1881 lines
24 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

2021-11-01 17:00:05 +01:00
820 abasement
4 abate
6 aberrant
7 aberration
939 abeyance
8 abjure
10 abreast
12 abscond
13 abstain
15 abyss
5 ac
779 pertain
822 accession
823 acerbic
16 acumen
17 ad
19 adept
20 admonish
21 adulterate
23 advocate
24 aesthetic
25 affectation
27 agere
29 aggrandize
30 agog
32 alacrity
34 alleviate
35 allure
36 altruism
38 amalgamate
1038 ambi
40 ambiguous
42 ambivalent
44 ambrosial
45 ameliorate
46 amenable
50 anachronism
51 analogous
53 annul
941 anodyne
54 anoint
55 anomalous
56 anomaly
58 ante
59 antediluvian
60 anthrop
61 anti
63 antipathy
64 antithetical
65 apathy
825 apostle
67 appease
826 apprise
68 appropriate
69 aqua
70 arbiter
71 arbitrary
73 arbitrate
74 arcane
77 arch
75 archaic
76 archaios
78 arduous
827 armada
828 arson
79 articulate
81 artless
83 ascetic
85 assuage
86 astonishment
88 attenuate
91 audacious
92 audio
94 austere
95 auto
1041 avi
96 avarice
98 aver
100 banal
101 barefaced
830 barrage
102 belie
1070 belli
103 bene
104 benign
831 bevy
105 bi
106 biased
107 bible
942 bilk
108 bio
109 blandishment
110 blight
111 blithe
112 blowhard
113 bolster
114 bombast
116 bombastic
832 boor
117 bore
118 boycott
119 brazen
120 breach
833 bucolic
123 burgeon
124 burlesque
125 buttress
126 caco
128 cacophony
129 cadge
130 calumny
943 canard
131 candid
132 canon
834 canonical
133 capacity
134 caprice
835 capricious
137 castigate
944 catalyst
945 catharsis
141 caustic
142 censure
836 chauvinism
143 chauvinist
144 chicanery
147 chronic
148 chronological
150 cide
1380 circum
837 circumspect
1073 cis (sometimes scis)
946 cloture
838 coalesce
153 coda
839 coffers
1043 cog
154 cogent
155 commensurate
157 compelling
947 compendium
158 complaisant
159 comprehensive
840 condone
161 conflagration
163 confound
164 connoisseur
948 conscript
165 consequential
166 constitutus
167 construe
168 consumption
169 contend
170 contentious
841 contrite
172 convoluted
173 copious
174 corporal
175 corporeal
176 corpus
177 corroborate
1074 cosm
179 cosmopolitan
949 cosset
950 coterie
180 covet
181 covetous
182 craft
184 craven
186 cred
185 credence
842 credulous
189 culpable
1075 cycl
951 daguerreotype
191 dearth
192 decorum
194 deference
195 deflect
196 deft
197 deign
198 delineate
199 demos
843 demur
201 denigrate
202 depict
844 depravity
204 deprecation
205 depredation
845 deride
207 derivative
208 descry
210 desiccate
211 desultory
212 detachment
213 determinant
214 di
215 dia
846 diatribe
1077 dict
847 dictum
218 didactic
219 die
221 diffident
848 diffuse
849 dilate
952 dilettante
224 dirge
225 dis
227 disabuse
228 discern
850 discordant
230 discrepancy
231 disingenuous
232 disinterested / uninterested
233 disparage
234 disparaging
235 disparate
237 dispassionate
238 disregard
240 dissemble
242 disseminate
243 dissonance
953 diurnal
244 diverge
851 divest
245 docile
246 doff
247 dogged
248 dogma
249 dogmatic
1045 dol
251 dominus
252 dote
852 droll
954 dross
253 dupe
254 dynasthai
