thalassemia:thalasse=sea, ie. an inherited blood disease common to those nations around hte mediterreanean sea<br> toxemia:toxon=toxic blood, ie. blood poisoning<br> uremia:disease of urine/urea in blood due to kidney malfunctioning<br> Latin words nko
1039 1244 histo tissue Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
1040 1245 jud law Greek/Latin root judicial</br> Latin words nko
1061 1272 neg deny Greek/Latin root negate</br> negative</br> Latin words nko
1062 1274 nov new Greek/Latin root novelty Latin words nko
1063 1275 ocul eye Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
1064 1276 oper work Greek/Latin root operate</br> Latin words nko
1065 1277 pater</br> patri father Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
1066 1280 pel</br> pulse drive Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
1067 1281 pend</br> pens hang Greek/Latin root pending</br>pendant</br> Latin words nko
1111 1340 teg</br> tect cover Greek/Latin root tectonic plates</br> Latin words nko
1112 1343 ten</br> tain hold</br> reach Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
1113 1344 term end Greek/Latin root terminal</br> terminus</br> Latin words nko
1114 1345 ter</br> terr land</br> earth Greek/Latin root terresital</br> terraine</br> termite</br> Latin words nko
1115 1346 therm heat Greek/Latin root thermometer</br> thermal</br> therme</br> isotherm</br> Latin words nko
1116 1347 tort</br> tors twist Greek/Latin root torsion</br> Latin words nko
1117 1349 trit rub/тереть</br>натирать rub Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
1127 1367 vor</br> vour eat Greek/Latin root Latin words nko
1128 1368 xen</br> xeno foreign Greek/Latin root xenophobe</br> Latin words nko
1129 1369 xer dry Greek/Latin root xerox</br> Latin words nko
1130 1371 allusion </br> illusion </br> delusion allusion=An allusion is a reference, direct or implied, to something or someone </br> illusion=An illusion, on the other hand, is something that deceives the mind or senses by creating a false impression of reality.</br>A delusion is a false belief or opinion Easily confused words Try associating the beginning I in illusion with an eye, relating the term to optical illusions.</br>Keep in mind the prefix de-, denoting privation or negation, provides a hint to the more serious contexts in which this term is sometimes used. The author’s new book contains an allusion to mythological gods</br>A mirage is a type an optical illusion. </br>it was heartbreaking to witness my ailing grandmother’s delusion that her deceased husband was alive. Easily confused words Khan
1131 1372 demure </br> demur demur=To express disagreement or refuse to do something </br> demure=Quiet and well behaved (especially of women and children) Easily confused words Even though she was of quiet demure, the secretary demurred to bring coffee for her bos Easily confused words Khan
1132 1373 discreet </br> discrete discreet=Careful not to cause embarrassment or attract too much attention, especially by keeping something secret </br> discrete=Having a clear independent shape or form; separate Easily confused words Swiss banks are discreet -but do not insist that married couples each have their own discrete bank account Easily confused words Khan
1133 1374 disparage </br> disparate disparage=To criticize someone or something in a way that shows you do not respect or value them </br> disparate=Different in every way Easily confused words The formal manager and punk employee wore disparate clothing, but the manager never disparaged him in any way Easily confused words Khan
1134 1375 fortify </br> mortify fortify=To strengthen something, especially in order to protect it / mortify=highly embrassment Easily confused words Easily confused words Khan
1168 1433 ic</br> id of</br> like Latin Suffix ic=nature of, like</br> Latin words nko
1169 1434 il</br> ile capable of being Latin Suffix Latin words nko
1170 1436 ious characterized by Latin Suffix Latin words nko
1171 1441 mony state of Latin Suffix state of matrimony (being married) Latin words nko
1172 1444 ous</br> ose full of Latin Suffix lachrymose(full of tears)</br> Latin words nko
1173 1445 ship state of</br> skill Latin Suffix Latin words nko
1174 1446 some characteristic of Latin Suffix Latin words nko
1178 1451 effect </br> affect EXCEPTIONS however, affect can be used as a noun - Affect as a noun means feeling, emotion, or specific emotional response. Easily confused words The patient had a flat affect throughout the therapy session. (he patient was in kind of a blah mood) Easily confused words MSU
1179 1452 missive a written note; note or instruction sent by superior authority noun Synonyms : command, note As soon as the general received the missive from his commander-in-chief, he launched an airstrike against the enemy. Common GRE Prepscholar
1180 1453 complaisant</br>complacent complaisant ="pleasing, obliging, gracious"</br>complacent = pleased with oneself, one's conditions, self-satisfied, often overly so adjective complacent is often used to imply that one is TOO self-satisfied with oneself or with what one achieved - in the sense of "resting on one's laurels" Although Chuck wanted an 'A' in the class, he was complacent with a 'B'</br>Because John is too complaisant in his willingness to please others, people often take advantage of him Homophone merriam-webster
1181 1454 akantha thorn Greek/Latin root a sub of the Greek</br> PIE root "ac": be sharp</br> rise (out) to a point</br> pierce. acacia(african thorn bush)</br> acanthus (mediterreanian thorn tree) Root words SMB
1182 1455 qualify 1. be selectable for a position/job<br>2. Place a condition on a statement, limit the scope of a statement Easily confused words Qualify is ONE OF THE 5 MOST COMMON MISTAKES made in the GRE! <br> The GRE primarily has examples of the 2nd definition, ie. To place a condition on a statement. 2a. I love living in San Francisco; however, the summers are very cold .<br>The latter, bold part however… qualifies or limits, my love for San Francisco. <br>You can also qualify a negative statement :<br>2b.I really dislike living in SF, because I can’t even wear a T-shirt in summer…the restaurants are great though. Common GRE

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@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
# Words that should be added/modified # Words that should be added/modified
| Word | Occurence | Explanation | | Word | Occurence | Explanation |
| :----------------------- | :---------------------------- | :---------------------- | | :----------------------- | :---------------------------- | :---------------------- |
| | | | | credulous | this list (no.842) | choose one spelling of naive/naïve. Missing space in Exampele text |
| -ade | this list (no.18) | fix part of speech (mentions "noun" twice |
| deft | this list (no.196) | Explanation seems more appropriate in meaning part "adj." removed from it of course |
| delineate | this list (no.198) | Example & explanation fit better to meaning |
| | | |
# Questions to answer:
- Difference between _abate_ & _attenuate_