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[[10, "version-0-7-1-2022-09-21"]], "Version 0.7.0 (2022/09/19)": [[10, "version-0-7-0-2022-09-19"]], "Version 0.6.12 (2022/09/14)": [[10, "version-0-6-12-2022-09-14"]], "Issues Closed": [[10, "issues-closed"], [10, "id12"], [10, "id15"], [10, "id19"], [10, "id23"], [10, "id26"], [10, "id29"], [10, "id31"], [10, "id35"], [10, "id37"], [10, "id39"], [10, "id44"], [10, "id48"], [10, "id51"], [10, "id53"], [10, "id55"], [10, "id57"], [10, "id59"], [10, "id61"], [10, "id66"], [10, "id69"], [10, "id71"], [10, "id74"], [10, "id76"], [10, "id78"], [10, "id81"], [10, "id85"], [10, "id87"], [10, "id89"], [10, "id92"], [10, "id94"], [10, "id97"], [10, "id99"], [10, "id103"], [10, "id106"], [10, "id109"]], "Pull Requests": [[10, "pull-requests"], [10, "id14"], [10, "id17"], [10, "id33"], [10, "id42"], [10, "id46"], [10, "id50"], [10, "id65"]], "Misc": [[10, "misc"], [10, "id25"], [10, "id28"], [10, "id45"], [10, "id47"], [10, "id64"], [10, "id73"], [10, "id80"], [10, "id84"], [10, "id91"], [10, "id102"], [10, "id105"]], "Version 0.6.11 (2022/07/27)": [[10, "version-0-6-11-2022-07-27"]], "Features": [[10, "features"], [10, "id20"], [10, "id30"], [10, "id40"], [12, "features"]], "Version 0.6.10 (2022/07/13)": [[10, "version-0-6-10-2022-07-13"]], "Version 0.6.9 (2022/07/03)": [[10, "version-0-6-9-2022-07-03"]], "Version 0.6.8 (2022/06/22)": [[10, "version-0-6-8-2022-06-22"]], "Version 0.6.7 (2022/06/11)": [[10, "version-0-6-7-2022-06-11"]], "Version 0.6.6 (2022/05/29)": [[10, "version-0-6-6-2022-05-29"]], "Version 0.6.5 (2022/04/24)": [[10, "version-0-6-5-2022-04-24"]], "Version 0.6.4 (2022/04/23)": [[10, "version-0-6-4-2022-04-23"]], "Version 0.6.3 (2022/04/09)": [[10, "version-0-6-3-2022-04-09"]], "Version 0.6.2 (2022/04/03)": [[10, "version-0-6-2-2022-04-03"]], "Version 0.6.1 (2022/03/27)": [[10, "version-0-6-1-2022-03-27"]], "Version 0.6.0 (2022/03/27)": [[10, "version-0-6-0-2022-03-27"]], "Version 0.5.7 (2022/02/13)": [[10, "version-0-5-7-2022-02-13"]], "Security": [[10, "security"]], "Version 0.5.6 (2022/02/05)": [[10, "version-0-5-6-2022-02-05"]], "Version 0.5.5 (2022/01/19)": [[10, "version-0-5-5-2022-01-19"]], "New Features": [[10, "new-features"], [10, "id58"], [10, "id60"], [10, "id62"], [10, "id67"], [10, "id82"], [10, "id86"], [10, "id88"], [10, "id90"], [10, "id95"], [10, "id100"], [10, "id104"], [10, "id107"], [10, "id110"]], "Version 0.5.4 (2022/01/01)": [[10, "version-0-5-4-2022-01-01"]], "Version 0.5.3 (2022/01/01)": [[10, "version-0-5-3-2022-01-01"]], "Version 0.5.2 (2021/12/19)": [[10, "version-0-5-2-2021-12-19"]], "Version 0.5.1 (2021/11/30)": [[10, "version-0-5-1-2021-11-30"]], "Version 0.5.0 (2021/11/14)": [[10, "version-0-5-0-2021-11-14"]], "Version 0.4.9 (2021/07/16)": [[10, "version-0-4-9-2021-07-16"]], "Version 0.4.8 (2021/07/03)": [[10, "version-0-4-8-2021-07-03"]], "Version 0.4.7 (2021/04/07)": [[10, "version-0-4-7-2021-04-07"]], "Version 0.4.6 (2021/02/21)": [[10, "version-0-4-6-2021-02-21"]], "Version 0.4.5 (2021/02/17)": [[10, "version-0-4-5-2021-02-17"]], "Version 0.4.4 (2021/01/31)": [[10, "version-0-4-4-2021-01-31"]], "Version 0.4.3 (2021/01/10)": [[10, "version-0-4-3-2021-01-10"]], "Version 0.4.2 (2021/01/03)": [[10, "version-0-4-2-2021-01-03"]], "Version 0.4.1 (2020/12/31)": [[10, "version-0-4-1-2020-12-31"]], "Version 0.4.0 - FitTrackee on PyPI (2020/09/19)": [[10, "version-0-4-0-fittrackee-on-pypi-2020-09-19"]], "Version 0.3.0 - Administration (2020/07/15)": [[10, "version-0-3-0-administration-2020-07-15"]], "Version 0.2.5 - Fix and improvements (2020/01/31)": [[10, "version-0-2-5-fix-and-improvements-2020-01-31"]], "Version 0.2.4 - Minor fix (2020/01/30)": [[10, "version-0-2-4-minor-fix-2020-01-30"]], "Version 0.2.3 - FitTrackee available in French (2019/12/29)": [[10, "version-0-2-3-fittrackee-available-in-french-2019-12-29"]], "Version 0.2.2 - Statistics fix (2019/09/23)": [[10, "version-0-2-2-statistics-fix-2019-09-23"]], "Version 0.2.1 - Fix and improvements (2019/09/01)": [[10, "version-0-2-1-fix-and-improvements-2019-09-01"]], "Version 0.2.0 - Statistics (2019/07/07)": [[10, "version-0-2-0-statistics-2019-07-07"]], "Version 0.1.1 - Fix and improvements (2019/02/07)": [[10, "version-0-1-1-fix-and-improvements-2019-02-07"]], "Version 0.1.0 - First release \ud83c\udf89 (2018-07-04)": [[10, "version-0-1-0-first-release-2018-07-04"]], "Command line interface": [[11, "command-line-interface"]], "Database": [[11, "database"]], "ftcli db upgrade": [[11, "ftcli-db-upgrade"]], "ftcli db drop": [[11, "ftcli-db-drop"]], "ftcli oauth2 clean": [[11, "ftcli-oauth2-clean"]], "ftcli users clean_tokens": [[11, "ftcli-users-clean-tokens"]], "ftcli users update": [[11, "ftcli-users-update"]], "Account & preferences": [[12, "account-preferences"]], "Administration": [[12, "administration"], [12, "id1"]], "Screenshots": [[12, "screenshots"]], "Dashboard": [[12, "dashboard"]], "Workout detail": [[12, "workout-detail"]], "Workouts list": [[12, "workouts-list"]], "FitTrackee": [[13, "fittrackee"]], "Table of contents": [[13, "table-of-contents"]], "Installation": [[14, "installation"], [14, "id2"], [14, "id6"]], "Prerequisites": [[14, "prerequisites"]], "Environment variables": [[14, "environment-variables"]], "Emails": [[14, "emails"]], "Map tile server": [[14, "map-tile-server"]], "API rate limits \ud83c\udd95": [[14, "api-rate-limits"]], "From PyPI": [[14, "from-pypi"], [14, "id3"]], "From sources": [[14, "from-sources"], [14, "id4"]], "Dev environment": [[14, "dev-environment"], [14, "id5"]], "Production environment": [[14, "production-environment"]], "Upgrade": [[14, "upgrade"]], "Prod environment": [[14, "prod-environment"]], "Deployment": [[14, "deployment"]], "Docker": [[14, "docker"]], "Development": [[14, "development"]], "Administrator": [[15, "administrator"]], "FitTrackee fails to start": [[15, "fittrackee-fails-to-start"]], "Map images are not displayed but map is shown in Workout detail": [[15, "map-images-are-not-displayed-but-map-is-shown-in-workout-detail"]], "Troubleshooting": [[16, "troubleshooting"]], "User": [[17, "user"]]}, "indexentries": {"api_rate_limits \ud83c\udd95": [[14, "envvar-API_RATE_LIMITS"]], "app_log": [[14, "envvar-APP_LOG"]], "app_secret_key": [[14, "envvar-APP_SECRET_KEY"]], "app_settings": [[14, "envvar-APP_SETTINGS"]], "app_workers": [[14, "envvar-APP_WORKERS"]], "database_disable_pooling": [[14, "envvar-DATABASE_DISABLE_POOLING"]], "database_url": [[14, "envvar-DATABASE_URL"]], "default_staticmap": [[14, "envvar-DEFAULT_STATICMAP"]], "email_url": [[14, "envvar-EMAIL_URL"]], "flask_app": [[14, "envvar-FLASK_APP"]], "host": [[14, "envvar-HOST"]], "map_attribution": [[14, "envvar-MAP_ATTRIBUTION"]], "port": [[14, "envvar-PORT"]], "redis_url": [[14, "envvar-REDIS_URL"]], "sender_email": [[14, "envvar-SENDER_EMAIL"]], "staticmap_subdomains": [[14, "envvar-STATICMAP_SUBDOMAINS"]], "tile_server_url": [[14, "envvar-TILE_SERVER_URL"]], "ui_url": [[14, "envvar-UI_URL"]], "upload_folder": [[14, "envvar-UPLOAD_FOLDER"]], "vue_app_api_url": [[14, "envvar-VUE_APP_API_URL"]], "weather_api_key": [[14, "envvar-WEATHER_API_KEY"]], "workers_processes": [[14, "envvar-WORKERS_PROCESSES"]], "environment variable": [[14, "envvar-API_RATE_LIMITS"], [14, "envvar-APP_LOG"], [14, "envvar-APP_SECRET_KEY"], [14, "envvar-APP_SETTINGS"], [14, "envvar-APP_WORKERS"], [14, "envvar-DATABASE_DISABLE_POOLING"], [14, "envvar-DATABASE_URL"], [14, "envvar-DEFAULT_STATICMAP"], [14, "envvar-EMAIL_URL"], [14, "envvar-FLASK_APP"], [14, "envvar-HOST"], [14, "envvar-MAP_ATTRIBUTION"], [14, "envvar-PORT"], [14, "envvar-REDIS_URL"], [14, "envvar-SENDER_EMAIL"], [14, "envvar-STATICMAP_SUBDOMAINS"], [14, "envvar-TILE_SERVER_URL"], [14, "envvar-UI_URL"], [14, "envvar-UPLOAD_FOLDER"], [14, "envvar-VUE_APP_API_URL"], [14, "envvar-WEATHER_API_KEY"], [14, "envvar-WORKERS_PROCESSES"]]}})