
421 lines
11 KiB

import { describe, it, expect } from 'vitest'
import createI18n from '@/i18n'
import { getDatasets, getDonutDatasets } from '@/utils/workouts'
const { t, locale } =
describe('getDatasets', () => {
const testparams = [
'returns empty datasets when no chart data w/ french translation',
inputParams: {
charData: [],
locale: 'fr',
useImperialUnits: false,
expected: {
distance_labels: [],
duration_labels: [],
datasets: {
speed: {
label: 'vitesse',
backgroundColor: ['transparent'],
borderColor: ['#8884d8'],
borderWidth: 2,
data: [],
yAxisID: 'ySpeed',
elevation: {
label: 'altitude',
backgroundColor: ['#e5e5e5'],
borderColor: ['#cccccc'],
borderWidth: 1,
fill: true,
data: [],
yAxisID: 'yElevation',
coordinates: [],
description: 'returns datasets w/ english translation',
inputParams: {
charData: [
distance: 0,
duration: 0,
elevation: 83.6,
latitude: 48.845574,
longitude: 2.373723,
speed: 2.89,
time: 'Sun, 12 Sep 2021 13:29:24 GMT',
distance: 0.66,
duration: 493.855,
elevation: 95.4,
latitude: 48.846386,
longitude: 2.379495,
speed: 20.64,
time: 'Sun, 12 Sep 2021 13:37:38 GMT',
distance: 1.25,
duration: 637.864,
elevation: 91.1,
latitude: 48.84733,
longitude: 2.387452,
speed: 13.03,
time: 'Sun, 12 Sep 2021 13:40:02 GMT',
locale: 'en',
useImperialUnits: false,
expected: {
distance_labels: [0, 0.66, 1.25],
duration_labels: [0, 493.855, 637.864],
datasets: {
speed: {
label: 'speed',
backgroundColor: ['transparent'],
borderColor: ['#8884d8'],
borderWidth: 2,
data: [2.89, 20.64, 13.03],
yAxisID: 'ySpeed',
elevation: {
label: 'elevation',
backgroundColor: ['#e5e5e5'],
borderColor: ['#cccccc'],
borderWidth: 1,
fill: true,
data: [83.6, 95.4, 91.1],
yAxisID: 'yElevation',
coordinates: [
{ latitude: 48.845574, longitude: 2.373723 },
{ latitude: 48.846386, longitude: 2.379495 },
{ latitude: 48.84733, longitude: 2.387452 },
description: 'returns datasets w/ units conversion',
inputParams: {
charData: [
distance: 0,
duration: 0,
elevation: 83.6,
latitude: 48.845574,
longitude: 2.373723,
speed: 2.89,
time: 'Sun, 12 Sep 2021 13:29:24 GMT',
distance: 0.66,
duration: 493.855,
elevation: 95.4,
latitude: 48.846386,
longitude: 2.379495,
speed: 20.64,
time: 'Sun, 12 Sep 2021 13:37:38 GMT',
distance: 1.25,
duration: 637.864,
elevation: 91.1,
latitude: 48.84733,
longitude: 2.387452,
speed: 13.03,
time: 'Sun, 12 Sep 2021 13:40:02 GMT',
locale: 'en',
useImperialUnits: true,
expected: {
distance_labels: [0, 0.41, 0.78],
duration_labels: [0, 493.855, 637.864],
datasets: {
speed: {
label: 'speed',
backgroundColor: ['transparent'],
borderColor: ['#8884d8'],
borderWidth: 2,
data: [1.8, 12.83, 8.1],
yAxisID: 'ySpeed',
elevation: {
label: 'elevation',
backgroundColor: ['#e5e5e5'],
borderColor: ['#cccccc'],
borderWidth: 1,
fill: true,
data: [274.28, 312.99, 298.88],
yAxisID: 'yElevation',
coordinates: [
{ latitude: 48.845574, longitude: 2.373723 },
{ latitude: 48.846386, longitude: 2.379495 },
{ latitude: 48.84733, longitude: 2.387452 },
] => {
it(testParams.description, () => {
locale.value = testParams.inputParams.locale
describe('getDatasets with dark mode', () => {
const testparams = [
description: 'it returns dark mode color',
inputParams: {
charData: [],
locale: 'fr',
useImperialUnits: false,
useDarkMode: true,
expected: {
distance_labels: [],
duration_labels: [],
datasets: {
speed: {
label: 'vitesse',
backgroundColor: ['transparent'],
borderColor: ['#5f5c97'],
borderWidth: 2,
data: [],
yAxisID: 'ySpeed',
elevation: {
