
This application is written in Python (API) and Javascript (client):

Sports and weather icons are made by Freepik from



The following steps describe an installation on Linux systems (tested on Debian and Arch).
On other OS, some issues can be encountered and adaptations may be necessary.

Dev environment

  • Clone this repo:

$ git clone
$ cd FitTrackee
  • Update Makefile.config file if needed and copy/paste the ThunderForest and Dark Sky API keys value in Makefile.custom.config file (see example)

  • Install Python virtualenv, React and all related packages and initialize the database:

$ make install-dev
$ make install-db
  • Start the server and the client:

$ make serve

Open http://localhost:3000 and login (the email is and the password mpwoadmin) or register

Prod environment

  • Download the last release (for now it is the beta release v0.2.0):

$ wget
$ tar -xzf v0.2.0-beta.tar.gz
$ mv FitTrackee-0.2.0-beta FitTrackee
$ cd FitTrackee
  • Update Makefile.config file if needed and copy/paste the ThunderForest and Dark Sky API keys value in Makefile.custom.config file (see example)

  • Install Python virtualenv, React and all related packages and initialize the database:

$ make install
$ make install-db
  • Build the client:

$ make build-client
  • Start the server and the client:

$ make run

Open http://localhost:3000, log in as admin (the email is and the password mpwoadmin) and change the password