1046 dys
955 dyspeptic
956 ebullient
256 eccentric
853 echelon
258 eclectic
854 eddy
957 edify
262 efficacy
855 effigy
263 effluent
264 ego
958 egress
265 elegy
266 elicit
267 eloquence
856 elucidate
269 eminent
270 emollient
271 empirical
273 emulate
277 encomium
857 endemic
280 endow
284 engender
286 enhance
287 enigma
288 entitlement
290 ephemeral
292 epi
858 epistemology
859 epithet
293 equable
294 equivocal
295 equivocate
860 errant
297 erroneous
959 ersatz
960 erstwhile
299 erudite
301 eschew
305 esoteric
307 estimable
309 ethos
1047 eu
311 eulogy
961 euphony
312 ex
314 exacerbate
315 exacting
317 exculpate
862 exemplar
318 exigent
319 exonerate
320 exorbitant
321 expatiate
962 expiate
322 explicate
323 explicit
324 exposition
325 extant
863 extol
327 extraneous
328 extrapolate
864 cloying
330 facetious
331 facilitate
332 faction
333 fallacious
334 fallow
335 falter
336 fastidious
337 fathom
1080 fect
340 federis
341 feign
1123 fervid
342 fervid, fervent
865 fetid
345 flag
346 flail
348 fledgling
866 florid
350 floundering
867 flout
351 fluctuate
352 fluke
868 foible
353 foil
354 foment
355 forage
356 forestall
1081 form
1082 fort
357 fortuitous
964 fracas
359 frater
870 frenetic
965 frieze
753 fringe
360 frugal
361 fry
966 fusillade
967 gaffe
364 gainsay
871 gall
365 galvanize
873 gambit
754 garner
368 gauche
369 geo
370 germane
969 gerontocracy
755 gist
371 glib
874 goad
876 gouge
877 grandiloquent
1050 grat
374 gregarious
878 grouse
757 grovel
375 guile
377 guileless
1112 gullible
378 hack
379 hackneyed
970 halcyon
879 hapless
381 harangue
382 headlong
383 hedonism
971 hegemony
972 hermetic
384 hetero
973 heterodox
385 hierarchical
880 homage
386 homo
974 congruity
388 homogenous
390 husband
391 hyperbole
395 iconoclast
397 idem
398 ideo
399 ideological
400 idios
976 idyll
977 ignoble
881 imbue
401 imminent
402 immutable
403 impair
883 impasse
404 impecunious
405 impediment
406 imperious
407 imperturbable
759 impetuous
408 implacable
409 implication
410 implicit
411 imply
412 improvidence
413 imprudence
414 impudent
978 impugn
417 inadvertent
419 inchoate
979 incise
420 inconclusive
421 incorrigible
980 incubus
884 inculcate
423 indebted
424 indefatigable
425 indelible
762 indictment
885 indolence
427 indolent
429 ineffable
763 inert
431 infer
433 ingenious
435 ingenuous
760 ingrate
437 inhibit
438 inimical
440 innocuous
886 inquest
441 inscrutable
442 insensible
445 insipid
447 insular
448 intensive
449 inter
450 intermediary
451 intimate
452 intractable
454 intransigent
455 intrepid
456 inveterate
457 invulnerable
460 irascible
461 irresolute
888 itinerant
981 knell
982 lachrymose
470 laconic
983 lacuna
984 lambaste
985 larceny
890 largesse
471 latent
472 laud
474 laudable
764 lax
891 leery
475 legis (lex)
1115 lethargic
477 leviathan
478 lexis
479 liber
986 libertine
480 lied
481 badinage
892 limpid
765 listless
482 litigation
766 livid
483 locus
767 loll
487 beatific
488 lugubrious
489 lumber
490 luminous
768 lurid
492 macro
988 maelstrom
494 magnanimity
