include Makefile.config -include .env .SILENT: make-p: # Launch all P targets in parallel and exit as soon as one exits. set -m; (for p in $(P); do ($(MAKE) $$p || kill 0)& done; wait) build-client: lint-client cd fittrackee_client && $(NPM) build check-all: lint-all type-check test-all check-client: lint-client test-client check-python: lint-python type-check test-python clean: rm -rf .mypy_cache rm -rf .pytest_cache rm -rf e2e/.pytest_cache clean-install: clean rm -fr $(NODE_MODULES) rm -fr $(VENV) rm -rf *.egg-info rm -rf dist/ ## Docker commands for evaluation purposes docker-build: docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml build fittrackee docker-build-all: docker-build docker-build-client docker-build-client: docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml build fittrackee_client docker-init: docker-init-db docker-restart docker-run-workers docker-init-db: docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml exec fittrackee docker/ docker-logs: docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml logs --follow docker-rebuild: docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml build --no-cache docker-restart: docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml restart fittrackee docker-run-all: docker-run docker-run-workers docker-run: docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d fittrackee docker-run-workers: docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml exec -d fittrackee docker/ docker-serve-client: docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d fittrackee_client docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml exec fittrackee_client yarn serve docker-set-admin: docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml exec fittrackee docker/ $(USERNAME) docker-shell: docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml exec fittrackee docker/ docker-stop: docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml stop docker-up: docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up fittrackeee downgrade-db: $(FLASK) db downgrade --directory $(MIGRATIONS) html: rm -rf docsrc/build rm -rf docs/* touch docs/.nojekyll $(SPHINXBUILD) -M html "$(SOURCEDIR)" "$(BUILDDIR)" $(SPHINXOPTS) $(O) rm -rf docsrc/build/html/_static/bootstrap-2.3.2 rm -rf docsrc/build/html/_static/bootswatch-2.3.2 find docsrc/build/html/_static/bootswatch-3.4.1/. -maxdepth 1 -not -name flatly -not -name fonts -exec rm -rf '{}' \; 2>/tmp/NULL sed -i "s/\@import url(\"https:\/\/\/css?family=Lato:400,700,400italic\");//" docsrc/build/html/_static/bootswatch-3.4.1/flatly/bootstrap.min.css cp -a docsrc/build/html/. docs install-db: psql -U postgres -f db/create.sql $(FTCLI) db upgrade init-db: $(FTCLI) db drop $(FTCLI) db upgrade install: install-client install-python install-client: cd fittrackee_client && $(NPM) install --prod install-client-dev: cd fittrackee_client && $(NPM) install install-dev: install-client-dev install-python-dev install-python: $(POETRY) install --no-dev install-python-dev: $(POETRY) install lint-all: lint-python lint-client lint-all-fix: lint-python-fix lint-client-fix lint-client: cd fittrackee_client && $(NPM) lint lint-client-fix: cd fittrackee_client && $(NPM) lint-fix lint-python: $(PYTEST) --flake8 --isort --black -m "flake8 or isort or black" fittrackee e2e --ignore=fittrackee/migrations lint-python-fix: $(BLACK) fittrackee e2e mail: docker run -d -e "MH_STORAGE=maildir" -v /tmp/maildir:/maildir -p 1025:1025 -p 8025:8025 mailhog/mailhog migrate-db: $(FLASK) db migrate --directory $(MIGRATIONS) revision: $(FLASK) db revision --directory $(MIGRATIONS) --message $(MIGRATION_MESSAGE) run: $(MAKE) P="run-server run-workers" make-p run-server: echo 'Running on http://$(HOST):$(PORT)' cd fittrackee && $(GUNICORN) -b $(HOST):$(PORT) "fittrackee:create_app()" --error-logfile ../gunicorn.log run-workers: $(FLASK) worker --processes=$(WORKERS_PROCESSES) >> dramatiq.log 2>&1 serve: $(MAKE) P="serve-client serve-python" make-p serve-dev: $(MAKE) P="serve-client serve-python-dev" make-p serve-client: cd fittrackee_client && PORT=3000 $(NPM) serve serve-python: echo 'Running on http://$(HOST):$(PORT)' $(FLASK) run --with-threads -h $(HOST) -p $(PORT) serve-python-dev: echo 'Running on https://$(HOST):$(PORT)' $(FLASK) run --with-threads -h $(HOST) -p $(PORT) --cert=adhoc set-admin: echo "Deprecated command, will be removed in a next version. Use 'user-set-admin' instead." $(FTCLI) users update $(USERNAME) --set-admin true test-e2e: $(PYTEST) e2e --driver firefox $(PYTEST_ARGS) test-all: test-client test-python test-e2e-client: E2E_ARGS=client $(PYTEST) e2e --driver firefox $(PYTEST_ARGS) test-python: $(PYTEST) fittrackee --cov-config .coveragerc --cov=fittrackee --cov-report term-missing $(PYTEST_ARGS) test-client: cd fittrackee_client && $(NPM) test:unit type-check: echo 'Running mypy...' $(MYPY) fittrackee upgrade-db: $(FTCLI) db upgrade user-activate: $(FTCLI) users update $(USERNAME) --activate user-reset-password: $(FTCLI) users update $(USERNAME) --reset-password ADMIN := true user-set-admin: $(FTCLI) users update $(USERNAME) --set-admin $(ADMIN) user-update-email: $(FTCLI) users update $(USERNAME) --update-email $(EMAIL)