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", "ADJ. large, small | basic, fundamental The family is the basic unit of society. | discrete, individual, single
VERB + UNIT break sth down into, divide sth into Large departments were broken down into smaller units.
", "noun" ], "flags": 0, "guid": "dBFy,AWYW!", "note_model_uuid": "1d40ef02-c9ff-11ea-ab22-9cb6d013a4a3", "tags": [] }, { "__type__": "Note", "data": "", "fields": [ "201.2", "unit", "fixed amount", "ADJ.
", "ADJ. basic, standard | monetary | lexical, linguistic
UNIT + NOUN cost, length, weight
PREP. ~ of a unit of currency a unit of length fifty units of electricity
PHRASES per unit Electricity is ten pence per unit.
", "noun" ], "flags": 0, "guid": "Nx{=v;1~yA", "note_model_uuid": "1d40ef02-c9ff-11ea-ab22-9cb6d013a4a3", "tags": [] }, { "__type__": "Note", "data": "", "fields": [ "201.3", "unit", "group of people", "ADJ.
", "ADJ. cohesive The new manager changed a talented collection of individuals into a cohesive unit. | baby, casualty, emergency, intensive care, maternity, psychiatric, surgical, etc. She works in the maternity unit at the local hospital. | army, enemy, military | intelligence | policy | research | family, social the role of the family unit in the community
VERB + UNIT be attached to The cancer research unit is attached to the local university.
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", "ADJ. cooking, kitchen, sink, storage | air-conditioning, control, power, processing, shower the central processing unit in a computer
VERB + UNIT install We're having new kitchen units installed.