989 magnate
495 maladroit
990 malaproprism
496 malevolent
895 malign
498 malleable
769 to mar
896 maudlin
500 maverick
1089 medi
501 mendacity
503 mercurial
1053 meta
504 meter
505 meticulous
506 micro
897 milieu
507 milk
770 mince
771 minion
898 mire
772 mirth
509 misanthrope
991 misanthropy
510 misnomer
511 misogynist
1090 cornet
513 mitigate
773 modest
899 modish
516 mollify
517 mono
992 monolithic
518 monotony
519 mor(t)
774 morose
1054 morph
520 muffler
1091 multi
521 mundane
522 munificent
775 muse
994 myopic
995 nadir
523 naïv
1055 nat
902 natty
525 nefarious
526 neglect
996 neophyte
903 nexus
997 noisome
529 nomen
904 nonplussed
905 normative
998 nostrum
531 notoriety
532 nuance
534 obdurate
776 oblique
535 obscure
536 obsequious
537 obstinate
999 occlude
542 occult
543 offset
545 olfactory
546 olig
1057 omni
547 omniscience
548 onerous
549 opaque
906 opine
551 opportunism
553 oscillate
554 ossified
555 ostentatious
556 outstrip
557 overshadow
778 overwrought
1000 paean
558 painstaking
907 pallid
1058 pan
908 panache
559 panegyric
1001 panoply
1116 paradox
909 paragon
910 parry
560 partial
561 partisan
1002 pastiche
562 patently
563 pater
1059 path
1129 para
1094 pathy
565 peccadillo
1117 pedant
568 pedantic
569 pedestrian
1004 pellucid
911 penchant
570 perfidious
571 perfidy
572 perfunctory
573 peri
574 peripheral
575 permeate
576 perseverance
577 peruse
578 pervasive
579 petulant
580 phage (see roots section also)
1005 phalanx
581 brindled
582 philanthropy
1006 philistine
583 philo
585 phlegmatic
780 pine
1007 pique
588 pith
912 pithy
590 placate
591 plastic
782 platitude
594 plausible
783 plethora
597 plummet
598 polarize
599 polein
1008 polemic
600 polemical
603 ponderous
784 posit
605 post
607 pragmatic
608 pre
609 precarious
610 preceded
611 precipice
613 precipitate
1009 précis
615 precursor
915 presage
616 prescient
617 presumptuous
618 prevail
620 prevaricate
621 pristine
622 pro
623 probity
624 prodigal
626 prodigious
627 profligate
628 proliferate
916 prolific
786 prophetic
630 propitiate
631 propriety
1010 prosaic
632 prospective
917 proxy
918 prudish
633 psych
634 publicus
635 pulchritudinous
1011 pundit
1060 purge
787 purist
636 pusillanimous
788 pyre
789 quack
637 qualification
919 qualm
920 quell
1012 querulous
921 quibble
1013 quiescence
1014 quixotic
639 quotidian
1015 raconteur
640 rarefy
641 rationalize
923 recalcitrant
924 recant
642 reconcile
643 recondite
1016 redress
644 refute
645 relentless
646 relevant
1017 repast
647 reproach
648 reproof
649 repudiate
651 rescind
652 respectively
790 reticence
654 reticent
655 reverent
656 rhetoric
1018 ribald
657 riparia
1019 rococo
791 rue
792 ruminate
658 sagacious
925 salient
659 salubrious
660 sanction
1020 sanguine
662 sap
926 sardonic
663 sate
664 satiate
665 saturnine
927 savant
1097 scend
1061 sci
1021 scintilla
667 scope
668 screen
1098 script
670 secular
1099 secut
671 sediment
672 sedulous
1022 semantic
1100 sent
1101 sequ
674 simultaneous
676 slight
1023 sobriquet
678 sol
677 solicitous
