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2021-11-02 13:25:34 +01:00
{"id": "constrain", "metadata": {"operation": "retrieve", "provider": "Oxford University Press", "schema": "RetrieveEntry"}, "results": [{"id": "constrain", "language": "en-gb", "lexicalEntries": [{"entries": [{"etymologies": ["Middle English: from Old French constraindre, from Latin constringere \u2018bind tightly together\u2019"], "grammaticalFeatures": [{"id": "transitive", "text": "Transitive", "type": "Subcategorization"}], "pronunciations": [{"audioFile": "", "dialects": ["British English"], "phoneticNotation": "IPA", "phoneticSpelling": "k\u0259n\u02c8stre\u026an"}], "senses": [{"definitions": ["compel or force (someone) to follow a particular course of action"], "examples": [{"notes": [{"text": "with object and infinitive", "type": "grammaticalNote"}], "text": "children are constrained to work in the way the book dictates"}], "id": "m_en_gbus0213330.005", "shortDefinitions": ["compel someone to do something"], "subsenses": [{"definitions": ["severely restrict the scope, extent, or activity of"], "examples": [{"text": "agricultural development is considerably constrained by climate"}], "id": "m_en_gbus0213330.013", "shortDefinitions": ["restrict scope or activity of"], "synonyms": [{"language": "en", "text": "restrict"}, {"language": "en", "text": "limit"}, {"language": "en", "text": "curb"}, {"language": "en", "text": "check"}, {"language": "en", "text": "restrain"}, {"language": "en", "text": "regulate"}, {"language": "en", "text": "contain"}, {"language": "en", "text": "hold back"}, {"language": "en", "text": "keep down"}], "thesaurusLinks": [{"entry_id": "constrain", "sense_id": "t_en_gb0002895.002"}]}, {"definitions": ["bring about (something) by compulsion"], "examples": [{"text": "Calypso in her caves constrained his stay"}], "id": "m_en_gbus0213330.014", "registers": [{"id": "archaic", "text": "Archaic"}], "shortDefinitions": ["bring about by compulsion"]}, {"definitions": ["confine forcibly; imprison"], "examples": [{"text": "the walls are high, the gates are strong, but true love never yet was thus constrained"}], "id": "m_en_gbus0213330.015", "registers": [{"id": "literary", "text": "Literary"}], "shortDefinitions": ["imprison"], "synonyms": [{"language": "en", "text": "confine"}, {"language": "en", "text": "restrain"}, {"language": "en", "text": "restrict"}, {"language": "en", "text": "impede"}, {"language": "en", "text": "hamstring"}, {"language": "en", "text": "balk"}, {"language": "en", "text": "frustrate"}, {"language": "en", "text": "stifle"}, {"language": "en", "text": "hinder"}, {"language": "en", "text": "hamper"}, {"language": "en", "text": "check"}, {"language": "en", "text": "retard"}, {"language": "en", "text": "cramp"}, {"language": "en", "text": "rein in"}], "thesaurusLinks": [{"entry_id": "constrain", "sense_id": "t_en_gb0002895.003"}]}], "synonyms": [{"language": "en", "text": "compel"}, {"language": "en", "text": "force"}, {"language": "en", "text": "coerce"}, {"language": "en", "text": "drive"}, {"language": "en", "text": "impel"}, {"language": "en", "text": "oblige"}, {"language": "en", "text": "prevail on"}, {"language": "en", "text": "require"}], "thesaurusLinks": [{"entry_id": "constrain", "sense_id": "t_en_gb0002895.001"}]}]}], "language": "en-gb", "lexicalCategory": {"id": "verb", "text": "Verb"}, "text": "constrain"}], "type": "headword", "word": "constrain"}], "word": "constrain"}