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{"id": "collate", "metadata": {"operation": "retrieve", "provider": "Oxford University Press", "schema": "RetrieveEntry"}, "results": [{"id": "collate", "language": "en-gb", "lexicalEntries": [{"entries": [{"etymologies": ["mid 16th century (in the sense \u2018confer a benefice upon\u2019): from Latin collat- \u2018brought together\u2019, from the verb conferre (see confer)"], "grammaticalFeatures": [{"id": "transitive", "text": "Transitive", "type": "Subcategorization"}], "pronunciations": [{"audioFile": "https://audio.oxforddictionaries.com/en/mp3/collate_gb_1.mp3", "dialects": ["British English"], "phoneticNotation": "IPA", "phoneticSpelling": "k\u0259\u02c8le\u026at"}], "senses": [{"definitions": ["collect and combine (texts, information, or data)"], "examples": [{"text": "all the information obtained is being collated"}], "id": "m_en_gbus0199390.008", "shortDefinitions": ["collect and combine texts or information"], "subsenses": [{"definitions": ["compare and analyse (two or more sources of information)"], "examples": [{"text": "these accounts he collated with his own experience"}], "id": "m_en_gbus0199390.018", "shortDefinitions": ["compare and analyse sources of information"], "synonyms": [{"language": "en", "text": "compare"}, {"language": "en", "text": "contrast"}, {"language": "en", "text": "set side by side"}, {"language": "en", "text": "juxtapose"}, {"language": "en", "text": "weigh against"}, {"language": "en", "text": "set against"}, {"language": "en", "text": "balance"}, {"language": "en", "text": "differentiate"}, {"language": "en", "text": "discriminate"}], "thesaurusLinks": [{"entry_id": "collate", "sense_id": "t_en_gb0002525.002"}]}, {"definitions": ["verify the number and order of (the sheets of a book)."], "domainClasses": [{"id": "printing", "text": "Printing"}], "domains": [{"id": "printing", "text": "Printing"}], "id": "m_en_gbus0199390.019", "shortDefinitions": ["verify order of sheets of book"]}], "synonyms": [{"language": "en", "text": "collect"}, {"language": "en", "text": "gather"}, {"language": "en", "text": "accumulate"}, {"language": "en", "text": "assemble"}], "thesaurusLinks": [{"entry_id": "collate", "sense_id": "t_en_gb0002525.001"}]}, {"definitions": ["appoint (a member of the clergy) to a benefice."], "domainClasses": [{"id": "ecclesiastical", "text": "Ecclesiastical"}], "id": "m_en_gbus0199390.021", "shortDefinitions": ["appoint member of clergy to benefice"]}]}], "language": "en-gb", "lexicalCategory": {"id": "verb", "text": "Verb"}, "text": "collate"}], "type": "headword", "word": "collate"}], "word": "collate"}