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2021-11-02 12:30:28 +01:00
{"id": "chary", "metadata": {"operation": "retrieve", "provider": "Oxford University Press", "schema": "RetrieveEntry"}, "results": [{"id": "chary", "language": "en-gb", "lexicalEntries": [{"derivatives": [{"id": "charily", "text": "charily"}], "entries": [{"etymologies": ["Old English cearig \u2018sorrowful, anxious\u2019, of West Germanic origin; related to care. The current sense arose in the mid 16th century"], "inflections": [{"inflectedForm": "charier"}, {"inflectedForm": "chariest"}], "pronunciations": [{"audioFile": "", "dialects": ["British English"], "phoneticNotation": "IPA", "phoneticSpelling": "\u02c8t\u0283\u025b\u02d0ri"}], "senses": [{"definitions": ["cautiously or suspiciously reluctant to do something"], "examples": [{"text": "she had been chary of telling the whole truth"}], "id": "m_en_gbus0171030.007", "shortDefinitions": ["cautiously or suspiciously reluctant to do something"], "synonyms": [{"language": "en", "text": "wary"}, {"language": "en", "text": "cautious"}, {"language": "en", "text": "circumspect"}, {"language": "en", "text": "heedful"}, {"language": "en", "text": "careful"}, {"language": "en", "text": "on one's guard"}, {"language": "en", "text": "guarded"}, {"language": "en", "text": "mindful"}, {"language": "en", "text": "watchful"}], "thesaurusLinks": [{"entry_id": "chary", "sense_id": "t_en_gb0002226.001"}]}]}], "language": "en-gb", "lexicalCategory": {"id": "adjective", "text": "Adjective"}, "text": "chary"}], "type": "headword", "word": "chary"}], "word": "chary"}