928 soliloquy
1062 somn
1024 soporific
680 sparse
682 specious
683 sporadic
684 spurious
929 stigma
930 stipulate
685 stolid
931 stratum
686 strut
687 subjective
795 sublime
932 subpoena
688 substantiate
689 subter
690 subversive
691 sufficient
692 superbly
693 superficial
1025 supine
695 supplant
796 surly
696 sycophant
797 syncopation
1026 synoptic
933 syntax
697 synthesize
699 tacit
701 taciturn
1102 tact
798 taunt
799 tawdry
702 tele
703 temper
704 temperance
800 temperate
1103 tempor
934 tenet
706 tenuous
801 terse
1063 theo
707 timorous
709 tirade (diatribe)
1027 toady
802 tome
710 torpor
803 torrid
712 tortuous
1104 tract
804 transgression
716 transient
805 treacherous
1028 truculent
1029 turgid
717 turpitude
1030 tyro
719 ubiquitous
1031 umbrage
720 unadorned
721 undermine
722 underscore
723 untenable
749 upbraid
936 urbane
724 utilis
1069 vac
726 vacuous
806 vapid
727 venality
1106 vene
729 venerate
1107 vent
1065 ver
730 veracity
732 verbose
1032 verdant
1108 vers
1109 vert
807 vestige
733 vex
734 vexation
808 vilify
1033 virulent
809 viscous
752 vitiate
1034 vitriol
1066 viv
1035 vociferous
740 voracious
1111 vox
811 waft
741 wag
812 wanton
750 welter
938 whet
745 whimsical
813 whitewash
815 whittle
751 winnow
816 winsome
817 wizened
746 wretched
818 wry
1036 xenophobia
1037 yoke
748 zeal
1067 ger
1068 grand
1137 agr
1138 alt
1139 alter
1153 ambul
1141 anim
1144 aper
1145 apt
1155 arbor
1164 bar
1163 brev
1165 burs
1167 cand
1169 capit
1180 card
1170 carn
1185 cata
1173 cent
1187 cerebr
1188 cert
1174 chrom
1175 chron
1189 chrys
1190 cruc
1193 dec
1384 demi
1195 derm
1198 dign
1202 don
1200 dorm
1203 dur
1208 fid
1209 fin
1221 fore
1214 fug
1223 gest
1239 gon
1240 gran
1242 heli
1227 hydr
1390 hyper
1248 iso
1229 ject
1245 jud
1230 junct
1246 juven
1249 lact
1251 later
1247 lip
1252 magn
499 mania
1257 ment
1261 migr
1262 mir
1271 nav
1272 neg
1396 neo
1397 non
1274 nov
1276 oper
1295 ortho
566 ped
1283 petr
586 phob
601 polis
602 poly
1290 pot
1291 poten
1293 prot
1306 pyr
1150 debunk
1154 decrepitude
1158 bas
1171 denizen
1172 denouement
1177 clin
1178 derogate
1191 dietetics
1192 uranian
1205 equ
1207 fer
1215 drawl
1216 e
1219 ergo
1311 rupt
1220 for
1334 san
1241 helic
1244 histo
1256 mega
1258 sub-, su-, sou, sous
1266 edifice
1267 mut
1410 ipso facto
1268 myo
1269 mand
1275 ocul
1282 unwonted
1286 phon
1287 plic
1289 encompass
1324 soph
1296 narr
1297 od
1326 spir
1300 phyt
1327 sta-
1303 illicit
1304 cession
1307 precocious
1308 incipient
1320 chary
1412 super
1321 sist
1330 chasten
1331 entreaty
1353 tax
1332 ram
1333 enumerate
1336 chagrin
1338 son
1344 term
1346 therm
1339 epicure
1349 espouse
1350 espy
1355 chide
1359 verb
1447 tude
1351 umbra
1417 uni
1352 urb
1383 de
1387 equi
1391 hypo
1392 facile
1418 vice
1407 re
1366 vol
1408 retro
1409 se
1415 exult
1448 ward
1416 exultant
1429 filch
1430 filial
1369 xer
1432 hood
1433 firmament
1434 fissure
1435 frond
1436 ious
1441 mony
1445 ship
1446 some
1449 fitful
1389 extra part 2 of 2.
