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2021-11-02 13:25:34 +01:00
{"id": "ethereal", "metadata": {"operation": "retrieve", "provider": "Oxford University Press", "schema": "RetrieveEntry"}, "results": [{"id": "ethereal", "language": "en-gb", "lexicalEntries": [{"derivatives": [{"id": "ethereality", "text": "ethereality"}, {"id": "ethereally", "text": "ethereally"}], "entries": [{"etymologies": ["early 16th century: via Latin from Greek aitherios (from aith\u0113r \u2018ether\u2019) + -al"], "pronunciations": [{"audioFile": "", "dialects": ["British English"], "phoneticNotation": "IPA", "phoneticSpelling": "\u026a\u02c8\u03b8\u026a\u0259r\u026a\u0259l"}], "senses": [{"definitions": ["extremely delicate and light in a way that seems not to be of this world"], "examples": [{"text": "her ethereal beauty"}], "id": "m_en_gbus0334750.007", "shortDefinitions": ["extremely delicate and light in way that seems not to be of this world"], "subsenses": [{"definitions": ["heavenly or spiritual"], "examples": [{"text": "ethereal, otherworldly visions"}], "id": "m_en_gbus0334750.010", "shortDefinitions": ["heavenly or spiritual"], "synonyms": [{"language": "en", "text": "celestial"}, {"language": "en", "text": "heavenly"}, {"language": "en", "text": "spiritual"}, {"language": "en", "text": "unearthly"}, {"language": "en", "text": "other-worldly"}, {"language": "en", "text": "paradisical"}, {"language": "en", "text": "Elysian"}, {"language": "en", "text": "sublime"}, {"language": "en", "text": "divine"}, {"language": "en", "text": "holy"}], "thesaurusLinks": [{"entry_id": "ethereal", "sense_id": "t_en_gb0005084.002"}]}], "synonyms": [{"language": "en", "text": "delicate"}, {"language": "en", "text": "exquisite"}, {"language": "en", "text": "dainty"}, {"language": "en", "text": "elegant"}, {"language": "en", "text": "graceful"}, {"language": "en", "text": "beautiful"}, {"language": "en", "text": "lovely"}], "thesaurusLinks": [{"entry_id": "ethereal", "sense_id": "t_en_gb0005084.001"}]}, {"definitions": ["(of a solution) having diethyl ether as a solvent"], "domainClasses": [{"id": "chemistry", "text": "Chemistry"}], "domains": [{"id": "chemistry", "text": "Chemistry"}], "examples": [{"text": "sodium is dissolved in ethereal solutions of aromatic ketones"}], "id": "m_en_gbus0334750.012", "shortDefinitions": ["(of solution) having diethyl ether as solvent"]}], "variantForms": [{"text": "etherial"}]}], "language": "en-gb", "lexicalCategory": {"id": "adjective", "text": "Adjective"}, "text": "ethereal"}], "type": "headword", "word": "ethereal"}], "word": "ethereal"}