from datetime import datetime, timedelta from typing import Dict, Optional import requests from fittrackee import appLog from .base_weather import BaseWeather class VisualCrossing(BaseWeather): def __init__(self, api_key: str): super().__init__(api_key) self.base_url = ( '' 'VisualCrossingWebServices/rest/services' ) self.params = { "key": self.api_key, "iconSet": "icons1", # default value, same as Darksky "unitGroup": "metric", "contentType": "json", "elements": ( "datetime,datetimeEpoch,temp,humidity,windspeed," "winddir,conditions,description,icon" ), "include": "current", # to get only specific time data } @staticmethod def _get_timestamp(time: datetime) -> int: # The results are returned in the ‘currentConditions’ field and are # truncated to the hour requested (i.e. 2020-10-19T13:59:00 will return # data at 2020-10-19T13:00:00). # first, round datetime to nearest hour by truncating, and then adding # an hour if the "real" time's number of minutes is 30 or more (we do # this since the API only truncates) trunc_time = time.replace( second=0, microsecond=0, minute=0, hour=time.hour ) + timedelta(hours=time.minute // 30) appLog.debug( f'VC_weather: truncated time {time} ({time.timestamp()})' f' to {trunc_time} ({trunc_time.timestamp()})' ) return int(trunc_time.timestamp()) def _get_data( self, latitude: float, longitude: float, time: datetime ) -> Optional[Dict]: # All requests to the Timeline Weather API use the following the form: # # /services/timeline/[location]/[date1]/[date2]?key=YOUR_API_KEY # location (required) – is the address, partial address or # latitude,longitude location for # which to retrieve weather data. You can also use US ZIP Codes. # date1 (optional) – is the start date for which to retrieve weather # data. All dates and times are in local time of the **location** # specified. url = ( f"{self.base_url}/timeline/{latitude},{longitude}" f"/{self._get_timestamp(time)}" ) appLog.debug( f'VC_weather: getting weather from {url}'.replace( self.api_key, '*****' ) ) r = requests.get(url, params=self.params) r.raise_for_status() res = r.json() weather = res['currentConditions'] data = { 'icon': weather['icon'], 'temperature': weather['temp'], 'humidity': weather['humidity'] / 100, 'wind': weather['windspeed'] * 1000 / (60 * 60), # km/h to m/s 'windBearing': weather['winddir'], } return data