339 fawn
1124 garrulous
756 gossamer
893 loquacious
1254 mar
901 nascent
539 obviate
1003 paucity
1064 tractable
715 trans
1131 vacillate
1133 volatile
1134 waver
1452 missive
1454 akantha
810 oxy
1455 qualify
1456 abstemious
1457 aggregate
1458 approbation
1459 assiduous
1460 beneficent
1461 boorish
1462 burnish
1463 castigation
1464 conciliatory
1465 contention
1466 conundrum
1467 daunt
1468 deterrent
1469 dichotomy
1470 digression
1471 disjointed
1472 dismiss
1473 dissolution
1474 distend
1475 dormant
1476 effrontery
1477 embellish
1478 equanimity
1479 euphemism
1480 exigency
1481 fatuous
1482 fawning
1483 felicitous
1484 fervor
1485 frugality
1486 futile
1487 iconoclastic
1488 idolatry
1489 impassive
1490 impede
1491 impermeable
1492 impervious
1493 inadvertently
1494 incongruity
1495 inconsequential
1496 incorporate
1497 indeterminate
1498 indigence
1499 insinuate
1500 insularity
1501 intransigence
1502 inundate
1503 inured
1504 invective
1505 itinerary
1506 lassitude
1507 levee
1508 levity
1510 malingerer
1511 mendacious
1512 negate
1513 officious
1514 opprobrium
1515 pate
1516 pathological
1517 penury
1518 famish
1519 permeable
1520 piety
1521 plasticity
1522 flippant
1523 preamble
1524 problematic
1525 profound
1526 prohibitive
1527 propensity
1529 proscribe
1530 qualified
1531 quiescent
1532 rarefied
1533 recluse
1534 refractory
1535 relegate
1536 reprobate
1537 resolution
1538 forlorn
1539 sage
1540 saturate
1541 savor
1542 secrete
1543 franchise
1544 skeptic
1546 frivolity
1547 stint
1548 striate
1549 subside
1550 supersede
1551 excise
1552 tangential
1553 tirade
1554 truculence
1555 unwarranted
1556 veracious
1557 vituperative
1558 wary
1559 zealot
1661 febrile
1662 acquiesce
1664 inveigle
1665 injudicious
1666 judicious
1667 pernicious
1668 feint
1669 baseness
1670 connote/denote
1671 fervent/fervid
1663 connote
1121 enervate
11 evince
1130 para
14 abet
22 abhor
37 abhorrent
39 ablution
43 abnegation
49 abrade
62 abridge
66 abrogate
72 accede
80 acclivity
84 accolade
89 accretion
90 acerbity
93 acidulous
135 acrimonious
136 acrimony
138 adage
139 addle
140 adjudicate
145 adjure
151 adornment
152 adroit
156 adumbrate
160 affable
162 agnostic
171 allurement
183 allusion
187 amble
193 amenity
200 analgesic
206 ancillary
209 animus
216 antedate
217 anthology
220 antithesis
223 antler
226 aphasia
236 aphorism
239 apiary
257 apocryphal
261 apogee
272 apostate
278 apotheosis
281 appellation
282 apposite
283 appropriation
289 aquifer
291 aquiline
298 arboreal
304 archetype
310 arraign
313 arrears
316 arrogate
329 artifice
338 ascendancy
349 aseptic
367 asperity
372 aspirant
376 assent
380 assimilate
387 astigmatism
394 at loggerheads
418 atrial
430 attrition
434 augury
439 avocation
444 avowal
446 avuncular
453 azure
459 bacchanalian
484 bailiff
485 baleful
486 doggerel
493 beatitude
497 bedeck
508 beget
512 beguile
515 beleaguer
524 benediction
528 bilious
530 blare
533 blench
538 blindside
540 boisterous
541 bonny
550 bounteous
552 bounty
564 bridle
567 brimful
584 bulwark
587 bursary
589 buxom
592 callow
593 canister
595 canker