label: 'altitude',
backgroundColor: ['#303030'],
borderColor: ['#222222'],
borderWidth: 1,
fill: true,
data: [],
yAxisID: 'yElevation',
coordinates: [],
description: 'it returns light mode color',
inputParams: {
charData: [],
locale: 'fr',
useImperialUnits: false,
useDarkMode: false,
expected: {
distance_labels: [],
duration_labels: [],
datasets: {
speed: {
label: 'vitesse',
backgroundColor: ['transparent'],
borderColor: ['#8884d8'],
borderWidth: 2,
data: [],
yAxisID: 'ySpeed',
elevation: {
label: 'altitude',
backgroundColor: ['#e5e5e5'],
borderColor: ['#cccccc'],
borderWidth: 1,
fill: true,
data: [],
yAxisID: 'yElevation',
coordinates: [],
] => {
it(testParams.description, () => {
locale.value = testParams.inputParams.locale
describe('getDonutDatasets', () => {
const testparams = [
description: 'returns empty datasets when no workouts provided',
input: [],
expected: {},
description: 'returns donut chart datasets w/ count and percentage',
input: [
ascent: null,
ave_speed: 10.0,
bounds: [],
creation_date: 'Sun, 14 Jul 2019 13:51:01 GMT',
descent: null,
distance: 10.0,
duration: '0:17:04',
id: 'TfJ9nHVvoyxF2B8YBmMDB8',
map: null,
max_alt: null,
max_speed: 10.0,
min_alt: null,
modification_date: null,
moving: '0:17:04',
next_workout: 'kjxavSTUrJvoAh2wvCeGEF',
notes: '',
pauses: null,
previous_workout: null,
records: [],
segments: [],
sport_id: 2,
title: 'Cycling (Transport)',
user: 'admin',
weather_end: null,
weather_start: null,
with_gpx: false,
workout_date: 'Mon, 01 Jan 2018 00:00:00 GMT',
ascent: null,
ave_speed: 16,
bounds: [],
creation_date: 'Sun, 14 Jul 2019 18:57:14 GMT',
descent: null,
distance: 12,
duration: '0:45:00',
id: 'kjxavSTUrJvoAh2wvCeGEF',
map: null,
max_alt: null,
max_speed: 16,
min_alt: null,
modification_date: 'Sun, 14 Jul 2019 18:57:22 GMT',
moving: '0:45:00',
next_workout: 'TfJ9nHVvoyxF2B8YBmMDB8',
notes: 'workout without gpx',
pauses: null,
previous_workout: 'TfJ9nHVvoyxF2B8YBmMDB8',
records: [],
segments: [],
sport_id: 1,
title: 'biking on sunday morning',
user: 'admin',
weather_end: null,
weather_start: null,
with_gpx: false,
workout_date: 'Sun, 07 Jul 2019 07:00:00 GMT',
ascent: null,
ave_speed: 5.31,
bounds: [],
creation_date: 'Wed, 29 Sep 2021 06:18:44 GMT',
descent: null,
distance: 6.3,
duration: '1:11:10',
id: 'eYwTr2A5L6xX52rwwrfL4A',
map: null,
max_alt: null,
max_speed: 5.31,
min_alt: null,
modification_date: 'Wed, 29 Sep 2021 06:54:02 GMT',
moving: '1:11:10',
next_workout: 'oN4kVTRCdsy2cGNKANSJKM',
notes: '',
pauses: null,
previous_workout: 'kjxavSTUrJvoAh2wvCeGEF',
records: [],
segments: [],
sport_id: 2,
title: 'Cycling (Transport) - 2021-09-21 21:00:00',
user: 'admin',
weather_end: null,
weather_start: null,
with_gpx: false,
workout_date: 'Tue, 21 Sep 2021 19:00:00 GMT',
ascent: null,
ave_speed: 3.97,
bounds: [],
creation_date: 'Thu, 30 Sep 2021 18:55:54 GMT',
descent: null,
distance: 5,
duration: '1:15:30',
id: 'FiRvMtGJCp56dqN8qfn8BK',
map: null,
max_alt: null,
max_speed: 3.97,
min_alt: null,
modification_date: null,
moving: '1:15:30',
next_workout: '2GZm7YgULHi9b4kCHDbHsY',
notes: '',
pauses: null,
previous_workout: '2GZm7YgULHi9b4kCHDbHsY',
records: [],
segments: [],
sport_id: 3,
title: 'just hiking',
user: 'admin',
weather_end: null,
weather_start: null,
with_gpx: false,
workout_date: 'Mon, 20 Sep 2021 07:00:00 GMT',
expected: {
1: {
count: 1,
percentage: 0.25,
2: {
count: 2,
percentage: 0.5,
3: {
count: 1,
percentage: 0.25,
] => {
it(testParams.description, () => {