{ "ADMIN": "Admin", "ALREADY_HAVE_ACCOUNT": "Already have an account?", "CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DELETION": "Are you sure you want to delete your account? All data will be deleted, this cannot be undone", "CURRENT_PASSWORD": "Current password", "EMAIL": "Email", "EMAIL_INFO": "Enter a valid email address.", "ENTER_PASSWORD": "Enter a password", "HIDE_PASSWORD": "hide password", "INVALID_TOKEN": "Invalid token, please request a new password reset.", "LANGUAGE": "Language", "LOGIN": "Login", "LOGOUT": "Logout", "NEW_PASSWORD": "New password", "PASSWORD": "Password", "PASSWORD_INFO": "At least 8 characters required.", "PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN": "Forgot password?", "PASSWORD_RESET": "Password reset", "PASSWORD_SENT_EMAIL_TEXT": "Check your email. If your address is in our database, you'll received an email with a link to reset your password.", "PASSWORD_STRENGTH": { "WEAK": "weak", "AVERAGE": "average", "GOOD": "good", "STRONG": "strong", "LABEL": "password strength", "SUGGESTIONS": { "l33t": "Avoid predictable letter substitutions like {'@'} for a.", "reverseWords": "Avoid reversed spellings of common words.", "allUppercase": "Capitalize some, but not all letters.", "capitalization": "Capitalize more than the first letter.", "dates": "Avoid dates and years that are associated with you.", "recentYears": "Avoid recent years.", "associatedYears": "Avoid years that are associated with you.", "sequences": "Avoid common character sequences.", "repeated": "Avoid repeated words and characters.", "longerKeyboardPattern": "Use longer keyboard patterns and change typing direction multiple times.", "anotherWord": "Add more words that are less common.", "useWords": "Use multiple words, but avoid common phrases.", "noNeed": "You can create strong passwords without using symbols, numbers, or uppercase letters.", "pwned": "If you use this password elsewhere, you should change it." } }, "PASSWORD_UPDATED": "Your password have been updated. Click {0} to log in.", "PROFILE": { "ACCOUNT_EDITION": "Account edition", "BACK_TO_PROFILE": "Back to profile", "BIO": "Bio", "BIRTH_DATE": "Birth date", "EDIT": "Edit profile", "EDIT_PREFERENCES": "Edit preferences", "EDIT_SPORTS_PREFERENCES": "Edit sports preferences", "FIRST_NAME": "First name", "FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK": "First day of week", "LANGUAGE": "Language", "LAST_NAME": "Last name", "LOCATION": "Location", "MONDAY": "Monday", "PICTURE": "Picture", "PICTURE_EDITION": "Picture edition", "PICTURE_UPDATE": "Update picture", "PICTURE_REMOVE": "Remove picture", "PREFERENCES_EDITION": "Preferences edition", "PROFILE_EDITION": "Profile edition", "REGISTRATION_DATE": "Registration date", "SPORTS_EDITION": "Sports preferences edition", "SUNDAY": "Sunday", "TABS": { "ACCOUNT": "account", "PICTURE": "picture", "PREFERENCES": "preferences", "PROFILE": "profile", "SPORTS": "sports" }, "SPORT": { "ACTION": "action", "COLOR": "color", "DISABLED_BY_ADMIN": "disabled by admin", "IS_ACTIVE": "active", "LABEL": "label", "STOPPED_SPEED_THRESHOLD": "stopped speed threshold" }, "SUCCESSFUL_UPDATE": "Your account has been updated successfully", "UNITS": { "LABEL": "Units for distance", "IMPERIAL": "Imperial system (ft, mi)", "METRIC": "Metric system (m, km)" }, "TIMEZONE": "Timezone" }, "REGISTER": "Register", "REGISTER_DISABLED": "Sorry, registration is disabled.", "RESET_PASSWORD": "Reset your password", "SHOW_PASSWORD": "show password", "USER_PICTURE": "user picture", "USERNAME": "Username", "USERNAME_INFO": "3 to 30 characters required, only alphanumeric characters and the underscore character \"_\" allowed." }