596 cantankerous
606 cantata
612 capacious
614 caper
619 capitalize
625 captious
629 carapace
638 careen
650 carnage
661 cataclysm
666 cataract
673 categorical
679 caulk
681 cavil
694 celerity
698 cerebral
700 cerebration
469 parricide
708 exegesis
711 pertinacity
713 usurpation
714 prescind
718 chthonic
725 hetaera
728 fecundate
731 fulgurate
736 aegis
738 vanquish
739 maenadic
743 preeminent
747 vivify
758 perennial
761 caducity
777 haute
1231 duplicity
781 covenant
785 chimerical
793 chug
794 churlish
814 circuitous
819 circumlocution
821 circumscribe
824 cistern
829 clamorous
861 clamor
875 cogency
882 cogitate
887 cognate
889 colander
894 collate
900 collateral
913 commentariat
914 commodious
922 compunction
935 concomitant
937 concubine
940 conscientious
963 condole
968 congruent
975 conifer
987 consign
993 consternation
1039 consummate
1042 continence
1071 controvert
1072 convalesce
1076 crabbed
1083 conversant
1084 convivial
1085 convoke
1095 coronary
1096 countermand
1105 crag
1114 cravat
1119 credulity
1120 crumple
1122 cuddly
1125 cull
1126 cumber
1127 cumbersome
1128 cupidity
1132 cussed
1135 cynosure
1136 contiguous
1152 dappled
1140 daub
1143 dauntless
1147 debase
1146 deciduous
1149 declaim
1151 declivity
1156 decry
1159 defection
1160 defunct
1161 dejected
1162 deleterious
1176 deportment
1179 descant
1181 despoil
1182 dexterity
1183 dexterous
1194 direful
1196 discomfit
1197 discomposure
1199 discreet
28 discriminate
97 discursive
99 disembodied
115 disgorge
121 disinter
122 dismantle
127 disputatious
255 disquiet
358 dissimulate
366 dissolute
473 doctrinaire
705 doldrums
869 dole
872 doleful
1201 domesticate
1204 dour
1211 downcast
1212 draconian
1222 dredger
1225 dub
1226 ductile
1233 potentate
1235 promulgate
1238 perdition
1253 edict
1255 hireling
1259 apostatize
1234 irredentist
1236 prudence
1260 edge out
1263 excise
1270 efface
1273 ellipsis
1277 eluding
1278 emaciated
1279 emaciation
1284 emancipate
1285 emblazon
1288 embroider
1294 endowment
1298 enfranchise
1305 licit
1264 felicity
1301 engross
1313 enjoin
1314 enrapture
1315 ensconce
1318 ad hominen
1319 enthrall
1323 entomologist
1335 enunciate
1337 environs
1341 epigram
1342 epistle
1348 equine
1354 ethereal
1357 evanescent
1358 depraved vs. deprived
1360 exalt
1361 exaltation
1363 exceptionable
1364 exchequer
1365 excoriate
1370 execrable
1394 exhortation
1395 exodus
1398 exponent
1399 expound
1400 expropriate
1401 expunge
1402 expurgate
1403 exquisite
1404 extenuate
1405 extirpate
1406 extrinsic
1413 exceptionable / exceptional
1414 exude
1411 exalt/exult
1419 portending
1421 acolyte
1560 frolicsome
1422 epitaph / epithet
1423 facsimile
1425 feint / faint
1426 fibrillation
1427 figurine
1428 filament
1431 finicky
1437 fluster
1438 foray
1439 forbearance
1440 formidable
1442 forswear
1443 fractious
1509 fleck
1528 forensic
1545 fretful
1561 fulsome
1562 furlough
1563 gadfly
1564 gallantry
1565 ingenuous vs. genial
1566 gambol
1567 gantry
1568 geniality
1569 gibe
1570 girder
1571 glean
1572 glossary
1573 glower
1574 glut
1575 gnarled
1576 gourmand
1577 gratify
