Change log

Version 0.2.1 (2019/xx/xx)

New Features

  • #4 - Show points on the map when mouse over the chart

  • #14 - Display segments informations

  • #21 - Document the API

  • #36 - Disable user registration

Bugs Fixed

  • #34 - Weather is not displayed anymore

In this release 5 issue were closed.

Version 0.2.0 - Statistics (2019/07/07)

Issues Closed

New Features

  • #13 - Detailed statistics


  • Update dependencies

In this release 1 issue was closed.

Version 0.1.1 - Fix and improvements (2019/02/07)

Issues Closed

New Features

  • #25 - Display records on calendar

  • #22 - Add a total on current month statistics

Bugs Fixed

  • #31 - Use moving duration for stats

  • #29 - Pause duration calculation with segments

  • #28 - Error on uploading gpx file

  • #26 - Total is incorrect in tooltip when duration is displayed

  • #24 - Some distances are not displayed correctly on current month statistics

In this release 7 issues were closed.

Version 0.1 - Minimal version (2018-07-04)

Issues Closed

New Features

  • #11 - Timezone support

  • #10 - Add a note to an activity

  • #9 - User statistics on dashboard

  • #8 - Add weather to activities

  • #3 - Search filter for activities

  • #2 - Calendar to view activities

In this release 6 issues were closed.