import os import tempfile import zipfile from datetime import datetime, timedelta from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union from uuid import UUID import gpxpy.gpx import pytz from flask import current_app from sqlalchemy import exc from werkzeug.datastructures import FileStorage from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename from fittrackee import db from fittrackee.files import get_absolute_file_path from fittrackee.users.models import User, UserSportPreference from ..exceptions import WorkoutException from ..models import Sport, Workout, WorkoutSegment from .gpx import get_gpx_info from .maps import generate_map, get_map_hash def get_workout_datetime( workout_date: Union[datetime, str], user_timezone: Optional[str], date_str_format: Optional[str] = None, with_timezone: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[datetime, Optional[datetime]]: """ Return naive datetime and datetime with user timezone if with_timezone """ workout_date_with_user_tz = None # workout w/o gpx if isinstance(workout_date, str): if not date_str_format: date_str_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' workout_date = datetime.strptime(workout_date, date_str_format) if user_timezone: workout_date = pytz.timezone(user_timezone).localize(workout_date) if workout_date.tzinfo is None: naive_workout_date = workout_date if user_timezone and with_timezone: pytz.utc.localize(naive_workout_date) workout_date_with_user_tz = pytz.utc.localize( naive_workout_date ).astimezone(pytz.timezone(user_timezone)) else: naive_workout_date = workout_date.astimezone(pytz.utc).replace( tzinfo=None ) if user_timezone and with_timezone: workout_date_with_user_tz = workout_date.astimezone( pytz.timezone(user_timezone) ) return naive_workout_date, workout_date_with_user_tz def get_datetime_from_request_args( params: Dict, user: User ) -> Tuple[Optional[datetime], Optional[datetime]]: date_from = None date_to = None date_from_str = params.get('from') if date_from_str: date_from, _ = get_workout_datetime( workout_date=date_from_str, user_timezone=user.timezone, date_str_format='%Y-%m-%d', ) date_to_str = params.get('to') if date_to_str: date_to, _ = get_workout_datetime( workout_date=f'{date_to_str} 23:59:59', user_timezone=user.timezone, ) return date_from, date_to def _remove_microseconds(delta: timedelta) -> timedelta: return delta - timedelta(microseconds=delta.microseconds) def update_workout_data( workout: Union[Workout, WorkoutSegment], gpx_data: Dict ) -> Union[Workout, WorkoutSegment]: """ Update workout or workout segment with data from gpx file """ workout.pauses = _remove_microseconds(gpx_data['stop_time']) workout.moving = _remove_microseconds(gpx_data['moving_time']) workout.min_alt = gpx_data['elevation_min'] workout.max_alt = gpx_data['elevation_max'] workout.descent = gpx_data['downhill'] workout.ascent = gpx_data['uphill'] workout.max_speed = gpx_data['max_speed'] workout.ave_speed = gpx_data['average_speed'] return workout def create_workout( user: User, workout_data: Dict, gpx_data: Optional[Dict] = None ) -> Workout: """ Create Workout from data entered by user and from gpx if a gpx file is provided """ workout_date, workout_date_tz = get_workout_datetime( workout_date=gpx_data['start'] if gpx_data else workout_data['workout_date'], date_str_format=None if gpx_data else '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', user_timezone=user.timezone, with_timezone=True, ) duration = ( _remove_microseconds(gpx_data['duration']) if gpx_data else timedelta(seconds=workout_data['duration']) ) distance = gpx_data['distance'] if gpx_data else workout_data['distance'] title = gpx_data['name'] if gpx_data else workout_data.get('title', '') new_workout = Workout(, sport_id=workout_data['sport_id'], workout_date=workout_date, distance=distance, duration=duration, ) new_workout.notes = workout_data.get('notes') if title is not None and title != '': new_workout.title = title else: sport = Sport.query.filter_by(id=new_workout.sport_id).first() fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" workout_datetime = ( workout_date_tz.strftime(fmt) if workout_date_tz else new_workout.workout_date.strftime(fmt) ) new_workout.title = f'{sport.label} - {workout_datetime}' if gpx_data: new_workout.gpx = gpx_data['filename'] new_workout.bounds = gpx_data['bounds'] update_workout_data(new_workout, gpx_data) else: new_workout.moving = duration new_workout.ave_speed = ( None if duration.seconds == 0 else float(new_workout.distance) / (duration.seconds / 3600) ) new_workout.max_speed = new_workout.ave_speed return new_workout def create_segment( workout_id: int, workout_uuid: UUID, segment_data: Dict ) -> WorkoutSegment: """ Create Workout Segment from gpx data """ new_segment = WorkoutSegment( workout_id=workout_id, workout_uuid=workout_uuid, segment_id=segment_data['idx'], ) new_segment.duration = segment_data['duration'] new_segment.distance = segment_data['distance'] update_workout_data(new_segment, segment_data) return new_segment def update_workout(workout: Workout) -> Workout: """ Update workout data from gpx file """ gpx_data, _, _ = get_gpx_info( get_absolute_file_path(workout.gpx), False, False ) updated_workout = update_workout_data(workout, gpx_data) updated_workout.duration = gpx_data['duration'] updated_workout.distance = gpx_data['distance'] db.session.flush() for segment_idx, segment in enumerate(updated_workout.segments): segment_data = gpx_data['segments'][segment_idx] updated_segment = update_workout_data(segment, segment_data) updated_segment.duration = segment_data['duration'] updated_segment.distance = segment_data['distance'] db.session.flush() return updated_workout def edit_workout( workout: Workout, workout_data: Dict, auth_user: User ) -> Workout: """ Edit a workout