1578 groggy
1579 guffaw
1580 gut
1581 haggard
1582 halting
1583 harbinger
1584 harrowing
1585 haunt
1586 hermitage
1587 hew
1588 histrionic
1589 hoary
1590 hoodwink
1591 hosanna
1592 idiosyncrasy
1593 ignominy
1594 imbibe
1595 impalpable
1596 impel
1597 impenitent
1598 impetus
1599 impinge
1600 importunate
1601 telluric
1602 crepuscular
1603 importune
1604 imprecation
1605 improvident
1606 impute
1607 incandescent
1608 incense
1609 incontinent
1610 indenture
1611 inexorable
1612 infirmity
1613 infuse
1614 ingenue
1615 ingratiate
1616 iniquitous
1617 iniquity
1618 inordinate
1619 inroad
1620 insulate
1621 interlocutor
1622 internecine
1623 interpose
1624 interregnum
1625 invertebrate
1626 invidious
1627 insidious / invidious
1628 invigilate
1629 inviolable
1630 invocation
1631 iridescent
1632 irksome
1633 irreproachable
1634 jaundiced
1635 jeer
1636 jocose
1637 jocund
1638 jocose vs. jocund
1639 junta
1640 jurisprudence
1641 juxtaposition
1642 kingpin
1643 knave
1644 lackadaisical
1645 laggard
1646 lampoon
1647 languid
1648 languish
1649 languor
1650 lave
1651 lecherous
1652 lechery
1653 legerdemain
1654 levy
1655 libretto
1656 licentious
1657 liken
1658 lilliputian
1659 lionize
1660 locomotion
1676 lope
1677 luminary
1678 lustre
1679 mackintosh
1680 malediction
1681 mammon
1682 manacle
1683 marsupial
1684 martinet
1685 mawkish
1686 megalomania
1687 mellifluous
1688 mendicant
1689 meretricious
1690 mien
1691 militant
1692 mimicry
1693 minutia
1694 miscellany
1695 modulate
1696 moiety
1697 mordant
1698 moribund
1699 mortify
1700 mottled
1701 muffle
1702 multifarious
1703 murky
1704 necromancy
1705 conjure
1706 neologism
1707 neonate
1708 nest egg
1709 nestling
1710 nestle
1711 nettle
1712 nondescript
1713 nonplus
1714 acarpous
1715 argot
1716 arrant
1717 aspersion
1718 astringent
1719 atavistic
1720 balk
1721 bedizen
1722 belabor
1723 bereft
1724 bilge
1725 blatant
1726 brobdingnagian
1727 brook
1728 brummagem
1729 cant
1730 canvass
1731 cavalcade
1732 Chicane
1733 churl
1734 constrain
1735 contumacious
1736 coruscate
1737 countenance
1738 countervail
1739 crass
1740 cursory
1741 deferential
1742 deposition
1743 desuetude
1744 detraction
1745 detumescence
1746 diaphanous
1747 diffidence
1748 disconcert
1749 distrait
1750 divestiture
1751 duress
1752 eclat
1753 ecumenical
1754 edacious
1755 effete
1756 ensign
1757 eupeptic
1758 expedient
1759 expiation
1760 fecund
1761 ferret
1762 fetter
1763 flak
1764 fledged
1765 foppish
1766 forbear
1767 forge
1768 froward
1769 fulmination
1770 furtive
1771 fustian
1772 hirsute
1773 hone
1774 replete
1775 impervious
1776 implicate
1777 impugn
1778 inveigh
1779 involute
1780 lam
1781 limn
1782 lithe
1783 lucubrate
1784 mettle
1785 mettlesome
1786 middling
1787 minatory
1788 mise en scene
1789 nary
1790 nemesis
1791 nugatory
1792 obloquy
1793 orison
1794 palaver
1796 peripatetic
1797 petrified
1798 picaresque
1799 pied
1800 pileous
1801 pinchbeck
1802 plumb
1803 portent
1804 profligacy
1805 prolix
1806 pucker
1807 pugnacious
1808 puissance
1809 purvey
1810 quail
1811 rabble
1812 raffish
1813 rebus
