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2021-11-02 12:16:36 +01:00
{"id": "secular", "metadata": {"operation": "retrieve", "provider": "Oxford University Press", "schema": "RetrieveEntry"}, "results": [{"id": "secular", "language": "en-gb", "lexicalEntries": [{"derivatives": [{"id": "secularity", "text": "secularity"}, {"id": "secularly", "text": "secularly"}], "entries": [{"etymologies": ["Middle English: secular (sense 1 of the adjective, from Old French seculer, from Latin saecularis, from saeculum \u2018generation, age\u2019, used in Christian Latin to mean \u2018the world\u2019 (as opposed to the Church); secular (sense 3 of the adjective, secular sense 4 of the adjective, secular sense 5 of the adjective) (early 19th century) from Latin saecularis \u2018relating to an age or period\u2019"], "pronunciations": [{"audioFile": "", "dialects": ["British English"], "phoneticNotation": "IPA", "phoneticSpelling": "\u02c8s\u025bkj\u028al\u0259"}], "senses": [{"crossReferenceMarkers": ["Contrasted with sacred"], "crossReferences": [{"id": "sacred", "text": "sacred", "type": "relates to"}], "definitions": ["not connected with religious or spiritual matters"], "examples": [{"text": "secular buildings"}, {"text": "secular attitudes to death"}], "id": "m_en_gbus0916870.006", "shortDefinitions": ["not connected with religious or spiritual matters"], "synonyms": [{"language": "en", "text": "non-religious"}, {"language": "en", "text": "lay"}, {"language": "en", "text": "non-church"}, {"language": "en", "text": "temporal"}, {"language": "en", "text": "worldly"}, {"language": "en", "text": "earthly"}, {"language": "en", "text": "profane"}], "thesaurusLinks": [{"entry_id": "secular", "sense_id": "t_en_gb0013120.001"}]}, {"crossReferenceMarkers": ["Contrasted with regular"], "crossReferences": [{"id": "regular", "text": "regular", "type": "relates to"}], "definitions": ["(of clergy) not subject to or bound by religious rule; not belonging to or living in a monastic or other order."], "domainClasses": [{"id": "ecclesiastical", "text": "Ecclesiastical"}], "domains": [{"id": "christian_church", "text": "Christian_Church"}], "id": "m_en_gbus0916870.010", "shortDefinitions": ["(of clergy) not subject to or bound by religious rule"]}, {"definitions": ["of or denoting slow changes in the motion of the sun or planets."], "domainClasses": [{"id": "astronomy", "text": "Astronomy"}], "domains": [{"id": "astronomy", "text": "Astronomy"}], "id": "m_en_gbus0916870.012", "shortDefinitions": ["of slow changes in motion of sun"]}, {"definitions": ["(of a fluctuation or trend) occurring or persisting over an indefinitely long period"], "domainClasses": [{"id": "economics", "text": "Economics"}], "domains": [{"id": "economics", "text": "Economics"}], "examples": [{"text": "there is evidence that the slump is not cyclical but secular"}], "id": "m_en_gbus0916870.014", "shortDefinitions": ["(of fluctuation or trend) occurring or persisting over indefinitely long period"]}, {"definitions": ["occurring once every century or similarly long period (used especially in reference to celebratory games in ancient Rome)."], "domainClasses": [{"id": "roman_history", "text": "Roman_History"}, {"id": "horology", "text": "Horology"}], "id": "m_en_gbus0916870.016", "shortDefinitions": ["occurring once every century or similarly long period"]}]}], "language": "en-gb", "lexicalCategory": {"id": "adjective", "text": "Adjective"}, "text": "secular"}, {"derivatives": [{"id": "secularity", "text": "secularity"}, {"id": "secularly", "text": "secularly"}], "entries": [{"pronunciations": [{"audioFile": "", "dialects": ["British English"], "phoneticNotation": "IPA", "phoneticSpelling": "\u02c8s\u025bkj\u028al\u0259"}], "senses": [{"definitions": ["a secular priest."], "domainClasses": [{"id": "ecclesiastical", "text": "Ecclesiastical"}], "id": "m_en_gbus0916870.020", "semanticClasses": [{"id": "member_of_clergy", "text": "Member_Of_Clergy"}], "shortDefinitions": ["secular priest"]}]}], "language": "en-gb", "lexicalCategory":