Note: the gpx file is NOT modified In a next version, map_data and weather_data will be updated (case of a modified gpx file, see issue #7) """ if workout_data.get('sport_id'): workout.sport_id = workout_data.get('sport_id') if workout_data.get('title'): workout.title = workout_data.get('title') if workout_data.get('notes') is not None: workout.notes = workout_data.get('notes') if not workout.gpx: if workout_data.get('workout_date'): workout.workout_date, _ = get_workout_datetime( workout_date=workout_data.get('workout_date', ''), date_str_format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', user_timezone=auth_user.timezone, ) if workout_data.get('duration'): workout.duration = timedelta(seconds=workout_data['duration']) workout.moving = workout.duration if workout_data.get('distance'): workout.distance = workout_data['distance'] workout.ave_speed = ( None if workout.duration.seconds == 0 else float(workout.distance) / (workout.duration.seconds / 3600) ) workout.max_speed = workout.ave_speed return workout def get_file_path(dir_path: str, filename: str) -> str: """ Get full path for a file """ if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, filename) return file_path def get_new_file_path( auth_user_id: int, workout_date: str, sport: str, old_filename: Optional[str] = None, extension: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: """ Generate a file path from user and workout data """ if not extension and old_filename: extension = f".{old_filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower()}" _, new_filename = tempfile.mkstemp( prefix=f'{workout_date}_{sport}_', suffix=extension ) dir_path = os.path.join('workouts', str(auth_user_id)) if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, new_filename.split('/')[-1]) return file_path def process_one_gpx_file( params: Dict, filename: str, stopped_speed_threshold: float ) -> Workout: """ Get all data from a gpx file to create a workout with map image """ try: gpx_data, map_data, weather_data = get_gpx_info( params['file_path'], stopped_speed_threshold ) auth_user = params['auth_user'] new_filepath = get_new_file_path(, workout_date=gpx_data['start'], old_filename=filename, sport=params['sport_label'], ) absolute_gpx_filepath = get_absolute_file_path(new_filepath) os.rename(params['file_path'], absolute_gpx_filepath) gpx_data['filename'] = new_filepath map_filepath = get_new_file_path(, workout_date=gpx_data['start'], extension='.png', sport=params['sport_label'], ) absolute_map_filepath = get_absolute_file_path(map_filepath) generate_map(absolute_map_filepath, map_data) except (gpxpy.gpx.GPXXMLSyntaxException, TypeError) as e: raise WorkoutException('error', 'Error during gpx file parsing.', e) except Exception as e: raise WorkoutException('error', 'Error during gpx processing.', e) try: new_workout = create_workout( auth_user, params['workout_data'], gpx_data ) = map_filepath new_workout.map_id = get_map_hash(map_filepath) new_workout.weather_start = weather_data[0] new_workout.weather_end = weather_data[1] db.session.add(new_workout) db.session.flush() for segment_data in gpx_data['segments']: new_segment = create_segment(, new_workout.uuid, segment_data ) db.session.add(new_segment) db.session.commit() return new_workout except (exc.IntegrityError, ValueError) as e: raise WorkoutException('fail', 'Error during workout save.', e) def process_zip_archive( common_params: Dict, extract_dir: str, stopped_speed_threshold: float ) -> List: """ Get files from a zip archive and create workouts, if number of files does not exceed defined limit. """ with zipfile.ZipFile(common_params['file_path'], "r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(extract_dir) new_workouts = [] gpx_files_limit = current_app.config['gpx_limit_import'] gpx_files_ok = 0 for gpx_file in os.listdir(extract_dir): if ( '.' in gpx_file and gpx_file.rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower() in current_app.config['WORKOUT_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS'] ): gpx_files_ok += 1 if gpx_files_ok > gpx_files_limit: break file_path = os.path.join(extract_dir, gpx_file) params = common_params params['file_path'] = file_path new_workout = process_one_gpx_file( params, gpx_file, stopped_speed_threshold ) new_workouts.append(new_workout) return new_workouts def process_files( auth_user: User, workout_data: Dict, workout_file: FileStorage, folders: Dict, ) -> List: """ Store gpx file or zip archive and create workouts """ if workout_file.filename is None: raise WorkoutException('error', 'File has no filename.') filename = secure_filename(workout_file.filename) extension = f".{filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower()}" file_path = get_file_path(folders['tmp_dir'], filename) sport = Sport.query.filter_by(id=workout_data.get('sport_id')).first() if not sport: raise WorkoutException( 'error', f"Sport id: {workout_data.get('sport_id')} does not exist", ) sport_preferences = UserSportPreference.query.filter_by(, ).first() stopped_speed_threshold = ( sport.stopped_speed_threshold if sport_preferences is None else sport_preferences.stopped_speed_threshold ) common_params = { 'auth_user': auth_user, 'workout_data': workout_data, 'file_path': file_path, 'sport_label': sport.label, } try: except Exception as e: raise WorkoutException('error', 'Error during workout file save.', e) if extension == ".gpx": return [ process_one_gpx_file( common_params, filename, stopped_speed_threshold, ) ] else: return process_zip_archive( common_params, folders['extract_dir'], stopped_speed_threshold, ) def get_average_speed( nb_workouts: int, total_average_speed: float, workout_average_speed: float ) -> float: return round( ( (total_average_speed * (nb_workouts - 1)) + float(workout_average_speed) ) / nb_workouts, 2, )