1814 recreant
1815 refulgent
1816 repertoire
1817 repine
1818 resort
1819 scurvy
1820 sere
1821 shunt
1822 sordid
1823 splenetic
1824 stentorian
1825 stipple
1826 stygian
1827 supercilious
1828 suppliant
1829 tamp
1830 teetotal
1831 testy
1832 tout
1833 travesty
1834 trencherman
1835 trite
1836 unencumbered
1837 untoward
1838 vagary
1839 veritable
1840 virago
1841 vituperate
1842 voluble
1843 wend
1844 premonition
1845 belligerent
1846 benison
1847 broach
1848 cabal
1849 congeal
1850 contemn
1851 curmudgeon
1852 defalcate
1853 deprecate
1854 desiccant
1795 ewe
1855 discountenance
1856 dolt
1857 dulcet
1858 effluvia
1859 encumbrance
1860 entreat
1861 epicurean
1862 excoriation
1863 expostulate
1864 exscind
1865 extempore
1866 extricable
1867 fagged
1868 finical
1869 ford
1870 hubris
1871 imbroglio
1872 ineluctable
1873 jejune
1874 bandy
1875 victual
1876 aleck
1877 kibosh
1878 labyrinthine
1879 macerate
1880 malinger
1881 molt
1882 moot
1883 mulct
1884 numismatist
1885 penurious
1886 perspicacity
1887 propitiatory
1888 rancorous
1889 rubicund
1890 seminal
1891 skiff
1892 somatic
1893 subsume
1894 sully
1895 tautology
1896 vacillation
1897 vacuity
1898 wan
1900 mephitic
1899 wile
1901 ail
1902 alloy
1903 anguish
1904 benefactor
1905 braggart
1906 centurion
1907 console
1908 defer
1909 dullard
1910 embezzle
1911 fidelity
1912 foster
1917 patron
1923 tadpole
1913 grievous
1914 indulgent
1915 jabber
1916 legacy
1918 perjury
1922 retrograde
1919 pilferer
1920 poseur
1921 presentiment
1924 tonic
1925 writ
1926 aloof
1927 apprehensive
1928 arabesque
1929 astute
1930 concord
1931 dawdler
1932 entangle
1933 enthral
1934 exuberance
1935 felon
1936 feud
1937 floe
1938 impending
1939 imperative
1940 indulge
1941 miser
1942 nonchalant
1943 ostracism
1944 palpability
1945 perch
1946 precepts
1947 precursory
1948 procrastination
1949 quandary
1950 regicide
1951 stickler
1952 tassel
1953 variegate
1954 voluptuous
1955 admonitory
1956 ardor
1957 ascertain
1958 auspicious
1959 baneful
1960 beatify
1961 clinch
1962 coeval
1963 conduce
1964 covetous
1965 deprave
1966 disheveled
1967 ebullience
1968 equipoise
1969 feckless
1970 festoon
1971 finagle
1972 heinous
1973 highbrow
1974 inane
1975 ire
1976 libel
1977 lien
1978 luculent
1979 obtuse
1980 odious
1981 pariah
1982 prim
1983 protracted
1984 pry
1985 putrefaction
1986 rotund
1987 ruddy
1988 sanctimony
1989 sash
1990 serration
1991 sketchy
1992 snub
1993 telltale
1994 tepid
1995 thrift
1996 tocsin
1997 unfeigned
1998 vain
1999 wean
2000 abut
2001 amortize
2002 atonement
2003 august
2004 bequest
2005 blandness
2006 boggle
2007 brash
2008 chastened
2009 coax
2010 conspicuous
2011 deluge
2012 demagogue
2013 dereliction
2014 epiphany
2015 exploit
2016 gloat
2017 incumbent
2018 incursion
2019 insouciant
2020 interdict
2021 jibe
2022 obtain
2023 overweening
2024 parley
2025 perpetrate
2026 poignant
2027 quirk
2028 rant
2029 being resigned
2030 rife
2031 rueful
2032 rumple
2033 shrewd
2034 sophomoric
2035 squalid
2036 sumptuous
2037 trifling
2038 uncouth
2039 undulate
2040 verve
2041 volubility
2042 waffle
2043 garble