{ "ACTION": "Action", "ADMIN_RIGHTS_DELETE_USER_ACCOUNT": "Add/remove admin rights, delete user account.", "ADMIN": "Admin", "ADMINISTRATION": "Administration", "APPLICATION": "Application", "APP_CONFIG": { "MAX_USERS_LABEL": "Max. number of active users", "MAX_USERS_HELP": "If 0, no limitation on registration.", "MAX_FILES_IN_ZIP_LABEL": "Max. files of zip archive", "SINGLE_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_LABEL": "Max. size of uploaded files (in Mb)", "TITLE": "Application configuration", "ZIP_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_LABEL": "Max. size of zip archive (in Mb)" }, "BACK_TO_ADMIN": "Back to admin", "ENABLE_DISABLE_SPORTS": "Enable/disable sports.", "REGISTRATION_DISABLED": "Registration is currently disabled.", "REGISTRATION_ENABLED": "Registration is currently enabled.", "SPORTS": { "TABLE": { "ACTIVE": "Active", "HAS_WORKOUTS": "workouts exist", "IMAGE": "Image", "LABEL": "Label" }, "TITLE": "Sports administration" }, "UPDATE_APPLICATION_DESCRIPTION": "Update application configuration (maximum number of registered users, maximum files size).", "USER": "user | users", "USERS": { "TABLE": { "ADD_ADMIN_RIGHTS": "Add admin rights", "REMOVE_ADMIN_RIGHTS": "Remove admin rights" }, "SELECTS": { "ORDER_BY": { "LABEL": "order by", "admin": "admin status", "created_at": "registration date", "username": "username", "workouts_count": "workout count" }, "ORDER": { "LABEL": "sort", "ASC": "ascending", "DESC": "descending" }, "PER_PAGE": { "LABEL": "par page" } } } }