import { Selector } from 'testcafe'

import { TEST_URL } from './utils'

const randomstring = require('randomstring')

const username = randomstring.generate(8)
const email = `${username}`
const password = 'lentghOk'

// database must be initialiazed
const adminEmail = ''
const adminPassword = 'mpwoadmin'

// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef

test('standard user should not be able to access admin page', async t => {
  // register user
  await t
    .typeText('input[name="username"]', username)
    .typeText('input[name="email"]', email)
    .typeText('input[name="password"]', password)
    .typeText('input[name="password_conf"]', password)

  await t
    .expect(Selector('H1').withText('Access denied').exists).ok()


test('admin should be able to access admin page', async t => {
  // admin login
  await t
    .typeText('input[name="email"]', adminEmail)
    .typeText('input[name="password"]', adminPassword)

  await t
    .expect(Selector('H1').withText('Access denied').exists).notOk()
