# source for StandaloneApplication class: # http://docs.gunicorn.org/en/stable/custom.html import os from typing import Dict, Optional import click import gunicorn.app.base from flask import Flask from flask_migrate import upgrade from fittrackee import create_app from fittrackee.users.exceptions import UserNotFoundException from fittrackee.users.utils.admin import UserManagerService HOST = os.getenv('HOST', '') PORT = os.getenv('PORT', '5000') WORKERS = os.getenv('APP_WORKERS', 1) BASEDIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) WARNING_MESSAGE = ( "\nThis command is deprecated, it will be removed in a next version.\n" "Please use ftcli instead.\n" ) app = create_app() class StandaloneApplication(gunicorn.app.base.BaseApplication): def __init__( self, current_app: Flask, options: Optional[Dict] = None ) -> None: self.options = options or {} self.application = current_app super().__init__() def load_config(self) -> None: config = { key: value for key, value in self.options.items() if key in self.cfg.settings and value is not None } for key, value in config.items(): self.cfg.set(key.lower(), value) def load(self) -> Flask: return self.application # DEPRECATED COMMANDS @click.group() def users_cli() -> None: pass @users_cli.command('set_admin') @click.argument('username') def set_admin(username: str) -> None: """ [deprecated] Set admin rights for given user. It will be removed in a next version. """ print(WARNING_MESSAGE) with app.app_context(): try: user_manager_service = UserManagerService(username) user_manager_service.update( is_admin=True, ) print(f"User '{username}' updated.") except UserNotFoundException: print(f"User '{username}' not found.") def upgrade_db() -> None: """ [deprecated] Apply migrations. It will be removed in a next version. """ print(WARNING_MESSAGE) with app.app_context(): upgrade(directory=BASEDIR + '/migrations') def worker() -> None: raise SystemExit( "Error: this command is disabled, " "it will be removed in a next version.\n" "Please use flask-dramatiq CLI instead ('flask worker')." ) def main() -> None: options = {'bind': f'{HOST}:{PORT}', 'workers': WORKERS} StandaloneApplication(app, options).run() if __name__ == '__main__': app.run()