
`FitTrackee fails to start`

- Check the database URL in `environment variables <../installation.html#envvar-DATABASE_URL>`__ if the following error is displayed in **gunicorn** logs:

  .. code::

     sqlalchemy.exc.NoSuchModuleError: Can't load plugin: sqlalchemy.dialects:postgres

  The variable ``DATABASE_URL`` must start with ``postgresql://` (engine URLs starting with ``postgres://`` are no longer supported).

- Check the email URL in `environment variables <../installation.html#envvar-EMAIL_URL>`__ if the following error is displayed in **gunicorn** logs:

  .. code::


  A valid ``EMAIL_URL`` must be provided (see `emails <../installation.html#emails>`__).

`Map images are not displayed but map is shown in Workout detail`

- Check the path in `environment variables <../installation.html#envvar-UPLOAD_FOLDER>`__. ``UPLOAD_FOLDER`` must be set with an absolute path.

`Failed to upload or download files`

- Check ``client_max_body_size`` in **nginx** config. Increase the value to handle larger files (see **nginx** `documentation <>`_).

- Increase **gunicorn** `timeout <>`__ value if the following error is displayed in gunicorn log: ``[CRITICAL] WORKER TIMEOUT``.